I don't like how Griffin is not given the chance to answer properly... I do not support the views of the BNP, however it seems to me that in this program he is being abused and people simply state bad things about him, quotes, and beliefs that may or may not be true, then move on without waiting to find out if they could possibly have been wrong about it. I agree with the people's viewpoint against the BNP but even so this programme is unfair to Griffin.
Thank you very much for posting all these. BBC does not allow people in the United States to view full episodes of this program on its website, and I had wanted to see this exchange because it had received a fair bit of attention over here. So thanks for taking the time to post the videos!
As someone who had grown disillusioned with politics I rarely take time to watch anything to do with them,I guess it was only the hype surrounding Question time that had me tuning in.I think what I expected was a bit of a circus with some controversy thrown in,well we got that for certain,what we also saw was a man who stood up for the rights of the ordinary white guy on the street,in the pub,at work etc.From now on I feel I have gained sufficient interest in a party who partly represents me.
No one needs to apologise for wanting something done about immigration in the UK. It is NOT racist to want this it is just common sense. Many countries have robust and very effective controls in place such as Canada and Australia. No death camps in the Outback or Nova Scotia. All the hysteria about the BNP is just that. If main parties did what they are elected to do ie ensure that British peoples interests are protected then there would be no need for the BNP! We don't owe the world a living!
The look on Straw's face when Nick Griffin told everyone that daddy Straw was imprisoned during WW2 for refusing to fight, was priceless. It was like a man who has just thrown his ace of hearts (I won't say spades) on a trick, only to find the guy next to him drops the two of trumps on it and takes the trick.
Question time? I didn't hear many questions, the panel and the audience did nothing but bully and aggressively scrutinize him. At least if they're going to go all up in arms against him, they could give him the chance to speak for himself.
Politicians love playing the self-righteous card whenever it suits them. Straw acted like he was genuinely disgusted with Griffin's views when really what he's worried about is he might steal his vote.
That may be true, there will always be discrimination against someone in this world. But does that mean that we are no longer able to have a serious discussion on immigration law because it may be considered racist?
Best comment i've read on youtube in a very long time jimj. People lambast Griffin as a fool and said he did nothing to bolster his position in british politics with his appearance on Q.T. without a word of a lie everyone i know, be it socially or through my career, have all said BNP are gettin their vote next time round. P.S. I'm not a racist, i'm just sick and tired of being treated like a second class citizen.
I tottaly agree with Nick Griffins in some ways. and like he said Britain is getting over crowded and it IS time to STOP Letting foreigner's in Britain
I felt sorry for Nick Griffin he was bullied and lynched. I shall be voting BNP even though i never thought i would do. Because of imigration and housing, benefits etc. Also being forced to live in a multi racial society without being asked. Nick Griffin actually is very intelligent and somehow makes you proud to be British again.
What is weird, is Race and Politics really do go hand in hand. You can't talk about politics without talking about race issues, because not all political sides support the interests of all races equally.
Griffin is the only one who has balls big enough to speak about the issues that politicians turn a blind eye to in fear of being racist. The media is trying to tarnish his party , but a lot of people are starting to see though this and are really seeing the sense in some of his policies.I think Griffin is a clever man and he was made to look a mug on question time . They never gave him a chance and just bullied him. Im not saying the party is perfect but they do have a point
I think this was a major mistake from an anti-BNP point of view. I was all for having the BNP up on Question Time so everyone could see what tits they are. But the constant slagging just made Nick Griffin look like a martyr. We need to ask them serious questions about policy and how they would run the country. I find it hard to imagine how they would run the country without the important services provided by immigrants.
freedom of speech got dicked on in this episode. i don't agree with many of nicks policies (especially the fubar ones) but honestly this whole show disgusted me more because it represented the power of the media and proved that not only our freedom of speech but our freedom of thought is under scrutiny. sad times.
But BNP is about problem as Multiculturalism is! BNP Is because in near future true British will be in minority, and you could say this is last gust too save British heritage. Do you know how big white population birth rate is? And how big is Muslims? How you predict Britain will look for about 30 years when your grandchildren will born? What country they will see? What values they will learn?
It's a fact also that the world is smaller NOT bigger. There has been a big trend in recent years for larger countries to fragment, suggesting people DO NOT want to integrate. Many Brits who go to live abroad come back and many say they are not liked in Spain for all sorts of reasons. To be fair this situation applies in most countries.
My question as a Canadian is. What is going on that is making the BNP a growing party? Something must be wrong somewhere for up to 22% of people to consider voting for them...
When all is said and done , my luvlee old half English Granny had it right when she said " You can always tell which polatician is honest....he's the one who who wares a pink bowler hat ! "
I find most of these comment funny and amusing. Most of the people in UK are completely unaware of who caused the economic crises. You should search youtube for Zeitgiest 9/11 Also search for What is A Central Bank I hope it helps.
BNP is against wars in Middle East! So this is one point form them according too your views! And this is the heritage that Im so keen to protect. Because it is mine heritage and culture. Politics are changing. You couldnt say that heritage depends from present politics. And do you prefer too live in Muslim heritage?
It's good to see that the BNP have had a little chance to explain their policies. The problem with immigration isn't really future immigration, it's trying to manage the poor decisions of the past. Also to control EU immigration. Question Time should have been used for intelligent debate instead of childish name-calling and minor issues. There are a lot of weaknesses and unanswered questions in BNP policies.
I really admire this guy , almost pummelled by everyone (even by the supposed moderator) he manages to keep his chin up. One thin I dont understand is y does he need to be so defensive abt his position..I mean everybody knows that the holocaust is overblown , or for that matter some part of the muslim community in britain is undoubtedly extreme. Never be apologetic abt the fact that it is the ethnic majority in any democratic nation which must hav the first claim to their country's resources.
As a Brit who has spent half his life in Asia. Here are an example of resident immigration policies for Asia; 1> Pakistan: Caucasians are only accepted as citizen candidates if they have convert to Islam - same goes for marrying a Pakistani woman. 2> Bangladesh: Same as above in Pakistan. 3> Virtually impossible for any westerner to get Indian citizenship, regardless of religion. 4. In South East Asia: like Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia etc.... its no way
To start I'm not a member or want to be a member of the BNP, but I am sick of everyone's attack on them, they are a genuine political party with controversial policies. Let the voters make up their mind, don't attack the BNP with racial hatred questions as it's not the main policy of the party. British morals and values are all but gone, a better leadership of this party (get rid of the ones with evidential racist comments) and the public and other parties would never question them so feircly.
I totally agree BNP cleaned up all Nick had to do was look inadequately uncomfortable but vulnerable enough as a result of bombardment or obvius angry sentiment, when all the reps of the 3 parties should have been pinned down to address the issues. anyone catch the "increase in net reduction in immigration line?"
fair point, but at the end of the day, when you have to draw the line, who's side would you pick? Muslim or Non-muslim british? please don't dodge the question. Are you british first? or muslim first. Thats one of the core issues of alliegence.
Now you presenting fascism views choosing in your opinion what is correct! Isn't that censure? With people like you Britain and British will disappear in huge waves of Islam! Good Luck!
Supertara11 Thanks for your interesting comment. That should be the way that we talk about themes. If you see also reality in Germany , you can see the fruits of a doubtful uncontrolled mass immigration . Some immigrants are a pleasure , but with many other immigrants there are real problems . .
Totally Agree with you FlyingFox1971 Yet again they get everybody looking in the wrong direction! People, Start Asking Questions on every Single issue! Why is it happening? Who is REALLY Behind it? And who Always Gains? Think BIG! We are all being taken for A Ride! Oh and this ride isn't going somewhere nice! Can you feel the shackles tightening yet? WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! YOUR MASTERS RELY UPON YOUR COMPLACENCY!
Couldn't agree more. the BNP's views are not only outdated but they are without any forward planning. What would happen if they got in to office? All diplomatic ties with every reasonably minded government would be cut.
Ive just watched the whole of this show from Thailand. Denying the holocaust is a criminal offence in Euro and the Uk? Nick should get out his history books more. After Pol Pot was in charge of killing 2 million Cambodians, from 1975-1979, PM Thatcher gave give total support to the Khmer Rouge. In an interview in 1985, Thatcher denied Genocide in Cambodia. Yet, Thatcher continued to arm and support the laying of land of mines along the Thai-Cambodian border. Till today people are killed.
Richard Dimbleby was a fine Broadcaster and he would be ashamed of his Son David being involved with such a programme which was an insult to British people
There is nothing racist about wanting sensible immigration. No-one should feel they haven't the right to voice concerns. For far too long good people have turned a blind eye and now they have had enough. We need robust rules on this subject and no interference from the EU either. Canada and Australia are not accused of being racist and there are no gas chambers in Nova Scotia or in the outback. They also don't have PC getting in the way of common sense, about time we had that in the UK!
I can't believe Griffin is moaning over his treatment on this show. He MUST have known that appearing on such a show representing his controvercial party would spark all of these debates. If he didn't like it, he should never have gone on but I'm glad he did because he's shown himself to a wider audience what he truly is and hopefully this will snap people out of this coma.
This is really an issue about "Free Speach". Free speach is a vey important thing. The right for all to be equally heard no matter what they have to say or what their opinion on a subject is. I'm neither for nor against Nick Griffin. He has the right to Free Speach. As do all.
Britain should be as thankful to minorities as minorities are to Britain. If there were no minorities in UK, the country would have had major problems finding labour to deal with various industries. Moreover, the wealth of UK is due to Britain having plundered other countries during colonial times. And british culture has been massively enriched by other cultures.
I really don't understand what people are complaining about, if you dislike Nick Griffins views then just don't vote BNP. They are unlikely to get into power anyway and at the moment he has no power over this country whatsoever.
People who vote for the BNP arn't necessarily racist they have just reached a level of desperation due to the huge amounts of immigration we currently allow which is taking british jobs from the british born people.
As for "many people on benefits who want to work - not enough jobs " - my GF is a recruitment agent. She can't get BRITISH people to actually work the jobs [are you listening raffles70]. It is in fact people from this country that are lazy and expect everything handed to them on a plate. One single Mum turned down a job as a factory sowing-machinist being paid £9.50ph because it's 'too boring'. I have known many Asian people and they're hard-working and dedicated to providing for their families
FINAL SOLUTION: FYI,There are plenty of Griffin's ilk in Asia in general-It's just that Asian Governments never make that an issue-But not talking about immigrants-What one must consider is a Wall-Like in the cold war-i.e. Running from Russia in the north, through Turkey and across the sea dividing Morocco, Algeria, Libya ad Egypt from Europe forever... And Asia/Russia/Africa will forego any and all trade and contact - Apparently, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is thinking on those lines
Minorities, regardless if they are 2nd/3rd generation, should be thankful to Britain for giving them citizenship. If Britain wasnt generous allowing them to stay, they may have died in the 3rd world conditions from which they came. British taxpayers have given them a home, money in the bank, free education & healthcare & unlimited opportunities to exceed. The expectations for this gift are very simple, value British culture & values; work hard; dont commit crimes. Sounds like a bargain to me.
That's besides the point. On the news a while back, some Muslims were trying to ban Christmas throughout the entire country because it was against their religious beliefs or something. Besides, I think if I went into all the corner shop or Asian run business at Christmas in the whole country, I think I would find at least one without any Christmas decorations in it..... The odds are too slim not to.
I don't like how Griffin is not given the chance to answer properly... I do not support the views of the BNP, however it seems to me that in this program he is being abused and people simply state bad things about him, quotes, and beliefs that may or may not be true, then move on without waiting to find out if they could possibly have been wrong about it. I agree with the people's viewpoint against the BNP but even so this programme is unfair to Griffin.
Thank you very much for posting all these. BBC does not allow people in the United States to view full episodes of this program on its website, and I had wanted to see this exchange because it had received a fair bit of attention over here. So thanks for taking the time to post the videos!
As someone who had grown disillusioned with politics I rarely take time to watch anything to do with them,I guess it was only the hype surrounding Question time that had me tuning in.I think what I expected was a bit of a circus with some controversy thrown in,well we got that for certain,what we also saw was a man who stood up for the rights of the ordinary white guy on the street,in the pub,at work etc.From now on I feel I have gained sufficient interest in a party who partly represents me.
No one needs to apologise for wanting something done about immigration in the UK. It is NOT racist to want this it is just common sense. Many countries have robust and very effective controls in place such as Canada and Australia. No death camps in the Outback or Nova Scotia. All the hysteria about the BNP is just that. If main parties did what they are elected to do ie ensure that British peoples interests are protected then there would be no need for the BNP! We don't owe the world a living!
The look on Straw's face when Nick Griffin told everyone that daddy Straw was imprisoned during WW2 for refusing to fight, was priceless.
It was like a man who has just thrown his ace of hearts (I won't say spades) on a trick, only to find the guy next to him drops the two of trumps on it and takes the trick.
Question time? I didn't hear many questions, the panel and the audience did nothing but bully and aggressively scrutinize him. At least if they're going to go all up in arms against him, they could give him the chance to speak for himself.
Politicians love playing the self-righteous card whenever it suits them. Straw acted like he was genuinely disgusted with Griffin's views when really what he's worried about is he might steal his vote.
That may be true, there will always be discrimination against someone in this world. But does that mean that we are no longer able to have a serious discussion on immigration law because it may be considered racist?
BNP are on the rise
BNP are very wise.
BNP tell no lies.
BNP have no ties.
Best comment i've read on youtube in a very long time jimj. People lambast Griffin as a fool and said he did nothing to bolster his position in british politics with his appearance on Q.T. without a word of a lie everyone i know, be it socially or through my career, have all said BNP are gettin their vote next time round. P.S. I'm not a racist, i'm just sick and tired of being treated like a second class citizen.
We must respect free speech. If the BNP are denied this right then other voices could be silenced
I tottaly agree with Nick Griffins in some ways. and like he said Britain is getting over crowded and it IS time to STOP Letting foreigner's in Britain
Woooah, clear the way people. Malcolm X Junior comin' through here.
I felt sorry for Nick Griffin he was bullied and lynched. I shall be voting BNP even though i never thought i would do. Because of imigration and housing, benefits etc. Also being forced to live in a multi racial society without being asked. Nick Griffin actually is very intelligent and somehow makes you proud to be British again.
Im voting BNP and I dont care what anyone else thinks.
Nick Griffin: Absolute Legend.
What is weird, is Race and Politics really do go hand in hand. You can't talk about politics without talking about race issues, because not all political sides support the interests of all races equally.
Griffin is the only one who has balls big enough to speak about the issues that politicians turn a blind eye to in fear of being racist.
The media is trying to tarnish his party , but a lot of people are starting to see though this and are really seeing the sense in some of his policies.I think Griffin is a clever man and he was made to look a mug on question time . They never gave him a chance and just bullied him. Im not saying the party is perfect but they do have a point
Nick Griffins father was in the RAF during world war 2, Jack straw's father was in prison for refusing to fight, wow!!!, no comeback to that!
Then vote Labour kensei, we'll soon have a black Queen!
I think this was a major mistake from an anti-BNP point of view. I was all for having the BNP up on Question Time so everyone could see what tits they are. But the constant slagging just made Nick Griffin look like a martyr.
We need to ask them serious questions about policy and how they would run the country. I find it hard to imagine how they would run the country without the important services provided by immigrants.
Griffin has more brain cells than the whole audience and panel put together
To that black guy shouting at Griffin. The vast majority of British people find this audiance disgusting.
nick griffin is being bullied in this, that should not happen in this kind of program
The BNP don't mind ew Dad being like that.....as long as he ain't a Taffy or a Paddy LOL !
freedom of speech got dicked on in this episode. i don't agree with many of nicks policies (especially the fubar ones) but honestly this whole show disgusted me more because it represented the power of the media and proved that not only our freedom of speech but our freedom of thought is under scrutiny. sad times.
Griffin reminds me of David Brent in the way he talks.
No offence to David Brent.
I saw a well-orchestrated spectacle here.
bnp are racist but i dont think theres out wrong with wanting a 90% white ethnicity ratio some immergrants are good but 2 many create segregation
Who realisitically can take us forward?
Labour - Mess
Conservative - Untrustworthy
LibDems - Joke
BNP - Absolutely
Bring on May 2010
Ranjit Sadikh.
Question: " Is State Multiculturalism is basically racism with a smiling face?"
Im a new BNP supporter . This country is becoming an embarassment.
he might have been nervouse but just look at the support he has got most brits want our country back
Ok you get the weed...I'll get the bong.....if ew ain't drunk all the water outta it LOL
TY 4 upload
The 3rd gentleman to speak from the audience is a legend!
But BNP is about problem as Multiculturalism is!
BNP Is because in near future true British will be in minority, and you could say this is last gust too save British heritage.
Do you know how big white population birth rate is? And how big is Muslims?
How you predict Britain will look for about 30 years when your grandchildren will born?
What country they will see? What values they will learn?
we want our country back.
Labour defending immigrants then trying to ban Ghurkas from living here. Pure class A+ TOSSER
It's a fact also that the world is smaller NOT bigger. There has been a big trend in recent years for larger countries to fragment, suggesting people DO NOT want to integrate. Many Brits who go to live abroad come back and many say they are not liked in Spain for all sorts of reasons. To be fair this situation applies in most countries.
vote bnp people
My question as a Canadian is.
What is going on that is making the BNP a growing party?
Something must be wrong somewhere for up to 22% of people to consider voting for them...
When all is said and done , my luvlee old half English Granny had it right when she said " You can always tell which polatician is honest....he's the one who who wares a pink bowler hat ! "
aye and the only other thing I had was " Mr Potato head "........and no potato !
I find most of these comment funny and amusing. Most of the people in UK are completely unaware of who caused the economic crises. You should search youtube for
Zeitgiest 9/11
Also search for
What is A Central Bank
I hope it helps.
He is scaring the crap out of everyone ! And that is good ;)
nick griffin for prime minister thats what i want...
This shows so much! When faced by real issues the established British political class show themselves up as being so out of touch! Its pathetic!!
A blast from the past!
Nick Griffin is the man...what joke this episode was.
BNP is against wars in Middle East! So this is one point form them according too your views!
And this is the heritage that Im so keen to protect. Because it is mine heritage and culture. Politics are changing. You couldnt say that heritage depends from present politics.
And do you prefer too live in Muslim heritage?
It's good to see that the BNP have had a little chance to explain their policies.
The problem with immigration isn't really future immigration, it's trying to manage the poor decisions of the past. Also to control EU immigration.
Question Time should have been used for intelligent debate instead of childish name-calling and minor issues. There are a lot of weaknesses and unanswered questions in BNP policies.
Theres a HUGE difference though between terrosrist and the BNP.
What about the rest of Europe?
I really admire this guy , almost pummelled by everyone (even by the supposed moderator) he manages to keep his chin up.
One thin I dont understand is y does he need to be so defensive abt his position..I mean everybody knows that the holocaust is overblown , or for that matter some part of the muslim community in britain is undoubtedly extreme.
Never be apologetic abt the fact that it is the ethnic majority in any democratic nation which must hav the first claim to their country's resources.
BNP all the way
As a Brit who has spent half his life in Asia.
Here are an example of resident immigration policies for Asia;
1> Pakistan: Caucasians are only accepted as citizen candidates if they have convert to Islam - same goes for marrying a Pakistani woman.
2> Bangladesh: Same as above in Pakistan.
3> Virtually impossible for any westerner to get Indian citizenship, regardless of religion.
4. In South East Asia: like Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia etc.... its no way
To start I'm not a member or want to be a member of the BNP, but I am sick of everyone's attack on them, they are a genuine political party with controversial policies. Let the voters make up their mind, don't attack the BNP with racial hatred questions as it's not the main policy of the party. British morals and values are all but gone, a better leadership of this party (get rid of the ones with evidential racist comments) and the public and other parties would never question them so feircly.
to be honest i feel quite sorry 4 nick griffin
EU wants to standardise condoms into 3 sizes small,medium and Celtic
nick griffin for prime minister,
Dear god, I love our culture and Britain as a whole, but I'll take a tandori over toast any day! xD
I totally agree BNP cleaned up all Nick had to do was look inadequately uncomfortable but vulnerable enough as a result of bombardment or obvius angry sentiment, when all the reps of the 3 parties should have been pinned down to address the issues. anyone catch the "increase in net reduction in immigration line?"
fair point, but at the end of the day, when you have to draw the line, who's side would you pick?
Muslim or Non-muslim british?
please don't dodge the question.
Are you british first? or muslim first. Thats one of the core issues of alliegence.
Now you presenting fascism views choosing in your opinion what is correct!
Isn't that censure? With people like you Britain and British will disappear in huge waves of Islam!
Good Luck!
Thanks for your interesting comment.
That should be the way that we talk about themes.
If you see also reality in Germany , you can see the fruits of a doubtful uncontrolled mass immigration .
Some immigrants are a pleasure , but with many other immigrants there are real problems .
Totally Agree with you FlyingFox1971
Yet again they get everybody looking in the wrong direction!
People, Start Asking Questions on every Single issue!
Why is it happening?
Who is REALLY Behind it?
And who Always Gains?
Think BIG! We are all being taken for A Ride! Oh and this ride isn't going somewhere nice!
Can you feel the shackles tightening yet?
The cause? Poverty and lack of education. Not skin pigmentation.
griffin wears a poppy..... ??? isn't he the devil? weird stuff....
Couldn't agree more. the BNP's views are not only outdated but they are without any forward planning. What would happen if they got in to office? All diplomatic ties with every reasonably minded government would be cut.
No one stereotyped Londoners, but there is a right on London left. They used to show great empathy with miners up north.
I really can't see how Jack Straw enhanced the reputation of his labour party either. Especially when being quizzed by a questioner in the audience
5:15-5:25 = mass-mind-controlled Oxbridge-ite. lol.
nick griffin is here to divide the working classes
Well, have you read any of it, summarised or not?
Britain should use the same immigration policy as the Australians.If you cannot offer the country something,you dont get in.SIMPLE AS THAT.
The golly wog picture on jam jars...... Nick was afraid that they was going to use them as passport photos !
Ive just watched the whole of this show from Thailand. Denying the holocaust is a criminal offence in Euro and the Uk? Nick should get out his history books more.
After Pol Pot was in charge of killing 2 million Cambodians, from 1975-1979, PM Thatcher gave give total support to the Khmer Rouge. In an interview in 1985, Thatcher denied Genocide in Cambodia. Yet, Thatcher continued to arm and support the laying of land of mines along the Thai-Cambodian border. Till today people are killed.
can't get the page, address is wrong
Richard Dimbleby was a fine Broadcaster and he would be ashamed of his Son David being involved with such a programme which was an insult to British people
There is nothing racist about wanting sensible immigration. No-one should feel they haven't the right to voice concerns. For far too long good people have turned a blind eye and now they have had enough. We need robust rules on this subject and no interference from the EU either. Canada and Australia are not accused of being racist and there are no gas chambers in Nova Scotia or in the outback. They also don't have PC getting in the way of common sense, about time we had that in the UK!
I can't believe Griffin is moaning over his treatment on this show. He MUST have known that appearing on such a show representing his controvercial party would spark all of these debates.
If he didn't like it, he should never have gone on but I'm glad he did because he's shown himself to a wider audience what he truly is and hopefully this will snap people out of this coma.
This is really an issue about "Free Speach". Free speach is a vey important thing. The right for all to be equally heard no matter what they have to say or what their opinion on a subject is. I'm neither for nor against Nick Griffin. He has the right to Free Speach. As do all.
Britain should be as thankful to minorities as minorities are to Britain.
If there were no minorities in UK, the country would have had major problems finding labour to deal with various industries.
Moreover, the wealth of UK is due to Britain having plundered other countries during colonial times. And british culture has been massively enriched by other cultures.
I really don't understand what people are complaining about, if you dislike Nick Griffins views then just don't vote BNP. They are unlikely to get into power anyway and at the moment he has no power over this country whatsoever.
People who vote for the BNP arn't necessarily racist they have just reached a level of desperation due to the huge amounts of immigration we currently allow which is taking british jobs from the british born people.
As for "many people on benefits who want to work - not enough jobs " - my GF is a recruitment agent. She can't get BRITISH people to actually work the jobs [are you listening raffles70]. It is in fact people from this country that are lazy and expect everything handed to them on a plate. One single Mum turned down a job as a factory sowing-machinist being paid £9.50ph because it's 'too boring'. I have known many Asian people and they're hard-working and dedicated to providing for their families
FYI,There are plenty of Griffin's ilk in Asia in general-It's just that Asian Governments never make that an issue-But not talking about immigrants-What one must consider is a Wall-Like in the cold war-i.e. Running from Russia in the north, through Turkey and across the sea dividing Morocco, Algeria, Libya ad Egypt from Europe forever... And Asia/Russia/Africa will forego any and all trade and contact - Apparently, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is thinking on those lines
Minorities, regardless if they are 2nd/3rd generation, should be thankful to Britain for giving them citizenship.
If Britain wasnt generous allowing them to stay, they may have died in the 3rd world conditions from which they came. British taxpayers have given them a home, money in the bank, free education & healthcare & unlimited opportunities to exceed.
The expectations for this gift are very simple, value British culture & values; work hard; dont commit crimes. Sounds like a bargain to me.
and votes bnp
Well put.
more gentile? did you mean gentle or was that a really weird statement?
But, the fact is the BNP has grown in popularity since. We are sadly going back to the 1930s.
VOTE BNP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bnp are getting my vote,... i need a job
That's besides the point. On the news a while back, some Muslims were trying to ban Christmas throughout the entire country because it was against their religious beliefs or something. Besides, I think if I went into all the corner shop or Asian run business at Christmas in the whole country, I think I would find at least one without any Christmas decorations in it..... The odds are too slim not to.
How fascinating! How many have you built?
Dear god, the hate in these comments make me sick. What a brilliant lot we are - can't even have a peaceful debate.