Hi, this Tool is a modificated scale, but You have measure whit spring force meter ( like a spring scale). Or specific tools. mark-10.com/products/force-gauges/?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAjwkN6EBhBNEiwADVfya48kJwNFG_duSHMG25zwYQaW6VxPt53IqTDgQaiYIdTe9JdGTVcVeBoCSBkQAvD_BwE
Which tool are you using???
Hi, this Tool is a modificated scale, but You have measure whit spring force meter ( like a spring scale). Or specific tools. mark-10.com/products/force-gauges/?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAjwkN6EBhBNEiwADVfya48kJwNFG_duSHMG25zwYQaW6VxPt53IqTDgQaiYIdTe9JdGTVcVeBoCSBkQAvD_BwE