10 g's around a corner? How many g's does it generate when you floor it and when you brake? This car is only meant for video games cause in the real world, it would rip the driver apart. The current record around the Nurburgring in GT6 for this car is 3:10...which is insane.
dAbaPEsTA123 Apparently, it was supposed to be around 17g. Short exposure, with a g-suit, wouldn't be lethal at all. Yeah, it's late, but better late than never.
Question is it posible to this car to have three seats ? I believe that it could but it would be a bit tight (Note: I would still have it with three seats even of tight)
For those wanting to see the presentation slides, there's a link in the description
a treasure of its own, the legendary STR Tomahawk
Here after playing with the X version in gran turismo 7... what a creation!
great, except you show almost none of the presentation screen...
Pingman yeah LOL.. it would have been great if we could see what he was talking about
I know it doesn’t solve the problem, but there is a link to download or view all the slides in the description.
I would like to see a 2 seater design for the tomahawk it would be interesting something like the valkyrie that we see today
10 g's around a corner? How many g's does it generate when you floor it and when you brake? This car is only meant for video games cause in the real world, it would rip the driver apart. The current record around the Nurburgring in GT6 for this car is 3:10...which is insane.
dAbaPEsTA123 Apparently, it was supposed to be around 17g. Short exposure, with a g-suit, wouldn't be lethal at all.
Yeah, it's late, but better late than never.
M. A. Too bad it's a single seater because I would horrorize my passengers with the turbulence
Idk if its only me but this car has the enough space to be a three seater that picture from the front makes that vibe
Question is it posible to this car to have three seats ? I believe that it could but it would be a bit tight (Note: I would still have it with three seats even of tight)
this cam-man.... please do never ever touch e camera again!!!!
oof your right, he needs to be fired