Thanks to Canaan & Your Husband all time helping to HKers. Good News! To HKers (especially the Youngs): My good friend- their friend in London applied for BNO Visa (5+1) in London and got appointment the 2nd day in Feb, submitted all documents. Then the day after they got BNO Visa (5+1 ) approval immediately (Yesterday). UK Gov 真係幫香港人(尤其後生仔)沒有什麼阻難。 👍🉐️相信其他人仕in UK 㑹一個一個收到BNO Visa (5+1) Approval God Bless HKers, our young generation. I really hope all the Youngs from HK will have a good start in UK. Add Oil!
What a reason why New Builds are usually using LVT flooring instead of Engineering flooring, is it just the PRICE issue , or weather issue when it is all the time in racing in UK. ?
正呀!完全正中我的問題!1.請講吓屋仔浴室點解成只係舖一半磚,上半幅牆只係油漆?唔會發霉咩?2.a )廚房都係唔full tiling, 油煙點抹?b ) Sink好細,大隻鑊or 鍋擺唔落dishwasher, 好難在sink洗,英國有冇大sink like Japanese one? 3. 英國有冇日本大雙門雪櫃?300L or above , lockdown 兼遠距離,一個大雪櫃好重要!(佢哋通常人口都唔少呀,點解雪櫃咁細呢?) 4. 請介紹一下如何找可靠的裝修師傅,聽講有做到一半失咗蹤!同埋有什麼自己要注意提佢哋?想裝多啲sockets得唔得?5. 最最重要的問題:未入伙裝修時可以做d乜預防發霉?裝浴室寶?買抽濕機?窗口通風有乜注意地方?(又要小心賊又要保暖,咁如何開窗呢?) sorry for many questions and thank you very much!
1. Cost saving with developers. 2. Cost saving again, you can wipe with kitchen products. 3. Big American dishes exist, just need a big house. 4. Try to get local contractors with referrals, try find from online platform too. 5. Install a fan or open windows, there is already a radiator, you could use dehumidifier as well. Thanks for your support.
有專業人士嘅講解,呢個video真係無價!非常感謝 🙏
very helpful and professional sharing, thx
亜偉你真系好好人,運用你學到知識和經驗,無私地教我地,感恩有你和太太這個channel 🙏🙏🙏
This is the best DIY video I watched. Very helpful. Saving a lot of time and expense. Well done!
Thank you!!
兩年幾後先睇到 好實用 謝謝你們
感謝分享!🙏🏻想問下會唔會考慮做一集有間garden house?
我以前都係跟一間室內設計公司做,一聽呢啲topic 實在醒神,多謝阿偉介紹,謝謝。
Thanks to Canaan & Your Husband all time helping to HKers.
Good News! To HKers (especially the Youngs):
My good friend- their friend in London applied for BNO Visa (5+1) in London and got appointment the 2nd day in Feb, submitted all documents. Then the day after they got BNO Visa (5+1 ) approval immediately (Yesterday).
UK Gov 真係幫香港人(尤其後生仔)沒有什麼阻難。
👍🉐️相信其他人仕in UK 㑹一個一個收到BNO Visa (5+1) Approval
God Bless HKers, our young generation. I really hope all the Youngs from HK will have a good start in UK. Add Oil!
我睇好多Rightmove 樓盤,廚房sink一般都比較細
thank you your sharing.
Hello 亞偉,謝謝你的資訊分享,又明白多一點了 👍👍
Grohe products are really good, worth to buy, 特別個冷熱水mixer, 好smooth較到理想沖涼水溫度.
非常多謝🙏你好介紹,英國人工係太貴 ,如果安裝櫥櫃同製造櫥櫃 ,發覺有的不成比例甚至人工大過產品,一般的廚房櫃' 都人工費還 ,是否同意我哋講法?如果自己櫥櫃自己安裝是否可以做到?最重要係廚房嘅設計,容易安裝,容易修口!多謝你,
十分十分有用的資訊. 裝修時就心中有些譜.
意見專業,聲線又一流,the best video of this channel, sorry Canaan 😂
haha proud of him. should I be happy or upset?! lol
內容非常清晰, 很有幫忙, 十分感謝!
So informative that save me lot of time to narrow out where and what to buy, thank you.
Thank you Cyrus! We will add oil!
Very glad to hear that! Thanks
可否自己買料自己安裝,唔一定要builders 👷♂️
希望下次可以講下買tool and equipment, 想知道有乜野需要在家維修時必備!
Please check out the DIY video, Wai talked about tools there.
Thanks wan information clean god bless you and family
好想了解新手點入行做裝修/地盤工作, thx
What a reason why New Builds are usually using LVT flooring instead of Engineering flooring, is it just the PRICE issue , or weather issue when it is all the time in racing in UK. ?
Thanks for sharing 👍🏻
How about Laminate floorings? Thanks.
洗衣機推荐Zanussi, 用極都唔會壞
hi. wai.goodmorning.Thanks to share internal decorations material.
好清楚 詳細 精要 無廢話 好多有用網站介紹 讚👍🏻👍🏻 珈嵐可以偷懶一下🤣
長知識! 超實用! 正!
very nice video, very useful, thank you.
真係非常之實用,萬分感謝! 即刻要save低留返遲d買咗樓嚟參考返
偉哥果然有大身將嘅風範, 我地 Bristol 之光. 💪🏼💪🏼
Haha thanks😁😁🥰
可以講下背後人字紋DIY !好靚
Great work of DIY wall panel(backdrop)👍👍
Good information and knowledge .thanks.. professional
Very informative sharing. Thx
May I know where to buy mattress and sofa in the UK?
Hello 阿偉 & Canaan,
我剛落訂買了間新屋, 發展商David Wilson HOME
新屋唔包 Flooring 和 牆磚,同埋worktop本身是 Vinyl, 我唸upgrade 左會好啲.
請教下你哋, 如果本身budget有限, 想選啲Quality唔太差嘅應該點揀。
Vinyl, quick Step Impressive, Amtico (價錢差好遠)
- 廚房連飯廳,浴室又應該鋪咩地板
- 樓梯,Lending,Bedroom1 & 2 想鋪地氈 (暖啲), Bedroom 3 冇人用, 如鋪地板較容易清潔。
正呀!完全正中我的問題!1.請講吓屋仔浴室點解成只係舖一半磚,上半幅牆只係油漆?唔會發霉咩?2.a )廚房都係唔full tiling, 油煙點抹?b ) Sink好細,大隻鑊or 鍋擺唔落dishwasher, 好難在sink洗,英國有冇大sink like Japanese one? 3. 英國有冇日本大雙門雪櫃?300L or above , lockdown 兼遠距離,一個大雪櫃好重要!(佢哋通常人口都唔少呀,點解雪櫃咁細呢?) 4. 請介紹一下如何找可靠的裝修師傅,聽講有做到一半失咗蹤!同埋有什麼自己要注意提佢哋?想裝多啲sockets得唔得?5. 最最重要的問題:未入伙裝修時可以做d乜預防發霉?裝浴室寶?買抽濕機?窗口通風有乜注意地方?(又要小心賊又要保暖,咁如何開窗呢?) sorry for many questions and thank you very much!
1. Cost saving with developers. 2. Cost saving again, you can wipe with kitchen products. 3. Big American dishes exist, just need a big house. 4. Try to get local contractors with referrals, try find from online platform too. 5. Install a fan or open windows, there is already a radiator, you could use dehumidifier as well. Thanks for your support.
@@Dancerc 😊Thanks
thank you 晒。😀
多謝 Canaan 資訊
Support your channel !😎👍
Yes it did take two long nights!
Very Good!!!
資料非常有用👍🏻 辛苦晒🙏🏻 對住鏡頭講嘢 越嚟越好👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤣🤣🤣
Would be interested to know what they are
多謝分享! 之前鋪Carpet比較過Local business 同 carpetright/Tapi, local business 有時仲平服務仲好,我地去個間老闆仲會自己鋪埋,唔洗經carpetright/Tapi搵contractor
好喜歡睇你地既channel,想問下關於boiler 既問題,我間屋1樓有2個bathroom, 2樓有1個bathroom. 我好想裝combi boiler 因為唔駛煲水。上網睇左好多info 都話combi boiler 只適合1 bathroom house. 唔知有冇記錯,你地有一隻好似講過你地有兩個boiler. 我想問下我係未可以裝兩個combi boiler? 有冇咩野要注意?如果你地可以開一個topic 講boiler 就好了。祝你地一家新年快樂,身體健康!
請問2月20日的直播有否提及屋內渠蓋問題?因睇屋見有渠蓋,不知是什麼渠,要留意什麼?如有,可否加條link 方便看嗎?謝謝!
這個很有用, 我本也想問有否日本式的TOILET
非常好的推薦, 正! 想知道一些關於家居網路線路安裝, 和家居保安系統的需求. 唔該晒!
Did mention about security in a different video. Hope to cover internet on a different video.
謝謝你的分享呀!!唔知可否講多d整廚房同廁所要留意嘅野呀?? 你真係講好好,好易好, good job
Might talk about it in a new video
Very informative. Thanks!
Please talk more about the central heating vs floor heating vs warm/cool invertor air con
Thanks in advance
Haha, not sure if everyone wants to know in more detail, might be a bit boring 🤪😄
@@Dancerc 以下所有用戶的意見證明一切,加油!
A very wonderful information enhancing our renovations for my 2nd hand house . Thank you Ah Wai👍🏼🙏🏻👏
非常有用👍🏼可以介紹下英國買傢俬店舖/網站 及安裝師傅嗎?
Thank You偉哥既裝修天書
Thank you so much for your practical sharing. It is really very useful
Thanks for sharing. Impressive video!
偉哥 我係做裝修木工為主,過到嚟英國做裝修有咩要注意?
Very useful tips, thank you very much
very good,😘這個視頻非非常有用,超有用👍👍
This is the best DIY video I watched. Very helpful. Saving a lot of time and expense. Well done!
Thanks! Good advice!
Thanks! Very detailed and professional. But where is Canaank ? :))