After 21 years of trying to figure out God’s will for my life, I had an epiphany. One early morning at around 2:AM. I was restless and seeking God , what came next was simple and liberating. His will for my life…….To know Him and to make Him known!
Study Buddy The Holy Spirit. To obey is better than sacrifice. Pursue Peace Prioritise Discipline of Thinking About Destiny. Still small voice? Read The Text & Don't Be Continually Hexed or Vexed or Politically Correct Generation X Y Z Box Ticker. Go phishing or do one to one personal witnessing. It's a blisteringly tough act to follow. In the daylight Noah. And in the evening when the sun goes down. Get A Round Inn. Echo Sounding Chicken Ding Bing Bong Don't. Bob Marley Movie advertised On Stagecoat Buses. I like Robert Harris John Grisham Lee Child/Jim Grant. Adam Ant Feast Of Stephen Grieving? Hope anchored. Amazing Scandalous Outrageous G reat R iches A t C hrist's E xpense Yeah Yeah Amen Do It Again Can't Buy A Thrill? Styx Rivers & Robots Nothing Compares To You Yahweh Mashiach Yeshua Sinead O'Connor obituary. I'd rather have an Audience With Ken Ham Kent Hovind than an Audience With The Pope Vicar Of Christ Vatican Prosperity TV Evangelists Retirement Homes Under The Hammer. Whoops Apocalypso Polka Flamenco Tango Waltz Military Two-Step Limbo How Low Can Hugo Victor Les Miserables Wretches Mario Puzo Godfather Mafioso Connections Corsican Napoleon Bonaparte ousted a Pope Emporer's New Clothes without a stitch on Breakspear first English Pope Soap On A Rope. Judgement At Nuremberg Burt Lancaster Spencer Tracy Montgomery Clift Richard Widmark Judy Garland Somewhere Over The Rainbow Hijacked Kidnapped Don't Look Back In Anger O A Sis thanks for the update.
While I don't agree with this teaching - God definitely still speaks to people - I totally agree with your message. I had the same epiphany really, word for word. To know Him and make Him known!
@@lifebleeds86 Sure. What I disagree with is questioning someone else's conversational relationship with God. People hear from Him in different ways. I personally have heard the voice of God audibly one time. Other times I have felt his leading in subtler ways. I agree that if one really wants to hear what He has to say then we should keep reading what He has already said and had written down for us, and He will speak through it. But that doesn't mean He won't also speak in other, more personal ways. Like dreams, visions, open or closed doors in response to specific prayers, peace in the right decision, or a still small voice, etc.
I commend you on the truth you just spoke. Being 69 years old, I only came to the same conclusion you have spoken about 15 years ago. Ever since then I no longer ask what his will is in my life. Can't be any happier and satisfied since. Being the best Christian I can be is my greatest challenge, no matter what I do. Sometimes I do well, and other times not so great. But thank God for his grace.
I’ll tell you Sean, I do think I’ve heard God speak to me. In many times and many ways and I’ve seen each time produce amazing fruit. And I do think it’s 100% biblical. But I would describe it more in terms of the indwelling Holy Spirit rather than introspection. There seems to me to be a sudden sense of clarity about certain things and like suddenly the Holy Spirit indicates to my soul that it is in alignment. I know a lot of people have this experience and we’re not crazy. I think learning to participate not just physically in Christianity but spiritually is key. Jesus is often discerning things that are just under the surface or speaking prophetically. If we emulate Him or the disciples we have to ask how we actually do that. I have spoken prophetically, I don’t do it often and it was both specific and timely. And I really felt what I would call a sudden flash of insight and a sense of urgency about it. I know it’s just one comment here and will get buried but if you aren’t pursuing Gods specific will for your life I think you are seriously missing a huge piece of your relationship with Him. Don’t give up on the miraculous just because it isn’t happening for you exactly the way it happens for others.
I have heard from the Lord many times... audible and still small voice. Audible: I was reading the bible, and He (the God of the Bible) started reading with me. Isaiah 53 Still small voice: Countless
He never said people don't hear from God, he said the opposite. It is important though that we not mistake our own heart for the will of God because the Bible states that happens often.
I was recently asked to return to a management job that I left 5 years ago, that I had loved, but it had also caused tremendous stress. I met different interviewing members 4 times and never felt good about it, but knew I was the best choice for the job. I felt I couldn't escape it. I asked God to close the door if it wouldn't be good for me, but if he kept it open, I would go even though I didn't want to. Unexpectedly, the current manager's new position elsewhere fell through and he remained in the position, closing the door for me. I was so happy! The manager got a refreshed deal and he's happier now, too!
These scriptures instruct us to quiet our hearts before the Lord - Psa 46:10, Psa 62:5, Hab. 2:20, Ecc. 5:1. Dialing down the stimulation of the flesh in my experience has been on of the best ways for me to get in touch with the heart of God.
Sean, big fan of your content and I understand how the point of the message is not to be paralyzed and passively wait for God’s will to be completely displayed in order for decisions to be made, but I think there are a few things that could be said differently. 1. In the story of Gideon, I believe that even though THE point of the story in context is not for us to use see the fleece “approach” as the way to find God’s will, I think it can be ONE point the story reveals that God sometimes can reveal his will via signs we request. 2. In the story of Elijah I could have understood wrong, but the way you put it is that Elijah was a super character in the Bible (which I also believe he was unique), and because of that we won’t hear God as he did. I think the story in a way can be interpreted as the opposite. It shows exactly that God doesn’t necessarily speak in huge demonstrations of supernatural events, but that he does in simple forms such as a still small voice. We shouldn’t wait for massive signs to understand God’s will. 3. I think you could have used examples such as when Paul was serving at the church and while praying and fasting the Holy Spirit spoke to prophets and teachers in the church to reveal that Paul and Barnabas should be sent in missions. This highlights how the prayer and fasting, and listening to the community around can be a key aspect in sharing God’s will when decisions such as “should I move states or not?” or “should I marry this person or not?” All the best! Overall great ending about God wanting us transformed at the end, but I think the message could have been more complete.
@@kurtrrrro But, God didn't ALWAYS speak when they prayed and fasted. We have free will to make choices, but He expects us to use biblical wisdom. Paul even said he didn't marry because he chose not to. He said he could have if he wanted to. We have the freedom to make our own choices. God could have used Paul whether he married or not. Paul mentions that he would have a responsibility to his wife, and that would not be a bad thing, but he chose not to marry so he could give all his time to preaching the Gospel. God would not have thought any less of Paul if he married. Remember, God could cause the rocks to preach if He wanted to. God doesn't NEED anybody, but everybody needs God. That's something most people don't get. His ultimate plan won't be ruined when we use our free will to make decisions in this life that He gave us. That's a small god if that is true.
@SeanMcDowell I only lasted as a Christian for 3 years, guess I was sown in the rocky soil. But I find it fascinating as well. I think it’s because there’s so much talk about following/seeking God’s will in churches that claim to be fundamentally Biblical. Your thoughts here, which seem quite sound to me, seem to illustrate how superficial such utterances are. If God’s will is not a set of ad hoc prescriptions for whatever situation you find yourself in, but is really just “be holy” and follow the Bible, churches should dispense with all talk of “seeking God’s will.” I suspect such talk arises from leadership’s inability to provide clear answers to specific problems members of the congregation present them with. We are told to consult scripture for everything, but scripture will not necessarily give you clarity on a specific decision you are facing. Leadership should be more honest about that. I think they can’t generally because it would hint that the Bible is not the final authority in all matters.
@@En_PissantGreetings BadassDragonFromHeck. It's nice that you can be reflective about your own journey, including a distancing from Christian community. You are gesturing at the need to have a rich tradition, both philosophical and theological, to better engage with Biblical literature. Could I suggest that, when your time and will permits, you consider a study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church? I suspect that would be useful for you. Take care and let me wish you the best, BadassDragonFromHeck. 😅
You shattered every way that I thought I was supposed to “discern” Gods will in my life these past 20 years…and it helped me understand why I struggled so much with making decisions…wondering what was Gods will for my life…I realize that what I need to do is pray, ask for Gods wisdom and read His word. Allowing Him to mold me more into His image in every way imaginable. Thank you!
My dad, a very godly pastor, used to say, “love God and do whatever you want“. As long as we are loving God with all that that entails, we are free to choose whatever vocation, spouse, school, life plan etc., etc..
It should say: love God and live by the bible. Do what you want is Never a good advice. You do a lot of harm when you Tell Young people this. So always do what tells the bible, Not your Heart or Others.
@@Jesusisyourrescue if you love God you will obey the Bible. But it won't tell you who to marry. It was also a different generation. Young people today don't know much Bible. My parents generation read it daily.
@@waterssolar5025Denying yourself and taking up your cross means to endure persecution that others put on you. It doesn't mean to deny YOU. Your old man died with Christ and the new man lives. Don't deny the new man that God created.
This is a very insightful sermon, and though I agree with much of what was said, classifying the first three "ways of hearing" God's will as "myths" is not helpful in my opinion. I would rather argue that we sometimes overcomplicate matters by overemphasising these "ways" instead of focusing on what God has already said. However, there is still something to be said for the experience of God directing us in personal ways through His Spirit whether it is through a still voice or peace in our heart after prayer and seeking Him. Of course, an open door isn't necessarily God leading us, but it can also be. I agree that we shouldn't overcomplicate or overspiritualise God speaking to us, but at the same time we believe (and pray) that God does also "order our steps" in personal ways.
Best speech / sermon on the Will of God that I have ever heard!! That is so clarifying. I will certainly be quoting your words for years to come. Thank you!
Love love love this. I heard a similar teaching about a decade ago and it totally changed my life. It is so freeing to know that we don’t need to find some secret will of God every time we need to make a decision! Thank you for sharing this.
Been feeling a lot of things on “direction” and “listening” and having a certain pressure or weight to hear God this year after an extended season of difficulty. Hearing this gave me some much needed perspective on my role as a son and the ways I can be obedient. Thanks for this!
Ive heard from God in many different forms.. an incredible sense of peace (this is not your everyday-type of peace), closed doors (literally impossible decisions, where Ive tried a dozen ways to do something and even nature intervenes etc), then Ive had visions, dreams, sermons, prophecy said to me, and finally him speaking directly to my soul, by which i can discern every word to a T, and I have writtek and documented these messages in a journal, and I share them with other brothers and sisters in christ, for his glory.
Beautiful message. This was a tension I’ve struggled with for the longest. I’ve always wondered why God seemed so silent to me but spoke to everyone else. Couldn’t understand why everyone else had God clearly answer and guide decisions where mine fell on deaf ears. I took new job opportunities , promoted, never laid off but never loved what I did so those doors seemed open. I came to similar conclusion that it was never God or not God. It was just wisdom. It was not unwise to take those roles as it did not affect my family or service to God. I just learned there were roles that drained me more than gave me energy. I have been the most discontent when I felt I needed more or clear answer for God’s will in my life and lost focus of knowing him, going through further sanctification and sharing the gospel.
Amen. I found all the same answers when I daughter God’s sovereign will only to discover I hadn’t been concerned with what He revealed in scripture. Immediately I started seeing “this is the will of God…” and started obeying. I no longer needed Gods master plan for me because what I found was God and a hunger for more of Him.
This was so helpful as a new believer! Thank you for breaking this down to the CORE of what God wants for do, think and be like Christ. Decisions made from that perspective SHOULD lead to wise choices. Great help! Thank you. God Bless.
The best advice I would give somebody like the one who's asking this question as he is in the video is to learn the difference between the voice of the conscience and the voice of the Lord. My personal experience with him and also the scriptures confirmed that one of these voices is one that testifies against you while the other is one that justifies on your behalf. Both of them are from God and they are not the only ways that he speaks
@@edithwillis2762 Same here. Sometimes I think I hear from Him. But, I learned that when it was Him, He always confirmed it in a way I never saw coming. I never assumed until it was confirmed somehow.
I feel the will of God for me now that I finally retired from his will to run my restaurant the past 38 years, to doing all I can do with the help of the Holy Spirit to make sure I will see my 5 children and 11 grandmunchkins in heaven!
There is much more to be said about this topic. Let's not underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit who is "the comforter or the counselor" in us and we can and should cultivate our spiritual ears to listen to Him.
Yes, and I hope Sean would agree. Certainly we read many times in Acts where the Holy Spirit clearly and directly spoke, directed, prophesied, forbade, etc. to Peter, Phillip, Agabus, a group of prophets in Antioch,and Paul. And I don't believe that the Bible teaches that the movement, the direction, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased at any time in history.
Same thinking I had as well. All due respect to Dr. Carroll, while I agree broadly on the latter part of his lecture, the first part of his "myth" shattering, especially the still, small voice in Kings, seems a tad simplistic.
I think Sean has cherry picked here. The holyspirit was a clear director in the New Testament. Eg Acts 16:6 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. 7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.
I heard the audible voice of GOD,HE SAID "DO NOT FEAR"...after that i NEVER had fear of anything, also i experience an inner voice telling me things which comes to pass,dreams visions all come to pass I am currently praying for Ayyutholla Khaminei and all muslims to be touched by Jesus Christ.....nothing is impossible with my God
Thank you so much for this Sean. This spoke to me very powerfully and provided a lot of clarity and something I rarely experience - some peace of mind. Thank you again and thank you God for using Sean to illuminate scripture around a subject so many struggle with.
I appreciate everything that you are doing for the kingdom. I totally agree with your point on God‘s will. I think that’s going to set a lot of people free although I am not totally tracking with your points about hearing from God. I do believe that he speaks today. God craves relationship with us. And that communication should not be one-sided. I do believe that communication is two sided. Although, I do think most of God‘s communication is words of encouragement and bringing scripture to mind. Not specific instruction.
Aaaahhhh, your messages are SO insightful.😊 In prayer, I will ask for something or pray for someone and at the end of the prayer say, in FAITH.....Thy will be done.🙏🏻 WHATEVER then happens, I have peace with, whether the prayer is "yes" or "no", it will work out according to His divine Will and Plan. This is such a fantastic way and well explained message of what God's will is.....and I always think.... He gave us all logical minds to think with, to make decisions 😅 and wisdom as you the books on wisdom in the Bible. Thanks from SA 👑🇿🇦
Wow! You pulled together so many of my random thoughts about how to live faithfully as God's servant. I felt these thoughts were insufficient and kept waiting for God's will to fall on me. I will hold this message and return to it to internalize it more deeply. Thank you!
My wife was on the brink of death.2020. I broke down, cried out to Jesus. He answered. "TRUST ME". Just like a friend. I my distress HE heard me. I went to bed and slept. 119 days later she coma home. We had 2 yrs 8 mts before she went home to be with our Lord. Time to expect and be willing for her end. I await to her his voice at my end. God bless.
Im going to bring this info to my keeds the next time I have time with them. I raised my first daughter to know about Jesus. I ruined my life after coming down with a neurological disorder. My faith and raising my children to know the Lord stopped. My two youngest children became lost due to my reaction to suffering. Im urgently trying to bring them to know Christ and his teachings. Sermons like this are filled with wisdom and im not leaving my faith again.
Please pray for my son who has walked away from God. He has a neurological disease that his Dad died of. He has 4 kids that are not in church. Their only Christ like influence is from Grandparents. I contistantly pray and have faith that he will come back to his faith.
So interesting. I too was taken over by a severe nerve disorder. Severely painful. I too, became angry…suicidal…depressed. It’s VERY difficult to go for years having your life, dreams, and abilities stripped from you while being tortured 24/7. God bless you and strengthen you and guide you in rebuilding your faith and relationships.
I enjoy your interpretations of biblical truths. I may not always agree 100% but it is lovely to hear someone put the brain power and the spiritual work into discerning God’s will.
Thank You Lord for this wonderful message 🙏🏼thru Sean.. it’s 7:20am right now Philippines and just prayed earlier that God pls help me 😭note for my Maid of honor speech.. wow and after awhile I saw this on my fyp wooh I am so grateful am going to quote God’s will on my speech.. thank you so much God bless everyone…. To God be all the Glory 🙌 Thank you so muccccchhhhhhh Lord for the wisdom 💙 my heart is full… (The bride is my bff she’s a daughter of a Pastor.. pov June wedding) Thank you 🙏🏼 woohoo
I also discovered this truth for myself several years ago when (surprise surprise) I started earnestly studying the word for the first time. Nobody had to tell me, its already been wrapped it up so neatly, thank you Sean for your powerful ministry.
Excellent presentstion. This has taken a huge weight off my shoulders. Im comstantly confused as to what God wants me to do. Now I know I can do it wherever I happen to be. Thank you so much for this wisdom.
Absolutely love this, this was very helpful for me. Would’ve loved more of an emphasis on a dedicated life of prayer, but I suppose that’s part of seeking wisdom in scripture, sanctification, and loving God! Thank you for allowing God to speak through you in this sermon.
Thanks for this beautiful message! Sometimes we miss the point of our lives and we think we are missing out on some things this world can offer, but to be with Christ, becoming more like Him, to be with Him, to be Loved by Him, is the greatest meaningful task we can ever have. I would like to add to all of this: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33 Blessings to all :)
This has been a topic I have struggled with for years. I needed to hear this. You are telling truths that so many pastors teach false on. I believed those teachings too. I thought you could discern answers in prayer from the Holy Spirit. I still think at times God leads hearts, but you have opened my eyes that it can not be relied on as biblical truth. Often I would pray on some big choice, not get an answer and wonder what I was doing wrong. This line of thought had me making choices that would fall through, then I would wonder why because I thought it was God's will. Thank you for this. It lines up biblically and with my life experiences.
Growing up in a pentecostal church we heard " if you can imagine the plan God has for your life then that's not it. Because His plan is soooo much bigger!" Most of the youth lost faith over the years. I now go by these, God doesn't care where you are. He cares who you are where you are. And The heart of man plans his ways but the Lord determines his steps.
Great video! So many times we take passages out of context to find God's will. However sometimes it is a good thing to take some passages and ignore others about God's will.
Yes!!!!!!! I have been thinking about this concept for the last couple years and lot, and wanting to write an article on this. Exactly. God’s will is that we be holy and more like him. It’s not this mystical thing. Thank you!
What about people like David who constantly asked God before they did things? And God simply answered them and they knew exactly what His will was. It does not say how God spoke to David but yet he always got an answer.
@@dartheli7400 They are clear examples of people asking the Lord for specific guidance about their particular situation and God answered them. So it is clearly Biblical to do that. And not Biblical to say God does not give such guidance or only speak through the Bible.
@@jehanswanepoel4854 I think you might be oversimplifying things here, by only considering the aspects that fit your preferences. As you already hinted at, God didn‘t always answer his people by speaking directly to them. Moreover, God oftentimes didn‘t give an answer at all. God answered his people regarding significant events/topics, not in everyday matters. His people didn‘t have a complete Bible, especially not in the OT. God doesn‘t act the same throughout history. There might be more aspects, but I think these suffice to falsify your comparison.
@@dartheli7400 Firstly I must correct you: it would actually be VERY convenient for me to believe that specific guidance like what David received is not God's way for us. That means I can simply follow God's instructions in the Bible and not worry about hearing God's voice etc. That is so simple and gives me more control over my life. Only I am not convinced it is correct because in the Bible there are so many examples where God spoke to people and gave them very specific instructions that no amount of Bible study could ever give them. Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David were led by SPECIFIC instructions from God. I do not believe the Bible say that this guidance is only for certain individuals. I will be studying this topic more...
@@jehanswanepoel4854 Another aspect came to my mind when reading your comment: God gave answers to specific chosen people (e.g. prophets, apostles, etc.), not to everyone. So if you want to compare yourself to the prophets or the apostles, go for it. I hope you‘re ready to live up to the expectations, accordingly. I commend you for studying this topic more.
Yes, and the greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. We also have a duty to confess our faith.
@@marytaelliottEveryone has their gift from God. He didn't make EVERYONE an evangelist. Some were mere table servers. But, EVERY gift is needful and valuable.
I love this! When you think about it, to good and to avoid evil is the basic formula to live a good life. The principal piece of doing good is to know and love God and seek salvation in Jesus Christ. When you have a well-formed conscience, the other decisions in life will become easier.
I love how Sean acknowledged that God does speak to His people, and has even drawn people through supernatural means, though such cases are rare and supernatural. However, the main thrust of this is to heed his revealed will in the Scriptures and make Spirit-filled decisions, through godly wisdom.
WOW!! I’ve been a Christian my entire life and have never heard God’s Will taught this way. Through experience I’ve deduced it to an extent, but have still held on to some of those beliefs you debunked using Scripture. I’m going to share this with my 11 year old as he’s always wondering how to know God’s will and how he can know God is speaking. Amazing!
I was so confused on this topic As a young man who went behind god's will ( the concept which you told in the beginning ) and failed Thank you sean for this I had so many doubts about it Thank you so much for this
Sean I hope you read this. This teaching has freed me up so much! Always looking and wondering what Gods will is for me. The final answer his will is for me to do Christs will no matter what I do!!!! This is so freeing thank you Sean!!! ( I also am 69)
Aw thanks. Praise God keep up the encouraging word and may God bless you and yours richly! Your Dads books were read by me many years ago bless him too
Your summary was great. It really was! Myth 2 and 3 were important to tackle and so cringy. However, to say that God does not speak in a still, small voice and then to go so far as to call it a "myth" is nonsense. Within the past two months I had the impression to ask someone for something, only to find out later that when I felt that impression the Holy Spirit told the exact guy to expect our conversation. I could go on and on. I'm grateful for you and your ministry, but for you to call it a "myth" is puzzling. I hope God starts speaking to you! Jack Deere's book on the subject would be great.
@@carlythe80s the Bible is the number one way God speaks, but he also wants to speak to us in a variety of ways and we check that by seeing if it aligns with Scripture
I also had a problem with his "Myth #1". To say Elijah was different (aka 'special') and that we shouldn't expect God to talk to us like that is bad teaching. a) If that were the case, we would exclude examples of Jesus, Peter, Paul, Moses, Mary, David, etc. because they were exception-al. Unfortunately, we tend to pedestal-ize (and trivia-ize) Jesus so much that we completely dismiss our ability to be 'like Him,' even though God's intention is to make us 'like Him' in all ways. b) James 1: 17 says that "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours," which I interpret to mean 'follow his example', 'study his life', and 'aspire to be like him.' c) So, the conclusion that God doesn't speak in a "still, small voice" because Elijah was unique and present at the transfiguration is just plain wrong.
I Was told repeatedly God speaks in a small voice ot just a quiet whisper when I was a new believer. It caused a lot of pain and confusiob until I had someone come in my life and teach me how to study the bible. We need to be careful sharing this
I have been living and speaking your exact message for 15yrs now. Peace!! The following vs was also very helpful for me. I had revelation that my responsibility was to "steadfast in my attempt to stand on the Word". God will thereby make me unmovable and i will abound in His works. My only responsibility is to live life moment by moment in steadfast love and obedience to His Word...the fruit of such will bring unmovabilty and and abundant living in kningdom terms. Peace is the greatest guide in this "steadfast living". 1 Cor 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
2 books in agreement with Sean's understanding of God's will - 1) "Decision Making and the Will of God", by Garry Friesen, with J. Robin Maxson, and 2) "Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God's Will", by Kevin DeYoung. My 2-sentence synopsis of them: live the WAY God wants us to live, i.e., according to the teaching of Scripture (2 Tim. 3:14-17), and you'll be living within God's Moral WILL. He'll let you know if you need to do anything special as regards His Sovereign Will (which, as Sean says, happens, Biblically speaking, rarely, yet clearly, meaning no ambiguity, and supernaturally, i.e., meaning with some sort of attesting sign/miracle so you know the message is from God).
I agree completely, Sean, and this is a much-needed message. What it highlights is that Christians many times 'take our cues' from Christian culture around us rather than from scripture. In recent years several 'spin off' doctrines about God 'speaking' to Christians have come to my attention and both are sourced from the gospel of John. One is them is John 10:27 which in the KJV reads: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me: The usual intepretation of this verse is 'See, all Christians are supposed to be receiving audible voice revelation from Jesus.' However, in the local context this verse is not talking about all Chirstians personally receiving audible voice revelation from Jesus but it IS talking about Chirsitans HEEDING Jesus' teaching. All it really takes to understand what Jesus means in John 10:27 is to simply read through the whole chapter. The second passage is John 16:13 which in the KJV reads: Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. The portion of this verse people focus on in "he will guide you into all truth" and from that portion alone they conclude that the Holy Spirit guides all Christians living in all eras into all truth. But here again, the context matters: If you back up all the way to the start of chapter 13 you discover that this remark is part of Jesus' teaching at The Last Supper to HIS DISCIPLES. A few of Jesus' remarks are made to 'anyone' (14:23) or about 'the one who believes in me' but most of His remarks are directed to HIs disciples specifically (including, for example, HIs promise of total recall to them of anything they'd heard Him teach during His earthly ministry--14:12) but by 16:12-14 He's clearing speaking to the disciples specifically. If John 16:13 WERE a promise given to all Christians living in all eras then surely Christians would be all agreed on biblical doctine, wouldn't we? But we're not. A common rejoinder is: 'Well, I'M guided into all truth but you aren't because there's something wrong with you spiritually.' That's not the answer' the answer, due to the context of John 16:13 is that THE DISCIPLES present with Jesus at The Last Supper is who this promise was for. The basis for both of these mistaken notions of God 'speaking' to all Chirstians or guiding all of us 'into all truth' is the same: NEGLECTING TO LOOK AT THEIR LOCAL CONTEXS. Sometimes it concerns me that younger Christians are picking up a informal methodology of mysticism whereby a Christian looks at a few words on the page of the Bible, 'claims' those words as some kind of promise to themselves specifically, and then thinks tha's how biblical hermeneutics is properaly done. This notion makes use of elements of neo-orthodox thinking wherein the Bible 'becomes' the Word of God TO YOU when you read and self-apply its words devotionally somehow, whereas the bibiical teaching is that the Bible IS the Word of God in the Holy Spirit's inspiration and superintendence of the very letters the Bible authors put down in the autographs. In the biblical conception of divine inspiration, it is a quality inherent in the language content of the Bible itself, and is not a mystical experience of the Bible reader/devotee. I've encountered many sincere Christians who think they are getting, on some kind of regular basis, direct revelation from God who tells them new information and reveals which way decisions should go, etc. Most of us have probably sat in prayer meetings where enthusiastic individuals recounted how God 'told' them this or that and then circumstances worked out dramatically and wonderfully as a result, seemingly confirming the 'personal revelation.' Once in a while someone recounts that God gave them a strong definite feeling not to, say, proceed forward in their car through a green light intersection, but that they pulled over to the side of the reoad instead and then a moment later another car entered the same intersection where they WOULD have themselves entered and the other car was involved in a horrible traffic accident of some kind, etc. And so they claim that God put an odd feelingi inside them telling them--which amounts to revelation since it's NEW INFORMATION--not to proceed into the interseciton. These kinds of testimonies are harder to explain but then so are things like women's intuition and suspected angelic interventions. But I think Sean is right: As Christians we need to take our cues from scripture which we kNOW reveals God's will to us--and we have to be careful when reading scripture to not personally vivify and generalize 'promises' as applying to ourselves when the local context indicates otherwise.
So very grateful for you, Sean, and I see you as a wise brother in the Lord. However this is one area with which I have to disagree with you: God can speak to us on a regular basis and deeply desires to do so. Scripture in both the OT and NT attest to this. Have you considered these scripture passages: Isaiah 30:21, Jeremiah 33:3, John 8:47, John 10:27, John 16:13, Hebrews 3:15, Revelation 3:20? I agree that many people claim to hear from God that are mistaken in all or part of what they claim is from Him. But that doesn't necessarily mean that God doesn't speak often to His children. But learning to discern His "voice" (which can also be more like an impression or a quickening or a thought) is a process and takes time. And most importantly you must be submitted to God and growing in holiness and humility. There must be an active sanctification process in progress; going from less of me and more of Him. Pride in the prophet muddies the message. Have you read the book by Dallas Willard, "Hearing God"? As I'm sure you would agree DW was an amazing man of God, full of wisdom and maturity and He believed that we can cultivate a conversational walk with the Lord. I absolutely agree that the Lord gives us wisdom and we can many times be lead by that. And if we are walking according to His moral will (which we can only do by the power of His Spirit that lives within us) we are likely to make decisions that are pleasing to Him. However, there are times when the Lord goes before us and prepares a specific path for us to take, and being sensitive to the leading of the Spirit can be the difference between taking a GOOD path vs. taking the BEST path that He has prepared. I have also been lead by His supernatural peace. The peace the passes all understanding. Just some of my thoughts on the matter.
I never thought the still small voice was a literal thing but ratger used in a poetic way. Having peace about it, I have always been confused about that one since sometimes it's not very peaceful to make a decision. Many literally striggle as Jacob struggled with God and walked away limping! I always took open doirs to be christian skang for opportunity. God does give open doors, but He gives closed ones, too. Sometimes, we need the experience of overcoming something. God's will is in God's word.
God meets us where we are at. The Gospel of John ( re-reading or reading ) is great with this perspective in mind, because HE ministers to His sons and daughters perfectly. Our stance ( especially now in 2024 -whew! ) is to be one of *fervency* and leaning forward and diligently seeking Him. How God directs us is up to Him, but it is time to get *to* the good fight of faith while it is yet day. Our stance ( and fervently desiring more of God ) is up to us ( gulp ). No more time to sleep, or be lackadaisical about our faith. Ask The Holy Spirit to confirm what I've said. Shalom. - an earthen vessel
There is certainly wisdom in this sermon. But I must agree with the other comments - I think deeming the ways God communicates with His people, whom the Holy Spirit indwells, as being “myths” is highly reductive. “And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.” 1 Jn 5:14 Surely Dr. McDowell would not assert that the only prayers of ours God hears are prayers specifically about His moral code or the sovereign direction of the nations/world at large? “When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” Jn 16:13 Respectfully, Jesus does not carve out an exception here for the Spirit guiding us into “all the truth *unless* it applies specifically to your personal choices and life circumstances separate from morality”, and I don’t think the text supports such a stance. “for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” Phil. 2:13 “Good and upright is the LORD; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.” Ps 25:8-9 Edit: To be clear, I’m a huge fan of Dr. McDowell. I have multiple of his works on my bookshelf. Just don’t fully agree with the central thrust of this sermon, and I feel it risks (unintentionally) painting God as an impersonal God who is distant from the lives of His servants, which I do not believe is the case.
Great message. God's moral will and His Sovereign will, Jesus' summation of the God and others. The Bible teaches us how to live but sometimes the where we are going is a matter of trust that the Lord will show us His sovereign plan in time for us to fulfill the purpose He created us for. I am writing down these Scripture passages to memorize. How we live is more important than the where! It takes the pressure off to worry less.
God speaks to me in dreams quite often. I’ll have a dream and then exactly what I dreamed will happen or something symbolic from the dream that I understand because I’ve learned the language of dreams to a certain degree. But the presence or absence of peace rules my decisions…. because if I have a lack of peace about it, I’ll literally feel a heaviness in my spirit …the Bible does teach that the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord… therefore, God will guide you through your inner spirit by presence or absence of peace.
Acts 13:2 "While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” God's will, probably start with renouncing sin, repenting, seeking God with all our heart, and reading His word, listening. And maybe with other hard core believers. Fast... especially for specific decisions... I know on missions God told me to stop praying for the people we were showing the Jesus film to and pray for a pick up truck. He initiated the prayer for the pick up truck and I tested it. I told my buddy and he prayed too and low and behold, there came the truck in the distance, filled with locals. This happened a few more times in life, spooked me actually. In a cool way.
After 21 years of trying to figure out God’s will for my life, I had an epiphany. One early morning at around 2:AM. I was restless and seeking God , what came next was simple and liberating. His will for my life…….To know Him and to make Him known!
Essentially the great commission.
Study Buddy The Holy Spirit.
To obey is better than sacrifice.
Pursue Peace Prioritise Discipline of Thinking About Destiny. Still small voice? Read The Text & Don't Be Continually Hexed or
Vexed or Politically Correct Generation X Y Z Box Ticker.
Go phishing or do one to one personal witnessing. It's a blisteringly tough act to follow.
In the daylight Noah. And in the evening when the sun goes down. Get A Round Inn. Echo Sounding Chicken Ding Bing Bong Don't. Bob Marley Movie advertised On Stagecoat Buses. I like Robert Harris John Grisham Lee Child/Jim Grant. Adam Ant Feast Of Stephen Grieving? Hope anchored. Amazing Scandalous Outrageous G reat R iches A t C hrist's E xpense Yeah Yeah Amen Do It Again Can't Buy A Thrill? Styx Rivers & Robots
Nothing Compares To You Yahweh Mashiach Yeshua Sinead O'Connor obituary.
I'd rather have an Audience With Ken Ham Kent Hovind than an Audience With The Pope Vicar Of Christ Vatican Prosperity TV Evangelists Retirement Homes Under The Hammer. Whoops Apocalypso Polka Flamenco Tango Waltz Military Two-Step Limbo How Low Can Hugo Victor Les Miserables Wretches Mario Puzo Godfather Mafioso Connections Corsican Napoleon Bonaparte ousted a Pope Emporer's New Clothes without a stitch on Breakspear first English Pope Soap On A Rope. Judgement At Nuremberg Burt Lancaster Spencer Tracy Montgomery Clift Richard Widmark Judy Garland Somewhere Over The Rainbow Hijacked Kidnapped Don't Look Back In Anger O A Sis thanks for the update.
While I don't agree with this teaching - God definitely still speaks to people - I totally agree with your message. I had the same epiphany really, word for word. To know Him and make Him known!
@@favoritethings5035 If you think it would be edifying to others in the Body, can you share what you found yourself in disagreement with?
@@lifebleeds86 Sure. What I disagree with is questioning someone else's conversational relationship with God. People hear from Him in different ways. I personally have heard the voice of God audibly one time. Other times I have felt his leading in subtler ways. I agree that if one really wants to hear what He has to say then we should keep reading what He has already said and had written down for us, and He will speak through it. But that doesn't mean He won't also speak in other, more personal ways. Like dreams, visions, open or closed doors in response to specific prayers, peace in the right decision, or a still small voice, etc.
I commend you on the truth you just spoke. Being 69 years old, I only came to the same conclusion you have spoken about 15 years ago. Ever since then I no longer ask what his will is in my life. Can't be any happier and satisfied since. Being the best Christian I can be is my greatest challenge, no matter what I do. Sometimes I do well, and other times not so great. But thank God for his grace.
Oh man. Can I relate. 🙏
I’ll tell you Sean, I do think I’ve heard God speak to me. In many times and many ways and I’ve seen each time produce amazing fruit. And I do think it’s 100% biblical.
But I would describe it more in terms of the indwelling Holy Spirit rather than introspection. There seems to me to be a sudden sense of clarity about certain things and like suddenly the Holy Spirit indicates to my soul that it is in alignment. I know a lot of people have this experience and we’re not crazy.
I think learning to participate not just physically in Christianity but spiritually is key. Jesus is often discerning things that are just under the surface or speaking prophetically. If we emulate Him or the disciples we have to ask how we actually do that. I have spoken prophetically, I don’t do it often and it was both specific and timely. And I really felt what I would call a sudden flash of insight and a sense of urgency about it.
I know it’s just one comment here and will get buried but if you aren’t pursuing Gods specific will for your life I think you are seriously missing a huge piece of your relationship with Him. Don’t give up on the miraculous just because it isn’t happening for you exactly the way it happens for others.
Thank you
My thoughts exactly! So sad that this preacher is believing, and teaching others, that people do not hear from God.
@@favoritethings5035incredibly so.
I have heard from the Lord many times... audible and still small voice.
Audible: I was reading the bible, and He (the God of the Bible) started reading with me. Isaiah 53
Still small voice: Countless
He never said people don't hear from God, he said the opposite. It is important though that we not mistake our own heart for the will of God because the Bible states that happens often.
I was recently asked to return to a management job that I left 5 years ago, that I had loved, but it had also caused tremendous stress. I met different interviewing members 4 times and never felt good about it, but knew I was the best choice for the job. I felt I couldn't escape it. I asked God to close the door if it wouldn't be good for me, but if he kept it open, I would go even though I didn't want to. Unexpectedly, the current manager's new position elsewhere fell through and he remained in the position, closing the door for me. I was so happy! The manager got a refreshed deal and he's happier now, too!
Wow! You sure got your answer lol - yay God!
That last statement was the one that I needed the most 🙏🙌 (not the one about the coffee and ice cream) 😂
These scriptures instruct us to quiet our hearts before the Lord - Psa 46:10, Psa 62:5, Hab. 2:20, Ecc. 5:1.
Dialing down the stimulation of the flesh in my experience has been on of the best ways for me to get in touch with the heart of God.
This tells me God gives us free will. Best I’ve ever heard on this subject . Thank you from my heart.
Sean, big fan of your content and I understand how the point of the message is not to be paralyzed and passively wait for God’s will to be completely displayed in order for decisions to be made, but I think there are a few things that could be said differently.
1. In the story of Gideon, I believe that even though THE point of the story in context is not for us to use see the fleece “approach” as the way to find God’s will, I think it can be ONE point the story reveals that God sometimes can reveal his will via signs we request.
2. In the story of Elijah I could have understood wrong, but the way you put it is that Elijah was a super character in the Bible (which I also believe he was unique), and because of that we won’t hear God as he did. I think the story in a way can be interpreted as the opposite. It shows exactly that God doesn’t necessarily speak in huge demonstrations of supernatural events, but that he does in simple forms such as a still small voice. We shouldn’t wait for massive signs to understand God’s will.
3. I think you could have used examples such as when Paul was serving at the church and while praying and fasting the Holy Spirit spoke to prophets and teachers in the church to reveal that Paul and Barnabas should be sent in missions. This highlights how the prayer and fasting, and listening to the community around can be a key aspect in sharing God’s will when decisions such as “should I move states or not?” or “should I marry this person or not?”
All the best! Overall great ending about God wanting us transformed at the end, but I think the message could have been more complete.
@@kurtrrrro But, God didn't ALWAYS speak when they prayed and fasted. We have free will to make choices, but He expects us to use biblical wisdom. Paul even said he didn't marry because he chose not to. He said he could have if he wanted to. We have the freedom to make our own choices. God could have used Paul whether he married or not. Paul mentions that he would have a responsibility to his wife, and that would not be a bad thing, but he chose not to marry so he could give all his time to preaching the Gospel. God would not have thought any less of Paul if he married. Remember, God could cause the rocks to preach if He wanted to. God doesn't NEED anybody, but everybody needs God. That's something most people don't get. His ultimate plan won't be ruined when we use our free will to make decisions in this life that He gave us. That's a small god if that is true.
As a non-believer I found this absolutely fascinating. Thank you.
How so?
@SeanMcDowell I only lasted as a Christian for 3 years, guess I was sown in the rocky soil. But I find it fascinating as well. I think it’s because there’s so much talk about following/seeking God’s will in churches that claim to be fundamentally Biblical. Your thoughts here, which seem quite sound to me, seem to illustrate how superficial such utterances are. If God’s will is not a set of ad hoc prescriptions for whatever situation you find yourself in, but is really just “be holy” and follow the Bible, churches should dispense with all talk of “seeking God’s will.” I suspect such talk arises from leadership’s inability to provide clear answers to specific problems members of the congregation present them with. We are told to consult scripture for everything, but scripture will not necessarily give you clarity on a specific decision you are facing. Leadership should be more honest about that. I think they can’t generally because it would hint that the Bible is not the final authority in all matters.
@@En_PissantGreetings BadassDragonFromHeck. It's nice that you can be reflective about your own journey, including a distancing from Christian community. You are gesturing at the need to have a rich tradition, both philosophical and theological, to better engage with Biblical literature. Could I suggest that, when your time and will permits, you consider a study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church? I suspect that would be useful for you. Take care and let me wish you the best, BadassDragonFromHeck. 😅
@@TheTijuT Boy do I regret changing my handle to that haha. Only 6 more days until I’m allowed to change it again!
You shattered every way that I thought I was supposed to “discern” Gods will in my life these past 20 years…and it helped me understand why I struggled so much with making decisions…wondering what was Gods will for my life…I realize that what I need to do is pray, ask for Gods wisdom and read His word. Allowing Him to mold me more into His image in every way imaginable. Thank you!
Sean, this is easily one of your best and my personal favorite messages you’ve given! Incredibly succinct and concise! Thank you!
So glad to hear! Thanks.
My dad, a very godly pastor, used to say, “love God and do whatever you want“. As long as we are loving God with all that that entails, we are free to choose whatever vocation, spouse, school, life plan etc., etc..
It should say: love God and live by the bible. Do what you want is Never a good advice. You do a lot of harm when you Tell Young people this. So always do what tells the bible, Not your Heart or Others.
How about Love God, love your neighbor, and deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus
@@Jesusisyourrescue if you love God you will obey the Bible. But it won't tell you who to marry. It was also a different generation. Young people today don't know much Bible. My parents generation read it daily.
@@JesusisyourrescueI think he implied that.
@@waterssolar5025Denying yourself and taking up your cross means to endure persecution that others put on you. It doesn't mean to deny YOU. Your old man died with Christ and the new man lives. Don't deny the new man that God created.
Powerful, simple and profound. Thank you, Sean!
It never ceases to amaze me how God's word brings clarity to our confusion.
I like the way Sean doesn’t dumb things down and oversimplify but
he does bring clarity and understanding
love how its not about me but what he wants to do in his people, so they may know that he is God
This is a very insightful sermon, and though I agree with much of what was said, classifying the first three "ways of hearing" God's will as "myths" is not helpful in my opinion. I would rather argue that we sometimes overcomplicate matters by overemphasising these "ways" instead of focusing on what God has already said. However, there is still something to be said for the experience of God directing us in personal ways through His Spirit whether it is through a still voice or peace in our heart after prayer and seeking Him. Of course, an open door isn't necessarily God leading us, but it can also be. I agree that we shouldn't overcomplicate or overspiritualise God speaking to us, but at the same time we believe (and pray) that God does also "order our steps" in personal ways.
I completely agree with you. Especially the part about open doors. An open door is not always God.
26:22 amen! The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
What a great teaching! I wish I would have heard it back when I was in college.
Best speech / sermon on the Will of God that I have ever heard!! That is so clarifying. I will certainly be quoting your words for years to come. Thank you!
Amazing, thanks, please consider sharing!
Love love love this. I heard a similar teaching about a decade ago and it totally changed my life. It is so freeing to know that we don’t need to find some secret will of God every time we need to make a decision! Thank you for sharing this.
Been feeling a lot of things on “direction” and “listening” and having a certain pressure or weight to hear God this year after an extended season of difficulty. Hearing this gave me some much needed perspective on my role as a son and the ways I can be obedient.
Thanks for this!
Ive heard from God in many different forms.. an incredible sense of peace (this is not your everyday-type of peace), closed doors (literally impossible decisions, where Ive tried a dozen ways to do something and even nature intervenes etc), then Ive had visions, dreams, sermons, prophecy said to me, and finally him speaking directly to my soul, by which i can discern every word to a T, and I have writtek and documented these messages in a journal, and I share them with other brothers and sisters in christ, for his glory.
Beautiful message. This was a tension I’ve struggled with for the longest. I’ve always wondered why God seemed so silent to me but spoke to everyone else. Couldn’t understand why everyone else had God clearly answer and guide decisions where mine fell on deaf ears. I took new job opportunities , promoted, never laid off but never loved what I did so those doors seemed open. I came to similar conclusion that it was never God or not God. It was just wisdom. It was not unwise to take those roles as it did not affect my family or service to God. I just learned there were roles that drained me more than gave me energy. I have been the most discontent when I felt I needed more or clear answer for God’s will in my life and lost focus of knowing him, going through further sanctification and sharing the gospel.
Amen. I found all the same answers when I daughter God’s sovereign will only to discover I hadn’t been concerned with what He revealed in scripture. Immediately I started seeing “this is the will of God…” and started obeying. I no longer needed Gods master plan for me because what I found was God and a hunger for more of Him.
This was so helpful as a new believer! Thank you for breaking this down to the CORE of what God wants for do, think and be like Christ. Decisions made from that perspective SHOULD lead to wise choices. Great help! Thank you. God Bless.
Well said 👏 👌 👍
I have had Holy Spirit speaking to me many times when I have asked Him questions.
And he has confirmed them through his word.
Same with me. God has not change and the Bible is about the ways of God that has not change.
Same with me. God has not change and the Bible is about the ways of God that has not change.
The best advice I would give somebody like the one who's asking this question as he is in the video is to learn the difference between the voice of the conscience and the voice of the Lord. My personal experience with him and also the scriptures confirmed that one of these voices is one that testifies against you while the other is one that justifies on your behalf. Both of them are from God and they are not the only ways that he speaks
@@rhemamanGod doesn't testify AGAINST His children. That isn't biblical.
@@edithwillis2762 Same here. Sometimes I think I hear from Him. But, I learned that when it was Him, He always confirmed it in a way I never saw coming. I never assumed until it was confirmed somehow.
“To know God and to make Him known” was the YWAM motto when I was involved with them I 1993.
I feel the will of God for me now that I finally retired from his will to run my restaurant the past 38 years, to doing all I can do with the help of the Holy Spirit to make sure I will see my 5 children and 11 grandmunchkins in heaven!
There is much more to be said about this topic. Let's not underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit who is "the comforter or the counselor" in us and we can and should cultivate our spiritual ears to listen to Him.
Correct, we are also instructed in scripture to pray for prophecy in the New Testament
Yes, and I hope Sean would agree. Certainly we read many times in Acts where the Holy Spirit clearly and directly spoke, directed, prophesied, forbade, etc. to Peter, Phillip, Agabus, a group of prophets in Antioch,and Paul. And I don't believe that the Bible teaches that the movement, the direction, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased at any time in history.
Same thinking I had as well.
All due respect to Dr. Carroll, while I agree broadly on the latter part of his lecture, the first part of his "myth" shattering, especially the still, small voice in Kings, seems a tad simplistic.
I think Sean has cherry picked here. The holyspirit was a clear director in the New Testament. Eg Acts 16:6 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. 7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.
Well done! I have often told others that God's will is less about location and vocation and more about the type of person you become.
I heard the audible voice of GOD,HE SAID "DO NOT FEAR"...after that i NEVER had fear of anything, also i experience an inner voice telling me things which comes to pass,dreams visions all come to pass
I am currently praying for Ayyutholla Khaminei and all muslims to be touched by Jesus Christ.....nothing is impossible with my God
Do you daily hear his audible voice?
Thank you so much for this Sean. This spoke to me very powerfully and provided a lot of clarity and something I rarely experience - some peace of mind. Thank you again and thank you God for using Sean to illuminate scripture around a subject so many struggle with.
I appreciate everything that you are doing for the kingdom. I totally agree with your point on God‘s will. I think that’s going to set a lot of people free although I am not totally tracking with your points about hearing from God. I do believe that he speaks today. God craves relationship with us. And that communication should not be one-sided. I do believe that communication is two sided. Although, I do think most of God‘s communication is words of encouragement and bringing scripture to mind. Not specific instruction.
Aaaahhhh, your messages are SO insightful.😊 In prayer, I will ask for something or pray for someone and at the end of the prayer say, in FAITH.....Thy will be done.🙏🏻
WHATEVER then happens, I have peace with, whether the prayer is "yes" or "no", it will work out according to His divine Will and Plan. This is such a fantastic way and well explained message of what God's will is.....and I always think.... He gave us all logical minds to think with, to make decisions 😅 and wisdom as you the books on wisdom in the Bible.
Thanks from SA 👑🇿🇦
Wow! You pulled together so many of my random thoughts about how to live faithfully as God's servant. I felt these thoughts were insufficient and kept waiting for God's will to fall on me. I will hold this message and return to it to internalize it more deeply. Thank you!
Thank you. Thank you! I’ve been feeling this my whole life. This is so right on!
My wife was on the brink of death.2020. I broke down, cried out to Jesus. He answered. "TRUST ME". Just like a friend. I my distress HE heard me. I went to bed and slept. 119 days later she coma home. We had 2 yrs 8 mts before she went home to be with our Lord. Time to expect and be willing for her end. I await to her his voice at my end. God bless.
I believe you...I also had that experience then I started taking advantage of this "secret access" directly to GOD
Im going to bring this info to my keeds the next time I have time with them. I raised my first daughter to know about Jesus. I ruined my life after coming down with a neurological disorder. My faith and raising my children to know the Lord stopped. My two youngest children became lost due to my reaction to suffering. Im urgently trying to bring them to know Christ and his teachings. Sermons like this are filled with wisdom and im not leaving my faith again.
God bless you and thank you for being so humbly transparent. Your testimony encourages me to trust God more now, before I face suffering.
Please pray for my son who has walked away from God. He has a neurological disease that his Dad died of. He has 4 kids that are not in church. Their only Christ like influence is from Grandparents. I contistantly pray and have faith that he will come back to his faith.
So interesting. I too was taken over by a severe nerve disorder. Severely painful. I too, became angry…suicidal…depressed. It’s VERY difficult to go for years having your life, dreams, and abilities stripped from you while being tortured 24/7. God bless you and strengthen you and guide you in rebuilding your faith and relationships.
I enjoy your interpretations of biblical truths. I may not always agree 100% but it is lovely to hear someone put the brain power and the spiritual work into discerning God’s will.
Tremendous message! Gonna save it and watch it again in a year.
Thank You Lord for this wonderful message 🙏🏼thru Sean.. it’s 7:20am right now Philippines and just prayed earlier that God pls help me 😭note for my Maid of honor speech.. wow and after awhile I saw this on my fyp wooh I am so grateful am going to quote God’s will on my speech.. thank you so much God bless everyone…. To God be all the Glory 🙌
Thank you so muccccchhhhhhh Lord for the wisdom 💙 my heart is full…
(The bride is my bff she’s a daughter of a Pastor.. pov June wedding)
Thank you 🙏🏼 woohoo
Thanks for sharing 🙏🏿
His grace and mercy be upon you and your loved ones 🕊️🥛🍯
I also discovered this truth for myself several years ago when (surprise surprise) I started earnestly studying the word for the first time. Nobody had to tell me, its already been wrapped it up so neatly, thank you Sean for your powerful ministry.
So clearly expressed, Sean. Grateful that you have been obedient to use the gifts you have been given, to advance the Kingdom!
Excellent presentstion. This has taken a huge weight off my shoulders. Im comstantly confused as to what God wants me to do. Now I know I can do it wherever I happen to be. Thank you so much for this wisdom.
Thank you for this message. I am pondering deeply what beliefs I have held about God’s will and how it is “revealed”.
Absolutely love this, this was very helpful for me. Would’ve loved more of an emphasis on a dedicated life of prayer, but I suppose that’s part of seeking wisdom in scripture, sanctification, and loving God! Thank you for allowing God to speak through you in this sermon.
Thanks for this beautiful message! Sometimes we miss the point of our lives and we think we are missing out on some things this world can offer, but to be with Christ, becoming more like Him, to be with Him, to be Loved by Him, is the greatest meaningful task we can ever have. I would like to add to all of this: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33 Blessings to all :)
This has been a topic I have struggled with for years. I needed to hear this. You are telling truths that so many pastors teach false on. I believed those teachings too.
I thought you could discern answers in prayer from the Holy Spirit. I still think at times God leads hearts, but you have opened my eyes that it can not be relied on as biblical truth. Often I would pray on some big choice, not get an answer and wonder what I was doing wrong. This line of thought had me making choices that would fall through, then I would wonder why because I thought it was God's will. Thank you for this. It lines up biblically and with my life experiences.
Growing up in a pentecostal church we heard " if you can imagine the plan God has for your life then that's not it. Because His plan is soooo much bigger!"
Most of the youth lost faith over the years.
I now go by these,
God doesn't care where you are. He cares who you are where you are.
The heart of man plans his ways but the Lord determines his steps.
That's good!
That wisdom statement at the end was spot on!
This is so powerful! I wish I'd heard it 20 years ago.
Go Pastor Sean! So true!
Great teaching, Sean! Continued blessings
This is a great message every Christian needs to hear. Thank you for following Jesus and teaching biblical truth.
May God continue to bless you as you live faithfully in the will of God.
Great video! So many times we take passages out of context to find God's will. However sometimes it is a good thing to take some passages and ignore others about God's will.
Yes!!!!!!! I have been thinking about this concept for the last couple years and lot, and wanting to write an article on this. Exactly. God’s will is that we be holy and more like him. It’s not this mystical thing. Thank you!
Thank you brother for your message, I wish I heard it 17 years ago when I started my walk with Christ.
Such a great message and truly impactful to any Bible-believing Christian who desires to know and follow the will of God.
What about people like David who constantly asked God before they did things? And God simply answered them and they knew exactly what His will was. It does not say how God spoke to David but yet he always got an answer.
What about them? It depends what you are trying to get at.
@@dartheli7400 They are clear examples of people asking the Lord for specific guidance about their particular situation and God answered them. So it is clearly Biblical to do that. And not Biblical to say God does not give such guidance or only speak through the Bible.
@@jehanswanepoel4854 I think you might be oversimplifying things here, by only considering the aspects that fit your preferences. As you already hinted at, God didn‘t always answer his people by speaking directly to them. Moreover, God oftentimes didn‘t give an answer at all. God answered his people regarding significant events/topics, not in everyday matters. His people didn‘t have a complete Bible, especially not in the OT. God doesn‘t act the same throughout history. There might be more aspects, but I think these suffice to falsify your comparison.
@@dartheli7400 Firstly I must correct you: it would actually be VERY convenient for me to believe that specific guidance like what David received is not God's way for us. That means I can simply follow God's instructions in the Bible and not worry about hearing God's voice etc. That is so simple and gives me more control over my life. Only I am not convinced it is correct because in the Bible there are so many examples where God spoke to people and gave them very specific instructions that no amount of Bible study could ever give them. Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David were led by SPECIFIC instructions from God. I do not believe the Bible say that this guidance is only for certain individuals. I will be studying this topic more...
@@jehanswanepoel4854 Another aspect came to my mind when reading your comment: God gave answers to specific chosen people (e.g. prophets, apostles, etc.), not to everyone. So if you want to compare yourself to the prophets or the apostles, go for it. I hope you‘re ready to live up to the expectations, accordingly. I commend you for studying this topic more.
Excellent message, Sean! Very clear, useful, and expertly delivered!
Fair dinkum, this is by far the best, most clearly explained teaching on knowing the will of God. Thank you heaps!
Fear God, and keep his commandments. This is the duty of men.
Yes, and the greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself.
We also have a duty to confess our faith.
And to preach his word to the nations
@@marytaelliottEveryone has their gift from God. He didn't make EVERYONE an evangelist. Some were mere table servers. But, EVERY gift is needful and valuable.
I love this! When you think about it, to good and to avoid evil is the basic formula to live a good life. The principal piece of doing good is to know and love God and seek salvation in Jesus Christ. When you have a well-formed conscience, the other decisions in life will become easier.
Thank you for this message
I love how Sean acknowledged that God does speak to His people, and has even drawn people through supernatural means, though such cases are rare and supernatural. However, the main thrust of this is to heed his revealed will in the Scriptures and make Spirit-filled decisions, through godly wisdom.
God bless you Sean. Thank you for what you do. Im forever grateful.
WOW!! I’ve been a Christian my entire life and have never heard God’s Will taught this way. Through experience I’ve deduced it to an extent, but have still held on to some of those beliefs you debunked using Scripture. I’m going to share this with my 11 year old as he’s always wondering how to know God’s will and how he can know God is speaking. Amazing!
Good job! Accurate, insightful, and succinct.
Oh, and encouraging 😊
I was so confused on this topic
As a young man who went behind god's will ( the concept which you told in the beginning ) and failed
Thank you sean for this
I had so many doubts about it
Thank you so much for this
Sean I hope you read this. This teaching has freed me up so much! Always looking and wondering what Gods will is for me. The final answer his will is for me to do Christs will no matter what I do!!!! This is so freeing thank you Sean!!! ( I also am 69)
Yes, I did, and so glad to hear it’s helpful!
Aw thanks. Praise God keep up the encouraging word and may God bless you and yours richly! Your Dads books were read by me many years ago bless him too
I heared this from pastor voddie baucham before. It's an eye opener. Great preaching.
This is such a powerful message. Thank you for this!
Your summary was great. It really was! Myth 2 and 3 were important to tackle and so cringy. However, to say that God does not speak in a still, small voice and then to go so far as to call it a "myth" is nonsense. Within the past two months I had the impression to ask someone for something, only to find out later that when I felt that impression the Holy Spirit told the exact guy to expect our conversation. I could go on and on. I'm grateful for you and your ministry, but for you to call it a "myth" is puzzling. I hope God starts speaking to you! Jack Deere's book on the subject would be great.
The book called the BIBLE is even better. 🙏🏾 He that has ears to hear, let him hear. ❤
@@carlythe80s the Bible is the number one way God speaks, but he also wants to speak to us in a variety of ways and we check that by seeing if it aligns with Scripture
I also had a problem with his "Myth #1". To say Elijah was different (aka 'special') and that we shouldn't expect God to talk to us like that is bad teaching. a) If that were the case, we would exclude examples of Jesus, Peter, Paul, Moses, Mary, David, etc. because they were exception-al. Unfortunately, we tend to pedestal-ize (and trivia-ize) Jesus so much that we completely dismiss our ability to be 'like Him,' even though God's intention is to make us 'like Him' in all ways. b) James 1: 17 says that "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours," which I interpret to mean 'follow his example', 'study his life', and 'aspire to be like him.' c) So, the conclusion that God doesn't speak in a "still, small voice" because Elijah was unique and present at the transfiguration is just plain wrong.
I Was told repeatedly God speaks in a small voice ot just a quiet whisper when I was a new believer. It caused a lot of pain and confusiob until I had someone come in my life and teach me how to study the bible.
We need to be careful sharing this
Thank you Sean....
Greg Koukl's "Decision-making and the Will of God" series from 25 years ago. look it up, folks
Exactly. He was my mentor on this.
Will check it out!
@@SeanMcDowellI looked it up. There is no such book by that title by him???
Disregard! Found it 😊
Greet from Indonesia.. Thank you for this messages 😊
I have been living and speaking your exact message for 15yrs now. Peace!! The following vs was also very helpful for me. I had revelation that my responsibility was to "steadfast in my attempt to stand on the Word". God will thereby make me unmovable and i will abound in His works. My only responsibility is to live life moment by moment in steadfast love and obedience to His Word...the fruit of such will bring unmovabilty and and abundant living in kningdom terms. Peace is the greatest guide in this "steadfast living". 1 Cor 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
2 books in agreement with Sean's understanding of God's will - 1) "Decision Making and the Will of God", by Garry Friesen, with J. Robin Maxson, and 2) "Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God's Will", by Kevin DeYoung. My 2-sentence synopsis of them: live the WAY God wants us to live, i.e., according to the teaching of Scripture (2 Tim. 3:14-17), and you'll be living within God's Moral WILL. He'll let you know if you need to do anything special as regards His Sovereign Will (which, as Sean says, happens, Biblically speaking, rarely, yet clearly, meaning no ambiguity, and supernaturally, i.e., meaning with some sort of attesting sign/miracle so you know the message is from God).
I agree completely, Sean, and this is a much-needed message. What it highlights is that Christians many times 'take our cues' from Christian culture around us rather than from scripture. In recent years several 'spin off' doctrines about God 'speaking' to Christians have come to my attention and both are sourced from the gospel of John. One is them is John 10:27 which in the KJV reads:
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me:
The usual intepretation of this verse is 'See, all Christians are supposed to be receiving audible voice revelation from Jesus.'
However, in the local context this verse is not talking about all Chirstians personally receiving audible voice revelation from Jesus but it IS talking about Chirsitans HEEDING Jesus' teaching. All it really takes to understand what Jesus means in John 10:27 is to simply read through the whole chapter.
The second passage is John 16:13 which in the KJV reads:
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
The portion of this verse people focus on in "he will guide you into all truth" and from that portion alone they conclude that the Holy Spirit guides all Christians living in all eras into all truth. But here again, the context matters: If you back up all the way to the start of chapter 13 you discover that this remark is part of Jesus' teaching at The Last Supper to HIS DISCIPLES. A few of Jesus' remarks are made to 'anyone' (14:23) or about 'the one who believes in me' but most of His remarks are directed to HIs disciples specifically (including, for example, HIs promise of total recall to them of anything they'd heard Him teach during His earthly ministry--14:12) but by 16:12-14 He's clearing speaking to the disciples specifically.
If John 16:13 WERE a promise given to all Christians living in all eras then surely Christians would be all agreed on biblical doctine, wouldn't we? But we're not. A common rejoinder is: 'Well, I'M guided into all truth but you aren't because there's something wrong with you spiritually.' That's not the answer' the answer, due to the context of John 16:13 is that THE DISCIPLES present with Jesus at The Last Supper is who this promise was for.
The basis for both of these mistaken notions of God 'speaking' to all Chirstians or guiding all of us 'into all truth' is the same: NEGLECTING TO LOOK AT THEIR LOCAL CONTEXS. Sometimes it concerns me that younger Christians are picking up a informal methodology of mysticism whereby a Christian looks at a few words on the page of the Bible, 'claims' those words as some kind of promise to themselves specifically, and then thinks tha's how biblical hermeneutics is properaly done. This notion makes use of elements of neo-orthodox thinking wherein the Bible 'becomes' the Word of God TO YOU when you read and self-apply its words devotionally somehow, whereas the bibiical teaching is that the Bible IS the Word of God in the Holy Spirit's inspiration and superintendence of the very letters the Bible authors put down in the autographs. In the biblical conception of divine inspiration, it is a quality inherent in the language content of the Bible itself, and is not a mystical experience of the Bible reader/devotee.
I've encountered many sincere Christians who think they are getting, on some kind of regular basis, direct revelation from God who tells them new information and reveals which way decisions should go, etc. Most of us have probably sat in prayer meetings where enthusiastic individuals recounted how God 'told' them this or that and then circumstances worked out dramatically and wonderfully as a result, seemingly confirming the 'personal revelation.' Once in a while someone recounts that God gave them a strong definite feeling not to, say, proceed forward in their car through a green light intersection, but that they pulled over to the side of the reoad instead and then a moment later another car entered the same intersection where they WOULD have themselves entered and the other car was involved in a horrible traffic accident of some kind, etc. And so they claim that God put an odd feelingi inside them telling them--which amounts to revelation since it's NEW INFORMATION--not to proceed into the interseciton. These kinds of testimonies are harder to explain but then so are things like women's intuition and suspected angelic interventions.
But I think Sean is right: As Christians we need to take our cues from scripture which we kNOW reveals God's will to us--and we have to be careful when reading scripture to not personally vivify and generalize 'promises' as applying to ourselves when the local context indicates otherwise.
So very grateful for you, Sean, and I see you as a wise brother in the Lord. However this is one area with which I have to disagree with you: God can speak to us on a regular basis and deeply desires to do so.
Scripture in both the OT and NT attest to this. Have you considered these scripture passages: Isaiah 30:21, Jeremiah 33:3, John 8:47, John 10:27, John 16:13, Hebrews 3:15, Revelation 3:20?
I agree that many people claim to hear from God that are mistaken in all or part of what they claim is from Him. But that doesn't necessarily mean that God doesn't speak often to His children. But learning to discern His "voice" (which can also be more like an impression or a quickening or a thought) is a process and takes time. And most importantly you must be submitted to God and growing in holiness and humility. There must be an active sanctification process in progress; going from less of me and more of Him. Pride in the prophet muddies the message. Have you read the book by Dallas Willard, "Hearing God"? As I'm sure you would agree DW was an amazing man of God, full of wisdom and maturity and He believed that we can cultivate a conversational walk with the Lord.
I absolutely agree that the Lord gives us wisdom and we can many times be lead by that. And if we are walking according to His moral will (which we can only do by the power of His Spirit that lives within us) we are likely to make decisions that are pleasing to Him. However, there are times when the Lord goes before us and prepares a specific path for us to take, and being sensitive to the leading of the Spirit can be the difference between taking a GOOD path vs. taking the BEST path that He has prepared. I have also been lead by His supernatural peace. The peace the passes all understanding. Just some of my thoughts on the matter.
Hey Sean, I just got the “apologetics study bible for student” and I’ve been loving it so far!
Praise God! What can I say?
I am God's will!
Amen to this message❤
Well said. This is exactly what we teach!
This brought out some excellent truths that correct our wrong thinking. I know for me some things I was taught are unbiblical. Thank You so much! 🌿
I never thought the still small voice was a literal thing but ratger used in a poetic way. Having peace about it, I have always been confused about that one since sometimes it's not very peaceful to make a decision. Many literally striggle as Jacob struggled with God and walked away limping! I always took open doirs to be christian skang for opportunity. God does give open doors, but He gives closed ones, too. Sometimes, we need the experience of overcoming something. God's will is in God's word.
This was great and what the Lord taught me when I sought this same information except you explained it better than I did ❤
Karen here yes I have heard the Holy Spirit speak to me specific directions or insights. Not loud but as a loving Father or friend.
God meets us where we are at. The Gospel of John ( re-reading or reading ) is great with this perspective in mind, because HE ministers to His sons and daughters perfectly. Our stance ( especially now in 2024 -whew! ) is to be one of *fervency* and leaning forward and diligently seeking Him. How God directs us is up to Him, but it is time to get *to* the good fight of faith while it is yet day. Our stance ( and fervently desiring more of God ) is up to us ( gulp ). No more time to sleep, or be lackadaisical about our faith. Ask The Holy Spirit to confirm what I've said. Shalom. - an earthen vessel
Enlightening and profound sermon!
There is certainly wisdom in this sermon. But I must agree with the other comments - I think deeming the ways God communicates with His people, whom the Holy Spirit indwells, as being “myths” is highly reductive.
“And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.” 1 Jn 5:14
Surely Dr. McDowell would not assert that the only prayers of ours God hears are prayers specifically about His moral code or the sovereign direction of the nations/world at large?
“When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” Jn 16:13
Respectfully, Jesus does not carve out an exception here for the Spirit guiding us into “all the truth *unless* it applies specifically to your personal choices and life circumstances separate from morality”, and I don’t think the text supports such a stance.
“for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” Phil. 2:13
“Good and upright is the LORD;
therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.” Ps 25:8-9
Edit: To be clear, I’m a huge fan of Dr. McDowell. I have multiple of his works on my bookshelf. Just don’t fully agree with the central thrust of this sermon, and I feel it risks (unintentionally) painting God as an impersonal God who is distant from the lives of His servants, which I do not believe is the case.
Great message. God's moral will and His Sovereign will, Jesus' summation of the God and others. The Bible teaches us how to live but sometimes the where we are going is a matter of trust that the Lord will show us His sovereign plan in time for us to fulfill the purpose He created us for. I am writing down these Scripture passages to memorize. How we live is more important than the where! It takes the pressure off to worry less.
Yo I was here for this in person for the preview day
Bravo and thank you!
God speaks to me in dreams quite often. I’ll have a dream and then exactly what I dreamed will happen or something symbolic from the dream that I understand because I’ve learned the language of dreams to a certain degree. But the presence or absence of peace rules my decisions…. because if I have a lack of peace about it, I’ll literally feel a heaviness in my spirit …the Bible does teach that the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord… therefore, God will guide you through your inner spirit by presence or absence of peace.
Thank you, brother, but God speaks to me. 🙏🏾
Yes, so good… God will is you - maybe not specifically where you live but the neighbor you become.
Acts 13:2 "While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” God's will, probably start with renouncing sin, repenting, seeking God with all our heart, and reading His word, listening. And maybe with other hard core believers. Fast... especially for specific decisions... I know on missions God told me to stop praying for the people we were showing the Jesus film to and pray for a pick up truck. He initiated the prayer for the pick up truck and I tested it. I told my buddy and he prayed too and low and behold, there came the truck in the distance, filled with locals. This happened a few more times in life, spooked me actually. In a cool way.