One thing I learned that not many people talked about which can save a MASSIVE amount of time is try to look around your building area when building a large machine. Say if I am building a large room or a ladder system when coring out an area, if the area is rich in *insert* rock, use that rock instead of what you are currently using, if you use sandstone in the oil biome the dupes had to run back to the starting biome to grab sandstone and back. Where if you are digging in a granite rich biome and use granite, the dupes will just need to walk down a few stairs and grab at the bottom of the construction site.
I ended up in a situation where I had over a million kilos of granite easily from doing parts of the map, so I just used that for the rest of the whole planetoid since it could be burned easy and later in the game it’s not too bad to be walking just a little longer, especially with the somnium synthesizer active.
What I found works for me is trying to make a super late-game project - it'll go slowly, but it gives you something to work towards! It can be anything from a simple petroleum boiler to a complex sour gas boiler, giving you something to come back to. Proud to say I'm part of that 1.4% - and anyone reading this can do it too!
I’m participating in Echo Ridge Gaming’s Chaos Crew, and this run the seed is a spaced out frosty planet - so obviously I decided that I want to drown my starting planetoid in magma. It is *incredibly* late-game, but so far, I’ve got a geo-tuned volcano dumping magma into the core and a metal refinery that’s cooled with molten aluminium melting down surplus oxylite (from the frosty planet plant, alveo vera), and I’m trying to work out how to make a rocket silo so I can start boiling glass into rock gas - those first two projects were remarkably simple, and the third one is mostly just a big insulated pit - I can work out what I put under it for heat capture later. It’s also prompted me to try some other, stupid, projects - I’m 99% sure I can send a dupe up in a rocket and never need them to land again - without melting the rocket for more space.
I would love to be able to have or print off a checklist. The breakdown of the phases of the game was EXTREMELY helpful as I tend to struggle with the whole "What now?" Providing a direction is amazing and I look forward to the other videos about mid and late game. Maybe I'll be able to get there this time! Awesome job keep up the great work.
Addressing the lull in fun and performance in the midgame is exactly what I was hoping to hear. I've never needed more things to do in this stage of the game but never truly saw it to full completion because of the performance and fun aspects in several playthrus.
I've never made it properly through mid-game. I think part of my issue is that when I'm dealing with so many things at once I get overwhelmed, so having a checklist of when to do things would be good. I always get bathrooms set up, start clearing slime biomes, have good food and oxygen set ups, and then things start to get complicated, and I start getting intimidated by the idea of tackling vents and volcanoes. Plus I've always been terrible at setting up good shipping networks, so my dupes are running all over the place which slows everything down. Think I need to prioritise getting shipping set up earlier!
Thanks for making these videos. Previous attempts had my colony limping to cycle 100 before collapsing, but got myself up to 267 this time around. I think my main problem is figuring out where to place utilities and being resistant to moving/deconstructing existing structures. I can confidently say that dragging my feet with where to set up cooling and mass oxygen production because the colony was doing fine is what led to all my dupes starving last night when things were suddenly not fine 😅
Ok, sir. I stumbled across your videos a few weeks ago and have been watching through the base game playthrough. I must say your play style absolutely rubbed me the wrong way at first. I grew up on GrindThisGame, Brothgar, Francis John and the other staples of ONI who are quite particular every step of the way. After taking a big ole chill pill and seeing how well this works for you, I have decided you are, in fact, not crazy 😂 Thank you for the different approaches and more relaxed viewpoints.
Oh my god, you can not emagine how much such a video helps. At least to poeple with ME/CFS where the brain fog hinders them to complete such a game. i love it, but at some point i cant handle the komplexity anymore. i love that game and spend 2.600 hours in it, but never once have i been able to past cycle 500 or start a rocket. i will definetly send you my file once i done. I thank you so much and let you know, that you are the fist one i leave a abo within the first video. Greetings from Germany.
Thank you for doing these videos! It has been very helpful seeing some more up-to-date explanations of how things work. I am doing the challenge, just hit cycle 350 in my game, and did a lot of firsts: launched a rocket to orbit my main asteroid (for databank research parts), have a steady supply of steel and plastic being made, and am searching for the best place to put a steam engine setup for cooling and power! I might be currently going through a power crisis (finally ran out of coal, and my nat gas setup went dormant right as I finished getting it built), but my water situation is great, my food is great, I am getting ready to send a permanent team to my second asteroid for crude oil and petrol production, while getting the parts ready to make a colonizing rocket for a third asteriod :) The game has been so much more fun since getting past the hurdles of surviving the midgame, and look forward to finally reaching the tear! Your videos in particular were what first got me into the midgame to begin with (I binged all your old walkthroughs and challenge videos, which helped address many of my early game issues), and I will keep watching to master the midgame and reach the endgame.
Just wanted to show you my appreciation. I started ONI way back when we only had Jahws's guides on Steam. This will definitely grow the ONI community for the better.
I just got back into the game after trying it for a few hours when I first got it, and had started digging for this answer yesterday. Thanks for making these videos, and can't wait for the next one, and to add my file to the list.
Not sure it has been mentioned already, but under ice cooling, it's maybe worth noting that panic cooling can be done through tempshift plates made of ice. It should be done away from or with a drainage plan for crops, though, as many plates can end up freezing the area for awhile after melting.
@@Magnet_MD :D Oh thank you thank you. It's for real the one necessary thing I've never been able to wrap my brain around. And guides tend to either gloss over it or just go "copy this". Your ice cooling guides have already been super helpful, though. I knew about just routing a cooling thing through an ice biome, but bringing the ice biome to you, I don't know why I didn't think of that before. (There is other stuff like petroleum boilers that also allude me, but those seem more like Stupid Dupe Tricks. There's no getting around a cooling loop, though.)
Recently came across your videos after taking a 2 year break from ONI and wanted to jump back in. Been enjoying them very much so far and are helping me break my OG fear of slimerot!!! Excited to join the 1% of rocket senders and have that as my new goal. Maybe not a *need* per se, but I always enjoyed finding blueprints for infinite set ups like infinite bathrooms into fibers, or chlorine loops for clean bathrooms. Excited to see what is upcoming.
One thing that I learnt recently, is that you can drop showers into nature reserves without de-listing the room. This has always been the biggest issue I had in getting dupes into a nature reserve. Now my dupes are always go in and out and getting that impressive boost, and keeping squeaky clean!
I found this vid randomly, because I was searching for some 2024 ONI videos to learn the game, and the idea to get an objective of launching a rocket to take part of this greater community objective seems pretty fun, I'm in and I'll try my best at doing so (never went past cycle ~150 usually !)
As soon as I reach the automation tab in oni, I just freeze up. I've probably had like 30 runs end simply by starting all over again bc early game has so much more instant gratification and it's just something I'm familiar with
your call to action really inspired me and I'm spending more time going through tutorials and re-reading everything in the game very carefully. I'm not sure if my current base will be the one to "beat the game" but I'm determined to run it back until I make it through the temporal tear! my main issue is always thermal regulation... i kind of had this beat by starting on the icy planetoid, but then the frosty planet DLC came out and now I have a other thermal problems to manage. so that base is abandoned until I learn more about the game, especially the new cold mechanics
Hi Magnet, This is Grane I have been playing this game for plenty of hours.. Haven't successfully launch any rocket yet even didn't pass to midgame Thank you for the objective like tutorial this is so helpful in making sure I'm good to go to the mid-game after everything checked on the early game
I genuinely appreciate that you're doing this because I have been playing since alpha and I still have not completed the game. Initially I blamed the undiagnosed ADHD which is now diagnosed and intermittently medicated, but even after literally 7 years of playing it I've only ever launched 2 rockets (one base game, one spaced out) because I get absorbed in the myriad of planning and prep work and rush into mid/late game projects without properly building up the infrastructure needed to sustain them, then bail and start over. Here's hoping some day you get an email from me with a save file.
Personally I feel mid-game isn't really a thing. Once you researched the entire tree you're basically in the end game. You're free to built anything you want. It's the mastery of the cooling loop that takes you from "start up" fase into the "built want you want" fase. Sooo master the cooling loop!
This is theoretically true but skips a lot of what it means to get to basic mid-game - most often reed fiber for atmo suits, plastic, and steel, which without ranching also means petroleum production and petroleum power. Having all of these is part of a solid mid game. Rushing research with a few dupes doesn't do anything for the skills of all the rest of the colony either.
@@ahmataevoyeah having the research is only half of it, ya gotta actually obtain and manage the materials and then also have the know-how of what you need to do with em
Heat and transitioning to fuel burning power have definitely been my two big hold ups so far. I'll get a new power grid set up using coal and in what feels like a handful of cycles i'm out of fuel so definitely going to shoot for smart batteries BEFORE making the switch going forward. Heat is also one of those things that always sneaks up on me and I think I just need to pay more attention to early on. I don't think about it much until it starts to cause problems then its this huge thing to fix while all my crops are dying. Lastly I had thought of polluted oxygen as this big bad thing to get rid of when really its one step away from being super useful so that was great advice. Already feeling a lot more confident going forward with the advice in this video.
@@Magnet_MD thanks! Posted about it on Reddit and learned all the small optimizations I missed so I’m cracking open the steam room again later tonight lmao.
There is something important left out of this guide. The number 1 thing you can do to reduce the use of resources is to drastically limit the amount of new Dupes you let into your colony. Only pick a new Dupe when you have enough food, oxygen, water, and your Dupes don't have too much idle time happening. And most importantly, make sure their attributes are useful, or at minimum, not detrimental (like flatulence). Going slow and steady is the best way towards making the colony sustainable.
A good tip is a duplicant only needs 5 meal lice a day and produces 2/3 a coal generator 90% of the day, schedules are now obsolete in early game since Emergency Naps are a thing, door compressor/door crusher the co2 and drip (or portal) gas locks. mining a diagonal giving a vacuum in between, a perfect insulation, is also very important for maps like Oasis or early magma escaping Volcano traits. Pip planting logic too very necessary.
You didn't mention this, but I'd say exploratory mining is also a big part of setting up in the early game. Discovering what kind of geysers and vents you have and where they are is going to do a lot to inform your mid-game setup, so getting out there and figuring that out early is important.
brilliant video, I love the game but I have been having trouble getting past the early game, I think heat is my biggest problem, and trying to do too much too soon.
I am trying to be part of that 1,4% but so far I have gotten to your playthrough video 25 out of 55 before everything get's F*** up. I must say doing my 3rd or 4th run and following your playthrough along, noting every step on a piece of paper including the cycles, seems to work for now. I hope I can get trough the end this time or at least get further then previously.
My main issue with game is that I don't know what to do Im struggling to find what to do next, but feel like I don't have enough to increase my dupe downtime
One thing I find useful to advise, at least on the Terra asteroid, is to ranch Stone Hatches. Though food isn't easily renewed for them, Stone Hatch food is easily among the most abundant on world generation. You may or may not choose to replace them with a different breed of hatch, but early on, I find Stone Hatches to be the easiest to feed. Sage Hatches and regular Hatches, on the other hand, will more likely than not burn through resources you need for other purposes.
Agreed, I'm planning on making a video about hatch variants and what to feed them since they can eat such valuable resources and newer players won't notice that it's a problem.
@@Hanmacx I suppose those work. 'Course, the sieve doesn't produce an awful lot, and the distiller makes a *lot* of other waste, particularly when you include the fact that the ethanol must be burned. The main thing? Not the best for early in the run, but when you're advanced...
I never thought about the ice to water cooling Reservoir. What my silly mind was doing was building a Atmo suit station into a ice biome, Digging and making a mini industrial Park inside there and routing the hot Output deeper into the ice biome and back out into the colony. My colony collapsed at cycle 300
with the help of your tutorials (and a few others or so), my base currently has lots of water, oxygen, cool air, happy dupes, and food (maybe too much food lol). ive built my first rocket; however, it currently still isnt functional bc i dont quite understnd how to harness steam yet. for that reason, i consider myself a little stuck/unable to progress, but in the meantime my dupes are taken care of, and im hoarding rss for when i figure out what to do next. id say my setup is still inefficient, despite being much better than my handful of baby's first ONI playthroughs, but im hindered by the lack of space i gave myself to improve that (through, say, shipping)
I'm starting to realize that ONI isn't the right type of game for me. It doesn't feel fun to have to worry about a dozen different things all at once, only to have a constantly-evolving list of needs as the game goes on, and when all those needs are _finally_ met, suddenly the game ends. It especially doesn't help when my colony stays as simple as I can get it and I go to YT for help, only to be overwhelmed by the beehives everyone else is making.
Some advice is really welcome. Here is a list of 'things' that I'd love advice for. 1) How many Dupes to have for Mid-Game and End-Game. Obviously we can go crazy... but is there a preferred minimum? 2) How many diggers/builders, mechtronics engineers, ranchers, farmers, cooks, etc. should a basic colony have? 3) Is there a minimum Athletics we should target for our dupes? 4) Priority of base projects. To often I get to the point of needing Atmosuits but I don't have the Oxygen system in place, or I don't have the Power Network in place, or I don't have the Reed Fiber in place, or I don't have the refined metal I need, etc. Consequently... I'm just digging more and more working on minor projects when I SHOULD be focusing on an important project. I'd like goals in terms of "cycles" to try to have certain projects done, so I can kinda have a feeling for how well I might be doing. 5) How many Atmosuit Docks to have, and how many exits from the base with those Atmosuits in front of those exits. 6) How much oxygen pumped into the suits is required... and does that determine how many Electrolyzers are needed and how many pumps need to feed them? 7) Should I have a plan for cooling the SPOM when I build it? I often want Atmosuits before I've set up my SPOM so this becomes an issue. Then I have a SPOM with no cooling for the oxygen... feeding the Atmosuits but then it is mostly NOT feeding my base because the Oxygen would be too hot. 8) How to create a Shipping center. Where should it be located (in terms of proximity to the base and dupes). How much space is needed for it? How to handle hot shipped stuff. Should I focus on shipping to reduce dupe labor before starting other projects... like going to the Oil biome? 9) Tips on making a Power Distribution system for the base as it transitions from early to mid to late game. Like do you plan ahead by leaving space for it? I hate having to go back through my base to re-wire everything from early game wiring to Refined Metal wiring... so I like to get Lead from the Oil biome before going crazy... but is that hindering me? 10) When to go to the Oil biome to get Lead. I often need that Lead for my power network. So often that power network is a roadblock. 11) Will I need Petroleum for the Rockets, and if so, does it need to be pumped all the way from the oil biome to space? I assume so... so should I plan for one massive pipeline when building my ladder core? 12) Setting up liquid Oxygen and Hydrogen for rockets always makes me nervous. Do I pump it all up from my original SPOM or do I make a new SPOM nearer to space? Should the cooling machines be built in space or in atmosphere near space? 13) Do I need to make a whole new Power distribution system near space? Where does that power come from? Should it be Solar panels or just one massive power spine? Should I be making Glass before I get to space? Again... I'm just asking for advice. Obviously people can take different approaches even just based on the random asteroid and things just work out. But in general... how do you approach these things?
Hi! Let me jump through the list! 1 - I don't typically exceed 20 duplicants unless I'm doing some kind of challenge run. It heavily depends on how quickly you want to play and what your computer can handle. I think 8 is probably a minimum, but it's always possible to complete it with less than that. 2 - I think just one of each role makes sense and the rest can be generalists that are good at some combination of what you listed. Eventually everyone kinda settles into a more generic role unless you put them into a small area they can't leave, so they are constantly cooking or operating buildings. 3 - No minimum, they will constantly get better and better at it as they walk around. 4 - Hmmm, this is a little hard to answer because it sort of depends on what map you're on, how many duplicants you have, and a bunch of other factors. I'd generally say that by cycle 50 is when you should have your first power, food and oxygen sources. After that it's a matter of getting out on the map and making sure you have power to fund all of the new tech you get into. I don't think getting into the oil biome on the base game starter map any quicker than like cycle 200 makes sense. Just make sure that what you have is stable before starting something new. Not a great answer but there also kinda isn't one, unfortunately. 5 - Usually the atmo suits only make sense to access a dangerous area, so I guess one bank for every dangerous area you expect to go into makes sense. And dangerous meaning your duplicants either will get hurt/die from temperature exposure, or there's no oxygen at all. Each dock area can have any number of suits, it just depends on how many duplicants you expect to be working there at once. I'll usually stick between 4 and 8. 6 - I think the suits each hold 100KG, unsure how much the actual dock holds, but it's a lot more than that. If you're planning on starting up suits, I'd expect to make at least 1 more electrolyzer. Your duplicants won't be breathing more oxygen in total, but it will take a long time to fill up suit docks if you don't have excess. 7 - I always recommend to have a very strong cooling setup before running electrolyzers, like an aquatuner and steam turbine setup. Before that, there's a lot of other sources, like polluted water, algae, rust + salt, etc. 8 - I have a strong belief that shipping should be started as soon as you have the skill points for it. The idea is just to ship everything to one central location, then create a web of Conveyor Loaders and Conveyor Rails to move stuff around. Definitely should be up before the oil biome. Things you need to cool on rails can head through a pool of cold liquid, supported by an aquatuner + Steam Turbine setup. 9 - It might be hindering you only because the lead will be so hot. I think you're best off just reserving an area for transformers and running your heavy watt wire up the middle of the base. Everyone likes to say it's bad for decor but honestly I really don't think decor matters to your duplicants nearly as much as it matters to the player. Just do it. Meh. 10 - Definitely after you have stabilized the interior of your base with regards to things like water flow, a rudimentary cooling setup, a ventilation setup, etc. I'll cover the oil biome a good amount in the next video. 11 - You will want petroleum for rockets, yes. I don't think you need that much infrastructure to pump it, just keep the lines a bit out of the way and build them out of a good insulator to avoid too much heat transfer. I tend to store it all in reservoirs near my rocket platform, in a room that has been vacuumed out. Vacuum = no heat transfer. 12 - I think you need to get comfortable with Aquatuners and Steam Turbines before worrying about liquid H2 and O2. Once you have a lot of cooling based on those machines, liquifying hydrogen will make more sense. 13 - Yes, I would make glass before going into space, and yes, I would connect them all to the same power grid. You can run your heavy-watt wire all the way up the middle of the base and you should be fine. Hopefully that answers some questions! The next 2 videos I produce should give some good direction on these questions as well :)
There are a couple pretty early-game things I would like to see covered in a modern game version: - When is it safe to send dupes into each biome? I.e. how far can you go with just held breath, vs. a liquid lock and held breath, vs. oxygen masks, vs. full atmo suits? - What's the best way to get dupes to gain skill points? I got a basic starting-biome survival base (no morale, pickled lice, manual power, research, outhouses) going for a few dupes, but I don't know when it's safe to push out into chlorine or ice biomes for resources there, or how to get new tasks like ranching going when I've recruited an interested dupe but they just don't get any skill points. A lot of other advancements depend on research, so I just end up staring at a temporarily-stable colony of
Welp it was a struggle and a pain but I finally got my liquid hydrogen and oxygen set up working and finally finished the base game so yay. Started a new spaced out run so gonna try to finish that as well. I can see how late game can be more boring. Was stuck waiting around for a lot of it for things to fill and finish.
Great idea with this series. My early game is great already, maybe because I repeated it at nauseam and have lots of experience. The frustration and rage quitting always comes in mid game when I have to build setups for the geysers and vents, and everything is heating up, and breaking and melting and so on haha! I'm actually watching this after 30 hours spent in a save where my hydrogen vent setup exploded and my natural gas generators are melting, and there's barely any coal left on the map, so I raged out of the game haha! I think I should change my mentality and instead of building a generator, I should build a cooling room in which to place said generator FIRST! I always do it backwards. And EVERYTHING in ONI is HEATING UP LIKE MAD! You need a cooling setup for every fork and every pile of drecko manure in your base.
Following... This series was made for me. Once I have a basic metal refinery, aqua tuner cooling and maybe tame a Nat gas vent, I lose interest. Have never done anything with oil
Fun fact: every single Problem can be solved with the Glossy Drecko for 0 cost whatsoever. Building Materials? Plastic Power? Burn the Plastic and use the sour gas in a sour gas boiler. Air? Boil some of the water from the sourgas boiler, then condence it and feed it to some electrolizers. Food? Meat from the dreckos plus super-fertilized Sleet wheat, pepper nuts, and Bristle berries fulled by the water from the boiler. Dirt for the meal wood, sleet wheat and Fertilizer for the micronutrient fertilizer? Take some of the polluted water from your boiler, the Phosphorite from your Glossy Dreckos and a bit of dirt and feed it into a fertilizer maker, then burn some of the fertilizer back into dirt for your sleet wheat and glossy dreckos. I didn't realy do the math here, but I'm sure a single ranch + starvation farming the exess glossy dreckos should be easily enough to support some 6 dupes indefinately.
I'm pretty new to the game. Two things, right now, are hanging me up, and they are probably related. First, I built multiple power grids, which I now see as a failure because I have coal needs at multiple locations. I tried having a heavy power line through the center of my base, but as y'all know, I took a huge deco hit and reverted back. The second issue is planning for an organized shipping system that isn't a complete mess. I haven't seen videos addressing these larger "planning" issues. Any way you could do one?
Looking forward to the next vid. I’ve been watching the old videos back to back but keep melting my base. Aquatuners seem almost required but the sustainable power seems to eventually break me.
well thankfully ive done everything in this video! im still struggling with my cooling loop - its cooled some parts way down but seems to have hit some kind of equilibrium where its not coolign my hottest places down very much - though the water is getting up to about 70C in the steam chamber, so maybe more progress after that, not sure. im just strugglebussing my way through, until i can figure out how to cool down enough for plants to stabilize again. i feel like its the barrier to progress in pretyt much every problem area right now, and the game is getting to be more frustrating then fun. not sure how to push through this obstacle. ive been trial and erroring with types of pipes, the materials im making them with, etc, but cant seem to unlock the best combination.
The next video ought to answer a good amount of these! Honestly it's usually a power struggle more than anything, because the solution to any cooling problem will always be more aquatuners and steam turbines, but the aquatuners require a lot of power and it's not very clear how much they need.
For early-game shipping: as a new player, it's not that it seems overly fancy, but that it seems bloody expensive. Copper takes a lot of dupe time, heat and power. It might well balance out to be worth the investment, but it never really looks a good return for any one shipping automation. (It doesn't help that several of the good uses in this video require T3 or T4 research to unlock.)
Hey Magnet! I'm relatively new to this game and your videos have helped me so much. I think I've got most of the early game stuff down, except for reed farming. Are you planning on making a video on drecko farms? Also, I've started a few colonies and every time it feels like I'm running out of metal so quickly. I'm always scrambling to dig some more to build stuff. Any tips on that perhaps?
I will make videos specifically about Drecko farms soon. I have covered them in my Ultra Supreme Max Difficulty run, but it's probably not very thorough. Metal Ore will almost always be a bottleneck! Digging for more is definitely something that I'd say is a normal part of the game. One thing that may help once you get the cooling infrastructure needed is capturing a metal volcano, or getting into the oil biome (for lead). Then you can replace your original power lines with refined metal and get that metal ore back.
I really want to look into something, which would make "late-midgame" interesting to continue playing. For example, in recent playthrough of Frosty DLC I got decent base, lot of nectar, ethanol, ranching, cooling, made petroleum power in oil biome, and... I just dont see the point to continue. Not going to space, not even taming and ranching pips and dreckos - I left them alone in their own biome pockets. Geothermal plant - yeah, I could tame it, but its just so much effort to go. And not the last struggle to mention is performance. Game is just getting slow on my laptop, it takes so much time even for autosaving, its not enjoyable anymore.
Try to keep your materials grouped together. For instance, I usually have a pit I drop all the abbisilite in. It is easier for your computer to compute heat flow of a 100 ton pile of material, rather the same material spread around the base. I've noticed my games are playable longer if I do that.
I've probably made 10th base and I go up to SPOM + all research to the point where I need uranium and I don't know what - how to do it. The automation seems so scary as you said. I'll need to watch more of your videos - watched few already but until now haven't subbed :) Followed EchoRidge guide but maybe other people find it hard as me to remove this unnecessary slime that poison part of my base, or why there is so much O2 instead of Oxygen :D I've "figured" out how to clean the slime infection by placing Deodorizers - but it takes ages for a single room. - all the slime is submerged under water, but somehow still makes the whole thing smeel :D Idk what's going on. Will have to investigate.
Your duplicants can kinda power through the Slime/Polluted Oxygen areas, but I will also throw down a bunch of deodorizers and kinda advance them into those biomes. I do submerge the slime underwater or create a separate area where it can gas off and immediately get cleaned.
@@Magnet_MD Yeah - Did exactly that - bunch of deodorizer - but when the poluted oxygen disappears they stop, so I've added bottle emptier - more work :D instead of using the automation ... but hey just got the idea :) anyway - then realized that I can add bristle blossom + shine bug in the area - and the radiation will kill all the germs, now I'll need to fight with food poisoning - no idea from what it happen - I'm using the grill - and not let them eat garbage food, but hey will try to finally get to see how to make dreco farm - as I think they produce phosphate - damn so many things to do and probably after 5-10 "dead" colonies I'll be able to finally go into space
I just managed to launch my first spaceship ever, I'm trying hard to get to the temporal tear this time. One annoyance I'm having is there was a zombie spore right where I wanted to place my spaceship. I cleaned out the flower and most of the spores with chlorine, but there is a little CO2 and polluted Oxygen in there which has 1000 and 500 zombie spores in each spot. How do I completely clear it out so I can use that space ?
Hi, sorry for the late reply, but if you can seal the room off with a liquid lock, build a pump and vacuum it out, you can just send the infected gasses to space.
I would add to this list a heat shield, by that i mean putting a barrier made of isolated tiles around the base so less heat from outside can get into the base. Also one of the biggest mid-game traps in this game was algae distiller. despite its name it really does not produce algae. only 1/3 of slime put into it becomes algae. The other 2/3 turn into polluted water. So really don't try to force that algae-based oxygen production instead move onto using an electrolyser and turn slime into food. Distilleries are not bad per say they are good just not for the job they advertise.
Guess I didn't go thru the tear before...till now. I found an older save that had the tear open and just popped thru for the achievement. While its not my best base, I sent it over just for the hell of it. Hope you reach your goal...whatever that might be. I'm off to complete a bunch of other achievements I didn't realize that I didn't do yet...oops.
lol i was setting up a SPOM even though i didn't have good power setup, ventialtion, ranch cooling or reed fibers.... i am fairly new, looked up some guide videos, and sadly i did make mush bars
I'm kinda in a mid game map, I only started it to get the carnivore and super sustainable achievements, now I'm debating to start over or not. Anyways, do your guys "trash" gases in space? I try to save everything and try to reuse them. // The gas sorting looks interesting :O // Great video as always!
For me the key to not getting bored in the mid-game is to 1) have enough duplicants to build projects quickly and 2) have enough automation so they're able to build. I usually only have eight or so duplicants in the early game because I don't want my food or oxygen needs to spiral out of control, but I want to have at least twenty when I start building vent tamers and space infrastructure. The sweet spot for me is thirty three, for some reason. That leaves me fifteen or so for maintenance tasks like ranching, cooking, and supplying and then the rest for projects. Trying to build a steel and plastic industry with five mostly free duplicants is a slog. For me midgame starts when I've reached my desired population with sufficient food and power generation. It ends when power, food, and oxygen are indefinitely sustainable. That could mean oil power, drecko food, and vent-fed electrolyzers. It could mean solar + coal power, volcano-fed hatches, and well... it's pretty much always vent fed electrolyzers. What else can you reasonably do for oxygen that doesn't take a ton of manual labor?
Yeah, I agree, depends on the map and what DLCs are active. But you're right that electrolyzers are basically inevitable unless you want to purposefully avoid using them.
Oni start is fine. Things happen when I tell it to be done. Mid/late game becomes just boring. Wait for dupes to do stuff takes forever. Waiting is boring.
One caveat with using the element sensor instead of the filter at 12:00 - if you for some reason run out of power, you don't filter stuff anymore. If you're not careful setting it up, you can end up sending fluids where you don't want them. A gas/liquid filter costs more power but also provides more protection since it full stops without power. I would say the number one goal in the beginning of mid-game is you have to expand and usually diversify your power generation. As part of that you should be scaling your power so you can do all the fancy mid-game things (namely Steel). Mid-game power issues usually aren't a problem with small inefficiencies (although they can add up), but rather because you have expanded too quickly before you secured your power solutions.
You're definitely right about the downside to that filter scheme, but even a little bit of gas mixup isn't much of a problem. It might damage a building or get wasted or something but still I would rather have that than being power starved
I need this, I have all research except the stuff that requires rockets, but I'm still surviving on mealwood and oxygen diffusers, hopefully I can move to midgame after this
Hey! I'm writing this comment to put out my struggle as a new player to ONI. I bought this game around 2~3 years ago, attempted my first playthrough and quit at around 40 cycles because of I just couldn't figure out how to progress and sustain my colonies. I just came back and my colony currently just reach 90 cycles! I have sort of figured out the "sustainability" problem by creating 1. washroom liquid cycle 2. simple hatch farm for food 3. power from coal generators Now, I'm going to state my issues on progression as my potato brain can't figure out how to solve any of these: 1. I want to go into plastic and steel making but I can't go find the oil at the bottom of the world because I need ATMO suits 2. To power the ATMO suits then I need an infinite oxygen producer 3. I want to make SPOM but I don't have an infinite liquid source yet 4. To make an infinite liquid source I will need to find a steam vent which requires me to go out into the hazardous wilderness which I will need the ATMO suits again So on and so forth with all the problems overlapping each other. The point is just that I don't know how to break this "chain of issues" so I am unable to progress whatsoever. It's kind of surprising that there's only 1,4% clear rate for the game as I thought most players that play this game actually know what they are doing. Hopefully I can join the team to raise that number up!
Magnet, I'm currently working on a base for your list. I finished all the achievements a while ago. At least until the Frosty DLC was released. The base I went through the Temporal Tear was OK. But is was a mess compared to the way I build bases now. I am working on showing you the best solutions I've come up with to date. Of course, I'm always finding slightly better ways all the time. I have really gotten a handle on automation and I think you will enjoy having a look at it. For instance, My base's quiescent state is to have 20 tons of steel ready for use. When I schedule a build of something made from steel, the automation turns on all the buildings needed to get the steel level back up to 20 tons. The steel refinery turns on, the iron refinery turns on, the lime rock crusher turns on, and the refined carbon kiln turns on. They all produce until the levels are back to the quiescent levels, and then they shut off. I have a similar set up for ceramic, berry sludge, and radrockets; among others. I'm looking forward to sending it to you.
One of my first builds is an infinite gas and liquid storage system, complete with their mechanical filters. All unwanted gases and fluids go into this dump system for later use. I know it's "cheating", but so do solid storage.
Saving this for later, once I'm done with Satisfactory.. My last run in ONI was highly successful, but still not a win.. I made it to cycle 350 and tamed my first ever metal volcano, but I had run out of dirt and despite having 3 cool slush geysers, I couldn't keep up with the water demand of my bristle blossoms since my hatches no longer had sedimentary rock to feed on either... basically, I think I made it into the mid-game, but failed to achieve sustainability. Nonetheless, I appreciate your push and will likely be back to ONI in a month or two to give it another push alongside your guidance!
My biggest problem is an area around a cold steam geyser which I blocked off too late. I haven't found the cold slush geysers and I'm playing on a standard world with both dlc aktive
Huh, so on the frosty DLC and Spaced out? I can't recall for sure if the cool slush geysers are guaranteed on the Frosty DLC but at least on the first asteroid of Spaced Out by itself, there are always two ice biomes at the top of the map with a slush geyser in each of them. I think in my frosty DLC run there was only 1 cool slush geyser but that was in beta and I don't know if it was finalized. Check at the top of the map!
It waits for a bit before turning the pump on, so it's not turning on when any random packet of CO2 or Chlorine drifts by. You'll wind up wasting a lot of power sucking up Oxygen that way.
@@Magnet_MD i started a new game 5h ago played too much and test in game and yep it work really well, i understood my own question while building it lmao But what really saved me is your ice cooling method i have seen, like i was loosing every base because of heat and this method is so cheap and so efficient its crazy
I haven't even sent a rocket to the temporal tear _with_ sandbox tools. I just... never tried to. I'm also not sure I've even sent a rocket to space at all yet.
11:45 so I've made a couple of these, but am finding out they are not 100% consistent. Did I fail them or is it there a chance other gases sneak through?
Other gasses will sneak through if the line is ever clogged up, or if you lose power to the shutoffs. If both of those are solved, you shouldn't have any issues :)
One thing I learned that not many people talked about which can save a MASSIVE amount of time is try to look around your building area when building a large machine.
Say if I am building a large room or a ladder system when coring out an area, if the area is rich in *insert* rock, use that rock instead of what you are currently using, if you use sandstone in the oil biome the dupes had to run back to the starting biome to grab sandstone and back. Where if you are digging in a granite rich biome and use granite, the dupes will just need to walk down a few stairs and grab at the bottom of the construction site.
Yea and then you get those dupes that run half the map to get the granite from the other side despite there being granite next to them.
This is smart
I ended up in a situation where I had over a million kilos of granite easily from doing parts of the map, so I just used that for the rest of the whole planetoid since it could be burned easy and later in the game it’s not too bad to be walking just a little longer, especially with the somnium synthesizer active.
You know what else is massive?
What I found works for me is trying to make a super late-game project - it'll go slowly, but it gives you something to work towards! It can be anything from a simple petroleum boiler to a complex sour gas boiler, giving you something to come back to. Proud to say I'm part of that 1.4% - and anyone reading this can do it too!
I’m participating in Echo Ridge Gaming’s Chaos Crew, and this run the seed is a spaced out frosty planet - so obviously I decided that I want to drown my starting planetoid in magma.
It is *incredibly* late-game, but so far, I’ve got a geo-tuned volcano dumping magma into the core and a metal refinery that’s cooled with molten aluminium melting down surplus oxylite (from the frosty planet plant, alveo vera), and I’m trying to work out how to make a rocket silo so I can start boiling glass into rock gas - those first two projects were remarkably simple, and the third one is mostly just a big insulated pit - I can work out what I put under it for heat capture later.
It’s also prompted me to try some other, stupid, projects - I’m 99% sure I can send a dupe up in a rocket and never need them to land again - without melting the rocket for more space.
That's a good point! Staying motivated definitely helps :)
i dont understand what these are! i look forward to learning about them...
I was excited to binge watch this series and then realized that this was posted one hour ago
I would love to be able to have or print off a checklist. The breakdown of the phases of the game was EXTREMELY helpful as I tend to struggle with the whole "What now?" Providing a direction is amazing and I look forward to the other videos about mid and late game. Maybe I'll be able to get there this time!
Awesome job keep up the great work.
Well now I have something to work on! (Assuming someone hasn't already done this.)
Addressing the lull in fun and performance in the midgame is exactly what I was hoping to hear. I've never needed more things to do in this stage of the game but never truly saw it to full completion because of the performance and fun aspects in several playthrus.
On the way!
Here's an idea: think of something stupid you can do, and try to make it work.
OK, I sent a rocket through the tear, finally, after 2+ years. The colony wasn't subtle, clean, or well executed, but I did it.
Good job! Congrats!
I've never made it properly through mid-game. I think part of my issue is that when I'm dealing with so many things at once I get overwhelmed, so having a checklist of when to do things would be good. I always get bathrooms set up, start clearing slime biomes, have good food and oxygen set ups, and then things start to get complicated, and I start getting intimidated by the idea of tackling vents and volcanoes. Plus I've always been terrible at setting up good shipping networks, so my dupes are running all over the place which slows everything down. Think I need to prioritise getting shipping set up earlier!
Thanks for making these videos. Previous attempts had my colony limping to cycle 100 before collapsing, but got myself up to 267 this time around. I think my main problem is figuring out where to place utilities and being resistant to moving/deconstructing existing structures. I can confidently say that dragging my feet with where to set up cooling and mass oxygen production because the colony was doing fine is what led to all my dupes starving last night when things were suddenly not fine 😅
Ok, sir. I stumbled across your videos a few weeks ago and have been watching through the base game playthrough. I must say your play style absolutely rubbed me the wrong way at first. I grew up on GrindThisGame, Brothgar, Francis John and the other staples of ONI who are quite particular every step of the way. After taking a big ole chill pill and seeing how well this works for you, I have decided you are, in fact, not crazy 😂 Thank you for the different approaches and more relaxed viewpoints.
Welllll, that doesn't cement that I'm not crazy, I probably still am! But thanks for the kind words!
Oh my god, you can not emagine how much such a video helps. At least to poeple with ME/CFS where the brain fog hinders them to complete such a game. i love it, but at some point i cant handle the komplexity anymore. i love that game and spend 2.600 hours in it, but never once have i been able to past cycle 500 or start a rocket. i will definetly send you my file once i done. I thank you so much and let you know, that you are the fist one i leave a abo within the first video.
Greetings from Germany.
Hello and good job! I'm glad it is helping you
Thank you for doing these videos! It has been very helpful seeing some more up-to-date explanations of how things work. I am doing the challenge, just hit cycle 350 in my game, and did a lot of firsts: launched a rocket to orbit my main asteroid (for databank research parts), have a steady supply of steel and plastic being made, and am searching for the best place to put a steam engine setup for cooling and power!
I might be currently going through a power crisis (finally ran out of coal, and my nat gas setup went dormant right as I finished getting it built), but my water situation is great, my food is great, I am getting ready to send a permanent team to my second asteroid for crude oil and petrol production, while getting the parts ready to make a colonizing rocket for a third asteriod :) The game has been so much more fun since getting past the hurdles of surviving the midgame, and look forward to finally reaching the tear!
Your videos in particular were what first got me into the midgame to begin with (I binged all your old walkthroughs and challenge videos, which helped address many of my early game issues), and I will keep watching to master the midgame and reach the endgame.
Awesome, glad you're making such good progress!
Just wanted to show you my appreciation. I started ONI way back when we only had Jahws's guides on Steam. This will definitely grow the ONI community for the better.
I just got back into the game after trying it for a few hours when I first got it, and had started digging for this answer yesterday. Thanks for making these videos, and can't wait for the next one, and to add my file to the list.
Amazing video I wish I had this when I was first learning, I even got helpful tips after 900 hours of gameplay thank you and keep up the great work
I love your videos, it's my go-to channel if I want to improve at oni or just watch you play. Very easy to understand and it is fun.
Not sure it has been mentioned already, but under ice cooling, it's maybe worth noting that panic cooling can be done through tempshift plates made of ice. It should be done away from or with a drainage plan for crops, though, as many plates can end up freezing the area for awhile after melting.
Thank you! Great idea in a pinch!
I love your tutorial videos. I have been saving them in my ONI Tutorial folder for future reference. :-)
Thanks, glad they are helping out!
Figuring out cooling loops so I can make steel and glass is the #1 thing that has kept me from the mid-game versus endless restarting.
Videos about this are on the way!
@@Magnet_MD :D Oh thank you thank you. It's for real the one necessary thing I've never been able to wrap my brain around. And guides tend to either gloss over it or just go "copy this".
Your ice cooling guides have already been super helpful, though. I knew about just routing a cooling thing through an ice biome, but bringing the ice biome to you, I don't know why I didn't think of that before.
(There is other stuff like petroleum boilers that also allude me, but those seem more like Stupid Dupe Tricks. There's no getting around a cooling loop, though.)
Recently came across your videos after taking a 2 year break from ONI and wanted to jump back in. Been enjoying them very much so far and are helping me break my OG fear of slimerot!!!
Excited to join the 1% of rocket senders and have that as my new goal. Maybe not a *need* per se, but I always enjoyed finding blueprints for infinite set ups like infinite bathrooms into fibers, or chlorine loops for clean bathrooms. Excited to see what is upcoming.
Thanks, and good luck! I think you're gonna get it!
OMG Thank you so much for this video! I have been waiting for something like this forever.
I clicked this video so fast! Thank you for even making this and it’s not hours long! Thank youuuu
One thing that I learnt recently, is that you can drop showers into nature reserves without de-listing the room. This has always been the biggest issue I had in getting dupes into a nature reserve. Now my dupes are always go in and out and getting that impressive boost, and keeping squeaky clean!
Thank you!
the ice cooler is such a nice design. I've always just kind struggled by with no cooling, until getting a crutch cold brine/polluted water geyser
Thanks! Yeah, it has definitely saved me in a bunch of situations :)
since ive never done steam cooling i always use a map with a cool slush
Thanks for the checklist - I'm now positive that I'm competent at early game :D Looking forward to the next stages!
Excellent work!
The information panels and cuts were great.
Thanks a lot for this!
I found this vid randomly, because I was searching for some 2024 ONI videos to learn the game, and the idea to get an objective of launching a rocket to take part of this greater community objective seems pretty fun, I'm in and I'll try my best at doing so (never went past cycle ~150 usually !)
As soon as I reach the automation tab in oni, I just freeze up. I've probably had like 30 runs end simply by starting all over again bc early game has so much more instant gratification and it's just something I'm familiar with
your call to action really inspired me and I'm spending more time going through tutorials and re-reading everything in the game very carefully. I'm not sure if my current base will be the one to "beat the game" but I'm determined to run it back until I make it through the temporal tear! my main issue is always thermal regulation... i kind of had this beat by starting on the icy planetoid, but then the frosty planet DLC came out and now I have a other thermal problems to manage. so that base is abandoned until I learn more about the game, especially the new cold mechanics
There will be a lot of cooling discussion in the next video! I hope it helps :)
Hi Magnet, This is Grane
I have been playing this game for plenty of hours..
Haven't successfully launch any rocket yet
even didn't pass to midgame
Thank you for the objective like tutorial
this is so helpful in making sure I'm good to go to the mid-game after everything checked on the early game
Hi! You're welcome and good luck!
I can only thank you for your effort on trying to get people to finish this amazing game.
I love this format!! Straight to the point!!❤❤❤
I genuinely appreciate that you're doing this because I have been playing since alpha and I still have not completed the game. Initially I blamed the undiagnosed ADHD which is now diagnosed and intermittently medicated, but even after literally 7 years of playing it I've only ever launched 2 rockets (one base game, one spaced out) because I get absorbed in the myriad of planning and prep work and rush into mid/late game projects without properly building up the infrastructure needed to sustain them, then bail and start over. Here's hoping some day you get an email from me with a save file.
Personally I feel mid-game isn't really a thing. Once you researched the entire tree you're basically in the end game. You're free to built anything you want.
It's the mastery of the cooling loop that takes you from "start up" fase into the "built want you want" fase. Sooo master the cooling loop!
This is theoretically true but skips a lot of what it means to get to basic mid-game - most often reed fiber for atmo suits, plastic, and steel, which without ranching also means petroleum production and petroleum power. Having all of these is part of a solid mid game. Rushing research with a few dupes doesn't do anything for the skills of all the rest of the colony either.
@@ahmataevoyeah having the research is only half of it, ya gotta actually obtain and manage the materials and then also have the know-how of what you need to do with em
Heat and transitioning to fuel burning power have definitely been my two big hold ups so far. I'll get a new power grid set up using coal and in what feels like a handful of cycles i'm out of fuel so definitely going to shoot for smart batteries BEFORE making the switch going forward.
Heat is also one of those things that always sneaks up on me and I think I just need to pay more attention to early on. I don't think about it much until it starts to cause problems then its this huge thing to fix while all my crops are dying.
Lastly I had thought of polluted oxygen as this big bad thing to get rid of when really its one step away from being super useful so that was great advice. Already feeling a lot more confident going forward with the advice in this video.
Just finished my first geothermal plant! Having so much fun putting together my base.
Good job! Those are pretty complicated!
@@Magnet_MD thanks! Posted about it on Reddit and learned all the small optimizations I missed so I’m cracking open the steam room again later tonight lmao.
There is something important left out of this guide. The number 1 thing you can do to reduce the use of resources is to drastically limit the amount of new Dupes you let into your colony. Only pick a new Dupe when you have enough food, oxygen, water, and your Dupes don't have too much idle time happening. And most importantly, make sure their attributes are useful, or at minimum, not detrimental (like flatulence). Going slow and steady is the best way towards making the colony sustainable.
These videos are great! Definitely eventually will finish this but frostpunk 2 calls first
10:54 you can also store carbon dioxide, because it can have some uses in future
This is INSANELY helpful! Thanks!
A good tip is a duplicant only needs 5 meal lice a day and produces 2/3 a coal generator 90% of the day, schedules are now obsolete in early game since Emergency Naps are a thing, door compressor/door crusher the co2 and drip (or portal) gas locks. mining a diagonal giving a vacuum in between, a perfect insulation, is also very important for maps like Oasis or early magma escaping Volcano traits. Pip planting logic too very necessary.
You didn't mention this, but I'd say exploratory mining is also a big part of setting up in the early game. Discovering what kind of geysers and vents you have and where they are is going to do a lot to inform your mid-game setup, so getting out there and figuring that out early is important.
That's the first thing I mention in the sequel to this video!
brilliant video, I love the game but I have been having trouble getting past the early game, I think heat is my biggest problem, and trying to do too much too soon.
I am trying to be part of that 1,4% but so far I have gotten to your playthrough video 25 out of 55 before everything get's F*** up. I must say doing my 3rd or 4th run and following your playthrough along, noting every step on a piece of paper including the cycles, seems to work for now. I hope I can get trough the end this time or at least get further then previously.
It does take a bit to learn all of the different plates you need to keep spinning. Also, playing in the base game might be easier than Spaced Out
Thanks for these videos! I just entered the temporal tear and got the achievement!
Congrats! How did it go?
For now and for always, thank you for your hard work Magnet!!!
My main issue with game is that I don't know what to do
Im struggling to find what to do next, but feel like I don't have enough to increase my dupe downtime
It's like I'm watching an episode of How It's Made, nice editing.
How do I actually make an ice cooling setup?
Specifically how am I supposed to pipe the water around my base to allow it to actually circulate?
This is very helpful, thanks!!
One thing I find useful to advise, at least on the Terra asteroid, is to ranch Stone Hatches. Though food isn't easily renewed for them, Stone Hatch food is easily among the most abundant on world generation. You may or may not choose to replace them with a different breed of hatch, but early on, I find Stone Hatches to be the easiest to feed.
Sage Hatches and regular Hatches, on the other hand, will more likely than not burn through resources you need for other purposes.
Agreed, I'm planning on making a video about hatch variants and what to feed them since they can eat such valuable resources and newer players won't notice that it's a problem.
I like Sage Hatch because they eat polluted dirt
@@Hanmacx Where are you getting that polluted dirt from?
@@UlyssesK402 for example water sieve, or Ethanol Destiller
@@Hanmacx I suppose those work. 'Course, the sieve doesn't produce an awful lot, and the distiller makes a *lot* of other waste, particularly when you include the fact that the ethanol must be burned.
The main thing? Not the best for early in the run, but when you're advanced...
I never thought about the ice to water cooling Reservoir. What my silly mind was doing was building a Atmo suit station into a ice biome, Digging and making a mini industrial Park inside there and routing the hot Output deeper into the ice biome and back out into the colony.
My colony collapsed at cycle 300
with the help of your tutorials (and a few others or so), my base currently has lots of water, oxygen, cool air, happy dupes, and food (maybe too much food lol). ive built my first rocket; however, it currently still isnt functional bc i dont quite understnd how to harness steam yet. for that reason, i consider myself a little stuck/unable to progress, but in the meantime my dupes are taken care of, and im hoarding rss for when i figure out what to do next. id say my setup is still inefficient, despite being much better than my handful of baby's first ONI playthroughs, but im hindered by the lack of space i gave myself to improve that (through, say, shipping)
I'm starting to realize that ONI isn't the right type of game for me. It doesn't feel fun to have to worry about a dozen different things all at once, only to have a constantly-evolving list of needs as the game goes on, and when all those needs are _finally_ met, suddenly the game ends. It especially doesn't help when my colony stays as simple as I can get it and I go to YT for help, only to be overwhelmed by the beehives everyone else is making.
Some advice is really welcome. Here is a list of 'things' that I'd love advice for.
1) How many Dupes to have for Mid-Game and End-Game. Obviously we can go crazy... but is there a preferred minimum?
2) How many diggers/builders, mechtronics engineers, ranchers, farmers, cooks, etc. should a basic colony have?
3) Is there a minimum Athletics we should target for our dupes?
4) Priority of base projects. To often I get to the point of needing Atmosuits but I don't have the Oxygen system in place, or I don't have the Power Network in place, or I don't have the Reed Fiber in place, or I don't have the refined metal I need, etc. Consequently... I'm just digging more and more working on minor projects when I SHOULD be focusing on an important project. I'd like goals in terms of "cycles" to try to have certain projects done, so I can kinda have a feeling for how well I might be doing.
5) How many Atmosuit Docks to have, and how many exits from the base with those Atmosuits in front of those exits.
6) How much oxygen pumped into the suits is required... and does that determine how many Electrolyzers are needed and how many pumps need to feed them?
7) Should I have a plan for cooling the SPOM when I build it? I often want Atmosuits before I've set up my SPOM so this becomes an issue. Then I have a SPOM with no cooling for the oxygen... feeding the Atmosuits but then it is mostly NOT feeding my base because the Oxygen would be too hot.
8) How to create a Shipping center. Where should it be located (in terms of proximity to the base and dupes). How much space is needed for it? How to handle hot shipped stuff. Should I focus on shipping to reduce dupe labor before starting other projects... like going to the Oil biome?
9) Tips on making a Power Distribution system for the base as it transitions from early to mid to late game. Like do you plan ahead by leaving space for it? I hate having to go back through my base to re-wire everything from early game wiring to Refined Metal wiring... so I like to get Lead from the Oil biome before going crazy... but is that hindering me?
10) When to go to the Oil biome to get Lead. I often need that Lead for my power network. So often that power network is a roadblock.
11) Will I need Petroleum for the Rockets, and if so, does it need to be pumped all the way from the oil biome to space? I assume so... so should I plan for one massive pipeline when building my ladder core?
12) Setting up liquid Oxygen and Hydrogen for rockets always makes me nervous. Do I pump it all up from my original SPOM or do I make a new SPOM nearer to space? Should the cooling machines be built in space or in atmosphere near space?
13) Do I need to make a whole new Power distribution system near space? Where does that power come from? Should it be Solar panels or just one massive power spine? Should I be making Glass before I get to space?
Again... I'm just asking for advice. Obviously people can take different approaches even just based on the random asteroid and things just work out. But in general... how do you approach these things?
Hi! Let me jump through the list!
1 - I don't typically exceed 20 duplicants unless I'm doing some kind of challenge run. It heavily depends on how quickly you want to play and what your computer can handle. I think 8 is probably a minimum, but it's always possible to complete it with less than that.
2 - I think just one of each role makes sense and the rest can be generalists that are good at some combination of what you listed. Eventually everyone kinda settles into a more generic role unless you put them into a small area they can't leave, so they are constantly cooking or operating buildings.
3 - No minimum, they will constantly get better and better at it as they walk around.
4 - Hmmm, this is a little hard to answer because it sort of depends on what map you're on, how many duplicants you have, and a bunch of other factors. I'd generally say that by cycle 50 is when you should have your first power, food and oxygen sources. After that it's a matter of getting out on the map and making sure you have power to fund all of the new tech you get into. I don't think getting into the oil biome on the base game starter map any quicker than like cycle 200 makes sense. Just make sure that what you have is stable before starting something new. Not a great answer but there also kinda isn't one, unfortunately.
5 - Usually the atmo suits only make sense to access a dangerous area, so I guess one bank for every dangerous area you expect to go into makes sense. And dangerous meaning your duplicants either will get hurt/die from temperature exposure, or there's no oxygen at all. Each dock area can have any number of suits, it just depends on how many duplicants you expect to be working there at once. I'll usually stick between 4 and 8.
6 - I think the suits each hold 100KG, unsure how much the actual dock holds, but it's a lot more than that. If you're planning on starting up suits, I'd expect to make at least 1 more electrolyzer. Your duplicants won't be breathing more oxygen in total, but it will take a long time to fill up suit docks if you don't have excess.
7 - I always recommend to have a very strong cooling setup before running electrolyzers, like an aquatuner and steam turbine setup. Before that, there's a lot of other sources, like polluted water, algae, rust + salt, etc.
8 - I have a strong belief that shipping should be started as soon as you have the skill points for it. The idea is just to ship everything to one central location, then create a web of Conveyor Loaders and Conveyor Rails to move stuff around. Definitely should be up before the oil biome. Things you need to cool on rails can head through a pool of cold liquid, supported by an aquatuner + Steam Turbine setup.
9 - It might be hindering you only because the lead will be so hot. I think you're best off just reserving an area for transformers and running your heavy watt wire up the middle of the base. Everyone likes to say it's bad for decor but honestly I really don't think decor matters to your duplicants nearly as much as it matters to the player. Just do it. Meh.
10 - Definitely after you have stabilized the interior of your base with regards to things like water flow, a rudimentary cooling setup, a ventilation setup, etc. I'll cover the oil biome a good amount in the next video.
11 - You will want petroleum for rockets, yes. I don't think you need that much infrastructure to pump it, just keep the lines a bit out of the way and build them out of a good insulator to avoid too much heat transfer. I tend to store it all in reservoirs near my rocket platform, in a room that has been vacuumed out. Vacuum = no heat transfer.
12 - I think you need to get comfortable with Aquatuners and Steam Turbines before worrying about liquid H2 and O2. Once you have a lot of cooling based on those machines, liquifying hydrogen will make more sense.
13 - Yes, I would make glass before going into space, and yes, I would connect them all to the same power grid. You can run your heavy-watt wire all the way up the middle of the base and you should be fine.
Hopefully that answers some questions! The next 2 videos I produce should give some good direction on these questions as well :)
@@Magnet_MD Super grateful for the reply. I look forward to the next couple videos! Thanks so much!
There are a couple pretty early-game things I would like to see covered in a modern game version:
- When is it safe to send dupes into each biome? I.e. how far can you go with just held breath, vs. a liquid lock and held breath, vs. oxygen masks, vs. full atmo suits?
- What's the best way to get dupes to gain skill points?
I got a basic starting-biome survival base (no morale, pickled lice, manual power, research, outhouses) going for a few dupes, but I don't know when it's safe to push out into chlorine or ice biomes for resources there, or how to get new tasks like ranching going when I've recruited an interested dupe but they just don't get any skill points. A lot of other advancements depend on research, so I just end up staring at a temporarily-stable colony of
hahaha - nice outro :D and nice video aswell
Man these are so helpful!
Thank you for the information. Definitely needed this.
Welp it was a struggle and a pain but I finally got my liquid hydrogen and oxygen set up working and finally finished the base game so yay. Started a new spaced out run so gonna try to finish that as well. I can see how late game can be more boring. Was stuck waiting around for a lot of it for things to fill and finish.
Nice job! Congrats!
Great idea with this series. My early game is great already, maybe because I repeated it at nauseam and have lots of experience. The frustration and rage quitting always comes in mid game when I have to build setups for the geysers and vents, and everything is heating up, and breaking and melting and so on haha! I'm actually watching this after 30 hours spent in a save where my hydrogen vent setup exploded and my natural gas generators are melting, and there's barely any coal left on the map, so I raged out of the game haha! I think I should change my mentality and instead of building a generator, I should build a cooling room in which to place said generator FIRST! I always do it backwards. And EVERYTHING in ONI is HEATING UP LIKE MAD! You need a cooling setup for every fork and every pile of drecko manure in your base.
Hahaha, that's a new one I haven't heard before! I'm hoping the next video will help with the problems you're running into!
Following... This series was made for me. Once I have a basic metal refinery, aqua tuner cooling and maybe tame a Nat gas vent, I lose interest. Have never done anything with oil
Loving this. Are you going to go through how to do each thing on the list?
I will eventually, yes! I wanted these out first since they are kinda all-encompassing, but they are a big effort right now!
@@Magnet_MD you are doing fantastic work for the community! This is epic! Thank you so much!
Fun fact: every single Problem can be solved with the Glossy Drecko for 0 cost whatsoever.
Building Materials? Plastic
Power? Burn the Plastic and use the sour gas in a sour gas boiler.
Air? Boil some of the water from the sourgas boiler, then condence it and feed it to some electrolizers.
Food? Meat from the dreckos plus super-fertilized Sleet wheat, pepper nuts, and Bristle berries fulled by the water from the boiler.
Dirt for the meal wood, sleet wheat and Fertilizer for the micronutrient fertilizer? Take some of the polluted water from your boiler, the Phosphorite from your Glossy Dreckos and a bit of dirt and feed it into a fertilizer maker, then burn some of the fertilizer back into dirt for your sleet wheat and glossy dreckos.
I didn't realy do the math here, but I'm sure a single ranch + starvation farming the exess glossy dreckos should be easily enough to support some 6 dupes indefinately.
Or use free Nectar from the Space Trees for free Plastic
I'm pretty new to the game. Two things, right now, are hanging me up, and they are probably related. First, I built multiple power grids, which I now see as a failure because I have coal needs at multiple locations. I tried having a heavy power line through the center of my base, but as y'all know, I took a huge deco hit and reverted back. The second issue is planning for an organized shipping system that isn't a complete mess. I haven't seen videos addressing these larger "planning" issues.
Any way you could do one?
Looking forward to the next vid. I’ve been watching the old videos back to back but keep melting my base. Aquatuners seem almost required but the sustainable power seems to eventually break me.
well thankfully ive done everything in this video! im still struggling with my cooling loop - its cooled some parts way down but seems to have hit some kind of equilibrium where its not coolign my hottest places down very much - though the water is getting up to about 70C in the steam chamber, so maybe more progress after that, not sure. im just strugglebussing my way through, until i can figure out how to cool down enough for plants to stabilize again. i feel like its the barrier to progress in pretyt much every problem area right now, and the game is getting to be more frustrating then fun. not sure how to push through this obstacle. ive been trial and erroring with types of pipes, the materials im making them with, etc, but cant seem to unlock the best combination.
The next video ought to answer a good amount of these! Honestly it's usually a power struggle more than anything, because the solution to any cooling problem will always be more aquatuners and steam turbines, but the aquatuners require a lot of power and it's not very clear how much they need.
This gave me some useful ideas, thanks
Amazing guide, thank you!
For early-game shipping: as a new player, it's not that it seems overly fancy, but that it seems bloody expensive. Copper takes a lot of dupe time, heat and power. It might well balance out to be worth the investment, but it never really looks a good return for any one shipping automation. (It doesn't help that several of the good uses in this video require T3 or T4 research to unlock.)
Hey Magnet! I'm relatively new to this game and your videos have helped me so much. I think I've got most of the early game stuff down, except for reed farming. Are you planning on making a video on drecko farms? Also, I've started a few colonies and every time it feels like I'm running out of metal so quickly. I'm always scrambling to dig some more to build stuff. Any tips on that perhaps?
I will make videos specifically about Drecko farms soon. I have covered them in my Ultra Supreme Max Difficulty run, but it's probably not very thorough.
Metal Ore will almost always be a bottleneck! Digging for more is definitely something that I'd say is a normal part of the game. One thing that may help once you get the cooling infrastructure needed is capturing a metal volcano, or getting into the oil biome (for lead). Then you can replace your original power lines with refined metal and get that metal ore back.
I really want to look into something, which would make "late-midgame" interesting to continue playing. For example, in recent playthrough of Frosty DLC I got decent base, lot of nectar, ethanol, ranching, cooling, made petroleum power in oil biome, and... I just dont see the point to continue. Not going to space, not even taming and ranching pips and dreckos - I left them alone in their own biome pockets. Geothermal plant - yeah, I could tame it, but its just so much effort to go. And not the last struggle to mention is performance. Game is just getting slow on my laptop, it takes so much time even for autosaving, its not enjoyable anymore.
Try to keep your materials grouped together. For instance, I usually have a pit I drop all the abbisilite in. It is easier for your computer to compute heat flow of a 100 ton pile of material, rather the same material spread around the base. I've noticed my games are playable longer if I do that.
@@KernelFault I'm using infinite storage for solids. In this case two of them: one for cold stuff, and one for hot one.
I've probably made 10th base and I go up to SPOM + all research to the point where I need uranium and I don't know what - how to do it. The automation seems so scary as you said. I'll need to watch more of your videos - watched few already but until now haven't subbed :) Followed EchoRidge guide but maybe other people find it hard as me to remove this unnecessary slime that poison part of my base, or why there is so much O2 instead of Oxygen :D
I've "figured" out how to clean the slime infection by placing Deodorizers - but it takes ages for a single room. - all the slime is submerged under water, but somehow still makes the whole thing smeel :D Idk what's going on. Will have to investigate.
Your duplicants can kinda power through the Slime/Polluted Oxygen areas, but I will also throw down a bunch of deodorizers and kinda advance them into those biomes. I do submerge the slime underwater or create a separate area where it can gas off and immediately get cleaned.
@@Magnet_MD Yeah - Did exactly that - bunch of deodorizer - but when the poluted oxygen disappears they stop, so I've added bottle emptier - more work :D instead of using the automation ... but hey just got the idea :) anyway - then realized that I can add bristle blossom + shine bug in the area - and the radiation will kill all the germs, now I'll need to fight with food poisoning - no idea from what it happen - I'm using the grill - and not let them eat garbage food, but hey will try to finally get to see how to make dreco farm - as I think they produce phosphate - damn so many things to do and probably after 5-10 "dead" colonies I'll be able to finally go into space
I tend to skip over the early game and go straight to the mid game.
I just managed to launch my first spaceship ever, I'm trying hard to get to the temporal tear this time. One annoyance I'm having is there was a zombie spore right where I wanted to place my spaceship. I cleaned out the flower and most of the spores with chlorine, but there is a little CO2 and polluted Oxygen in there which has 1000 and 500 zombie spores in each spot. How do I completely clear it out so I can use that space ?
Hi, sorry for the late reply, but if you can seal the room off with a liquid lock, build a pump and vacuum it out, you can just send the infected gasses to space.
@@Magnet_MDthat’s what I did thanks
I would add to this list a heat shield, by that i mean putting a barrier made of isolated tiles around the base so less heat from outside can get into the base.
Also one of the biggest mid-game traps in this game was algae distiller. despite its name it really does not produce algae. only 1/3 of slime put into it becomes algae. The other 2/3 turn into polluted water. So really don't try to force that algae-based oxygen production instead move onto using an electrolyser and turn slime into food. Distilleries are not bad per say they are good just not for the job they advertise.
Guess I didn't go thru the tear before...till now. I found an older save that had the tear open and just popped thru for the achievement. While its not my best base, I sent it over just for the hell of it. Hope you reach your goal...whatever that might be. I'm off to complete a bunch of other achievements I didn't realize that I didn't do yet...oops.
Awesome, thanks!
hello, jst wanna say thank you for these vids. Already making progress cause of you .)
Skill development is important. Rancher, mega-tronics, and superhard digging are important to ranch hatches, do shipping, and get into hard digging.
extremely useful, thank you!
lol i was setting up a SPOM even though i didn't have good power setup, ventialtion, ranch cooling or reed fibers.... i am fairly new, looked up some guide videos, and sadly i did make mush bars
I'm kinda in a mid game map, I only started it to get the carnivore and super sustainable achievements, now I'm debating to start over or not. Anyways, do your guys "trash" gases in space? I try to save everything and try to reuse them. // The gas sorting looks interesting :O // Great video as always!
Can't wait for the next part :-)
Well then, hope you didn't need to wait too long!
@@Magnet_MD Awesome :-)
For me the key to not getting bored in the mid-game is to 1) have enough duplicants to build projects quickly and 2) have enough automation so they're able to build. I usually only have eight or so duplicants in the early game because I don't want my food or oxygen needs to spiral out of control, but I want to have at least twenty when I start building vent tamers and space infrastructure.
The sweet spot for me is thirty three, for some reason. That leaves me fifteen or so for maintenance tasks like ranching, cooking, and supplying and then the rest for projects. Trying to build a steel and plastic industry with five mostly free duplicants is a slog.
For me midgame starts when I've reached my desired population with sufficient food and power generation. It ends when power, food, and oxygen are indefinitely sustainable. That could mean oil power, drecko food, and vent-fed electrolyzers. It could mean solar + coal power, volcano-fed hatches, and well... it's pretty much always vent fed electrolyzers. What else can you reasonably do for oxygen that doesn't take a ton of manual labor?
Yeah, I agree, depends on the map and what DLCs are active. But you're right that electrolyzers are basically inevitable unless you want to purposefully avoid using them.
Oni start is fine. Things happen when I tell it to be done. Mid/late game becomes just boring. Wait for dupes to do stuff takes forever. Waiting is boring.
One caveat with using the element sensor instead of the filter at 12:00 - if you for some reason run out of power, you don't filter stuff anymore. If you're not careful setting it up, you can end up sending fluids where you don't want them. A gas/liquid filter costs more power but also provides more protection since it full stops without power.
I would say the number one goal in the beginning of mid-game is you have to expand and usually diversify your power generation. As part of that you should be scaling your power so you can do all the fancy mid-game things (namely Steel). Mid-game power issues usually aren't a problem with small inefficiencies (although they can add up), but rather because you have expanded too quickly before you secured your power solutions.
You're definitely right about the downside to that filter scheme, but even a little bit of gas mixup isn't much of a problem. It might damage a building or get wasted or something but still I would rather have that than being power starved
I need this, I have all research except the stuff that requires rockets, but I'm still surviving on mealwood and oxygen diffusers, hopefully I can move to midgame after this
Hey! I'm writing this comment to put out my struggle as a new player to ONI. I bought this game around 2~3 years ago, attempted my first playthrough and quit at around 40 cycles because of I just couldn't figure out how to progress and sustain my colonies. I just came back and my colony currently just reach 90 cycles! I have sort of figured out the "sustainability" problem by creating 1. washroom liquid cycle 2. simple hatch farm for food 3. power from coal generators
Now, I'm going to state my issues on progression as my potato brain can't figure out how to solve any of these:
1. I want to go into plastic and steel making but I can't go find the oil at the bottom of the world because I need ATMO suits
2. To power the ATMO suits then I need an infinite oxygen producer
3. I want to make SPOM but I don't have an infinite liquid source yet
4. To make an infinite liquid source I will need to find a steam vent which requires me to go out into the hazardous wilderness which I will need the ATMO suits again
So on and so forth with all the problems overlapping each other. The point is just that I don't know how to break this "chain of issues" so I am unable to progress whatsoever.
It's kind of surprising that there's only 1,4% clear rate for the game as I thought most players that play this game actually know what they are doing. Hopefully I can join the team to raise that number up!
All of these are on the list for the next video! I'm working on it now!
Magnet, I'm currently working on a base for your list. I finished all the achievements a while ago. At least until the Frosty DLC was released. The base I went through the Temporal Tear was OK. But is was a mess compared to the way I build bases now. I am working on showing you the best solutions I've come up with to date. Of course, I'm always finding slightly better ways all the time.
I have really gotten a handle on automation and I think you will enjoy having a look at it. For instance, My base's quiescent state is to have 20 tons of steel ready for use. When I schedule a build of something made from steel, the automation turns on all the buildings needed to get the steel level back up to 20 tons. The steel refinery turns on, the iron refinery turns on, the lime rock crusher turns on, and the refined carbon kiln turns on. They all produce until the levels are back to the quiescent levels, and then they shut off. I have a similar set up for ceramic, berry sludge, and radrockets; among others.
I'm looking forward to sending it to you.
That sounds awesome, send it over!
please add video about ranching dreckos and producing plastic from them
I will soon!
One of my first builds is an infinite gas and liquid storage system, complete with their mechanical filters. All unwanted gases and fluids go into this dump system for later use.
I know it's "cheating", but so do solid storage.
Meh, everyone should play the way they want to. It'd only be cheating if it hurt somebody else :)
Saving this for later, once I'm done with Satisfactory.. My last run in ONI was highly successful, but still not a win.. I made it to cycle 350 and tamed my first ever metal volcano, but I had run out of dirt and despite having 3 cool slush geysers, I couldn't keep up with the water demand of my bristle blossoms since my hatches no longer had sedimentary rock to feed on either... basically, I think I made it into the mid-game, but failed to achieve sustainability.
Nonetheless, I appreciate your push and will likely be back to ONI in a month or two to give it another push alongside your guidance!
Cool, have fun with Satisfactory! Hopefully I'll have a lot more videos to help out when you come back :)
Mush bars are great for the Locavore achievement.
My biggest problem is an area around a cold steam geyser which I blocked off too late. I haven't found the cold slush geysers and I'm playing on a standard world with both dlc aktive
Huh, so on the frosty DLC and Spaced out? I can't recall for sure if the cool slush geysers are guaranteed on the Frosty DLC but at least on the first asteroid of Spaced Out by itself, there are always two ice biomes at the top of the map with a slush geyser in each of them. I think in my frosty DLC run there was only 1 cool slush geyser but that was in beta and I don't know if it was finalized. Check at the top of the map!
Why do you need a filter gate for the cheap gas filter
Like using gas element sensor detecting oxygen with a not gate isn't enough ?
It waits for a bit before turning the pump on, so it's not turning on when any random packet of CO2 or Chlorine drifts by. You'll wind up wasting a lot of power sucking up Oxygen that way.
@@Magnet_MD i started a new game 5h ago played too much and test in game and yep it work really well, i understood my own question while building it lmao
But what really saved me is your ice cooling method i have seen, like i was loosing every base because of heat and this method is so cheap and so efficient its crazy
I haven't even sent a rocket to the temporal tear _with_ sandbox tools. I just... never tried to. I'm also not sure I've even sent a rocket to space at all yet.
I need more help for rocketery... How do I enter a new Planetoid?
Try this out!видео.html
11:45 so I've made a couple of these, but am finding out they are not 100% consistent. Did I fail them or is it there a chance other gases sneak through?
Other gasses will sneak through if the line is ever clogged up, or if you lose power to the shutoffs. If both of those are solved, you shouldn't have any issues :)
This RUclipsr is insane. They use light mode.
I might be even more insane than that. I just use whatever is default, so if something defaults to light mode, I use it, and same with dark mode.
Well then I guess I'm insane too 😂 9/10 I prefer light mode... Dark modes, no light, etc is just too depressing for me.