The Most Loved Harry Potter Character You've Never Heard Of

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024
  • Long Live The Ice Queen!
    Artwork in this video was made by the wonderful Zureeal:
    Living Dangerously can be read here:
    Veritaserum Suprise: Daphne's trail can be read here:
    Duality can be read here:
    Cosplayer featured at is charly.t_ and her page can be found here:
    And you can join the fine folks at r/HPFanFiction here:
    / hpfanfiction

Комментарии • 128

  • @JackWalkerAssault
    @JackWalkerAssault 4 года назад +240

    My thought regarding her case is that, first, it starts by a good aesthetic name, I always liked the name Daphne, followed by the fact she has an already established canon background(Slytherin, not part of Malfoy group, pureblood) and a fanon background(best friend with Tracey, cold/distant personality). Then, we have the fact she can be whatever you want her to be without repercutions, nobody can say your Daphne is OOC because there's no canon character to compare with, authors have free rein in what they can do with her.
    She can be the anchor for Harry to the "proper" pureblood traditions, and then, we have the whole Gryffindor/Slytherin relationship, forbidden romances are simply irrestistible. You have tension, drama and conflict that only "true" love can endure. Also, you got post-Hogwarts shenanigans if you take in consideration Harry becomes in-law with Draco, leading to a very awkward family reunion.
    I still believe that, above all, beauty is what holds all of this together. Let's be honest, she's the stereotypical beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. People want Harry to be with someone beautiful. In my opinion, it's not a shallow thing, people just want Harry to be with someone pretty. It's in a way, a "reward" for everything he has been through. Also, Daphne Greengrass is, in my opinion, a beautiful name. The hero slays the dragon and gets the princess, and you can always switch roles; Daphne being in distress(save her from the snake pit) or Harry(help him with his complex situation as the Chosen One).
    Daphne has all the advantages of a fanon character without the drawbacks of being an OC.
    2 words - a name and surname - written in the 5th book offhandedly that gave birth to thousand of stories.

  • @robbiekeen2644
    @robbiekeen2644 4 года назад +138

    I like this weirdly deep dive into an obscure character I've been reading about for over a decade.

  • @KachellZ
    @KachellZ 4 года назад +132

    You did a great job at explaining Daphne and her origin. I was surprised when you mentioned how little she was actually mentioned in the books. Makes her popularity in shipping hilarious. I really love how the fandom created these charachters and are still adding to them a full decade after the book series ended.
    I think a big reason for her creation that you didn't mention is the fandoms desire of a somewhat neutral Slytherin side. Fanfiction writers love sorting Harry in Slytherin and the Slytherin we did have were kind of lacking. All of them were openly bigoted. So fanfic writers took the barely mentioned Slytherin in Harry's year and made them neutral.
    I wish the same would happen to the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students, but it's unlikely with how little writers sort Harry in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff and have him actually interact with them. Would be nice to have a somehow universally accepted charachter for people like Lily Moon and Su Li so it doesn't feel like every other iteration is completely different.

    • @annem1816
      @annem1816 4 года назад +3

      Theres a few god ones with Harry and Susan Bones..

    • @focal129
      @focal129 3 года назад

      @@annem1816 but if u substitute them with daphne, they bcom mwah!

  • @zureeal
    @zureeal 4 года назад +89

    I loved being involved in making the art work for this video ❤️ you did amazing and I’m so glad even if I don’t know much of the series , I super enjoy watching and learning new things from you !

    • @Ekulnoswal87
      @Ekulnoswal87 4 года назад +1

      Amazing art work on a very interesting video will done both of you 😊

    • @amotl2009
      @amotl2009 4 года назад +2

      Really nice job with the art!

  • @matthewpelletier6900
    @matthewpelletier6900 4 года назад +46

    I think one of the biggest reasons Daphne is as popular as she is is that she's a Slytherin, but we have no evidence that she or her family are death eaters. A lot of Harry Potter fans aren't thrilled about how Slytherin house was portrayed. The only students we get any real time with are Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy; and it's pretty obvious that they're all awful people and basically junior death eaters from the start and on account of that Slytherin gets a bad reputation.
    Daphne doesn't have that problem, since we know nothing about her other than she's in Slytherin, fanfiction authors love using her to demonstrate that not everyone in Slytherin is evil. One of the easiest ways to do that is through shipping her a with Harry, hence her coming in third.
    I only found out about this video because you mentioned it in an A/N in your fanfiction, and I would like to say again just how much I enjoy it. It's rare that a fanfic makes me care about the characters, but yours does and I certainly hope when you said you "used to be a fanfiction writer" that you haven't abandoned the story. I understand if you have, sometimes you're just too busy for it,but it's so good it would be a shame to bit finish the current one, even if you don't write anymore after.

  • @stephencochrane6805
    @stephencochrane6805 2 года назад +18

    I think that my favourite concept of Daphne, especially in ship fics, is her being a Slytherin foil to Hermione. Though what I really love is when authors use her -and Luna too, in fact.- as non-Gryffindors who believe Harry when he said he didn't put his name in the Goblet.

  • @darkflute7794
    @darkflute7794 4 года назад +23

    I really like this video about Daphne and explaining how her character has evolved in fanfictions and original works. I found her character much the same way you did with just seeing the Harry/Daphne pairings and being intrigued about them. To me you explained how her character is used in these kind of stories perfectly.

  • @swishyclang9175
    @swishyclang9175 4 года назад +50

    I've been in HP fandom for a long time, and from what I recall there was actually a precursor to fanon!Daphne that you didn't mention here. Before HBP came out, there was a general fandom consensus (at least in the parts I frequented) that Blaise Zabini was a girl. Her "background" was a lot more varied than Daphne's (although there was a tendency to make her connected to the mafia in some way) so she was sometimes a pureblood and sometimes a halfblood, and her personality was usually a lot more rebellious than Daphne's. Fanon!Blaise usually only had one parent, and said parent was usually her father (an interesting juxtaposition with what we later learned about canon!Blaise's mother). For a time I couldn't look anywhere in fandom without seeing another Harry/Blaise fic, the same as it seems to be now with Haphne.
    Then HBP happened, and Blaise was outed as a boy. Suddenly, fanfic writers didn't have a conveniently blank slate Slytherin girl who had received a certain amount of "fleshing out" through fandom to pair Harry up with anymore, and there was chaos. CHAOS. RIOTS IN THE FANDOM.
    ...Er. Got a little carried away, sorry. There was no chaos. But there was a hole in the fandom tapestry and someone had to fill it. Thus, along came Daphne Greengrass.
    I think it would be really interesting to see a companion video to this one talking about Blaise and his/her fandom journey, especially if you have any non-English speaking contacts who read PS in a language that gendered Blaise in some way at the sorting ceremony. This video was great, and now I'm craving more fandom deep dives!
    (Separately, the music was a smidge loud compared to your voice in places.)

    • @machaiarcanum
      @machaiarcanum 4 года назад +7

      Oh, so this is what happened. I got into the fandom later, and always thought of Blaise as a guy. But at one point I read this weird story where he was born as a girl but his mum magicked him into a guy for some reason. It came out of nowhere and I couldn’t figure it out until now.

    • @swishyclang9175
      @swishyclang9175 4 года назад +5

      @@machaiarcanum Yeah, I read that story too - it was definitely a reference to fanon!Blaise, and I was actually pretty impressed with the concept. I don't remember the fic now at all other than that part, so it's obviously stuck with me.

  • @nickmartin5294
    @nickmartin5294 4 года назад +28

    I've always found the character of Daphne Greengrass an interesting concept, because apart from one mention of her in Order of the Phoenix, she doesn't show up. I haven't written anything that involves Daphne in my own fanfiction, but I'd certainly like to one of these days, because I would have the creative freedom to do what I like to her. Appearance-wise, her appearance can range from blonde haired to dark-haired and she is commonly depicted as being very beautiful and I think there was even one fanfic that had her as a part-Veela.
    But otherwise, Daphne is an interesting character for fanfiction writers and artists to work with.

  • @lastationproductions
    @lastationproductions 4 года назад +35

    I love Daphane Greengrass and i found a really good fanfic about her

    • @axomiyabonggal4075
      @axomiyabonggal4075 3 года назад +2

      Please recommend

    • @manimelist_479
      @manimelist_479 3 года назад +5

      I also read a fanfic that has her character in it, she's not the mc tho, she's a friend of the mc. The title is 'The Slytherin Royals' at wattpad, by MaxineLane .

    • @RedQuill567
      @RedQuill567 3 года назад +1

      @@axomiyabonggal4075 Everything by Dorothea Greengrass is quite good, although only one of their stories is finished, and anything by Anorc, although their stories are all in a very specific wave-lenght (all in
      Other authors:
      - Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of Intent
      - The Lion Tamer trilogy
      - Novocaine (still on going)
      - The Harry Black tetralogy, (AuthorK)
      - Potter and Prejudice (Yes, and it's great)
      - Whispers in the Night (never finished but quite good...and long)
      Stories on the shorter side:
      - Cat got your tongue?
      - Recovery
      - Hedwig's Choice
      - Ice Cream (VERY important to recent fanon Daphne, you'll find dozens of stories where she loves Ice Cream after this one)
      - Wait, what?
      There are many many more, but those are good sample. My username is literally GreengrassRebel in the site, so I've been around the block of Haphne.

    • @axomiyabonggal4075
      @axomiyabonggal4075 3 года назад +2

      @@RedQuill567 thank you. I have already started on Dorothea Green grass stories

    • @elizabeths.3634
      @elizabeths.3634 2 года назад +2

      @@axomiyabonggal4075 I agree. Dorthea Greengass is an amazing fan fic writer.

  • @elizabeths.3634
    @elizabeths.3634 Год назад +4

    Not only did Daphne win out over cannon characters in that poll, on average, stories starring Daphne beat out other main characters (Harry, Hermione, Draco) in favorites, follows and reviews.

  • @machaiarcanum
    @machaiarcanum 4 года назад +21

    Nice. The best part is that now this has all melded together and is basically the ‘fandom canon’, to the point that until now I hadn’t realised it was all made up. Because everyone was so agreed I was sure there were a few references in the books.

  • @tylerdurso-finley2978
    @tylerdurso-finley2978 4 года назад +23

    Great video, and I've been loving reading your stories! I will say that I think part of the fascination with Daphne isn't that she is a female Draco, but rather that she's not. When people look for a (hetero) Slytherin to pair Harry with, the 2 most prominent characters are Pansy, unapologetic Death Eater supporter, and Millicent Bulstrode, who is canonically unattractive (can't pair Harry with an ugly character!). While those 2 have inspired their own fanfictions, they lend themselves to a different type of story than Daphne does. It's less of a stretch to make Daphne a neutral, or secret good character.
    Then finally, people also really love nobility and politics in their stories, and with the Greengrasses being one of the 'Sacred 28', it's an easy shortcut to thrust Harry into Lord role.

  • @icblundell60
    @icblundell60 3 года назад +4

    I re-read Living Dangerously recently, I very much enjoyed that fic. Good work!
    Really good deep dive on the origins (or lack thereof) of her character.

  • @lhd23
    @lhd23 4 года назад +7

    This is an interesting study of collective writing, I would really like to see the first story that featured her as a main character, and see how she has organically evolved. Perhaps a next video could be on how the same effect happens with more canonically established characters with less screen time and more leeway like Fleur(with all the Veela lore created because of her) or Cho.

  • @swaroophegde5831
    @swaroophegde5831 4 года назад +15

    Wow! You wrote your fic when you were just a teen right? You are officially my fanfiction role model from now.

  • @maxdawson1166
    @maxdawson1166 4 года назад +9

    Honestly loving these videos so far they are great

  • @garerviviano5036
    @garerviviano5036 3 года назад +1

    ty for de fanfic living dangerously, personally I liked both beginnings, but the first was more irrational and passionate and its my favorite

  • @Aaaammmaaaa
    @Aaaammmaaaa 3 года назад +1

    We can see daphne in the background during when Fred and greorge did the firework thingy during owls test

  • @Rymontp
    @Rymontp 3 года назад +4

    Amazing video. Contrary to your ffnet bio, I'm here due to your fanfics. It's funny how I agree with everything you said and even thought about those things myself before. Very relatable. Funnily enough, I read the Harry Potter books only once, when I was like 9 years old, and only started reading HP fanfics at ~16 after I ran out of fics from other fandoms. I probably couldn't remember 50% of the books so it was incredibly confusing to tell what was fanon and what canon. So when I read my first fic with Daphne in it, I was very surprised and ashamed that I had apparently forgotten a character like her... Until I googled her and could barely find anything until I saw a post about how she only appears once in the books. I fell in love with her as a character immediately. Loving your new fic!

  • @DarkPsychoMessiah
    @DarkPsychoMessiah 2 года назад +2

    2:57 that's a piece by Tarakanovich. It was supposed to be Luna but he messed up and made her tie Slytherin green and to save face he said it was Daphne

  • @cheezynerd7926
    @cheezynerd7926 4 года назад +15


  • @apocryphaemiya9331
    @apocryphaemiya9331 2 года назад +2

    her character existence is fascinating actually. I've read 6 fanfiction about her and all of her character is completely different she was character that born from HP fans, can be molded to become anything and all of her fanfiction is unique in a good way

  • @vizrampage9186
    @vizrampage9186 4 года назад +4

    Guess What I came after reading your latest chapter from Fanfiction. Nice to see some Daphne on youtube too. It's been long time since she has been there from reddit to DLP forums.
    Lot's of fabulous fics showing her characterization from Famous Ice queen to other. I think authors love her for the blank slate she is from canon. Basically she can be anything they want.
    There are lots of fics from pureblood princess or typical marriage contract fics that once dominated the fanfics. Or Neutral purebloods or in some cases Half blood too.
    Anyways nice video looking for more content like this

  • @NerdManReturns
    @NerdManReturns 4 года назад +8

    Really good video and analysis of the Daphne Greengrass character. One point on her origin I do think you missed however is that Daphne is basically in many ways a replacement of the fem!Blaise Zabini character fans shipped with Harry that was popular before 2005 when her character got revealed to be a dude in Half Blood Prince. That pre-2005 fan version was also a ice queen type character and Daphne basically filled the void that was left when fem!Blaise no longer was usable, and later become even more popular than fem!Blaise.
    Also, cool to know your the author of Living Dangerously, as I’ve recently been starting to read it and am quickly becoming a huge fan of that story. Almost finish with it and then I’ll start reading the sequel Living in Secret soon after. Can’t wait for that.

  • @punga6102
    @punga6102 4 года назад +2

    I reread the books a lot of times and i never remember to read his name but all the fans love her

  • @chaohellsing
    @chaohellsing 4 года назад +1

    I started reading living in server's first story Living Dangerously since you posted chapter two or three.
    This was just as enjoyable.

  • @ferusgr
    @ferusgr 4 года назад +2

    Great content! Saw your post on Reddit and I had to come say Hi! You did amazing work putting this all together; great writing. @Zureeal had some great artwork to contribute, as well!

  • @scaredkrow
    @scaredkrow 3 года назад +1

    really well put together video, had no clue who this was and was more interested nonetheless especially since I do consider myself someone who enjoys the potter series. keep it up!

  • @ryu3202
    @ryu3202 4 года назад +4

    So you are CGPH from Living Dangerously ? Interesting. With this video-essay I think we have the first one in the whole youtube (and probably the whole internet) about meta-discussion about Daphne Greengrass as part of the Harry Potter fanon.
    And now that you have mentioned how big the HP fanfiction community is, maybe we could start some kind of a wiki project that tries to collect and organize all the diferent types of HP fanfictions and its tropes, uses of the characters, etc. Fanlore as part of the Organization for Transformative Works could work. It already has some articles about fanfic tropes but they need a serious improvement.
    I think it would help to boost HP fanfictions in many ways. Daphne Greengrass has been a strong fanfiction character in the HP community for almost a decade and only with a global pandemic someone has had enough time and iniciative to make a meta-video about it.
    Idk, maybe because the HP fandom is still massive it could still be possible...but meh. Anyway, it was nice to see a video about Daphne Greengrass and the HP fandom and I hope for more similar content.

  • @michaeldaly8191
    @michaeldaly8191 4 года назад +6

    Came from reddit, love the video and you’ve got yourself a new subscriber :)

  • @johnl1298
    @johnl1298 4 года назад +5

    I just want to say I love your Harry Potter fanfics and I am also a guy who love Harry Potter and fanfics. Daphne is my absolute favorite love interest for Harry because I love Slytherin stories especially slytherin Harry and when Harry dates a slytherin girl.

  • @jk3jk35
    @jk3jk35 Год назад +1

    should also be noted she's an effective Blaise Zabini replacement

  • @Sunny-25122
    @Sunny-25122 3 года назад +1

    Hi, I just wanted to say that I love the stories of Loving Dangerously and Living in Secret. It's great how you understand all of the character's. I can't wait - if you're still planning to - for the final book to see your take of the journeys end.
    p.s. I'm sorry about the impact that covid had on you - as per your Author's note - and I hope everything is going well for you now.

  • @damianhockey8890
    @damianhockey8890 4 года назад

    You looked too dam proud with that Diagon Alley joke. But god fucking love ya dude another awesome video :)

  • @gabyswag-
    @gabyswag- 7 месяцев назад

    I knew it would be Daphne! She is such looks such an amazing chaarcter and would’ve been better if she had a lot of scenes.

  • @alexspain9103
    @alexspain9103 4 года назад +1

    This is an excellent video, reminds me of Hello Future Me and he's excellent so good thing there. You have a good mind for critical analysis so I hope you make more content in that style. Videos, essays, reddit posts, other media, definitley worth the time to engage with your stuff if you make more. I'll definitely be looking at your story, and maybe duality too, so if you see a comment from "The Philosopher Anon E Moose" that's me. All in all, 9.5/10 (the cuts in your video were a little jumpy at times so can't give it a perfect rating), well done my friend.

  • @itsnuman8442
    @itsnuman8442 4 года назад +2

    Hey I really enjoyed this keep up the good work

  • @thepcgamer7678
    @thepcgamer7678 9 месяцев назад

    Yeah she is definitely the most popular character especially for fanfiction she's the most popular character to do I love reading and writing of her

  • @swishyclang9175
    @swishyclang9175 4 года назад +4

    Oh god, I used to have that fanart of Harry and Draco as my laptop background back in the day! *dies laughing*

    • @chuckh4077
      @chuckh4077 3 года назад +1

      Brokeback hogwarts. 😆 many weird stories in fan fic. Neville becoming evil after falling in love with bellatrix lestrange. 😆

  • @MagicSilver-eo7my
    @MagicSilver-eo7my 3 года назад +1

    I believe Daphne's first appearance in fanfiction world is in "Perfect Situations" by Jeconais in 2005. It does not exist in ffnet so I understand that what you think is her first appearance is the Veritaserum Surprise: Daphne's trial by Twisted parody. Moreover, that story already has some elements of headcanon we all loved from Daphne Greengrass like the Ice Queen trope.
    It still amazes me how entire fanfiction community can construct a character basically out of nothing but little pieces of breadcrumbs left by JK Rowling. At this point in time, there are over 2,200 stories in ffnet and 640 more in AO3 that really speaks to me the widespread of the character. In my opinion, she is the easiest litmus test to know whether someone is a Potterhead or an average fan.

  • @muffinhydra
    @muffinhydra 4 года назад +5

    tbh. when I read your stories I felt Daphne was so self-destructive that Tracy and Harry had actually more chemistry then Daphne Harry.. not thats a bad thing as it speaks more to how well you wrote Tracy.

  • @c3gfboy7
    @c3gfboy7 4 месяца назад +1

    Guess who’s a now a Lego mini-figure!!
    She’s officially now confirmed as a Lego character in the great hall set. Anddddd
    She’s a blonde.

  • @petazedrok
    @petazedrok 3 года назад +1

    This is an amazing video. You should have more views and subs! Though, one thing, (with which I want to help you) is, the music in the video is too loud and sometimes I couldn't hear your voice. Also, your hair and beard are glorious.

  • @None-0n3
    @None-0n3 3 года назад

    Keep doing these vids. It was very well edited. I subbed. I'm a big fanfic reader and I used to write it. I'm gonna check out some of your fics. Keep it up!

  • @johanriascos6755
    @johanriascos6755 4 года назад

    I don't even like HP but I definitely find your video entertaining, keep it up!

  • @abstraktsaga909
    @abstraktsaga909 4 года назад

    The video is really nice, the subject is interresting (and most importantly, interestingly written) the sound quality is very good (the music might be a tad too loud) overhaul its another really good video and I'm really interested in what you'll post next :)

  • @Chinesepraticeclub
    @Chinesepraticeclub 2 года назад +2

    My favourite Harry/daphne is Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord

    • @Samuelissad
      @Samuelissad 2 года назад

      Harry potter and the saviour of majic is also great

  • @MC3335
    @MC3335 3 года назад +2

    She's elsa in the wizarding world.

  • @cyber_nin.
    @cyber_nin. 2 года назад

    Honoured to put the 888th like on this masterpiece unveling one of my most favorite "characters"!!!

  • @fezzadork
    @fezzadork Год назад +2

    I can't help but put Margot Robbie's face to Daphne Greengrass...

    • @elizabeths.3634
      @elizabeths.3634 Год назад +1

      Good choice!

    • @fezzadork
      @fezzadork Год назад +1

      @@elizabeths.3634 Margot is a massive Potterhead, for what it’s worth

    • @elizabeths.3634
      @elizabeths.3634 Год назад +1

      @@fezzadork I didn't know that. That is cool. 😎

  • @yauwnij6420
    @yauwnij6420 3 года назад +1

    I love this character very much but I couldn't find his wand, it's so sad

  • @amlopresidente6357
    @amlopresidente6357 4 года назад +3

    haphne is just the best

  • @MissMysterious1232
    @MissMysterious1232 10 месяцев назад

    Daphne was in 1 scene in the films when the spark is flying

  • @Chinesepraticeclub
    @Chinesepraticeclub 2 года назад +1

    Daphne Greengrass is my favourite Slytherin character

  • @onineesan3231
    @onineesan3231 6 месяцев назад

    Where i first heard about Greengrass sisters? Akabur...

  • @Stealthgod442
    @Stealthgod442 4 года назад +1

    I have actually read “Living Dangerously”. I actually read it a week before I watched this video.

    • @GryphonB
      @GryphonB 4 года назад


    • @matthewpelletier6900
      @matthewpelletier6900 4 года назад

      Same here. I found it last week, read the whole thing in two days then read the sequel in another two. I actually only find this video because he advertised it in an author's note in one of the recent chapters of the sequel.
      If you haven't read it and are interested the sequel is called Living in Secret. It's not finished yet but there 30 chapters and it was updated about a week ago so I have some faith that he hasn't abandoned the story.

  • @mrqrul7715
    @mrqrul7715 4 года назад +2

    Love Daphne

  • @beth_m
    @beth_m 2 года назад +1

    If Astoria Greengrass is married to Malfoy, then Daphne must be her sister :0

  • @lakella7721
    @lakella7721 3 года назад +1

    Daphne Greengrass? Yeah I know, I looked up Draco Malfoy’s wife Astoria, and found out about Daphne. New characters :D

  • @whowhotantey5505
    @whowhotantey5505 2 года назад

    She appeared 1 time in the order of the Phoenix when Fred and George did the firework scene

  • @jonharper4478
    @jonharper4478 Год назад

    I'm fairly certain that girl who had a passing resemblance to Daphne was infact supposed to be her.

  • @theskyplanet2702
    @theskyplanet2702 8 месяцев назад

    This is the type of essay I can easily make about Hannah Abbot. People will start the sentence “but Neville and Hannah make no sens-“ and it will ignite my power point presentation of each appearance of the abbotts, the leaky cauldron, hufflepuff and her being solidly disastrous and kind in every book 🤷‍♀️

    • @DrHADLEY
      @DrHADLEY  8 месяцев назад +1

      I'd watch it

    • @theskyplanet2702
      @theskyplanet2702 8 месяцев назад

      @@DrHADLEY dont encourage me - it does go for hours

  • @Londronable
    @Londronable 8 месяцев назад +1

    I've read so much fanfiction that the world of Harry Potter is no longer able to be seen as cannon vs non-cannon.
    There is so much there I consider "my head cannon" that I'm not sure if it is or isn't cannon.
    Daphne, her sister, her parents. Susan and her aunt, etc. all have headcannon relationships for me.

  • @floracantrip5484
    @floracantrip5484 2 года назад

    There is one scene in "Harry Potter and the order of the phönix" (in the movie) with her💚💚💚💚💚💚

  • @yasurikressh8325
    @yasurikressh8325 2 года назад

    “Right up your diagon ally” lol

  • @noelschwandtjr4274
    @noelschwandtjr4274 3 года назад

    So I’ve read living dangerously and am reading living in secret right now. Is there a follow up story coming?

  • @Nita07030
    @Nita07030 3 года назад

    Ok but I came to know about this character through fanfics the name sounded familiar and I was like this character actually exists abd then whrn I rewatched the harry potter movies there is a blonde girl who just might be daphne greengrass in the background

  • @inzaboi2500
    @inzaboi2500 4 года назад +1

    I’m not a massive fan of Harry Potter but I enjoyed the video

  • @missriddle445
    @missriddle445 3 года назад

    She is actually in the movies

  • @georgelin4823
    @georgelin4823 4 года назад

    You mentioned fanfiction.. I've explained her off as a character in fanfiction where they wanted to essentially have a pureblood Hermione, but didn't actually want to make Hermione pureblood.

  • @alcebudaverne5244
    @alcebudaverne5244 4 года назад


  • @neptuneplaneptune3367
    @neptuneplaneptune3367 Год назад

    I view Daphne more as a morally flipped version of Draco. Yes she may belive in blood superiority, but she holds no prejudice against Muggles ore Muggleborns. She is proud of her house and its history, but not too the point where she belices she is superior too anyone and all. She also is a lot kinder then Draco, altaugh unable too show it do too her wish too stay as far away from drama and just wanting too enjoy a quite life alongside her best friend Tracey Davis, who I imagine as a Half Blood. Pureblood father, and Muggle/Muggle Born mother, and I often make it so they know each other cause either of a business relationship ore cause simply one ore both of there parents where friends themselfes in Hogwarts. Also I make the Ice Queen Persona less a cold Tsundere like persona, but its simply a mask she puts on whenever she deals with poeple she dosnt like and it more comes from her natural talent with Ice magic. Too contrast that I often turn Tracey into...pretty much a pyromaniac who loves blowing stuff up....essentially she is a non Chuuney version of Megumin from Konosuba in my Headcanon. I also like too work with genderbend Harry, so my version of Fem Harry, Rose Potter who I often sort into Slytherin is often the 3 member of what I dubb the Silver Trio. The levelheaded and composed Daphne, the chaotic and a TAD pyrpanic Tracey, and then Rose as the muscle of the group, insanley skilled in combat and wary much a tuff girl you dont wanna mess with. A Tomboy basicley.

  • @dr_ji_m3m3r63
    @dr_ji_m3m3r63 4 года назад

    I am commenting on all your videos just like you said this Monday stream #4

  • @gloweye
    @gloweye 4 года назад

    Ah, the glorious consequences of fanon. When fans actually generally agree on what's basically an OC.
    That said, on ffnet it's very easy to find pairings more common than Harry/Cho. I'm pretty sure there's more Harry/Padma Patil then there is Harry/Cho.

  • @fluffymcnuttersgaming7288
    @fluffymcnuttersgaming7288 3 года назад

    When are you going to finish your Harry/daphne trilogy?

  • @logandelaharpe6362
    @logandelaharpe6362 3 года назад

    Well more reading to do

  • @focal129
    @focal129 3 года назад

    I am grateful that a lot of people actually voted her(daphne) as 3rd....(YES! YES! YES!!! YAAY!!!! TAKE THAT FLEUR LOVERS ;P)

  • @Anska_forever154
    @Anska_forever154 4 года назад

    Actually I googled Daphne Greengrass and found lots of info.

  • @ProfessorQBert
    @ProfessorQBert 4 года назад +2

    We once tried to write an anti-cliche H/Daphne fanfic, and although we had good progress on it, it is extraordinarily difficult because of all the baggage. These days when I'm writing fanfiction, I completely change how her character is used, more of a villainous role instead of the ice queen love interest.

  • @vzmo
    @vzmo 3 года назад

    Can you do a video on Ernie Macmillan

  • @jessirome96
    @jessirome96 2 года назад

    Can u talk about DRAMIONE ?? And how is the most popular head canon ship 🐍🦁🪄

  • @nastynas7
    @nastynas7 Год назад

    Are you going to finish the series or no?

  • @daphneoziozi9821
    @daphneoziozi9821 4 года назад

    ✨ D A P H N E ✨

  • @samanthapfund323
    @samanthapfund323 3 года назад

    I’m a huge fanfiction writer

  • @tororocks2
    @tororocks2 4 года назад

    Dad Curtis told me to comment on each of his video, two words, Pickle Potter

  • @walkerred8220
    @walkerred8220 4 года назад

    Wait wait wait wait WAIT. You wrote living dangerously?

  • @LordOfLightningSkies
    @LordOfLightningSkies 3 года назад


  • @srijanroy8051
    @srijanroy8051 3 года назад

    Hey man sorry about this,Ik its pandemic and you ve moved,But could you PLEASE PLEASE,PLEASE start with "ICE QUEEN LIVES". PLSSSSSS,ATLEAST tell when you will start writing.....??????PLEASE?

  • @daphne5510
    @daphne5510 3 года назад

    Lmao my name is daphne and i love Harry Potter

  • @mystories876
    @mystories876 3 года назад

    daphne is draco's sister-in-law right?

  • @WASD-cp5np
    @WASD-cp5np 4 года назад

    My name is Daphne I'm in slythrin

  • @jackmanly109
    @jackmanly109 4 года назад

    Who here came from his FanFiction? I did.

  • @artemis4757
    @artemis4757 4 года назад


  • @virien13
    @virien13 3 года назад +1

    Dapne is Draco's sister in law
    When i knew it before this vid i was like oh my gosh!!!
    Dapne was seen in the movie 5
    Although i dont ship her with harry

  • @artemis4757
    @artemis4757 4 года назад

    Also Pansy Parkinsons Best Friend

  • @scorchu2318
    @scorchu2318 4 года назад +8

    I'm gonna say it
    Lord of the rings is better