I don’t know about y’all, but from a worldly perspective, I have messed up my life by letting my ego run the show. I have surrendered to God because obviously I don’t know what I’m doing. So I find this topic very relevant to my life right now.
When the student is ready, the teacher appears. It’s been a long 8 year journey of searching and I am so grateful it was finally time for me to find “A course in Miracles”. Thank you so much for these podcasts. It was finally time for me to hear this. Everything else falls into place now. I’ve always been a spiritual seeker and a good asker, but this reminded me just how important it is to knock, to seek, to ask and then to listen and to hear and to heed and obey.
Wonderful! Thank you. I sponsor women in a 12-step recovery group and if I harp on them to call me when they’re struggling and they never do then I’m THRILLED if they call for a seemingly trivial thing because it’s a step forward, no matter how small. I imagine God loves to hear about the grocery store tomatoes 😂😂
HEAVEN is ready 24/7 waiting to take our call, but we have received many answers we have failed to recognize. Loosely quoting JESUS, "I do only those things which I see my FATHER doing." If there is a FLOW we are to go, and if not we stop and ask. We are to follow the direction that brings us PEACE. After leading the hard way it is a relief to follow the EASY WAY. The WAY of HEAVEN has a PEACEFUL easy feeling.
CRAZY THING JUST HAPPENED. Writing this on 1/2/25 because I committed to take this journey for new year, found the PDF course companion reading schedule which days to read this very cameo 1st… I literally skipped it because it looked like info about the people that channeled the book not “helpful meat & potatoes” of the course and then I watch THIS VIDEO and then find that the Cameo 1 is extremely relevant and it feels like this experience is showing me that I’m being guided & led in some way. Thank you all for what you do. Now I’m even more stoked for this journey
🤍🌟🤯🕊 13:35 There's something kinda sick inside that says it's better, in principle, to be in control even if you end up less happy. And that's really sick. That's the power of the ego. 41:32 SO RELEVANT!!
This is the most perfect topic for me right now. I’m sure this was a synchronistic orchestration! So I must stop trying to figure it out (egoic thinking) and ask, ask, ask. ❤️❤️
Let us remember that there are lots of judgments, when in initially trying to listen to holy spirits guidance first of all guidance does not have to be in an audible voice. Most people will not hear an audible voice for sometime. Even Helen mentions that she never heard an actual audible voice so if you’re looking for the Holy Spirit to speak to you in a certain voice in your mind, your ego is trying to have an investment in the answer. Guidance can come in many different ways. Wherever your mind is allowed to be reached by HS. Guidance can come through a song on the radio, a bumper sticker, through another person’s voice, or just a feeling or idea in your own mind that has no words to it. When you get good at listening, though you eventually we’ll hear an audible voice, and that voice.
Excellent podcast. Emily always seems to ask the questions that are in my head. They make a great duo. The course has found me and I can't get enough of these podcasts. I am in a text study group which is tough for me as I am still learning. We are on chapter 4 and about guidance and I thought we should be asking the Holy Spirit for guidance etc...I'm confused, isn't God not able to really help us which is why he gave us the Holy Spirit? I need to deep dive this. I also love how they both talked about being "sick" and I agree that sometimes I would rather be in control even if it means I am less happy. How crazy is that but so true. Can't wait for episode 2!
I seem to hear and feel holy spirit in my gut. It's that feeling that stops you in your tracks. I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent Him who sent me. I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He who sent me will direct me. I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me. I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal. This helpful prayer usually does it for me🙏💖 Grateful for this helpful conversation it's always good to hear 🌞
❤ "Together with me your divine Self just watch this virtual reality in which images of bodies appear which seem to do things and speak, and in which human thoughts, memories, imaginations and feeling and sensations appear, and around which events seem to take place, and think with me: "I am not a body, nor am I doing what it seems to do, nor have I done what it seems to have done. I am God the Holy One." When seeing another body image in this virtual reality, think with me: "You are not a body, nor are you doing what it seem to do, nor have you done what it seems to have done. You are God the Holy One." ❤
yes, its the same to ask either God, the Holy Spirit or Jesus, because they all share the same MIND and WILL ❤ thank you so much for another brilliant inspiration and GUIDANCE on this beautiful path toward truth and love 😃
I've needed this message. I keep asking myself if I am hearing truth or what I am telling myself. I am SO OPEN to wanting to follow Holy Spirit's guidance, but I can talk myself out of it, if it's not comfortable. Thank you!
I'm often guided to things that seem foolish: if I am afraid to do the things that humble or make me feel foolish in others eyes, or in my own. I usually fail first and fail often, why repeat a terrible decision when new terrible decisions that noone would advise I make, almost always leads to a place noone has seen. New vistas follow you everywhere lurking behind shadows cast by your own fear, only the brave bring a light into the dark woods. If I am not grounded: the spirit lightning's GPS tries to reroute to find an alternate path to ground.....sometimes spirit can't find anything but traffic jams. We take for granted how much we hold each others lives in each others hands, like how people who don't see or hear the train can get pulled off the tracks, just in the nick of time. Thank god for the beings with both eyes and sight. He saw that the train was in the pedestrian's very nearly all-encompassing blind spot. Sometimes the person who did the saving doesn't make it.... ...if that kind of thing isn't heroic.....then what on this Earth is ? Or could be? It is heroic for a person who has a self so big it includes others: to self-preservate. Like two cells in one body. One hand is sacrificed to save the other..... if you have a definition of self that includes others. the whole thing is identified with a "higher" selfishness. The thing to be most afraid of is a world void of bravery. Knowlegde, compassion, and forgiveness and even kindnesses have it as a requsite. No one is actually afraid of their weakness(except possibly fear of them being revealed maybe) ......that is the disguise they wear to hide from self-ownership. To have to stand and sign for receipt of their blessings and their strengths. Blessings and strengths that were acquired too effortlessly can turn a blessing of effortlessness. into a curse of feeling like an imposter. Weakness is weak, you can walk up to it and push it over like a cardboard cut-out: try to do the same to a strength and you'll understand the silliness of pretending to be both hiding and seeking from yourself at the same time. but i don't believe in the existence of strengths. that are themselves weak....you are messing with a wizard in fool's clothes who can push you over like a cardboard cut-out from miles away People are soo afraid of their real strengths ....so afraid they will never even look untill all their weakness have been conquered, which they know would require strength to walk up to the card-board cut-outs of their very own weakness demons and push them over. if not a one of the souls is brave or heroic or faithful enough to leap offa' cliffs and do, or attempt to do the impossible or jump out over the edge: and throw yourself into the dangerous mystery if it beckons. If there was no such bravery left among humanity: we would welcome a New Digital Dark Ages ....summoned by our own cowardice Without the example provided by the brave why would anyone tune in to the better angels of our nature: the brave of heart, challenge us to simply be in the moment and respond. They invite us to stand tall, and remind us we aren't going to get very far in the world by trying to run from your own 2 feet (the world's most effective way of going nowhere, like traveling at warp speed on a hamster wheel) The spirit's hands move quicker than the mind's "I". Spirit seeks a vessel based on how much emptiness it's structured to hold the overall capacity, a measure of your reserve capacity, and how much of you is held as accessible emptiness to be holy hollow and hold together as form to be of any service to its contents strong enough to with stand all the times it is washed and dried With each our own measure of emptiness , this is our plot of earth, to reap what you sow : some fill this vessel with darkness and fear and then seal it with cement, feigned ignorance sealed with dark-magic. It a perpetually losing game trying to escape your feet if fear is holding your breath, then how can any spirit be inspirational. if a fool would persist in his folly he would become wise and he who would give light, must endure burning
Amazing job guys! I’ve seen so many of the things you talked about in this video within myself. Thank you for talking about this and being so honest. It’s reassuring to know that others have experienced the same thing. ❤
In my meditation today I “heard” the word *hang up* 😮 I feel that I was meant to listen to this podcast. I want to ask for guidance more and I want to receive guidance 🙏🏻 thank you so much
Perhaps the percentage of time you get no answer is the answer to “ do nothing” yet. You are always getting the answer … always For me I’m always asking and when I forget I’m reminded to do nothing and see other as yourself . Be kind to all and you will know God
I always hear the control argument about why we’re reluctant to follow anyone’s guidance-Jesus or otherwise. But it just seemed to be off the mark since the precursor to control is lack of trust in the person giving the guidance and if you follow that it comes to down fear of some kind of loss. I will lose something impotent to me if I follow this guidance because I don’t know if what I’m hearing is for my highest purpose.
My big problem is that, when I do ask for guidance, I don't know whether what I'm hearing is just me making it up! Like if I ask the HS if I should read a book or go to the park for example. If I feel more like I want to go to the park and I hear "go to the park", I wonder if that's just me saying it because that's what I wanted to do. :(
💗 "To be egocentric is to be dispirited, but to be self-centered in the right sense is to be inspired, or in the spirit. The truly inspired are enlightened and cannot abide in darkness." "I cannot guide your mind except as you associate it with your spirit." "If you speak from your spirit, you have chosen to “Be still, and know that I am God.” These words are inspired, because they come from knowledge." ~A Course in Miracles: Based On The Original Handwritten Notes Of Helen Schucman--Complete & Annotated Edition "Be at peace my mind, and know that I am God." 💗 There is information in ACIM on "asking amiss" and thus not getting the right answer. (Which might have been: "Go to the park and take the book with you.") 😁 But basically, seeking the Kingdom first and getting the rest added to it (bonus): "Let me be still and listen to the Truth. Truth will correct all errors in my mind." 💗
What I have learned about myself is that I get an impression to do something and it’s so easy to dismiss and because I often don’t want to do what the voice says, I dismiss it then claim I don’t get guidance. I think this is at least one reason there are so many lessons on hearing the voice. We need to learn to hear and recognize how we hear his voice. I think everyone is different in how they hear also, just as Robert was speaking about how he hears. Practice, practice, practice is vital in getting there.
I’m curious…. Are either of you aware of anyone who did the hourly asking for 40 days? The outcome of that practice would be really interesting to learn about.
Here you go: …concentrate on “Here I am, Lord.” ²Repeat this very short phrase and don’t think of anything else. ³Just pull in your mind slowly from everywhere else and center it on these words. [CE T-3.IX.12] acimce.app/:T-3.IX.12
I should quiet my mind to the point of having only insights. That is not easy but I will do it. One who is addicted to thinking can't hear the Holy Spirit's voice. Every addiction MUST be cut off so we can hear the Holy Spirit.
Yes, if you want peace. To get there it’s a process, that’s why it’s important to read the text and do the lessons. Otherwise, you’ll get confused. When I was crying and feeling hopeless because I didn’t know what to do I asked God for help and guidance. Literally one day I met a guy who out of the blue asked me if I believe this world was real. To cut the story short, he recommended ACIM. I borrowed it from the library and tried to read it, I thought it was senseless (the irony), dropped it and tried to forget about. But I kept asking for help and this book kept popping up, mostly in conversations with people I met while travelling. I started to Google it and found videos but still didn’t understand it. Once more I gave up. One day, I felt the compulsion of going to second hand library and there I found books related to ACIM applied to daily life, bought them, read them, and kept on asking for guidance, for understanding. Finally I bought the book and started the lessons and reading the text. At the beginning I was so afraid that I shivered every time I read it. But slowly, it came down to me , how come I was afraid of God when , repeatedly, I read He loves you unconditionally and wants you back Home. The most important thing that has happened is that my faith on ACIM teachings has been growing steadily. I keep asking Jesus for guidance . Once , I was listening to the radio, my husband was there, and this song called REAl, REAl, REAL, came up, the performer’s name was , Jesus Jones. How about that? Too much of a coincidence.
Thank you so much!
I don’t know about y’all, but from a worldly perspective, I have messed up my life by letting my ego run the show. I have surrendered to God because obviously I don’t know what I’m doing. So I find this topic very relevant to my life right now.
When the student is ready, the teacher appears. It’s been a long 8 year journey of searching and I am so grateful it was finally time for me to find “A course in Miracles”. Thank you so much for these podcasts. It was finally time for me to hear this. Everything else falls into place now. I’ve always been a spiritual seeker and a good asker, but this reminded me just how important it is to knock, to seek, to ask and then to listen and to hear and to heed and obey.
It makes me so happy when I hear this it brings a tear to my eye 🥲
All are called
few choose to listen.
Blessings and Love 🇺🇲
Ego’s don’t like to hear we have been guided by anyBody else other than itself!
Wonderful! Thank you. I sponsor women in a 12-step recovery group and if I harp on them to call me when they’re struggling and they never do then I’m THRILLED if they call for a seemingly trivial thing because it’s a step forward, no matter how small. I imagine God loves to hear about the grocery store tomatoes 😂😂
HEAVEN is ready 24/7 waiting to take our call, but we have received many answers we have failed to recognize. Loosely quoting JESUS, "I do only those things which I see my FATHER doing." If there is a FLOW we are to go, and if not we stop and ask. We are to follow the direction that brings us PEACE. After leading the hard way it is a relief to follow the EASY WAY. The WAY of HEAVEN has a PEACEFUL easy feeling.
Asking is opening a door for spirit to inter and us to inter. Divine cannot interfere with self will..so lets wake up and ask and we shall receive
CRAZY THING JUST HAPPENED. Writing this on 1/2/25 because I committed to take this journey for new year, found the PDF course companion reading schedule which days to read this very cameo 1st… I literally skipped it because it looked like info about the people that channeled the book not “helpful meat & potatoes” of the course and then I watch THIS VIDEO and then find that the Cameo 1 is extremely relevant and it feels like this experience is showing me that I’m being guided & led in some way. Thank you all for what you do. Now I’m even more stoked for this journey
🤍🌟🤯🕊 13:35 There's something kinda sick inside that says it's better, in principle, to be in control even if you end up less happy. And that's really sick. That's the power of the ego. 41:32 SO RELEVANT!!
I love you guys as my teachers ! Thank you!
Downloading the ACIM CE app right now! Thanks for that gift!!❤
I love this. My experience is just being open to willingness even though often what I think I am being asked to do seems virtually impossible.
This is the most perfect topic for me right now. I’m sure this was a synchronistic orchestration! So I must stop trying to figure it out (egoic thinking) and ask, ask, ask. ❤️❤️
Let us remember that there are lots of judgments, when in initially trying to listen to holy spirits guidance first of all guidance does not have to be in an audible voice. Most people will not hear an audible voice for sometime. Even Helen mentions that she never heard an actual audible voice so if you’re looking for the Holy Spirit to speak to you in a certain voice in your mind, your ego is trying to have an investment in the answer. Guidance can come in many different ways. Wherever your mind is allowed to be reached by HS. Guidance can come through a song on the radio, a bumper sticker, through another person’s voice, or just a feeling or idea in your own mind that has no words to it. When you get good at listening, though you eventually we’ll hear an audible voice, and that voice.
Excellent podcast. Emily always seems to ask the questions that are in my head. They make a great duo. The course has found me and I can't get enough of these podcasts. I am in a text study group which is tough for me as I am still learning. We are on chapter 4 and about guidance and I thought we should be asking the Holy Spirit for guidance etc...I'm confused, isn't God not able to really help us which is why he gave us the Holy Spirit? I need to deep dive this. I also love how they both talked about being "sick" and I agree that sometimes I would rather be in control even if it means I am less happy. How crazy is that but so true. Can't wait for episode 2!
yes indeed, also to me the two are such an amazing duo, yin and yang in perfect harmonious action in this world. very exemplary. my respect.
Beautifully explained. Thank you both! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I seem to hear and feel holy spirit in my gut. It's that feeling that stops you in your tracks.
I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Him who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.
This helpful prayer usually does it for me🙏💖
Grateful for this helpful conversation it's always good to hear 🌞
❤ "Together with me your divine Self
just watch this virtual reality in which images of bodies appear which seem to do things and speak, and in which human thoughts, memories, imaginations and feeling and sensations appear, and around which events seem to take place, and think with me:
"I am not a body, nor am I doing what it seems to do, nor have I done what it seems to have done.
I am God the Holy One."
When seeing another body image in this virtual reality, think with me:
"You are not a body, nor are you doing what it seem to do, nor have you done what it seems to have done.
You are God the Holy One."
I'm starting on this path, and Discernment is what I need the most, thanks for sharing! ♥
yes, its the same to ask either God, the Holy Spirit or Jesus, because they all share the same MIND and WILL ❤ thank you so much for another brilliant inspiration and GUIDANCE on this beautiful path toward truth and love 😃
I am so loving your videos! ❤I’m a long long term student and you have a freshness I was guided to 🙏
Thanks! You're welcome to join our free community at community.circleofa.org - we have a ton of free content there as well. xx
I applied!
@@laurentripp8086 Everyone gets in! 😆 Look forward to seeing you there. 💙💙
I've needed this message. I keep asking myself if I am hearing truth or what I am telling myself. I am SO OPEN to wanting to follow Holy Spirit's guidance, but I can talk myself out of it, if it's not comfortable. Thank you!
Love this so much!! Thank you :))))
I'm often guided to things that seem foolish:
if I am afraid to do the things that humble or make me feel foolish in others eyes, or in my own.
I usually fail first and fail often, why repeat a terrible decision when new terrible decisions that noone would advise I make, almost always leads to a place noone has seen.
New vistas follow you everywhere lurking behind shadows cast by your own fear, only the brave bring a light into the dark woods.
If I am not grounded: the spirit lightning's GPS tries to reroute to find an alternate path to ground.....sometimes spirit can't find anything but traffic jams.
We take for granted how much we hold each others lives in each others hands,
like how people who don't see or hear the train can get pulled off the tracks, just in the nick of time.
Thank god for the beings with both eyes and sight.
He saw that the train was in the pedestrian's very nearly all-encompassing blind spot.
Sometimes the person who did the saving doesn't make it....
...if that kind of thing isn't heroic.....then what on this Earth is ? Or could be?
It is heroic for a person who has a self so big it includes others: to self-preservate. Like two cells in one body. One hand is sacrificed to save the other.....
if you have a definition of self that includes others. the whole thing is identified with a "higher" selfishness.
The thing to be most afraid of is a world void of bravery. Knowlegde, compassion, and forgiveness and even kindnesses have it as a requsite.
No one is actually afraid of their weakness(except possibly fear of them being revealed maybe)
......that is the disguise they wear to hide from self-ownership. To have to stand and sign for receipt of their blessings and their strengths.
Blessings and strengths that were acquired too effortlessly can turn a blessing of effortlessness. into a curse of feeling like an imposter.
Weakness is weak, you can walk up to it and push it over like a cardboard cut-out:
try to do the same to a strength
and you'll understand the silliness of pretending to be both hiding and seeking from yourself at the same time.
but i don't believe in the existence of strengths. that are themselves weak....you are messing with a wizard in fool's clothes who can push you over like a cardboard cut-out from miles away
People are soo afraid of their real strengths ....so afraid they will never even look untill all their weakness have been conquered, which they know would require strength to walk up to the card-board cut-outs of their very own weakness demons and push them over.
if not a one of the souls is brave or heroic or faithful enough to leap offa' cliffs and do, or attempt to do the impossible or jump out over the edge: and throw yourself into the dangerous mystery if it beckons. If there was no such bravery left among humanity: we would welcome a New Digital Dark Ages ....summoned by our own cowardice
Without the example provided by the brave why would anyone tune in to the better angels of our nature: the brave of heart, challenge us to simply be in the moment and respond.
They invite us to stand tall, and remind us we aren't going to get very far in the world by trying to run from your own 2 feet
(the world's most effective way of going nowhere, like traveling at warp speed on a hamster wheel)
The spirit's hands move quicker than the mind's "I".
Spirit seeks a vessel based on how much emptiness it's structured to hold
the overall capacity,
a measure of your reserve capacity,
and how much of you is held as accessible emptiness
to be holy hollow
and hold together as form
to be of any service to its contents
strong enough to with stand
all the times it is washed and dried
With each our own measure of emptiness , this is our plot of earth, to reap what you sow :
some fill this vessel with darkness and fear and then seal it with cement, feigned ignorance sealed with dark-magic.
It a perpetually losing game trying to escape your feet
if fear is holding your breath, then how can any spirit be inspirational.
if a fool would persist in his folly he would become wise
he who would give light, must endure burning
Thank you for sharing this! How wonderful.🙏♥️
Amazing job guys! I’ve seen so many of the things you talked about in this video within myself. Thank you for talking about this and being so honest. It’s reassuring to know that others have experienced the same thing. ❤
Claiming mean is there and is yours . And there is this famous saying “ when you believe it you will see it “
In my meditation today I “heard” the word *hang up* 😮 I feel that I was meant to listen to this podcast. I want to ask for guidance more and I want to receive guidance 🙏🏻 thank you so much
Thoroughly enjoyed this & it resonates within the bandwidth of TRUTH
Nice one guys ❤️❤️
Perhaps the percentage of time you get no answer is the answer to “ do nothing” yet.
You are always getting the answer … always
For me I’m always asking and when I forget I’m reminded to do nothing and see other as yourself . Be kind to all and you will know God
I always hear the control argument about why we’re reluctant to follow anyone’s guidance-Jesus or otherwise. But it just seemed to be off the mark since the precursor to control is lack of trust in the person giving the guidance and if you follow that it comes to down fear of some kind of loss. I will lose something impotent to me if I follow this guidance because I don’t know if what I’m hearing is for my highest purpose.
My big problem is that, when I do ask for guidance, I don't know whether what I'm hearing is just me making it up! Like if I ask the HS if I should read a book or go to the park for example. If I feel more like I want to go to the park and I hear "go to the park", I wonder if that's just me saying it because that's what I wanted to do. :(
"To be egocentric is to be dispirited, but to be self-centered in the right sense is to be inspired, or in the spirit. The truly inspired are enlightened and cannot abide in darkness."
"I cannot guide your mind except as you associate it with your spirit."
"If you speak from your spirit, you have chosen to “Be still, and know that I am God.” These words are inspired, because they come from knowledge."
~A Course in Miracles: Based On The Original Handwritten Notes Of Helen Schucman--Complete & Annotated Edition
"Be at peace my mind, and know that I am God."
There is information in ACIM on "asking amiss" and thus not getting the right answer.
(Which might have been: "Go to the park and take the book with you.")
But basically, seeking the Kingdom first and getting the rest added to it (bonus):
"Let me be still and listen to the Truth.
Truth will correct all errors in my mind."
@@lodewijklangeweg742 Thank you 🙂💗
Well alright now!
Beautifully read and said ❤️🔥
Love & Light 🇺🇲
What I have learned about myself is that I get an impression to do something and it’s so easy to dismiss and because I often don’t want to do what the voice says, I dismiss it then claim I don’t get guidance. I think this is at least one reason there are so many lessons on hearing the voice. We need to learn to hear and recognize how we hear his voice. I think everyone is different in how they hear also, just as Robert was speaking about how he hears. Practice, practice, practice is vital in getting there.
I’m curious…. Are either of you aware of anyone who did the hourly asking for 40 days? The outcome of that practice would be really interesting to learn about.
Great video. Thank you 🙏 Would you please let me know where to find the specific meditation suggested to Bill? Thx
Here you go:
…concentrate on “Here I am, Lord.” ²Repeat this very short phrase and don’t think of anything else. ³Just pull in your mind slowly from everywhere else and center it on these words. [CE T-3.IX.12] acimce.app/:T-3.IX.12
I should quiet my mind to the point of having only insights. That is not easy but I will do it. One who is addicted to thinking can't hear the Holy Spirit's voice. Every addiction MUST be cut off so we can hear the Holy Spirit.
Where is the app?. I don't see it in the play store.
We are working to get the app in stores. In the meantime you can download it for free at acimce.app. 💙
Why doesn't the Circle of Atonement contain the Song of Prayer?
We would love to but we don’t have the copyright.
Honestly, is this for real?
You are saying we have to ask jesus to guide us to make decisions?
And meditate to hear the answers...
Have to? No. We're only saying you can.
Yes, if you want peace. To get there it’s a process, that’s why it’s important to read the text and do the lessons. Otherwise, you’ll get confused. When I was crying and feeling hopeless because I didn’t know what to do I asked God for help and guidance. Literally one day I met a guy who out of the blue asked me if I believe this world was real. To cut the story short, he recommended ACIM. I borrowed it from the library and tried to read it, I thought it was senseless (the irony), dropped it and tried to forget about. But I kept asking for help and this book kept popping up, mostly in conversations with people I met while travelling. I started to Google it and found videos but still didn’t understand it. Once more I gave up. One day, I felt the compulsion of going to second hand library and there I found books related to ACIM applied to daily life, bought them, read them, and kept on asking for guidance, for understanding. Finally I bought the book and started the lessons and reading the text. At the beginning I was so afraid that I shivered every time I read it. But slowly, it came down to me , how come I was afraid of God when , repeatedly, I read He loves you unconditionally and wants you back Home. The most important thing that has happened is that my faith on ACIM teachings has been growing steadily. I keep asking Jesus for guidance . Once , I was listening to the radio, my husband was there, and this song called REAl, REAl, REAL, came up, the performer’s name was , Jesus Jones. How about that? Too much of a coincidence.