Causes of High Blood Pressure - Understanding blood pressure

  • Опубликовано: 12 июн 2024
  • Hi Everyone,
    I’ve historically had high blood pressure, and my Virta doctor just sent me a fancy blood pressure cuff so I can start monitoring my pressure. I’ll be honest, I haven’t figured out how to use the cuff yet, but it did get me started thinking about high blood pressure. I know the basics, but I’ve never really looked at it very deeply. So, here’s some things that cause blood pressure to increase within the body, as well as the lifestyle issues that can make the problem worse.
    First is your Regulatory Systems. These are the mechanisms for managing blood pressure. This includes something called the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (or RAAS) and the sympathetic nervous system. These can sometimes work too hard, causing blood vessels to narrow and the body to retain more fluid. This results in higher blood pressure.
    In other words, if the systems controlling blood pressure go into overdrive, they make the heart work harder and the vessels squeeze tighter, pushing up blood pressure.
    Next is Arterial Health. The health of your arteries significantly affects blood pressure. When arteries become stiff or narrow due to plaque buildup, the heart has to pump harder to move blood through them, which increases blood pressure.
    So, if your arteries are getting stiff or clogged, it's like trying to push water through a narrow hose; the pressure has to go up to get the blood through.
    Then there’s Kidney Function. The kidneys filter waste from your blood and manage fluid levels in your body. When they're not working correctly, fluid can build up, leading to an increase in blood volume and blood pressure.
    That basically means that if your kidneys aren't filtering fluids right, it's like having too much water in your system, which cranks up the pressure on your blood vessel walls.
    By understanding these physiological aspects, you can better appreciate how lifestyle changes, particularly a shift towards a ketogenic diet, can influence these systems positively. This approach not only targets weight management but also addresses the root causes of high blood pressure from within the body's own regulatory mechanisms.
    Here are the Lifestyle Factors Impacting Blood Pressure.
    The big one is Dietary Habits: High intake of salt can lead to fluid retention, increasing blood pressure. Similarly, a diet high in saturated and trans fats can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, further impacting blood pressure. Transitioning to a ketogenic diet like I am is supposed to reduce carbohydrate intake and encourage the consumption of healthier fats, which can have a positive effect on blood pressure and weight management. It also helps you process sodium more effectively.
    Next there is your Physical Activity Level. Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and reducing blood pressure. It enhances heart health and improves arterial flexibility, contributing to lower blood pressure readings. This is why I am walking 10,000 steps a day, to help my arteries… and to lose weight.
    Another big one is Alcohol and Tobacco Use. Excessive drinking and smoking can lead to elevated blood pressure. Both should be moderated or avoided to reduce the risk of hypertension. I’m lucky there because I never smoked and I drink practically no alcohol.
    Then there is Stress Management. Chronic stress can lead to temporary increases in blood pressure. Finding effective stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, or engaging in hobbies, is important for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. I try to do these things but I wish I was better at it.
    Finally there is Sleep Quality. Disorders like sleep apnea can disrupt sleep and lead to fluctuations in blood pressure. Getting quality sleep is important for overall cardiovascular health. I’m working on that one.
    Given these insights, I am hoping that a ketogenic diet will be a step in the right direction, especially if combined with more exercise, better stress management, and better sleep. It's about creating a balanced approach that addresses both the physiological and lifestyle aspects of high blood pressure. Am I there yet? No, but I’m working on it.
    I’m not going to do a lot of numbers today since I already covered most of it yesterday. I will have more than 10,000 steps today, and my weight was close to the same as yesterday at 292.7. My keystones were a solid .9, and my glucose was 99. Overall, solid.
    I’ll leave with that. Here’s the Sir Terry Pratchett quote of the day. This one is from masquerade.
    “You can either be on the stage, just a performer, just going through the lines... or you can be outside it, and know how the script works, where the scenery hangs, and where the trapdoors are.”
    Thanks for watching. Please like. Please comment. Please subscribe, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

Комментарии • 2

  • @user-ft5yn4cb6l
    @user-ft5yn4cb6l 3 месяца назад +1

    Oh, I didn't know that kidneys have a role in blood pressure.