The single solitary issue I and other's have with what would be the best Tree Harvestor, meaning the HD 21 is the fact that the controll setting's are in a sense backward's to any and all other harvestor's because; The HD 21 has a setting which allow's a portion of the boom to be extended or retracted. Should a beginner start with the HD21 and invest some hour's into the handleing of it . Using any of the other tree harveestor's setting become a major issue.
The single solitary issue I and other's have with what would be the best Tree Harvestor, meaning the HD 21 is the fact that the controll setting's are in a sense backward's to any and all other harvestor's because; The HD 21 has a setting which allow's a portion of the boom to be extended or retracted. Should a beginner start with the HD21 and invest some hour's into the handleing of it . Using any of the other tree harveestor's setting become a major issue.
This is a good point, hopefully it can be addressed by the developers.