I use a deck called Snow-Surfing Galacti. Which includes Galacti, Galactus, Luna Snow, Silver Surfer. I reached infinite on Day 1 within 4 hours and the deck performs pretty well in post-infinite as well
I don't get to catch your streams often. But I do appreciate you being one of the more positive streamer/content creators. Not just bashing every single thing and being negative about changes.
KM i love your first half breakdowns of the decks in general and then the card by card breakdown. i know you just put up what you are doing during stream and it's not 'planned' or anything however I would really like to know your thoughts as you're going through your turns. i see you spinning in your chair so i know you're mulling over options and i would love to know what those thoughts are as I try to follow along and guess what you're going to do. a lot of times you make a different play than i thought of and i always wonder why and how i could better think through my turns. thanks and please don't stop playing Snap :)
I've been playing a different Galacta deck that has Gorr in it too. Not as powerful as this one (I don't have Sebastian or Hope), but I'm having more fun with this card than I expected!
Ive been playing a Wiccan Surfer deck fairly successfully. One of the reasons being is my opening hand is usually top heavy. Quick Silver and Domino force early plays and of course being a Surfer deck your hand is otherwise full of 3s. Wiccan if drawn is automatically active. I'm wondering if I can fit Galacta into this paradigm!??
I’ve been playing this but I cut gwenpool for Cassandra. You definitely feel the loss of power when you don’t have galacta as gwenpool felt like your backup plan on turn 4 but on the flip side you have a second 3 drop other than hope and copycat you can put down on 3 without any regrets or feeling like you’re wasting points on Shaw or brood curving them out that also is a win condition against Arishem. Other cards I’ve considered is US Agent and makkari but haven’t tried them yet.
So devastated that I missed the Copycat week. I only came back to the game during Fenris week, so I had no idea. if she is still as prominent in decks next week, I will just have to take the plunge and token-purchase Her, I think... Wee Xmas prezzie to myself. ha ha. It's not often I see a card in a spotlight week that I need (other than new one, ofc) so it's especially wounding to miss one I do need, and then that card ends up being incredibly relevant.
sera is worth it if you play luna. this is because you can play sera on 4. I have a version with hit monkey that aims to just vomit your hand on 6, and get a big money. It works in surfer, too. for this to be worth it, you need the payoff, however. If you have a reason to be discounting all your cards so much, and take advantage of it, then it's good.
Yeah, Galacta is broken... Dear god, I already thought Rocket and Groot was cracked but when they come out in surfer this will possibly break the entire meta... Oh yeah, also I listened to what you said about Gwenpool and Copycat (though I didn't replace her) and because of that I gave Gwenpool the bench in favor of Nakia
Did you swap out Copycat? just interested to see. as far as I can tell, she's super-relevant this week. I am obvs not cooking with her, as don't have. I don't have gwenpool neither though. I may end up having to buy copycat if she remains as relevant in the coming weeks.
@D00M3R-SK8 No, BUT she is pretty replacable. Just put in a three drop that you wouldn't mind playing early like MMM or something. Gladiator or Cass isn't bad either
uhhhhhhhh did i? just in case, her main role is to get to 6 energy on 5 so you can play two threes. sometimes you want 7 on 7 so you can slip a 4 and a 3 in, or a 3+3+nova
@@KMBestInASnapyou did. I’m missing both Hope Summers and Gwenpool. Any suggestions on replacements? Played a couple games with USAgent and Mobius M Mobius in those slots and they felt really good based on current meta but would love to hear your thoughts
@@gregoryolsen4813 Without Hope I would play Sera for energy cheating and @smartpatrick8690 wrote in here in the comments about a change Gwenpool for Nakia.
@KMBestInASnap is luna better than Hope I haven't bought her yet, but she seems like a better stated, easier to pull of hope that's usable in more lines and less bricky
snowguard especially good if you end up going the wican route. looking forward to wican surfer next week, once peni comes out. I don't have kate yet, so that puts a dampener on wiccan stuff for me. I think peni will fill that void for me until the kate spotlight in jan, though.
I really wanna get this pass as I have everything for surfer but Shaw but I’m afraid galacta gets nerfed into the ground after season is over. Is that likely or is she prob just gonna get a slight tone down?
now i'm really starting to regret skipping on shaw every time he's shown up in caches... even then I'm still missing Hope and Gwenpool so i'm likely going to spend this season playing Goon Knight and whatever junk Misery brew I come up with
I dunno man, Galacta seems to me a rework of original Elsa bloodstone but without the full lane restriction. They should return Elsa to plus 3 since she is a 3 cost now.
This is the closest I think I've ever been to being able to play a deck featured here, and my most prominantly missing card is Absorbing Man, so I'll get him eventually since he's series 3 (and the other one is Hope Summers). Instead I'm running Iron Heart and Wolfsbane. And I have Rogue instead of Red Guardian to help deal with things like Iron Man, Wong (who I can then play Surfer onto), and Gorr. Is it better to have Gwenpool or Sera?
I really want Galacta because I love Surfer decks since the beggining and I play him even when he has been not good, but I dont want to spend on the game when I want them to fix the card adquisition system, it feels kinda wrong that if I'm no happy with their practices, I'll give them money, also I'm not the kind of player that buy every season pass, I have done it only on Surfer focused cards, I did it for Sebastian Shaw and for Gwenpool, I had to skip Hope and wait like 6 weeks to get her from random daily rotation token shop after he was avalible, so annoying tho
@KMBestInASnap is luna better than Hope I haven't bought her yet, but she seems like a better stated, easier to pull of hope that's usable in more lines and less bricky
Wongless Surfer died when Arishem released. Arishem put so much pressure on the deck. Before i was running Hope and a selection of tech cards and beef and seeing great success. Once Cassandra Nova became a mandatory inclusion, the deck got harder to play. Without Cassandra Nova, Shem beats you down because your output is too low and predictable and youre vulnerable to a ton of tech and cant reliably deploy tech because of Arishems random gameplan. In non Arishem matches, Cassandra is next to worthless when played late so you HAVE to play her on turn 3(esp after her nerd). But then she puts pressure on Hope Summers who also wants to be played turn 3 so that you can play into her on 4 to get 6 energy on turn 5. With Luna Snow and now Galacta it seems that SD is trying to help the deck out.
fighting this shit with wiccan basically boils down to if you red guardian their galacta/they throw prio for you then you win, otherwise you might as well retreat i;m just waiting for alioth to come up in my token shop so I can have another way to meaningfully shut the deck down late
She sounds like a really powerful card but man, I'm really not happy with the direction the game has gone since it launched. I'd like to play this deck (I have the other pieces), but I don't really want to give $10 to SD and reward them for their shady business practices. I figure when/if I quit, I'll be gone for good (this game is NOT the type of game you can take a break from and come back to). Thanks for the info, though, KMB!
Well, i'm missing Hope, Shawn and Gwen. I might not get Galacta cause of that and also because i don't usually buy the pass and also because the spotlight caches sucks, which are the reasons I don't own those cards. What a loop.
Galacta is still worth imo, she can also be good for kitty stuff, probably one of the better arishem cards out there, patriot stuff likes her, and I believe there's more that I'm forgetting too
Would replacing hope with snow work? I was thinking of it for the weekend quests. Giving your opponent energy vs not having to play in the hope location.
@ciciosweep Cosmo isn't much of an issue, just play your ongoing and none reveal 3 drops there. I do see a little Alioth, but the real evil is shadow king, and ghost helps a bit against him, he is your worst enemy
Played 6 games with this deck so far, the first 5 games I drew Galacta only once on the final turn, still 4:1. Last game Kamar-Taj Gwenpool, multiple hits on Sebastian Shaw, Galacta turn 5, Shaw and Surfer (not into Kamar-Taj, cause unused Nocturne on the other side and no priority) on 6, Shaw 25 power. 5:1 fun.
. 4/12, 4/15 if ramped on release. By the time F2P can get her it will be hard nerfed. I like this game very much. But I really hate the treatment they give to season pass cards. It's pure, meta warping pay-to-win.
One of my last hot takes was that surfer needed a buff and could go back to +3. Of course they would sell us the medicine of Galacta instead of the cure.
Any good 3 drop. Iron Heart can be good to boost Shaw and the Broods even more, Wolfsbane can be good points, Wave if you have Sera to get her out early, Rogue is good tech similar to Red Guardian, Luke Cage depending on what decks you're going up against frequently, etc.
@@smartpatrick8690 You must be watching a different version of the video because I just double-checked and no he doesn't. (You can see the whole deck if you squint during the in-game sequence, I don't count that.)
snap has become the most toxic card game out there. no real improvements on new updates just more ways for them to make more money. if you r a new player good luck. if u r a f2p good luck. if u r a whale spend your money on some other game or I don't know buy a new computer instead cause this game is greedily expensive 4 no reason at all.
It's a bit thematic, since galactus is the creator of both silver surfer and galacta
I use a deck called Snow-Surfing Galacti. Which includes Galacti, Galactus, Luna Snow, Silver Surfer. I reached infinite on Day 1 within 4 hours and the deck performs pretty well in post-infinite as well
@@thedonhorusgaming5165 What's the rest of the deck?
@@thedonhorusgaming5165 Interesting... tell us more :)
@@kawaiiryuko the rest are Psylocke, Brood, Red Guardian, Sebastian Shaw, Wave, Gwenpool, Sera, Alioth
I'm here for unfiltered KM. Let me hear more that adult language in the gameplay videos.
Well done! another great vid btw
Those variants are so good, keep up the good work!
Can't believe Galactica stopped you from Gooning
This is the most passionate I've seen you about a deck so far.
Very convienient excuse to show off those dope ass variants, hmm 🤔
i have been waiting, yes
Bro spent it up during that artist’s shop take over
Now they need to make a “Trippy Galacta” variant
SMH can’t even play this deck ill just get out swagged by people with trippy surfer variants.
yeah you autowin all mirrors with the trippy surfers
This is the way. I play Scream Occasionally just so I can play my Vincenzo variant 😅
We all know you just made this video to show off your variants. Thanks! They rock!
I don't get to catch your streams often. But I do appreciate you being one of the more positive streamer/content creators. Not just bashing every single thing and being negative about changes.
KM i love your first half breakdowns of the decks in general and then the card by card breakdown. i know you just put up what you are doing during stream and it's not 'planned' or anything however I would really like to know your thoughts as you're going through your turns. i see you spinning in your chair so i know you're mulling over options and i would love to know what those thoughts are as I try to follow along and guess what you're going to do. a lot of times you make a different play than i thought of and i always wonder why and how i could better think through my turns. thanks and please don't stop playing Snap :)
Copycat has been a second Galacta for me. Absolutely amazing!
What do you think is the best replacement for Gwenpool?
Sera should not hurt and @smartpatrick8690 wrote in here in the comments about a change Gwenpool for Nakia.
I've been playing a different Galacta deck that has Gorr in it too. Not as powerful as this one (I don't have Sebastian or Hope), but I'm having more fun with this card than I expected!
Will say personally for me
-1 Nova
-1 Copycat
-1 Red Guardian
-1 Gwen Pool
+1 Zabu
+1 Luke Cage
+1 Mobius
+1 Anti-Venom
That's why Marvel snap's gameplay is magical, you can do many things with the same theme
I will have to try anti venom in surfer. had not considered this.
Ive been playing a Wiccan Surfer deck fairly successfully. One of the reasons being is my opening hand is usually top heavy. Quick Silver and Domino force early plays and of course being a Surfer deck your hand is otherwise full of 3s. Wiccan if drawn is automatically active. I'm wondering if I can fit Galacta into this paradigm!??
I’ve been playing this but I cut gwenpool for Cassandra. You definitely feel the loss of power when you don’t have galacta as gwenpool felt like your backup plan on turn 4 but on the flip side you have a second 3 drop other than hope and copycat you can put down on 3 without any regrets or feeling like you’re wasting points on Shaw or brood curving them out that also is a win condition against Arishem. Other cards I’ve considered is US Agent and makkari but haven’t tried them yet.
#Rank 3 KM..
Okay, I respect that 💯
I think you skipped talking about Hope, but if I understand it correctly, the main use cases are 2 3-drops on turn 5 and surfer abs on turn 6?
Thanks for the video and the deck.
Can we replace hope with luna? What about a gwen replacement? Symbiote spiderman?
About to take this KMBoost to the ladder
I'm so happy this Surfer deck only has 2 cards I'm missing instead of like 5
One of those being surfer itself?
@nwsmate just Shaw and Hope
gwenpool and hope for me
And Surfer is one of those rare archetypes where you can easily sub in other cards and be just fine.
What 2 or 3 drop card replaces Gwen once you decide she’s not worth it?
I’d like to know also. Nakia probably
Come on man it's a surfer deck. Literally just pick a good 3 drop.
Depends on what you find yourself facing a lot of. Loki or Mr. Neg - Mobius. Affliction - Luke. Surter- Shang, or maybe your own Surter.
So devastated that I missed the Copycat week. I only came back to the game during Fenris week, so I had no idea.
if she is still as prominent in decks next week, I will just have to take the plunge and token-purchase Her, I think... Wee Xmas prezzie to myself. ha ha.
It's not often I see a card in a spotlight week that I need (other than new one, ofc) so it's especially wounding to miss one I do need, and then that card ends up being incredibly relevant.
Is Sera worth a shout instead of gwenpool? or is that trying to do too much?
i think its maybe doing too much because you want to play a card that benefits from galacta on 5 and on 6
sera is worth it if you play luna. this is because you can play sera on 4. I have a version with hit monkey that aims to just vomit your hand on 6, and get a big money. It works in surfer, too.
for this to be worth it, you need the payoff, however. If you have a reason to be discounting all your cards so much, and take advantage of it, then it's good.
Yeah, Galacta is broken... Dear god, I already thought Rocket and Groot was cracked but when they come out in surfer this will possibly break the entire meta... Oh yeah, also I listened to what you said about Gwenpool and Copycat (though I didn't replace her) and because of that I gave Gwenpool the bench in favor of Nakia
Did you swap out Copycat? just interested to see. as far as I can tell, she's super-relevant this week. I am obvs not cooking with her, as don't have. I don't have gwenpool neither though. I may end up having to buy copycat if she remains as relevant in the coming weeks.
@D00M3R-SK8 No, BUT she is pretty replacable. Just put in a three drop that you wouldn't mind playing early like MMM or something. Gladiator or Cass isn't bad either
Did you forget Hope in the card breakdown?
uhhhhhhhh did i? just in case, her main role is to get to 6 energy on 5 so you can play two threes. sometimes you want 7 on 7 so you can slip a 4 and a 3 in, or a 3+3+nova
@@KMBestInASnapyou did. I’m missing both Hope Summers and Gwenpool. Any suggestions on replacements? Played a couple games with USAgent and Mobius M Mobius in those slots and they felt really good based on current meta but would love to hear your thoughts
@@gregoryolsen4813 Without Hope I would play Sera for energy cheating and @smartpatrick8690 wrote in here in the comments about a change Gwenpool for Nakia.
@KMBestInASnap is luna better than Hope I haven't bought her yet, but she seems like a better stated, easier to pull of hope that's usable in more lines and less bricky
Have you tried taking out Gwen and subbing rogue ?
Granted, you did say it was too soon to make a call, curious what your top considerations are for the Gwenpool replacement.
I funny enough like Nakia. It fixes the issue of t3 cards that wants to be played on t3 and synergizes well with brood and shaw
I cut Gwenpool for Snowguard to increase the consistency of 6 energy on turn 5.
snowguard especially good if you end up going the wican route.
looking forward to wican surfer next week, once peni comes out. I don't have kate yet, so that puts a dampener on wiccan stuff for me. I think peni will fill that void for me until the kate spotlight in jan, though.
I really wanna get this pass as I have everything for surfer but Shaw but I’m afraid galacta gets nerfed into the ground after season is over. Is that likely or is she prob just gonna get a slight tone down?
now i'm really starting to regret skipping on shaw every time he's shown up in caches... even then I'm still missing Hope and Gwenpool so i'm likely going to spend this season playing Goon Knight and whatever junk Misery brew I come up with
I’m only missing red guardian. What’s the best substitute
Im missing gwen, red guardian and copycat who can i sub in for those guys?
Im glad to see less galactus overlay on T6, it was so annyoing.
I dont know how build decks but tested a little and it works but a galacta toxin deck is interesting
I'm finding Gorr somewhat decent against this surfer meta. Still haven't bought Luna snow and I'm not sure I'm going to, she feels extremely niche.
Hmmmm and here I’m happy with a slow climb, keeps it interesting, but yeah let me at that “fast climbs activate” deck 👌📈
I dunno man, Galacta seems to me a rework of original Elsa bloodstone but without the full lane restriction. They should return Elsa to plus 3 since she is a 3 cost now.
Damn I’m holding off on the pass till SD makes some kind of statement but surfer is one of my favs :/
This is the closest I think I've ever been to being able to play a deck featured here, and my most prominantly missing card is Absorbing Man, so I'll get him eventually since he's series 3 (and the other one is Hope Summers). Instead I'm running Iron Heart and Wolfsbane. And I have Rogue instead of Red Guardian to help deal with things like Iron Man, Wong (who I can then play Surfer onto), and Gorr. Is it better to have Gwenpool or Sera?
if youre missing hope i think sera makes sense
Link for the music playlists?
Card looks vanilla but dope. Want to see what else it can do, but brood just seems so nuts with it
I played a very similar deck, I have mobius in place of gwen. Not sure if it's better or not. What do you think?
seems fine
Is it REALLY weird to say Absorbing Man is key in a Surfer deck? Brood-abs man has been the entire reason for the deck since December 2022
I really want Galacta because I love Surfer decks since the beggining and I play him even when he has been not good, but I dont want to spend on the game when I want them to fix the card adquisition system, it feels kinda wrong that if I'm no happy with their practices, I'll give them money, also I'm not the kind of player that buy every season pass, I have done it only on Surfer focused cards, I did it for Sebastian Shaw and for Gwenpool, I had to skip Hope and wait like 6 weeks to get her from random daily rotation token shop after he was avalible, so annoying tho
i dont have gwenpool, who would be a decent substitute?
I have everybody besides red guardian. Who would you use in that place instead?
mobius? cassandra? luke? some kind of relevant tech card idk.
@@KMBestInASnap rogue would be good.
@KMBestInASnap is luna better than Hope I haven't bought her yet, but she seems like a better stated, easier to pull of hope that's usable in more lines and less bricky
dunno honestly
Wongless Surfer died when Arishem released. Arishem put so much pressure on the deck. Before i was running Hope and a selection of tech cards and beef and seeing great success. Once Cassandra Nova became a mandatory inclusion, the deck got harder to play.
Without Cassandra Nova, Shem beats you down because your output is too low and predictable and youre vulnerable to a ton of tech and cant reliably deploy tech because of Arishems random gameplan.
In non Arishem matches, Cassandra is next to worthless when played late so you HAVE to play her on turn 3(esp after her nerd). But then she puts pressure on Hope Summers who also wants to be played turn 3 so that you can play into her on 4 to get 6 energy on turn 5.
With Luna Snow and now Galacta it seems that SD is trying to help the deck out.
Congrats on hitting 3rd.
Hope Summer replacement?
Fuck yeah Surfer bro
do you think they gonna nerf galaacta next ota?
no lol
Galacta is crazy good in surfer but Luna seems even better tbh. I'm playing both and it's awesome.
Wait till you get R&G 😅
@@smartpatrick8690 y! waiting for that card. but Surfer has soooooo many great 3s allready. cant fit them all in one deck /cry
fighting this shit with wiccan basically boils down to if you red guardian their galacta/they throw prio for you then you win, otherwise you might as well retreat
i;m just waiting for alioth to come up in my token shop so I can have another way to meaningfully shut the deck down late
also if you want to fuck with people run ghost in place of copycat
Seeing this deck a ton - having trouble answering with most decks :/
Can i play this without Sebastian, Gwenpool and Summers?
Sebastian can be gladiator, Gwenpool can be nakia, and summers can be sera imo. Granted no Sebastian is a big hit but still playable
She sounds like a really powerful card but man, I'm really not happy with the direction the game has gone since it launched. I'd like to play this deck (I have the other pieces), but I don't really want to give $10 to SD and reward them for their shady business practices. I figure when/if I quit, I'll be gone for good (this game is NOT the type of game you can take a break from and come back to). Thanks for the info, though, KMB!
Does anyone know the music Km uses in his gameplay/streams?
it's all streambeats by harris heller
Well, i'm missing Hope, Shawn and Gwen. I might not get Galacta cause of that and also because i don't usually buy the pass and also because the spotlight caches sucks, which are the reasons I don't own those cards. What a loop.
Galacta is still worth imo, she can also be good for kitty stuff, probably one of the better arishem cards out there, patriot stuff likes her, and I believe there's more that I'm forgetting too
Yeh ms marvel was 4/15 and didnt have the 2 card requirement, so it was good comparison
I guess I won't play new decks with their best version for a whole season 😂
Is Sera not helpful?
not bad but hard to fit
Welp... Dont have 4 of the cards, Onto the next one
Would replacing hope with snow work? I was thinking of it for the weekend quests. Giving your opponent energy vs not having to play in the hope location.
Damn, if only I don't get Cosmo'd every time..
W Rizz.
This is like my exact build except I play Ghost instead of Copy Cat.
Hows that match against the 10's deck? I see them play cosmo and alioth, but i guess you dodge the shadowking most of the time
@ciciosweep Cosmo isn't much of an issue, just play your ongoing and none reveal 3 drops there. I do see a little Alioth, but the real evil is shadow king, and ghost helps a bit against him, he is your worst enemy
RIP i should have grinded to infinite faster before this got out.
Is your profile now named Pixel Guy? Congrats on the awesome accomplishment!
nah lol people passed me
Yapalicous but love your content Km
First comment, keep up the great work Km
Freya galacta could be very funny
Can't play this deck, don't have dem fire variants 🤩
I'm replacing Gwen with Daken
I have the rest of the cards but is the point output just too low without shaw?
Usually not really but Galacta is so good it can make up for it
I’m missing Shaw and Gwen, guess I can skip the season pass
in some games yeah
Played 6 games with this deck so far, the first 5 games I drew Galacta only once on the final turn, still 4:1. Last game Kamar-Taj Gwenpool, multiple hits on Sebastian Shaw, Galacta turn 5, Shaw and Surfer (not into Kamar-Taj, cause unused Nocturne on the other side and no priority) on 6, Shaw 25 power. 5:1 fun.
4/12, 4/15 if ramped on release.
By the time F2P can get her it will be hard nerfed.
I like this game very much. But I really hate the treatment they give to season pass cards. It's pure, meta warping pay-to-win.
Any replacement for Shaw?
i dont think so
I don't hate Sage either. I did run a successful Surfer deck back when Gwenpool came out, might add Galacta and see how it works.
You been whaling huh lol
One of my last hot takes was that surfer needed a buff and could go back to +3. Of course they would sell us the medicine of Galacta instead of the cure.
It sucks to be a free to play Silver Surfer player
Very nice, hope replacements?
Something that costs 3
Ghost probably
@GarrettR21 ghost would be spicy
Sera works
Any good 3 drop. Iron Heart can be good to boost Shaw and the Broods even more, Wolfsbane can be good points, Wave if you have Sera to get her out early, Rogue is good tech similar to Red Guardian, Luke Cage depending on what decks you're going up against frequently, etc.
Those variants look like vomit. I dont mean that to demean, i mean that literally.
I give it two weeks to Galacta getting nerfed.
is the title supposed to be gala lol
I didn't see the deck list at the beginning of the video? Made it harder to put the card by card analysis in context
yeah i was trying a different format, but if it helps, its in the description like always
Obligatory downvote because you didn't show the decklist. Seems a bit rude and uncharactaristic.
He literally did though 😵?
@@smartpatrick8690 You must be watching a different version of the video because I just double-checked and no he doesn't. (You can see the whole deck if you squint during the in-game sequence, I don't count that.)
@jaiclary8423 I count the card breakdown as the deck list. Like he goes over every card in the deck anyway so does it even matter 🤦?
@@smartpatrick8690 Wow, you're so smart.
snap has become the most toxic card game out there. no real improvements on new updates just more ways for them to make more money. if you r a new player good luck. if u r a f2p good luck. if u r a whale spend your money on some other game or I don't know buy a new computer instead cause this game is greedily expensive 4 no reason at all.
pay2win season pass card at its best again smh
Yeah make the game for p2w. That'll help.
You can tell it's a good deck cuz he beat FUDGE. GG