In the case of my car, I had it fixed at a shop I had been using. When I checked it with a diagnostic machine at the shop, the error diagnosis was "Multifunction switch signal failure P/N position". Based on that, they replaced the parking switch, and the problem was resolved and the error disappeared. Please use this as a reference. (by Google Translate...m(__)m
Mine just just started two minutes b4 i typed this
Let me know plz if u had your fix
私の車の場合は、お世話になっていたショプで対応していただきました。ショップにて診断機で確認すると「マルチファンクションスイッチ信号不良 P/N位置」というエラー診断が出ていました。それらを元に、「パーキングスイッチ交換」を行なって頂き、問題は改善され、エラーもなくなりました。参考にして下さい。
In the case of my car, I had it fixed at a shop I had been using. When I checked it with a diagnostic machine at the shop, the error diagnosis was "Multifunction switch signal failure P/N position". Based on that, they replaced the parking switch, and the problem was resolved and the error disappeared. Please use this as a reference. (by Google Translate...m(__)m