Ethiopians stand up hand to hand there is lots lots of enamies around our country be strong be strong we don't need again 1983 be smart stand up together don't giving up ur country for enamies!!!! america is 100%%%% behind this war so be careful you need to have communication communication communication is very important each other again victory victory victory victory victory victory victory victory for Ethiopians All of you doing great work keep it up forward forward Ethiopia!!!!!!!!
We ourselfs are responsible for that what is going on in Ethiopia. Foreign powers just exploit our weaknesses. The mess started during the King Haile Selasie era. Paradigm change is needed.
I think we can safely answer this question. The fact that USA is aiding JUNTA can be seen in many ways! We saw while Jeffery Feltman giving info of approaching ETHIOPIAN Army via Satellite!
This is merely rhetoric. The reality on the ground is reading different. The super power nation never forced to trigger this war. The war exploded between two intimate friends and turned against each other to creat conflict to succeed their political ambitions. When you failed to defend yourself after waging war against each other, you started complaining other groups as they are seriously getting involved in this war. It has got nothing to do with the super power western nations whether Ethiopia able to defend herself or lose the merit on war she is languishing in. Western super power nations frequently asked the Ethiopian government to hold an inclusive national political dialogue with all stack holders in order to ease hostility, and find political solution rather than military solution.
There is no friendship business in here. Yes, the unity of Ethiopia is vital no questions ask but it's not by dialogue as the wrong force is backed up by western and America which is undinal. They hate hearing that Ethiopia never been colonised. Ethiopia will continue to be free despite the misunderstanding and hatred catered by tplf for the past years.
How much are you getting paid for this? Belony!! read history not the one anti-Ethiopian wrote, but older stories. Good thing anyone who believe that they are Ethiopian they take no advice from people like you! this is your own opinoionEthiopias know who is who and basic sence what the Western is all about.
በጣም ብዙ የተማርኩበት ፕሮግራም ነው ኢትዮጵያ ታፍራና ተከብራ ለዘላለም ትኑር
ፍፁም ትክክል ነው በጦርነት ላይ ያሉ ወታደሮቻቺን ቢያንስ አቺኝ ፈታኝ ጊዜ አስክናልፋት ድረስ ስልክ ባይዙ ባይጠቀሙ አጅግ በጣም ጥሩ ነው, ምክንያቱም በማወቅም ባለማወቅም ለጠላት መረጃ አይሰጠን ስለሆነ, ሲቀጥል ከውስጣችሁ ማን ከሃዲ ባንዳ አንደህነ ስለማይታወቅ ስልክ መጠቀም ለጊዜው ቢታገድ ጥሩ ነው ብዬ አማናለው 💪✊️🇪🇹
ብዙ ነገርችን ያካከተተ አጅግ በጣም ትልቅ ውይይት አና ትንታኔ ነው ብዙ ነገርቺን አውቀንባቸዋለው ተምረንባቹዋል በርቱክን አጅግ በጣም ጠቃሚ ፕሮግራም ነበር 💪✊️🇪🇹
ሻለቃ ገበየሁ ዋለልኝ ጥሩ ትምህርት ነው ያሳወቁን ከልብ አመሰግናለሁ 🙏💚💛❤
ትክክል አባቴ ኑሩልን
የሚቻል ከሆነ የ አፍሪካ ህብርቱን በ አስቸኩዋይ ስብሰባ ጠርቶ ስለ አሜሪካኖቹ አና ስለ አውሮፒያኖቹ አዲሱን የዘመናዊው ቀኝ ግዛት አካሄድ ለመቃወም አና ለመመከት ሙሉ አፍሪካ ከኢትዮጵያ አና ከ ኤርትራ ጎን አንድቆሙ መጠየቅ አና ማስጠንቀቅ ያስፈልጋል ብዬ አስባለው 🇪🇹✊️💪
Ye Africa hebret terse yelelew wesha new.
አሚን አሚን
በጣም ሀሪፍ ለማያዉቅ ወጣት ተተን አድርጎ ማሥረዳቱ በጣም ሀሪፍ ነዉ 👍👍👍👍👏👏👏🙏💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
It's True
የተማረኩትን የውጭ ዜጎች ባድአርጎ ማሰርአደለምቅጣቱባደባባይመታረድአለባቸውየኢትቶጵያንልክማወቅአለባቸው
እግዛብሔርን በመጀመሪያ አመሰግናለሁ ሻለቃ በሕይወት ኖረው ዛሬ ለዚህ ትውልድ እውነትን ሊናገሩ ስለበቁ
ጊዜው አንድ ሆነን ሀገራችንን እምናድንመት ጠላቶቻችንን የምናሳፍርበት ጊዜነው ለጊዜው ኢትዮጵያ ውያን እነበርታ ከሰራዊቱ ጉን ልንቆም ይገባል ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ውያን🇪🇹💪
አውነት ነው አየሰሩ ያሉት ግለሰብ ላይ ነው ( አብይ ላይ ነው ) ይሄ ደሞ የ አሜሪካኖቹ አካሄድ ነው, መጀመሪያ አንድን ሀገር ለማፍረስ ሲፈልጉ አና ስያክዱ ስራቸው የሚጀምረው የ ሃገሩን መሪ ፋሽስት ወይም አምባገነን የሚል ስም ይሰጡታል ወይም ያን መሪ በተለያየ መንገድና መልኩ ማጣደፍ አና ቶሎ መምታት ነው ያው አሁን አያየን አንዳለነው ማለት ነው , ከዛ ከህዝብ ጋር መነጠል ነው ከዛ ህዝቡን ከ መንግስቱ ከነጠሉት በዋላ ጨዋታው ያላቃል ማለት ነው, ለምሳሌ ኢራቅን ሲያፈርሱ ፋሽት ሳዳሙሴ... ሊብያን ሲያፈርሱ ፋሺት ጋዳፊ....ሶርያን ያፈርሱ መሪውን ፋሺት በማለት ነው የሚያፈርሱት ይሄን ደሞ በ አይናቺን ያየነው ድርጊት ነው, ስለዚህ ኢትዮጵያዊ ሁሉ ንቃ አብይ አብይ የሚሉት አብይን ሳይሆን በዋነኚነት ለ አንዴ አና ለመቸረሻ ጊዜ ግባቸው ኢትዮጵያን ማፍረስ ነው አና ከካርታ ላይ ለመፋቅ ነው... ከዛ ለግብፅ የተገባላትንም የ አባይ ወንዝን አና ግድባቺንን ከኛ መንጠቅ አና ኢትዮጵያ 15 ሀገር አድርገው መበጣጠስ ነው ፍላጎታቸው ይሄ ደሞ አኛ 115000000 ኢትዮጵያውያን በሂወት አያለን አንገታቺን ይቀላል አንጂ አብይንም ሆነ ኢትዮጵያን አያገኙዋትም 💪💪💪💪✊️✊️✊️🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
ፍትህህህህህህህህህህ ምንም ለማያቀው የወሎ. ህዝብ
ባክሽ ዱአ አድርጊይ ጦርነቱ ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር ነው እነ አሜሪካ እነ ግብፅ ሱዳን ሌሎችም አላህ ወደራሳቸው ሀገር ይላክባቸው እንሸ አላህ
ግሩም ውይይት ነው በመጨረሻ ኢትዮጵያ አሸናፊ ናት
Ethiopians stand up hand to hand there is lots lots of enamies around our country be strong be strong we don't need again 1983 be smart stand up together don't giving up ur country for enamies!!!! america is 100%%%% behind this war so be careful you need to have communication communication communication is very important each other again victory victory victory victory victory victory victory victory for Ethiopians All of you doing great work keep it up forward forward Ethiopia!!!!!!!!
ፍትህ ፍትህ ለምእራብወሎ ከላላ ወረዳ ልጓማፍትህፍትህ
ከሉሲፈር ጋ እግዛቤር
እግዛብሄር ያሸንፋል ።እናያለን ።
ከሁሉም አስቀድመህ ህገመንግሥት ተብዬውን ቀይር!! የብሄር አደረጃጀት የሚመነጨው ከሕገ መንግስቱ ነው ፡
በ83 እናትና አባቴም አልተጋቡ ?🌹🌹
ብዘር በቡድን እሳቤ እንዴት ሱማሌን አንድ ቃንቃ አንድ ሀይማኖት ያላትን ብጭቅጭቃን ምእራብውያን እንዳወጣት ማሰብ አለብን
ስልዚህ እንድባህል ችግራችንን በንግግር መፍታት አለበለዚያ እያንዳንዳችንበብዙ እንደሚቆራሩጥን እንወቅ
😂😂😂😂😂 ምላሳቹ ጫፍ የለዉም😂😂😂🤗
ፋትህ ለዉሎ ህዝብ ትኪርት ይሻል
ወታደሮቹ ራሳቸው ድስኚሊን ያስፈልጋቸዋል። ማንም ዩትዩበር ግንባር ላይ ያለውን ወታደር በስልክ ደውሎ የምያናግረው። ስልክ መያዝ የምፈቀድ ከሆነ ብያንስ ከበተሰቡና ከበላይ አዛዡ ጋር ብቻ አንድነጋገር ጥብቅ ማስጠንቀቅያ መሰጠት አለበት።
ፍትህ ፍትህ ለወሎ ህዝብ
ባክሽ ዱአ አድርጊይ ጦርነቱ ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር ነው እነ አሜሪካ እነ ግብፅ ሱዳን ሌሎችም አላህ ወደራሳቸው ሀገር ይላክባቸው እንሸ አላህ
. תת .
find people who work for junta in wollo then you will free yourself
We ourselfs are responsible for that what is going on in Ethiopia. Foreign powers just exploit our weaknesses. The mess started during the King Haile Selasie era. Paradigm change is needed.
I think we can safely answer this question. The fact that USA is aiding JUNTA can be seen in many ways! We saw while Jeffery Feltman giving info of approaching ETHIOPIAN Army via Satellite!
ፍትህ ለወሎ ህዘብ
wollo need to stop helping junta just because they give you money!! clear yourself then you will be free!! 🤨🤨🤨🤨
ልታውቃቸው ፈልክ ወንያኔወች ናቸው ወያኔን ወክለው ነው የተመረጡት
Wushetamoch hzbun adnut eyalku new
ከታስኪ ወደ መንግስት ይገርማል አይ ኢትዬጴያ
አብይ የወለጋ ወገኖቻችን ታርደው እስከሚያቁ ዲረስ የወያኔን ጦርነት አይጨርስም ማንም ሌያውቅ ዪገባዋል
ወሬብቻ ህዝብአለቀ
This bold guy is lying !!!
This is merely rhetoric. The reality on the ground is reading different. The super power nation never forced to trigger this war. The war exploded between two intimate friends and turned against each other to creat conflict to succeed their political ambitions. When you failed to defend yourself after waging war against each other, you started complaining other groups as they are seriously getting involved in this war. It has got nothing to do with the super power western nations whether Ethiopia able to defend herself or lose the merit on war she is languishing in. Western super power nations frequently asked the Ethiopian government to hold an inclusive national political dialogue with all stack holders in order to ease hostility, and find political solution rather than military solution.
There is no friendship business in here. Yes, the unity of Ethiopia is vital no questions ask but it's not by dialogue as the wrong force is backed up by western and America which is undinal. They hate hearing that Ethiopia never been colonised. Ethiopia will continue to be free despite the misunderstanding and hatred catered by tplf for the past years.
How much are you getting paid for this? Belony!! read history not the one anti-Ethiopian wrote, but older stories. Good thing anyone who believe that they are Ethiopian they take no advice from people like you! this is your own opinoionEthiopias know who is who and basic sence what the Western is all about.