Just received a half helmet made by Hamrhead company that made the shell out of fiberglass. The helmet is an XL size which is what I wear and to me seems to look like the edges come out too far away from my head. I measured the helmet on my head and the sides stick out past my ears 1 1/4” and the front from my forehead is 2” the back sticks out a little more than 2”. The top of the helmet is flatter than the older half helmet I use to have but it almost looks like a bowl on my big head. Sorry but Hamrhead isn’t looking good for me and they never sent me an email to confirm purchase so I can’t send it back to them and I talked to someone who said my email was wrong but they did receive my purchase amount $109. USD for a salad bowl helmet! Definitely not what I wanted in a half helmet…
Pudding Bowls
Just received a half helmet made by Hamrhead company that made the shell out of fiberglass.
The helmet is an XL size which is what I wear and to me seems to look like the edges come out too far away from my head. I measured the helmet on my head and the sides stick out past my ears 1 1/4” and the front from my forehead is 2” the back sticks out a little more than 2”.
The top of the helmet is flatter than the older half helmet I use to have but it almost looks like a bowl on my big head.
Sorry but Hamrhead isn’t looking good for me and they never sent me an email to confirm purchase so I can’t send it back to them and I talked to someone who said my email was wrong but they did receive my purchase amount $109. USD for a salad bowl helmet!
Definitely not what I wanted in a half helmet…