  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 6 тыс.

  • @boomstar1564
    @boomstar1564 5 лет назад +5224

    I was today years old when I realized you're the voice of Mr. Crocker....

    • @boomstar1564
      @boomstar1564 5 лет назад +148

      Noah Kinnett
      what do you mean? haven't you seen the "I was today years old" memes?

    • @Vekcrazah
      @Vekcrazah 5 лет назад +50

      Noah Kinnett it means i learned something new, in a meme’y way

    • @Eike_Peace
      @Eike_Peace 5 лет назад +50

      But he isn't...

    • @rawrjay420
      @rawrjay420 5 лет назад +26

      carlos alazraqui. google is your friend.

    • @toyaliens
      @toyaliens 5 лет назад +41

      Butch was not the voice of Mr Crocker...

  • @Crypttv
    @Crypttv 6 лет назад +1017

    Timmy wished to be a superhero and an alternate universe was born....Makes sense to me!

    • @allysonchen4286
      @allysonchen4286 6 лет назад +15

      Sounds legit!

    • @seanspahr6999
      @seanspahr6999 6 лет назад +12

      My question is about this, wouldn't he just stick to Cleft, the Boy Chin Wonder?

    • @BrYaBe123Parodiasfanfics
      @BrYaBe123Parodiasfanfics 6 лет назад +10

      No. Actually that don't have so many sense :v actually all teory of "Timmy is Danny" is...like a joke :v

    • @mr.doctorpepper6475
      @mr.doctorpepper6475 6 лет назад +4

      Look See
      It's Crypt TV see

    • @bluey8348
      @bluey8348 6 лет назад +3

      Crypt TV what're you doing here?

  • @chicagogirl9971
    @chicagogirl9971 6 лет назад +4359

    Are you Timmy Turner?

    • @babababag5465
      @babababag5465 6 лет назад +70

      ChicagoGirl do you know da wae

    • @thewitheredsouls
      @thewitheredsouls 6 лет назад +95

      Plot twist

    • @carmpulse9712
      @carmpulse9712 6 лет назад +44

      True story.
      Btw Danny is a Timmy from a parallel dimension. I guess..

    • @mrj4455
      @mrj4455 6 лет назад +50

      Hi Butch!!!!!! I'm 24 now but remember watching Fairy Odd Parents and Danny Phontom when I was a kid. Thx for the memories!

    • @theartoonnerdologist411
      @theartoonnerdologist411 6 лет назад +12

      baba babag shut up

  • @bryanmunoz3872
    @bryanmunoz3872 4 года назад +1131

    Theres only one reason for that theory:

    • @jordanwebster4170
      @jordanwebster4170 4 года назад +46


    • @VicDScott
      @VicDScott 4 года назад +18

      It's the only thing that makes sense

    • @TrevorTheNinja36
      @TrevorTheNinja36 4 года назад +6

      @Caleb Hopkins it’s a joke

    • @no_vex
      @no_vex 4 года назад +16

      @Caleb Hopkins Because
      *It's always Dinkleberg.*

    • @zsmoove3108
      @zsmoove3108 4 года назад +1

      Who is Danny Phantom's parallel to the Dinklebergs?

  • @tylerbyhanna9150
    @tylerbyhanna9150 5 лет назад +737

    Can we all take a moment to thank this man for making our childhoods possible

  • @AllisonakaSakura
    @AllisonakaSakura 6 лет назад +343

    Finally a creator who debunk the theory instead of looking at it float in the wind

    • @ribottostudio
      @ribottostudio 6 лет назад +47

      he DOESN'T quite debunk it though?

    • @AllisonakaSakura
      @AllisonakaSakura 6 лет назад +51

      TheMKatStudio yeah, but he acknowledged it and plays with the idea without destroying the whole theory in it entirely. He has the power to squash the theory but he doesn't. Who else actually look into little fan conspiracy about their show?

    • @ribottostudio
      @ribottostudio 6 лет назад +22

      not many true, I like that he went from super quiet on twitter to just EXPLODING with tweets, he's very involved with these shows it shows he really cares about what he created.
      I really want him to look into the Danny Fenton = DEAD theory that says Danny was KILLED in the Portal Explosion. the amount of electricity or alternating current in that, that is needed to kill a human is only 2,000 AC (alternating current)....I think that Danny was exposed to MUCH higher than that lol

    • @disgaealikerasapOG
      @disgaealikerasapOG 6 лет назад +19

      He's squashed that one multiple times. He says none of the ghosts are dead people. They are another type of being.

    • @ribottostudio
      @ribottostudio 6 лет назад +9

      Ahh but Maddie's definition of ghost differs from Hartman's-that ghosts are in fact souls of people who haven't been able to move on for some reason. That they have this obsession that ties them to the physical plain-and every ghost in DP supports this EVEN DANNY HIMSELF. Danny's obsession is to protect so that means, if Danny dies as a human, if his human half dies then he'll be around for a LONG time due to his need to protect those that can't protect themselves.

  • @strive2one
    @strive2one 4 года назад +687

    Us: Is Timmy Turner, Danny Phantom?
    Butch: Yesno

  • @romanovmarkelyon1021
    @romanovmarkelyon1021 4 года назад +669

    I feel like he basically just confirmed this. Either that or he’s as good an actor as he is a cartoonist.

    • @jordymagema1660
      @jordymagema1660 4 года назад +69

      Or Maybe, since he is the creator of both shows, he Just took some fairy odd parents ideas and used them in danny phantom

    • @wolfbeam9169
      @wolfbeam9169 4 года назад +12

      I sensed sarcasm. May be wrong though.

    • @SailorMorgy28
      @SailorMorgy28 4 года назад +34

      Yeah he was just messing around. He even said the theory was ridiculous when he first heard it. They’re just similar because he’s the creator of both.

    • @ugandahater
      @ugandahater 3 года назад +19

      He's basically mocking you guys

    • @Orto-jj2di
      @Orto-jj2di 3 года назад +3

      @@SailorMorgy28 when first heard yes but maybe he changed his mind

  • @MattSpicerYT
    @MattSpicerYT 6 лет назад +3119

    I honestly feel like when making the show "Danny Phantom" you probably took inspiration from your older work "Fairly Odd Parents" and just remixed everything into the new show which was "Danny Phantom". You probably knew people would point out similarities but when you realized these crazy theories are actually making "sense" you just went with the flow. ORRRRR you really did thought this through from the start lol

  • @_JKelly96
    @_JKelly96 6 лет назад +1852

    I watched this video because I thought he was going to confirm the theories...

    • @denjibait2939
      @denjibait2939 6 лет назад +32

      Me too thx

    • @unknownperson8000
      @unknownperson8000 6 лет назад +46

      It's bassicly up to you what you want to think but he basically explained what happened if you choose to think it's true

    • @thezenithfalcon6224
      @thezenithfalcon6224 6 лет назад +1

      88FILMco. Original Pictures he kinda did

    • @thezenithfalcon6224
      @thezenithfalcon6224 6 лет назад +2

      bmf faker f you could’ve still watched it lol

    • @chowell905
      @chowell905 5 лет назад +4

      Animators reuse the animation style used in their old and current characters and create new ones.
      However Danny Phantom and Timmy Turner are 2 totally diffrent characters. They share common traits, but they are seperate characters.

  • @roberttreacy8271
    @roberttreacy8271 6 лет назад +1380

    I always thought Timmy and Danny were cousins for some reason.

    • @nicolassnightproductions7847
      @nicolassnightproductions7847 6 лет назад +66

      Same XD imagine they were blood related and they never knew because one of the family members crossed universes.

    • @dementedcreations8971
      @dementedcreations8971 5 лет назад +17

      its the hair

    • @pastorhulk7174
      @pastorhulk7174 5 лет назад +1

      @@nicolassnightproductions7847 tree

    • @longgone6937
      @longgone6937 5 лет назад +10

      Same or that Timmy and Dannys parents were friends right?

    • @arminealawson629
      @arminealawson629 5 лет назад +4

      Robert Treacy made by the same people so they look alike

  • @scootey0
    @scootey0 4 года назад +1607

    I wanna see Danny go to adult swim. Make him a deeper, funnier, older phantom.

    • @Ahmd004
      @Ahmd004 4 года назад +47

      The 80's cartoons are getting a reboots now SOOOOO you should wait

    • @shadow_wolf68
      @shadow_wolf68 4 года назад +12

      My child hood 🙀

    • @elenigrace3341
      @elenigrace3341 4 года назад +12

      we been knew that this cartoon was supposed to go deeper and funnier i would LIVE if adult swim picked it up

    • @FusionDuoGaming
      @FusionDuoGaming 4 года назад +22

      If this went to Adult Swim it would be #1 trend for sure

    • @platinumwolf526
      @platinumwolf526 4 года назад +2


  • @sendme9403
    @sendme9403 6 лет назад +144

    Butch : " *Art gives you power! Use it wisely!* "
    Me : " *oops* "

  • @firetypegamer2898
    @firetypegamer2898 6 лет назад +217

    That One Punch Man action figure on the desk anime is great

  • @everybodylovesreyna17
    @everybodylovesreyna17 6 лет назад +511

    Timmy Turner: He's a phantom

  • @TheRealLLC
    @TheRealLLC 4 года назад +497

    He literally just told us it’s basically not a theory 😂

    • @TheRealLLC
      @TheRealLLC 4 года назад +12

      Almost[Satan]665 if you listen to how he talks and watch his facial expressions

    • @enforcerridley158
      @enforcerridley158 4 года назад +23

      @@TheRealLLC He didn't confirm the theory. He was merely playing with it.

    • @strenuousspider9525
      @strenuousspider9525 4 года назад +35

      He called it crazy, and even went as far to poke fun at it with his Scooby-Doo and tough puppy are the same person theory.

    • @Tallboiaaron
      @Tallboiaaron 4 года назад +18

      He said when he first heard the theory he thought it was silly, pretty much saying it’s just a theory

    • @TheRealLLC
      @TheRealLLC 4 года назад +5

      Aaron Soinski if I was him I’d say the day the same thing to throw fans off... there are toooooooooo many coincidences

  • @WV_Smoke
    @WV_Smoke 5 лет назад +1623

    Dude your the brains. Could we get the answer please. Is it a yes or a no. I'm 28 now and have been wondering for years.

    • @gauntlion839
      @gauntlion839 4 года назад +138

      Robert Cozad he won’t tell the truth because theory’s are fun and he doesn’t want to ruin them

    • @cartoonstacksanimation7748
      @cartoonstacksanimation7748 4 года назад

      omg lol XDXDX

    • @oogiegaming2907
      @oogiegaming2907 4 года назад +11

      Answer is I doubt it is true. Makes no sense really for them to be the same.

    • @loh3hall860
      @loh3hall860 4 года назад +37

      The 'real' answer doesn't exist. The only answer is what you, as a individual, think about it.

    • @loh3hall860
      @loh3hall860 4 года назад +19

      Art is created not only by the artist, but by fans of the piece. It's all very subjective.

  • @TwoTailedSponge
    @TwoTailedSponge 6 лет назад +337

    A simple blood test wouldn't hurt either

    • @kodinelive
      @kodinelive 6 лет назад +1

      TwoTailedSponge yeah

    • @josephfranklin4624
      @josephfranklin4624 6 лет назад +17

      Danny’s dna was mixed up so it won’t come out the same

    • @CypherOT
      @CypherOT 5 лет назад +6

      @@josephfranklin4624 YEAH BECAUSE hIS *MOleCulEs gOT aLl reARRangED*

    • @Thechitogekirisaki
      @Thechitogekirisaki 5 лет назад +3

      FoodForDragons phantom phantom

  • @N_DAnimationEnthusiast
    @N_DAnimationEnthusiast 6 лет назад +209

    Oh snap. Saw the title. Clicked fast

  • @jonathangregory9429
    @jonathangregory9429 4 года назад +140

    My guess is that as a creator it was easier to design characters around concepts and drawings that were already fleshed out. They are not the same people but he took a new and inspired show idea and loosely carried over designs that worked.

    • @big_sk4ian424
      @big_sk4ian424 2 года назад +2

      Issa carbon copy 😂 he broke it down himself

  • @superphantom100
    @superphantom100 6 лет назад +76

    I love how Butch didn’t give a definitive answer to this theory. Although he did say he initially thought it was crazy but then he even thought about the theory fans came up with about his shows and basically said it possible given the evidence fans have come up with.

  • @theberrby6836
    @theberrby6836 6 лет назад +611

    Scooby and Dudley both don't wear PANTS! AND their names both end with Y!

    • @itspuppetry
      @itspuppetry 6 лет назад +23

      THE Berrby coincidence?

    • @bob97529
      @bob97529 6 лет назад +27


    • @lifeisterrible2998
      @lifeisterrible2998 6 лет назад +11

      BIGPENNY Ironic that you and THE Berrby have usernames that end with a Y.

    • @nicktalks1676
      @nicktalks1676 6 лет назад +9

      They're both talking dogs

    • @theberrby6836
      @theberrby6836 6 лет назад +4

      Me Me Big Boy Oh my goooossshh

  • @bensweeney5878
    @bensweeney5878 5 лет назад +77

    When I first saw Danny Phantom I literally thought it was The Fairly OddParents just all grown up

  • @doesthisreallymatterseriously
    @doesthisreallymatterseriously 4 года назад +64

    I'd rather say Cosmo and Wanda are Danny's parents and Anti-Cosmo/Wanda are the two ghosts the theory spoke about.

  • @josephjahn2239
    @josephjahn2239 5 лет назад +691

    OR are Butch Hartman and Jason Bateman the same person? 99 % certain.

  • @78shaweyes
    @78shaweyes 6 лет назад +655

    Is Cosmo actually Patrick Star in the future?

  • @PhilipJFryII
    @PhilipJFryII 6 лет назад +135

    Maybe a alternate universe Timmy is Danny...

  • @BigChillUltimate
    @BigChillUltimate 4 года назад +171

    Bro did the creator of the show just say Danny Fentons best friends were “tucker and Dash” because dash was his bully and he really forgot about Sam like that ?? 🤨

    • @Laray213
      @Laray213 4 года назад +15

      Aaron Atkinson Sam was Danny’s crush unless you wanted Danny to friend zone her they would be best friends but they had a vibe

    • @BigChillUltimate
      @BigChillUltimate 4 года назад +6

      Yvann Lara they were best friends more so than he was friends with Dash bud

    • @Laray213
      @Laray213 4 года назад +4

      True thanks for not getting angry people get butt hurt alot

    • @andoryuubushido7191
      @andoryuubushido7191 4 года назад +12

      He also said there were 2 special women in dannys life completely overlooking valerie, not that that love interest was as prominent. Wait. . . Danny had a love interest who hunted ghosts just like jake long had a love interest who hunted dragons. What if they're the same people?! Of course and that's why the next death battle is danny phantom vs jake long! It's a conspiracy they've been planning this all along!
      Fairies! I mean. . . Conspiracy!

    • @KGreen-wz5xr
      @KGreen-wz5xr 4 года назад +3

      Andoryuu Bushido Timmy jimmy danny and jake are all the same person or at least that 4 guys is 2 guys.

  • @owlfeathers8698
    @owlfeathers8698 6 лет назад +1733

    What if Vlad is actually.....DINKLEBERG!!?! 😐😦
    Edit: Woah!! 884 likes!? Thanks guys!

    •  6 лет назад +15

      Owl feathers86 😂😂😂

    • @TwilightTheCabbit
      @TwilightTheCabbit 6 лет назад +62

      Gasp! That would explain why Jack hates him so much. Like how Timmy's dad hates Dinkleberg. And if Jack and Timmy's dad are supposed to be the same person, it would make sense that Vlad and Dinkleberg are the same person. The pieces are all coming together!

    • @owlfeathers8698
      @owlfeathers8698 6 лет назад +4

      The Neverending Twilight I KNOW RIGHT!! That's exactly what I was thinking! It all makes sense now!! 🤔😱

    • @FromNothing
      @FromNothing 6 лет назад +19

      Jack doesn't hate Vlad though. He loves him. It's Vlad who hates Jack and Tim's Dad who hates Dinkleberg. It's the other way around.

    • @owlfeathers8698
      @owlfeathers8698 6 лет назад +5

      From Nothing Yeah, good point. Guess I need a refresher on the show after all these years...hmm wait what if something happened to where in this world their places got switched to where Dinkleberg ended up marrying timmys mom instead ( making him Jack) leaving timmys dad (now Vlad) angry and jealous to where he is obsessed with creating his own Timmy aka Danny. It would also explain why he has such a thing for Maddie as well. Magic wishes do tend to backfire now and then.

  • @Josehernandez-rb1kq
    @Josehernandez-rb1kq 6 лет назад +137

    This guys a genius he made these things accidentally connect in such a way

    • @armybear2
      @armybear2 5 лет назад +4

      I know your comment is from 8 months ago... but I just wanna say I wouldn't say its his genius that made all the shows indirectly connect. I was watching his 10 years older videos, where he draws cartoon characters as if they were 10 years older, each one was made about a year apart... in every single one of them he gave the girls the same exact dykish haircut regardless of who they were or what their hair looked like before. He literally gave all of them basically the same exact haircut he has. Along with the other things he said in the video when creating the version of things, it just leads me to think that he has certain preferences / fetishes that he is obsessed with just incorporates it into everything he works on. So I wouldn't say his shows connect due to any real genius, they just have massive similarities due to his style... its just his obsessions bleeding through to create a particular style that is recognizable.
      You can see this when you compare his Danny Phantom 10 years later series versus when he draws Kim Possible 10 years later... Kim Possible wasn't created by him... but yet when he drew how he envisioned Kim Possible characters 10 years later he basically designed her in the same exact style he does with everything instead of staying true to the original concept. Things I noticed he likes or incorporates a lot is the "All American" dad stereotype for men, the dykish hair cut for females, he likes punk girls, he likes plaid skirts, he likes having female characters show off their midriffs.

    • @vigilante5606
      @vigilante5606 5 лет назад +2

      @@armybear2 easy dude. You break the 3,14th dimension
      But it's worth it. I buy it

  • @rzsdranb3789
    @rzsdranb3789 6 лет назад +739

    Oh butch. You never ceased to amaze me.

    • @sopretty43vr
      @sopretty43vr 6 лет назад +10

      sba r dranxy 246. Did you know Butch also created dragon ball and sold the rights to toriyama back in the 80s?

    • @rzsdranb3789
      @rzsdranb3789 6 лет назад +3

      Butch Hartman no problem mr butch.

    • @HopeeInk
      @HopeeInk 6 лет назад +2

      sba r dranxy 246. I think he knows it best 😂 maybe he had the idea of Timmy turner 10 years ago around the same time than Danny phantom 🤷🏾‍♀️ (that’s nonsense he said it too, I think he meant this video is more likely as a joke 😂)

    • @CallMeDoozi
      @CallMeDoozi 6 лет назад +2

      Yung Tarantino WHAT

  • @brielleimana1408
    @brielleimana1408 4 года назад +45

    I love how Butch didn’t actually do this on purpose but is taking this fan theory and explaining it with such depth as if he really meant to do all of this 👌🏽

  • @faryalhaque8532
    @faryalhaque8532 5 лет назад +584

    When I was younger, I thought they were the same person only because of their hair design

  • @whatface1278
    @whatface1278 5 лет назад +190

    I was caught so off guard by the “FAIRIES!” That i had to pause the video and laugh for 3 solid minutes

    • @Bengyelly
      @Bengyelly 4 года назад +3

      What Face was a great moment brought back so many memories

    • @itsprinceshakur
      @itsprinceshakur 4 года назад +4

      Me too but I literally laughed for 3 liquid minutes

    • @varianzero7469
      @varianzero7469 4 года назад +2

      Madara Uchiha I laughed for three plasma minutes.

  • @charlesbrown9931
    @charlesbrown9931 5 лет назад +602

    you just said a lot without saying anything at all

    • @messwitme9515
      @messwitme9515 5 лет назад +4


    • @allegraanegra455
      @allegraanegra455 4 года назад +13

      He really just added to the theories made it more confusing not answer. But it was cool 😭

    • @thatoneguycisco5412
      @thatoneguycisco5412 4 года назад +17

      He's the creator. You really think he'd give us the answer on a silver platter?

    • @handsofthedevil
      @handsofthedevil 4 года назад +4

      @@allegraanegra455 It sounds like he didn't intend it that way and is merely entertaining the idea to connect with his fans. The similarities are likely born of his artistic preferences. Of course, I can't say for sure. He may consider making this real in the near future due to the amount of interest the topic has generated.

    • @allegraanegra455
      @allegraanegra455 4 года назад +1

      handsofthedevil Yeah I feel as thought that’s what was done too. But either way the mystery of it all is still interesting.

  • @LeeH712-h1q
    @LeeH712-h1q 4 года назад +48

    We just want Danny Phantom to continue it from where it ended, I’d love to see how this would be after everyone knowing his secret and his relationship with Sam and everything else 😗😶

  • @ComplexlyRoss
    @ComplexlyRoss 6 лет назад +846


  • @GamingHobo965
    @GamingHobo965 6 лет назад +188

    Timmy Turner made a wish where he was born as somebody else, without realizing that he would lose Cosmo and Wanda. He ended up being born as Danny Phenton, a boy who is the son of of to Ghost Hunters. Eventually he becomes Danny Phantom. But, just in case, when Timmy wish to be born in a different family, Cosmo and Wanda created another universe where Timmy did not wish for that.

    • @TimmyTurner421
      @TimmyTurner421 6 лет назад +11

      Make sense

    • @jackb450
      @jackb450 6 лет назад +4

      Tryh4rd965 I'm pretty sure that they can't make wishes beyond their power and making a whole universe is probably one of them

    • @theonederpygamer550
      @theonederpygamer550 6 лет назад

      GamingHobo965 wwwwwwaaaaaaaaa

  • @jdani9625
    @jdani9625 5 лет назад +487

    I thought Vicky might’ve been turned into Jas...you know he wished that instead of an evil babysitter she was a loving older sister

  • @mulberryman1305
    @mulberryman1305 4 года назад +71

    Considering there exists a movie in which Timmy is an adult and still has Cosmo and Wanda I'd have to say no

    • @dyssoul
      @dyssoul 4 года назад +4

      The future can change as we see on the movie so it could change so much more times, well, that's my opinion

    • @BigVarii
      @BigVarii 4 года назад +3

      Sooo we not gonna talk about how they back tracked and turned Timmy back into a kid years later and forced him to share cosmo and Wanda with some blonde chick

    • @izaiamorris7253
      @izaiamorris7253 3 года назад

      He actually wished to be Drake Bell😂🤣🤣

  • @MrCrazyCraftStAwsome
    @MrCrazyCraftStAwsome 6 лет назад +123

    Did you know that Butch Hartman is actually Tuff puppy?

  • @StefanH
    @StefanH 6 лет назад +157

    Wait what..

    • @unclewaluigi8512
      @unclewaluigi8512 6 лет назад +8

      That was the point

    • @ember13dp
      @ember13dp 6 лет назад +3

      For real

    • @PaintGuru24
      @PaintGuru24 6 лет назад +6

      well he kind of did, when he made fun of theories like this in the last part. But ultimately you don't want a direct answer from the creator. Theories are a lot of fun, especially when they fit really well. Butch, just like Miyamoto and Rowling, knows that you should allow theories to flourish and only ask that theorists base their speculations on canon content.

    • @Hana-dc7fz
      @Hana-dc7fz 6 лет назад

      but its fun to think about

    • @jaywilson3986
      @jaywilson3986 6 лет назад +3

      I don't like this video

  • @eulaliko3457
    @eulaliko3457 6 лет назад +147

    I never believed the Timmy and Danny are the same person... *BUT I BELIEVE BUTCH IS TIMMY’S DAD*

    • @solomu8772
      @solomu8772 6 лет назад +14

      Eclipsa Shadowbolt Dinkleberg…!!!!!

    • @kimchi-tan
      @kimchi-tan 6 лет назад +5

      Eclipsa Shadowbolt He created Timmy Turner so he's his father in a sense XD

    • @romeoshowfan7826
      @romeoshowfan7826 6 лет назад +3

      you are awesome for for that comment 🖒🖒🖒🖒

    • @jax_2341
      @jax_2341 6 лет назад +2

      Eclipsa Shadowbolt OMG YES

  • @leoinfinitygames4794
    @leoinfinitygames4794 4 года назад +84

    Theory: Is Danny Phantom...and hear me out everyone! Danny Phenton? Crazy I know but I have a few connections between the two that make some coincidental sense

  • @princessbinas
    @princessbinas 6 лет назад +112

    I think they are not the same. Just alternate universe counterparts if they are from different universes. I like to think that they exist in the same world/universe on the same Earth. I mean, how else could Timmy's parents hunt Danny down in that one episode? Then again, the Ghost Zone could connect the two universes together. Either way, Danny is too smart to be Timmy. Danny has better grades and can get A's if he has time to properly rest and study. Timmy got A's only when everyone else failed or doodled on the Scantron (which is surprising as it is a 1 in ( number of choices per question • number of questions) chance to theoretically happen). And Timmy was surprised. Besides, if Timmy wished to be smarter, I am sure that when homework and testing time came, the magic would wear off very quickly because those are technically contests. Contests that measure knowledge as you are ranked by how much you know.
    Either way, I would like a power hour with the two if done right and kept a familiar tone and style. Danny and Timmy being distant cousins or their parents being buddies from way back in the ghost hunting career. I would expect a lot of fun chaos and snarky attitude with some well delivered burns. I love it when everyone can dish some snark and sarcasm.

  • @gamingvampireking1704
    @gamingvampireking1704 6 лет назад +949

    Dude if this came out 10 days earlier

    • @zekafreitasfranca4669
      @zekafreitasfranca4669 6 лет назад +14

      Gamingvampireking ?

    • @joosterrr
      @joosterrr 6 лет назад +30

      Gamingvampireking I’m confused why

    • @AJaniV09
      @AJaniV09 6 лет назад +12

      I da no understand…

    • @not_voidchaotic4009
      @not_voidchaotic4009 6 лет назад +90

      I think he means April Fools

    • @Blackburn-Arts
      @Blackburn-Arts 6 лет назад +36

      Gamingvampireking butch needs to go to another network. it looks like he's board.

  • @da_kracken8879
    @da_kracken8879 5 лет назад +515

    Did this guy forget he created them?
    Just confirm or deconfirm it bruh-

    • @laurene988
      @laurene988 5 лет назад +66

      He doesn't want to be a buzz kill

    • @Spookiyomi
      @Spookiyomi 5 лет назад +64

      Deconfirm? You mean deny? Lol

    • @bootybandit9245
      @bootybandit9245 4 года назад +11

      Da_Kracken he wants the theory to be fun he doesn’t want to ruin it

    • @trevonnelson9992
      @trevonnelson9992 4 года назад +1

      I think timmy is danny aj was always smart chester was always the tag along type an could be anything he wanted he went to high school an started playing football so when he gos pro he could be on tv him on tv means he puts his name on the map again brings his dad out of shame his dad was a pro Baseball player

    • @torino2gran
      @torino2gran 4 года назад

      Oh Mr buzz kill is getting mad he doesn't know

  • @hydonyxdesign6507
    @hydonyxdesign6507 4 года назад +6

    Honestly I really like this creator. Not just because of his shows but he pretty much let’s his fans figure things for themselves. I have so many characters I’ve created myself and some have similar pasts/designs so I totally get why people would theorize this.

  • @hannahpham126
    @hannahpham126 5 лет назад +97

    I like how there's just a one punch man figure on his desk next to all the Danny Phantom and Fairly Odd Parents stuff

  • @snxggygrinds5830
    @snxggygrinds5830 6 лет назад +49


  • @codyck22kruse
    @codyck22kruse 6 лет назад +76

    Timmy Fenton? Danny Turner? Fairly Ghostparents? Fairy Zone? Ghost World? Butch i need expertise!

  • @ManyWaysFilms
    @ManyWaysFilms 4 года назад +15

    I used to watch this shows since I was 10 years old, now I’m 25 and still have this questions!!

  • @mirabelablack9970
    @mirabelablack9970 6 лет назад +18

    I like the Danny become Chip Skylark Theorie more.

  • @TheRulerofEarth4444
    @TheRulerofEarth4444 6 лет назад +335

    I mean since you're implying the crossovers are cannon that pretty much means they are separate people.

    • @connorschultz380
      @connorschultz380 6 лет назад

      TheRulerofEarth's HyperShadow78 when did they cross over?

    • @Tommy-no7xz
      @Tommy-no7xz 6 лет назад +32

      But your forgetting that in both shows time travel exists. Maybe timmy met danny and took that and started that universe sorta like saying danny created danny uk? Lml im joking button it would be funny

    • @aykrivwassup
      @aykrivwassup 6 лет назад +3

      TheRulerofEarth's HyperShadow78 traveling through time and space, maybe?

    • @TheRulerofEarth4444
      @TheRulerofEarth4444 6 лет назад

      Connor Schultz The times he said in the video.

    • @TheRulerofEarth4444
      @TheRulerofEarth4444 6 лет назад

      Andrew Krivansky That would just further serve to separate them though. Not only as people but in continuity.

  • @UltraPhantom
    @UltraPhantom 6 лет назад +93

    Danny's ecto blast is green
    Vlad's ecto blast is pink.
    Cosmo could be Danny's green power while Wanda is Vlad's pink power!!!

  • @showtimeJ
    @showtimeJ 4 года назад +20

    Please bring back Danny phantom 🤧 he’s I’m 20 years old and still interest in the show

  • @humak8806
    @humak8806 5 лет назад +754

    I had the biggest crush on Danny Phantom I thought he was so hot

  • @cactigaymer9893
    @cactigaymer9893 6 лет назад +226

    A F I L M T H E O R Y

    • @cursedgentleman8593
      @cursedgentleman8593 6 лет назад +13

      Damn it Dennis, we are supposed to wait for Film theory come here to comment this

    • @cactigaymer9893
      @cactigaymer9893 6 лет назад +2

      Christian Alan Moen im quick

    • @abbie4203
      @abbie4203 6 лет назад +5

      Sinful Dennis andddd cut

    • @tinx713
      @tinx713 6 лет назад +3

      You mean a Butch Theory?

    • @SnowyTigerKatan
      @SnowyTigerKatan 6 лет назад +3

      TeeGee Universe or maybe a fairy theory because they both start with F

  • @Zekulz
    @Zekulz 6 лет назад +180

    Bring back Danny Phantom please

    • @tinypotato4601
      @tinypotato4601 5 лет назад

      Maybe he IS listening, and waiting to make it a surprise! But, no one can confirm that but him.

    • @EditKingdumb
      @EditKingdumb 5 лет назад


      @SSJ2KENNELS 5 лет назад

      Its on hulu

    • @kendricktewasilmal9305
      @kendricktewasilmal9305 5 лет назад +1

      @@andrewburris4370 Bro We got ten seasons maybe he wanted something else. He doesn't have to listen to us. If you want Danny phantom and fairly odd parents go rewatch it or find something else. Its not all about what you want

    • @theokay1
      @theokay1 5 лет назад +1

      @@andrewburris4370 maybe because fairly oddparents turned trash around the time they started the whole poof thing

  • @blackheart_1852
    @blackheart_1852 4 года назад

    This is the level of fan interaction I aspire for as a writer, just casually sit and make videos about their speculations on my work. Really glad RUclips's algorithm brought me here

  • @NathanFisherNF7
    @NathanFisherNF7 6 лет назад +340

    You can see how sarcastic Butch is with this theory... Honestly when making a series work well there is a certain formula to making a series popular and successful.. and Butch used this in both shows! In FOP theres Timmy Tootie and Trixie In DP there's Danny Paulina and Sam!! it's not anything more than a relatable type of friendship that a lot of kids and teens have!! Butch used this formula to make his series relatable and it worked!! END OF STORY!

    • @tonyhakston536
      @tonyhakston536 6 лет назад +12

      You're no fun, buddy.

    • @NathanFisherNF7
      @NathanFisherNF7 6 лет назад

      Tony Hakston sorry

    • @TophatBBQ
      @TophatBBQ 6 лет назад +1

      Stories never end. Not on the internet.

    • @inticalik
      @inticalik 6 лет назад

      NF7 Studios *Tootie

    • @princessbinas
      @princessbinas 6 лет назад +3

      NF7 Studios Yeah. Creators are bound to reuse archetypes when making a cast. Look at Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2. Ranma is obviously the same archetype as Inuyasha. Both have a pervert. Akane is the same archetype as Kagome. Happosai has the same archetype as Miroku (down to the pervyness). I know Ranma was made first, but this still applies.

  • @antanaziri
    @antanaziri 5 лет назад +178

    We want danny phantom again, with new episodes pleaaaaseeeee😭😭😭

    • @antanaziri
      @antanaziri 5 лет назад +8

      @fairy tail and u replied cause..?

    • @milkisspoiled9869
      @milkisspoiled9869 5 лет назад


    • @antanaziri
      @antanaziri 5 лет назад +1

      @@milkisspoiled9869 βρε ουστ που λες και νο. Νομισματα

    • @ptsd.gabriel5772
      @ptsd.gabriel5772 5 лет назад

      @@antanaziri so you want Danny Phantom to be like the new Timmy Turner

    • @antanaziri
      @antanaziri 5 лет назад

      @@ptsd.gabriel5772 noooope, like the old Danny

  • @geremynakhone826
    @geremynakhone826 6 лет назад +18

    I've always thought Timy's final wish was to become a superheroes and live a life of adventure. Love your channel and can't wait for you to hit a million subs

  • @princessrocroyal
    @princessrocroyal 4 года назад +19

    He said everything BUT "YES THEY R THEY SAME PERSON"

  • @davidmartins7781
    @davidmartins7781 6 лет назад +135

    I think we can all agree that Danny Fenton is actually younger Chip Skylark

    • @Ed-zl7uj
      @Ed-zl7uj 6 лет назад +2

      This Guy Holy. . .

    • @randomusername429
      @randomusername429 6 лет назад +18

      Maybe Timmy became Danny Phantom, then realized that he was Chip Skylark and had to go back to his universe and be Chip Skylark so that all the episodes with Chip in it actually happened. That would also explain why Chip likes Timmy so much (and put him in his Shiny Teeth music video, despite his bad teeth) and why Timmy's parents and godparents are so obsessed with Chip. They don't know that he is Timmy, but they feel connected to him.

    • @artemis5572
      @artemis5572 6 лет назад

      Yes yes YES

    • @helmetguy6495
      @helmetguy6495 6 лет назад

      Callum Hunt x Aaron Stewart [Error] [Error] [Does not compute]

  • @lmproductions6075
    @lmproductions6075 6 лет назад +364

    But hey, that’s just a theory. A Film Theory! AAAaand CUT.

  • @FZone96
    @FZone96 6 лет назад +187

    I think it's just because they have similar haircuts.

    • @ericacortina4360
      @ericacortina4360 6 лет назад +4

      FZone96 brp that profile pic is cringey sonic fan boy

    • @valentines7639
      @valentines7639 6 лет назад

      Right! That's the only connections I see

    @ARCBLT 4 года назад +15

    Tuff puppy is actually a buff Snoopy

  • @agentjohn
    @agentjohn 6 лет назад +99

    talk about Jimmy Neutron Timmy Turner power hour. how it came to be back in 2003

  • @Cheese-lu8wv
    @Cheese-lu8wv 6 лет назад +45

    To be honest, I think that Timmy Turner and Danny Phantom could be the same.... After all, they have SO much in common. They are the protagonist of their shows, they both have secrets they must keep from society. And more importantly, they look like twins! Just one thing.... The only reason this so called theory is debunked is because Danny Fenton has five finger when Timmy only has four.

    • @theblackoutexplorer2658
      @theblackoutexplorer2658 6 лет назад +2

      Cheese I’m not sure how good that is as a debunk you could say the same for there hair colors he could change whatever

    • @Cheese-lu8wv
      @Cheese-lu8wv 6 лет назад +2

      Kid Fuse you're right. Then again, Danny Phantom, or Timmy Turner gets his Gray hair from Going Ghost. I think.

    • @Cheese-lu8wv
      @Cheese-lu8wv 6 лет назад +1


  • @pandapanda7119
    @pandapanda7119 5 лет назад +128

    I LOVE IT how he ONLY Said Tootie and Trixie
    Who's ChLoE

  • @NickChasse
    @NickChasse Год назад +1

    I was on board until the, "Is TUFF Puppy really Scooby Doo?"
    No, he is not.

  • @narutarddatsme3207
    @narutarddatsme3207 6 лет назад +31

    I would like to see a fight between Danny phantom and american dragon....

  • @alestudios7914
    @alestudios7914 6 лет назад +18

    As much as I would to believe it they’ve been in the same room together. But that Scooby doo theory sounds juicy 😂

  • @arielvaks179
    @arielvaks179 6 лет назад +931

    So... Charlie Sheen disappeared from 2 and a half men to do this?

    • @chief_kief3648
      @chief_kief3648 6 лет назад +5

      Ariel Vaks WTH 😂

    • @yeliabdoowyllohx
      @yeliabdoowyllohx 6 лет назад +24

      Nah, he's just dying from HIV lol

    • @ashidenki7710
      @ashidenki7710 6 лет назад +4

      Ariel Vaks Isn't he dead...

    • @ashidenki7710
      @ashidenki7710 6 лет назад +2

      Devistator66 Gaming Wait which one was the one crushed by a falling piano

    • @xavierh1744
      @xavierh1744 6 лет назад

      Ariel Vaks 💀💀💀

  • @astro_jinx2716
    @astro_jinx2716 4 года назад +35

    Timmy could just wish to stay young forever

    • @kinghusti_5876
      @kinghusti_5876 4 года назад +8

      Jinx_the kid he did do that, well he froze time

    • @doormatcat
      @doormatcat 4 года назад +2

      But nobody would take care of him

    • @awooga_gamer
      @awooga_gamer 4 года назад +4

      Ash from pokemon
      Wished for Adventure with pokemon forever and so legendary pokemon Ho Oh made it came true now he's stuck at being a 10 yearold

    • @thedarkwolf7791
      @thedarkwolf7791 4 года назад +4

      @@awooga_gamer so that's why he never ages lol

    • @atomicmustard3000
      @atomicmustard3000 4 года назад +1

      @@thedarkwolf7791 that would be correct....in channel chasers (movie) you see him force himself to age to lose his fairlys to stop viki.....and the episode he wished to be old

  • @TheRealskybelll
    @TheRealskybelll 5 лет назад +158

    Danny looks more like Chip Skylark than Timmy

    • @georgejackson7191
      @georgejackson7191 5 лет назад +6

      But with the green eyes he looks like cosmo

    • @Countmacula666
      @Countmacula666 4 года назад +16

      Danny's probably what Timmy wish he looked. Timmy is a fan of chip.

    • @diavalx7639
      @diavalx7639 4 года назад +2


  • @PaolaHernandez-rs4nn
    @PaolaHernandez-rs4nn 6 лет назад +226

    where is MatPat when you need him?!?

    • @Felonnie
      @Felonnie 6 лет назад +10

      Now that you mentioned it, I’m tempted to spam him to do this theory. THIS FILM THEORY.

    • @conch5528
      @conch5528 6 лет назад +12

      We don’t need Matpat

    • @dustyrose192
      @dustyrose192 6 лет назад +9

      Oh i think we do

    • @namelessbrown
      @namelessbrown 6 лет назад +5

      What the point? He left the conspiracy for you. What do you think, are they the same people in a different universe or not. We don't need Matpat for this theory.

    • @melissasims5330
      @melissasims5330 6 лет назад +2

      Please No, Always Have Anti-MatPat Spray To Keep Away MatPat Because HELL NO!

  • @Prophhh
    @Prophhh 5 лет назад +16

    So......... Who else noticed saitama on his desk because that made my day

  • @NIGHTMARE__________
    @NIGHTMARE__________ 2 года назад +1

    When Timmy made a secret wish to stay 10 years old to keep his fairies so the council gets mad so he stops the 10 year old wish and sends him to another universe with all his friends

  • @Rosales3269
    @Rosales3269 6 лет назад +24

    I honestly want to see an episode where FOP transforms into DP! RUclips exclusive, maybe, anyone?

  • @TheLivingBluejay
    @TheLivingBluejay 6 лет назад +93

    Then Danny fell for Sam, Timmy nevah completely fell for Tootie.

    • @sunsetprincess5989
      @sunsetprincess5989 6 лет назад +20

      He marries tootie in the future though

    • @JollyjaeC
      @JollyjaeC 6 лет назад +8

      the semi-live action movies have him fall in love. #fandomsideofYT

    • @TheLivingBluejay
      @TheLivingBluejay 6 лет назад +4

      Yes but, those one don't fit in the time-line at all.

    • @arminealawson629
      @arminealawson629 5 лет назад

      TheLiving Bluejay not even a little bit

    • @CEOofRaccoons
      @CEOofRaccoons 5 лет назад

      He has had some moments with tootie where he shows compassion

  • @JoelTheParrot
    @JoelTheParrot 6 лет назад +130

    I think that Timmy Turner is...
    Timmy's Dad.

  • @novaslash365
    @novaslash365 4 года назад +3

    lol I love how he doesn't flat out deny the theory and instead eggs it on. Gotta hand it to hartman, that's how you please the fans without just giving them the fanservice they want.

  • @Parzival_blee
    @Parzival_blee 5 лет назад +79

    I think you didn't plan on that, when you first created the shows, but you love the theory of the fans, so you "made it real".

  • @mythrym
    @mythrym 5 лет назад +124

    Yes and is Dash really Danny's friend!?

    • @Rickyross_a
      @Rickyross_a 5 лет назад +7

      Reminds you of spider man, high school bully hates Peter but loves Spider-Man

    • @mythrym
      @mythrym 5 лет назад +1

      Rickyross_a lollllll

    • @stealyourheartz
      @stealyourheartz 5 лет назад


    • @XSimplyCleanProX
      @XSimplyCleanProX 5 лет назад

      there’s no way they’re friends! Dash bullied Danny in school!

    • @stealyourheartz
      @stealyourheartz 5 лет назад +1

      @@XSimplyCleanProX i mean, its possible
      Im the best of friends with one of my former bullies- actually now i kinda consider her an older sister

  • @sophiagomz
    @sophiagomz 5 лет назад +880

    This man single handedly took thousands of girl’s hearts by creating Danny Phantom 😂😂 Danny was 90% of girl’s crushes.
    Edit: Mega R/WHOOSH to all of y’all whos pointing out “the statistic is not real” well duh Sherlock. It’s called a joke.

  • @Timmy-Tury
    @Timmy-Tury 3 месяца назад +1

    Timmy = Danny
    Wanda = Super Danny
    Cosmo = Fun Danny
    Tootie and Molly = Sam
    AJ = Tucker
    Shulker = Jorgen
    Walker = Doug Dimadome
    Vicky = Jazz
    Timmy Parents = Danny Parents
    Trixie = Paulina

  • @bananakinskywalter5508
    @bananakinskywalter5508 6 лет назад +38

    -Danny Turner
    -Timmy Phantom

  • @myleszy_boy
    @myleszy_boy 6 лет назад +43

    Hi butch Love your vids keep it up!

  • @ghost_rain1996
    @ghost_rain1996 6 лет назад +48

    I thought dash was the bully not the friend

    • @JamezOverlord_YT
      @JamezOverlord_YT 6 лет назад +17

      They probably became friends after Phantom Planet. Or at least Dash was nicer to him. Remember Danny's dream in the Frightmare episode? Maybe a glimpse in the future?

    • @asapjoker1622
      @asapjoker1622 6 лет назад +20

      He made the show dammit what he say is cannon😂😂😂

    • @lilking12365410
      @lilking12365410 6 лет назад +3

      ASAP Joker16
      That's not how it works.

    • @Saiyangoddess72
      @Saiyangoddess72 6 лет назад +10

      claytonstrEt94 actually it is, when talking about shows the creators word is law

    • @asapjoker1622
      @asapjoker1622 6 лет назад +7

      Shallot thankyou

  • @matityaloran9157
    @matityaloran9157 3 года назад +3

    2:46, aside from Frostbite and the Wisconsin Dairy King and Pandora, most of the ghosts Danny Phantom encounters are antagonists. And based on the episode Forever Phantom wherein Amorpho is shocked by the realization that shape shifting isn’t an ability unique to him, it seems unlikely that that’s what Cosmo and Wanda became

  • @tristin2102
    @tristin2102 6 лет назад +43

    Growing up i didn't think they were because they lived in different universes the i saw the episode with Jimmy neutron and I began to think it was possible

  • @joehernandez3805
    @joehernandez3805 6 лет назад +82


    • @mheppal
      @mheppal 6 лет назад

      Jay Hernandez I wonder if he did that to like mock the Timmy/Danny theories

  • @KoriandrOfTheStars
    @KoriandrOfTheStars 6 лет назад +5

    This how you know Butch a real one for the fans. He's aware of our crack theories, my manz probably hip to fanfictions too. 😂

  • @ChartiseAnderson-o1w
    @ChartiseAnderson-o1w 7 месяцев назад +2

    Timmy Turner is really Danny phantom

  • @spiritedrenee9895
    @spiritedrenee9895 6 лет назад +5

    Similar art style is what caught people's eyes. We need to understand that having the same creator that both shows will have a lot of similarities. That a lone doesn't necessarily mean that they are connected.

  • @whatface1278
    @whatface1278 5 лет назад +15

    I had always wondered why Timmy never used the fairy-versery muffin to wish that he would keep his fairies regardless how old he gets. It is a rule-free wish, after all.

    • @whitewilliams8649
      @whitewilliams8649 2 года назад +1

      I said the same thing

    • @whatface1278
      @whatface1278 2 года назад

      @Caleb Hopkins not that I can recall...
      I remember the live action one with Drake Bell and he was able to keep his fairies into his teens because he still had the mentality of a 10 year old. Horrible movie.

    • @whatface1278
      @whatface1278 2 года назад

      @Caleb Hopkins you took a left turn really quick. I have no idea what you're on about now

    • @whatface1278
      @whatface1278 2 года назад

      @Caleb Hopkins yes, I remember that movie. He met a future version of himself in that movie, right? I can't remember if he still had cosmo and Wanda though

    • @whatface1278
      @whatface1278 2 года назад

      @Caleb Hopkins in channels chasers? No, I'm afraid I don't remember that. It has been years since I've seen it and my memory is less than good. He aged himself and lost his fairies as a result? Could you elaborate further?

  • @midluci
    @midluci 4 года назад +4

    Everyone: We just want Danny Phantom and Fairly odd parents to come back.
    Butch: More conspiracy theories about my shows

  • @wavosito
    @wavosito 4 года назад +2

    wait a minute... ive been mislead from EVERYTHINGGGGGG. thought it was the usual fan theory and then i looked at the channel and realized the name.. im actually SHOOK