The Abomination of Desolation [Matthew

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 40

  • @theway9197
    @theway9197 Год назад +2

    I pray that all watching can make sure they have accepted The Lord Jesus Christ as their personal saviour now . Believe in God, Believe you are a sinner and can do nothing to save yourself. Believe whole heartedly that Jesus sacrificed himself so we could be saved from eternal separation from God and Jesus Christ's finished work was all that was needed to fulfil all righteousness and to make you, ( yes you and I) hopeless sinners Justified and righteous before a Holy , perfect, sinless and living creator God. In other words, when you believe in Christ's finished work on the cross, when God looks at you, he sees a new creature that has been washed clean with Jesus blood. So he now looks at you and sees his Son Jesus. This is the meaning of the Body of Christ. All who accept Jesus Finished sacrifice are placed into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit and are seen as sinless and perfect by a righteous and Holy God who demands a blood sacrfice for sin. So today please pray now that you believe with all your heart that Jesus Died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the Third day according to the scriptures: (1 Cor 15:3,4). Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:9 ) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Shall be saved (if you truly believe )Romans 10:13. For by Grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8,9). All of this is necessary to gain eternal life with our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus because Christ Says" I am the way, the truth and the Life and NO MAN (or woman) cometh unto the Father , but by me" (John 14:6). Apostle Peter said "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."(Acts 4:12). With all this said the above is necessary to understand end time prophecy. Yes Jesus wins his victory over Satan The prince of this world). In fact he won his victory at the resurrection. The rest is just to be played out " ...not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance"(2 Peter 3:9). Our God is so gracious giving everyone an opportunity to turn to him before the end. So if you are saved from the wrath to come. If you have been truly born again as outlined above then end time prophecy is not of any consequence to the saved Christian because we have something no one else has. A living hope in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for eternal life in a sinless paradise. So with that in mind to quote the apostle Paul (our apostle for this Church age and the Apostle to the Gentiles (that is everyone that is not a Jew. So all of us!) . "For God hath not appointed us to WRATH, BUT TO OBTAIN SALVATION BY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST" (1 These 5:9). It is clear that anyone in the BODY OF CHRIST at the end times WILL NOT ENTER THE TRIBULATION period but rather will be translated or raptured before the end times. Apostle Paul again "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."(1 These 4:17). A clear reading of the book of Revelation will demonstrate that the CHURCH is NOT mentioned after chapter 3:22 until Chapter 22:16 (so at the end or actually the new beginning). Remember it is "The Revelation of Jesus Christ". The Tribulation and the second half (the great Tribulation) are referred to as the time of Jacobs trouble. Jacob is Israel and so this is exclusively for the Jewish people . This is supported by the ob'servation that a covenant must be made , the temple rebuilt and temple sacrifices reintroduced . This has absolutely nothing to do with the Church (body of Christ) as the book of revelation shows. A failure to understand this takes away the believers peace which Jesus gives us. God will pour out 21 tribulation judgements on the unbelieving Earth in the last week of Daniels 70 weeks . Millions will die almost everything will be destroyed it will be almost impossible for any one to survive God's wrath at this time and those turning to GOd will be Killed and yes at this time all who endure to the end shall be saved. But this is directed at Jews and Gentiles in this period NOT Christians . "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Mathew 24:13 was given to the Jewish apostles NOT to Christians as end time prophecy. We Christians who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour are immediately reborn as a new creature (2 Cor 5:17)and sealed with the Holy Spirit OF PROMISE until the day of redemption (EPHESIANS 1:13). No one can pluck them out of God's hand (John 10:27-30). This message is offered in Charity and intended to edify and I pray that that all who read it may come to eternal salvation that is only found in our Lord Jesus Christ and for those who are already saved feel comforted and assured by the Apostle Paul that we will not be subject to the wrath to come.PLEASE DDONOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE LIVING ,LOVING AND GRACIOUS GOD FOUND IN OUR LORD AND Saviour Jesus Christ BECAUSE OF YOUR OWN PRIDE. PLEASE TURN ND FACE HIM TODAY AND BELIEVE IN HIS FINISHED WORK TO SAVE YOU FROM YOUR SINS. Amen and praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Even so come Lord Jesus (Rev 22:20).

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 Год назад

      The church is mentioned a few more times but in the resurection. They are Pre-Trib proof text; Rev. 6:11, 12:5, 10-12. A very powerful OT Pre-Trib Rapture text is Isa. 26:19-21 in perfect harmony with Jn. 14:1-3 and Rev. 6:11. ✝💟

  • @rickhuntling7338
    @rickhuntling7338 Год назад +3

    Dan. 9:27 " And HE (Messiah) shall confirm the covenant (Isa. 55:1-7) with the many (every people, tongue, nation and king) for one week (Pasion week) and in the midst of the week (Wed.\Thur. Passover) HE (Messiah) shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease (IT IS FINISHED) and for overspreading abominations (40 years of unacceptable sacrifices) HE shall make it (thy Holy City) desolate (void of thy people) even until the consummation (70th week) and that determined (time of the Gentiles be fulfilled; Jn. 21:24) be poured upon the desolate (Gospel poured out on the children of the desolate).
    Your interpeting "a prince" as "the prince" the Hebrew text hasn't the definite article. Messiah is the antecedent to the pro-form "HE" in 9:27 so there is no anti-christ in 9:27. "consummation" is the last week of the 70 soon to begin. I'm not saying there won't be the son of perdition revealed in the 70th week but he's not the "HE' in Dan. 9:27.
    The "sure mercies of David confirmed the Everlasting Covenant with the many Resurrection Sunday at the end of the Passion week. Isa. 55:3, Ps. 16:10, Acts 13:34, Dan. 9:27.
    Midst of the week ✝️allowed 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth; Mat. 12:40 fulfilled and 1st Pet. 3:18,19 preformed.

    • @rapturesaint
      @rapturesaint Год назад

      Wow. Exactly what I have been saying for 3 years about dan 927

  • @HappyFountainPen-sn7tj
    @HappyFountainPen-sn7tj 9 месяцев назад

    Think...who is it that already declared himself and his predecessors to stand in the place of God...who is it that all the kings (presidents ) world leaders meet with ?? It's a religious leader

  • @tristancollings898
    @tristancollings898 Год назад +4

    Waiting for the temple to be rebuilt is not necessary and will mess up the timing of the end time events. Our body is the temple of God (1 Corinthians 3).
    Destruction of the temple and placing the abomination happens to the body.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 10 месяцев назад

      You're correct the 3rd Temple will never be built.

  • @Prodigal_Sheep_
    @Prodigal_Sheep_ 7 месяцев назад +2

    First of all, the KJV of Daniel 9 is the only uncorrupted version of this prophecy, because all others have been changed to fit a false narrative encouraged by the enemy.
    Daniel 9:26-27
    And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
    Proper Explanation:
    - Who is "He"?
    Messiah, the prince, can only be Jesus.
    - Who are the ones carrying out the judgement?
    People of the prince were the Romans in Israel who carried out the siege in 70 ad, fulfilling Ezekiel 5.
    - Desolate
    Desolate refers to the former temple made of human hands which now no longer represents God's Spirit, but has been reallocated to the human bodies of the Church, where our hearts reside. The pouring out occurs after the sanctuary has been made already desolate identifying the order
    of occurrence that matches a historical understanding and conflicts with a future version (a future 3rd, man-made temple). See John 2:19.
    - What are the "abominations" plural?
    The abominations are the false, unrepentant, religiously defiled forms of worship that occurred
    when Jesus found The House of Prayer used for other sinful purposes around 30 AD. See Matthew 21:13.
    - The consummation.
    Consummation identifies the fullness of His out-pouring of wrath for the abominations and refusal of receiving Messiah. See Isaiah 28:22.
    - The time context is?
    Daniel 9 refers to 70 ad.
    -The Covenant
    Jesus fulfilled the first 3.5 years of the 70th week during His 3.5-year ministry on earth, and was cut off for our transgressions (not for His own sake), effectively ceasing the practices of animal sacrifice and religious works, and CONFIRMING the New Covenant in His blood, which was shed for us. See Jeremiah 31:31-34, 2 Corinthians 3:6, and Matthew 26:28.
    - Fulfillment of 70th Week
    The last 3.5 years of the 70th week could be fulfilled during the 42 months spoken of in Revelation 11:2 and 13:5; as well as the "time, times, and half a time" in Daniel 7:25, 12:7, and Revelation 12:14.
    Assumptions read into just 3 verses of Daniel commonly preached that don't exist in the bible.
    1) Separating verse 26 to include a second figure other than Jesus.
    - This is a deceptive attempt to add a replacement for Christ, injecting the antichrist into a text
    where it clearly provides no grammatic means to assume so.
    2) Identifying the second figure as the antichrist.
    - Only one figure is mentioned in this verse: Jesus. Not the antichrist.
    3) Replacing the destructive role commanded by Jesus and giving it over to antichrist
    - This robs Jesus of His role as the Judge against the sin of rebellion.
    - By doing this, you replace Christ: antichrist.
    4) Falsely identifying the purpose of the destruction as unwarranted action from an enemy, "antichrist"
    - The destruction mentioned is judgement due to rebellion. RIGHTEOUS judgment.
    5) Separately identifying the ruler, "antichrist" and an army when the bible simply says "people of the prince."
    - Based on common misunderstandings of Daniel 9, and presuppositions, this has influenced translations of the bible and is evident by the changes to this chapter. An attempt to place the antichrist in this prophecy and apply it to the future rather than history robs Christ of the credit and glory of fulfillment.
    6) Some translations add an object placed in Jerusalem where this ruler will be.
    - A statue of the antichrist. Knowing satan's nature of deception, false elements will likely be seen as evidence that this misinterpretation is actually being fulfilled. It's complete deception. Jesus' very first warning concerning the end times was, "See that you are not deceived!"
    7) Assuming "the" covenant is a peace treaty or just a treaty in general.
    - The text clearly says the "covenant," making it only one possible option: the New Covenant. See Jeremiah 31:31. When this is changed to a treaty, it refers to peace established in Israel, which is all false!
    8) Providing application of this false treaty to only Israel.
    -The New Covenant is God's redemption and applies to all of mankind!
    9) Misidentifying the "abominations," plural, as a singular, future event.
    - Verb usage of "overspreading" proves that it happens over time, not in a singular event.
    - Changing it to a singular makes it an event in time not rebellious actions over time.
    10) Misidentifying the falsely-assumed purpose of the abominations as an attempt to defile a temple in the future.
    - The future abominations are a re-occurrence of the desire to resume temple worship.
    11) Misidentifying / renaming the "sanctuary" as a "temple"
    - This leads to further misinterpretation in Revelation.
    12) Assuming the 7 years, or final week, of the 70 weeks in total is reserved solely for a tribulation period.
    - Jesus said that the Church will have tribulation until He comes, meaning, for the entire Church age. However, Jacob's Trouble and the wrath of the Lamb are set apart (also not 7 years long).
    13) Failure to pause the 70th week in the middle, as the week when Messiah was cut off halfway to confirm the New Covenant with "many," (being the entire world).
    - Messiah preached 3 1/2 years before the cross, making His crucifixion occur halfway through the week.
    14) Some translations falsely phrase "until the very end" for a time indicator of this prophetic event in verse 26.
    -This would imply that it happens just before the second coming. Again, this is based on previous assumptions made elsewhere in this chapter.
    - The antichrist and false prophet figures seek to change times and traditions.
    15) Some translations change the role/order of "desolate" and "abomination," making one the cause of the other.
    - Because of Israel's abominations, the physical temple and religious practices were made "desolate." Then, the temple was raised up in Jesus' body on the third day, and the Church (the body of Christ) became the temple of the Holy Spirit! This desolation (emptiness/void of the Spirit) continues until the outpouring of God's wrath, when "that determined" (God's wrath) is poured out upon those who are "desolate" (those in rebellion to God; those who don't have the Holy Spirit within them).
    16) Assuming that the antichrist would want to end sacrifice and oblation.
    - Knowing the antichrist wants to draw people away from Jesus, and is meant to replace Christ, why would he restrict the very practice that Jesus put an end to with His own death and resurrection? That makes absolutely no sense! This is clearly a lie from the enemy!
    Results of the errors in interpreting Daniel 9:27 are robbing Jesus the glory for fulfilling this prophecy historically and the execution judgement He completed. Offering replacement theology of Christ's role in this prophecy and enabling people to promote rebuilding a temple and sacrifice resulting in rebellion again, actually causes the judgement again. "Tribulation!" God will allow this false teaching and chaos to be leveraged against Israel as a means of refining by fire. The antichrist has his role as a vehicle of destruction. Tempting anyone to commit sin is worse than sinning by oneself. However tempting or promoting others to sin by means of active rebellion against Messiah is worthy of the greatest punishment: global Tribulation. Globally, because red heifers were sent from America by gentiles, which now involves the nation conspiring against Messiah. His response will match the scale mankind inclines. I understand the Tribulation period to be in direct response to active rebellion to rebuild a temple made of human hands just like the one God destroyed in 70 AD for that reason alone. If the same action occurs in the future, knowing God's nature remains the same, then I know His response will be destruction and tribulation unlike the world has ever seen before. Just like Ezekiel chapter 5 describes Israel's judgement for rebellion against Messiah the first time. Round 2 is going global! And it looks like the church is involved with helping to promote it! I plead with you to repent! Pray to Jesus for mercy! Separate yourself from these abominations! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

    • @jetrito4556
      @jetrito4556 17 дней назад

      You are the Ark of the Covenant!!
      The promise is the Holy Ghost, and those who receive Christ, the Holy Spirit will dwell within you.
      Your spirits also belong to the Almighty and will return to Him.
      There is a battle between Good and evil, and evil wants to sit in the temple of God.
      Understand, you are that temple, and evil wants to invade it, and proclaim himself god. Do NOT let your temple become an abomination to God, and let satan desolate it from his presence!
      Read, research, and understand scripture in its context in the present time we are living. Science has evolved. 🧠☁️💾

  • @jetrito4556
    @jetrito4556 17 дней назад

    You are the Ark of the Covenant!!
    The promise is the Holy Ghost, and those who receive Christ, the Holy Spirit will dwell within you.
    Your spirits also belong to the Almighty and will return to Him.
    There is a battle between Good and evil, and evil wants to sit in the temple of God.
    Understand, you are that temple, and evil wants to invade it, and proclaim himself god. Do NOT let your temple become an abomination to God, and let satan desolate it from his presence!
    Read, research, and understand scripture in its context in the present time we are living. Science has evolved. 🧠☁️💾

  • @rickhuntling7338
    @rickhuntling7338 Год назад +1

    I can help you because I didn't prepare a sermon, I dedicated 10 years in Daniel. Your chart should look like this
    454 bc < 7 week> the vision and prophecy sealed by the sealing of the Tankh in 405 bc < 62 weeks > ✝️in 31 ad < Ezek. 4:6,7 40 years > Temple destroyed 70 ad < about 2000 cubits of years 70th week; Joshua 3:4.

    • @streetprophet007
      @streetprophet007 Год назад

      What's the 70th week? I understand that the first 69 weeks have passed, its over 2000 years now.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 Год назад

      @@streetprophet007 the 70th week is the Great Tribulation aka Jacob's Trouble.
      Joshua 3:4 the Ark passes by Israel till there is a space "gap" of "about 2000 cubits" symbolizing when the blood testimony of CHRIST passed by Israel in 31 ad. Until they complete Daniel 9:24 by setting aside the Mosaic Covenant, bring in CHRIST Covenant of Righteousness by faith, trust and belief and anoint HIM "Most Holy" one of Israel King of Israel at the end of the 70th week. Jer. 31:31-33, Isa. 55:1-7.

    • @rapturesaint
      @rapturesaint Год назад

      ​@rickhuntling7338 it's strange how you understand the identity of the he as being the Messiah, yet do not understand that the Messiah was cut off in the midst of the 70th week.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 Год назад

      @@rapturesaint I ask you why you can't see the grammar says "consummation" will be the 70 week of Daniel played out soon. Isreal has only sealed the vision and prophecy in 405 bc with the Tanakh sealed. To accomplish the rest the Nation needs to call on HIS name, enter HIS New Everlasting Covenant, anoint JESUS their King seated in the Holy City. Lk. 21:24 says the city will be trodden under foot while the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Well last time I looked, Jordan owns parts of the Holy City. When we see Israel annex the rest of the Holy City, look up your redemption draweth near. ✝💟

    • @rapturesaint
      @rapturesaint Год назад

      @rickhuntling7338 exactly 💯 the covenant (definite article) Jesus came to confirm was the kingdom covenant for the Jews (to believe Jesus was the promised Messiah).
      The definite article was regarding a prophecy that was already known to Daniel at the time of his writing.
      Which prophecy? By his predecessor Jeremiah the prophet. Read Jeremiah 31:31-34. This was the prophecy promised by God, prophesied by Jeremiah & again prophesied by Daniel.
      Fast forward to Jesus' earthly ministry.
      While some Jews believed, the rest didn't. So they could not enter into the kingdom of heaven (the promised land).
      In the midst of the 70th week (926) the Messiah was cut off. Wasn't Jesus' earthly ministry for 3.5 years?
      So the kingdom that was confirmed at the beginning of that 70th week can only come to a completion during the 2nd half of the 70th week (Jacob's trouble).
      It's during Jacob's trouble (2nd half of the 70th week) shall they finally call upon the name of the Lord. It's when they will finally come to their senses & realise Jesus was indeed the Messiah whom they rejected 2000 years ago.
      Then Jacob's 70th week gets completed. And once again, "I will be their God, and they Will be my people".

  • @rickhuntling7338
    @rickhuntling7338 Год назад +1

    I have the year, the day and the hour. Nisan 14th 454 bc at the 9th hour. Exactly at the ninth hour Nisan 14th 31 ad Messiah is cut off 483 years later.
    2nd witness 454 bc Ezek.4:1-5 390 year prophecy began ending in "iron" symbol for Roman pan siege of Pompey in 63 bc.
    3rd witness Ezek. 6,7 GOD bears the Abominations of Judah continuing to sacrifice animals after "it is finished" on the ✝️in 31 ad end in Titus iron pan siege in 63 ad.
    Mat. 24:15 will be when Jews erect an Ezra 3 Altar to make an animal sacrifice on the Temple Mt. If in Judea and you see these these things RUN for the Moutians the GT has been triggered.

  • @BennyNegroFromQueens
    @BennyNegroFromQueens Год назад

    Sounds like Trump.