Golden chair, Cesca chair repair, a cane replacement

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Golden chair, Cesca chair repair, a cane replacement
    I titled my new project because of the special, sunny golden color. On top of that, it was, as usual for me the first time, that I tackled something like this. I complied with the wish to my dear friend, and at the same time, I was richly rewarded for it.
    The world-famous chair, which is still popular today, needed a new seat. I had the material and time, so I bravely set to work. I unscrewed the four screws under the seat and removed the seat part. With an Olfa knife, I cut several times from both sides of the cane or the edge, and then, with an ordinary screwdriver, slowly removed the fixing cane. It is customary to replace this with a new one, but since I did not have it at my disposal, it was necessary to get it out whole. Around and around, I removed the worn-out cane with an Olfa knife, then removed the remaining parts with a screwdriver and used it to clean the canal. After that, I sanded it with sandpaper to prepare the base for the new part. Just before the end of the work, I cut the cane in measures and soaked the new cane for 30 minutes in warm water to make it more flexible. I left another 5 cm more cane on each side. I shook it well, waited a bit, laid it on the seat part, and gently pushed it into the wooden canal. For this type of work you need a special tool, and I helped myself with a kitchen spatula :) For proper installation, first pushed in the middle, all four sides, and then slowly finished, everything else. I cut with an Olfa knife from the inside of the canal to remove excess cane. Now, with extra strong wood glue, I thickly greased the entire canal, waited a good five minutes for it to reach the bottom, and then re-inserted the fixing cane. For real strength, I pounded it again with a hammer and let it dry for a day.
    I did great, I’m proud of myself because when I sat down it really worked. The chair is like new, and I hope it will serve its owner for many years to come, who was also enthusiastic about the result.
    Thank you so much for being with me. You can also do whatever you decide for yourself. Courage, good faith, and dedication, and a great result are here, Damjian, Wood makes me feel good.
    Zlati stol, popravilo stola Cesca, zamenjava trsja
    Svoj novi projekt sem naslovil zaradi posebne, sončno zlate barve. Povrh tega pa je bilo, kot po navadi zame prvič, da sem se lotil kaj takšnega. Dragi prijateljici sem ustregel željo, hkrati pa bil za to bogato poplačan.
    Svetovno znani stol, kateri je še danes priljubljen, je potreboval nov sedalni del. Material in čas sem imel zato sem se pogumno lotil dela. Pod sedežem sem odvijačil štiri vijake ter ter odstrani sedalni del. Z olfa nožem sem iz obeh strani trsja or robu večkrat zarezal, nato pa z navadnim izvijačem, počasi odstranjeval pritrdilno trsje. V navadi je, da se to zamenjam z novim, ker pa le tega nisem imel na razpolago, pa je bilo nujno ven dobiti celega. Okoli in okoli sem dotrajano trsje odstranil z olfa nožem, nato pa z izvijačem odstranil preostale dele in z njim očistil kanal. Po tem sem še zbrusil z brusnim papirjem, da sem pripravil podlago za novi del. Tik pred koncem dela, sem odrezal po meri in namočil novo trsje za 30 min v toplo vodo, da je postalo bolj prožno. Na vsaki strani sem pustil še 5 cm več trsja. Dobro sem ga otresel, malo počakal, položil na sedalni del ter nežno potiskal v leseni kanal. Za tako vrsto dela potrebuješ posebno orodje, jaz pa sem si pomagal kar z kuhinjsko lopatko:) Za pravilno namestitev, se prvo potisnil na sredini, vseh štirih strani, nato pa počasi dokončal, vse ostalo. Z olfa nožem sem zarezal z notranje strani kanala, da sem odstranil odvečno trsje. Sedaj sem z ekstra močnim lepilom za les, na debelo namazal celoten kanal, počakal dobrih pet minut, da je prišlo do dna, nato pa ponovno vstavil pritrdilno trsje. Za pravo trdnost, sem potolkel še s kladivom in pustil en dan da se posuši.
    Super mi je uspelo, ponosen sem nase, saj ko sem se usedel je resnično delovalo. Stol je kot nov, in upam da bo še mnoga leta služil njeni lastnici, katera je bila prav tako navdušena nad izdelkom.
    Hvala lepa da ste bili z menoj. Tudi sami zmorete narediti vse, za karkoli se odločite. Pogum, dobra vera in predanost in odličen rezultat je tu, Damijan, Wood makes me feel good.
    Subscribe to Wood makes me feel good. Thanks.
    If you want to have fun, you are also welcome to watch videos and subscribe to DTSmile Love, here: / dtsmilelove
    Thank you very much for all your Love, Damijan.
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Комментарии • 14

  • @lijanapecavar8887
    @lijanapecavar8887 4 года назад +6

    Wow, nice! That's my chair and I'm feeling so proud when I'm looking at that amazing young man deals with it. Now the chair is like new and I'm sitting so comfortably on it. He is exceptional craftsman, said my friend, when he watched video, but I say you are artist also and that's I like the most. Thank you very much, dear Damijan!

    • @woodmakesmefeelgood
      @woodmakesmefeelgood  4 года назад +2

      What a nice surprise. Thank you so much for such a wonderful comment. It's nice to know you appreciate me so much. It was a pleasure to know who I was doing this for. I wish it will serve you well for many years to come. Thanks for the sincere compliments, dear Lijana :)

  • @klausbrenner4237
    @klausbrenner4237 3 года назад +3

    Best Demonstration of YT,but you use the wring glue.

    • @woodmakesmefeelgood
      @woodmakesmefeelgood  3 года назад +2

      Thank you very much for the compliment and warning. But how do you know what's inside. I’m kidding, for me it was the first time and I used what was possible at the time.

  • @jugodenaranja2010
    @jugodenaranja2010 4 года назад +2

    Hi! do you think that 18" wide webbing would be enough? the chairs are 17", so I would have only 1/2 inch to work and tack the cane in the canal. I can buy 24" but it makes everything way more expensive. Thanks for the video!

    • @woodmakesmefeelgood
      @woodmakesmefeelgood  3 года назад +1

      Sorry, I just saw your comment. Unknowingly I have on Automatically held. You’ve probably figured out what to do best a long time ago. Thank you very much for the compliment.

  • @juliawilson9089
    @juliawilson9089 3 года назад +2

    Hello! I'm about to do the same for a couple of the same chairs. Where did you get the new caning?

  • @kalayagoffigan7676
    @kalayagoffigan7676 4 года назад +2

    Hey! How wide was the roll that you purchased for this project? I'm currently debating on the 18" and 24" for the same

    • @woodmakesmefeelgood
      @woodmakesmefeelgood  3 года назад +2

      Sorry, I just saw your comment. You’ve probably figured out what’s best a long time ago. Thanks.

  • @emmahawkins3635
    @emmahawkins3635 3 года назад +2

    Hi ! Where did you get the replacement cane webbing ?