हिन्दु , बौध्द , जैन , शिख , ------- भारतकी मिट्टीसे जन्मे यहाके सारे धर्म , पंत संम्प्रदाय को जानने वाले भावने वाले और जिने वाले सभि लोग " भाहिन्द ! " है । जय भाहिन्द ! जय हिन्द भारति !!
Goutam Buddha emphasized gyan yoga. He only did not practice the rituals to alert prople that some may take advantage of the common devotee if he/she only performs rituals without the proper understanding(for those more inclined towards gyan yoga) of or knowing the proper intention behind the rituals(for those more inclined towards bhakti yoga). There are many example of Him trying to bring this into peoples lives. He reminded all the that, like the Upanishads, the path of knowing the one true reality(mukti/ nirvana) , is the goal. Performing rituals is one of many ways for attaining/ realizing that. People can follow gyan , bhakti or karma yog or any combination of the three or only meditation to attain the True self, according to there disposition. This is not like any religion, where not performing some certain acts leads to punishment. This realization that we are always looking for the ultimate truth, and all our rituals were prescribed by realized beings, according to a person"s innate tendencies so that we may attain that which is beyond words, needs to return to us. All rituals are not needed for every person. Which rituals are needed for a particular seeker would be prescribed to them by there guru, or some mahatmas are born with this knowledge. Gautam Buddha saw that ignorance about the meaning of the vast amount of rituals could cause great harm to Sanaatan dharma, thus he emphasized knowledge and meditation, which I might add is the way of our yogies and the basis of Upanishadic traditions. I don't think any disagreement between Sanaatan dharma and Buddhism could ever exist.The Buddists have enriched Buddhas teachings throughout the century , and we should respect that as we respect the works of Shankaracharya's followers or Shree Ramkrishna's followers. Thank you for listening to me. Namaskar!
@@sunilbaluni5333 Budha ne kah ki bhagwan nhi hote ar khud ko bhagwan nhi bola hai ar jiwan 8 satya diye ye basic difference hai Hinduism ar budhism mai hinduism apni jgh alg hai ar budhism apni jgh dono hi kch na kch sikhate hai isliye dono ko alg rkhna chahiye jise jo acha lge vo mano mai holi diwali raksha bandhan sare festival bnata hu
@@Indra-md4on another west chutiya spotted.....sanatan dharm is the same we r all sanatani but we hv diff panth to attain brahman some r vedic hindu some r buddhist or jain.....all in all our singular identity is indian santani where broad ideology is same but only core philosophy is diff
Centre for Indic Studies sorry sir Sir मेरी एक humble request है, महात्मा गाँधी पर बहुत debate हो रही है, मेरे बहुत दोस्त गोडसे को आदर्श मानते हैँ और गाँधी जी को खलनायक. एक वीडियो इस विषय पर भी बनाएं. अगर आपका कोई फेसबुक पेज है वह भी बताएं. Gratitude
आज के बौद्ध देश भी हिन्दू रीतियों से राज्याभिषेक होता है। राजा को श्रीहरि का रूप माना जाता है। कम्पुचिया को देख लीजिये। यह भारत की गंदी राजनीति जो उन्हे अलग बताती रही है।
@@Explore_with_jugal jab South-East Asian countries me Hinduism, Budhhism, Shintoism etc. Ke traditional Assimilation ke baare me kuch pata hi nahin, tab bakar bakar kam karo.
@@indianatheist781 Haan.....Naam ke peeche "atheist" Laga rakhha Hain.....baas ek hi excuse me, world me Hinduism & buddhism ki Historical, cross-cultural Assimilation ki Historical information ke vi virodh karna Hain.....tumhe to galat Lage GA hi bhai.
आदरणीय शरणजी, आपके चैनल से परिचय अभी हुआ। वैसे प्रवक्ता. काम पर भी आपके लेखन से परिचित हुआ हूँ। आप विषयों को विस्तृत रूप से व्याख्यायित करते हैं, उसके लिए साधुवाद। पर एक बात कहने की अनुमति चाहूँगा, एस धम्मो सनंतनो बुद्ध द्वारा कहे गए इस वचन पर। बुद्ध ने इसे किसी पूर्व में कहे गए या स्थापित किए गए संस्थागत धर्म से नहीं जोड़ा था बल्कि एक शाश्वत कथन का उल्लेख किया था कि धर्म एक सनातन तत्व है या यूं कहें कि ऐसा ही सनातन तत्व धर्म है। हमारी सनातन धर्म परंपरा जो कि संस्था का रुप ले चुकी है, वह भी इस चिंतन से युक्त है। आपका कहना सही है कि बुद्ध ने किसी नवीन चिंतन को जन्म नहीं दिया, परंतु नवीन दृष्टि जरुर दी। उनके द्वारा कहे गए आर्य सत्य कहीं न कहीं उपनिषदों में मिल ही जाते हैं। ओशो की दृष्टि इस संबंध में उल्लेख आपसे अपेक्षित थि क्योंकि कि आपने जग्गी वासुदेव जो सदगुरु नाम से जाने जाते हैं का उल्लेख किया। धम्म पद पर ओशो के प्रवचन जो कि बारह खंडों में प्रकाशित है, उसका भी अवगाहन करना उचित होगा। पुनः धन्यवाद, आपके चैनल को मैंने सब्सक्राइब कर दिया है।
We cannot interpret hinduism only in the way it exists in vedas/ upnishads... but in practice too. When Ambedkar "gave up" hinduism, he was opting out of caste system - where dalits were being opressed in the name of dharma. Ofcourse the system of inheriting caste as a result of being born in a certain family never existed in hinduism (in original/purest form) but it was developed by some hindus for their political ends. One can argue that if Ambedka understood the 'Hindu or Sanatan dharam' , he would have opposed the system of assigning caste-by birth but I'm not sure if that message would be understood by masses and whether it would stop people from believing in the caste hierarchy.
Brother have u ever read his book where he mentioned abt Thanjavur Plan of Britishers ? No! Then read it . BRA had gone to Britian and read archives there where he get to know that This caste system was Imposed wisely by British itself
कास्ट सिस्टम किसने बनाया? अंग्रेजो जब व्यापार करने आए तो हमने उनको स्वीकारा l किन्तु जब उन्होंने लोगों को मुर्ख बनाकर लूटना शुरू किया तो 1750 से सन्यासी को लेकर 1857 मे वीरों ने स्वतंत्र संग्राम किया l अंग्रेजों पार्लियामेंट मे इसकी गहन चर्चा करके डिवाइड एंड रूल को गहरा करके राजनीतिक तैयार करी l इसके अंतर्गत उन्होंने हर्बर्ट होप रिस्ली नामक अंग्रेज को भारत के समाज को तोड़ने भेजा l और साथ मे अपने गुलाम मानसिक ता वाले भारतीय एजेंट ओ को तैयार किया l रिस्ली ने दो थ्योरी बनाई 1. आर्यन और द्रविड़ जाति के साथ-साथ सात जातियों में विभाजित करने के लिए एक नाक की चौड़ाई के अनुपात का उपयोग किया। किन्तु सफल ना हुए l 2. कास्ट सिस्टम l 1 ला वाला सफल ना होने पर, रिस्ली ने पुर्तगाल वालीं कास्ट सिस्टम का उपयोग किया l रिस्ली ने हरएक समाज को कास्ट मे डाल ने का प्रयास किया l लोगों ने इसका विरोध किया l किन्तु अंग्रेजो ने शान्ति पूर्वक यह प्रयोग चालु रखा l इसमे अंग्रेजो के भारतीय एजेंट ओ ने गद्दारी का काम किया l और लोगों को समझाया की यह पिछड़े लोगों को सहाय देने हो रहा है l लोग शांत होने लगे तो उसको कानून के अंतर्गत लाने लगे l किन्तु यह भी ज्यादा सफल ना हो पाया l अंग्रेज तो आधा बनाकर भाग गए l जिसको हम मजबूरी मे खींच रहे हैं l अब इसकी बात क्यों??? क्यो की आज भी यह देश को तोड़ के बर्बादी की और ले जा रहा है l आज भी देश को तोड़ने वाले कास्ट सिस्टम पर भ्रमित बात करते हैं l कभी इसको वर्ण व्यवस्था से, कभी जाति से, समाज से, कार्य से जुड़ते रहते हैं l जो जूठा है l कुछ महीनों पहले, लॉस एंजिल्स के बुद्ध टेंपल मे दौरा किया तब वहाँ की एक किताब मे लिखा था की बुद्ध ने इंडिया मे कास्ट सिस्टम को दूर करने के लिए प्रयास किए l मैंने एक बुद्ध साधु से इस जूठ को दूर करने का प्रयास किया किन्तु विफल रहा तो मैंने एक ही प्रश्न किया की क्या बुद्ध का जन्म अंग्रेजों के भारत आने के बाद हुआ था? वो चुप होकर कहने लगा की जिसने किताब लिखी है उससे बात करे l और वो निकल लिया l थोड़े दिन पहले अमेरिका मे फ़िर से चर्चा हो रही है की देखो भारत मे कैसे कास्ट सिस्टम हो रहा है l और इसपर जूठ चलाया जा रहा है l इस आर्टिकल लिखने का तात्पर्य है कि देशवासियों को सतर्क करना की देश को तोड़ कर बर्बाद करने के लिए किस दिशा में प्रयास हो रहा है l मुजे कोई आपत्ति नहीं देश फिर से गुलाम हो जाय l किन्तु हमने इतिहास मे देखा है की गुलाम बनने से ना अस्मिता बचती है, ना सम्पत्ति, ना सन्मान l किन्तु यह बात फिर से क्यों? क्योंकि देश को लूट कर भागने वाले लोग देख रहे हैं की भारत फिर से समृद्धिदायक बन रहा है l तो इसको फिर से कैसे लूटे? और हमारे जैसे कई लोग सोचते है की इस से कैसे बचाया जाए? - जय हिंद l
@@pinakinzaveri4563 Joint Communiqué by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Satya Narayan Goenkaji. The Maha Bodhi Society Office, Sarnath, Varanasi. 3:30 p.m., 11 November 1999 This joint communiqué is being issued after the cordial talk between Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Guruji Shri Satyanarayana Goenkaji. Both agree and wish that there should be harmonious and friendly relations between both ancient (the Vedic and the Ṣramana) traditions. If there has been any misconception in this matter in the minds of the people of the neighbouring countries, it should be removed at the earliest. The following was agreed: 1. Due to whatever reason some literature was written (in India) in the past in which the Buddha was declared to be a reincarnation of Vishnu and various things were written about him. This was very unpleasant to the neighbouring countries. In order to foster friendlier ties between the two communities we decide that whatever has happened in the past (cannot be undone, but) should be forgotten and such beliefs should not be propagated. 2. A misconception has spread in the neighbouring countries that the Hindu society of India is organising such conferences to prove its dominance over the followers of the Buddha. To forever remove this misconception we declare that both Vedic and Ṣramana traditions are ancient traditions of India. Both have their own prestigious existence. Any attempt by one tradition to show itself higher than the other will only generate hatred and ill will between the two. Hence such a thing should not be done in the future and both traditions should be accorded equal respect and esteem. 3. Anybody can attain a high position in the society by doing good deeds. One becomes a low (person in society) if one does evil deeds. Hence anybody can-by doing good deeds and removing the defilements such as passion, anger, arrogance, ignorance, greed, jealousy and ego-attain a high position in society and enjoy peace and happiness. We agree on all the three things mentioned above and wish that all the people of India from all the traditions should have cordial relations and the neighbouring countries should also have friendly relations with India
@@sanilyadav1450 Tell me, please....is there any joint Hindu-Buddha cultural Assimilation & harmony enhancing Online society or platform, anywhere on YT, FB, WHATAPP etc.....where I can contact with fellow learned & enlightened frnds from both Faiths of our country/outside, & get enlightened?? I m a hindu from Kolkata, India.....a Vivekananda mission student of 2010 batch---- don't even care abt own caste.
वैदिक एक सिविलिसशन यानी सभ्यता है, जिसमे बहुत सारे ऋषिमुनि हो गए और जिसकी जैसी पात्रता वैसे अध्यन हुआ। जिसमें सिद्धार्थ भी थे, उन्होंने भी सभी वैदिक और योगिक अभ्यास किया और प्रमाण दिया कि, बुद्धि सभी को एकसमान है पर उसकी कई अलग स्वभाव है जिसे बुद्ध या बोध कहा जाता है। बुद्ध ये शुरुवाती प्रक्रिया है धर्म को जानने की। इसका लाभ लेना होगा, जो लाभः नही ले पाते वो कुछ न कुछ कहते ही रहते है। चर्चा कम हो अध्यन ज्यादा। धन्यवादजी।
Joint Communiqué by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Satya Narayan Goenkaji. The Maha Bodhi Society Office, Sarnath, Varanasi. 3:30 p.m., 11 November 1999 This joint communiqué is being issued after the cordial talk between Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Guruji Shri Satyanarayana Goenkaji. Both agree and wish that there should be harmonious and friendly relations between both ancient (the Vedic and the Ṣramana) traditions. If there has been any misconception in this matter in the minds of the people of the neighbouring countries, it should be removed at the earliest. The following was agreed: 1. Due to whatever reason some literature was written (in India) in the past in which the Buddha was declared to be a reincarnation of Vishnu and various things were written about him. This was very unpleasant to the neighbouring countries. In order to foster friendlier ties between the two communities we decide that whatever has happened in the past (cannot be undone, but) should be forgotten and such beliefs should not be propagated. 2. A misconception has spread in the neighbouring countries that the Hindu society of India is organising such conferences to prove its dominance over the followers of the Buddha. To forever remove this misconception we declare that both Vedic and Ṣramana traditions are ancient traditions of India. Both have their own prestigious existence. Any attempt by one tradition to show itself higher than the other will only generate hatred and ill will between the two. Hence such a thing should not be done in the future and both traditions should be accorded equal respect and esteem. 3. Anybody can attain a high position in the society by doing good deeds. One becomes a low (person in society) if one does evil deeds. Hence anybody can-by doing good deeds and removing the defilements such as passion, anger, arrogance, ignorance, greed, jealousy and ego-attain a high position in society and enjoy peace and happiness. We agree on all the three things mentioned above and wish that all the people of India from all the traditions should have cordial relations and the neighbouring countries should also have friendly relations with India
हमने आपका दो वर्ष पुराना निबन्ध भाषण को आज यूटूब पर सुना,जिसके विषय थे- "क्या भारत को हिन्दू राष्ट्र बने रहना चाहिए?"-- "वैदिक और बौद्ध धर्म "' इस पर आपका एक अत्यन्त सराहनीय एवं सार गर्भित सन्तुलित ओजस्वी आत्मबल प्रदान करने वाला निबन्ध मेरे द्वारा सुना गया । मैं समय-समय पर दैनिक जागरण में निकलने वाला आपके प्रायः सभी निबन्धों को पढता अवश्य ही पढता हूँ । आप सम्भवतः वर्धा विश्वविद्यालय में भारतीय राजनीति के प्रोफेसर रहे हैं। इस के साथ ही आप वैदिक सनातन संस्कृति और सभ्यता के पुनरुत्थान के लिए सतत सङ्घर्षरत हैं तथा इसके तार्किक समीक्षक भी दृष्टिगोचर होते हैं। कृपया आपकी इच्छा हो तो अपना मोबाइल नम्बर भेजें, जिससे आपसे सम्भाषण कर सनातन धर्म को वैश्विक स्तर पर पुनः प्रतिष्ठित करने का कार्य किया जा सके।
Kindly read the books written by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.. I would like to suggest you one of the book " Annihilation of Caste".. You wil get maximum clearance.And also read the Buddha & Dhama"
I know right it's wrong to say that buddism is a branch of Hinduism but you have to agree on it that it has the same core I wish all our desi religion get united I don't mean as one religion but just to celebrate their shared philosophy..and yes I grant you mistakes were made about the castism and shit but it was everywhere around the globe it was more of a economic and political oppression but in India religion and economic status were interlinked...but it's never mentioned in our core texts and things are getting better 🙏
I will advise you not to dwell in past but see what's happening now the caste issues are getting better and better and hopefully we will get away from this kalank one day
सरजी आपके ज्ञान को प्रणाम। मय मानता हूं की हमे यह मान कर चलना चाहिय की बुद्ध के विचारो पर उपनिषिध का प्रभाव है। आगे हम सब को यह भी मानना चाहिय की बुध्द के विचार सब के प्रति लाभदायक थे।
Mgr buddh ke samay me Buddh marg sirf Kshatriya aur Brahmin ke liye tha aur ye khud buddh kehte the yha tak ki mahilao ke liye bhi nhi tha allowed buddh marg
चरण स्पर्श सर👏🌹 सर, आपने तो "गागर में सागर" वाली दिव्य-दृष्टिकोण से चिर-परिचित करायें और एक वस्तुनिष्ठ शोधकर्ताओं के लिए शोध हेतु मार्गदर्शन किये जो क़ाबिले-तारीफ़ है...सर को पुनः कोटि-कोटि नमन✍️🙏🌹
Left Liberals : 1)Hindu-Muslim Bhai bhai . Hinduism is same as Abhramic.☺ HYPOCRISY -2) Hindu Buddhist are different 😡 How dare u to say that they r one . They both r different religions despite Gautam Buddha was a Hindu and born in India he is a foreigner he is a non Hindu 😡😡 Hhosyaar Buddhist ho toh samaj jao. Logic of Liberals and Historians : foreign relgions are same as Hinduism and Santana Dharmics are different from each other. Fir yeh liberals hume bolte ki nafrat mat fhailao😂
@@Arunkumar-wn3hk murk to tum or Tumhara Ambedakar , Jo ye bhi nhi jante Goutam koun tha, boddha kaha se peda huye, inke granth kisne likhe, ye to pata Kar le pahle,
To maintain unity in the protection of our nation we must follow our traditions in common way in order to keep country united. United we stand, divided we fall
धर्म; ज्ञान प्राप्ति का एक मात्र साधन है । और ज्ञान से ईश्वरत्व को प्राप्त करना ही मनुष्यता परम लक्ष्य होता है , होता आया है , होता रहेगा। परंतु जब मनुष्य ज्ञान प्राप्त करके परम लक्ष्य प्राप्त किए बिना , उच्च लक्ष्य पर स्थिर हो जाते हैं , तब मनुष्यलोक में जो अधर्म प्रकट होता है , वह मनुष्य को राक्षस बनाता है । इसके उदाहरण हम पौराणिक कथाओं में , देखते सुनते आए हैं। धर्म की दो ही स्थितियाँ हैं धर्म में अज्ञानता और धर्म में ज्ञान इससे उलट भी रखा जा सकता है अज्ञानता से धर्म और ज्ञान से धर्म । वर्तमान काल अज्ञानता से धर्म या अज्ञानता में धर्म का दर्शन है। अगर हम महाभारत काल को देखें तब उस काल में धर्म से ज्ञान की पराकाष्ठा थी । मनुष्य ने धर्म के सहारे प्रकृति को हराकर प्रकृति के नियम को तोड़कर आयु के ऊपर विजय प्राप्त कर ली थी । परिणामस्वरूप ईश्वर को स्वयं प्रकट होकर प्रकृति का संरक्षण करना पड़ा । भीष्म पितामह ने धर्म के सहारे आयु पर विजय प्राप्त कर प्रकृति को हरा दिया । भीष्म पितामह चाहते तो ईश्वरत्व प्राप्त करके मोक्ष जा सकते थे ।
गीता आध्यात्मिक ग्रंथ है गीता में यथार्थ ,तत्व और ब्रह्म ज्ञान समाहित है गीता स्वयं ईश्वर की वाणी है इसीलिए सृष्टि पर एक मात्र गीता परम दिव्य परम रहस्यमई ग्रंथ है ।
The principle of Buddha Dhamma is to have equality in human beings, to practice it to liberate oneself from dukha or suffering n lead to happiness I.e., nirvana and Buddha said attahi attano Nath self is the protector of oneself n there is no other to purify n protect ur sin.
Tumhe dhoke me rakha gya hai tumhe khud se research karne ki jaroorat hai buddh marg keval Brahmin aur Kshatriyo ke liye tha buddha ke samay se aur buddh ne pehle se aa rhi samajik niyam par hi chalne ka salah diya
Sikhism, Jainism also being termed as separate religions these days. These were considered panth or darshans. This has happened only in last 20 - 30 years.
Hinduism aur buddhism do alag dharaein hai jo kabhi saath nahi aa sake hain yahi satya hai. Bharat mein buddhism ke disappearance mein Manuvaadiyon ka hi haath raha hai. Ab thugvidya kaam nahi aayegi chahe kitne bhi prayas kar lo, samay badal chuka hai.
According to Buddhist teachings, Shakyamuni described Gods and goddesses are super being who live in Godly realm( devlok).Devas became devas because of their Karmic results or punyas.Devas are also lured and comfortable with their luxurious life style and do not allow human being to attend Nirvana or to become someone like Buddha.On the other hand, Buddha was born infinitely, there were many Buddhas before historical Shakyamuni Buddha. He is the oldest and wisest of all in the whole universe.It takes millions of years for Buddha to come to earth and teach Dhamma to all sentient beings. Buddhist sees Gods as super beings and nothing more. Buddhists also believe there is no permanent soul(Atman).Buddhists strongly believe in Anitya or impermanence.There is a vast differences in philosophy on Sunayta between Hinduism and Buddha dhamma. Buddhist do not believe Shakyamuni Buddha as a reincarnation of Hindu god Vishnu or neither he was a Hindu.There was no Hinduism in the time of Shakyamuni.The word Hindu derived from the Greek name given to people from Indus valley. Shakyamuni was Shramana. There is difference between Shraman and Brahmin. Also Shakyamuni strongly opposed caste system and Brahminism which became one of the core reason for Brahmins to oppose Buddhists and Buddha dhamma in the sub-continent until this day and age,
How is it any different from what is being said in Upanishads which were written Prior to Bhagwan Budhha, also the concept of religion as we understand it today is not Indian, we Indians had different traditions (almost all of them talked about "Bhram")
Ur speech and knowledge is really very very deep. Sankhya yog and Teaching of Buddha both are also same. Thanks for shareing Ur valuable knowledge sir🙏
अंबेडकर को अंबेडकर बनाने वाले भी दोषी है नही तो जोगिंदर मंडल जैसे खत्म होगया वैसे अम्बेडकर भी खत्म हो जाते नेहरू कोसिस भी किये लेकिन हम कभी जागरूक नही रहे
@@Mohit_Agno Yes, 2 seperate Faiths, means individual.... BUT ALWAYS culturally assimilating, adopting frm each other, developing together. NOT segregated, envious, RIVALS....as today's various Pseudo-secular groups & Lobbies with their vested interest etc. r hell- bent to incite society of India....& Yes, it ONLY happens in India, other buddhists countries won't even give them a scope. I hail from inter-religious family.... Mother & maternal ancestry Mahajana budhhist, from Singapore.....I know da Truth of cultural Assimilation of both Faiths.... exchange from Buddhism to Indian Hinduism
@@Mohit_Agno Jab sach pacha na sako toh sabko rss wadi declare kar do besaq uss vekti ka rss se koi relation na ho tab bhi isse pta chalta bheetar se kitne insecure ho uneducated ho aur pakhandi ho aur aaj tak tum jaise logo ne sirf jhoot failaya hai
Fyi Brahminism does not mean Hinduism. Yes Brahmin superiority is a bad thing But why everyone automatically starts bashing Hinduism in the name of brahminism. Baba saheb Ambedkar said so because he thought that Hindus will never change if they didn't discard the case system But you can see things are changing except TN and up and some other states This caste system situation is gradually changing Even many of my hindu relatives have slowly started accepting inter caste marriages as normal I hope you will think about this and change your views about us
आदरणीय श्री शरण की को सादर नमसते,सनातन आर्य वेद तर्क ,के अनुकूल जो मत पंथ विचार धारा है,उस को अनुकूल और प्रति कुल को प्रति कूल ही मानता है,वेद तीन को ( ईश्वर,आत्मा,प्रकृति,) अनादि और बौद्ध केवल ऐक" प्रकृति" को ही अनादि मानते है ,बौद्ध इज्म है धर्म नहीं,धर्म धारण करने और "मत ,मजहब,पंथ, सििख, रिलीजन" केवल विश्वास हेतु, इन सब के प्रोक्ष में महान,पहुंचे हुए,या,,( त था कथित) अवतार भी ज़रूर हो।
@@anonymous-gh4tz Joint Communiqué by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Satya Narayan Goenkaji. The Maha Bodhi Society Office, Sarnath, Varanasi. 3:30 p.m., 11 November 1999 This joint communiqué is being issued after the cordial talk between Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Guruji Shri Satyanarayana Goenkaji. Both agree and wish that there should be harmonious and friendly relations between both ancient (the Vedic and the Ṣramana) traditions. If there has been any misconception in this matter in the minds of the people of the neighbouring countries, it should be removed at the earliest. The following was agreed: 1. Due to whatever reason some literature was written (in India) in the past in which the Buddha was declared to be a reincarnation of Vishnu and various things were written about him. This was very unpleasant to the neighbouring countries. In order to foster friendlier ties between the two communities we decide that whatever has happened in the past (cannot be undone, but) should be forgotten and such beliefs should not be propagated. 2. A misconception has spread in the neighbouring countries that the Hindu society of India is organising such conferences to prove its dominance over the followers of the Buddha. To forever remove this misconception we declare that both Vedic and Ṣramana traditions are ancient traditions of India. Both have their own prestigious existence. Any attempt by one tradition to show itself higher than the other will only generate hatred and ill will between the two. Hence such a thing should not be done in the future and both traditions should be accorded equal respect and esteem. 3. Anybody can attain a high position in the society by doing good deeds. One becomes a low (person in society) if one does evil deeds. Hence anybody can-by doing good deeds and removing the defilements such as passion, anger, arrogance, ignorance, greed, jealousy and ego-attain a high position in society and enjoy peace and happiness. We agree on all the three things mentioned above and wish that all the people of India from all the traditions should have cordial relations and the neighbouring countries should also have friendly relations with India
कम्युनिज्म में धर्म का कोई स्थान नहीँ अतः उनमे धार्मिक ज्ञान का अभाव स्वाभाविक है।धर्म उनके लिए वर्ग संघर्ष का एक बहाना हो सकता है। नेहरू जी का यूरोपीय शिक्षा तथा राजनीतिक ब्यस्तता के कारण भारतीय धर्म एवं दर्शन से पूर्ण परिचित न होना अथवा अज्ञान भी कोई आश्चर्य नहीं। आज अधिकांश हिन्दू भी अपने धर्म और दर्शन से अध्ययन के अभाव में अनभिज्ञ है। दलित एवं पिछड़ी जातियों को ब्राह्मणों के विरुद्ध भड़का कर तथा छद्म समानता का लोभ देकर संख्याबल से राजनीतिक सत्ता प्राप्त करने का संगठित वैश्विक खड़यंत्र चलाया जा रहा है। शिस्ट, सजग बेहतर तथ्योँ द्वारा अति सुंदर प्रस्तुति हेतु आप धन्यवादके पात्र हैं।
Yes seperate, means individual.... BUT always culturally assimilating, adopting Ideology frm each other, developing together. NOT segregated, envious, rivals of anyone....as today's various Pseudo-secular groups & Lobbies with their vested interest etc. r hell- bent to incite society of India....& Yes, it ONLY happens in India, other buddhists countries won't even give them a scope. I hail from inter-religious family.... Mother & maternal ancestry Mahajana budhhist, from Singapore.....I know da Truth of cultural Assimilation of both Faiths.... exchange from Buddhism to Indian Hinduism.
@@aritromunsi2445 Brother I find your comments highly motivating, some people are here trying to prove how Buddhism is better Hinduism and vice versa, what they do not know is that India did not have a concept like religion as we understand it today.
Exactly and I'm hindu and I read hindu and budhh both scripts. But I never saw so differences in these scripts..... Even in guru granth sahib , jain scripts you would never see so differences. Because india has these traditions that we support and respect different different philosophers. And Hinduism is not a religion. It is completely a group of great ancient indian philosophies.... If you see ved or upanishad , you will see a lot of great rishies and off course they had very subtle difference each other but they always said that it may different different path to reach to the supreme truth. But we should always see that path has human morals or not...
Joint Communiqué by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Satya Narayan Goenkaji. The Maha Bodhi Society Office, Sarnath, Varanasi. 3:30 p.m., 11 November 1999 This joint communiqué is being issued after the cordial talk between Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Guruji Shri Satyanarayana Goenkaji. Both agree and wish that there should be harmonious and friendly relations between both ancient (the Vedic and the Ṣramana) traditions. If there has been any misconception in this matter in the minds of the people of the neighbouring countries, it should be removed at the earliest. The following was agreed: 1. Due to whatever reason some literature was written (in India) in the past in which the Buddha was declared to be a reincarnation of Vishnu and various things were written about him. This was very unpleasant to the neighbouring countries. In order to foster friendlier ties between the two communities we decide that whatever has happened in the past (cannot be undone, but) should be forgotten and such beliefs should not be propagated. 2. A misconception has spread in the neighbouring countries that the Hindu society of India is organising such conferences to prove its dominance over the followers of the Buddha. To forever remove this misconception we declare that both Vedic and Ṣramana traditions are ancient traditions of India. Both have their own prestigious existence. Any attempt by one tradition to show itself higher than the other will only generate hatred and ill will between the two. Hence such a thing should not be done in the future and both traditions should be accorded equal respect and esteem. 3. Anybody can attain a high position in the society by doing good deeds. One becomes a low (person in society) if one does evil deeds. Hence anybody can-by doing good deeds and removing the defilements such as passion, anger, arrogance, ignorance, greed, jealousy and ego-attain a high position in society and enjoy peace and happiness. We agree on all the three things mentioned above and wish that all the people of India from all the traditions should have cordial relations and the neighbouring countries should also have friendly relations with India
Buddhism is great than Hinduism Hinduism has a cast and all cast has own rules . upper cast people always dominant lower cast they don't accept that people That's why Hinduism left lots of people . Buddhism has no cast every one is same no
तो हम इस बात को साधारण था से कह सकते हैं कि भगवान गौतम बुद्ध और बौद्धों ने मात्र वैदिक ज्ञान को ही जोकि उपनिषदों में वर्णित है- अपनाया और आगे बढ़ाया लेकिन, सरल भाषा में जैसे कि पाली अथवा प्राकृत! उन्होंने कुरीतियों को खत्म किया, पुरानी परंपराओं का पुनर्प्रयोग,
Evolution of different Sampradaya is not old to Hinduism.Sankya,Yoga,Pancharatra,Pashupata were different philosophies already existent during Mahaabharata.Some of them were completely aligned with Vedas,Whereas,others differed on few aspects.There is wide debate over form of Aatma described in Buddhism.Its very difficult to come to concluson whether Buddha himself propounded the philosophy or others.
What about Budhh's point of view about Murtipuja(मूर्तीपूजा) & Yadnya (यज्ञ) in history and There are Two Parts In the Darshan-Shastra 1) Astik Darshan 2) Nastik Darshan Boudhh, Jain & Charvak Darshan are count in Nastik Darshan, Explain about it.
Every Cells , thoughts and Root knowledge of of Gautam Buddha, Nanak and all Sikh Gurus, Jain and all others was practical application in local languages about the same teachings of Sanatan Vedic Dharma only.
All the dalits and Mahadalits, SC, ST, obc must consider themselves Hindu.we must accept that Hindu is comprised of all persons who live in Hindustan just as Chinese are to China
Then appoint people from SC, ST, OBC community as head priest of at least 50% temples including major temples like kedarnath, jagannat puri, kashi vishweshwara etc.
Hinduism never existed. People from other parts of world called us names. Our culture and traditions vary across the nation, even if the backbone is same.
एक भीमटा यहां कमेंट में बक रहा है की आदि शंकराचार्य पहले बौद्ध थे। दुसरा वाक मल पसार रहा है श्रमण वि. ब्रम्हन। डोनिजर के इस विषय मे मत है; There was such constant interaction between Vedism and Buddhism in the early period that it is fruitless to attempt to sort out the earlier source of many doctrines, they lived in one another's pockets, like Picasso and Braque (who, in later years, were unable to say which of them had painted certain paintings from their earlier, shared period). Wendy D. O'Flaherty (1980), Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions, University of California Press, pp. xvii-xviii डोनिजर को कोई हिंदुओं के प्रती सहानभुती का भाव धारणाहार नही कहेगा।
I respect all the religions, having said that when you try to validate Buddha Dharma is anyway a kind of branch of Hindu dharma is totally subjective, and references that you put forward is quite substandard logic. You seem like highly learned and academic but not so...
जय जय श्री कृष्ण! पूरी के शंकराचार्य स्वामी निश्चलानंद जी ने कहा है कि गौतम बुद्ध असली बुद्ध नहीं हैं। एक अन्य बुद्ध हुए हैं, जो ब्राह्मण कुल में जन्मे थे औऱ वही बुद्धावतार के असली बुद्ध हैं। दूसरी बात। गौतम बुद्ध भी हिन्दू परिवार में जन्मे, पढ़े लिखे। फिर भी पागल हो कर, भटक भटक कर एक नया नाम से और सनातन धर्म से हट कर नये नियमों को बनाकर प्रचार करने की क्या आवश्यकता थी? क्या ऐसा करके उन्होंने स्वयं भगवान द्वारा स्थापित धर्म का द्रोह नहीं किया? यह तो भगवान का अपराध है। वह भगवत गीता और भागवत महापुराण का अध्ययन और अभ्यास करके भगवान की प्राप्ति की साधना क्यों नहीं किये? ऐसा कोई प्रश्न नहीं है, जिसका उत्तर सनातन धर्म में न हो। फिर क्यों आत्म कल्याण नहीं किये और भटक कर नया काम किये? लोग कहते हैं कि वह तपस्या करके बुद्ध बने। मैं जानता हूं कि उन्हें भगवान की प्राप्ति नहीं हुई है। कारण यह है कि वह उन तीनों योग मार्गों का अभ्यास नहीं किये जो गीता में भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने बताया है।
Joint Communiqué by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Satya Narayan Goenkaji. The Maha Bodhi Society Office, Sarnath, Varanasi. 3:30 p.m., 11 November 1999 This joint communiqué is being issued after the cordial talk between Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Guruji Shri Satyanarayana Goenkaji. Both agree and wish that there should be harmonious and friendly relations between both ancient (the Vedic and the Ṣramana) traditions. If there has been any misconception in this matter in the minds of the people of the neighbouring countries, it should be removed at the earliest. The following was agreed: 1. Due to whatever reason some literature was written (in India) in the past in which the Buddha was declared to be a reincarnation of Vishnu and various things were written about him. This was very unpleasant to the neighbouring countries. In order to foster friendlier ties between the two communities we decide that whatever has happened in the past (cannot be undone, but) should be forgotten and such beliefs should not be propagated. 2. A misconception has spread in the neighbouring countries that the Hindu society of India is organising such conferences to prove its dominance over the followers of the Buddha. To forever remove this misconception we declare that both Vedic and Ṣramana traditions are ancient traditions of India. Both have their own prestigious existence. Any attempt by one tradition to show itself higher than the other will only generate hatred and ill will between the two. Hence such a thing should not be done in the future and both traditions should be accorded equal respect and esteem. 3. Anybody can attain a high position in the society by doing good deeds. One becomes a low (person in society) if one does evil deeds. Hence anybody can-by doing good deeds and removing the defilements such as passion, anger, arrogance, ignorance, greed, jealousy and ego-attain a high position in society and enjoy peace and happiness. We agree on all the three things mentioned above and wish that all the people of India from all the traditions should have cordial relations and the neighbouring countries should also have friendly relations with India
शंकर शरण जी आपने बहुत सरल तरीके से हिंदू धर्म और बुद्ध धर्म बारे में फैली भ्रांतियां दूर करने के लिए आपका बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद। 🙏🙏
धार्मिक अंतर्विरोध को बहुत सहज और सरल तरीके से एकीकृत करते हुए सुंदर व तार्किक प्रमाण दिया आपने। सादर प्रणाम।
हिन्दु , बौध्द , जैन , शिख , ------- भारतकी
मिट्टीसे जन्मे यहाके सारे धर्म , पंत संम्प्रदाय को जानने वाले भावने वाले और जिने वाले सभि लोग " भाहिन्द ! " है ।
जय भाहिन्द !
जय हिन्द भारति !!
Goutam Buddha emphasized gyan yoga. He only did not practice the rituals to alert prople that some may take advantage of the common devotee if he/she only performs rituals without the proper understanding(for those more inclined towards gyan yoga) of or knowing the proper intention behind the rituals(for those more inclined towards bhakti yoga). There are many example of Him trying to bring this into peoples lives. He reminded all the that, like the Upanishads, the path of knowing the one true reality(mukti/ nirvana) , is the goal. Performing rituals is one of many ways for attaining/ realizing that. People can follow gyan , bhakti or karma yog or any combination of the three or only meditation to attain the True self, according to there disposition. This is not like any religion, where not performing some certain acts leads to punishment. This realization that we are always looking for the ultimate truth, and all our rituals were prescribed by realized beings, according to a person"s innate tendencies so that we may attain that which is beyond words, needs to return to us. All rituals are not needed for every person. Which rituals are needed for a particular seeker would be prescribed to them by there guru, or some mahatmas are born with this knowledge. Gautam Buddha saw that ignorance about the meaning of the vast amount of rituals could cause great harm to Sanaatan dharma, thus he emphasized knowledge and meditation, which I might add is the way of our yogies and the basis of Upanishadic traditions. I don't think any disagreement between Sanaatan dharma and Buddhism could ever exist.The Buddists have enriched Buddhas teachings throughout the century , and we should respect that as we respect the works of Shankaracharya's followers or Shree Ramkrishna's followers. Thank you for listening to me. Namaskar!
You are right. But there are people who with selfish motive distorts. We must act to stop them by knowledge
But Buddhist are mentioned as demons in Vedas.😡😡😡
@@maichyang2912 give proof
If bhudha didn't changed his religion then what's dharma chakra parivartan means?
@@maichyang2912 sorry, my friend.....in Vedas NOWHERE even one comment mentioned on Buddhism or any Religion, for that matter.
Yes, Vivekananda's whole speech was on Buddha and it was his speech on Buddha teachings and doctrine at world religious conference got applauds.
Hinduism aapne padha hai. Budhhisim mai hinduism se hi jyadatar baate li gayi hain
@@sunilbaluni5333 chutiya spotted...apne dharm se kaam rakh...humlogo ke religion ko Hinduism se connect mat kar...proud to be a Buddhist
@@sunilbaluni5333 Budha ne kah ki bhagwan nhi hote ar khud ko bhagwan nhi bola hai ar jiwan 8 satya diye ye basic difference hai Hinduism ar budhism mai
hinduism apni jgh alg hai ar budhism apni jgh dono hi kch na kch sikhate hai isliye dono ko alg rkhna chahiye jise jo acha lge vo mano
mai holi diwali raksha bandhan sare festival bnata hu
@@Indra-md4on another west chutiya spotted.....sanatan dharm is the same we r all sanatani but we hv diff panth to attain brahman some r vedic hindu some r buddhist or jain.....all in all our singular identity is indian santani where broad ideology is same but only core philosophy is diff
@@Indra-md4on Buddh was Hindu by birth
यह बहुत दुखद है कि इस तरह की विडियोज को बहुत कम लोग देख रहे हैं।
Srijan foundation बहुत अच्छा काम कर रही है आपकी समस्त टीम को बहुत बहुत साधुवाद
This video is by Centre for Indic Studies. And the reach of this video depends upon people like you. Spread it as far and wide as possible.
दोनों अलग अलग धर्म है
Centre for Indic Studies sorry sir
Sir मेरी एक humble request है, महात्मा गाँधी पर बहुत debate हो रही है, मेरे बहुत दोस्त गोडसे को आदर्श मानते हैँ और गाँधी जी को खलनायक. एक वीडियो इस विषय पर भी बनाएं. अगर आपका कोई फेसबुक पेज है वह भी बताएं. Gratitude
Parveen Sharma वो आप की सोच के विपरीत हो जाएगा इसलिए आप रहने दीजिए। यहाँ पर ओपिनियन नहीं तथ्य रखे जाते हैं।
Video me koi sachai Nahi he
आज के बौद्ध देश भी हिन्दू रीतियों से राज्याभिषेक होता है। राजा को श्रीहरि का रूप माना जाता है। कम्पुचिया को देख लीजिये। यह भारत की गंदी राजनीति जो उन्हे अलग बताती रही है।
Bharat Ki Gandi Rajniti Unhe Alag Nahi Banati .....Wo Murkh Khud Se Alag Hona Chahte Hain
@@Explore_with_jugal jab South-East Asian countries me Hinduism, Budhhism, Shintoism etc. Ke traditional Assimilation ke baare me kuch pata hi nahin, tab bakar bakar kam karo.
@@indianatheist781 Haan.....Naam ke peeche "atheist" Laga rakhha Hain.....baas ek hi excuse me, world me Hinduism & buddhism ki Historical, cross-cultural Assimilation ki Historical information ke vi virodh karna Hain.....tumhe to galat Lage GA hi bhai.
बहुत ही सार्थक विषय है sir .. इस विषय चर्चा होती रहनी चाईए ..सबसे ज्यादा खतरा नव बोधवदियों से है.🙏🙏
Kaisa khatara????
इस थीसिस को सुनकर भी मानसिक दलितों मानसिक कुंठितो का कोई उपचार नही होगा।
सबमें रब और रब में राम ।जैन बौद्ध हिन्दू सिखों का एक सोर्स है यह मातृभूमि ।
आदरणीय शरणजी, आपके चैनल से परिचय अभी हुआ। वैसे प्रवक्ता. काम पर भी आपके लेखन से परिचित हुआ हूँ। आप विषयों को विस्तृत रूप से व्याख्यायित करते हैं, उसके लिए साधुवाद। पर एक बात कहने की अनुमति चाहूँगा, एस धम्मो सनंतनो बुद्ध द्वारा कहे गए इस वचन पर। बुद्ध ने इसे किसी पूर्व में कहे गए या स्थापित किए गए संस्थागत धर्म से नहीं जोड़ा था बल्कि एक शाश्वत कथन का उल्लेख किया था कि धर्म एक सनातन तत्व है या यूं कहें कि ऐसा ही सनातन तत्व धर्म है। हमारी सनातन धर्म परंपरा जो कि संस्था का रुप ले चुकी है, वह भी इस चिंतन से युक्त है। आपका कहना सही है कि बुद्ध ने किसी नवीन चिंतन को जन्म नहीं दिया, परंतु नवीन दृष्टि जरुर दी। उनके द्वारा कहे गए आर्य सत्य कहीं न कहीं उपनिषदों में मिल ही जाते हैं। ओशो की दृष्टि इस संबंध में उल्लेख आपसे अपेक्षित थि क्योंकि कि आपने जग्गी वासुदेव जो सदगुरु नाम से जाने जाते हैं का उल्लेख किया। धम्म पद पर ओशो के प्रवचन जो कि बारह खंडों में प्रकाशित है, उसका भी अवगाहन करना उचित होगा।
पुनः धन्यवाद, आपके चैनल को मैंने सब्सक्राइब कर दिया है।
महाशय अब समय आ चुका है कि हम सब अपने हिन्दू समाज को जागरूक करे और शिक्षित भी करें अब हमारे ही समाज के लोगों को भड़काया जाता है।
अरे चोटी धारी तुझे पता है कि नहीं हिन्दू नाम का कोई धर्म नहीं है । अबे तुम खुद अपने आप को हिन्दू नहीं कहते और दुसरे लोगों को हिन्दू कहता है हरामी
बहुत ही विस्तार पूर्वक और सटीक विचार आपले रखे है सत्ते की जय हो धर्म की जय हो अधर्म का नाश हो👏👏👏⛳⛳⛳
We cannot interpret hinduism only in the way it exists in vedas/ upnishads... but in practice too. When Ambedkar "gave up" hinduism, he was opting out of caste system - where dalits were being opressed in the name of dharma. Ofcourse the system of inheriting caste as a result of being born in a certain family never existed in hinduism (in original/purest form) but it was developed by some hindus for their political ends. One can argue that if Ambedka understood the 'Hindu or Sanatan dharam' , he would have opposed the system of assigning caste-by birth but I'm not sure if that message would be understood by masses and whether it would stop people from believing in the caste hierarchy.
Brother have u ever read his book where he mentioned abt Thanjavur Plan of Britishers ? No! Then read it . BRA had gone to Britian and read archives there where he get to know that This caste system was Imposed wisely by British itself
कास्ट सिस्टम किसने बनाया?
अंग्रेजो जब व्यापार करने आए तो हमने उनको स्वीकारा l किन्तु जब उन्होंने लोगों को मुर्ख बनाकर लूटना शुरू किया तो 1750 से सन्यासी को लेकर 1857 मे वीरों ने स्वतंत्र संग्राम किया l अंग्रेजों पार्लियामेंट मे इसकी गहन चर्चा करके डिवाइड एंड रूल को गहरा करके राजनीतिक तैयार करी l
इसके अंतर्गत उन्होंने
हर्बर्ट होप रिस्ली नामक अंग्रेज को भारत के समाज को तोड़ने भेजा l और साथ मे अपने गुलाम मानसिक ता वाले भारतीय एजेंट ओ को तैयार किया l
रिस्ली ने दो थ्योरी बनाई
1. आर्यन और द्रविड़ जाति के साथ-साथ सात जातियों में विभाजित करने के लिए एक नाक की चौड़ाई के अनुपात का उपयोग किया। किन्तु सफल ना हुए l
2. कास्ट सिस्टम l 1 ला वाला सफल ना होने पर, रिस्ली ने पुर्तगाल वालीं कास्ट सिस्टम का उपयोग किया l रिस्ली ने हरएक समाज को कास्ट मे डाल ने का प्रयास किया l लोगों ने इसका विरोध किया l किन्तु अंग्रेजो ने शान्ति पूर्वक यह प्रयोग चालु रखा l इसमे अंग्रेजो के भारतीय एजेंट ओ ने गद्दारी का काम किया l और लोगों को समझाया की यह पिछड़े लोगों को सहाय देने हो रहा है l लोग शांत होने लगे तो उसको कानून के अंतर्गत लाने लगे l किन्तु यह भी ज्यादा सफल ना हो पाया l अंग्रेज तो आधा बनाकर भाग गए l जिसको हम मजबूरी मे खींच रहे हैं l
अब इसकी बात क्यों???
क्यो की आज भी यह देश को तोड़ के बर्बादी की और ले जा रहा है l
आज भी देश को तोड़ने वाले कास्ट सिस्टम पर भ्रमित बात करते हैं l कभी इसको वर्ण व्यवस्था से, कभी जाति से, समाज से, कार्य से जुड़ते रहते हैं l जो जूठा है l
कुछ महीनों पहले, लॉस एंजिल्स के बुद्ध टेंपल मे दौरा किया तब वहाँ की एक किताब मे लिखा था की बुद्ध ने इंडिया मे कास्ट सिस्टम को दूर करने के लिए प्रयास किए l मैंने एक बुद्ध साधु से इस जूठ को दूर करने का प्रयास किया किन्तु विफल रहा तो मैंने एक ही प्रश्न किया की क्या बुद्ध का जन्म अंग्रेजों के भारत आने के बाद हुआ था? वो चुप होकर कहने लगा की जिसने किताब लिखी है उससे बात करे l और वो निकल लिया l
थोड़े दिन पहले अमेरिका मे फ़िर से चर्चा हो रही है की देखो भारत मे कैसे कास्ट सिस्टम हो रहा है l और इसपर जूठ चलाया जा रहा है l
इस आर्टिकल लिखने का तात्पर्य है कि देशवासियों को सतर्क करना की देश को तोड़ कर बर्बाद करने के लिए किस दिशा में प्रयास हो रहा है l
मुजे कोई आपत्ति नहीं देश फिर से गुलाम हो जाय l किन्तु हमने इतिहास मे देखा है की गुलाम बनने से ना अस्मिता बचती है, ना सम्पत्ति, ना सन्मान l
किन्तु यह बात फिर से क्यों?
क्योंकि देश को लूट कर भागने वाले लोग देख रहे हैं की भारत फिर से समृद्धिदायक बन रहा है l तो इसको फिर से कैसे लूटे?
और हमारे जैसे कई लोग सोचते है की इस से कैसे बचाया जाए?
- जय हिंद l
@@pinakinzaveri4563 Joint Communiqué by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Satya Narayan Goenkaji.
The Maha Bodhi Society Office, Sarnath, Varanasi. 3:30 p.m., 11 November 1999
This joint communiqué is being issued after the cordial talk between Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Guruji Shri Satyanarayana Goenkaji.
Both agree and wish that there should be harmonious and friendly relations between both ancient (the Vedic and the Ṣramana) traditions. If there has been any misconception in this matter in the minds of the people of the neighbouring countries, it should be removed at the earliest.
The following was agreed:
1. Due to whatever reason some literature was written (in India) in the past in which the Buddha was declared to be a reincarnation of Vishnu and various things were written about him. This was very unpleasant to the neighbouring countries. In order to foster friendlier ties between the two communities we decide that whatever has happened in the past (cannot be undone, but) should be forgotten and such beliefs should not be propagated.
2. A misconception has spread in the neighbouring countries that the Hindu society of India is organising such conferences to prove its dominance over the followers of the Buddha. To forever remove this misconception we declare that both Vedic and Ṣramana traditions are ancient traditions of India. Both have their own prestigious existence. Any attempt by one tradition to show itself higher than the other will only generate hatred and ill will between the two. Hence such a thing should not be done in the future and both traditions should be accorded equal respect and esteem.
3. Anybody can attain a high position in the society by doing good deeds. One becomes a low (person in society) if one does evil deeds. Hence anybody can-by doing good deeds and removing the defilements such as passion, anger, arrogance, ignorance, greed, jealousy and ego-attain a high position in society and enjoy peace and happiness.
We agree on all the three things mentioned above and wish that all the people of India from all the traditions should have cordial relations and the neighbouring countries should also have friendly relations with India
@@sanilyadav1450 Tell me, please....is there any joint Hindu-Buddha cultural Assimilation & harmony enhancing Online society or platform, anywhere on YT, FB, WHATAPP etc.....where I can contact with fellow learned & enlightened frnds from both Faiths of our country/outside, & get enlightened?? I m a hindu from Kolkata, India.....a Vivekananda mission student of 2010 batch---- don't even care abt own caste.
यही नवबौद्ध,पेरियारवादी,वामपंथी बौद्धिक आंतकवादी विचारधारा हमारे देश और धर्म दोनों ही के लिए सबसे बड़ी चुनौती है।
Is budhism defferent from Hinduism? Just ask core belief system in budhism is different from Hinduism such as rebirth., dharma moksha etc
It is not true
You don't know anything
Yes it's different from Hinduism it's teachings and way all are completely different from Hinduism
@@avinashjassu5236 hinduism what?? You should speak on philosophy like samkhya , nyaya , vedant etc
वैदिक एक सिविलिसशन यानी सभ्यता है, जिसमे बहुत सारे ऋषिमुनि हो गए और जिसकी जैसी पात्रता वैसे अध्यन हुआ। जिसमें सिद्धार्थ भी थे, उन्होंने भी सभी वैदिक और योगिक अभ्यास किया और प्रमाण दिया कि, बुद्धि सभी को एकसमान है पर उसकी कई अलग स्वभाव है जिसे बुद्ध या बोध कहा जाता है। बुद्ध ये शुरुवाती प्रक्रिया है धर्म को जानने की। इसका लाभ लेना होगा, जो लाभः नही ले पाते वो कुछ न कुछ कहते ही रहते है। चर्चा कम हो अध्यन ज्यादा। धन्यवादजी।
Pandit Nehru vote bank ke liye tha.
शंकरजी बहुत ही सार्थक बातें बताई कृपया ऐसे ही सिक्खों को समझाइये कि वे अपने मूल सनातन धर्मबलम्भी ही है सिक्ख कोई अलग धर्म नहीं है।
अरे जाहिल शुद्र तुझे कुछ नहीं पता मुंह बंद रख जाहिल
पंथ बनाना होता तो , आदि जगदगुरू शंकराचार्य भी बनाने सकते थे।
@@indianatheist781 Sabit kro
@@arunyagyvalkya tumhare adi शकर्या me dharm bnane Ka dam Nahi he or me sabit bhi Kar Sakta hu
@@indianatheist781 ye batao Dharm or panth me antar kya hai
काश!कि सभी लोग पूर्वाग्रह से मुक्त होकर आत्म चिंतन करें एवं अपना अध्ययन बढ़ाएँ ।
Joint Communiqué by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Satya Narayan Goenkaji.
The Maha Bodhi Society Office, Sarnath, Varanasi. 3:30 p.m., 11 November 1999
This joint communiqué is being issued after the cordial talk between Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Guruji Shri Satyanarayana Goenkaji.
Both agree and wish that there should be harmonious and friendly relations between both ancient (the Vedic and the Ṣramana) traditions. If there has been any misconception in this matter in the minds of the people of the neighbouring countries, it should be removed at the earliest.
The following was agreed:
1. Due to whatever reason some literature was written (in India) in the past in which the Buddha was declared to be a reincarnation of Vishnu and various things were written about him. This was very unpleasant to the neighbouring countries. In order to foster friendlier ties between the two communities we decide that whatever has happened in the past (cannot be undone, but) should be forgotten and such beliefs should not be propagated.
2. A misconception has spread in the neighbouring countries that the Hindu society of India is organising such conferences to prove its dominance over the followers of the Buddha. To forever remove this misconception we declare that both Vedic and Ṣramana traditions are ancient traditions of India. Both have their own prestigious existence. Any attempt by one tradition to show itself higher than the other will only generate hatred and ill will between the two. Hence such a thing should not be done in the future and both traditions should be accorded equal respect and esteem.
3. Anybody can attain a high position in the society by doing good deeds. One becomes a low (person in society) if one does evil deeds. Hence anybody can-by doing good deeds and removing the defilements such as passion, anger, arrogance, ignorance, greed, jealousy and ego-attain a high position in society and enjoy peace and happiness.
We agree on all the three things mentioned above and wish that all the people of India from all the traditions should have cordial relations and the neighbouring countries should also have friendly relations with India
हमने आपका दो वर्ष पुराना निबन्ध भाषण को आज यूटूब पर सुना,जिसके विषय थे- "क्या भारत को हिन्दू राष्ट्र बने रहना चाहिए?"-- "वैदिक और बौद्ध धर्म "' इस पर आपका एक अत्यन्त सराहनीय एवं सार गर्भित सन्तुलित ओजस्वी आत्मबल प्रदान करने वाला निबन्ध मेरे द्वारा सुना गया । मैं समय-समय पर दैनिक जागरण में निकलने वाला आपके प्रायः सभी निबन्धों को पढता अवश्य ही पढता हूँ । आप सम्भवतः वर्धा विश्वविद्यालय में भारतीय राजनीति के प्रोफेसर रहे हैं। इस के साथ ही आप वैदिक सनातन संस्कृति और सभ्यता के पुनरुत्थान के लिए सतत सङ्घर्षरत हैं तथा इसके तार्किक समीक्षक भी दृष्टिगोचर होते हैं। कृपया आपकी इच्छा हो तो अपना मोबाइल नम्बर भेजें, जिससे आपसे सम्भाषण कर सनातन धर्म को वैश्विक स्तर पर पुनः प्रतिष्ठित करने का कार्य किया जा सके।
Kindly read the books written by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.. I would like to suggest you one of the book " Annihilation of Caste".. You wil get maximum clearance.And also read the Buddha & Dhama"
I know right it's wrong to say that buddism is a branch of Hinduism but you have to agree on it that it has the same core I wish all our desi religion get united I don't mean as one religion but just to celebrate their shared philosophy..and yes I grant you mistakes were made about the castism and shit but it was everywhere around the globe it was more of a economic and political oppression but in India religion and economic status were interlinked...but it's never mentioned in our core texts and things are getting better 🙏
I will advise you not to dwell in past but see what's happening now the caste issues are getting better and better and hopefully we will get away from this kalank one day
Try to read Tripithak🙏
Asthangmarga buddha dharm se kaha se aaya
सरजी आपके ज्ञान को प्रणाम।
मय मानता हूं की हमे यह मान कर चलना चाहिय की बुद्ध के विचारो पर उपनिषिध का प्रभाव है।
आगे हम सब को यह भी मानना चाहिय की बुध्द के विचार सब के प्रति लाभदायक थे।
Mgr buddh ke samay me Buddh marg sirf Kshatriya aur Brahmin ke liye tha aur ye khud buddh kehte the yha tak ki mahilao ke liye bhi nhi tha allowed buddh marg
चरण स्पर्श सर👏🌹
सर, आपने तो "गागर में सागर" वाली दिव्य-दृष्टिकोण से चिर-परिचित करायें और एक वस्तुनिष्ठ शोधकर्ताओं के लिए शोध हेतु मार्गदर्शन किये जो क़ाबिले-तारीफ़ है...सर को पुनः कोटि-कोटि नमन✍️🙏🌹
Shankar Sharan ji KO Naman 🙏. Marvellous Discourse.
Spread vedic civilization and culture all over the world.
Yes I will
Left Liberals :
1)Hindu-Muslim Bhai bhai . Hinduism is same as Abhramic.☺
HYPOCRISY -2) Hindu Buddhist are different 😡
How dare u to say that they r one . They both r different religions despite Gautam Buddha was a Hindu and born in India he is a foreigner he is a non Hindu 😡😡
Hhosyaar Buddhist ho toh samaj jao.
Logic of Liberals and Historians : foreign relgions are same as Hinduism and Santana Dharmics are different from each other.
Fir yeh liberals hume bolte ki nafrat mat fhailao😂
Your video really makes sense Sir...... 🙏 Long Live Ambedkar Buddhism & India❤
गौतम बुद्ध जी भी समाज में भिक्षा मांगते थे।
यह कई अन्य धर्म के समाजों में बहुत कठिन होता।
सहिष्णुता भारतीय समाज का विशेष गुण है।
Pls provide subtitle or an english translation to share amongst non Hindi audience
सनातन धर्म की शाखाएं बौद्ध, जैन, सिख है।
Congress demarcated us. Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhism & Jainism is all the same.
Yo ek no.ka chutiya hai Namo Buddha.
@@Arunkumar-wn3hk murk to tum or Tumhara Ambedakar , Jo ye bhi nhi jante Goutam koun tha, boddha kaha se peda huye, inke granth kisne likhe, ye to pata Kar le pahle,
मै आप के बात से बिल्कुल सहमत हूं
There are many buddh people in india still now like sadhguru.....and about many in past like raman maharishi ,ramkrishna,vivekanand
Unite all indic religion for protection of nature, humanity and nation.
🙏 Namo BUDDHAYA. Truth is Out there about Buddha n His Wisdom. Still yet to come.. N will b.
To maintain unity in the protection of our nation we must follow our traditions in common way in order to keep country united. United we stand, divided we fall
Sahi bola aapne
Despite terminal differences, I found Buddhist and Advaitin Vedantist have no differences in core.
ज्ञान प्राप्ति का एक मात्र साधन है ।
और ज्ञान से ईश्वरत्व को प्राप्त करना ही
मनुष्यता परम लक्ष्य होता है ,
होता आया है ,
होता रहेगा।
परंतु जब मनुष्य ज्ञान प्राप्त करके
परम लक्ष्य प्राप्त किए बिना ,
उच्च लक्ष्य पर स्थिर हो जाते हैं ,
तब मनुष्यलोक में जो अधर्म प्रकट होता है ,
वह मनुष्य को राक्षस बनाता है ।
इसके उदाहरण हम पौराणिक कथाओं में ,
देखते सुनते आए हैं।
धर्म की दो ही स्थितियाँ हैं
धर्म में अज्ञानता
और धर्म में ज्ञान
इससे उलट भी रखा जा सकता है
अज्ञानता से धर्म
और ज्ञान से धर्म ।
वर्तमान काल अज्ञानता से धर्म
या अज्ञानता में धर्म का दर्शन है।
अगर हम महाभारत काल को देखें
तब उस काल में
धर्म से ज्ञान की पराकाष्ठा थी ।
मनुष्य ने धर्म के सहारे
प्रकृति को हराकर
प्रकृति के नियम को तोड़कर
आयु के ऊपर विजय प्राप्त कर ली थी ।
परिणामस्वरूप ईश्वर को स्वयं प्रकट होकर
प्रकृति का संरक्षण करना पड़ा ।
भीष्म पितामह ने धर्म के सहारे
आयु पर विजय प्राप्त कर प्रकृति को हरा दिया ।
भीष्म पितामह चाहते तो
ईश्वरत्व प्राप्त करके मोक्ष जा सकते थे ।
इस महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद
विवेचन अत्यंत सुंदर है। दार्शनिक दृष्टीसे कोई व्यक्ती दोनों मतों का परिशीलन नहीं करता इसी कारण भिन्नता दिखाई देती है।
गीता आध्यात्मिक ग्रंथ है गीता में यथार्थ ,तत्व और ब्रह्म ज्ञान समाहित है गीता स्वयं ईश्वर की वाणी है इसीलिए सृष्टि पर एक मात्र गीता परम दिव्य परम रहस्यमई ग्रंथ है ।
The principle of Buddha Dhamma is to have equality in human beings, to practice it to liberate oneself from dukha or suffering n lead to happiness I.e., nirvana and Buddha said attahi attano Nath self is the protector of oneself n there is no other to purify n protect ur sin.
Tumhe dhoke me rakha gya hai tumhe khud se research karne ki jaroorat hai buddh marg keval Brahmin aur Kshatriyo ke liye tha buddha ke samay se aur buddh ne pehle se aa rhi samajik niyam par hi chalne ka salah diya
Sanatan Dharma ki jai 🙏
Sikhism, Jainism also being termed as separate religions these days. These were considered panth or darshans. This has happened only in last 20 - 30 years.
You are right. But there are people who with selfish motive distorts. We must act to stop them by knowledge
Goutam Budh ne hamesha swayam ki Sanatan dharma ka anuyayi kaha hai
Sader pranam. Aapne mujhe dhanya kar diya. Ye prashn mujhe hamesha bechain karta tha. Aapka gyan adbudh hai.
Sir, hats off to your knowledge. And huge respect for all the effort you put into making it so easily understandable to common people. Thank you
गीता में सब ज्ञान दिया है, यही से फैला है।
Geeta ka gyan Upanishado se aaya he
Gita is summary of Upanishad.
@@milindsonkamble4661 👎👎
buddhism and Hinduism love 🚩☸🕉
अति सुंदर संग्रह
Is this lecture available in English? I don't see any subtitles.
I proud to be a Buddhist✨❤
Buddhism destroyed India. Yes, you should be proud.
@@me.atul10 fir chalu ho gye apas me ladai krne...ab bol hi dia hai to bta bhi do kaise
@@me.atul10 Sharma jo swarajya samhinta dekho loksabha tv me
When I follow his teachings fells buddhist....When I follow our सनातन संस्कृति i feel sanatani ....All hinduism...Budhiman came from that only...🙏
I also respect Buddhism. Islam is the only religion which is against Humanity.
Hinduism aur buddhism do alag dharaein hai jo kabhi saath nahi aa sake hain yahi satya hai. Bharat mein buddhism ke disappearance mein Manuvaadiyon ka hi haath raha hai. Ab thugvidya kaam nahi aayegi chahe kitne bhi prayas kar lo, samay badal chuka hai.
According to Buddhist teachings, Shakyamuni described Gods and goddesses are super being who live in Godly realm( devlok).Devas became devas because of their Karmic results or punyas.Devas are also lured and comfortable with their luxurious life style and do not allow human being to attend Nirvana or to become someone like Buddha.On the other hand, Buddha was born infinitely, there were many Buddhas before historical Shakyamuni Buddha. He is the oldest and wisest of all in the whole universe.It takes millions of years for Buddha to come to earth and teach Dhamma to all sentient beings.
Buddhist sees Gods as super beings and nothing more. Buddhists also believe there is no permanent soul(Atman).Buddhists strongly believe in Anitya or impermanence.There is a vast differences in philosophy on Sunayta between Hinduism and Buddha dhamma.
Buddhist do not believe Shakyamuni Buddha as a reincarnation of Hindu god Vishnu or neither he was a Hindu.There was no Hinduism in the time of Shakyamuni.The word Hindu derived from the Greek name given to people from Indus valley. Shakyamuni was Shramana. There is difference between Shraman and Brahmin.
Also Shakyamuni strongly opposed caste system and Brahminism which became one of the core reason for Brahmins to oppose Buddhists and Buddha dhamma in the sub-continent until this day and age,
How is it any different from what is being said in Upanishads which were written Prior to Bhagwan Budhha, also the concept of religion as we understand it today is not Indian, we Indians had different traditions (almost all of them talked about "Bhram")
Ur speech and knowledge is really very very deep. Sankhya yog and Teaching of Buddha both are also same. Thanks for shareing Ur valuable knowledge sir🙏
Kash NCERT bhi hamee yahi sikhati :(
Sikhaya n kii mugal achhe h, congress achhe h, afghan hamlawar achha g
Mahatvpoorn video...
अंबेडकर को अंबेडकर बनाने वाले भी दोषी है नही तो जोगिंदर मंडल जैसे खत्म होगया वैसे अम्बेडकर भी खत्म हो जाते नेहरू कोसिस भी किये लेकिन हम कभी जागरूक नही रहे
When someone follow buddhism then you shouldnt question because he is in buddhism.
Sir ncert and Indian history research council se left-wing ko out karo ye tabhi hoga
The more i listen to such speakers, the more i like Buddhism.
मैं भी भाई, ये आरएसएस से सम्बन्ध रखते है।
@@Mohit_Agno Yes, 2 seperate Faiths, means individual.... BUT ALWAYS culturally assimilating, adopting frm each other, developing together. NOT segregated, envious, RIVALS....as today's various Pseudo-secular groups & Lobbies with their vested interest etc. r hell- bent to incite society of India....& Yes, it ONLY happens in India, other buddhists countries won't even give them a scope. I hail from inter-religious family.... Mother & maternal ancestry Mahajana budhhist, from Singapore.....I know da Truth of cultural Assimilation of both Faiths.... exchange from Buddhism to Indian Hinduism
@@Mohit_Agno acha Dum' boi 😂😂 what a loser ...!
@@Mohit_Agno Jab sach pacha na sako toh sabko rss wadi declare kar do besaq uss vekti ka rss se koi relation na ho tab bhi isse pta chalta bheetar se kitne insecure ho uneducated ho aur pakhandi ho aur aaj tak tum jaise logo ne sirf jhoot failaya hai
शंकर शरण जी को सत सत नमन .......
आप बहुत अच्छा काम कर रहे है .........
Save Hinduism.
Lekin aab samay aagaya hain ki SANTAN DHARAM aapna Copy Right karen aur Duniya me isko failayen
बहुत ही लाभकारी।
Ap prbudh h gurudev apko koti koti naman bandan
FYI, Dr ambedkar said the history of india is battle between brahminism and buddhism. Also ambedkar said he will never die as a hindu.
Brahminism does not mean Hinduism.
Yes Brahmin superiority is a bad thing
But why everyone automatically starts bashing Hinduism in the name of brahminism.
Baba saheb Ambedkar said so because he thought that Hindus will never change if they didn't discard the case system
But you can see things are changing except TN and up and some other states
This caste system situation is gradually changing
Even many of my hindu relatives have slowly started accepting inter caste marriages as normal
I hope you will think about this and change your views about us
क्या वक्ता डाॅ शंकर शरन कृपया रेफरेंस दे सकते हैं कि किस पुस्तक, खंड, पद में तथागत बुद्ध ने अपने आप को भगवान श्री राम का वंशज एवं अवतार कहा हैं?
Shan Read dashratha jataka !
wo Shakya the to wo surya vanshi kshtriya the to wo Bhawan Ram ke vansaj hi the.
Hindu code bill made by Dr. Ambedkar for all sects, religion v Hindustani origin. It means he was agree not get detached from Hindu origin.
इस तुलनात्मक विवेचन के लिए आपको बधाई एवं धन्यवाद ।लेकिन संभवतः हिन्दू शब्द ऋग्वेद में भी आया है ।
आदरणीय श्री शरण की को सादर नमसते,सनातन आर्य वेद तर्क ,के अनुकूल जो मत पंथ विचार धारा है,उस को अनुकूल और प्रति कुल को प्रति कूल ही मानता है,वेद तीन को ( ईश्वर,आत्मा,प्रकृति,) अनादि और बौद्ध केवल ऐक" प्रकृति" को ही अनादि मानते है ,बौद्ध इज्म है धर्म नहीं,धर्म धारण करने और "मत ,मजहब,पंथ, सििख, रिलीजन" केवल विश्वास हेतु, इन सब के प्रोक्ष में महान,पहुंचे हुए,या,,( त था कथित) अवतार भी ज़रूर हो।
भगवान बुद्ध भगवान विष्णु के दसवें अवतार थे।
@@milindsonkamble4661 Abbe gaaandu kuch pta nhi toh has bhi mat
Tum gadhe Jo bhagwan ko mana hi nahin tum bhagwan ka use avtar bata rahe ho
@@karmbhumiindia7622 bhai maine yeh sunaa hai ishliye bta rha hu
@@anonymous-gh4tz Joint Communiqué by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Satya Narayan Goenkaji.
The Maha Bodhi Society Office, Sarnath, Varanasi. 3:30 p.m., 11 November 1999
This joint communiqué is being issued after the cordial talk between Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Guruji Shri Satyanarayana Goenkaji.
Both agree and wish that there should be harmonious and friendly relations between both ancient (the Vedic and the Ṣramana) traditions. If there has been any misconception in this matter in the minds of the people of the neighbouring countries, it should be removed at the earliest.
The following was agreed:
1. Due to whatever reason some literature was written (in India) in the past in which the Buddha was declared to be a reincarnation of Vishnu and various things were written about him. This was very unpleasant to the neighbouring countries. In order to foster friendlier ties between the two communities we decide that whatever has happened in the past (cannot be undone, but) should be forgotten and such beliefs should not be propagated.
2. A misconception has spread in the neighbouring countries that the Hindu society of India is organising such conferences to prove its dominance over the followers of the Buddha. To forever remove this misconception we declare that both Vedic and Ṣramana traditions are ancient traditions of India. Both have their own prestigious existence. Any attempt by one tradition to show itself higher than the other will only generate hatred and ill will between the two. Hence such a thing should not be done in the future and both traditions should be accorded equal respect and esteem.
3. Anybody can attain a high position in the society by doing good deeds. One becomes a low (person in society) if one does evil deeds. Hence anybody can-by doing good deeds and removing the defilements such as passion, anger, arrogance, ignorance, greed, jealousy and ego-attain a high position in society and enjoy peace and happiness.
We agree on all the three things mentioned above and wish that all the people of India from all the traditions should have cordial relations and the neighbouring countries should also have friendly relations with India
कम्युनिज्म में धर्म का कोई स्थान नहीँ अतः उनमे धार्मिक ज्ञान का अभाव स्वाभाविक है।धर्म उनके लिए वर्ग संघर्ष का एक बहाना हो सकता है। नेहरू जी का यूरोपीय शिक्षा तथा राजनीतिक ब्यस्तता के कारण भारतीय धर्म एवं दर्शन से पूर्ण परिचित न होना अथवा अज्ञान भी कोई आश्चर्य नहीं। आज अधिकांश हिन्दू भी अपने धर्म और दर्शन से अध्ययन के अभाव में अनभिज्ञ है। दलित एवं पिछड़ी जातियों को ब्राह्मणों के विरुद्ध भड़का कर तथा छद्म समानता का लोभ देकर संख्याबल से राजनीतिक सत्ता प्राप्त करने का संगठित वैश्विक खड़यंत्र चलाया जा रहा है। शिस्ट, सजग बेहतर तथ्योँ द्वारा अति सुंदर प्रस्तुति हेतु आप धन्यवादके पात्र हैं।
Budhdhist have a seperate identity
Yes seperate, means individual.... BUT always culturally assimilating, adopting Ideology frm each other, developing together. NOT segregated, envious, rivals of anyone....as today's various Pseudo-secular groups & Lobbies with their vested interest etc. r hell- bent to incite society of India....& Yes, it ONLY happens in India, other buddhists countries won't even give them a scope. I hail from inter-religious family.... Mother & maternal ancestry Mahajana budhhist, from Singapore.....I know da Truth of cultural Assimilation of both Faiths.... exchange from Buddhism to Indian Hinduism.
@@aritromunsi2445 Brother I find your comments highly motivating, some people are here trying to prove how Buddhism is better Hinduism and vice versa, what they do not know is that India did not have a concept like religion as we understand it today.
Dhhampad ko hi to copy krke ye upnishad banaye gaye the..
Bodh Dharam ek Sanyasi pant hai log ghar m rhekar Bodh nahi ban skte
Exactly and I'm hindu and I read hindu and budhh both scripts. But I never saw so differences in these scripts.....
Even in guru granth sahib , jain scripts you would never see so differences.
Because india has these traditions that we support and respect different different philosophers.
And Hinduism is not a religion. It is completely a group of great ancient indian philosophies....
If you see ved or upanishad , you will see a lot of great rishies and off course they had very subtle difference each other but they always said that it may different different path to reach to the supreme truth.
But we should always see that path has human morals or not...
Joint Communiqué by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Satya Narayan Goenkaji.
The Maha Bodhi Society Office, Sarnath, Varanasi. 3:30 p.m., 11 November 1999
This joint communiqué is being issued after the cordial talk between Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Guruji Shri Satyanarayana Goenkaji.
Both agree and wish that there should be harmonious and friendly relations between both ancient (the Vedic and the Ṣramana) traditions. If there has been any misconception in this matter in the minds of the people of the neighbouring countries, it should be removed at the earliest.
The following was agreed:
1. Due to whatever reason some literature was written (in India) in the past in which the Buddha was declared to be a reincarnation of Vishnu and various things were written about him. This was very unpleasant to the neighbouring countries. In order to foster friendlier ties between the two communities we decide that whatever has happened in the past (cannot be undone, but) should be forgotten and such beliefs should not be propagated.
2. A misconception has spread in the neighbouring countries that the Hindu society of India is organising such conferences to prove its dominance over the followers of the Buddha. To forever remove this misconception we declare that both Vedic and Ṣramana traditions are ancient traditions of India. Both have their own prestigious existence. Any attempt by one tradition to show itself higher than the other will only generate hatred and ill will between the two. Hence such a thing should not be done in the future and both traditions should be accorded equal respect and esteem.
3. Anybody can attain a high position in the society by doing good deeds. One becomes a low (person in society) if one does evil deeds. Hence anybody can-by doing good deeds and removing the defilements such as passion, anger, arrogance, ignorance, greed, jealousy and ego-attain a high position in society and enjoy peace and happiness.
We agree on all the three things mentioned above and wish that all the people of India from all the traditions should have cordial relations and the neighbouring countries should also have friendly relations with India
Excellent sir please aisa janism per bhi bataye
Buddhism is great than Hinduism Hinduism has a cast and all cast has own rules . upper cast people always dominant lower cast they don't accept that people
That's why Hinduism left lots of people . Buddhism has no cast every one is same no
तो हम इस बात को साधारण था से कह सकते हैं कि भगवान गौतम बुद्ध और बौद्धों ने मात्र वैदिक ज्ञान को ही जोकि उपनिषदों में वर्णित है- अपनाया और आगे बढ़ाया लेकिन, सरल भाषा में जैसे कि पाली अथवा प्राकृत! उन्होंने कुरीतियों को खत्म किया, पुरानी परंपराओं का पुनर्प्रयोग,
Shankar Sharan ji 🙏 . Wonderful discourse with clarity of thoughts and interesting narrative .
Evolution of different Sampradaya is not old to Hinduism.Sankya,Yoga,Pancharatra,Pashupata were different philosophies already existent during Mahaabharata.Some of them were completely aligned with Vedas,Whereas,others differed on few aspects.There is wide debate over form of Aatma described in Buddhism.Its very difficult to come to concluson whether Buddha himself propounded the philosophy or others.
Very enlightening and completely logical. धन्यवाद शंकर जी।
What about Budhh's point of view about Murtipuja(मूर्तीपूजा) & Yadnya (यज्ञ) in history and
There are Two Parts In the Darshan-Shastra 1) Astik Darshan 2) Nastik Darshan
Boudhh, Jain & Charvak Darshan are count in Nastik Darshan, Explain about it.
Aryasamaj is of same side but they never claimed to be indifferent from sanatana
Excellent 👏👏👏
Every Cells , thoughts and Root knowledge of of Gautam Buddha, Nanak and all Sikh Gurus, Jain and all others was practical application in local languages about the same teachings of Sanatan Vedic Dharma only.
All the dalits and Mahadalits, SC, ST, obc must consider themselves Hindu.we must accept that Hindu is comprised of all persons who live in Hindustan just as Chinese are to China
Hindu code bill made by Dr. Ambedkar for all sects, religion v Hindustani origin.
Buddhism and science is the only truth. Hinduism is a mythology and full of superstitions and rituals .
Buddhist rejects every concept of Hindu .
Then appoint people from SC, ST, OBC community as head priest of at least 50% temples including major temples like kedarnath, jagannat puri, kashi vishweshwara etc.
Hinduism never existed. People from other parts of world called us names. Our culture and traditions vary across the nation, even if the backbone is same.
Dear Nidhi .... China has Buddhism as a Major religion; not Chinese religion. There was never a religion that existed with the name Hindu.
एक भीमटा यहां कमेंट में बक रहा है की आदि शंकराचार्य पहले बौद्ध थे।
दुसरा वाक मल पसार रहा है श्रमण वि. ब्रम्हन।
डोनिजर के इस विषय मे मत है;
There was such constant interaction between Vedism and Buddhism in the early period that it is fruitless to attempt to sort out the earlier source of many doctrines, they lived in one another's pockets, like Picasso and Braque (who, in later years, were unable to say which of them had painted certain paintings from their earlier, shared period).
Wendy D. O'Flaherty (1980), Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions, University of California Press, pp. xvii-xviii
डोनिजर को कोई हिंदुओं के प्रती सहानभुती का भाव धारणाहार नही कहेगा।
tere bap kitane hai re
Dhularam Meena सामान्यतः किसी भी जिव को एक ही माता पिता होते है, आप में लगता हैं अनेक होते है इस लिए आप संख्या पुछ रहे है।
@@19683 Good reply
@@19683 very good reply
Isaiyo ki aulad
I respect all the religions, having said that when you try to validate Buddha Dharma is anyway a kind of branch of Hindu dharma is totally subjective, and references that you put forward is quite substandard logic. You seem like highly learned and academic but not so...
then why dalits don't renounce reservation even after converting into buddhism
Who were Arya, in Arya satya??
Budhamma is great dhamma
जय जय श्री कृष्ण! पूरी के शंकराचार्य स्वामी निश्चलानंद जी ने कहा है कि गौतम बुद्ध असली बुद्ध नहीं हैं। एक अन्य बुद्ध हुए हैं, जो ब्राह्मण कुल में जन्मे थे औऱ वही बुद्धावतार के असली बुद्ध हैं। दूसरी बात। गौतम बुद्ध भी हिन्दू परिवार में जन्मे, पढ़े लिखे। फिर भी पागल हो कर, भटक भटक कर एक नया नाम से और सनातन धर्म से हट कर नये नियमों को बनाकर प्रचार करने की क्या आवश्यकता थी? क्या ऐसा करके उन्होंने स्वयं भगवान द्वारा स्थापित धर्म का द्रोह नहीं किया? यह तो भगवान का अपराध है। वह भगवत गीता और भागवत महापुराण का अध्ययन और अभ्यास करके भगवान की प्राप्ति की साधना क्यों नहीं किये? ऐसा कोई प्रश्न नहीं है, जिसका उत्तर सनातन धर्म में न हो। फिर क्यों आत्म कल्याण नहीं किये और भटक कर नया काम किये? लोग कहते हैं कि वह तपस्या करके बुद्ध बने। मैं जानता हूं कि उन्हें भगवान की प्राप्ति नहीं हुई है। कारण यह है कि वह उन तीनों योग मार्गों का अभ्यास नहीं किये
जो गीता में भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने बताया है।
Yeh Brahman Vad ki den hai theek hai jativad usne banaya pakhand faila hai isliye Aaj Ham itne Piche
Everyone should share these kind of videos....
Save Indic religions.
Good analysis Sir
*अनन्त की खोज अनन्त ही रहेगी* 👏🙏🏼
चरण स्पर्श आदरणीय 😊🙏
सत्यमेव जयते नानृतं।।ॐ।।
🚩🚩 🙏🙏 ।। समलझाओं हिन्दु ना तो देर हो जायेगी ।। 🙏🙏 🚩🚩
तथ्यपूर्ण निष्कर्ष
[Navabauddha vada= Prachchanna naxalvad]. Gautama buddha = mahavishnu avatar...namo Sakyamuni Amithabbha. esa dhamma sanathano...🚩🙏🙏
Joint Communiqué by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Satya Narayan Goenkaji.
The Maha Bodhi Society Office, Sarnath, Varanasi. 3:30 p.m., 11 November 1999
This joint communiqué is being issued after the cordial talk between Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Jayendra Saraswatiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Pith and Vipassanacharya Guruji Shri Satyanarayana Goenkaji.
Both agree and wish that there should be harmonious and friendly relations between both ancient (the Vedic and the Ṣramana) traditions. If there has been any misconception in this matter in the minds of the people of the neighbouring countries, it should be removed at the earliest.
The following was agreed:
1. Due to whatever reason some literature was written (in India) in the past in which the Buddha was declared to be a reincarnation of Vishnu and various things were written about him. This was very unpleasant to the neighbouring countries. In order to foster friendlier ties between the two communities we decide that whatever has happened in the past (cannot be undone, but) should be forgotten and such beliefs should not be propagated.
2. A misconception has spread in the neighbouring countries that the Hindu society of India is organising such conferences to prove its dominance over the followers of the Buddha. To forever remove this misconception we declare that both Vedic and Ṣramana traditions are ancient traditions of India. Both have their own prestigious existence. Any attempt by one tradition to show itself higher than the other will only generate hatred and ill will between the two. Hence such a thing should not be done in the future and both traditions should be accorded equal respect and esteem.
3. Anybody can attain a high position in the society by doing good deeds. One becomes a low (person in society) if one does evil deeds. Hence anybody can-by doing good deeds and removing the defilements such as passion, anger, arrogance, ignorance, greed, jealousy and ego-attain a high position in society and enjoy peace and happiness.
We agree on all the three things mentioned above and wish that all the people of India from all the traditions should have cordial relations and the neighbouring countries should also have friendly relations with India