I have been installing alarms, mostly in multi million dollar homes in Newport Beach California and the surrounding cities. My customers would lose it over seeing the two inches of wire to the contacts. A few options would be first, using a wide gap surface mount which are the same size or only slightly larger that the contact you were using such as the Interlogix 1035W-N. Install that JUST above the sill so NO wire is exposed. the contact itself will hide the hole if it is small. Then use a quality barrell magnet and jb weld (silicone and vinyl dont play nice together) sand the mounting spot a bit and then secure it to the bottom of the movable panel of the window exactly opposite of the contact. This will last forever. The magnet will be more than strong enough to hold the wide gap closed through the vinyl window. Second option, Drilling in the frame for a concealed contact (3/8" or my preferrence 1/4") just above the bottom left or right will allow the same magent solution on the bottom of the window itself. The magnet will need to live "out in space" to some degree to get it as close to the contact as possible. Bear in mind there is a space, up to 1/2" between the window and frame. Never drill the window in the bottom, it will always void the warranty. On the other hand almost all window makers will honor a window if the leak is from something other than the alarm contact. Lastly, that is not a rare earth magnet, it's steel. Rare earth mags are mostly knickle and hence doesn't rust. Good on you using 22/4 and by the look of it it's stranded. Better choice on new construction because if knicked or nailed as long as the conductor that is affected is intact and not touching another conductor it should still work. Even a staple will blow a conductor of solid conductor to hell. Alan
Can I bridge a contact? In other words, can I ad one or more contacts to one wire? The thing is I'm adding a few more doors to the house and I don't want to fish all the wires to the panel. Thanks
Yes, its called running in series. There are disadvantages to doing out at the openings but it is done in the panel on the majority of alarm installations.
Don’t ever wire a contact down next to or in a window, always wire on the opening* side in the window itself at least a few inches up from the bottom and NEVER drill down in the window.
I have been installing alarms, mostly in multi million dollar homes in Newport Beach California and the surrounding cities. My customers would lose it over seeing the two inches of wire to the contacts. A few options would be first, using a wide gap surface mount which are the same size or only slightly larger that the contact you were using such as the Interlogix 1035W-N. Install that JUST above the sill so NO wire is exposed. the contact itself will hide the hole if it is small. Then use a quality barrell magnet and jb weld (silicone and vinyl dont play nice together) sand the mounting spot a bit and then secure it to the bottom of the movable panel of the window exactly opposite of the contact. This will last forever. The magnet will be more than strong enough to hold the wide gap closed through the vinyl window. Second option, Drilling in the frame for a concealed contact (3/8" or my preferrence 1/4") just above the bottom left or right will allow the same magent solution on the bottom of the window itself. The magnet will need to live "out in space" to some degree to get it as close to the contact as possible. Bear in mind there is a space, up to 1/2" between the window and frame. Never drill the window in the bottom, it will always void the warranty. On the other hand almost all window makers will honor a window if the leak is from something other than the alarm contact. Lastly, that is not a rare earth magnet, it's steel. Rare earth mags are mostly knickle and hence doesn't rust. Good on you using 22/4 and by the look of it it's stranded. Better choice on new construction because if knicked or nailed as long as the conductor that is affected is intact and not touching another conductor it should still work. Even a staple will blow a conductor of solid conductor to hell. Alan
Can I bridge a contact? In other words, can I ad one or more contacts to one wire? The thing is I'm adding a few more doors to the house and I don't want to fish all the wires to the panel. Thanks
Yes, its called running in series. There are disadvantages to doing out at the openings but it is done in the panel on the majority of alarm installations.
Always run all contacts back to panel for a huge number of reasons, don’t have time explain them
In new construction I only use and Recommend hidden contacts, in my opinion surface contacts are ugly.
what a shame, I thought this was going to show me how to wire the contact and notust "route" the wire !!
Don’t ever wire a contact down next to or in a window, always wire on the opening* side in the window itself at least a few inches up from the bottom and NEVER drill down in the window.