Let's Play Wargame AirLand Battle NATO Fortress Olso Campaign Battle 1

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 141

  • @woodwyrm
    @woodwyrm 10 лет назад +26

    "infantry doesn't really matter"
    fuck this let's play.

  • @DixieFatline
    @DixieFatline 10 лет назад +9

    and market garden is really a good example to follow...

  • @GriffinMan00
    @GriffinMan00 10 лет назад

    I love it when i look for a good LP of a series, and find a great yet small youtuber, because i feel so helpful to you guys, subbing and watching your videos

  • @paddytehpyro
    @paddytehpyro 11 лет назад

    Well, if I had any doubt in my mind about buying this game, you just sold it to me. Nice video, I look forward to seeing more.

  • @81gamer81
    @81gamer81 11 лет назад

    Great lets play, and good commenting. Nice to know your thought process.

  • @jamesrender
    @jamesrender 11 лет назад

    Nice presentation many thanks

  • @Variable7
    @Variable7 10 лет назад +6

    Thanks for the video! By the way, you gonna have to show your cursor, it's very hard to follow you without it being displayed.

  • @Hunter_312
    @Hunter_312 10 лет назад

    Thank you for this video, it was very helpful since I was kinda clueless on how to counter a heavy tank division with an airborne unit.

  • @deluxeesak
    @deluxeesak 11 лет назад

    This is so amazing ,please keep this coming !

  • @TheAlpo40
    @TheAlpo40 11 лет назад

    All criticism aside . . . If you want to read THE definitive account of Market-Garden, I recommend Cornelius Ryan's A Bridge Too Far. It isn't 'beat you over the head' dense like a lot of military history, is largely character-driven, and reads like a novel. Good stuff.

  • @Porty1119
    @Porty1119 11 лет назад

    The M551 Sheridan is a parachute-droppable 'tank' (really a light-armored tank destroyer/recon vehicle).

  • @30LayersOfKevlar
    @30LayersOfKevlar 11 лет назад

    "2000 points of stuff, and it was way too much". You are not required to do this right away. Battles sometimes are meant to be fought in the span of few days (turns). Even if you won't get required points, and the game will end in draw. You will (if you captured areas) gain a foothold on the map, and on the next day you will have it easier to achieve your goal, after enemy took damage.

  • @ChaplainDMK
    @ChaplainDMK 11 лет назад

    I really wouldn't call dropping lightly armed airborne troops along a narrow corridor through which you would deploy armored columns that could be flanked and annihilated with very little effort a very good play to be honest.
    It was waaay to risky, very odd plan to come from Monty, who's really known for being the reserved and cautious general that stacked odds ever in his favor before engaging the enemy.

  • @Fallout3131
    @Fallout3131 11 лет назад

    Sweet :D MOAR

  • @Chaser880
    @Chaser880 11 лет назад

    the M551 Sheridan that you were using was an air deployable tank

  • @alegotaco
    @alegotaco 11 лет назад +1

    this game is 66% off on steam right now, do you think its worth getting?

  • @Andrewza1
    @Andrewza1 11 лет назад

    They had pontoon bridges and the they got past mall but one of the rivers. So if it was doomed to fail they did a pretty good job.

  • @xBlade87x
    @xBlade87x 10 лет назад

    I would also like to add in the tanks you spawned in, the Sheridan, that's an airborne tank. It's armor is very weak and it can't really hold it's own against other tanks because of the light weight composites used to make it. But you can indeed drop them out of airplanes.

  • @NodDisciple1
    @NodDisciple1 10 лет назад

    You can theoretically drop a tank out of some transports if it flies low enough and the tank has a drag chute. Problem is, it tears up the shocks really really bad.

  • @SpiritCock
    @SpiritCock 10 лет назад +18

    'Irregardless' Cringe.
    It is purely luck that the enemy didn't deploy on the tile you zerg'd and that they didn't use aircraft, otherwise you would have gotten rekt in the first minute of gameplay due to your lack of cover and general discretion.

  • @KissShotAcerolaOrion
    @KissShotAcerolaOrion 11 лет назад

    Good for you.

  • @ShaunWilkinsonPPC
    @ShaunWilkinsonPPC 11 лет назад

    You can rebuild (so to speak) your army/units, by sending them R&R orders.... eventually you can replenish your army, but I think the enemy also rebuild!!!

  • @EvilTwinn
    @EvilTwinn 11 лет назад

    That Sheriden is the only tank able to be dropped via parachute.

  • @cheezycrackers222
    @cheezycrackers222 11 лет назад

    Drive an armoured column up a single road an across multiple bridges and if one is blown up the whole operation fails. It was doomed to fail from the start.

  • @gabrielmcguoirk6106
    @gabrielmcguoirk6106 11 лет назад

    I like when he said on his first battle that he would do it like operation market garden. i'm like WAIT NO OPERATION MARKET GARDEN FAILED

  • @YoChocoTube
    @YoChocoTube 11 лет назад

    Both the Dutch resistance ánd British intelligence gave all the information they needed, but they chose to ignore it; it did not fit their planning, with a lot of unnecessary casualties as a result.

  • @Hunter_312
    @Hunter_312 10 лет назад +1

    In ''World in Conflict'' tanks like the Abrahams and the T-90 are paradroped too. I don't believe that this is possible though.

  • @scottbrowning7995
    @scottbrowning7995 11 лет назад

    Those tanks are airborne tanks. They have light armor. So light that why a plane can carry them with the jumpers

  • @OneRedBlock
    @OneRedBlock 11 лет назад

    All I was thinking throughout this video was "why are the trees so big?"

  • @KissShotAcerolaOrion
    @KissShotAcerolaOrion 11 лет назад

    Warsaw Pact was: East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Soviet Union and Hungary.

  • @bloodravenist
    @bloodravenist 11 лет назад

    this game looks a lot better then the 1st game

  • @HangarDoorProduction
    @HangarDoorProduction 10 лет назад

    The 82nd Airborne have tanks because the M551 Sheridan was made to be airdropped

  • @GodDidJesusInTheButt
    @GodDidJesusInTheButt 11 лет назад

    I didn't realize that Wargame has such a campaign map. Is it similar to total war? I'm not sure how to interpret it.

  • @canadiandrumer
    @canadiandrumer 11 лет назад

    Sheridan tanks are airborne that is why they were made

  • @kiffo58
    @kiffo58 11 лет назад

    Decimate - Kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage of.

  • @thyrampantpigeon
    @thyrampantpigeon 11 лет назад

    If you have two Battalions/regiments or whatever attacking one place simultaneously, do you control both or does the AI control one of them?

  • @TheRealN0M4D
    @TheRealN0M4D 10 лет назад +8

    How many times can you say "With that being said" and "irregardless"(which isn't a word by the way) in a video? Haha

    • @The4LA2Baker0
      @The4LA2Baker0 10 лет назад +4

      Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that “there is no such word.” There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance.

    • @TheRealN0M4D
      @TheRealN0M4D 10 лет назад +2

      Chris Law " Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance." Thus, it isn't a word. It's not listed as an official word in the dictionary nor is Wikipedia an accurate or trustworthy source. :P

    • @The4LA2Baker0
      @The4LA2Baker0 10 лет назад +2

      Randy Fitzgerald
      That is actually quoted from the dictionary. You missed the important part; "There is such a word".

    • @TheRealN0M4D
      @TheRealN0M4D 10 лет назад +2

      Chris Law Also the clue resides in, "Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century." American Dialect? That sentence means some hillbilly decided to just make up words.

    • @The4LA2Baker0
      @The4LA2Baker0 10 лет назад +2

      Randy Fitzgerald
      Haha! yeah, well sometimes thats how language evolves. It seems that improper usage of the word "good" is becoming normal too. For example:
      "How are you?"
      "I'm good".
      I find it irritating, as I suspect you do, but thats the way language works. Shakespeare invented a lot of words that became part of the vernacular. (www.shakespeare-online.com/biography/wordsinvented.html)
      George Bush Jr tried to coin a few words, the one that I can recall off the top of my head was "misunderestimate", LoL.

  • @YoChocoTube
    @YoChocoTube 11 лет назад

    The FAILURE of operation Market Garden ended Allied expectations of finishing the war by Christmas 1944. As retaliation for Market Garden and a general railway strike which took place at the same time, the German occupation forces blocked all food shipments to the west of the Netherlands. As a result the winter of 1944-1945 is known in The Netherlands as the "Hunger Winter"; more than 20000 men, women and children died.
    " A Bridge To Far " indeed!!!
    Know your history. By the way: I'm Dutch.

  • @adamjulianhvitstedrose9777
    @adamjulianhvitstedrose9777 9 лет назад +9

    Olso? Do you mean Oslo?

    • @saytans7497
      @saytans7497 8 лет назад

      +Adam Julian Hvitsted Rose he try to say also..hahaha

    • @Ickie71
      @Ickie71 5 лет назад


  • @AlienX202
    @AlienX202 11 лет назад

    Love your name

  • @cafedunhill77
    @cafedunhill77 11 лет назад

    that alarm keep making me look at my iphone.

  • @DoubleRD
    @DoubleRD 11 лет назад

    first time i did this, i thought i was pact still....sorta did some sea ship barrage on myself.......

  • @iuvenisD
    @iuvenisD 10 лет назад

    Can you also set the clock on unlimited?

  • @TheAlpo40
    @TheAlpo40 11 лет назад

    I'm going to say that no 'good plan' relies on only one main corridor cutting through terrain otherwise impassible to armor from kickoff to destination.
    Even junior Dutch military staff in exile and Dutch resistance couldn't believe that Montgomery could be so stupid.
    Bad plan. Bad execution. Bad luck. Bad weather.
    Eisenhower shouldn't have caved to Montgomery's arrogance and egomaniacal quest for personal glory and should have (instead) let Patton smash through the Saar like he wanted to.

  • @benjihero86
    @benjihero86 11 лет назад

    Hey can you go as the Soviets during this campaign???

  • @ClockWorkGamer28
    @ClockWorkGamer28 11 лет назад

    Please excuse my ignorance, I know what NATO is but what is PACT? what countries are in PACT?

  • @kylel.8128
    @kylel.8128 11 лет назад

    Pact as in Warsaw Pact, I'm guessing

  • @oliverbjerg5624
    @oliverbjerg5624 11 лет назад

    Im From Denmark ( Danmark ) :D

  • @thymenooijevaar
    @thymenooijevaar 11 лет назад

    i'm going to base it off off market garden....
    because that went alright.

  • @BensanjoNO
    @BensanjoNO 11 лет назад

    Yea! Heia Norge :D

  • @Pewpewchewchew
    @Pewpewchewchew  11 лет назад

    It was a perfectly reasonable plan at the time, though from a combination of bad luck and circumstances coupled with the operational incompetence, things went wrong. Good plan bad execution. Go to pegasusarchive for a detaiedl list.

  • @Pewpewchewchew
    @Pewpewchewchew  11 лет назад

    That was how I thought it worked till I tried after a test game.

  • @TheKuangr
    @TheKuangr 11 лет назад

    Sheridans are airborne tanks

  • @e21big
    @e21big 10 лет назад

    ALB is painfully lagged even on higher end PC, an idea why?

  • @CloudGT4
    @CloudGT4 11 лет назад

    Without a doubt irl, that would have been a easy battle for any 82nd Regiment. Just saying.

  • @Enos666
    @Enos666 11 лет назад

    bastardised term, the original definition was used in the roman army as to execute (decem = ten) 1/10th of a group of criminals, often deserters as punishment and was demonstrated in WWII for war prisoners.
    Some people are pretty anal about using the modern term as a synonym to annihiate since another definition exists.

  • @yoloman544
    @yoloman544 11 лет назад

    Could you have the mouse visible?

  • @TheFurryHuskyWolf
    @TheFurryHuskyWolf 11 лет назад

    Fortress Oslo... Oslo dude

  • @RazielTheLost
    @RazielTheLost 11 лет назад

    bad execution = troops dead = bad plan in my book

  • @mudharmahmood6723
    @mudharmahmood6723 9 лет назад

    Hey guys does this game offer tutorials? I'm really bad at RTS but this looks fun

    • @kayleerhodes5473
      @kayleerhodes5473 9 лет назад +1

      Not your fault. This game is brutal

    • @jidi2282
      @jidi2282 6 лет назад

      Mudhar Mahmood
      This game is nearly similar to "world in conflict" cousin.
      But wargame is not just like world in conflict and red alert that we know.
      In wargame each unit has limitation from Infantry, Armor, attack helicopter, and aircraft.
      This game is veryhard to play brutal

  • @73ZAR
    @73ZAR 11 лет назад

    Абрамс М1, спокойно пробивается "выстрелом" из старенького рпг-7. Но "патриоты" разработчики в упор не хотят видеть таких фактов и дальше продолжают клепать игры, в которых неуязвимые американские(НАТОвские) танки гоняют на полигонах и жгут технику противника. Делали б тогда уж открытый игровой код, чтобы можно было менять характеристики юнитов, но нет. наверное АНБ и ЦРУ не позволяет :)

  • @Cr1zza
    @Cr1zza 10 лет назад

    Dude, why not let your infantry garrison the houses? ATGM troops are hard to rout out ad the AI usually sed high aluable units aainst them...

  • @PixelatedWolf
    @PixelatedWolf 10 лет назад

    Can this game be a first or third person shooter two?

  • @Luriksen
    @Luriksen 11 лет назад

    typo btw, Oslo not Olso.

  • @15Billman
    @15Billman 11 лет назад

    Holy shit he doesn't even have any recon units.

  • @onsholo
    @onsholo 11 лет назад

    It did...for the germans :P

  • @gleitsonSalles
    @gleitsonSalles 11 лет назад

    you are so beaultifour...

  • @greekhop
    @greekhop 11 лет назад

    Dude, I must disagree on something, I thought the campaign in WEE was pretty dope, but dislike this one. 'Tacked on' is correct. People saying its like Total War series... but is it? Total War campaign is incredibly in-depth, engaging and plays very well. The game also explains what everything is for so you can figure out the best way to use things.
    BTW, you are supposed to use recon to not end up airdropping into a shitty spot. And your 1st inf brigade got bombed, while you bombed empty space

  • @jugs554433
    @jugs554433 11 лет назад

    so o this game your infantry isn't infantry? there tanks?

  • @colonialschmekelsburg7316
    @colonialschmekelsburg7316 8 лет назад +1


  • @xBlade87x
    @xBlade87x 10 лет назад

    Yes because Operation Market Garden worked out oh so well.. lol

  • @hellothere4688
    @hellothere4688 9 лет назад

    Why does it sound like FNaF 2 Main Menu music here 3:41 ?

  • @puckrian
    @puckrian 9 лет назад

    09:36 cringing so hard, bcos of the lack of rear defense and no protected cp vehicles + m35 not deployed when you first spotted enemy so recon or light R can get first shots off and not be in panic state when shot at before unloading

  • @Jeppe9cool
    @Jeppe9cool 10 лет назад

    nooooooooooooooooo you kil me you are a monster!

  • @jamesf4423
    @jamesf4423 11 лет назад

    -Full stops.

  • @Ambassador1701
    @Ambassador1701 11 лет назад

    And all nations not PACT or NATO, are considered "third-world nations."

  • @gleitsonSalles
    @gleitsonSalles 11 лет назад

    I Prefer M1A2 Butr this tank isn't ligth amored is medium amored

  • @Ambassador1701
    @Ambassador1701 11 лет назад

    I think the campaign is lame in this as well. Once you capture Oslo, the campaign is over. I thought you could continue to capture the whole map.

  • @ryantran7539
    @ryantran7539 11 лет назад

    U let your infantry get killed :(

  • @MrAsakill
    @MrAsakill 11 лет назад

    the DDR(East Germany)
    not west germany

  • @73ZAR
    @73ZAR 11 лет назад

    Fucking tactics. allocated all units. and drove the whole crowd crush the enemy. NATO soldiers most invulnerable. :) (Google translate)

  • @philbettinger1741
    @philbettinger1741 10 лет назад

    haha its day 0 hahaha

  • @gleitsonSalles
    @gleitsonSalles 11 лет назад

    when i need your opnion i ask....

  • @TheRealNetherFreak
    @TheRealNetherFreak 11 лет назад

    Oslo's a bit... small

  • @slayedguy
    @slayedguy 11 лет назад

    no dislikes yay

  • @LittleHunterXD
    @LittleHunterXD 11 лет назад

    Have a prof pic and i sub

  • @PetrVejchoda
    @PetrVejchoda 11 лет назад

    The funny thing is that he says it correctly, but he cant type it :D

  • @corrinewest1449
    @corrinewest1449 8 лет назад +1

    on my kid play my moms phone but I sent again just like this actually the same exact thing

    • @suncity803
      @suncity803 8 лет назад +3

      +Corrine West pardon

    • @vladen14
      @vladen14 8 лет назад

      +Corrine West what the fuck

    • @Need4funs
      @Need4funs 8 лет назад

      Evidence 1 against doing hardcore drugs lol

  • @15Billman
    @15Billman 11 лет назад

    Using your precious few thin-skinned M551's as a frontal assault force and trying to make the 82nd as pseudo-armored unit. WHAT A NOOB!

  • @Maxmekker42
    @Maxmekker42 9 лет назад


  • @lancer7441
    @lancer7441 11 лет назад

    no turkey and Greece are nato u forgot about them

  • @vernomify
    @vernomify 11 лет назад

    how the hell is finland one of the riches countrys in the world u got oil too?

  • @fedas15
    @fedas15 10 лет назад

    Point system seems kind of stupid...

  • @gleitsonSalles
    @gleitsonSalles 11 лет назад


  • @73ZAR
    @73ZAR 11 лет назад

    Why so angry? nerve cells do not regenerate. I'm sorry for my English. I do not speak dog language. Be healthy not to cough. (Google translated)

  • @Kizzamore95
    @Kizzamore95 11 лет назад

    Ehh operation market garden fucked up big time

  • @TheAZchambers
    @TheAZchambers 10 лет назад

    tanks..modern 82nd airborne ...yea fuck this game

    • @TheRandomguy2011
      @TheRandomguy2011 10 лет назад +5

      The game takes place in 1985. 82nd had tanks back then.

  • @ИванПичушкин-щ7ф
    @ИванПичушкин-щ7ф 10 лет назад

    Давай на русском!

  • @andrewcollins8977
    @andrewcollins8977 11 лет назад


  • @TheAlpo40
    @TheAlpo40 11 лет назад

    I find your lack of tactics disconcerting.