June 2017, I was at the Arctic Circle at this time. Arrived a minute before. Got my picture taken at the AC sign with the sun in the background. First time visit too. I was euphoric to be there. 12 hours later I was in Fairbanks for the Midnight Sun ballgame.
In autumn and winter, it is the opposite😁; the sun is up for only a few hours (about 3 hours 40 min on the shortest day which is the junction of autumn and winter)
@@soniccinos during the warm/hot months the sun rotates closer to the center of the earth (north) so that's why the northern parts of the earth see the sun more during this time. Earth is flat :)
@@krystalclutter1101 how about summer solstice in Ushuaia - Argentine (South Pole) it has the exactly the same behavior, more than 15+ hours on sun in December? Which is the opposite of the north pole. Does the "flatearth" shape-shifts into changing it's center??
@@soniccinos during the summer in the south the sun has moved out closer to the edge of the earth so the south gets more sun than the north does and that's why geese fly south for the winter.
I wonder.. does the earth really rotate.. or is it just the sun & moon moving in its own orbit.. if the earth rotates, why don't the stars seem to move at night. Since ancient times the stars at night have been very helpful in navigating the sea without the need for a compass.
I have answers to your questions, but the question is much more whether you really want to hear them. But I believe in goodness and will explain it to you. However, it will take a few comments to create an overall picture.
It is possible to derive two contradictory time dilation equations. The first paragraph below describes the situation where Sally is pointing a flashlight straight up and down, so Sally sees the light moving straight up and down, and John is outside the spaceship and sees the light forming a triangle with the floor of the spaceship. The second paragraph describes Sally pointing a flashlight to the left as the spaceship moves to the right. Now the situation is exactly the opposite. Sally sees the light forming a triangle with the ground and John sees the light bouncing straight up and down. Sally is in a moving spaceship. John is outside the spaceship. Sally moves to the right at .6c. The height of their spacecraft is 0.8 light seconds. If Sally has a light clock that reflects light straight up and down, as seen by John, the light will form a 3-4-5 right triangle. If the time change for Sally is Delta T_o and the time change for John is Delta T, the following equation can be derived: Delta T = Delta T_o/((1-.6^2)^.5). So 0.8 seconds for Sally = 1 second for John. Now Sally has a light clock, but this time she's holding a flashlight at an angle of 53.13 degrees above horizontal and pointing to the left. Now the movement of the light to the left exactly matches the movement of the spaceship to the right from John's perspective. Now the light reflects straight up and down from John's perspective, forming a 3-4-5 right triangle from Sally's perspective. If the time change for Sally is Delta T_o and the time change for John is Delta T, the following equation can be derived: Delta T_o = Delta T/((1-.6^2)^.5). So 1 second for Sally = 0.8 seconds for John. The two equations are in direct contradiction to each other. The special theory of relativity is false because there is no truth in mathematics. Doesn't the Sagnac effect contradict the theory of relativity? Light cannot be faster and slower at the same time in the fiber optic loop. Both are in the same reference frame and do not accelerate, they both rotate at a constant speed. Both light paths are the same length, but the path moving in the direction of travel takes more time to reach the end. If relativity were real, shouldn't the light traveling in the fiber optic opposite the direction of motion slow down over time to compensate for a difference in the speed of light through the same medium and length of motion? The special theory of relativity still applies based on a mathematical trick. The relativistic bogus copy of the Sagnac formula is a shameless invention. It is the same v = Rw formula that Sagnac used, but written in a strange way to give the illusion that it is relativistic. The only relativistic "contribution" is Minkowski's start: ct^2 = ct^2 1 = 1 What matters is that c + v (measured by a relativistic stationary observer!) is artificially implanted through the back door, without any theoretical justification . The cheap clowning is ultimately useless, because if you choose to have R tend to infinity, you measure c + v in a straight line. Michelson had already proven the aether, which is why Einstein had to come up with an updated theory called general relativity, which is problematic because it only works in a geocentric universe! We live on a stationary Earth and universe embedded in the light-bearing ether that revolves around the Earth. Now to two interesting insights that I gained. Each time, the Michelson-Morley experiments have proven in reality that the Earth is a non-rotating plane without axial and orbital motion and that the gaseous light ether is very real, it is just called something else. For example, Higgs field and dark matter. The second postulate of Einstein's special theory of relativity is also a fairy tale, because the speed of light as we know it is a fallacy! This becomes even clearer when you consider that light slows down as it passes through the medium of glass, only to magically speed up again as it leaves the glass, which completely contradicts the second law of thermodynamics. Where does the extra energy come from to speed it up again? At least I know that light is an electromagnetic longitudinal sound wave in the light ether, but there are still so many questions. In the end, even Einstein couldn't completely banish the light ether from his thoughts and theories, because it exists because Tesla was right! The joke par excellence is that Einstein always designed a counterthesis parallel to the Michelson-Morley experiments in order to prevent what the result was from coming out. Einstein designed the special theory of relativity without ether and geocentrism, but the general theory of relativity suddenly contained both requirements. Always the way it was right. Also amusing is Einstein's ridiculous interpretation that he was completely unable to detect differences in the speed of light moving over fixed distances across a rotating table. Mathematics is too susceptible to cheating. The Sagnac effect once again proved a stationary earth with an ether in it. Pseudo-relativistic mathematical equations were subsequently added to his formula, but it is still used in science. Yet another piece of evidence that contradicts the view of NASA and science. The globe model violates entropy, which is the expansion of gas (atmosphere), which does not occur, and we again have a violation of the second law of thermodynamics, which is heat transfer in a high and low pressure system. Atmospheric pressure can only be achieved in a closed system. NASA claims the globe is an open system. Lie exposed.
The earth doesn't rotate at all. Because there is no translational movement! The Michelson Retroreflector Interferometer can measure rotation and translation, but there was no translational motion of the Earth. Not in 1887, not in 1925, and not even in 1986 when the US Air Force repeated the experiment. This can even be read today in Nature Journal Volume 322! The ether is not at rest, but in constant motion. Therefore the Lorentz transformation cannot be correct, because it arose from the Lorentzian aether theory of a resting aether. That's why the aether wind couldn't be detected in the first Michelson-Morley experiment, but the dilation of the light rays could, because the latter was just misinterpreted. Did you know that the Foucault pendulum actually proves that the celestial sphere rotates along with the sun and moon, but not the earth? Something is turning and it's not us. Foucault's pendulum is actually a gyroscope. It has a large mass and a large radius of rotation, so its angular momentum is by default L=I*w, where I~m*r^2>>1 compensates for the small angular velocity w, although L is large enough. It is not fixed because it it is a pendulum. This pendulum is subject to precession. Precession can be caused by any external force (torque), be it weight, acceleration or electromagnetic force. The rotation has an electromagnetic (Earth's core) influence on a solid metal pendulum. When the sun and moon are aligned (eclipse), their forces overlap, causing this pendulum to precess even more. This is called the Allais effect. (Even Wikipedia says in English that the Allais effect was repeated often enough and was consistent until NASA intervened and even stole Allais' research papers!) Therefore, an aircraft's heading indicator must be aligned with the compass every 15 minutes. The movement of the sun and moon, however, has no influence on the attitude display because the rotating disk is arranged horizontally to the aircraft fuselage. This rotating disk rotates clockwise or counterclockwise (DM) at 15,000 rpm on a stationary flat earth, just like the sun and moon. The attitude indicator does not need to be adjusted. Once it is put into operation on the ground, it rotates continuously for hours. It completely disproves the rotating globe. 15,000 rpm is enough to overcome the static friction of the ball bearings on the gimbals, as it gives a sufficient value of L=I*w(w=15,000*2PI/60=1,570rad/s). The rotation measured by science belongs to the electromagnetic hourglass of the aether, on a stationary Earth, because the Earth lies in the zero-point energy field, which is the event horizon that Einstein mentioned. This intrinsic energy is thought to prevent the electrons in matter from decaying in their orbits, entering the atomic nucleus and destroying themselves. The gyrocompass has a settling time, tends to the meridian and can therefore determine latitude, but nothing more. In addition, this must be corrected again and again, and it is better to have a magnetic compass with you. The laser gyro only appears to fulfill its purpose, as it is not unlike a Sagnac interferometer and the time dilation of the light beams is misinterpreted. There are differences in the speed of light regardless of the length of the path. Let's assume that time passes more slowly as we move. Then this must be the reason why a photon changes its speed when you increase the speed. But why do we say that the photon is moving towards the Earth, for example - we could just turn it around and say that the Earth is moving towards the photon. Therefore we should say that time changes only for the Earth. Oh, but wait, if we flip the assumption again, only the speed of the photon changes…. This is what I call Einstein's Relativity Chinese Finger Trap. Evidence of one-sided time dilation... which is the only evidence of time dilation we have... disproves relativity. For example, one could conclude that one-sided time dilation is most likely due to an object being affected by a thicker aether density. But the explanation is inadequate. If it is a non-rotating plane and a single detector is moving in a straight line, it would also detect a photon signal at a greater distance from an emitter as it moves away at near the speed of light. Relativity theory says that it doesn't matter that the distance appears longer to us because the detector moving at that speed experiences time dilation, which explains why the detector still measures the speed of light as c. In other words, the theory of relativity states that all observers measure the speed of light as c. The Sagnac experiment essentially performs the same test, but using rotation. The detectors measure a different speed for c (it doesn't matter if the distance traveled by the light is longer). It elegantly refutes the fundamental basis of the theory of relativity that light moves at speed c in all reference systems. A more detailed explanation can be found in “Challenging Modern Physics” by Al Kelly. (It is therefore the rotation of the electromagnetic hourglass of the ether, on a stationary earth, which is responsible because the earth lies in the zero-point energy field) So much for the topic of the reference system. So if you were to use Einstein's perspective and say, bottom line, that he was right about the constant speed, then the following assumption would remain: The speed of light is constant, but relates to the light-carrying medium, not the source. As the source moves through the medium in the direction of light emission, the speed of light is slower than the source. And when photons are emitted in the opposite direction, the speed of light increases.
Einstein led us down the wrong path, and 100 years later physics has not yet recovered from the consequences. We need to look at the clear evidence and get back to real physics instead of science fiction! Theory and experiments show that special relativity and general relativity are optical illusions. Space and time are absolute in the sense of Galilean relativity. Pierre-Simon Laplace knew that near-field gravity was instantaneous since the late 17th century by analyzing the stability of the planets' orbits around the Sun. This is actually predicted by general relativity by analyzing the propagating fields produced by an oscillating mass. Furthermore, general relativity predicts that gravity in the far field propagates at the speed of light. The far-field velocity of gravity was recently confirmed by LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory). Recently, light was shown to behave in the same way by using Maxwell's equations to analyze the propagating fields created by an oscillating charge. This was confirmed experimentally by measuring radio waves propagating between two antennas and separating the antennas from the near field to the far field, which occurs about one wavelength away from the source. This behavior of gravity and light occurs not only at phase and group velocities, but also at information velocities. This instantaneous nature of light and gravity near the source has been hidden from the public and is not widely known. The reason for this is that it shows that both Special Relativity and General Relativity are wrong! It can be easily shown that instantaneous near-field light gives Galilean relativity and far-field light gives Einstein relativity. This is because in the near field gamma = 1 since c = infinity, and in the far field gamma = the relativistic gamma since c = speed of light in the far field. Since time and space are real, they cannot depend on the frequency of light used. This is because c = wavelength x frequency and 1 wavelength = c/frequency defines the near field from the far field. Consequently, relativity is an optical illusion. Objects moving close to the speed of light appear to contract in length and time appears to slow down, but that is exactly what is seen in far-field light. Using near-field light, you can see that the object has not contracted and that time has not changed. Since general relativity is based on special relativity, general relativity must also be an optical illusion. Spacetime is flat and gravity must be a spreading field. Researchers have shown that general relativity reduces to gravito-electromagnetism in the field limit of the weak interaction that we only observe, showing that gravity can be modeled as 4 Maxwell equations, similar in form to those for electromagnetic fields resemble and give rise to electrical and magnetic components of gravity. This theory explains all gravitational effects as well as the instantaneous near field and the speed of light fields propagating in the far field. Gravity is therefore a spreading field that can finally be quantized, thus enabling the unification of gravity and quantum mechanics. The bottom line is that E = MC^2 = F = MA because gravity is actually electromagnetism. Einstein and Newton deliberately lied to us. It is also said that the ether represents the quantum field in quantum physics. Relativity and infinity are theoretical mathematical fantasies that only exist on the blackboard. Everything in life is absolute and finite, always! Furthermore, the Earth is actually a stationary plane, without axial and orbital movement. The celestial sphere above us rotates using magnetic precession. Finally, another piece of evidence. The refraction of light makes calculating star parallax completely impossible. Especially on the ground. In fact, refraction disproves the idea that stars travel up to a billion light years to reach us. The probability of light being refracted, bent, and generally moved everywhere after trillions to septillions of kilometers might as well be 100%. Even a quadrillionth of a degree change would cause the light to miss Earth entirely. At least you would see stars disappear for a while and then reappear, or you would see them moving. Have you ever seen a light in running water? Have you ever noticed how it bounces around everywhere? Convenient for NASA to tell us that space is just infinite km of vacuum, even though they've never been there. This is probably another reason why they tell us that the galaxy and solar system are flat, to avoid the amount of protests that would otherwise occur. Even though astronomers avoid filming stars 20 degrees above the horizon because of the refraction of light, that alone is enough to prove that their parallax calculations are not scientific. There is also a reason why the ancients were able to align their buildings according to the stars and this line remains perfect to this day, because stars are not millions of light years away, we do not fly through space and this would be impossible due to the refraction of light, over the claimed distance. Because light refraction actually works for the stationary earth and not against it! The world we live in is geocentric. Heliocentrism is an unproven dogma!
There is also a logical explanation for Earth's two different night skies. It just doesn't seem plausible to most people because they don't know how a magnetic bottle with two magnetic mirrors is created and works. Thus, depending on the distance to the poles and the different amounts of kinetic energy, it is possible for the sun and moon to rotate clockwise and the star sphere in the north to rotate counterclockwise. The stars in the southern night sky are not as far away as the stars in the northern night sky, so they rotate clockwise. The magnetic bottle also creates the Aurora Borealis. Because when the sun and moon are closest to each other twice a year, the amount of charged particles emitted is greatest. These reach the earth and make the atoms glow within the electromagnetic field. One can speak of cyclic continuous ionization. By the way, this is good evidence that the sun and moon are made of hot plasmas and that the Allais effect is real, because it is the same principle. This is why it is claimed that the North Pole would point outwards towards the universe beyond, while the South Pole would point towards the galactic center of the Milky Way. This means more bright stars and more constellations with more breathtaking objects that are closer overall. This is how you sell it :) It is also said that one reason to visit the Southern Hemisphere is to see the star system closest to us. Alpha Centauri, the third brightest star in the night sky, is just 4.37 light-years away. Now we know why they say that! To briefly go back to the calculation E = MC^2 = F = MA. I have sufficiently scientifically proven and shown that light does not move at the speed c in all reference systems, since space is not empty, but filled with a moving ether, which ensures the aforementioned magnetic precession of the celestial sphere. Therefore this makes sense. Unless you are a science denier and want to say that all of quantum physics and renowned institutes with profound knowledge, such as LIGO, are wrong. You are indebted if you simply recite the unproven dogma of heliocentrism and sell it as the sole truth! Both theories of relativity from Einstein are an optical illusion, since space and time are real, absolute and finite! This reminds me that Axel Frey Samsoie wrote a letter to Einstein. Samsoie's question was very profound and takes us deep into the principles of general relativity. If we assume that all frames of reference for describing motion are valid, then how can a Foucauldian pendulum prove or disprove that the Earth is rotating or stationary? (Couldn't it just as easily prove that the Earth is stationary and that the entire universe revolves around it?) Axel Frey Samsoie's original letter, along with Einstein's original response to it, is still in the Einstein archives in Jerusalem. Einstein originally wanted to begin his answer to Samsoie with the statement: “From the perspective of Lorentz’s theory [i.e. H. "The Special Theory of Relativity] was the answer to your question that Foucault's experiment showed the rotation through the ether." One can maintain this statement from the point of view of the General Theory of Relativity." A moment of revelation, but the assumption that only a stationary aether would be possible was wrong, although the possibility of measuring the aether wind of course also failed, since the parameters of a stationary aether are fundamentally wrong and so this false assumption has taken the form of the Lorentzian aether theory and the Lorentz transformation. The true nature of science has fallen apart... It is no longer about observation, measurement, testability and repeatability. Today's science has become a religion of faith, trust and belief in people greater than us. The masses must now rely on the testimony of CERN, NASA, the United Nations and other unaccountable sources for the fundamental building blocks that make up our history, cosmology, nature and beginnings.
Vampires could hibernate during the summer and not have to worry about staying out an hour too long and getting burned during the winter so it's one of the best places.
because during the warm/hot months the sun rotates closer to the center of the earth (north) so that's why most northern places get a midnight sun... research flat earth
@@krystalclutter1101 you do realise in a flat earth model there is no horizon. explain how the sun and moon *VISUALLY* move under the horizon, under your so-cooled ‘disk’. explain solar and lunar eclipses. explain every single scientific study and the actual mountains of proof of a round earth, or are you just gonna say i’m a fake paid nasa worker
@@dahlzjohnson9834 but only in fairbanks Alaska at the summer solstice. Go to a different part of the planet and experience the same day quite differently, with full sunsets and sunrises. I don't wanna be nasty towards you cause I don't think that's the right way to convince people of the truth, but man oh man, I gotta tell you man, there's not one thing that makes sense about the earth being flat. Not one thing.
“Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Pokemon cards" "card unboxing" "Charizard" "they don't want you to know" "Flat earth" "round earth" "triangle earth" "the earth is not earth" "what even is earth if not earth omg government is lying to you" "Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Halo" "Devil may cry" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” “Cocomelon” “t series” “Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Pokemon cards" "card unboxing" "Charizard" "they don't want you to know" "Flat earth" "round earth" "triangle earth" "the earth is not earth" "what even is earth if not earth omg government is lying to you" "Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Halo" "Devil may cry" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.”
@@tjjones621 22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: 23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity. 24 Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown: yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth: and he shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble. 25 To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One. 26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.
@@truthseeker3097 Which version are you reading?... Isaiah 40:22 Aramaic Bible in Plain English: And him who sits on the SPHERE of The Earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretched out the Heavens like a vaulted bowl, and stretched them out as a tent for a dwelling Peshitta Holy Bible Translated: And him who sits on the SPHERE of The Earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretched out the Heavens like a vaulted bowl, and stretched them out as a tent for a dwelling You are wrong about the Bible, you are wrong about the shape of Earth, and you had a map of it the whole time. Do you have the balls to debate your own map?
Sun: Okay im going down now...
I think its , SIKE, but ok
*It'd be very hard to tell what time it is, to sleep..* 😂
Just look at the clock & the sun’s altitude/azimuth.
HAve you ever heard of a clock? sheesh
@@いちごくん-l6d have you ever estimated time by how light/dark it is? that’s what they meant
Go another 200 miles north. Then you will have 24 hour sunlight for a few months.
You don't need the clock to tell time. Azimuth (bearing) is your friend.
June 2017, I was at the Arctic Circle at this time. Arrived a minute before. Got my picture taken at the AC sign with the sun in the background. First time visit too. I was euphoric to be there. 12 hours later I was in Fairbanks for the Midnight Sun ballgame.
Ngl, a midnight sun does look fun.
It’s only Midnight Civil Twilight & the sun doesn’t have to be visible for it to be light out.
@@nabranestwistypuzzler7019 Yeah, I know.
Wow. Does the black out curtain help in simulating night for sleep during the long summer months?
Sun: See you tomorrow😇😊🥰 sleep well😘😴
Few moments after: 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Just kidding
The best comment 😂😂🤣
In autumn and winter, it is the opposite😁; the sun is up for only a few hours (about 3 hours 40 min on the shortest day which is the junction of autumn and winter)
This would be cool to experience
Stationed there for 2 years, it was awesome
@@deacongowan117 until the winter hit.
@@roflryan1 winter is better
I was in Fairbanks in July 2022. It’s awesome to experience the midnight sun.
Happy sun day!
deslikes = flat-earthers
It actually proves Flat earth.
@@peterfriesen4885 No it don't, it proves the opposite.
@@soniccinos during the warm/hot months the sun rotates closer to the center of the earth (north) so that's why the northern parts of the earth see the sun more during this time. Earth is flat :)
@@krystalclutter1101 how about summer solstice in Ushuaia - Argentine (South Pole) it has the exactly the same behavior, more than 15+ hours on sun in December? Which is the opposite of the north pole. Does the "flatearth" shape-shifts into changing it's center??
@@soniccinos during the summer in the south the sun has moved out closer to the edge of the earth so the south gets more sun than the north does and that's why geese fly south for the winter.
How did you get this shot? Looks amazing!
Love this! ❤️
A very nice video.
I wonder.. does the earth really rotate.. or is it just the sun & moon moving in its own orbit.. if the earth rotates, why don't the stars seem to move at night. Since ancient times the stars at night have been very helpful in navigating the sea without the need for a compass.
I have answers to your questions, but the question is much more whether you really want to hear them. But I believe in goodness and will explain it to you. However, it will take a few comments to create an overall picture.
It is possible to derive two contradictory time dilation equations. The first paragraph below describes the situation where Sally is pointing a flashlight straight up and down, so Sally sees the light moving straight up and down, and John is outside the spaceship and sees the light forming a triangle with the floor of the spaceship. The second paragraph describes Sally pointing a flashlight to the left as the spaceship moves to the right. Now the situation is exactly the opposite. Sally sees the light forming a triangle with the ground and John sees the light bouncing straight up and down.
Sally is in a moving spaceship. John is outside the spaceship. Sally moves to the right at .6c. The height of their spacecraft is 0.8 light seconds. If Sally has a light clock that reflects light straight up and down, as seen by John, the light will form a 3-4-5 right triangle. If the time change for Sally is Delta T_o and the time change for John is Delta T, the following equation can be derived: Delta T = Delta T_o/((1-.6^2)^.5). So 0.8 seconds for Sally = 1 second for John.
Now Sally has a light clock, but this time she's holding a flashlight at an angle of 53.13 degrees above horizontal and pointing to the left. Now the movement of the light to the left exactly matches the movement of the spaceship to the right from John's perspective. Now the light reflects straight up and down from John's perspective, forming a 3-4-5 right triangle from Sally's perspective. If the time change for Sally is Delta T_o and the time change for John is Delta T, the following equation can be derived: Delta T_o = Delta T/((1-.6^2)^.5). So 1 second for Sally = 0.8 seconds for John.
The two equations are in direct contradiction to each other.
The special theory of relativity is false because there is no truth in mathematics.
Doesn't the Sagnac effect contradict the theory of relativity? Light cannot be faster and slower at the same time in the fiber optic loop. Both are in the same reference frame and do not accelerate, they both rotate at a constant speed. Both light paths are the same length, but the path moving in the direction of travel takes more time to reach the end. If relativity were real, shouldn't the light traveling in the fiber optic opposite the direction of motion slow down over time to compensate for a difference in the speed of light through the same medium and length of motion?
The special theory of relativity still applies based on a mathematical trick. The relativistic bogus copy of the Sagnac formula is a shameless invention. It is the same v = Rw formula that Sagnac used, but written in a strange way to give the illusion that it is relativistic. The only relativistic "contribution" is Minkowski's start: ct^2 = ct^2 1 = 1 What matters is that c + v (measured by a relativistic stationary observer!) is artificially implanted through the back door, without any theoretical justification . The cheap clowning is ultimately useless, because if you choose to have R tend to infinity, you measure c + v in a straight line.
Michelson had already proven the aether, which is why Einstein had to come up with an updated theory called general relativity, which is problematic because it only works in a geocentric universe! We live on a stationary Earth and universe embedded in the light-bearing ether that revolves around the Earth.
Now to two interesting insights that I gained. Each time, the Michelson-Morley experiments have proven in reality that the Earth is a non-rotating plane without axial and orbital motion and that the gaseous light ether is very real, it is just called something else. For example, Higgs field and dark matter. The second postulate of Einstein's special theory of relativity is also a fairy tale, because the speed of light as we know it is a fallacy! This becomes even clearer when you consider that light slows down as it passes through the medium of glass, only to magically speed up again as it leaves the glass, which completely contradicts the second law of thermodynamics. Where does the extra energy come from to speed it up again? At least I know that light is an electromagnetic longitudinal sound wave in the light ether, but there are still so many questions. In the end, even Einstein couldn't completely banish the light ether from his thoughts and theories, because it exists because Tesla was right! The joke par excellence is that Einstein always designed a counterthesis parallel to the Michelson-Morley experiments in order to prevent what the result was from coming out. Einstein designed the special theory of relativity without ether and geocentrism, but the general theory of relativity suddenly contained both requirements. Always the way it was right. Also amusing is Einstein's ridiculous interpretation that he was completely unable to detect differences in the speed of light moving over fixed distances across a rotating table. Mathematics is too susceptible to cheating. The Sagnac effect once again proved a stationary earth with an ether in it. Pseudo-relativistic mathematical equations were subsequently added to his formula, but it is still used in science. Yet another piece of evidence that contradicts the view of NASA and science. The globe model violates entropy, which is the expansion of gas (atmosphere), which does not occur, and we again have a violation of the second law of thermodynamics, which is heat transfer in a high and low pressure system. Atmospheric pressure can only be achieved in a closed system. NASA claims the globe is an open system. Lie exposed.
The earth doesn't rotate at all. Because there is no translational movement! The Michelson Retroreflector Interferometer can measure rotation and translation, but there was no translational motion of the Earth. Not in 1887, not in 1925, and not even in 1986 when the US Air Force repeated the experiment. This can even be read today in Nature Journal Volume 322! The ether is not at rest, but in constant motion. Therefore the Lorentz transformation cannot be correct, because it arose from the Lorentzian aether theory of a resting aether. That's why the aether wind couldn't be detected in the first Michelson-Morley experiment, but the dilation of the light rays could, because the latter was just misinterpreted.
Did you know that the Foucault pendulum actually proves that the celestial sphere rotates along with the sun and moon, but not the earth? Something is turning and it's not us. Foucault's pendulum is actually a gyroscope. It has a large mass and a large radius of rotation, so its angular momentum is by default L=I*w, where I~m*r^2>>1 compensates for the small angular velocity w, although L is large enough. It is not fixed because it it is a pendulum. This pendulum is subject to precession. Precession can be caused by any external force (torque), be it weight, acceleration or electromagnetic force. The rotation has an electromagnetic (Earth's core) influence on a solid metal pendulum. When the sun and moon are aligned (eclipse), their forces overlap, causing this pendulum to precess even more. This is called the Allais effect. (Even Wikipedia says in English that the Allais effect was repeated often enough and was consistent until NASA intervened and even stole Allais' research papers!) Therefore, an aircraft's heading indicator must be aligned with the compass every 15 minutes. The movement of the sun and moon, however, has no influence on the attitude display because the rotating disk is arranged horizontally to the aircraft fuselage. This rotating disk rotates clockwise or counterclockwise (DM) at 15,000 rpm on a stationary flat earth, just like the sun and moon. The attitude indicator does not need to be adjusted. Once it is put into operation on the ground, it rotates continuously for hours. It completely disproves the rotating globe. 15,000 rpm is enough to overcome the static friction of the ball bearings on the gimbals, as it gives a sufficient value of L=I*w(w=15,000*2PI/60=1,570rad/s).
The rotation measured by science belongs to the electromagnetic hourglass of the aether, on a stationary Earth, because the Earth lies in the zero-point energy field, which is the event horizon that Einstein mentioned. This intrinsic energy is thought to prevent the electrons in matter from decaying in their orbits, entering the atomic nucleus and destroying themselves.
The gyrocompass has a settling time, tends to the meridian and can therefore determine latitude, but nothing more. In addition, this must be corrected again and again, and it is better to have a magnetic compass with you. The laser gyro only appears to fulfill its purpose, as it is not unlike a Sagnac interferometer and the time dilation of the light beams is misinterpreted. There are differences in the speed of light regardless of the length of the path.
Let's assume that time passes more slowly as we move. Then this must be the reason why a photon changes its speed when you increase the speed.
But why do we say that the photon is moving towards the Earth, for example - we could just turn it around and say that the Earth is moving towards the photon.
Therefore we should say that time changes only for the Earth. Oh, but wait, if we flip the assumption again, only the speed of the photon changes….
This is what I call Einstein's Relativity Chinese Finger Trap. Evidence of one-sided time dilation... which is the only evidence of time dilation we have... disproves relativity.
For example, one could conclude that one-sided time dilation is most likely due to an object being affected by a thicker aether density.
But the explanation is inadequate. If it is a non-rotating plane and a single detector is moving in a straight line, it would also detect a photon signal at a greater distance from an emitter as it moves away at near the speed of light. Relativity theory says that it doesn't matter that the distance appears longer to us because the detector moving at that speed experiences time dilation, which explains why the detector still measures the speed of light as c. In other words, the theory of relativity states that all observers measure the speed of light as c. The Sagnac experiment essentially performs the same test, but using rotation. The detectors measure a different speed for c (it doesn't matter if the distance traveled by the light is longer). It elegantly refutes the fundamental basis of the theory of relativity that light moves at speed c in all reference systems. A more detailed explanation can be found in “Challenging Modern Physics” by Al Kelly. (It is therefore the rotation of the electromagnetic hourglass of the ether, on a stationary earth, which is responsible because the earth lies in the zero-point energy field) So much for the topic of the reference system.
So if you were to use Einstein's perspective and say, bottom line, that he was right about the constant speed, then the following assumption would remain:
The speed of light is constant, but relates to the light-carrying medium, not the source. As the source moves through the medium in the direction of light emission, the speed of light is slower than the source. And when photons are emitted in the opposite direction, the speed of light increases.
Einstein led us down the wrong path, and 100 years later physics has not yet recovered from the consequences. We need to look at the clear evidence and get back to real physics instead of science fiction! Theory and experiments show that special relativity and general relativity are optical illusions. Space and time are absolute in the sense of Galilean relativity.
Pierre-Simon Laplace knew that near-field gravity was instantaneous since the late 17th century by analyzing the stability of the planets' orbits around the Sun. This is actually predicted by general relativity by analyzing the propagating fields produced by an oscillating mass. Furthermore, general relativity predicts that gravity in the far field propagates at the speed of light. The far-field velocity of gravity was recently confirmed by LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory).
Recently, light was shown to behave in the same way by using Maxwell's equations to analyze the propagating fields created by an oscillating charge. This was confirmed experimentally by measuring radio waves propagating between two antennas and separating the antennas from the near field to the far field, which occurs about one wavelength away from the source. This behavior of gravity and light occurs not only at phase and group velocities, but also at information velocities.
This instantaneous nature of light and gravity near the source has been hidden from the public and is not widely known. The reason for this is that it shows that both Special Relativity and General Relativity are wrong! It can be easily shown that instantaneous near-field light gives Galilean relativity and far-field light gives Einstein relativity. This is because in the near field gamma = 1 since c = infinity, and in the far field gamma = the relativistic gamma since c = speed of light in the far field. Since time and space are real, they cannot depend on the frequency of light used. This is because c = wavelength x frequency and 1 wavelength = c/frequency defines the near field from the far field. Consequently, relativity is an optical illusion. Objects moving close to the speed of light appear to contract in length and time appears to slow down, but that is exactly what is seen in far-field light. Using near-field light, you can see that the object has not contracted and that time has not changed.
Since general relativity is based on special relativity, general relativity must also be an optical illusion. Spacetime is flat and gravity must be a spreading field. Researchers have shown that general relativity reduces to gravito-electromagnetism in the field limit of the weak interaction that we only observe, showing that gravity can be modeled as 4 Maxwell equations, similar in form to those for electromagnetic fields resemble and give rise to electrical and magnetic components of gravity. This theory explains all gravitational effects as well as the instantaneous near field and the speed of light fields propagating in the far field. Gravity is therefore a spreading field that can finally be quantized, thus enabling the unification of gravity and quantum mechanics.
The bottom line is that E = MC^2 = F = MA because gravity is actually electromagnetism. Einstein and Newton deliberately lied to us. It is also said that the ether represents the quantum field in quantum physics.
Relativity and infinity are theoretical mathematical fantasies that only exist on the blackboard. Everything in life is absolute and finite, always! Furthermore, the Earth is actually a stationary plane, without axial and orbital movement. The celestial sphere above us rotates using magnetic precession.
Finally, another piece of evidence. The refraction of light makes calculating star parallax completely impossible. Especially on the ground. In fact, refraction disproves the idea that stars travel up to a billion light years to reach us. The probability of light being refracted, bent, and generally moved everywhere after trillions to septillions of kilometers might as well be 100%. Even a quadrillionth of a degree change would cause the light to miss Earth entirely. At least you would see stars disappear for a while and then reappear, or you would see them moving. Have you ever seen a light in running water? Have you ever noticed how it bounces around everywhere? Convenient for NASA to tell us that space is just infinite km of vacuum, even though they've never been there. This is probably another reason why they tell us that the galaxy and solar system are flat, to avoid the amount of protests that would otherwise occur. Even though astronomers avoid filming stars 20 degrees above the horizon because of the refraction of light, that alone is enough to prove that their parallax calculations are not scientific.
There is also a reason why the ancients were able to align their buildings according to the stars and this line remains perfect to this day, because stars are not millions of light years away, we do not fly through space and this would be impossible due to the refraction of light, over the claimed distance. Because light refraction actually works for the stationary earth and not against it! The world we live in is geocentric. Heliocentrism is an unproven dogma!
There is also a logical explanation for Earth's two different night skies. It just doesn't seem plausible to most people because they don't know how a magnetic bottle with two magnetic mirrors is created and works. Thus, depending on the distance to the poles and the different amounts of kinetic energy, it is possible for the sun and moon to rotate clockwise and the star sphere in the north to rotate counterclockwise. The stars in the southern night sky are not as far away as the stars in the northern night sky, so they rotate clockwise.
The magnetic bottle also creates the Aurora Borealis. Because when the sun and moon are closest to each other twice a year, the amount of charged particles emitted is greatest. These reach the earth and make the atoms glow within the electromagnetic field. One can speak of cyclic continuous ionization. By the way, this is good evidence that the sun and moon are made of hot plasmas and that the Allais effect is real, because it is the same principle.
This is why it is claimed that the North Pole would point outwards towards the universe beyond, while the South Pole would point towards the galactic center of the Milky Way. This means more bright stars and more constellations with more breathtaking objects that are closer overall. This is how you sell it :)
It is also said that one reason to visit the Southern Hemisphere is to see the star system closest to us. Alpha Centauri, the third brightest star in the night sky, is just 4.37 light-years away. Now we know why they say that!
To briefly go back to the calculation E = MC^2 = F = MA. I have sufficiently scientifically proven and shown that light does not move at the speed c in all reference systems, since space is not empty, but filled with a moving ether, which ensures the aforementioned magnetic precession of the celestial sphere. Therefore this makes sense. Unless you are a science denier and want to say that all of quantum physics and renowned institutes with profound knowledge, such as LIGO, are wrong. You are indebted if you simply recite the unproven dogma of heliocentrism and sell it as the sole truth! Both theories of relativity from Einstein are an optical illusion, since space and time are real, absolute and finite!
This reminds me that Axel Frey Samsoie wrote a letter to Einstein. Samsoie's question was very profound and takes us deep into the principles of general relativity. If we assume that all frames of reference for describing motion are valid, then how can a Foucauldian pendulum prove or disprove that the Earth is rotating or stationary? (Couldn't it just as easily prove that the Earth is stationary and that the entire universe revolves around it?) Axel Frey Samsoie's original letter, along with Einstein's original response to it, is still in the Einstein archives in Jerusalem. Einstein originally wanted to begin his answer to Samsoie with the statement: “From the perspective of Lorentz’s theory [i.e. H. "The Special Theory of Relativity] was the answer to your question that Foucault's experiment showed the rotation through the ether." One can maintain this statement from the point of view of the General Theory of Relativity."
A moment of revelation, but the assumption that only a stationary aether would be possible was wrong, although the possibility of measuring the aether wind of course also failed, since the parameters of a stationary aether are fundamentally wrong and so this false assumption has taken the form of the Lorentzian aether theory and the Lorentz transformation.
The true nature of science has fallen apart... It is no longer about observation, measurement, testability and repeatability. Today's science has become a religion of faith, trust and belief in people greater than us. The masses must now rely on the testimony of CERN, NASA, the United Nations and other unaccountable sources for the fundamental building blocks that make up our history, cosmology, nature and beginnings.
Not a good place to be if you're a vampire.
Yes and no. During the winter months, it's dark all day.
Vampires could hibernate during the summer and not have to worry about staying out an hour too long and getting burned during the winter so it's one of the best places.
Very nice
Sol: Hey Alaskans, come watch me set right quick...
Sol: "We're no strangers to love... Never gonna give you up..." 🌞😎🤣
Cosmic catfish..
Explain this, flerf !! 🤣
The sun doesn't set? Oh c'mon!
Bruh it does
Mr Burns Ik, but it still counts
because during the warm/hot months the sun rotates closer to the center of the earth (north) so that's why most northern places get a midnight sun... research flat earth
@@krystalclutter1101 huh???
@@krystalclutter1101 you do realise in a flat earth model there is no horizon. explain how the sun and moon *VISUALLY* move under the horizon, under your so-cooled ‘disk’. explain solar and lunar eclipses. explain every single scientific study and the actual mountains of proof of a round earth, or are you just gonna say i’m a fake paid nasa worker
That proof. If the earth is not globe.
The earth is flat!!
Shush jokeman
How do you explain sunrise and sunsets and day/night cycles for different regions of Earth?
*i really don't understand why people say earth is flat😂 the moon, other planets, and the sun have spherical shapes, and earth is the only flat!?😆😂*
this earth is flat, the sun doesnt even go out of sight , just does a lil circle at the surface of earth as everyone can clearly see in the video
@@dahlzjohnson9834 but only in fairbanks Alaska at the summer solstice. Go to a different part of the planet and experience the same day quite differently, with full sunsets and sunrises. I don't wanna be nasty towards you cause I don't think that's the right way to convince people of the truth, but man oh man, I gotta tell you man, there's not one thing that makes sense about the earth being flat. Not one thing.
Earth is flat
Your brain is flat
“Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Pokemon cards" "card unboxing" "Charizard" "they don't want you to know" "Flat earth" "round earth" "triangle earth" "the earth is not earth" "what even is earth if not earth omg government is lying to you" "Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Halo" "Devil may cry" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” “Cocomelon” “t series” “Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Pokemon cards" "card unboxing" "Charizard" "they don't want you to know" "Flat earth" "round earth" "triangle earth" "the earth is not earth" "what even is earth if not earth omg government is lying to you" "Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Halo" "Devil may cry" “RUclips is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.”
It's flat
Yet... you use a globe map to drive around Lie Sucker.
@@tjjones621 22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.
24 Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown: yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth: and he shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble.
25 To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.
26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.
@@truthseeker3097 Which version are you reading?...
Isaiah 40:22
Aramaic Bible in Plain English:
And him who sits on the SPHERE of The Earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretched out the Heavens like a vaulted bowl, and stretched them out as a tent for a dwelling
Peshitta Holy Bible Translated:
And him who sits on the SPHERE of The Earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretched out the Heavens like a vaulted bowl, and stretched them out as a tent for a dwelling
You are wrong about the Bible, you are wrong about the shape of Earth, and you had a map of it the whole time.
Do you have the balls to debate your own map?
@@truthseeker3097 Yo, Truth Sneaker... where'd you go? I want to discuss your MAP OF EARTH. Are you afraid of your own map???
@@tjjones621 you seem very angry 😄