Your point is drifting further away from my original observation of 5 months ago. Having been involved in karate for well over 42 years, I am more than well aware of the aims and ambitions of the Sport's Karate industry, which is why I'm concerned. Believe it or not, when SK first started it came from Budo karate and attempted to adhere to the principles of Budo and Martial Art ideals. And THAT is something that today, from observing Sports Karate athletes, seems inconceivable. (cont)
(cont) I suggest we cease our exchanges as it's unlikely we will agree. If you're a young person (and most are younger than me) it's like trying to explain to 21st Century drivers that today's road rules for motor vehicles actually originated from the time of the horse & cart and pedestrian. Your point about competition becoming a sport is an interesting one and often used to explain why Working Dogs have so many severe health problems or fail to perform as they were intended. Adios my friend.
it's not if you can see the difference between the two, which you obviously cannot. Sport karate is a sport, Budo karate is a martial art. Nothing has been lost because it was never there in the first place. As soon as there is a form of competition it becomes a sport. These guys train specifically to compete and score points, not to dislocate joints and disable bodily functions.
@DerLoot wollte das auch nicht schmälern...ich finde kickboxen äußerst interessant...aber karate ist nunmal keine vollkontaktsportart.. (wobei mir auch schon dabei die nase und etliche rippen gebrochen wurden)...dass es dir nicht allzu spannend vorkommen mag, kann gut sein, aber man kann diese sportarten wieder schwer vergleichen, das ist meiner meinung nach fast wie handball und fußball zu vergleichen... (ich mags :) )
@DerLoot , naja ist halt nicht das "wir stehen uns gegenüber und schlagen uns mit voller wonne auf die klappe" ...technik, schnelligkeit und ne menge übung/talent sind dafür von nöten..
"Believe it or not, when SK first started" - lol you're kidding right? Shotokan originated from being an exercise program for high school students. It is so perverse from 'karate'. The moment they had the concept of 'first to score a point' it was never budo karate. I don't know what 'principles of budo and martial arts ideals' you are referring to, but they are the same in SK as your so called budo MA. And my point is closer to your original point 5 months ago than you are.
@DerLoot Ach du weißt doch garnicht wie das ist, wie man sich konzentrieren muss, überlegen was mache ich als nächstes, wenn du keine ahnung hast sei einfach ruhig (; (;
Well that comment is about as contradictory as you can get. Once it becomes 'sport' there's an automatic loss as you move away from Budo karate. I would have thought that was obvious.
it's called 'sport karate', nothing has been lost, it's not about your 'ideal' of karate, it's about scoring points.
Your point is drifting further away from my original observation of 5 months ago. Having been involved in karate for well over 42 years, I am more than well aware of the aims and ambitions of the Sport's Karate industry, which is why I'm concerned. Believe it or not, when SK first started it came from Budo karate and attempted to adhere to the principles of Budo and Martial Art ideals. And THAT is something that today, from observing Sports Karate athletes, seems inconceivable. (cont)
(cont) I suggest we cease our exchanges as it's unlikely we will agree. If you're a young person (and most are younger than me) it's like trying to explain to 21st Century drivers that today's road rules for motor vehicles actually originated from the time of the horse & cart and pedestrian. Your point about competition becoming a sport is an interesting one and often used to explain why Working Dogs have so many severe health problems or fail to perform as they were intended. Adios my friend.
it's not if you can see the difference between the two, which you obviously cannot. Sport karate is a sport, Budo karate is a martial art. Nothing has been lost because it was never there in the first place. As soon as there is a form of competition it becomes a sport. These guys train specifically to compete and score points, not to dislocate joints and disable bodily functions.
Möchte hier keinem auf den Schlips treten ABER für mich als Leihe ist so ein Fight alles andere als spannend.
(contd) fact is there is no difference, only a perceived difference. For those who can do, and for those who can't.
@DerLoot wollte das auch nicht schmälern...ich finde kickboxen äußerst interessant...aber karate ist nunmal keine vollkontaktsportart.. (wobei mir auch schon dabei die nase und etliche rippen gebrochen wurden)...dass es dir nicht allzu spannend vorkommen mag, kann gut sein, aber man kann diese sportarten wieder schwer vergleichen, das ist meiner meinung nach fast wie handball und fußball zu vergleichen... (ich mags :) )
@mr0think Ich komme aus dem MMA und Muay-Thai bereich und ich wage zu behaupten das man dafür auch ne Menge Übung und Talent benötigt.
der moment wenn der typ dein lehrer ist
@mr0think Ukay, lassen wir das hier mal stehen, jedem das seine =) Viel Spaß noch.
Gute aufnahmen mit den Zuschauer und den Kämpfer,wierd viel Technick gezeigt denoch ist sehr gefuchtel und sind keine Evektive schläge drin!
@DerLoot , naja ist halt nicht das "wir stehen uns gegenüber und schlagen uns mit voller wonne auf die klappe" ...technik, schnelligkeit und ne menge übung/talent sind dafür von nöten..
Wow this is just so very different to Budo Karate that it's almost unrecognisable as karate. Skillful and athletic yes but something has been lost.
"Believe it or not, when SK first started" - lol you're kidding right? Shotokan originated from being an exercise program for high school students. It is so perverse from 'karate'. The moment they had the concept of 'first to score a point' it was never budo karate. I don't know what 'principles of budo and martial arts ideals' you are referring to, but they are the same in SK as your so called budo MA. And my point is closer to your original point 5 months ago than you are.
Ach du weißt doch garnicht wie das ist, wie man sich konzentrieren muss, überlegen was mache ich als nächstes, wenn du keine ahnung hast sei einfach ruhig (; (;
XD hey leute Wolfgang Seidel ist auch mein Sensei das ist so geil ihn dort zu sehen
Well that comment is about as contradictory as you can get. Once it becomes 'sport' there's an automatic loss as you move away from Budo karate. I would have thought that was obvious.