Alan Scott Green Lantern Secret Origins - Comic History Explained

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 20

  • @cliffwoodbury5319
    @cliffwoodbury5319 Год назад +1

    I like the mythical origin! I wish It showed a page or 2 worth of panels of places the lamp had gone when it explained it was passed around for centuries as a lamp, and or when it told Alan Scott what it had been threw. I like the way he uses his powers

  • @markherron1407
    @markherron1407 19 дней назад +1

    Alan Scott is 7 of DIAMONDS ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Happy Birthday to Alan Scott aka GREEN LANTERN OF JUSTICE SOCIETY Blessings and HUGS! 👑💜

  • @13thwho
    @13thwho 2 года назад +1

    At 14:30: The trio of adventurers are Terry Lee, Pat Ryan, and Connie from the “Terry and the Pirates” comic strip.

  • @Bucky749
    @Bucky749 4 месяца назад

    Have read Allan Scott’s new series and did hear do to an event where a bunch of golden age characters come back jay the original flash and his wife have daughter now .

  • @rickledford2953
    @rickledford2953 3 месяца назад +1

    It's amazing how things can change in a few years. This is June 2024. And now in DC comics. Alan Scott. Is a degenerate. And always has been!

    • @HeroicNerd
      @HeroicNerd  3 месяца назад

      What happened? Did they turn him into a bad guy? Its too bad. People look up to Green Lantern.

  • @mrmoon1045
    @mrmoon1045 Год назад

    Well it was in golden age green lantern archives which i still need to get

  • @robertlouisburns
    @robertlouisburns Год назад +2

    Re World’s Finest 20. The line in the book-“Hey, if God himself didn’t want me to love you, then how could I? Not a valid excuse. Pedophiles, people into invest or beastiality could say the say thing. YOUR choice, not God’s.

  • @AxelPeter
    @AxelPeter 2 года назад

    do more of thesealso recommend adding more bright pages

  • @astrocitizen
    @astrocitizen Месяц назад

    Hmmm, Chang is shown only taking a bit of the molten Starheart fragment to create the green lantern. Should we take it that the fragment's power concentrated itself into what he gathered, or is there still more potential Starheart power buried and forgotten somewhere in rural China?
    13:08 -- Hmm, given how Chang is depicted as your typical learned wiseman of ages past -- albeit with Asian features -- I'd say these three peeping Toms are not so problematic, just thuggish looking; it's that they're also non-Caucasian that causes one to assume there's a racist element to their appearances.
    14:30 -- These adventurers here aren't just general, anonymous treasure hunters... these are homages to boy adventurer Terry Lee, his guardian Pat Ryab, and their guide "Connie" Confucius from the legendary comic strip TERRY & THE PIRTES. If you're fmailar with Roy Thomas' work, you're gonna see this kind of thing happen.

  • @TheJlmills
    @TheJlmills 2 года назад

    nice i enjoyed that

  • @Yonatan_Max
    @Yonatan_Max 2 года назад +1

    A famous character also created by Bill Finger, in addition to Batman

    • @TheLoginProductions
      @TheLoginProductions 2 года назад +1

      “A famous character also created by Bill Finger, in addition to Batman.” This statement is false.
      Bob Kane created Bat-Man. Not just in name, he was the artiest. It was he and he alone who drew and created Bat-Man. Design and all. Bill was a friend of Bob’s and a ghost writer, nothing more. Most in recent years have used out of context quotes (By Bob Kane even) to try and take credit away from Bob. I believe this is wrong on so many levels. I’m not saying you have to like Bob Kane. I’m just asking that we recognize his hard work and give him the credit for his own character.

    • @TheLoginProductions
      @TheLoginProductions 2 года назад +1

      @@jonguyxx4531 It is amazing how false your statement is. Because there is a lot to unpack, I will brake this down point by point. Let’s start with your last point and go from there.
      I am not calling Bill Finger a Ghost Writer to insult him, he himself was a Ghost Writer. A Ghost Writer was (and still is) a position where someone writes stories with no credit given to them. Bill Finger wanted the job, he did not want credit. There are also Ghost positions for other jobs as well. For example, John Williams co composed the “Back to the Future” theme song. However he insisted on not having credit for his work. I say all of this because if you rely want to give Bill credit for Bat-Man’s creation, guess what he himself wouldn’t want that.
      Now let’s talk about Bill’s “contributions” to Bat-Man. Everything he did for Bat-Man he stole, without Bob Kane’s knowledge might I add. I’m not kidding, look it up. Bill stole a story from the Shadow and made it the first Bat-Man comic. Then he also gave Bob Kane “suggestions” about later redesigns for Bat-Man after the first few stories, everything he suggested was ripped off from a character called “The Black Bat”. Because Bob knew nothing about that character, he decided to go with Bill’s “suggestions” not knowing they where stolen. All of this is public knowledge as well, yet for some reason people blame Bob Kane instead of the true thief. That’s not my opinion, that’s the facts.
      Let’s not talk about “Bill being penniless” this is also false. Not only has he been given credit for other popular characters “Like the Green Lantern” but he also did other jobs not as a Ghost Writer. For example, he wrote an episode of the 1966 Batman T.V. series and was credited for that. Not to mention that all of his jobs paid him, he did not do work for free. Not to mention here is a quote from Jim Lee about this subject. For context “we” means himself and others at Detective Comics and “he” is referring to Bill Finger. “We've always acknowledged his contributions to the Batman mythology.” So to say that he died penniless dose not mean it is the fault of Bob Kane. How Bill spent his money in his life was his own business.To point the blame for what Bill did with his life on Bob is scummy.
      Lastly let’s go over your point about “Bill Finger deserved the credit that he was due but didn’t receive.” Again he singed up to be a Ghost Writer for the early Bat-Man stories, then in later Batman stories he stopped being a Ghost Writer and was given credit, he also was given credit for other popular characters, and he was paid well for all of that. Also please note that Decisive Comics have said that Bat-Man was created by “Bob Kane with Bill Finger” not “Bob Kane and Bill Finger” even they know Bill did not create Bat-Man. He wrote some of the stories but it was Bob Kane who created the character. So no, Bill in fact did get the credit he deserved. Some might even argue that because he stole and lied to Bob’s face on hundreds of occasions, that maybe he is being given too much credit in recent times.

    • @TheLoginProductions
      @TheLoginProductions 2 года назад

      @@jonguyxx4531 "...whether you think he was some work for hire “ghost writer”..." No no no, I don't think he was a Ghost Writer. He was a Ghost Writer. It was the job he singed up for. This is not my opinion, it's the facts. You however seem to have a large axe to grind, so much so that it's blinding you. I don't hate Bill Finger, I just know how the events rely happened. Most information in recent times about Bob Kane and Bill Finger is wrong.
      For example, there is a picture floating around of a blond man in red tights that people think Bob Kane drew as an early Bat-Man look. This however is false. The picture in question was drawn by an artiest named Arlen Schumer in the year 1999. He based the picture off of what he believed an early Bat-Man “could” have looked like. Taking inspiration from other 1930’s and 1940’s heroes (Like the first Green Lantern) and sketches from Leonardo Da Vinci. It was Arlen Schumer who drew the “Red Batman Picture” not Bob Kane, yet many people believe other wise. One of the reasons why is because some people (including Arlen Schumer himself) have lied about the true artiest of the picture. So we have proof that many anti-Bob Kane stories are in fact false and lies.
      Even Bill Finger has helped prove that these stories are lies. Take the story of the Joker's creation as an example. There are three stories to how he was created. Bob's, Bill's, and a third party who's name escapes me at this moment. But the point is that Bob and Bill's stories seem to line up 95% with one another, as opposed to the third story which is nothing alike to the other two. Because both stories are nothing alike, one of them must be a lie. Considering that Bob and Bill always stated that the third story was nothing but lies, that means that Bill can be used as an eye witness to Bob's story. There for the other fellow must be lying. With this in mind if he could lie, could these other anti-Bob Kane stories not be lies as well. Almost every lie about Bob Kane can be debunked, hence why I am saying any of this to begin with.
      Also Bob Kane was inspired by the look of the main character from "The Man Who Laughs" for the look of the Joker. The key word is inspired, that dose not mean ripped off or stole. As proof, look at the "Incredibles" characters. They seem to be inspired by "The Fantastic Four" but they are still vary much not the same. If you watch "The Man Who Laughs" you can see that the Joker is not a ripoff. Same with the poster (That part is important. He was inspired by a Mr. Hide poster for the look of Two Face. Mr. Hide doesn't even look anything like that in the film. Being inspired is not the same as steeling or ripping off.) for Dr. Jackal and Mr. Hide.
      On another note you implied that every one stole for early comics. I don't agree with you, but even if that was true then why are you gunning for just Bob Kane. If you think the hole early comic business was bad, why not say this stuff for every one in the business. Including Bill Finger. How popular they got should not sway how one reacts to there bad actions.
      Now let's go over your statement about "Bob making Bill a slave." Let's not forget that Bob and Bill where friends. They went to school together and Bob even offered Bill the job. Sadly not many friends can offer a job like that, so Bill was given a good deal and he took it willingly. He knew what a Ghost Writer was and he did not object. With that in mind, I don't know where you got your "Slave" idea from. Where ever it came from I can say that it's not true. Same goes for Mr. Fox and the others. Not many people wanted there names on comics because it was seen as a lower form of entertainment. So all of these men picking to not have there name on the books made sense. Most of the Ghost Writers (Like Mr. Fox as an example) wrote books outside of the comics as well, all of them geting credit for those works.
      Bob was a rare one let's not forget. He was bold enough to not use pen names and even singed every comic in big letters. He was brave to do that and many hated him for his fame from comics. So I don't think it's crazy to believe that the anti-Bob Kane stories could indeed be untrue. Driven perhaps by people being jellos of his bravery and his popularity. Bob and many of his friends (Including the likes of Bill Finger and Stan Lee) always addressed these false stories about him as the lies they where. Even providing proof to back up there side of the story many times.
      With all of this said, you are going to need strong proof to debunk sources of the likes of Stan Lee, Bob Kane, and all of there friends. No matter what the "Normies" as you called them think, I'm just telling you the truth. Weather everyone believes it or not, that doesn't change the fact that everything I have said is the truth. Backed up by unbiased sources, and piles of proof.
      In the words of Stan Lee. "Enough Said."

    • @TheDylandProductions
      @TheDylandProductions 2 года назад

      @@jonguyxx4531 There's a big difference between inspiration and outright plagiarism/stealing. And Bill Finger admitted he stole from The Shadow writers. They never got credit (and still don't) for Detective Comics #27's story. Bill Finger is an outright plagiarist and died a pennyless drunk.
      Bob Kane brought attention to Bill Finger first himself in his autobiography from 1989. Kane is the reason Bill Finger is even known outside of comics industry insiders!
      IMO, Gardner Fox contributed more to the Batman character (girlfriend, naming the city, the batmobile, the batplane, the batarang, the first supervillains, etc) than Bill Finger. If anyone should get credit, it should be Fox in the mix. Bill Finger was dropped after just 2 stories in favor of Fox until he switched careers. Only after Fox leaving DC was Bill Finger brought back to the Batman comics - at the insistence of Bob Kane!
      And guess what, Bill Finger, Gardner Fox, Sheldon Moldoff, Jerry Robinson, and everybody else IS actually credit today (and have been since the 1990's) in all reprints on a story-by-story basis. Anthologies, omnibuses, specialty issues, etc. Bill Finger is credited for his actual job - writer of the stories he wrote. Fox for his, Moldoff & Robinson for the stories they inked & drew.
      It's true that Bob Kane only worked on the comic for its first few years, but he left to do the daily newspaper strips instead. When that series ended, he returned to the comics, albeit in a laid-back manner, until he 'retired' in the 1960's. As TheLoginProductions mentioned, Bill Finger wrote a story for the 1966 Batman show.
      Bob Kane's bad reputation only manifested itself decades later - starting in the mid 70's - funnily enough around the time Finger & Fox retired. The only "old guard" who actually disliked Kane was Jerry Robinson, who's a proven liar (even disagreed with Bill Finger's recollections). All DC staff who disliked Kane were the 2nd and 3rd gen writers & artists - who joined at a time when comics were struggling financially. (I mean, they still are) They resented Kane's wealth and non-contributions by that point.
      But Bob Kane drew the characters & settings, he conceived the idea on his own (even if it may have turned out differently with another writer), and he even sold the IP to Detective Comics (for pennies, btw) before he even brought on Bill Finger. That's right, that's the real reason the credit will always be officially "Bob Kane WITH Bill Finger." Because Kane sold the rights before Finger worked for DC. Legally, they can't take Kane's name off or give equal co-credit. Because Batman (originally written "Bat-Man") was sold before Finger joined.
      Did Bill Finger (and Gardner Fox, Robinson, et al) contribute massively? Yes. To the stories they wrote. And they're credited appropriately for those stories now. Give credit where credit is due. Batman is the brainchild of Bob Kane and Bob Kane alone. Period.
      Other writers and artists helped shape the character (like Dick Sprang and William Dozier and Frank Miller and heck, Tim Burton & Christopher Nolan), but that doesn't mean they all deserve co-credit. Even IF their version of Batman is the one we know today!
      I don't think it sets a good precedent to children to credit an admitted thief to a superhero. Bob Kane was tagged for all the plagiarism for decades but after Bill Finger was officially given co-credit, everybody's mum about HIS stealing. And they shouldn't be.
      Bob Kane took inspiration, Bill Finger took.
      As an aside, you should really watch The Man Who Laughs. I believe it's public domain and it's an excellent film. And nothing like the Joker... aside from visually. Heck it's a silent film. And the Joker in the story announces his crime over radio! Totally different.

    • @TheLoginProductions
      @TheLoginProductions 2 года назад

      @@jonguyxx4531 “You are going through A LOT of mental gymnastics and even slightly retcon your previous statements.” When did I do ether of these? I never said that people “steeling in comics” was not public knowledge. I also didn’t say it was ether, because that was not my point. My point was to ask why are you just gunning for Bob Kane and not gunning for everyone in the business. You only seemed to say negatives about him and ignored the rest. This is a mentality I see with a lot of people who dislike Bob Kane. They will say “He is evil because he stole and he should rot.” Then I say “Well Bob did not steel, Bill did.” then they say “Well every one did.” Why condemn one man that you think is doing the same as the man you are sparing? That dose not seem to add up.
      Also it’s a little rude to assume that I’m being paid by people you seem to disagree with you. I can think this way for free, I’m only going off of the evidence that is public. Even if I had gotten this information from the Bob Kane estate, would that not be a good thing? His wife and daughter knew him and where there for most of what we are talking about, is that not one of the best sources one can get? Let me guess, you’re going to claim that they are lying. Right, it must be them lying and not all of these other people who we can prove have lied.
      On another note, the statement about Bill Finger’s “unmarked grave” is a lie. He was never even buried, that is a lie and a rumor. His son Fred had him cremated, that was Bill Finger’s wishes. I believe the ashes where spread on a beach in Oregon, also the wishes of Bill. So forgive me if I seem intrusive, but where exactly are you getting your sources? Can they be trusted? After what I have heard from you, I doubt they can.
      Now I could say "you must be working for the Bill Finger estate because you like him so much" but that would be foolish and petty. I can at least fathom that someone can disagree with me, without them being payed to do so. Something you seem to not have done. Then again, you did say you where trying to be respectful. Maybe next time you should try a little harder.