Former 16s I would never enlist nowadays even though it was so good for me. Being betrayed by your leaders is why I don’t think it’s worth it to be a soldier anymore. Sad.
Poor leadership, lack of leadership, knowing you will wreck your body to be in top shape just to watch a fat slob sitting behind a keyboard promote faster than you. Watched so many stop or kill the drive of junior Soldiers because they were chasing something the higher rank didn’t get or achieve.
It was by design, started with Obama putting officers with allegiance to the left. Now they want to weed out the lower ranks, but they cant get leftist to join. The left are not willing to put their lives on the line, the right is for the constitution and freedom.
Never been in wanted to since i was a kid (now 29). Always thinking about joining but I know the govs interest would not back us when we go. I cant imagine how heart breaking it would be today to love america put your life on the line and then get stabbed in the back by those who sent you in. And i know thats how it will be.
I come from an Army family. My father and father in law have both did 17 and 20 years. My extended family is also filled wirh retired army and their kids that serve in GWOT. They're telling people not to go into the military. They won't fix the recruiting crisis unless that disconnect is fixed.
Pay them well, treat them well. Is the key for recruitment and retention. Both of those 2 the military is terrible at. The covid jab ouster really left a bad stain on the military
@@brogglebeatdown1827 Yeah they were not expecting as much push back as they got. They thought everyone would just go along. There is going to be a MRNA flu vax coming out around th enew year.
I’m an Army vet from the 80’s and I have an 18 year old son that is both an academic and athletic standout and I am convinced he would excel at ANY MOS in the military including SF…but as long as there is woke, incompetent, unaccountable leadership in DC and in the chain of command they will never get him…..
Yeah, that's the problem because none of the top command is woke. MISSION FIRST!!! Conservative that doesn't care about the troops is the real issue. And now positions in trump brigade for Operation Save Ukrainian 🐈 is open, recruiting is going to take another dip
You got it all wrong pal. Folks join the military to serve their country and heart to sign the dotted line We all heard about the cross county runner, boxing, pt stud, division football player, or wrestler type. These folks aren't military material and they get out in their first enlistment. 😂
Seems like more and more people are reading Marine Major General Smedley Butler's book "War Is A Racket" and no longer want to be killers, assassins, thieves, and rapists for Wall St or Banking Families. War Is A Racket.
Why no one wants to join the US military, in summary: 1. US government has lost it's credibility and the moral high ground. They lie constantly 2. Wars fought for corrupt, wrongful reasons, false pretenses/narratives etc. 3. Numerous cases throwing troops under the bus, failure to support/supply what they need. Eg Benghazi, Vietnam, "Black Hawk Down". 4. Strategies to fight wars but not doing what it takes to win wars. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. 5. Numerous horror stories of veterans abused/cheated by the government 6. Military has became increasingly bureaucratic, inefficient and dysfunctional. 7. Rewards corrupt & incompetent leadership with no accountability for failures. 8. Leftist, "Woke" Infiltration & subversion into military culture and policy making. 9. Feminist shoehorning of females into all combat roles even if it means lowering standards or compromising combat effectiveness or unit cohesion. 10. National Polarization (a cold civil war). No one wants to fight/risk death for the abhorrent "other half" of the US population. We are not "Fellow Americans" anymore. Don't kid yourself. ps: The military/government's refusal to address the aforementioned points is the cherry on top showing just how out of touch they truly are. They're detached from the real world and the concerns of ordinary people and remain clueless to what the real problems are even when they're painfully obvious.
No one who has ever fought, did anything at all for a president. There never been anyone, that I have herd, written, watched, said they'd fight for a president. Cowards make excuses, men don't say I'll kick your assistance. We just do it. The only difference between woke and redneck anymore, is a search history, for the most's youth are passes. Do anything, just get off these fucking forums out of you parents houses and make anything of yourself you pantie waists. 22yrs Active Duty 28 countries served in harder hazardous fire zones...stf up, stop with the gd excuses. I'm getting back to this jar of moonshine. FU!
Yeah, I respect these SOF leaders and all but at the end of the day, JSOC is protected from the worst effects of DEI by having selection courses to weed out the people they don't want. Truth is, everyone in uniform will become a nobody the minute they retire their uniform. Including these who get to sit around and articulate their philosophy and pontificate from wisdom gleaned from a war we lost thanks to the Washington DC Boomer elites. Meanwhile, the GS-12 "diversity program specialists" stick around forever making the lower ranking troops suffer in the current DEI cr@p show that the military has become. Remember, the current Sec of the Army started out as a GS-11 beancounter promoted ahead of her peers because she checked a block marked F on her personnel paperwork.
The problem with recruitment is that America has been dependent upon an all volunteer force. At some point that well starts shrinking. As the SGTMAJ of the Army said. Shortly after 911 the military closed itself off from the population at large. 30 or 40 years ago military bases welcomed civilians and made it easy for them to come on post. If you want people to join your organization you need to show them what you are about and not only the hand full of recruits recruiters bring on to base to the gym or bx. America has been fooled that an all volunteer force can fight and win our wars. There's a day of reckoning coming and these guys on this video know it.
Drafting troops will just lead to an army of lazy, demoralized, selfish soldiers fragging their officers again. Drones are already replacing warfighters as I type.
Moving to the Mega Super Bases in the middle of nowhere, and then closing them off, certainly didn't help. SF has a whole lot of other issues since it became its own primary MOS/branch in the late 80s. Perhaps its time to make it a secondary specialty again and people can float in and out from conventional organizations.
This crisis is the result of the GWOT. GWOT was made for SF/Elite units to shine. Technically, we were literally doing Police work. 😂 Now that our adversaries have brought back the most dangerous type of war. Attrition warfare and cost effective means of destruction. It's bad. The US military has been run like a business since the fall of the USSR. KIAs and WIAs is bad business for the US military. The VA is plagued with waves of claims from GWOT era troops. Now imagine a war with China and Russia.
I agree, and if presidents like Biden/harris keep winning the pool will keep getting smaller and smaller. No one wants to fight for dick Chaney and he’s part of Harris team.
"Woke" doesn't mean anything though. These terms like "woke", "problematic", "toxic" and other t-shirt buzzwords are too abstract. They don't refer to any specific policies within the armed forces.
@@sevenmileshome+ Progressive command won't happen until another 10 years. It's still the conservative command that doesn't change their old ways. Remember, top command usually do 30 to 40 years of service
@@shinyamada488 No one except politicans hold control for 20-30 years. To be a general IS political, and to agree/endorse that of the politicans. Those who buck the system are moved. There is not some cabal of rebel generals holding back change. I dont think you are even in the military, you dont seem to understand how it works.
It‘s the age old vicious cycle: Strong people create good times - Good times create weak people - Weak people create bad times - Bad times create strong people…
I honor the service of these men, but they are babbling out word salads a la Kamala. They were no doubt promoted based on that ability to skirt around the issues that it's really hugely deficient and unaccountable leadership that's caused this recruiting crisis. My son's intention was to follow in our family's tradition of Army service but once he got into it he couldn't handle the Mickey Mouse woke BS and got out as soon as he could. I don't blame him in the least because I couldn't have put up with it either. The military culture needs to be fixed and new accountable leadership needs to be installed before our young men will want to join again. This is a dangerous situation for sure.
@@reknirbecurb You are not up on the times my friend. NOBODY but NOBODY gets promoted to O-6 and higher and CSM level at the Pentagon without passing a board that makes damned sure that they have totally drank the cool-aid and will be a reliable deep-state tool.
The military recruiting is weak nowadays. Alot of them don't understand how they come off when they are recruiting. It's pathetic because I'm a veteran and I see where they are falling. They did it to themselves so too bad for them, because they turn down prior enlisted as if they are in any position to negotiate numbers. STFU or take the people who really want to join.💯
Recruiting is selling. Recruiters have to embody what the potential recruit wants, it’s not what they say it’s the non-verbal signals that’s going to do most of the selling for them. The physical fitness, the mental sharpness and the squared away military bearing. Not too hard corps but something extra that’s going to get their attention. Recruiters have always been great men, physically fit and mentally sharp but they need an extra edge. I believe that extra edge can be found in the power of daily brisk walking for the mathematical benefits. Edit: I’ll post the power of daily brisk walking for the mathematical benefits above and separately as the information has been getting deleted.
@@bruceangel4459+ Pfft, when Staff NCO's are too lazy to do simple paperwork to get people in. Potential recruits go to the civilian world where getting a starting position is a cake walk
That’s a lie. There is no military crisis. Many prior service try to go back in and recruiter don’t even pay attention to them. Second bring back military bearing and customs and courtesies and people will probably find it attractive. ‘Nough’ said!
The hat doesn’t make the man. It’s old school headgear with a lot of history. The French legionnaire have a funky white hat, but that’s their look, and they are a crazy lethal force.
Instead of doing more with less, do what is needed and nothing more. Stop spending money wastefully just to justify a budget. Back in the 80s and 90s, you did it with what you could fit in your rucksack and figured the rest out.
@@Just_Some_Dude1776 We called them "Guardians of the tab" back in my day. Cadre who found a ridiculous reason to drop a guy from Ranger School or SFAS to keep the attrition rate high. i.e. gatekeepers.
@@GhostRanger5060 This ain't GWOT or peace time. SF or other elite units don't have the luxury and time anymore. Our adversaries have brought back the most dangerous type of war. Attrition warfare and cost effective means of destruction. Now they are well seasoned and experienced Fighters/Leaders. Their NCOs and Officers are tested to the letter. It's time for the US military to go back to the " either go to Jail or join " mentality. These GWOT operators know their time has come to an end. If and when our guys do go to war with China or Russia. The guys who survive and experience Hell on earth will push out the GWOT era troops out of leadership position.
Move away from that blended / 401k retirement - bring back free college - shit can all that leadership that lived in the dark and only moved up the ranks because they played a long game and waited out good and best leadership to ETS and/or retire 🤷🏽♂️
Cutting all those Special Operations jobs is the problem. The Army could've been like the Marines and allowed Special Operations enablers like PsyOp to make a lateral move into Special Forces. Army Special Forces these days is more about training and advising partner nations, not direct combat. Pulling soldiers from PsyOp, Civil Affairs, the 101st, and the 82nd can achieve that goal. We're misallocating human resources.
or its just the US is so busy F'n with so many countries , it cant keep up with enough Troops to overthrow all the Governments it wants to for Democracy and tax payer funded sex change operations?.
This guy understands the problem. America doesn't protect its culture for last 40 years though. It was in the 1990's that this problem could have been prevented... U.S. has lost continuity with its past, and with it all the benefits and confidences that came with it. Only hope is to create new culture and organization; the "quality" of which will depend upon the caliber of people today tasked with the job.
This became a "thing" a few years ago. It was wild to me when I started hearing people approach and call him (any of them) CSM, instead of their addressable rank "Sergeant Major". Even the SMA is addressed directly as Sergeant Major, unless formally introducing him.
This CSM is the problem. Idiot that would do anything for his career but nothing else. By way lowering the standards in 2012 didn’t help now anyone can become special These two are idiots.
I tried going in and the reason I wasnt able to get in was due to MEPS. MEPS is a mess and Im glad I wasnt allowed in cus if there’s a recruiting crisis and MEPS was still somehow backed up that says something. Plus the guys that are more likely to want to join Special Operations are obviously gonna have a medical history due to sports. Its unreasonable to ask for so many waivers making the process las 6 months to a year longer cus of ankle sprains and healed injuries. Special Operations and Rangers need a separate recruting team cus normal Army has some lazy people pushing away candidates like us. I dont need to be a Green Beret but I wouldve loved to be one but not if I have to rely on people that I had to deal with trying to join the military.
Who wants to join the queer, trans DEI military? Good luck with that. Who can take pride from that except Gay pride. I enlisted in the 1960s but would not do it today. The only way the present military without drastic reform can survive is via the Compulsory draft.
Obviously you’re so old you don’t even know the real reason. About 3/4 of young Americans aren’t even eligible to join w/o a waiver. But people your age think it’s just about “woke” bs for some reason.
Somehow I think giving High School kids Army War College papers on what negative societal effect ICOs and Crime Culture are really having on our Country is the solution. It just struck me that everybody wanting to be "gangster" these days really wants something to be a part of, but culture has put the Military way down the list. It is really still the answer for fighting age and temperament young men.
The number should pick up looking at our population is like we shouldn’t be down. We should have plenty of our we should meet the numbers. It’s like cause this is our country so it’s like why is it? Why are we not there?
Shouldn't of kicked out ppl for a political gain. Don't let generals who don't listen to problems on the ground treat guys as replaceable. Don't let women in infantry units if they're not gonna put out same as the guys.
This is going to be controversial but… we will continue to bleed TALENT. Just like we did in 2010/12. Tons of great guys got out, they weren’t enticed to stay in. Then Iraq blew up into Syrian uprising, Talibs took afghan fight to US like never before, but we just kept loosing true special forces. Then the FIRST manning crisis began, we pumped bunch of shit bags in, everyone got a beret. And we are at the same door again, today. New world insurgency coming, and we are going to get caught bend over with our pants down. Train, man, equip… he doesn’t even know what operational force currently needs. And he won’t listen.
My elders fought for this country in pickets charge to OEF. Elders who raised me specificly had lived through the depression etc and REFUSED to let me go into the current military, I used to bawl my eyes out at 12-13-14 having to do pt evolutions with my uncle and bompi because they saw a future i couldnt. Still have that rangers manual.....At 50 yrs old i'd be willing to bet i can still out compete most( 35-50) in the current woke choke situation as it is.
Former 18c i cant see any kid around that could fill the void our the shoes! I believe it's the sign of no trust our beliefs in the greatest country on earth you gotta believe that what your doing is for the greater good of the civilians you fight for! Who you do it for!!! 😅
1:31 I’m sorry to say but this green beret has gotten complacent and fat. Idgaf who you are, but if you’re a green beret you have to lead by example first and foremost. As someone who wants to desperately escape the fat world this stuff is what triggered people. When you’re “elite” you should lead by example. Your job is to be fit to fight and lead. Do it.
It's become the thing on the new Army uniform not to wear all the bells and whistles. Just the stellar ones. The blues were being called the Christmas Tree uniform over the last few years for having EVERYTHING on them. Back in my day (prehistoric Army) there was a brief trend not to wear all the patches on the BDUs. Just a tab in many cases. The Army is funny that way. Plus Waldo was CSM at 1st Capabilities Integration Group. Probably has a lot of classified awards too.
@@bloomingonion56 Yeah, he was probably in ODA-D but I didn;t see anything in it in his bio. That he isn;t wearing his Green Beret in the video leads me to think he took the short course and did "Det time" with ODA-D.
@@webbystutters The ribbon is not. But the minimalist look is in vogue. Some of these guys would look like a Soviet Field Marshal if they wore everything they were given over the last 20 years!
Former 16s I would never enlist nowadays even though it was so good for me. Being betrayed by your leaders is why I don’t think it’s worth it to be a soldier anymore. Sad.
19D oif oef vet, same.
Poor leadership, lack of leadership, knowing you will wreck your body to be in top shape just to watch a fat slob sitting behind a keyboard promote faster than you. Watched so many stop or kill the drive of junior Soldiers because they were chasing something the higher rank didn’t get or achieve.
It was by design, started with Obama putting officers with allegiance to the left. Now they want to weed out the lower ranks, but they cant get leftist to join. The left are not willing to put their lives on the line, the right is for the constitution and freedom.
Never been in wanted to since i was a kid (now 29). Always thinking about joining but I know the govs interest would not back us when we go. I cant imagine how heart breaking it would be today to love america put your life on the line and then get stabbed in the back by those who sent you in. And i know thats how it will be.
Typical CSM, talking a lot, but saying nothing.
Just like Walz and his stolen valor BS
CCWO is like, we should’ve discussed this before taping
@@zeusmaster6379+ Those DD-214's are fake? Lol
I come from an Army family. My father and father in law have both did 17 and 20 years. My extended family is also filled wirh retired army and their kids that serve in GWOT. They're telling people not to go into the military. They won't fix the recruiting crisis unless that disconnect is fixed.
Pay them well, treat them well. Is the key for recruitment and retention. Both of those 2 the military is terrible at. The covid jab ouster really left a bad stain on the military
The covid manadates left such a bad taste in my mouth, I managed to avoid it but when I am out, I am out and that is it.
That's what got me out, then they lifted the mandate 7 months later after everyone was gone
@@brogglebeatdown1827 Yeah they were not expecting as much push back as they got. They thought everyone would just go along. There is going to be a MRNA flu vax coming out around th enew year.
I’m an Army vet from the 80’s and I have an 18 year old son that is both an academic and athletic standout and I am convinced he would excel at ANY MOS in the military including SF…but as long as there is woke, incompetent, unaccountable leadership in DC and in the chain of command they will never get him…..
Yeah, that's the problem because none of the top command is woke. MISSION FIRST!!! Conservative that doesn't care about the troops is the real issue.
And now positions in trump brigade for Operation Save Ukrainian 🐈 is open, recruiting is going to take another dip
@@zeusmaster6379 agree. But don’t forget that right now it could be an easy paycheck for him. But yeah make sure you keep guiding your kid.
@@crustyfarmer7688 No family def should have an input. Stop breaking up families. for an agenda.
You got it all wrong pal. Folks join the military to serve their country and heart to sign the dotted line We all heard about the cross county runner, boxing, pt stud, division football player, or wrestler type. These folks aren't military material and they get out in their first enlistment. 😂
@@EckRD 🤦🏽
Sergeant major is like, how come nobody wants to do this? Lol 😂😂😂😂
Seems like more and more people are reading Marine Major General Smedley Butler's book "War Is A Racket" and no longer want to be killers, assassins, thieves, and rapists for Wall St or Banking Families. War Is A Racket.
word salad... they know what the problem is but they can't say it
Americas specials forces don’t win wars and don’t win battles, Infantrymen do.
The MIC wins.
Like the first Gulf War, right?
Economics and numer of meat fodder combined wins the war😊
10th Mountain Division all the way!!!!
@@crustyfarmer7688 19A, and they didn't determine the outcome of the ground war. right?
Why no one wants to join the US military, in summary:
1. US government has lost it's credibility and the moral high ground. They lie constantly
2. Wars fought for corrupt, wrongful reasons, false pretenses/narratives etc.
3. Numerous cases throwing troops under the bus, failure to support/supply what they need. Eg Benghazi, Vietnam, "Black Hawk Down".
4. Strategies to fight wars but not doing what it takes to win wars. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.
5. Numerous horror stories of veterans abused/cheated by the government
6. Military has became increasingly bureaucratic, inefficient and dysfunctional.
7. Rewards corrupt & incompetent leadership with no accountability for failures.
8. Leftist, "Woke" Infiltration & subversion into military culture and policy making.
9. Feminist shoehorning of females into all combat roles even if it means lowering standards or compromising combat effectiveness or unit cohesion.
10. National Polarization (a cold civil war). No one wants to fight/risk death for the abhorrent "other half" of the US population. We are not "Fellow Americans" anymore. Don't kid yourself.
ps: The military/government's refusal to address the aforementioned points is the cherry on top showing just how out of touch they truly are. They're detached from the real world and the concerns of ordinary people and remain clueless to what the real problems are even when they're painfully obvious.
USS Liberty crewmen have yet to have a day in congress to speak
I’m not fighting for a president that doesn’t have my-our country in the best position.
No one who has ever fought, did anything at all for a president. There never been anyone, that I have herd, written, watched, said they'd fight for a president. Cowards make excuses, men don't say I'll kick your assistance. We just do it. The only difference between woke and redneck anymore, is a search history, for the most's youth are passes. Do anything, just get off these fucking forums out of you parents houses and make anything of yourself you pantie waists. 22yrs Active Duty 28 countries served in harder hazardous fire zones...stf up, stop with the gd excuses. I'm getting back to this jar of moonshine. FU!
Facts..cause the POTUS is commander in chief.
Earn your DEI medal.
Yeah, I respect these SOF leaders and all but at the end of the day, JSOC is protected from the worst effects of DEI by having selection courses to weed out the people they don't want. Truth is, everyone in uniform will become a nobody the minute they retire their uniform. Including these who get to sit around and articulate their philosophy and pontificate from wisdom gleaned from a war we lost thanks to the Washington DC Boomer elites. Meanwhile, the GS-12 "diversity program specialists" stick around forever making the lower ranking troops suffer in the current DEI cr@p show that the military has become. Remember, the current Sec of the Army started out as a GS-11 beancounter promoted ahead of her peers because she checked a block marked F on her personnel paperwork.
You would get promoted if you'd just stop cussing out your Field Grade Commanders
These CSM's I see now days are nothing like those that I worked for and those that I had contact with.
CSM Zylka was badass
The problem with recruitment is that America has been dependent upon an all volunteer force. At some point that well starts shrinking. As the SGTMAJ of the Army said. Shortly after 911 the military closed itself off from the population at large. 30 or 40 years ago military bases welcomed civilians and made it easy for them to come on post. If you want people to join your organization you need to show them what you are about and not only the hand full of recruits recruiters bring on to base to the gym or bx. America has been fooled that an all volunteer force can fight and win our wars. There's a day of reckoning coming and these guys on this video know it.
Drafting troops will just lead to an army of lazy, demoralized, selfish soldiers fragging their officers again. Drones are already replacing warfighters as I type.
George bush opened up tons of bases which required more manpower. We don’t have a shortage. We have a manufactured shortage
Moving to the Mega Super Bases in the middle of nowhere, and then closing them off, certainly didn't help. SF has a whole lot of other issues since it became its own primary MOS/branch in the late 80s. Perhaps its time to make it a secondary specialty again and people can float in and out from conventional organizations.
This crisis is the result of the GWOT. GWOT was made for SF/Elite units to shine. Technically, we were literally doing Police work. 😂 Now that our adversaries have brought back the most dangerous type of war. Attrition warfare and cost effective means of destruction. It's bad. The US military has been run like a business since the fall of the USSR. KIAs and WIAs is bad business for the US military. The VA is plagued with waves of claims from GWOT era troops. Now imagine a war with China and Russia.
If the military wants more people to join then throw all the woke crap right out with the garbage that it is!!!🤷♂
I agree, and if presidents like Biden/harris keep winning the pool will keep getting smaller and smaller. No one wants to fight for dick Chaney and he’s part of Harris team.
"Woke" doesn't mean anything though. These terms like "woke", "problematic", "toxic" and other t-shirt buzzwords are too abstract. They don't refer to any specific policies within the armed forces.
woke crap least of army probems, its the 50 a year that perish at ft hood that would have me worried
If you folks want everyone to hear your opinion . Why don't you stand up and be counted and apply for presidency. Less talk more work. .
@@MiguelDLewislol libs make up the term woke and then deny it means anything when they catch flak for it and ends up being a joke of an ideology.
That's where Waldo is. Good to know.
Suggestion : do away with DEI,Political correctness, affirmative action, find good, capable, responsible leaders, don't 'screw' over your people.
Thing is though, top command is full of old conservative thinkers.
@@shinyamada488absolutely though without the support to correct the progressive swing
@@sevenmileshome+ Progressive command won't happen until another 10 years. It's still the conservative command that doesn't change their old ways.
Remember, top command usually do 30 to 40 years of service
@@shinyamada488 No one except politicans hold control for 20-30 years. To be a general IS political, and to agree/endorse that of the politicans. Those who buck the system are moved. There is not some cabal of rebel generals holding back change. I dont think you are even in the military, you dont seem to understand how it works.
@sevenmileshome+ Politicians stay in power longer lol
It‘s the age old vicious cycle:
Strong people create good times - Good times create weak people - Weak people create bad times - Bad times create strong people…
I honor the service of these men, but they are babbling out word salads a la Kamala. They were no doubt promoted based on that ability to skirt around the issues that it's really hugely deficient and unaccountable leadership that's caused this recruiting crisis. My son's intention was to follow in our family's tradition of Army service but once he got into it he couldn't handle the Mickey Mouse woke BS and got out as soon as he could. I don't blame him in the least because I couldn't have put up with it either. The military culture needs to be fixed and new accountable leadership needs to be installed before our young men will want to join again. This is a dangerous situation for sure.
That’s a CSM and a CWO not really your kiss ass side of the military.
@@reknirbecurb You are not up on the times my friend. NOBODY but NOBODY gets promoted to O-6 and higher and CSM level at the Pentagon without passing a board that makes damned sure that they have totally drank the cool-aid and will be a reliable deep-state tool.
It sure wasn't the "You can be replaced" conservatives that did it
*rolls eyes*
The military recruiting is weak nowadays. Alot of them don't understand how they come off when they are recruiting. It's pathetic because I'm a veteran and I see where they are falling. They did it to themselves so too bad for them, because they turn down prior enlisted as if they are in any position to negotiate numbers. STFU or take the people who really want to join.💯
You allowed Trans to join , the world is laughing at us! Forget the woke crap!
We can't mass produce? He wasn't alive in the 80"s when we were gearing up to fight The Soviets. We were mass producing high quality soldiers then.
Recruiting is selling. Recruiters have to embody what the potential recruit wants, it’s not what they say it’s the non-verbal signals that’s going to do most of the selling for them. The physical fitness, the mental sharpness and the squared away military bearing. Not too hard corps but something extra that’s going to get their attention.
Recruiters have always been great men, physically fit and mentally sharp but they need an extra edge. I believe that extra edge can be found in the power of daily brisk walking for the mathematical benefits.
Edit: I’ll post the power of daily brisk walking for the mathematical benefits above and separately as the information has been getting deleted.
Obviously, the excellent information was deleted.
@@bruceangel4459+ Pfft, when Staff NCO's are too lazy to do simple paperwork to get people in. Potential recruits go to the civilian world where getting a starting position is a cake walk
That’s a lie. There is no military crisis. Many prior service try to go back in and recruiter don’t even pay attention to them. Second bring back military bearing and customs and courtesies and people will probably find it attractive. ‘Nough’ said!
They literally are short by thousands
@ 😂
@@kyouskeuzumaki9673+ 10's of thousands actually
"oUr sTanDarDs aRe sO hIgH We AReNt mEeTINg nUMbErs" why would any young person want to fight for a country that won't even let them buy a home.
Thank you
SGM with 3 ribbons? CW5 with 4?
Did you get promoted past any of them as an enlisted?
They can put on their personal awards instead of their entire rack. You didn't know that ? 😂
I guess his guy missed the memo? They have reached the recruiting goals.
The values of the military are: kick ass and take names. Get some!! Hoorah!!! ⚡️☠️ ⚡️
What a stupid hat for a delta operator
Naw thats classic. Not sure if the ABN patch is authorized due to it being meant for XVIII ABN Corp units originally. But the headgear is good2go👍
He's not a Delta operator he's in the support battalion
@11bravo80 "Support battalion" 😆 🤣 Wtf? He's the CSM for 1st SF command. He's a full-on Green Beret.
The hat doesn’t make the man. It’s old school headgear with a lot of history. The French legionnaire have a funky white hat, but that’s their look, and they are a crazy lethal force.
Instead of doing more with less, do what is needed and nothing more. Stop spending money wastefully just to justify a budget. Back in the 80s and 90s, you did it with what you could fit in your rucksack and figured the rest out.
Green Berets in Army Greens at Saint Marie Dumont. Optics are solid.
Too puffed up with pride to admit to the mistake and to ashamed to listen to the TRUTH.
Recruitment? Hmmmm.... There are gatekeepers at SFAS. "You didn't stand straight at the top of the obstacle. Drop!" Jus' sayin'
lol what?
@@Just_Some_Dude1776 We called them "Guardians of the tab" back in my day. Cadre who found a ridiculous reason to drop a guy from Ranger School or SFAS to keep the attrition rate high. i.e. gatekeepers.
@@GhostRanger5060 This ain't GWOT or peace time. SF or other elite units don't have the luxury and time anymore. Our adversaries have brought back the most dangerous type of war. Attrition warfare and cost effective means of destruction. Now they are well seasoned and experienced Fighters/Leaders. Their NCOs and Officers are tested to the letter. It's time for the US military to go back to the " either go to Jail or join " mentality. These GWOT operators know their time has come to an end. If and when our guys do go to war with China or Russia. The guys who survive and experience Hell on earth will push out the GWOT era troops out of leadership position.
Move away from that blended / 401k retirement - bring back free college - shit can all that leadership that lived in the dark and only moved up the ranks because they played a long game and waited out good and best leadership to ETS and/or retire 🤷🏽♂️
Cutting all those Special Operations jobs is the problem. The Army could've been like the Marines and allowed Special Operations enablers like PsyOp to make a lateral move into Special Forces. Army Special Forces these days is more about training and advising partner nations, not direct combat. Pulling soldiers from PsyOp, Civil Affairs, the 101st, and the 82nd can achieve that goal. We're misallocating human resources.
or its just the US is so busy F'n with so many countries , it cant keep up with enough Troops to overthrow all the Governments it wants to for Democracy and tax payer funded sex change operations?.
Get rid of the damn DEI and your woke BS, and your numbers could grow.
This guy understands the problem. America doesn't protect its culture for last 40 years though. It was in the 1990's that this problem could have been prevented... U.S. has lost continuity with its past, and with it all the benefits and confidences that came with it. Only hope is to create new culture and organization; the "quality" of which will depend upon the caliber of people today tasked with the job.
The "csm"? Since when do you refer to him as that? It's Sargeant Major, even if he is a CSM.
Its sErgeant Major.
This became a "thing" a few years ago. It was wild to me when I started hearing people approach and call him (any of them) CSM, instead of their addressable rank "Sergeant Major". Even the SMA is addressed directly as Sergeant Major, unless formally introducing him.
Come on CSM, you literally rambled and said nothing.
You didn't hear him? He said no and they have to find a way to be attractive again because cross generational differences
This CSM is the problem. Idiot that would do anything for his career but nothing else. By way lowering the standards in 2012 didn’t help now anyone can become special These two are idiots.
I tried going in and the reason I wasnt able to get in was due to MEPS. MEPS is a mess and Im glad I wasnt allowed in cus if there’s a recruiting crisis and MEPS was still somehow backed up that says something.
Plus the guys that are more likely to want to join Special Operations are obviously gonna have a medical history due to sports.
Its unreasonable to ask for so many waivers making the process las 6 months to a year longer cus of ankle sprains and healed injuries.
Special Operations and Rangers need a separate recruting team cus normal Army has some lazy people pushing away candidates like us.
I dont need to be a Green Beret but I wouldve loved to be one but not if I have to rely on people that I had to deal with trying to join the military.
They don't want you claiming your ankle when you get out. Because they know, they're going to cause Wear and Tear on your ankl
Who wants to join the queer, trans DEI military? Good luck with that. Who can take pride from that except Gay pride. I enlisted in the 1960s but would not do it today. The only way the present military without drastic reform can survive is via the Compulsory draft.
Obviously you’re so old you don’t even know the real reason. About 3/4 of young Americans aren’t even eligible to join w/o a waiver. But people your age think it’s just about “woke” bs for some reason.
Is that Timothy elephant?
Danny B got washed out of buds because he wanted the "be somebody" not the "do something"
Somehow I think giving High School kids Army War College papers on what negative societal effect ICOs and Crime Culture are really having on our Country is the solution. It just struck me that everybody wanting to be "gangster" these days really wants something to be a part of, but culture has put the Military way down the list. It is really still the answer for fighting age and temperament young men.
That and Lutheran Church Missouri Synod counter arguments to liberalism.
Yeah, because the 1% criminal population represents the entire youth.
You made the same mistake the conservative command has made
What threats
Having ADHD is apparently a qualification for recruitment to the 'special' forces? I'll join I'll join I'll join - !!!!!
Less caffeine
I like your comment. Thank you for saying, made me laugh.
If you want to get more people, Recruiters have to recruit…the have to move out in the market!
The number should pick up looking at our population is like we shouldn’t be down. We should have plenty of our we should meet the numbers. It’s like cause this is our country so it’s like why is it? Why are we not there?
Shouldn't of kicked out ppl for a political gain. Don't let generals who don't listen to problems on the ground treat guys as replaceable. Don't let women in infantry units if they're not gonna put out same as the guys.
This is going to be controversial but… we will continue to bleed TALENT. Just like we did in 2010/12. Tons of great guys got out, they weren’t enticed to stay in. Then Iraq blew up into Syrian uprising, Talibs took afghan fight to US like never before, but we just kept loosing true special forces. Then the FIRST manning crisis began, we pumped bunch of shit bags in, everyone got a beret. And we are at the same door again, today. New world insurgency coming, and we are going to get caught bend over with our pants down. Train, man, equip… he doesn’t even know what operational force currently needs. And he won’t listen.
My elders fought for this country in pickets charge to OEF. Elders who raised me specificly had lived through the depression etc and REFUSED to let me go into the current military, I used to bawl my eyes out at 12-13-14 having to do pt evolutions with my uncle and bompi because they saw a future i couldnt. Still have that rangers manual.....At 50 yrs old i'd be willing to bet i can still out compete most( 35-50) in the current woke choke situation as it is.
Cook story bro. You didn't join so you can't run your mouth
wrong again and learn how to spell!
@@jonathanschadenfreude9603+ Grammar Nazi focused on that because his story is not true lol
What the hell was that!?
If y’all would let me in my two DUI’s I’d gladly join. Already got turned down twice tho so fuck it.
That's a kiss of death.
Take from marine corps as if you straddle
The pullout of Afghanistan was the end of recruiting!
Selling yourself into slavery is never a good decision
Former 18c i cant see any kid around that could fill the void our the shoes! I believe it's the sign of no trust our beliefs in the greatest country on earth you gotta believe that what your doing is for the greater good of the civilians you fight for! Who you do it for!!! 😅
1:31 I’m sorry to say but this green beret has gotten complacent and fat. Idgaf who you are, but if you’re a green beret you have to lead by example first and foremost. As someone who wants to desperately escape the fat world this stuff is what triggered people. When you’re “elite” you should lead by example. Your job is to be fit to fight and lead. Do it.
I guess you can just gangstalk everyone into joining.
Let me smoke.
Warrant speaking facts! CSM needs to back off the cocaine WTF!
Hes got the Delta force patch. 👉💨🤯
It is the USASOC patch..
Dont die for zulu oscar golf
Start a retirement age/ex veteran Branch.
Go logistics if you want a real future.
These “pinks and greens” have history for ww2, no need to have today. Create your own history!
Let retirees come back
How many youtube channel talk about ptsd,disabilities, and life sucked,
Join get the paper,tabs,get out you screwed
Perhaps, SPECOPS and forces, are things of the past. No thing as a secret squirrel anymore.
You might be an Army of 1 soon🤣🤣
Probably would help if you did this in front of Iron Mike not the flags of other countries. What are you trying to say?
That's the top leader.. Holy Shit he looks so young
Never seen so few ribbons on an S. F. er.
It's become the thing on the new Army uniform not to wear all the bells and whistles. Just the stellar ones. The blues were being called the Christmas Tree uniform over the last few years for having EVERYTHING on them. Back in my day (prehistoric Army) there was a brief trend not to wear all the patches on the BDUs. Just a tab in many cases. The Army is funny that way. Plus Waldo was CSM at 1st Capabilities Integration Group. Probably has a lot of classified awards too.
@@GhostRanger5060why would the ribbon itself be classified?
@@GhostRanger5060 isnt that the Red delta arrowhead? meaning he saw combat with CAG?
@@bloomingonion56 Yeah, he was probably in ODA-D but I didn;t see anything in it in his bio. That he isn;t wearing his Green Beret in the video leads me to think he took the short course and did "Det time" with ODA-D.
@@webbystutters The ribbon is not. But the minimalist look is in vogue. Some of these guys would look like a Soviet Field Marshal if they wore everything they were given over the last 20 years!
Gg skill issue
They need more gingers.
pay me a billion dollars and I'll join, ask zelenzKey the sniffer how good it feels.
F the police state, let's go Russia!!
It might be that haircut