Eyyy bro great vid. I got a crazy good topic for another solid one. Top dressing with charcoal, volcanic rock, rock mixes, akadama soil, red clay soil. Could be a 2 parter.
I really like the point you make about doing your own thing. So many people (especially online) become obsessed with what fact, what's fiction, and what you should and shouldn't do. At the end of the day, it's your grow. I do what makes sense to me.
I am one that likes to defoliate. Of course your plant needs to be healthy and must have enough leaves to support stress and they ARE the solar panels for your plant. In saying this lve knowm people who will barely take anything off...and people who will take off every leaf bigger than 2.5 in. and both grew top notch dank and were VERY knowledgeable. Different doesnt mean incorrect....esp when ea plant reacts diffrently....be open minded and supportive, that promotes innovation.......happy growing
Being open minded is very important- but it’s even more important not to confuse being open minded with believing everything u read in a weed comments section. Critical thinking is key
Ive also learned that defolianting asmall amount each day while doing gradual LST....is easier on the plant than cutting 20 leaves and some small branches all at once......GL
I thought so.. maybe start this technique mid- late veg from there 3 weeks into flower.. then personally I wanna try trimming fan leaves a week before harvest Edit: (increases resin)
I'm growing outdoors and I did a mild defoliation,and spread open the limbs to get more sun. My plant is very healthy and it handled it good. This is my 3rd year and by far the best yet. Thanks for your help dude.
I'm definitely big on defoliation to basically to open the plant up for more light by exposing lower interior and covered bud sites. I haven't seen a drawback from heavier defoliation and my plants love it. I'm thinking environment covers a LOT of mistakes...even heavy defoliation.
Anything covering a lower bud gets chopped and any large fan leaves 5 weeks into flower works really really good. Oh and when harvesting happens it's good to do a slow chop and dont do a whole plant harvest so the smaller buds can mature.
@@ericdoran4313 personally,I would tuck the leaves in because I over cut on the foliage and stunted my plant,I would just give the plant a hand, because de-foliation can stunt your grow,let the plant do its job, and once you're great at that ,then think off branching out, LoL.
My experience has taught me the following - during the veg cycle, I remove only weird + ill-looking leaves (which thankfully aren't very many), but do so in 'strategic' manner for the reasons 420 Scene describes. I also FIM the plant in the early stages. All I do is after is swop nute-solution weekly. I personally keep defol to a minimum and avoid it if possible, taking preference to tucking. My current plant is in its 2nd week of flower right now and it's over 3.5ft wide and stands at almost 5.5ft tall. Thanks for all the useful info and wisdom 420, wishing everyone good luck for a great harvest!
I will take a few leaves per day, nothing too drastic. Then they seem to transpire more. I also like to rotate my pots about a 1/4 about every other day.It gives the light and the air movement a chance to get to the whole plant. As if it were outside. Stay Frosty Growmies ✌️💚
there is literally infinite ways to effectively grow, so many things that work and so many opinions on what is best and when, this makes for an infinite amount of variations that work in some way for someone, and new ideas and opinions are made every day.
@@kocain313 I add silica first, let it get diluted and stir it a while, then if I’m using Cal mag (roots organic) that goes in after , pre- diluted in water. The silica and cal mag are highly susceptible to reactions with other compounds so they go in first, after they are diluted and fully mixed in, I add whatever else I’m using. Those are the only 2 things I be careful with, they can bind to other things in the solution and essentially become locked out and not be available to the plants. Some people say to add them last but I’ve experienced issues doing that. Just my personal experience and methods, hope this helps
You're absolutely right about defoliation. At any given time I have between 30 and 40 plants teens and mothers and while I will give the teens a mild trim mothers that I have flipped get a radical trim because they are just too bushy there's no light getting into the middle and I prefer the poodle tops than having a ton of popcorn. Furthermore while I tend to operate on the less-is-more principal I know someone who had a Maui Wowie that he scalped like a chicken and could not understand why he had lousy yield but the fact remains is he removed the plant's ability to make energy and create buds
I used to defoliate and train, these days i just trellise over my plants and trim the lower canopy off to maximize surface area, works great, 1 pound plants in 5-gallon buckets ;)
Great video. Well with my first grow i tried more the tuck method and only defoliating a choice few leaves, but be careful i defoliated to late and slowed the growth on one of my plants. lesson learned and i got my second run of beans in water for my winter grow. Have a great day everyone.
Each strain will react differently to defoliation, for sure many ways to do it. I just ease into it removing some leaves everyday to prevent over doing it. There is times when heavier defoliation is needed tho. Great video thanks for what your doing for the community bro!
I do the same for autoflowers especially i only take 5-10 leaves every few days(as needed) but i never take enough to shock/stress but i fell behind on my current autoflower sour d lol its a jungle about 15" under the tops i need to get in there and do some "heavy" selective cutting
Definitely depends on the plant. I always defoliate but the health of the plant dictates how much. I’ll strip all the fan leaves off a 3 week old plant if it’s growing fast and healthy. Never have issues.
ive tried the complete leaf strip once, never again .yes it worked [sort of] but we all do stupid stuff just to see if it works the lower defoliation is fine but balance is whats needed not too much not too little. great content thks for the effort you put in
Nothing to do with defoliation and/or pruning but... something I experienced today, and if it helps one new grower, great! But, a couple days ago I noticed 4 of my 5 lady's were not perking up once the sun started to hit them(I grow in a greenhouse). I was hit with the dreaded feeling that I had over watered. I should also mention my girls just hit flower Aug. 29th(now sept. 5th.) naturally with the shorter days. I waited a couple days to see if things got better, but they got worse. Growth slowed to a crawl as well. So today I took a chance and told my wife to hit the girls with a little water while I was at work and to send me a pic a few hrs later. Sure enough, they came right back to life. What a relief that was! I was only watering maybe once a week all thru veg, even when they were getting big. My girls are in 5 gallon fabric pots. This seemed to be plenty of water for them, but apparently when they switch to flower(at least the pre-flower "stretch"), water demand goes way up! I noticed the droop only 4 days after watering last, and they all took almost a gallon each, hence my fear of having over-watered them. Turns out it was the opposite! So to you new growers, in my experience, switching to flower means your watering demands might increase, sometimes by a lot! Keep an eye on those fan leaves... "praying leaves" is what you really want, and if there's anything less... your girls are trying to tell you something. Happy growing everyone!
Don’t defoliate healthy leaves in veg or anywhere near the start of flower. I like to wait at least 2 weeks after any cutting on a plant before I flip. Don’t touch them for the first 3 weeks of flower. Day 21 you can remove every leaf. Won’t stress them out at all. They’re done with them. Some people will do another complete strip at day 42 but that ones optional.
I personally trim as little as possible. I don't lollipop either. I just can bring myself to do it. I love my plants too much I guess lol. I do LST on all branches that have too many leaves to get light and air flow again. I try to get the branches as thick as possible to transport more nutrients
One of the best most accurate explanations of defoliation I have ever heard. The 1 key thing you missed though is tools should be sterilized before cutting your plants especially when doing multiple plants.
I grow outdoors. i defoliate a few leaves per plant, but I only do it in the advanced flowering stage. I think it is better in that phase because you are giving moderate stress to your plant, and it will estimulate the production of trichomes and resin. Also you are allowing your inferior buds to receive more sun energy.
i think a key to defoliation in flower phase is to make sure that you don't just remove the leaf and not the leaf stem. the leaf stem can rot and now you have a good source of decay attached to the branch which can ruin stuff in late fall or when drying.
I like to defoliate a few times a week. Nothing crazy just a few leaves here and there. It's also a bonus to know the strain you are growing that way you can take care of problem areas because they get to over foliated. Just my 2 cents. Cheers keep on growing people!!
if i sacrifice a little bit of yield because I am defoliating, and that helps prevent powdery mildew I will do so tbh. However I won't do any sort of heavy plucking after week 4 flower
I start defoliating when the inner nodes start growing leaves n side branches to give them more light then theyll blow up but I do only certain spots I don't go nuts on it
Circulation and light penetration as well. Some of those nodes that a lot of folks cut off could result by just get more light on surface that was shaded by fan leaf can turn out actually decent..giving you a like a 10% heavier yeild.
I dont go over board but i do remove some leafs during vege and flowering, mainly to open up bud sites and branchs to allow more light to hit them. I strongly recommend leaf tucking when possible, this gives both of best worlds no to very low stress and still allows more light to hit bud sites and in courage branches to reach the top that other wise would not do as well.
To each there own but I always do maintenance defoliation throughout the entire grow or untill week 3 of flower and by week 3 of flower my lollipopping will be done and any bud sites that are potentially going to be substantial that are covered by leaves I uncover those. If I can get by with the tucking leaf method then I will.
Makes tons of tiny extra leafy buds. See Kyle Kushman's Chiropractic/ listen to part about photometric energy closely. The leaves have 4 mains functions: Solar panels (Chlorophyl), storage warehouse (nutrients), gas exchange (O2/CO2), and water exit (transpiration rate/root pressure). Imagine how many tiny leaves it that to equal 1 large fan leaf. You will know you got it right, when only 1 plant will fill a 4x4.
Yeah scrog is cool but if I can have 6 plants gorw straight up go through a 3 week veg and be tall enough to flower vs scrog with 1 plant and 6-8 weeks to grow and get the same yield I would much rather go with the 3 week
Thanks man, I appreciate it. I mean those ads shouldn’t even really be a problem, you’re showing support and I’ve been able to buy a house thanks to you guys
Trolls in moms basement 🤣 dude that made me laugh. Keep up the awesome information, I’m sure there are new growers coming to YT for help, excellent work. Do you have plans for a new grow once you get situated? Looking forward to seeing your style 🤙✌️ nice job on the videos
I defoliated the hell out of my first plant this year. Next year I will defoliate much less. I'm in week 5-6 of flowering and she seems fine. It's a small plant(lilac diesel) in a 5 gal pot. Only 5 feet high but every stem is just a mass of buds. I'm expecting a good yield from it. She is very healthy.
I have 1 auto that i sprayed some mammoth p cannabis bio control. About 5 big fan leaves got burnt from it. Can I cut them off or not a good idea ? She's 4 weeks old . Thanks 420scene
Does defoliation increase yields? I can tell you I could never hit my record of 5.25 pounds per light (16 square feet/960 watts@wall) without massive defoliation on flower day #14. There is no option if you flip to flower with a full canopy. By day #14 about 5 pounds of wet leaves has to be removed. Perfect video timing guys, I defoliated last night, takes 3 hours per light then the 2nd SCROG net went on. AWESOME CHANNEL 420SCENE 😀
Until proper rigorous scientific study can be done it’s just people chatting breeze. None of us really know whether defol increases yields under certain situations or not: I’m almost convinced that doing it badly would harm yields tho. Plus I wanna know if buds actually photosynthesise - as I hear ‘get light to bud sites’ all the time: or are the benefits of defol about air movement etc
It's a private grow. Only about 140 people have seen it. 420 Scene keeps deleting the website where you can see it. Sorry, I didn't believe 5+ pounds possible either. It sure is mind blowing to see 147 grams per square foot. 😥
It increases air flow and exposes bud sites previously covered by a leaf. Bottom third of bud sites should be removed aka lollipoping to direct the plants energy to the upper canopy rather than wasting it on small lower shady buds that won’t develop fully.
Your correct if needed The way I did it and worked was look at each stem if you can see them lol but pull back each stem and pull only one side that grows towards the center to allow air flow up the center, but leave the ones growing towards the outside always leave one leaf per side or tuck them under if needed to allow light penetration to the lower sites. have osilating fans one at the bottom and top of canopies circulating . Leaves sweat out what they take in, act as solar panels "per stem" sometimes taking out one or two stems growing blocking the center will allow all other sites to get light .in turn raising your yields over all. Would be like each house (stem) having solar panels . Also can do side lighting to help get light to the lower buds .depends on the plant .stunted bushier plants are what I'm referring to for side lighting .
I am interested in the vegetation time and methods to identify when it’s time to change over from vegetation to flowering time. And my next question would be the same for flowering how long before you recognize flowering has reached maturity and ready to harvest?
really depends on space and ceiling height when to flip to flower. shoot for a level canopy with bunch of tops (10-20). plan for two foot stretch when you flip. use a trellis net to help support new growth. use a magnifier to see trichomes turn from clear to milky white its ready. flush plant week 7-8 . read lower leaves as plant pulls remaining food storage
Amen brother!!!! ITs like an orchestra just cause you dont like one instrument you dont cut them out. You want all the options you can have. Every environment is different so different hints and techniques are needed. I was told to never defoliate and by the same person that you have to. LOL bbut he said never cut a leaf unless there is a reason for it. That is how you do it! you kinda touched on that! strategically!
Close friend of mine used to hard top his plants once then never touched them at all until harvest and he used to bag around 8oz on every plant every time with dolato, he’d turn up every Saturday fill reservoir up, pop his head inside then go back home, wish it was that easy for me 😂
It's very easy I manage 2 nice size tents😆😆😆😆I do the same thing but I give all I suppose to far as nutrients and defoliate around bud sites only I dry the right way too NOOOOO PROBLEMS
We used to Defoliate alot! Now we are using Kushmans technique.. They are the plants Solar panels so we try to leave them alone. Unless we are scrogging then we lollipop....we use the Chiropractic system and remove all of the budsites except the tops. Even the secondaries are removed..we have seen dramatic results in the Quality and size of our Flowers..plus no more Larf to trim!!
I have seen how the big fan leaves give energy to the plant after stopping root absorption. They go yellow mainly leaving the others green so think about leaving on a plant to test yourself👍
I'm learning that I don't like defoliating I do remove a few lower leaves but I don't like the unessisary stress it seems to really slow alot of plants down alot
I've got a gelato that I just flipped after 90 days of veg in a 7gallon fabric pot ,she is big! Now I had a ph problem, to high for several waters and it affected some fan leaves "discoloration " I did defoliate but I'm thinking I should have taken more
I do controlled defoliation where shoots are being covered up but prefer to tuck the leaves when I can. Defoliation is legit, but watching all the youtubers I get the feeling that there is a tendency to over do it , especially on very young plants. Cannabis is very resilient, and has a tendency to do its best to bounce back no matter what . As a result people are still happy with how things end up, oblivious to the fact that results could have actually been better if they let the plant do its thing for a while. So personally I rely on good plant training first and foremost , which seems to reduce the need for radical defoliation, at least for the first three-quarters of a plants life.
7 week veg in 7 gallon pots already defol and started lollipoping buy havnt touched in bout 10 days and its a jungle im fliiping to flower in next week will do proper round if lollipop give it 4 days before flower ,can i also defoliate day one of flower or 2 much stress,i usually defoliate day 21 of flower but need free up some air ,maybe do the lollipop then defol 2 weeks into flower then only take few big fan leaves here n there but had great success taking alot of leaves day 21 then they on cruise control
I defoliate in incriments, starting from flower onwards and lollipop when the plant is med veg. I dont always top as sometimes its brtter to just let the plant do its thing.
I’m growing Bruce banner outdoors on my balcony very healthy Lots of leaves even after a defoliation Plan I’d cut leaf’s off that block flowers Week 3 Is it too late to redo the inside canopy ??? I’m stressing over it Found a couple small leafs with white build up
@@420scene well that is part of my defoliation process, gotta remove all innernodes until you reach the point you want to split, and i continye removing any inner nodes i dont want until i switch to flower while implementing bending and pinching to keep the taller branxhes even with the rest of the canopy.
@@420scene we cant look at any one training technique as the go to it take a combo of defoliation, bending and pinching and scrofging to get the maximum yield
Love the content and any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated. I’ve asked this question to several ppl and nobody has responder to me. question has nothing to do with defoliation but I’m soon to make the switch to flower But I’ve been on 24 hr light schedule (that I won’t do again) question is can I slowly cut my light back like a couple hrs a week before i go straight to 12/12? This is my first grow. Thanks in advance
I only defoliate bottom leaves as they get discolored or gnarly. In the heat of summer, I can see going harder when you need help hitting the IPM harder. Btw, I know you're trying plastic pots again after running fabric forever. I have too, and so far it's much better for me.
What about defoliation of all or mostly all leaves a day or gwo before harvesting. My bro science says it could work similar to keeping it dark for 36-48 hours prior to harvest or could even work in conjunction as a stressor to impules tricome resin and terpen content? What do you think?
I remove the bottom 1/3rd of every branch on a weekly basis during veg then as soon as the first signs of flower start I stop and only leaf tuck. Then 3-4 days before harvest I remove 100% of the fan leaves. I don't do it to improve yield or anything like that. I use the leaves I cut for cooking and I want to take anything that is still alive off to eat and anything that's dead I remove and add to the soil in the next grow. I do it 3-4 days before harvest so that the plant can seal up the cuts before drying so they're not leaking water out of the cuts and drying too fast.
I’m huge on LST and defoliation. I cut all fan leaves as soon as they get big. I also remove any nodes pointing down. Lastly at flower time you can see completely through my plant to get light and air to as many sites as possible. Never had a bad experience.
Everyone saying you're doing it wrong doesn't understand that every plant you grow is gonna grow in different ways so you have to tend to each one as needed.
not gonna lie, i have defoliated mid-Flower before they stack up and turns out great !!! but I only grow 'white widow' cause that is my jam... for what i need it for
I’m a rookie grower and in my first grow, I did both styles of Kyle Kushman’s techniques just to see if I could do it…They came out like they should of but yield may of been sacrificed…but who cares if you’re growing your own, right? Now I’m on my 3 grow/batch and I’m not going to defoliate much, just going to lollipop and keep top leaves from getting in the way of the buds…Going to clear out my girls shortly, once the light comes on and the room gets up to temperature… Will keep just a few buds on some of the lower branches for now, but my mind is like a woman..I can change it at any time..🤣
One thing I love is how you explain something first completely non-biased and give us a fair chance to judge for herself and then you explain your side and take on the situation or product. I have a lot of respect for you
I feel like tucking the leaves routinely accomplishes fairly the same effect without hacking up your plant. Real dense indicas however it is more necessary. It's more about the dark cycle. The more foliage the more respiration and condensation. At night temps drop and the air can't hold the moisture so RH goes up. When you have dense plant structure and high humidity that equals mold and mildew. Indica heavy strains are more likely effected. I have noticed with autos since my lights are only off for 4 hours it's less of an issue but if they were photos and in 70-80% humidity for a 12 hour dark cycle and dense indicas... Mold city! Just like with so many things in growing there is no black and white answer to defoliation. It varies depending on the environment, strain and so many things. Wouldn't it be great if there was just an easy answer for everything?
Defoliation has always provided better end results then not defoliating hands down. Once just before flip to 12/12 then once again in week 3 thats it. Nebulas defolaition guide on the net explains it really well.
Severe problems anybody suggestions... Did a heavy de foliation a few weeks before 12/12 then at the 2.5 week of flower the biomass was crazy was forced to defoliate a secondary time, now the problem is there's so many leaves again they're pushing against each other just clogging up the whole entire canopy... end-of-week 4.5! PS I really dislike indica too short too Bushy what to do what to do just leave everything alone?
Off topic but... I'm new to autoflowers, I have a red poison she's my first. It's 12 weeks n a day old. Should be done right.. well no that's not the case. I'd say about 1 out of 30 triclomes are Amber, the rest Milky white. Is it normal for them to go over their average time scale??
Bro I threw out Hella seeds in my back yard a few months ago for shits and giggles thinking nothing of it. Fast forward few months and I spotted a cannabis plant growing and the time change made it flower all on its own. It's right by my fencing around my back yard. It only has three point leaves but it flowered one big ass bud. Should I record it and put it out on RUclips the progress of it? There's trichomes on it and hairs all over it. It got to 27 degrees last couple nights so the trichomes are CAKED on it. It's small but it grew for months for it to be able to flower on its own with no nutrition rich water
True but to be fair, you said you threw hella seeds and got one to pop and the one didn’t grow much to yes, it can grow with minimal amounts of nutrients and water but didn’t seem to grow very well based on what you said. And you also don’t know if the plant was sucking up nutrients in the soil. When I transplant to a bigger container, I don’t water right away and sometimes I’ve had plants go without water for two weeks because the soil was soil rich and well amended. I mean you could definitely try it out man.
@@420scene I threw like 15 ungerminted seeds out and 2 germinated seeds out. It grew about 7 to 8 inches tall and only the one main stalk is thin and all the lower leaves died off. The part where it's flowering looks healthy asf for the stage of flower its in too. It looks like only the top of it is flowering so it'll have one good nug. I notice it getting fatter each day which is weird. There's no smell to it bc of lack of nutrients. I just thought It was pretty cool seeming a lot of people say I cant throw seeds in my back yard and expect it to grow and flower on its own with little rain water and little nutrients. That proved their whole argument wrong with this one little plant lol I take it as God telling me to keep pushing for a growing career.
@@420scene I low key want to give it a little flowering nutes just to see if it can finish all the way bc I never expected that to happen and want it to survive lol
Wanna win stuff every month? Lights, beans, nutes, money? Join Us HERE: www.patreon.com/420scene
I have seen your patreon grow from just a decent amount of names on the screen to so many names you got to like squint to see them dude heck yeah!
@@Catch_u_reloadn Yeah man. We have a heck of an awesome community there.
Eyyy bro great vid. I got a crazy good topic for another solid one. Top dressing with charcoal, volcanic rock, rock mixes, akadama soil, red clay soil. Could be a 2 parter.
Wouldn't that be nice I never won anything in my life
Does anyone know if buds themselves photosynthesise?
I really like the point you make about doing your own thing. So many people (especially online) become obsessed with what fact, what's fiction, and what you should and shouldn't do. At the end of the day, it's your grow. I do what makes sense to me.
I am one that likes to defoliate. Of course your plant needs to be healthy and must have enough leaves to support stress and they ARE the solar panels for your plant. In saying this lve knowm people who will barely take anything off...and people who will take off every leaf bigger than 2.5 in. and both grew top notch dank and were VERY knowledgeable. Different doesnt mean incorrect....esp when ea plant reacts diffrently....be open minded and supportive, that promotes innovation.......happy growing
Well said, so many contradictions in growing recommendations,
Well said. Very well said
You are a grower will soul.
Being open minded is very important- but it’s even more important not to confuse being open minded with believing everything u read in a weed comments section. Critical thinking is key
Ive also learned that defolianting asmall amount each day while doing gradual LST....is easier on the plant than cutting 20 leaves and some small branches all at once......GL
I thought so.. maybe start this technique mid- late veg from there 3 weeks into flower.. then personally I wanna try trimming fan leaves a week before harvest Edit: (increases resin)
I have been taking Walmart sacks at a time from my plant lol. Wait till 3rd week of flower even. Fingers crossed 🤞 hahaha
I also like to take a couple leafs or lower branches every couple days rather than cut a third of the plant off at once
I seem to defoliate the same way. Slowly a little at a time.
I'm growing outdoors and I did a mild defoliation,and spread open the limbs to get more sun. My plant is very healthy and it handled it good. This is my 3rd year and by far the best yet. Thanks for your help dude.
I'm definitely big on defoliation to basically to open the plant up for more light by exposing lower interior and covered bud sites. I haven't seen a drawback from heavier defoliation and my plants love it. I'm thinking environment covers a LOT of mistakes...even heavy defoliation.
Anything covering a lower bud gets chopped and any large fan leaves 5 weeks into flower works really really good. Oh and when harvesting happens it's good to do a slow chop and dont do a whole plant harvest so the smaller buds can mature.
Top then middle lastly the bottom buds,over what time frame?
For autos also ? It's my first grow I'm growing 4 plants and they're bushy af lots of covered bud sites.
@@ericdoran4313 personally,I would tuck the leaves in because I over cut on the foliage and stunted my plant,I would just give the plant a hand, because de-foliation can stunt your grow,let the plant do its job, and once you're great at that ,then think off branching out, LoL.
@@ericdoran4313 not sure only grew photos.
@@Sandwich13455 4 weeks in from flipping 12 12
My experience has taught me the following - during the veg cycle, I remove only weird + ill-looking leaves (which thankfully aren't very many), but do so in 'strategic' manner for the reasons 420 Scene describes. I also FIM the plant in the early stages. All I do is after is swop nute-solution weekly. I personally keep defol to a minimum and avoid it if possible, taking preference to tucking. My current plant is in its 2nd week of flower right now and it's over 3.5ft wide and stands at almost 5.5ft tall. Thanks for all the useful info and wisdom 420, wishing everyone good luck for a great harvest!
I will take a few leaves per day, nothing too drastic. Then they seem to transpire more. I also like to rotate my pots about a 1/4 about every other day.It gives the light and the air movement a chance to get to the whole plant. As if it were outside. Stay Frosty Growmies ✌️💚
there is literally infinite ways to effectively grow, so many things that work and so many opinions on what is best and when, this makes for an infinite amount of variations that work in some way for someone, and new ideas and opinions are made every day.
Hay scale back whats the way you mix you nutrients for feeding is there a correct order
I totally agree. Lots of different ways and options out there. It’s all about what people are comfortable with.
And no there is no correct order. As long as they get them.
@@420scene unless ur using silica, that should be added 1st about 20 min b4 adding nutes... I think I learned that from YOU.
@@kocain313 I add silica first, let it get diluted and stir it a while, then if I’m using Cal mag (roots organic) that goes in after , pre- diluted in water. The silica and cal mag are highly susceptible to reactions with other compounds so they go in first, after they are diluted and fully mixed in, I add whatever else I’m using.
Those are the only 2 things I be careful with, they can bind to other things in the solution and essentially become locked out and not be available to the plants. Some people say to add them last but I’ve experienced issues doing that.
Just my personal experience and methods, hope this helps
You're absolutely right about defoliation. At any given time I have between 30 and 40 plants teens and mothers and while I will give the teens a mild trim mothers that I have flipped get a radical trim because they are just too bushy there's no light getting into the middle and I prefer the poodle tops than having a ton of popcorn. Furthermore while I tend to operate on the less-is-more principal I know someone who had a Maui Wowie that he scalped like a chicken and could not understand why he had lousy yield but the fact remains is he removed the plant's ability to make energy and create buds
I used to defoliate and train, these days i just trellise over my plants and trim the lower canopy off to maximize surface area, works great, 1 pound plants in 5-gallon buckets ;)
Great video. Well with my first grow i tried more the tuck method and only defoliating a choice few leaves, but be careful i defoliated to late and slowed the growth on one of my plants. lesson learned and i got my second run of beans in water for my winter grow. Have a great day everyone.
@@twobeards6714 I too enjoy watching them grow. I hate that you lost one. No one like that to happen. I hope you grow is the bomb thanks a lot growmie
Each strain will react differently to defoliation, for sure many ways to do it. I just ease into it removing some leaves everyday to prevent over doing it. There is times when heavier defoliation is needed tho. Great video thanks for what your doing for the community bro!
Definitely agree about some strains liking it way more than others
I do the same for autoflowers especially i only take 5-10 leaves every few days(as needed) but i never take enough to shock/stress but i fell behind on my current autoflower sour d lol its a jungle about 15" under the tops i need to get in there and do some "heavy" selective cutting
I removed more leaves than I would had like to remove on my first grow, but hey now I know. She still came out looking great
I just started defoliating and stopped and started watching this video man you have good timing
Definitely depends on the plant. I always defoliate but the health of the plant dictates how much. I’ll strip all the fan leaves off a 3 week old plant if it’s growing fast and healthy. Never have issues.
ive tried the complete leaf strip once, never again .yes it worked [sort of] but we all do stupid stuff just to see if it works the lower defoliation is fine but balance is whats needed not too much not too little. great content thks for the effort you put in
If you defoliate at the right time you can take all you want, to a degree. Usually before and after the early flower stretch.
Nothing to do with defoliation and/or pruning but... something I experienced today, and if it helps one new grower, great! But, a couple days ago I noticed 4 of my 5 lady's were not perking up once the sun started to hit them(I grow in a greenhouse). I was hit with the dreaded feeling that I had over watered. I should also mention my girls just hit flower Aug. 29th(now sept. 5th.) naturally with the shorter days. I waited a couple days to see if things got better, but they got worse. Growth slowed to a crawl as well. So today I took a chance and told my wife to hit the girls with a little water while I was at work and to send me a pic a few hrs later. Sure enough, they came right back to life. What a relief that was! I was only watering maybe once a week all thru veg, even when they were getting big. My girls are in 5 gallon fabric pots. This seemed to be plenty of water for them, but apparently when they switch to flower(at least the pre-flower "stretch"), water demand goes way up! I noticed the droop only 4 days after watering last, and they all took almost a gallon each, hence my fear of having over-watered them. Turns out it was the opposite! So to you new growers, in my experience, switching to flower means your watering demands might increase, sometimes by a lot! Keep an eye on those fan leaves... "praying leaves" is what you really want, and if there's anything less... your girls are trying to tell you something. Happy growing everyone!
Don’t defoliate healthy leaves in veg or anywhere near the start of flower. I like to wait at least 2 weeks after any cutting on a plant before I flip. Don’t touch them for the first 3 weeks of flower. Day 21 you can remove every leaf. Won’t stress them out at all. They’re done with them. Some people will do another complete strip at day 42 but that ones optional.
I personally trim as little as possible. I don't lollipop either. I just can bring myself to do it. I love my plants too much I guess lol. I do LST on all branches that have too many leaves to get light and air flow again. I try to get the branches as thick as possible to transport more nutrients
I like to keep my leaves. But if it's to many touching I definitely will get them out the way. Love all your info Bru 💪🏿
I'm with you I'd rather keep more leaves ...more fuel for the last two weeks of flowering
Awe my bru
Not many mention this but it only takes 1 bout of boytritus before this is top of mind!
thx 4 the upload. Was thinking about this subject waking up today. 👍🏿
You may get away without much defoleation on sativa strains, but it's a must on those big leafed, squatty indicas.
One of the best most accurate explanations of defoliation I have ever heard. The 1 key thing you missed though is tools should be sterilized before cutting your plants especially when doing multiple plants.
I figured that would be a given. 😆 But I’m glad you enjoyed the video.
I grow outdoors. i defoliate a few leaves per plant, but I only do it in the advanced flowering stage. I think it is better in that phase because you are giving moderate stress to your plant, and it will estimulate the production of trichomes and resin. Also you are allowing your inferior buds to receive more sun energy.
i think a key to defoliation in flower phase is to make sure that you don't just remove the leaf and not the leaf stem. the leaf stem can rot and now you have a good source of decay attached to the branch which can ruin stuff in late fall or when drying.
I like to defoliate a few times a week. Nothing crazy just a few leaves here and there. It's also a bonus to know the strain you are growing that way you can take care of problem areas because they get to over foliated. Just my 2 cents. Cheers keep on growing people!!
if i sacrifice a little bit of yield because I am defoliating, and that helps prevent powdery mildew I will do so tbh. However I won't do any sort of heavy plucking after week 4 flower
I start defoliating when the inner nodes start growing leaves n side branches to give them more light then theyll blow up but I do only certain spots I don't go nuts on it
I always defoliate on my outdoor grows. Really helps temp and humidity levels.
Circulation and light penetration as well. Some of those nodes that a lot of folks cut off could result by just get more light on surface that was shaded by fan leaf can turn out actually decent..giving you a like a 10% heavier yeild.
I dont go over board but i do remove some leafs during vege and flowering, mainly to open up bud sites and branchs to allow more light to hit them. I strongly recommend leaf tucking when possible, this gives both of best worlds no to very low stress and still allows more light to hit bud sites and in courage branches to reach the top that other wise would not do as well.
To each there own but I always do maintenance defoliation throughout the entire grow or untill week 3 of flower and by week 3 of flower my lollipopping will be done and any bud sites that are potentially going to be substantial that are covered by leaves I uncover those. If I can get by with the tucking leaf method then I will.
Makes tons of tiny extra leafy buds.
See Kyle Kushman's Chiropractic/ listen to part about photometric energy closely.
The leaves have 4 mains functions: Solar panels (Chlorophyl), storage warehouse (nutrients), gas exchange (O2/CO2), and water exit (transpiration rate/root pressure).
Imagine how many tiny leaves it that to equal 1 large fan leaf.
You will know you got it right, when only 1 plant will fill a 4x4.
Yes I already watch that video.
And absolutely, one plant can fill it up but having maybe three or four plants will fill it up faster. Lower your veg time.
Yeah scrog is cool but if I can have 6 plants gorw straight up go through a 3 week veg and be tall enough to flower vs scrog with 1 plant and 6-8 weeks to grow and get the same yield I would much rather go with the 3 week
A big fan and proponent of defoliation throughout. Once there's 4 or 5 nodes I take off the big fan leaves to promote node growth.
As much as I don't like commercials, I'm so happy for you that you got monetized!
Thanks man, I appreciate it. I mean those ads shouldn’t even really be a problem, you’re showing support and I’ve been able to buy a house thanks to you guys
Trolls in moms basement 🤣 dude that made me laugh. Keep up the awesome information, I’m sure there are new growers coming to YT for help, excellent work.
Do you have plans for a new grow once you get situated? Looking forward to seeing your style 🤙✌️ nice job on the videos
I defoliated the hell out of my first plant this year. Next year I will defoliate much less. I'm in week 5-6 of flowering and she seems fine. It's a small plant(lilac diesel) in a 5 gal pot. Only 5 feet high but every stem is just a mass of buds. I'm expecting a good yield from it. She is very healthy.
Great analogy to music with growing! Basic principles but the rest is up to you. That’s the joy of it. Great video as usual bro keep on keepin on 🤘🏻🔥
I have 1 auto that i sprayed some mammoth p cannabis bio control. About 5 big fan leaves got burnt from it. Can I cut them off or not a good idea ? She's 4 weeks old . Thanks 420scene
Does defoliation increase yields? I can tell you I could never hit my record of 5.25 pounds per light (16 square feet/960 watts@wall) without massive defoliation on flower day #14. There is no option if you flip to flower with a full canopy. By day #14 about 5 pounds of wet leaves has to be removed. Perfect video timing guys, I defoliated last night, takes 3 hours per light then the 2nd SCROG net went on. AWESOME CHANNEL 420SCENE 😀
You should definitely drop some content I’d love to learn how to get yields like that
I see you have a channel
I would like to see 5.25 lbs pulled from 960 watts in a 4x4. I'm not sure that's possible.
Until proper rigorous scientific study can be done it’s just people chatting breeze. None of us really know whether defol increases yields under certain situations or not: I’m almost convinced that doing it badly would harm yields tho. Plus I wanna know if buds actually photosynthesise - as I hear ‘get light to bud sites’ all the time: or are the benefits of defol about air movement etc
It's a private grow. Only about 140 people have seen it. 420 Scene keeps deleting the website where you can see it. Sorry, I didn't believe 5+ pounds possible either. It sure is mind blowing to see 147 grams per square foot. 😥
@@grand372 🤔
It increases air flow and exposes bud sites previously covered by a leaf. Bottom third of bud sites should be removed aka lollipoping to direct the plants energy to the upper canopy rather than wasting it on small lower shady buds that won’t develop fully.
Your correct if needed The way I did it and worked was look at each stem if you can see them lol but pull back each stem and pull only one side that grows towards the center to allow air flow up the center, but leave the ones growing towards the outside always leave one leaf per side or tuck them under if needed to allow light penetration to the lower sites. have osilating fans one at the bottom and top of canopies circulating . Leaves sweat out what they take in, act as solar panels "per stem" sometimes taking out one or two stems growing blocking the center will allow all other sites to get light .in turn raising your yields over all. Would be like each house (stem) having solar panels . Also can do side lighting to help get light to the lower buds .depends on the plant .stunted bushier plants are what I'm referring to for side lighting .
I am interested in the vegetation time and methods to identify when it’s time to change over from vegetation to flowering time. And my next question would be the same for flowering how long before you recognize flowering has reached maturity and ready to harvest?
really depends on space and ceiling height when to flip to flower. shoot for a level canopy with bunch of tops (10-20). plan for two foot stretch when you flip. use a trellis net to help support new growth. use a magnifier to see trichomes turn from clear to milky white its ready. flush plant week 7-8 . read lower leaves as plant pulls remaining food storage
Hope you and the misses had a great 🦃 day. Always enjoy watching thanks 420..
Amen brother!!!! ITs like an orchestra just cause you dont like one instrument you dont cut them out. You want all the options you can have. Every environment is different so different hints and techniques are needed. I was told to never defoliate and by the same person that you have to. LOL bbut he said never cut a leaf unless there is a reason for it. That is how you do it! you kinda touched on that! strategically!
I live for your videos bros, always learn something new
Close friend of mine used to hard top his plants once then never touched them at all until harvest and he used to bag around 8oz on every plant every time with dolato, he’d turn up every Saturday fill reservoir up, pop his head inside then go back home, wish it was that easy for me 😂
It's very easy I manage 2 nice size tents😆😆😆😆I do the same thing but I give all I suppose to far as nutrients and defoliate around bud sites only I dry the right way too NOOOOO PROBLEMS
We used to Defoliate alot! Now we are using Kushmans technique.. They are the plants Solar panels so we try to leave them alone. Unless we are scrogging then we lollipop....we use the Chiropractic system and remove all of the budsites except the tops. Even the secondaries are removed..we have seen dramatic results in the Quality and size of our Flowers..plus no more Larf to trim!!
I have seen how the big fan leaves give energy to the plant after stopping root absorption. They go yellow mainly leaving the others green so think about leaving on a plant to test yourself👍
I'm learning that I don't like defoliating I do remove a few lower leaves but I don't like the unessisary stress it seems to really slow alot of plants down alot
Can you do a video for defoliating autos plzzz? I have some autos that I feel like need it but I'm scared to do it cuz they are in early flower
Very helpful for the new growers, thanks!
I've got a gelato that I just flipped after 90 days of veg in a 7gallon fabric pot ,she is big! Now I had a ph problem, to high for several waters and it affected some fan leaves "discoloration " I did defoliate but I'm thinking I should have taken more
I do controlled defoliation where shoots are being covered up but prefer to tuck the leaves when I can. Defoliation is legit, but watching all the youtubers I get the feeling that there is a tendency to over do it , especially on very young plants. Cannabis is very resilient, and has a tendency to do its best to bounce back no matter what . As a result people are still happy with how things end up, oblivious to the fact that results could have actually been better if they let the plant do its thing for a while. So personally I rely on good plant training first and foremost , which seems to reduce the need for radical defoliation, at least for the first three-quarters of a plants life.
7 week veg in 7 gallon pots already defol and started lollipoping buy havnt touched in bout 10 days and its a jungle im fliiping to flower in next week will do proper round if lollipop give it 4 days before flower ,can i also defoliate day one of flower or 2 much stress,i usually defoliate day 21 of flower but need free up some air ,maybe do the lollipop then defol 2 weeks into flower then only take few big fan leaves here n there but had great success taking alot of leaves day 21 then they on cruise control
Another good video! You do some good work and thanks for the tips.
How much damage would lollipopjng do to autos? I’ve taken a few lower fan leaves out but nothing crazy (mostly leaf tucking for lower stress)
I defoliate in incriments, starting from flower onwards and lollipop when the plant is med veg. I dont always top as sometimes its brtter to just let the plant do its thing.
I’m growing Bruce banner outdoors on my balcony very healthy Lots of leaves even after a defoliation
Plan I’d cut leaf’s off that block flowers
Week 3
Is it too late to redo the inside canopy ??? I’m stressing over it
Found a couple small leafs with white build up
Defoliation is key to fat colas, and better harvests, i go in detail on some of the best techniques i learned from the legends on my channel
Never remove more than 1/3rd of the plants leaves to avoid stress
Meh, I believe the key to fat colas is super cropping and mainlining.
@@420scene well that is part of my defoliation process, gotta remove all innernodes until you reach the point you want to split, and i continye removing any inner nodes i dont want until i switch to flower while implementing bending and pinching to keep the taller branxhes even with the rest of the canopy.
@@420scene we cant look at any one training technique as the go to it take a combo of defoliation, bending and pinching and scrofging to get the maximum yield
Cheers bro and as always, thanks for sharing the knowledge. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the fam.
Love the content and any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated. I’ve asked this question to several ppl and nobody has responder to me. question has nothing to do with defoliation but I’m soon to make the switch to flower But I’ve been on 24 hr light schedule (that I won’t do again) question is can I slowly cut my light back like a couple hrs a week before i go straight to 12/12? This is my first grow. Thanks in advance
Like always very hood info. Keep up the good work. Hope you all had a Great Thanksgiving.
Been waiting for this video for so long......!!
What a great video, awesome content that all of us needed to hear.
i snip, snip. no leaf now is stuned hope my baby respawn :)
If you have any issues give em a bottle of Juggernog. Haha.
That was a good video bro. Right on!!!! Answered my questions. Thanks
Thanx man for all the info, pressing like for all vids form you I see :)
Love ur content brother u ate very knowledgeable and are helping us w ur experience brother love it broski
I'm interested in what you and GT have coming up!!!
Me too man. It’s gonna be fun.
I do before flip at three week mark and just pluck until harvest.
I only defoliate bottom leaves as they get discolored or gnarly. In the heat of summer, I can see going harder when you need help hitting the IPM harder.
Btw, I know you're trying plastic pots again after running fabric forever. I have too, and so far it's much better for me.
Thanks, you made my head clearer about defoliation. I'm not a fan of it myself.
I over pruned I only left three to four leaves on each stick. I don’t know if I’m supposed to do so
This channel is soo good. 2nd run stardawg photo and here I am still re watching videos
Your such a cool guy and deserve all the success :)
What about defoliation of all or mostly all leaves a day or gwo before harvesting. My bro science says it could work similar to keeping it dark for 36-48 hours prior to harvest or could even work in conjunction as a stressor to impules tricome resin and terpen content? What do you think?
I remove the bottom 1/3rd of every branch on a weekly basis during veg then as soon as the first signs of flower start I stop and only leaf tuck. Then 3-4 days before harvest I remove 100% of the fan leaves. I don't do it to improve yield or anything like that. I use the leaves I cut for cooking and I want to take anything that is still alive off to eat and anything that's dead I remove and add to the soil in the next grow. I do it 3-4 days before harvest so that the plant can seal up the cuts before drying so they're not leaking water out of the cuts and drying too fast.
I’m huge on LST and defoliation. I cut all fan leaves as soon as they get big. I also remove any nodes pointing down. Lastly at flower time you can see completely through my plant to get light and air to as many sites as possible. Never had a bad experience.
Ditto, my yield is always better this way.
Everyone saying you're doing it wrong doesn't understand that every plant you grow is gonna grow in different ways so you have to tend to each one as needed.
Do you put any of your stuff on Spotify?
I do it when it need it but most of the time no in less your plants need it great video Great concert Great tips
not gonna lie, i have defoliated mid-Flower before they stack up and turns out great !!! but I only grow 'white widow' cause that is my jam... for what i need it for
My LSD was super leafy....but she seemed a little moody...so I just let her go the rest of the way. Appreciate your time!
Great job man keep up the good work 💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥
Hey 420 and Mrs.! How are you doing?
I’m a rookie grower and in my first grow, I did both styles of Kyle Kushman’s techniques just to see if I could do it…They came out like they should of but yield may of been sacrificed…but who cares if you’re growing your own, right?
Now I’m on my 3 grow/batch and I’m not going to defoliate much, just going to lollipop and keep top leaves from getting in the way of the buds…Going to clear out my girls shortly, once the light comes on and the room gets up to temperature…
Will keep just a few buds on some of the lower branches for now, but my mind is like a woman..I can change it at any time..🤣
One thing I love is how you explain something first completely non-biased and give us a fair chance to judge for herself and then you explain your side and take on the situation or product. I have a lot of respect for you
Thanks man. I appreciate it. I try to explain it that way. I want you to make your own decisions but at least knowing exactly what you’re deciding on.
I feel like tucking the leaves routinely accomplishes fairly the same effect without hacking up your plant. Real dense indicas however it is more necessary. It's more about the dark cycle. The more foliage the more respiration and condensation. At night temps drop and the air can't hold the moisture so RH goes up. When you have dense plant structure and high humidity that equals mold and mildew. Indica heavy strains are more likely effected. I have noticed with autos since my lights are only off for 4 hours it's less of an issue but if they were photos and in 70-80% humidity for a 12 hour dark cycle and dense indicas... Mold city! Just like with so many things in growing there is no black and white answer to defoliation. It varies depending on the environment, strain and so many things. Wouldn't it be great if there was just an easy answer for everything?
Defoliation has always provided better end results then not defoliating hands down. Once just before flip to 12/12 then once again in week 3 thats it. Nebulas defolaition guide on the net explains it really well.
Yeah, and I even use that when I’m mainlining so that way the energy could be focused more on the top.
Thank you this was helpful
Severe problems anybody suggestions... Did a heavy de foliation a few weeks before 12/12 then at the 2.5 week of flower the biomass was crazy was forced to defoliate a secondary time, now the problem is there's so many leaves again they're pushing against each other just clogging up the whole entire canopy... end-of-week 4.5!
PS I really dislike indica too short too Bushy what to do what to do just leave everything alone?
Off topic but... I'm new to autoflowers, I have a red poison
she's my first. It's 12 weeks n a day old. Should be done right.. well no that's not the case. I'd say about 1 out of 30 triclomes are Amber, the rest Milky white. Is it normal for them to go over their average time scale??
All depends how much room you have, how much light is getting to the nugs imo. Both can be beneficial.
Bro I threw out Hella seeds in my back yard a few months ago for shits and giggles thinking nothing of it. Fast forward few months and I spotted a cannabis plant growing and the time change made it flower all on its own. It's right by my fencing around my back yard. It only has three point leaves but it flowered one big ass bud. Should I record it and put it out on RUclips the progress of it? There's trichomes on it and hairs all over it. It got to 27 degrees last couple nights so the trichomes are CAKED on it. It's small but it grew for months for it to be able to flower on its own with no nutrition rich water
True but to be fair, you said you threw hella seeds and got one to pop and the one didn’t grow much to yes, it can grow with minimal amounts of nutrients and water but didn’t seem to grow very well based on what you said. And you also don’t know if the plant was sucking up nutrients in the soil. When I transplant to a bigger container, I don’t water right away and sometimes I’ve had plants go without water for two weeks because the soil was soil rich and well amended. I mean you could definitely try it out man.
@@420scene I threw like 15 ungerminted seeds out and 2 germinated seeds out. It grew about 7 to 8 inches tall and only the one main stalk is thin and all the lower leaves died off. The part where it's flowering looks healthy asf for the stage of flower its in too. It looks like only the top of it is flowering so it'll have one good nug. I notice it getting fatter each day which is weird. There's no smell to it bc of lack of nutrients. I just thought It was pretty cool seeming a lot of people say I cant throw seeds in my back yard and expect it to grow and flower on its own with little rain water and little nutrients. That proved their whole argument wrong with this one little plant lol I take it as God telling me to keep pushing for a growing career.
@@DonovanHaumpy Keep it up man. Possibilities are endless. You got this.
@@420scene I low key want to give it a little flowering nutes just to see if it can finish all the way bc I never expected that to happen and want it to survive lol
My outside grows are the grows I experiment with and to observe how nature
I would assume that lollipopping is more stressful to the plant than defoliation here and there.
Not that much more.
I would only defoliate in the flowering stage what leaves are hiding the bud sights in the middle of the plant with your lst
I lollipop when they were to small and it stressed my plants never recovered autoflower
Auto flower are more sensitive for sure and need to be extra careful with them imo
Autoflowers l learn only cut a few leaves because they only grow so much l just learned the hard way on my last grow