好有用ge 資訊 即係如果次次去油站快叉, 同入油打和, 仲要追電車車價 要屋企有得叉, 先有得諗 oil car mpg 0.224 gbp/mi ev char at home 0.0343 gbp/mi diff 0.1897 gbp/mi ev car price 40000gbp 即係渣 210,859.2514 mi 就追回電車車價, 仲未有賺 如果1年渣 20,000mi = 10.5429yr
@@workcat9041 Hybrid is still on of the near future options ... but the thing is plug-in hybrid charging is still inconvenient if you live in apartments.
Thank you Stevo and Feva for sharing and update Uk ULEZ and the UK Scrapping scheme information ,you said that are correct.In HKSAR also want people do the Scrapping scheme to buy and drive.But do not have more space or carpark for the car to get the electric.Also in the few months before always hear somebody drive ev on fire.So i suggest not to buy ev.
I think i only concern the the battery degradation. U can found a ICE Toyota still on road after 10 year but an EV already dead I really think build a durable car is much more important as building a car is consuming materials e.g iron, steel, aluminum and plastic. But the true is businesses ppl want ur car have short life in order to boost their selling figure.
完全同意 Stevo 同 Faye 的講法,英國政府口講環保,但實際冇心做。我之前試過一啲Long Range 既EV 完全達唔到佢地 Advertised 個個Range. 再睇一啲Short Range 既EV 又唔化算。除非我間屋係有 Solon Panel 加電池。我都唔會諗電車。somehow I am glad I choose a Hybrid. Kind of best of both world. 我估我會買多部Short Range EV for me to just go to London.
@@mhkxixi1405 Agree. If you do long trip a lot, Hybrid is still your best bet. I have been testing some EV in the winter. Some are claim can go up to 300mi and none of them can do 260mi in one go.
If the government had weighed money over environmental protection, how many more projects and planning like Heathrow runway 3 which generate GDP ie £ would have been carried out ? And how much money could have been saved had the government not imposed the laws of environmental protection assessments for doing anything ?
The ULEZ congestion charge goes to the Greater London Authority to be spent on Transport for London, and does not go to the UK government. The Tories are against it.
@@kenwong6313 Yes, it is disappointing that they are further spreading this misunderstanding. ULEZ is a scheme implemented by Labour Mayor, Sadiq Khan. The UK government (made up of Conservative ministers) were not responsible for this.
Is true charging the battery needs electricity which is from burning fossil fuels so effectively we are just moving the CO2 from one place to another. Not talking about the CO2 from making these batteries in the first place
Driveway叉電11:30pm to 5:30am
-> 10p/kWh
冬天2.4 miles/kWh, 4.16p/miles,
春天 3.7 miles/kWh, 2.7p/mile,
油站快叉 -> 77p/kWh
夏天 21p/mile
Hybrid 車
Unleaded 油價150p/L
油耗 45mpg /55 mpg /60 mpg
45mpg = 22.4p/mile
55mpg = 18.3p/mile
60mpg = 16.8p/mile
Diesel 七人車 29.4 mpg/40mpg
-> 38.8p/mile
Patrol 七人車 32.5 mpg/40 mpg
-> 31p/mile
好有用ge 資訊
即係如果次次去油站快叉, 同入油打和, 仲要追電車車價
要屋企有得叉, 先有得諗
oil car mpg 0.224 gbp/mi
ev char at home 0.0343 gbp/mi
diff 0.1897 gbp/mi
ev car price 40000gbp
即係渣 210,859.2514 mi 就追回電車車價, 仲未有賺
如果1年渣 20,000mi = 10.5429yr
因為電車個價真係afford唔到,打算買二手嘅hybrid 車點睇?
@@workcat9041 Hybrid is still on of the near future options ... but the thing is plug-in hybrid charging is still inconvenient if you live in apartments.
@@workcat9041 都有考慮 不過怕要整車會好貴 有冇師兄分享吓
30000鎊左右嘅全新電車多數range得200mi 頭,我之前揸過一排E-208 差電差到懷疑人生😆 話有217mi 永遠只揸到160左右。 最後都換咗架油車揸咗半年等23年新電池嘅model Y LR。暫時電車最好除咗EQS嘅range之外,要個range夠用又唔太貴都只有tesla.
個人10個月的經驗來說,新過來的朋友千夢不要買電車,租屋更加唔好諗。搵電charge係好麻煩,政府無增加街外電位,唔好睇zapmap 以為好多電位,實際上係唔夠用,好多都charge唔到,尤其是你最等用的時候。如果已經買咗樓都好啲,不過唔渣得遠,如果有需要時常渣出自己住的城市都建議用油車。我現在plan緊換返油車,電車在這一刻係嘥錢嘥時間。
When the Royal Family all use EV, then we can consider.
Well discussed. And straighforward. 👍 Thank you so much!
個council唔做嘢, 你都冇乜辦法,做得好嘅,電燈柱都充到電。喺電燈柱充電,都唔係太貴,不過就慢啲。放咗工泊喺屋出邊,通宵可以充滿(一般人都好少一日揸200英里)。有啲Council,市容都做得唔好,唔好有期望😅,但係咁佢哋council tax又係平啲嘅啫
英國現時電動車價錢貴,充電嘅配套又差,個infrastructure 根本追唔上,去遠啲又要計住計住幾時停低找地方叉電,又唔係個個屋企門口就有條叉電燈柱留埋個車位畀你放工返嚟叉電…
我唔係住London。之前諗左好耐,始終覺得我去遠會好唔方便。無啦啦中間要停半個鐘,去遠啲就停唔止一次,Long range既又真係太貴。目前我只係afford到一架車,一個月當我去一次遠行,其他日子做買餸車,我都係覺得搞唔掂。結果買左Toyota hybrid車,油耗低,一個月30-40磅油錢,真係唔錯
其實要搞環保就應該先搞好公共交通先啦,火車service 咁差又貴都係迫人地去用多咗車。
私有化鐵路係tory thatcher搞出黎既垃圾
ULEZ嗰個 Scrappage scheme 係為左比弱勢,再睇下 blue badge 買車係免稅(唔知係咪所有),仲有啲係政府包保養,佢地買車係好平好平。呢個 scheme 係為左幫弱勢,唔係淨係為左環保 ,唔係比一般市民。
Earn form mistake 的確係有,但唔同意係主要目的。
揸左一年Tesla 試過去Bath / Manchester/ Edinburgh, 行到320miles,充電方便又快捷,去services point 去個廁所排隊買完嘢食都叉完電.
@@lawalan4782 日日入London 俾15磅咪仲貴,其實依家仲有好多免費充電位
Thank you very much for the info.
Thank you Stevo and Feva for sharing and update Uk ULEZ and the UK Scrapping scheme information ,you said that are correct.In HKSAR also want people do the Scrapping scheme to buy and drive.But do not have more space or carpark for the car to get the electric.Also in the few months before always hear somebody drive ev on fire.So i suggest not to buy ev.
Very good tips on car buying consideration
Thanks for your support
一講到車Stevo 即刻肉都赤埋,有咁多架愛車都係汽油車,如果過多幾年話冇得渣(罰錢先有得渣),咁點算😂
Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I’m using both EV Leaf & Hybrid Estima for long miles (over 2 hrs drive)
政客肯定是維護汽油公司的利益的, 講環保, 只是想要道德光環
多謝兩位良心持平分析分享 非常有用意見🙏🏻👍🏻💪🏻
其實而家二手tesla model 3已經跌到3萬磅以下,我響香港同英國都係揸model 3,叉電係無問題,遠途出行你響車入面set好左destination,佢就會計好哂去到邊叉幾多電。你要知道電動車都有分行遠途同買餸車,fiat 500e本來出就係for短途買餸用,如果你想買平D又長行程既ev,除左tesla之外,你仲可以睇下niro, kona, e208 。呢D車款都係長行程同價錢親民。試下去揸下啦,其實電車都唔係想像中咁多憂慮
@@yct6956 香港果時兩萬港紙一年 60ncb,英國同一部車 0ncb 7000 港紙一年。
@@blacklist852 uk平咁多, 都係全保?
@@yct6956 都係全保,Directline 買,我果時都覺得點解英國平咁多😅
憂慮其實唔係好多, 只係計下夠唔夠支出0者, 初黎到, 變數越少越好, 因為已經好多野要應付
uk 地方咁大, 梗係預長行程ga la, 低溫佢又行得短D, 電池老化又短D, 你唔會用到最後1mi 先叉, 見佢少又會亂諗野, 就會係街叉, 結果會花多少少
並多幾舊池落去, 係可以1000km, 但係唔係最efficient, 結果每mi 又貴左
同埋要預番D時間叉電, 啱啱這排我city 過city, 一日渣多過300mi, 咁預番要出去叉, 出去叉又貴D, 同埋叉一次30min? 咁差兩次就成個成程多一小時, 仲要假設你順利, 唔係壞機無槍(車入面/叉電app, 入面個地圖應該有寫, 個app 都好勁, 幫你plan 好邊度叉, 行幾遠叉係最抵)
叉一次30min 唔知行到幾多mi?
電車太貴啦, 冇tax 的減免, 而且叉電位又五夠
多謝 Stevo 同呀Faye👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
我買英國第一駕車,2800鎊,suzuki ,免路費,ULEZ 👍🤪不過要求唔好太多,行得走得囉
But In the long run, 如果大家想電費下調,就要轉成EV. 減少fossil fuel作為car fuel,電動車用renewable energy, 甚至在家中安裝太陽能板off grid提供充電電力,全國減少依賴入口fossil fuel,on-grid電費才會下降。
Lovely sunny day
Thanks Stevo and Faye❤ Very useful information😙👍🏻
thank you 😍😍😍😍
Thanks for your support!!
I think i only concern the the battery degradation. U can found a ICE Toyota still on road after 10 year but an EV already dead
I really think build a durable car is much more important as building a car is consuming materials e.g iron, steel, aluminum and plastic.
But the true is businesses ppl want ur car have short life in order to boost their selling figure.
dead already? whats the average mileage over 10 years?
建議ulez 同電車分開講,依家講到好似黎緊要電車先可以入greater London
Perhaps hybrid is the best in UK
完全同意 Stevo 同 Faye 的講法,英國政府口講環保,但實際冇心做。我之前試過一啲Long Range 既EV 完全達唔到佢地 Advertised 個個Range. 再睇一啲Short Range 既EV 又唔化算。除非我間屋係有 Solon Panel 加電池。我都唔會諗電車。somehow I am glad I choose a Hybrid. Kind of best of both world. 我估我會買多部Short Range EV for me to just go to London.
Hybrid is still the near future option ... but the thing is plug-in hybrid charging is still inconvenient if you live in apartments.
@@mhkxixi1405 Agree. If you do long trip a lot, Hybrid is still your best bet. I have been testing some EV in the winter. Some are claim can go up to 300mi and none of them can do 260mi in one go.
Those in Westminster are all suckers
其實如果有太陽能板,揸EV係一個好有效減支出嘅方法。我已經整咗,現在每月唔洗俾petol費+ 一半電費,而且最爽喺車出車入或用oven, air flyer等唔洗擔心浪費錢!大約10-15年都回本(depend on 你有幾多太陽能板)! 另外London 市長一直都係Labour, 當然習慣加嘜費嘜費增加收入,但仍然好多人支持佢😂,可以太多有錢人住London, 唔care 啲petty expenditure😂
Money traps in London as well as everywhere in the UK, just be awared and careful during driving~
政府資助低收入人士買電動汽車,簡直笑大人個口他們已呻冇錢買餸開飯。我好贊同你們的觀點政府庫房冇錢,所以全國用clean air zone 來徵收入城費,但又冇計劃點樣可以減少廢氣汚染😂
I heard Birmingham is going to implement 入城費 soon. So may be Manchester is the next city to do so.
除左tesla 其他牌子行長途都係垃圾😂
@@CHAN-dw1ix 建議你去睇下Tesla 嘅長途片
Hybrid 粒電咪一樣,但係都用到十年呀!
太令人煩惱了 不如坐公共交通算吧啦😂😂😂
其實係咪揸 plug-in hybrid比較適合
其實我想揸ev, 住flat, 不過真係搵唔到位可以長期叉電
電費咁貴,成4蚊一度電點玩重貴過入油,一倍model3 要成五六萬磅,夠買幾部油車
阿Faye 幾時會講「pregnancy 」?
If the government had weighed money over environmental protection, how many more projects and planning like Heathrow runway 3 which generate GDP ie £ would have been carried out ? And how much money could have been saved had the government not imposed the laws of environmental protection assessments for doing anything ?
買架Fiat 500e都要35K....Porsche Macan Certified Pre-owned包2年原廠warrenty都同一個價, 人一世物一世, 我寧願買架波子玩下😄
Solar panels installed at home?
Auto same more expensive now.
I would concentrate on 2-3 year cars ... around £20000 - £25000. There are a lot of good quality cars within this range
冇人用EV又點會加充電站 講到尾你哋都係睇$
The ULEZ congestion charge goes to the Greater London Authority to be spent on Transport for London, and does not go to the UK government.
The Tories are against it.
Labour鐘意做門面野😂 搞埋啲野好廢好煩
At last, we have someone who has a better understanding of the government’s finance.
@@kenwong6313 Yes, it is disappointing that they are further spreading this misunderstanding.
ULEZ is a scheme implemented by Labour Mayor, Sadiq Khan. The UK government (made up of Conservative ministers) were not responsible for this.
tories the tax party just want more traffic jams.
@@paulnokyou mean tory actually did something? like selling british people to china?
所以Toyota 全力研究氫能源
Is true charging the battery needs electricity which is from burning fossil fuels so effectively we are just moving the CO2 from one place to another. Not talking about the CO2 from making these batteries in the first place
唔好話你哋英國啦,我哋而家香港嘅上一屆定係今屆嘅特首都係咁仲更加矛盾一時呀,鼓勵我哋全部揸氣又車嗰啲人啊,全部轉晒揸電動車我推出呢個優惠政策由嗰樣佢哋連諗都冇諗過最大嘅問題,係最基本嘅配置充電嘅設施都不足,點吸引到人哋換先得㗎 。所以到而家2023年我仲喺香港都仲係揸汽油車咪就係咁解囉🤦🏿♂️
唔怪之得,揸BNO Visa 嘅新移民,用咁多$都運香港電車入英國.
Yeah, 1st
Nice Thank you!
真係希望英國冇引入BYD ,因為 potential hazards 隨時隨地發生。如果真係有賣,希望您哋反映比自己嘅MP🙏
你可以要pro crime tory
Inflation still suffering 🥵no reason can have extra money to buy ?even some of the people can't buy the food, don't be joking💪
Keep up moving socks
所以都唔會買pure electric
Love your super homemie warm house
菲, 請問妳2千鎊可以買咩車? thx
For SUV ... there are Nissan QQ, Toyota RAV4 and even Mecedes A class etc etc etc
開個Autotrader, set £2000, 總有堆嘢彈出來嘅。接唔接受到,都係睇餸食飯嘅啫。
I want to ask, why Brits like having pot noodle so much and which is disgusting