If We Deny Jesus, He Will Deny Us? (2 Timothy
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- Paul warned that if you deny Jesus, He will deny you (2 Tim 2:12). But what does that mean? Does that mean you can lose your salvation, or something else? Bob Wilkin discusses the context and show that what's at stake is the reward of ruling with Christ in His kingdom.
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Wonderful wonderful news that even if we fail Him - He will not fail us! Wonderful wonderful grace. I’ve been so worried that I’ve not lived up to expectations. Relapsing on drugs etc. made me feel I was going to hell. Some RUclips videos seem to concentrate on being good and travelling the narrow road. Thank you for this encouraging video. Dave
AMEN AND AMEN My assurance of my salvation 1 John 5:13-KJV God's written promise to me, GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES AND GOD CANNOT LIE. SO VERY THANKFUL THAT IT'S ALL ABOUT WHAT JESUS CHRIST DID ON THE CROSS-HIS GOSPEL-1 Corinthians 15:1-4-KJV HIS BLOOD ATONEMENT BY FAITH ALONE, GRACE ALONE, ON CHRIST ALONE. Not what we do on this earth but what CHRIST DID FOR US. Jesus Christ said as He died on the cross-IT IS FINISHED-John 19:30-KJV.
Yes, and if you deny him he will deny you.
What we do on earth will determine our destination.
Hebrews 12:14
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone AND TO BE HOLY, WITHOUT HOLINESS NO ONE WILL SEE THE LORD.
2 Thessalonians 1:8-9
IN FLAMING FIRE TAKING VENGEANCE ON them that know not God, AND THAT OBEY NOT the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 9WHO SHALL BE PUNISHED WITH EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.
1 Corinthians 10:21You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons
2 Timothy 2:19
Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription “The Lord knows those who are his, and, “EVERYONE WHO CONFESSED THE NAME OF THE LORD MUST TURN AWAY FROM WICKEDNESS.”
Titus 1:16
They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient, and unto every good work.
1 John 2:4
He that saith I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
Of course if a true repentant believer sins confesses it and asks for forgiveness Jesus will forgive.
(1 John 1:9)
Your videos are so educational, there's not one that I dislike, thank you for all your commentary 😊
I truly believe that we should look at the world and God in the way that children do, a child is never going to try to “work their way into heaven”, they just love God and accept him, and they are inherently and naturally kind and loving until the world Tries to corrupt them and change them with time, time is one of the biggest challenges, and it seems like life is long, but it really isn’t. It is a blip on the radar of eternity. We get, too caught up in ourselves, and in our own personal egos, and we think we know everything we need to remind ourselves that we barely have a grasp on the knowledge of everything. Let us all truly follow Jesus, and be childlike in our hearts and in our minds. Amen. God bless you all.
Amen. This also lines up with: "And he who overcomes, and *keeps My works* until the end, to him I will give power over the nations--" (Rev 2:26 NKJV)
KJV is a better translation than the NKJV. If you compare them, you'll see why. To get a copyright claim on a book, they have to entirely make it a new book to own it. So, they don't just translate it, they delete and add to it. Wish I knew that before I bought myself a NKJV. God chose His words carefully. There's a massive difference in a verse that God states the believer IS SAVED & the NKJV states BEING SAVED. One is done, the other is a process. One is confidence, the other is doubt. The deleted verses from the Lord's prayer outright in the NIV! The 1611 KJV includes the apocrypha! Our KJV & NKJV deleted it! The apostles studied the apocrypha.
@@GeniusJewels did you find the verse that compares Saved and being saved?? I'm curious about this because I find a lot of differences between KJV and ESV. Compare the two with Acts 8:36-29. the ESV verse removes verse 37 completely. Same thing with 1 John 3:9, the KJV says commith, and the ESV says practice of sin.
@@GeniusJewelsYup that is the conclusion I have come to - the opposite of Faith is Doubt - and the ultimate Faith is unwavering, unshakable FAITH!
Thank you for rescuing me Bob.
Thank You Jesus for Paying for All my Sins Thank You Jesus for Shedding Every Last Drop of Your Perfect Redeeming Innocent Blood For The Forgiveness Full Remission of All my Sins Thank You Jesus for Dying in my place on The Cross ✝️ ❤To Pay for All my Sins as The Perfect Sacrifice because You have No Sin Thank You for Being Buried Thank You Father God For Bringing Jesus BACK ALIVE 3 Days After His Death because He Is The Son of God and God At The Same Time!!! I LOVE You Heavenly Father ABBA I LOVE You Jesus I LOVE You Holy Spirit Not 3 Different Gods But The 1 The Only True Living GOD Most High Revealed to us in 3 Ways ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Peter denied Jesus three times.
Yet, Jesus' reply was to say three times " do you love me"?
That was Jesus having Peter repent 3 times.
It's a done deal IF you abide in Him.
So works, then?
Your faith abides in him, works are not needed for eternal salvation. Yet you SHOULD do good works because God commands it.
Living to serve Jesus in obedience is works?
So should we
do the opposite so it's not works?
The " daisy" theology, is None Other than Calvanism!! To "endure", is NOT about works..its about believing God's testimony concerning His Son. JESUS IS MY GREAT REWARD.
"Daisy Theology"
Absolutely spot on
How do you explain the falling away from the faith, you can't fall away from something you didn't have.
Do believe "to endure" is to never doubt my salvation is In Christ, period!!! As opposed to falling back into an old covenant mentality of works which is the opposite of enduring. That would be denying Christ, which is me trusting in me, leaving Christ no choice but to honor our free will. Verse 13 then brings us back to the truth of The New Covenant, salvation In Christ by His Grace!!!! As Paul says in 2Co:13:5, examine yourself, are you of the faith????
Love this.
I’m sorry but Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments if you deny him he will deny you if you are ashamed of him he will be ashamed of you no you will not be rewarded with eternal life just because you are claiming the name in word only Jesus is a relationship not a religion there is a difference the Pharisees had religion we must make sure not to be like the Pharisees Jesus tells us that they’re like a whited sepulcher full of dead mens bones
He didn't say to just claim his name, that doesn't save you at all.
Doing the will of the Father is believing, the issue being addressed are those who come to Jesus with their "many wonderful works" thinking those works played a role in salvation.
John 6:40 is The father's will, those who believe are promised eternal life, doing his will is trusting in Christ alone for our salvation.
Self righteous delusion is thinking that our insufficient works play a role in salvation.
If you don't keep Jesus commandments, which is by following Paul today by the way, because Jesus commandments were fulfilled during the old testament law after he died.
Hebrews 9:16-17
King James Version
16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.
17 For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.
To follow Jesus today, you must follow Paul in the new testament:
King James Version
11 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
Anyways, if you don't love Christ by keeping his commandments, that doesn't mean you're not saved, that means you've been a disobedient child.
If you love your Mom and Dad, you will honor them, yet if you dishonor them, you are punished, however that doesn't make you not their child.
God doesn't take away our salvation if we disobey him, rather he chastises us:
Hebrews 12:6
King James Version
6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
Fatherly discipline from disobedience is not the same as God's wrath of justice to those who never accepted the atonement of Jesus by faith.
Do you know the earliest commentary for this idea of some reigning with Christ and some not (although saved)? Thanks
how do we endure?
I believe in OSAS but the error is believing that those that profess Him that gets left behind are not saved when in fact they still are but were found as workers of iniquity instead. When we apply 2 Timothy 2:10-13, we see the consequence of a former believer denying Him verbally as He will be denied by Him ( vs 12 ) BUT even though he believes not in Him any more, He still abides per vs 13. When we go down to verses 18-22 we see an example of one kind of former believers in vs 18 but "Nevertheless.." that foundation remains as that seal of adoption does too. REGARDLESS, we seeking their good in the Lord so that they may obtain that "eternal glory" that comes with our salvation is to call them to depart from iniquity so they will be received by the Bridegroom as that "vessel unto honor" in His House which is the "eternal glory" that comes with our salvation in Christ Jesus. If they do not look to Him for help to discern the lies that turned them away from Him as well as look to Him to deliver us from every evil work daily ( Hebrews 12:1-2 ) in walking in the light in fellowship with the Father & the Son ( 1 John 1:3-2:5 ), we risk becoming castaways ( 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 & Revelation 2:18-25 ) thus left behind to die in that day ( 1 Corinthians 3:10-17 ), but the spirits will be with the Lord in Heaven ( 2 Corinthians 5:7-11 ) to await for their resurrection ( Revelation 6:9-11 ) after the great tribulation ( Revelation 7:9-17 ) as that vessels unto dishonor in His House, the vessels of wood & earth, but STILL in His House ( 2 timothy 2:20-21 ) as a testimony to the power of God in salvation for all those that believe in Jesus Christ, even in His name, ( John 1:12-13 & John 6:39-40 ) to serve the King of kings on earth. Salvation is a free gift but now reconciled with God thru Jesus Christ, are we utilizing that relationship with God thru Jesus Christ in running that race by faith in Jesus Christ looking to Him to help us lay aside every weight & sin daily? May we turn to Him & trust Him all the time in being our Good Shepherd & Friend to help us to follow Him by walking in the light in fellowship with the Father & the Son so that we may please Him living by His grace & by His help as a vessel unto honor.
You cannot believe in both OSAS and that some saved Christians will be left behind in the rapture. If so, those left behind could end up taking the mark of the beast and being damned forever, thus nullifying OSAS. ALL believers, regardless of their works will go in the rapture. For a short period of time, only unbelievers will be on the earth. People will start getting saved soon after when they realize what has happened. They will then have to endure to the end or be martyred by the antichrist in order to be saved. This is a different dispensation. The Age of Grace (the Church Age) ends immediately at the rapture.
Read 1 Corinthians 9,27
So then why do Trinitarians take up arms during wartime?
Is there not the parental judgement of our Heavenly Father?
If the enemy can confuse or trick you, you are not going to heaven. Yes, you can lose your salvation.
🙄 yep, the devil sure has you confused!! Trust that He has giving you eternal life. You have Him forever and He won’t lose you. There is no jumping out of his hands. No matter what Je won’t ever turn His back on you. But He has defeated the devil and one can obey Him. Even if a saved person never sins again it isn’t what saved them. That’s just his will if your saved life so others may be saved. There is not one single thing one can do to be saved outside of Faith in Him and trusting His promise.
Remaining saved as an unbeliever false gospel exposed
“The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we 👉deny him, he also will deny us;👈 if we are faithless, he remains faithful- for he cannot deny himself.”
2 Timothy 2:11-13 ESV
Many in the Grace community love to quote verse 13 to teach you can stop believing and be saved. But that could not be further from the truth. When they quote this verse, they almost always leave out verses 11 and 12. Verse 13 cannot mean those who stop believing are still saved, because it would bring verses 11-13 into contradiction. So this interpretation must be ruled out. But what verse 13 actually means is that Jesus remains faithful to HIMSELF, not us. Verse 13 says he cannot deny himself, meaning he cannot deny his own principle. What is that principle? Well, it’s already stated in verse 12: “if we suffer, we will reign with him; if we deny him, he will deny us. So what verse 13 actually means in context is that if we’re faithless, he remains faithful to himself and his principle because he cannot deny his own word. A common rebuttal to this argument is that verse 12 talks about denying rewards, not eternal life. But this can be easily refuted in Matthew 19:32-33. This idea that you can stop believing and be saved makes Jesus a liar, because of what he said in Matthew 10:32-33.
“So everyone who acknowledges me before men, 👈I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, 👈but whoever denies me before men, 👈I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.”👈
Matthew 10:32-33 ESV
So from these two passages, we see that Jesus and Paul are on the same page. We cannot stop believing and expect to be saved at the same time. A true believer will never wander from the faith, 1 John 2:19 makes that very clear.
“They went out from us, but they were not of us;👈 for if they had been of us, 👉they would have continued with us. 👈But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.”👈
1 John 2:19 ESV
In context, this verse is speaking of antichrists. John the Baptist describes that they were once part of the church but fell away, he says they fell away because they were never one of them. Take Judas for example, we know he went to Hell because he didn’t believe (John 6:64). And when he betrayed Jesus, it just furthermore proved that he was never truly saved to begin with. There’s really no way around this regarding this issue. A true believer will remain in the faith until the end.
People who say that continual belief is a work find themselves in the most ironic contradiction. Because according to their own teaching even believing once would be a work. The problem with this teaching is that it attempts to conflate belief with works. But Romans 4:5 is very clear that belief and works are two separate issues:
“And to the one who does not 👉work but believes👈 in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith👈 is counted as righteousness,”
Romans 4:5 ESV
So we cannot say that continual belief is a work is to contradict Romans 4:5, therefore this argument just doesn’t work. Take a look at what Paul says about those who leave the faith:
“Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, 👉if👈 you hold fast to the word I preached to you-unless you 👉BELIEVED IN VAIN.”👈
1 Corinthians 15:1-2 ESV
“For it is 👉impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, 👈to restore them again to repentance, 👉since they are crucifying once again the Son of God 👈to their own harm and holding him up to contempt.”👈
Hebrews 6:4-6 ESV
“And without 👉faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.”👈
Hebrews 11:6 ESV
Here’s what Jesus says:
“Whoever believes in him is not condemned, 👉but whoever does not believe is condemned already, 👈because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”👈
John 3:18 ESV
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever 👉believes👈has eternal life.”
John 6:47 ESV
Pay attention to how the word “believe” is used in the above verses, Jesus uses present tense. He said whoever BELIEVES has eternal life, as in continual. It doesn’t say whoever BELIEVED, it says whoever BELIEVES.
Don’t get me wrong, God wants us in Heaven just as much as we want to be in Heaven. But at the same time, God is not going to force us to spend eternity with him if we don’t want to. A child isn’t forced to keep in contact with their parents when they grow up, they’re given the choice. It’s the same thing with God, he grants us the choice to spend eternity with him.
He doesn’t force anyone to Hell, so he will not force anyone to Heaven either, otherwise he would be denying our free will.
Hope this message helps somebody. God Bless.
"Do You Need to "Continue to Believe" to be Saved?" by Zane C. Hodges
Just curious. Did you just say that most Evangelicals in the USA trust in their own good works to go to heaven? I see many Evangelicals in South America say that... But I didn't think that was as much of an issue among Evangelicals in the USA.
Yes, check out Gregg Jackson channel on RUclips. He is bombarded day and night by people who don’t understand salvation and believe Calvinist nonsense spewed out by probably 95%-99% of evangelical “churches” in America.
99% of Christians I evangelize to believe you must turn from sin, live a good life, etc. etc. and backload the gospel with works.
Okay dumb question...if all believers are in Heaven, and God we cast our crowns that he gives us at his feet, and there is no pride, no sin in Heaven, why does God need or desire levels of authority based on works, in Heaven to rule over his saints? If each of us is his bride, why do some brides have more power and authority than others? What's the purpose of this?
*Questions on Eternal Rewards from RUclips Viewers* - Bob Wilkin
Bob Wilkin of the Grace Evangelical Society answers questions on eternal rewards posted by viewers of his "Will there be Haves and Have Nots in Heaven? RUclips video:
Bob answers the following questions:
Why Should I Want to Rule and Reign with Christ in the Life to Come?
How could eternal rewards vary from person to person if every believer is going to be faithful?
Won't being in heaven with God be enough? Why are eternal rewards necessary?
@GESvids thanks
This interpretation contradicts pretty much everything Jesus said in Matthew 10 which is the very chapter that Paul is referring to.
“You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be SAVED.” Matthew 10:22 NASB1995
Jesus doesn’t say anything about reigning in the entire chapter. Throughout the entire chapter He talks about salvation and condemnation. What Bob is saying in this video is the exact OPPOSITE of what Jesus is saying in Matthew 10. Being denied by Christ before The Father means that He is not mediating on your behalf, He is actually accusing you before The Father.
““Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops. Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. “Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 10:26-33 NASB1995
Jesus just got finished telling His disciples that he who endures to the end will be SAVED and not to fear those who can kill the body but to fear God who can kill both body and soul in hell.
The Bible says numerous times in every book of the New Testament that we are saved by faith and this interpretation says the exact opposite, that we are saved WITHOUT FAITH. How is this not a huge RED FLAG to Christians?
Bring up 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 as evidence that people will still be saved if they deny Christ and fall from faith is ridiculous. The passage is specifically about those who are “building on the foundation of Christ” it is not about people who are denying Christ or those who have fallen from faith. This interpretation is a blatant and intentional misuse of scripture and Bob knows better because he has a doctorate in theology and has been preaching for several decades. There’s no excuse for this kind of scriptural abuse.
I deny him
A splash of humanism…is the same as a little leaven…