Kana pane mwana contract inotochinja cause paane three parties manje, everything needs to be revised, premise yaMambo handisikuwirirana nayo. Plus Amai ngavataure nyaya yavo without being intimidated nema interruptions.
The shaming too is making me sick, none of these people are clean vese vakawirirana zvakaipa. Now it looks like this woman is the evil one, being torn apart by a bunch of man, didn't believe in patriachy but this is trash. A story of deception, pane akabatwa kumeso.
There is an element of chevenism in the delibarations . The lady just lacks eloquency, but should be justified for a share i think. Varume tirikuita hutsinye ,lets face our responsibilities. Baba vakuda former wife chete apa
All i hear is bullying from the chief. How's that intelligence or wisdom? There is too much bias going on. Yes it started as a one off thing but she's clearly explaining that their union ended up in a long-term unlabelled relationship. Why is he trying to make her look like a fool? This was a consensual relationship.
Wow this is a well seasoned master chief. Very humble, and treat people with respect in his communication and judgement. Respect big guy, you are exceptionally the best 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Mambo is learned and fair.He has a sound understanding of the law, legal procedures and can read and understand.Appears of all the traditional courts Mutasa,Bushu are respectful and well informed to preside over such issues!
I think this man was not happy with the default judgement and thought of going kwaMambo to circumvent the judgement. Zvino Mambo Mutasa uses rational in most of the court hearings including this one. In the beginning I thought this man was getting away with it. I didn’t like the way he demean and talking down on this woman. Mwanawo akabva kuvanhu. I think it’s good to treat each other with dignity even if you’re done with them.
Mambo Mutasa ndokumbirawo mumbotora anonzi Headman Chigodora mumudzidzise kunonzi kutongwa kwenyaya munogona mambo murikuchengetedza vanhu nemazvo thanks keep the good work
She should seek justice in a proper court. She has a right to stay at the home or receive a share of the assets as part of the divorce proceedings. The fact that he invited to stay and is father to her child shows there was a matrimonial union . Fact that he didn’t pay lobola does not invalidate the union , otherwise many man have wives who they haven’t paid anything for .
If nothing has been paid torwards lobola ndiko kunonzi kuchaya mapoto, hapana need ye divorce, tinongoita waziva kwake waziva kwake. No sharing of anything
Most courts seem to lack proper judiciary laws in their judgment, The woman has been subjected to undue disgrace because first encounter she was given money 💰 5dollars. Hence now deemed a prostitute , but even a prostitute can reform and get married ! No level minded man can accept a prostitute he found on a one night stand on the prext she is pregnant, goes on to stay with her for two years ,
Chigodora is not bad except for excessive amounts he charges vanhu.I wonder hangu kuti mari dzinobviswa vanotadzawo kuvaka pekutongera saMarange naMakoni???
The Chief's line of question is off the mark. He is offside. Kana vakatanga chiri chihure che$5, does it automatically mean kuti subsequently vanofanira kubhadharana for 2yrs? Very disrespectful approach. Kana mukadzi uyu akapembererwa nehama dzemurume uyu, it automatically makes her his wife. He deliberately abandons that fact so that he can continue with his humiliation agenda. Not good
Ndiri pakato peku wona hangu andisat ndapedza but this lady I feel like ari kudzvanyiriwa coz vanga I vanhu vamisa dzimba asina ruroorwa she also deserves it and vamwe anogona kuto torwa mubhawa asi vachingororwa
This Chief has confused the woman by asking wrong questions. The woman came because she did not get correct answer after reporting for maintenance. men ill treat women. Ignorance of the law has affected her.
I like him too he is not just wise but educated rational and and sound mind kwete zvaana chogodora zvekuvhecherwa nemakuhwa nekuda madrama esocial media
Mukadzi uyo akatochenjerawo fani. She is articulating nyaya dzake mushe mushe. Its just that Mambo agara aita attitude problem naye nenyaya yake yechipfambi pakutanga kwe relationship iyi
shatap yenyu baba imi hamuna nyaya kurowa nyoro mumba p bed remukadzi wenyu iye achirwara nzenza ya baba dai waida mukadxi wako waiisa hure mumba baba imi mury sasikam
Nhy $5 inotengei desperation yava navakadzi so kurara nemunhu for $5 and the stress after the $5 is not worth it Madzimai ngatifungei tisazviisa muma problems ekuzvitsvakira
Magistrate's court is more supreme than the chief's court i wonder why these people vari mu court ya mambo after coming from a higher court. Mambo can only interpret what the magistrate ruled but has no power to change anything. I agree mambo knows his game but has no jurisdiction on this one
Ndosaka vanhu vachiroiwa kuramba kurambwa akuda murume by force by fire 😂😂😂😂men got no chill guyz iiihh marwei wacho🤣🤣🤣🙌🏾 one night stand turns into a whole nightmare😆
Munhu wese anekonzwero shandura hupenyu hwake. Mukadzi kana aka tanga ari wema $5 then becomes the wife who are we to say hazviite? Even Mwari gives second chances
@@gushungomutongi6820 I think varipo but they are not referred too much. Matare ava ne Gender rights awareness although we are NOT equal we appreciate the efforts being made to recognise women persons with rights too. Isu vanhu rume have had it easy
Ndizvo hazvo asi mai ava vakambunyikidza murume coz in the first place aisatombofanirwa kudzoka kt ave nepamuviri kana ainge akabhadharisa mauyiro ndivo asina kujeka
Nooo I guess this woman was right to inform this man kuti im pregnant despite the yekuti nhumbu yakahurwa but they where supposed to respect there agreement from the first then my cheaf is right but let's not forget kuti he is human tooo but his judgement is fairly good
Baba ava vakagara nemukadzi uyj mushure mekhnge mukadzi wavo ayenda now vave kuda kuramba nekuti vadzokerana nemukadzi wavo nharaunda inozviziva zvese itsotsi baba ava
Mambo should give chance kumunhu kana achipindura mubvunzo he interjects unnecessary,, murume uyu itsotsi vanhu vakatowirirana ava akungo backtrack hake, ko arikurambirei dna test inopedza nyaya yose, akadyiwa kucourt was trying kuedza kwamambo kuti abude munyaya, a wise decision kubva kuna mambo uye nyaya dzakadai ndadziuyeo ma witnesses
Kana love iyi yaiva yekubhadharana murume uyo ngaabhadhare kugara kwaaakaita nemkadzi uyo for two years sezvo asingamude coz mkadzi akapa service yake mushure mekujutwa brain kuitwa permanent wife asisabhadharwe
Mambo vanhu vako vekudunhu rako vari online vanokuda but hauna hungwaru. You should have read those documents first before traumatising the poor woman. Madzimambo manyowani need rigorous training before being unleashed on the poor public. Ko vakadiiko kuisa mabo Ezekiel instead of zunguzurwa iri
Ishe apo vakatadza kutonga e lady is 100% right. Ishe havagone kutonga even twumadhara utwo twakatsva ma fuse ishe huya kuinbox ndikupei format yematongerwe anoitwa nhaya
The lady has facts and paperwork. Thanks chief
Mmmmmm vasaomesera mukadzi uyo,, murume wakamitisa mukadzi uyo kureva ndewake ,, ngagare nemukadzi wake
Kana pane mwana contract inotochinja cause paane three parties manje, everything needs to be revised, premise yaMambo handisikuwirirana nayo. Plus Amai ngavataure nyaya yavo without being intimidated nema interruptions.
The shaming too is making me sick, none of these people are clean vese vakawirirana zvakaipa. Now it looks like this woman is the evil one, being torn apart by a bunch of man, didn't believe in patriachy but this is trash. A story of deception, pane akabatwa kumeso.
Well said, yet the husband is the one who incited all this
but nesu vakadzi tinodawo kuitiswa.. 😃
sei akarohwa nyoro?
Good judgement, however there no need to keep on humiliating that woman. Iye aimbomitisirei hure madii kumu humiliatawo
Imagine kuruina hupenyu nenyaya ye15 minutes chete... Kungotadza kuzvibata
Fact ✨✨✨✨
hure rakabhadharwa 5us kurohwa nyoro saka kubata nhumbu kana kusabata zvaisava nebasa coz hure ranga rachaja mari yaro
so chief ava varikuti nyika yese iyi vanhu varimudzimba vakaroorwa here kana kuti ndiwo matoozoona kumberi iwawa ....mukadzi arasirirwa uyu
Mambo hamusi fear imi .Tongai nyaya se nyaya imi .Dai ari mwana venyu maidaro here .Mambo imika Mwari anodzwa.
Now that's what we call " king Solomon's wisdom". Big up chief Mutasa
You are clearly insane!
This king has sound wisdom. I’m n love with his voice
I agree with you he is my favorite
Yakanyanya wisdom yacho
Baba ngavaroore mukadzi. Kuremekedza kwamai ndakuda ini well done amai. Roorwai amai
There is an element of chevenism in the delibarations . The lady just lacks eloquency, but should be justified for a share i think. Varume tirikuita hutsinye ,lets face our responsibilities.
Baba vakuda former wife chete apa
You are ryt vakatoonakuti better vadzokere kuna ex wife kuitira kudzinga uyu
The Chief should be promoted to the Supreme Court. Well done chief
All i hear is bullying from the chief. How's that intelligence or wisdom? There is too much bias going on.
Yes it started as a one off thing but she's clearly explaining that their union ended up in a long-term unlabelled relationship. Why is he trying to make her look like a fool? This was a consensual relationship.
True, ndotoshaya kuti why are ppl praising him. He is humiliating the woman
Cohabitation is only considered as Customary union for the purposes of rights upon death or dissolution of the relationship.
Hamuna kuteera nyaya yese kusvika yapera mangomhanyira kushora mambo, murume ndiye atoripqma1 kubva kujudgement yapiwa. Mambo akapenga uyo.
@@ArnoldMutsvairo yes mambo akazochinja zvake but anga atanga akarasika. At least he realised it
He is not making her a fool. She is a fool.
Ayewa moziva vamwe kuita chihure kupererwa asi mumwe akawana anomuda kuroora anoto dzikama murume uyu akashandisa mukadzi uyu 2yrs asadaro mufunge kushandisa vakadzi uku
MY HEART breaks for this poor woman.. She really needs real marriage..
May God grant you the that will truly love you
Wow this is a well seasoned master chief. Very humble, and treat people with respect in his communication and judgement. Respect big guy, you are exceptionally the best 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Ndavafarirawo zvangu chief ava🎉
😂😂😂 mambokaaaaa kunakirwa uchikanganwa kuziva kuti uri pa contract 🤣🤣🤣 kufarisa ne bota uku
Mambo is learned and fair.He has a sound understanding of the law, legal procedures and can read and understand.Appears of all the traditional courts Mutasa,Bushu are respectful and well informed to preside over such issues!
Imi chief nzwisisai kuti murume akakecha asi wakazotora kugara naye manje haachadi kkkk
Chief Chigodora can learn a lot from this chief,basa kungobira vanhu mari.
Bushu chimudhara
@@Meikles888 headman chigodora
Kkkkkk hapana munhu asingade bota.this lady is so innocent wow.
kkkkkkkkk ngavagare nemwana
Mambo big up you have wisdom and well educated chief akasarudzwa nedenga he is not greedy
I think this man was not happy with the default judgement and thought of going kwaMambo to circumvent the judgement. Zvino Mambo Mutasa uses rational in most of the court hearings including this one. In the beginning I thought this man was getting away with it. I didn’t like the way he demean and talking down on this woman. Mwanawo akabva kuvanhu. I think it’s good to treat each other with dignity even if you’re done with them.
Bambo awa vakazvisikira vega moto muziso,matoto enyu emakaita bvumai kunhuwa
@@chikukwachinowawa 😂😂😂
Kumitisa bhishu ma1 ako
Hatichadi zvehubishu ravekuda imba
Makadii baba taps
Ndine chikumbiro chekuti paya pamunoenda kwaheadman chigodora taikumbirawo kuti muzoendawo kwaChangamire Zimunya kuti tizonzwawo kuti Vaya vanonzi ndavekukuendesai kumberi mitongo yavo inenge yakamira sei uye changamire vanobata sei nyaya
😂😂😂😂😂yaa hautodi kudziruzirira nhai 😊😊
Chokwadi ichocho
Very intelligent. At 1 time I thot mambo is biased bt after averenga mapaper he gave a fair judgment. 2 yrs uchigara nemunhu wozoda kumudzinga
his style of questioning especially tothe woman is vexatious, kudai pasina mapepa mai ava vaizviruza.
On top of that pane mwana whom till now no DNA for verification.This man sounds silly
Mambo chigodora mambonzwawo nyaya yemari here apa kuripisa and this and this,My Chief Mutasa wanotonga zvine hungwaru.
Chief vanotambira Ava mwedzi wapera vachigodora Hakuna kwavanotambira ndozvavanodya ndizvo madzimambo
Aahh varume havatyi kufa kungo wonana kwava kutorova musipositori 😂varume muchazvirega henyu.
Chivindi chinotyisa
Vanofa rinhiko varume tizorore 😂😂😂😂😂
@@monnietaah9583 unosara nani
Kkkkkkk zvakaoma ini ndafunga kuti ndichaona pombi yebabie
Chief Mutasa' court and counsel are the best listners so far. And their ruling is highly professional
Mambo should listen more than interjecting and disrespecting litigants
Who is the litigant in this case?
@@victorjaravaza5560 a person involved in a lawsuit.
I don't normally follow these cases, but this chief should go and advise at the High court. He is cut out for bigger cases. He's a fountain of wisdom
Love haidi kumanikidzira amai. Kana murume asingadi mozogarira ani wacho zvimwe vakadzi ngatidzidze. Kana usingadiwe simuka uende
murume wacho ngaasimuke aende
Vakutsvaga pekugara
Panku ahugare vakanditengesera
Amai vaona kuti panenge paneahuga apa. Vakatoenda chingwa chinenge chabuda mukanwa nekuti hapana kana need yekurambira pausiri kudiwa
True dear
Karanganda potai muchiuya pana Mambo Mutasa. Zvinotipa kunzwisisa chivanhu uye kutongwa kwadzo chaiko. Keep it up Mambo Soromoni. Vana Chigodora ngavauye kuzogwadama. Mbiri nhatu dzandanzwa muchitonga aiwa muri mberi
Haiwawo 😂😂😂😂 teramiraizve
This mambo is educated u cn hear from his words😊
Similar with Fokona Chigodora
Very true
He is very very very educated and wise
Yes kudzidza ehe but kutonga haagoni kutonga nyaya zvachose
Mambo Mutasa ndokumbirawo mumbotora anonzi Headman Chigodora mumudzidzise kunonzi kutongwa kwenyaya munogona mambo murikuchengetedza vanhu nemazvo thanks keep the good work
Iii chigodora anogona wani weduvee.Mutasa haape vamwe vane varipadare nguva yekuti vataurewo pfungwa dzawo he has to change ipapo cz dare vanhuka
Chief kunge makatengwa, remember pane mwana msadaro ,ndarwadziwa
Hw do you knw kuti mwana ndewemurime iyeye iye agara ariwema $5 dollars
@@ruekaylataura hako pamwe haasi wababa ava tichanyara
Taura hko vakutoita hutsinye
Remember contract yanga iri ye one night stand so zvekuzofarisa kutenda murume nemusoro wemunhu hazvibude
What a Chief full of wisdom😍😍😍
I agree with you,but don't forget this is the same chief who charge people in Nyanga for voting for CCC
Madzimambo ese akaita so nyika inogarika kani. Long live mambo Mutasa
Ummmm haana dhiri Mambo wenyu haagone
Mambo vatonga zvakanaka.The chap is learned and has wisdom
Unenge wati rega ndimboti laaa, kudai pane chikirimbani😂😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤ usadero zvee iwe pane vurimbo
Dai maingobhadhara muchidya bota ,zvino masangana nemkadzi muchenjeri.
She should seek justice in a proper court. She has a right to stay at the home or receive a share of the assets as part of the divorce proceedings. The fact that he invited to stay and is father to her child shows there was a matrimonial union . Fact that he didn’t pay lobola does not invalidate the union , otherwise many man have wives who they haven’t paid anything for .
If nothing has been paid torwards lobola ndiko kunonzi kuchaya mapoto, hapana need ye divorce, tinongoita waziva kwake waziva kwake. No sharing of anything
Usatore rutivi, wanzwa zvataurwa nabba avoo zvakazoita kti mukadzi uyuu achizogara pavo
Most courts seem to lack proper judiciary laws in their judgment,
The woman has been subjected to undue disgrace because first encounter she was given money 💰 5dollars. Hence now deemed a prostitute , but even a prostitute can reform and get married !
No level minded man can accept a prostitute he found on a one night stand on the prext she is pregnant, goes on to stay with her for two years ,
Marriage? Who married who here? Vakaita chihure chakapusa vese and there is no way murume yaachatora that Lady kuisa pa den
Mrume imhata and anofanira kugadzirira mwana wake a life & mai iyoo yakaita nhumbu intensionally
Chigodora I hope is taking notes.. Dare iri rakarongeka, Mambo Mutasa very articulate.. Good listening skills and communication skills..
Chigodora arikuchikurubhi
Matongero anosiyana... Misha ne misha mitemo inosiyana... Vose vanondigonera.
Chigodora is not bad except for excessive amounts he charges vanhu.I wonder hangu kuti mari dzinobviswa vanotadzawo kuvaka pekutongera saMarange naMakoni???
@@evansdzinzi3152chigodora ndiye aneyese ini anondigonera bc kana tichitierera nyaya dzake tinenge tichitoseka kkkk teremeraizve😂😂
@@ellnatakampote6982headman hr akaitasei
The Chief's line of question is off the mark. He is offside. Kana vakatanga chiri chihure che$5, does it automatically mean kuti subsequently vanofanira kubhadharana for 2yrs? Very disrespectful approach. Kana mukadzi uyu akapembererwa nehama dzemurume uyu, it automatically makes her his wife. He deliberately abandons that fact so that he can continue with his humiliation agenda. Not good
I wsnt happy nemaitiro edare ipapo
Akadhakwa mambo uyu pana choziikanwa
Chief manyama I love him ane wisdom ❤
you are right varikuti abe wisdom not sure what they are basing on.Humilating the poor woman, not necessary
That’s what we call cross examination
Mukadzi uyu arikuda kungwarir murume uyu you cant force love unoguma waurayiwa
Akuda kutora musha wemumwe mukadzi
You should settle disputes and not belittle/or ridicle people,so arrogant these "chiefs".
Havana kudzidza ka zvemutemo haagoni kutonga uyo
King uyu hapana zviripo, machief anozviita madoctor, lawyer zvese ipapo apa haaterere musoro wakaoma ndosaka vakadzi wekuzim wachikudza vana vari 1 wachizonzi mvana zvobva kuma chief akadai.
Zera iri rinoita mwana here iri mai ava pane one ino shota moto apa😂
Uz unenge wapiwa bota kaaaa nhai ko imi munotengera mnhu world 😂😂😂😂😊
Kkkkkk Aya vanhu vepano
Mambo Mutasa murichibaba kkkkkkkk haaaaa makanyanya you are so sophisticated my King 😂😂😂😂sando dzenyu
I love our culture, nyaya kwa Sabhuku or mambo tisati tasvika kuma court. Customary ndozvo
Mambo vanogona kutonga havo..asiwo varume muchinyanyawo aaaah ndomene hayichemedzi
Love haidi force ...unofira mahara 😂
Chokwadi rudo haru manikidzwi.
Zvakaoma mufunge
Ndiri pakato peku wona hangu andisat ndapedza but this lady I feel like ari kudzvanyiriwa coz vanga I vanhu vamisa dzimba asina ruroorwa she also deserves it and vamwe anogona kuto torwa mubhawa asi vachingororwa
You are very correct varikudzvanyirira mukadzi. Kutoenda kwababa nemukadzi kutoratidza kutiaimuda. Dai akamurega Ari kwasisi vake
These men have belittled this woman just because aiva bhishu. Why did they not give the same humiliation to the man akanotenga bhishu.
That's typical of our black society very diabolic and demonic
Taura hako zvakuita kunge ndiye akanonyenga baba ava
This Chief has confused the woman by asking wrong questions. The woman came because she did not get correct answer after reporting for maintenance. men ill treat women. Ignorance of the law has affected her.
Now on correct route
Mambo Tongai zvakanaka ,every person must be treated with respect .
Primitive men indeed
Busy ganging up on the woman
Did they have to laugh as a panel
Fuseki man
If u have time listen till the end not judging ........
I like him too he is not just wise but educated rational and and sound mind kwete zvaana chogodora zvekuvhecherwa nemakuhwa nekuda madrama esocial media
Mukadzi uyo akatochenjerawo fani. She is articulating nyaya dzake mushe mushe. Its just that Mambo agara aita attitude problem naye nenyaya yake yechipfambi pakutanga kwe relationship iyi
Big up Chief Mutasa. Ndinofarira matongero enyu. You are the best
kwaMutasa hakuna vanhu ari well up here all over the world they must build their chief a court.
Amai ava kuda kumanikidza love. $5 for a one night stand !! Vakadzi ve Zimbabwe so… vari panguva yakaoma..
Big up mambo ndatenda hangu Ibenzi mai avo mhunza musha
Sheedzera zirema simbe kuda zvinhu nxaaa
Sheedzera zirema simbe kuda zvinhu nxaaa
I just liked how he respected his work mates ❤
but not this woman
This Mambo deserves an Honorary PhD in Cultural Law! Ndapedza
This chief is well informed of the law and fair. Now thats wisdom.
This chief is educated plus ➕️ he is having more wisdom , , Chigodora must learn from him
You can say that again that chigodora is not nice mhani
I agree
chigodora my favorite anopa vamwe mkana wekuonesana naye
Chigodora akada kutuka nekutuka kkkkkkkm
Chigodora anogona
Kusagona kukwidza zip kunoparira chokwadi 😂😂😂
Instead of being sorrowful that his wife was sick and pray for her to recover he decided to satisfy his ego.
@@ceciliamoono3849 Imagine 🤣🤣🤣
Mambo mutasa musatonge munhu tongai nyaya apo mudzimai uyo mamubatirira dzidzai kutonga mushe samambo musina side
Yes vari kudiscriminater that woman. That man igweregwere Aona kuti mukadzi wake wekutanga adzoka kwakuti iwewe chienda nekuti what what nonsense.
shatap yenyu baba imi hamuna nyaya kurowa nyoro mumba p bed remukadzi wenyu iye achirwara nzenza ya baba dai waida mukadxi wako waiisa hure mumba baba imi mury sasikam
Nhy $5 inotengei desperation yava navakadzi so kurara nemunhu for $5 and the stress after the $5 is not worth it
Madzimai ngatifungei tisazviisa muma problems ekuzvitsvakira
Chokwadi zita rake ratosviba nesuwo tirikuno tichingoonawo
Just imagine $5
5 yese iyo
awana imba ne $5
Indava muchiita sekuti iye mkadzi wacho anenge asingadiwo bonde racho ?kubhadharwa uko kungobhwdharawo otherwise vese vanenge vafadzana
How many Chief are like this Chief in Zimbabwe. I suggest people go to him more than to our courts
Baba taps plz dont forget to follow up on this issue we need to know the ending its very interesting
Mambo awo vatanga kushora coz vanzwa zvekubhadharana. Dont judge someone because of their profession. He must consider kuti pane mwana.
Kkkkkk mai ava vanenge vakart shotei ngaabhadhare murume uyu.
Magistrate's court is more supreme than the chief's court i wonder why these people vari mu court ya mambo after coming from a higher court. Mambo can only interpret what the magistrate ruled but has no power to change anything. I agree mambo knows his game but has no jurisdiction on this one
Ndosaka vanhu vachiroiwa kuramba kurambwa akuda murume by force by fire 😂😂😂😂men got no chill guyz iiihh marwei wacho🤣🤣🤣🙌🏾 one night stand turns into a whole nightmare😆
Marwei ane respect baba😂 mhosva yake kufamba achitsvaga marriage nedemo kkkkkkk zvakaoma
@@MemoryMuchakazikwapamwe pacho panotoda kupinda by Ginde 😂😂😂😂😂😂 tikasadaro hatiroorwe kkkkkkkkkk
Neniwo baba vekupa $5muzvimire munonyanyawo kuda zvinhu 🙌🏿
5 US yaiva yeyi, solong it was one day stand munhu anozvionera...Taurai chokwadi tikubatsirei
Kkkkk short time
Mambo thank you very much .l am happy now .Vanhu ngavarege kujairira love you ,Maria you did the best for my children and myself. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Munhu wese anekonzwero shandura hupenyu hwake. Mukadzi kana aka tanga ari wema $5 then becomes the wife who are we to say hazviite? Even Mwari gives second chances
Taura hako Mambo wakumbunyikidza mkadzi uyu
l think women should be part of the Chiefs Council also
@@gushungomutongi6820 I think varipo but they are not referred too much. Matare ava ne Gender rights awareness although we are NOT equal we appreciate the efforts being made to recognise women persons with rights too. Isu vanhu rume have had it easy
Ndizvo hazvo asi mai ava vakambunyikidza murume coz in the first place aisatombofanirwa kudzoka kt ave nepamuviri kana ainge akabhadharisa mauyiro ndivo asina kujeka
Nooo I guess this woman was right to inform this man kuti im pregnant despite the yekuti nhumbu yakahurwa but they where supposed to respect there agreement from the first then my cheaf is right but let's not forget kuti he is human tooo but his judgement is fairly good
Baba ava vakagara nemukadzi uyj mushure mekhnge mukadzi wavo ayenda now vave kuda kuramba nekuti vadzokerana nemukadzi wavo nharaunda inozviziva zvese itsotsi baba ava
Noooo..mukadzi akaona kuti atoita murume ndokuita pregnant hake kutey...ndizvotinoita izvi...desperation yekutsvaga pekufira
Mai ava havasi bishu. Hapana mukadzi anora...mahara. 2 yrs vachigara pamba. Baba ngavaroore first vozomuramba padare.
chief Mutasa you are the best. keep up the good work
Chief Mutasa munotonga zvisina tsvete keep it up
Mambo should give chance kumunhu kana achipindura mubvunzo he interjects unnecessary,, murume uyu itsotsi vanhu vakatowirirana ava akungo backtrack hake, ko arikurambirei dna test inopedza nyaya yose, akadyiwa kucourt was trying kuedza kwamambo kuti abude munyaya, a wise decision kubva kuna mambo uye nyaya dzakadai ndadziuyeo ma witnesses
Vanhu vanganiko vari kugarisana semurume nemukadzi vasina kubvisirana? Kana iye murume wacho ariye akamutora kuti vagarisane handiti kuzvipira kwake. Zvekuti anga ari bhishu handiti aizviziwa? Matora side already musati mazwa side remukadzi uyo rese. Tongai zviri fair
Kutonga kwacho kwakaoma mmmmh
Wakawanda wari kugarisana pasina pfuma asi wanenge wakatorana zvakanaka,kwete izvo zvechihure iwewe wapihwa mari
This is a well aducated leader pliz may he give one of our chiefs here in Mudzi some lessons utungamiri une chikoro unodiwa chose
Mutasa is very rational one of my favourite chief
Ko chingezi chamambo mtasa🎉
Great Chief, love your legislative knowledge!!!
Chief murikugona zvenyu kutonga but pekuti murume anobvisa kupuro hazviite ,first kunotanga aroora then gupuro rozotevera munashure
Madzimambo havoterwe here nhai kana achivhoterwa I'm going to vote kuna mutasa
Haa ukaona wakuenda ku court kuti udiwe ...zvatodhakwa.
Chokwadi chripachena
Ini anditombomiriri zvematare kutongomisa rimwe bhazi ndokwira ndoenda kana rapera fuel ndokwira rimwe futi😂
Mjolo gone wrong..Mjolo is a pandemic for sho
She is my mumy l will stand with mumy watever pple sae abt Yuu yu are always there for me good mumy dn wrrry
Bt Mambo havasi bhoo ava dai sister avo vanga vasina ma paper ekwa magistrate ayo vangadai vanyura, ma sister manyama ❤
He’s knowledgeable 👏🏾👏🏾
Kana love iyi yaiva yekubhadharana murume uyo ngaabhadhare kugara kwaaakaita nemkadzi uyo for two years sezvo asingamude coz mkadzi akapa service yake mushure mekujutwa brain kuitwa permanent wife asisabhadharwe
Its really a very difficult situation but heads bowed for The Chief he is indeed Good 😊
Kubva zuva ravsoihwa $5,havana here kuzorara neumwe munhu futi, juti vaziti baba ava ndivo murudzi wemwana, DNA test ndiyo ichatonga nyaya
Mmmmm mambo regai mai avo vataure.
Dai this man achingoenda for DNA .
Mambo vanhu vako vekudunhu rako vari online vanokuda but hauna hungwaru. You should have read those documents first before traumatising the poor woman. Madzimambo manyowani need rigorous training before being unleashed on the poor public. Ko vakadiiko kuisa mabo Ezekiel instead of zunguzurwa iri
She wants to be married by fire by thunder
Ini I will never force kuroorwa nemunhu asingandide.mukadzi uyu wanga
Kumanika rudo.anga akura asina kuwana amuroora 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Taurai zvenyu zverudo hazvidi kumanikidzira
Hahahaaaaa... By fire and by thunder
Ishe apo vakatadza kutonga e lady is 100% right. Ishe havagone kutonga even twumadhara utwo twakatsva ma fuse ishe huya kuinbox ndikupei format yematongerwe anoitwa nhaya