We speak Romanian and officiate in Serbian - Timok Romanian (Vlach) Collection


Комментарии • 225

  • @Amandabejtusi
    @Amandabejtusi 3 года назад +85

    I was born in Serbia and lived there for a long time. I lived most of my life in Sumadija. My parents' friends as well as my father's far-off family were Romanians and I kept hearing them speak Romanian, and until now I didn't know this was more like an accent. My mom knows this dialect and I'd like to learn this, too. Romanian sounds so wonderful and gives me nostalgia.

    • @mariusboda
      @mariusboda Год назад +6

      I understand perfectly what they said, maybe 1 or 2 Slavic words, but the rest is Souther Oltenia accent Romanian version.

    • @jonelbradjan9586
      @jonelbradjan9586 11 месяцев назад

      Nu multe 40%.

  • @laurtnse7112
    @laurtnse7112 2 года назад +45

    Toate ca toate, când zise "știi, fusărăm într-un an", îmi dădură lacrimile. E mamaia mea leită. Nici că din Banat, de lângă Vâlcea. Același sânge, aceeași țară, români am fost cu toți odinioară!

    • @suedezu5491
      @suedezu5491 Год назад +1

      Nu știu CUM îs-i zic ei, nu știu DE CÂND sunt ei acolo, dar, *eu îi înțeleg ce vorbesc*
      Deci, *sunt români si punctum*

    • @adrianciobanu5856
      @adrianciobanu5856 Год назад +1

      Nu suntem romani doar Geți chiar și ADN e zero cu cel italic

    • @dand7763
      @dand7763 Год назад

      @@adrianciobanu5856 Am citit undeva ADN-ul romanilor,sangele nostru ....(atentie! nu limba!)..suntem 32% traci , 4% latini (italieni) ...restul MIX (ce vrei tu din zona balcanilor ,de la toti ! bulgari,sarbi,greci,turci,unguri ...,plus ceva procentaj genetic din Lituania ,aici am ramas masca ,suntem inruditi cu lituanienii...cine ar fi crezut !!!

    • @MarianTofan-vl3ts
      @MarianTofan-vl3ts Месяц назад


  • @Stefanism
    @Stefanism 3 года назад +81

    Yeah, they are undeniably Romanians. As a Romanian in Bucharest, I understand everything he says. The only difference from other Romanians is just that they have a lot of Serbian influence on their language, but that it’s completely normal considering the fact that they have no schools, where they can properly learn Romanian. It’s similar to the situation in the Republic of Moldova, where the 50 years under Soviet rule, during which Russian was the official language, made the ordinary people to speak a Romanian with a strong accent and with a lot of Russian words in it. But clearly they are all part of the Romanian nation, and no one can deny that.

    • @klaus6091
      @klaus6091 3 года назад +17

      what influence? they just speak pre 19th century romanian

    • @Sunrah
      @Sunrah 3 года назад +5

      influence is in vocabulary, their accent and way of speaking is from old romanian but some words have been added to their vocabulary, quite hard to not borrow words from the dominant people in the region.

    • @wallachianknight557
      @wallachianknight557 3 года назад +3

      @@klaus6091 well ya we had to re latinize ourselves because we borrowed so much slavic words and traditions and exchanged them for latin words to the point where we romanians Almost became no longer vlachs or eastern romance speakers but instead slavic speakers like our neighbours and we romanians knew this wasn't right and we knew we were more roman than slavic so we had to exchange the slavic words back for the latin words by borrowing words from the French and italian language

    • @varatic644
      @varatic644 2 года назад +2

      @@wallachianknight557 lol embrace the slavicness

    • @wallachianknight557
      @wallachianknight557 2 года назад +8

      @@varatic644 No we will always embrace the latiness :)

  • @dariuspop8545
    @dariuspop8545 3 года назад +55

    Im from Banat region in România and they speak the same language the people in my village speak so Vlachs~romanian or latin speaking people

    • @huberthorsky611
      @huberthorsky611 Месяц назад

      In Banat, there are also many Czech speaking people :)

  • @silviuc.5551
    @silviuc.5551 3 года назад +26

    Lucky that Internet appeared, now there's a chance for all romanians from the outside of border to at least learn in romanian, if they want, if they keep still ROMANIA in their hearts...

  • @RainChip
    @RainChip 4 года назад +46

    The accent in Oltenia is different and that's way closer to them, but they speak like they're from a remote village in Transylvania.

    • @secula1234
      @secula1234 4 года назад +12

      Bănățean , ii înțeleg perfect ...

    • @Drm065
      @Drm065 3 года назад +5

      It is Banat.

    • @romaniaplus
      @romaniaplus 3 года назад +8

      The way they speak is almost identical with what Romanian countryside from Banat area use to speak. You can hear the same intonation and pronunciation of words from Timisoara, Jimbolia, Sannicolau-Mare to the southern parts in Caras-Severin neighboring Orsova to the Danube.

    • @laviniumarta501
      @laviniumarta501 3 года назад +1

      @Adriano Trujkic Luciani in Romania, Banat is from river Mureș (city of Arad) till the mountains near Danube (river Cerna)! So the part near Reșița (Rešica), Oravița (Oravica) or Orșova (Oršova) is also Banat, we called this area the mountainous Banat! Also there was (in medieval period) a Banat of Severin!

    • @laviniumarta501
      @laviniumarta501 3 года назад +2

      @Adriano Trujkic Luciani I agree, in Serbia Banat is in Vojvodina, but the accent and the way they speak is similar with the mountain region of romanian Banat! So , across the Danube from Timočke Kraijna is still the romanian Banat and this is why we say that they are speaking like in Banat! I live 150 km north of Timișoara (Temišvar) and the way we speak at home and the accent is quite different!

  • @avlieox
    @avlieox 3 года назад +30

    Ohh God ... i'm from Oltenia region of Romania, but if i recall the accent of our brothers from Banat region and overlap over this ... then i can comprehend 100% what our brothers from Timok area are saying 😃 ... this is so exciting.
    This resembles so so much with Romanian "banatean" dialect/accent. Same words it feels ... only different pronunciation then main Romanian.
    Health and long life to our Timok brothers🙋‍♂️!

  • @florinivascu5
    @florinivascu5 2 года назад +24

    Sunt români noștri iubiți 🙏🖐❤🇷🇴👍⛪

  • @opsasa
    @opsasa Год назад +13

    I'm Serb from western Bosnia. These people look exactly the same like people here where I live. I don't know why but i believe that my people spoke this same language before we learned slavic. I don't understand nothing here but it sounds so natural to my ear. I would like to learn this language.

    • @Catalin06
      @Catalin06 Год назад +13

      Entire Balkan Peninsula was full of Romanians, Aromanians, etc, the romanized thracian-illirian tribes that were and are homogenous where they live, before the arrival of the slavs.
      South romans been assimilated by the slav populations over time, and they still are being assimilated even to this day sadly..so it is not weird that you think so.
      Most Balkan countries do not even recognize them as belonging to the romanian group, they give them the vlach identity that once those people accept the vlach term, eventually they will no longer be roman, nor vlach but assimilated into the country they live, becoming serb, greek, bulgar, etc.
      Romanians proudly said "Sunt român", român stands for "Romanus", never called themselves Vlachs, even though everyone else did, and not just romanians been called vlachs but it started with italians, french, all the romance languages, which later became a word for romanians.
      Have fun learning the language, a romanian and aromanian(south roman) can understand each other but aromanian is like an old arhaic version of romanian influenced by slavic neighbours, while romanian is a much more modern version that had borrowed some words from french, and have very few influences like 5% from greek, turks, magyars, etc, and like 10% from their slavic neighbours, while the rest is like 70% is latin, with 20-15% daco-thracian origins(some words that are unknown and that cannot be found in any other language but romanian, supposely they are from the inhabitants of these lands dacian-getae-thracian.
      I personally wasn't aware how beautiful my language is until some people that aren't romanians told me so, that compared to their language it sounds pleasant to the ears.
      Though when I hear other languages being spoken, I do acknowledge then how beautiful romanian language is :) , and I thank God for it!

    • @markoobradovic9799
      @markoobradovic9799 Год назад +2

      @@Catalin06 A lot of Slavic Serbs in Serbia and elsewhere (including Romania and Moldova) adopted Vlach, Romianian, Aromanian, Karavlach, Greek and Bulgarian national identity.

    • @markoobradovic9799
      @markoobradovic9799 Год назад +2

      @@Catalin06 A lot of Slavic Serbs in Serbia and elsewhere (including Romania and Moldova) adopted Vlach, Romanian, Aromanian, Moldovan, Gagauz, Karavlach, Greek and Bulgarian national identity.

    • @Catalin06
      @Catalin06 Год назад +11

      @@markoobradovic9799 No they didn't, the opposite happend slavic people on their arrival assimilated the locals populations of vlachs(romanians,aromanians) that were indigenous in Europe into their state for being more numerous than them, same thing happend north of Danube where the local romanians(daco-romans) assimilated the slavs that were passing by and remained there. Every nation today is composed of 2 or 3 mix of other populations, what stands out is the language, tradition, culture, and if you look at some serbs, bulgarians etc today they might of lost their romance language but their folklore clothes, dances and traditions are one and the same with the romanians.
      Romanians(vlachs = external name given to them by slavs, their internal name romanian or aromanian both stand for latin romanus) are the indigenous populations in South East Europe that were romanized by the Roman Empire.
      In the Balkan peninsula there is an assimilation of the vlach population going on even today sadly where they spread propaganda lies that the vlachs from the south are something else than the romanians from the north, even though both speak a romance language and understand each other, same folk clothes, traditions, shephard ways, even history confirms it that the vlachs that are spread all over the balkans today, especially in Greece they come from the North, their location was somewhere in today Serbia, they were living next to Danube and river Sava according to the byzantine mentions about them in the past and they were once called dacians or bessi.

    • @IvanSam1
      @IvanSam1 11 месяцев назад +1

      To je zato što Vlaški ima puno slovenskih reči a standardni Rumunski ih je izbacio u korist latinskih.

  • @paulungureanu937
    @paulungureanu937 3 года назад +20

    România să aibă grijă de acești români, că altfel e mare păcat

    • @valykm3538
      @valykm3538 3 года назад +3

      România n-are grijă de românii din țară...

    • @viorelgeamanu9333
      @viorelgeamanu9333 5 месяцев назад

      Romania isi tradeaza constant oamenii atat din tara cat si din afara. In fapt ii alunga din tara, ca sa faca loc la emigranti, din Asia si Africa. Cum sa ne mai miram atunci ca acesti tradatori de tara si neam care ne conduc de 34 de ani nu fac nimic nici pentru fratii nostrii de afara, din Balcani sau din diaspora? De asta profita tarile vecini si vin cu teorii care mai de care mai imbecile, pentru ca li se permite, cai statul nostru nu stie sa ia atitudine sa-i protejeze oamenii, asa cum fac ungurii, de exemplu. Ne conduc niste fanarioti care nu au sange Romanesc mai deloc si nu simt nimic Romaneste.

  • @edddddddddddd
    @edddddddddddd 2 года назад +32

    Wow as a Romanian i can understand almost everything. It sounds exactly like how Romanian used to sound before the relatinization of the language in the 19th century. These people and their culture is like a time machine for our language.

    • @danascully6698
      @danascully6698 Год назад +1

      How many illiterates (80-90&) existed in the Romanian countries in the 19th century, plus the lack of ways of spreading and communication, who believes in the theory of the re-latinization of the Romanian language? I feel like laughing out loud when I hear this nonsense! The Romanians continued to speak what they had been speaking for centuries. There is no question of a "re-Latinization". What are the real means by which the illiterate Romanian peasant who could not read and write introduced new words into his vocabulary, not taking into account the fact that the means of communication and dissemination at that time were extremely limited in number and efficiency? In a completely exceptional and limited way, yes, some words of Latin origin would have been reintroduced, but not to the extent that some try to explain to us, that in fact we did not have a Latin language but we "re-Latinized" it!

      @TRAVELLINGCHANNEL1 Год назад +5

      What latinization?

    • @iulianneghina4870
      @iulianneghina4870 5 месяцев назад +1

      In all romance languages latin words have been reintroduced after the process of language creation was finished. In the West the usage of Latin by the Catholic church slowly did it.
      In the East Old Church Slavonic was used - adding new slavic words in the Romanian language.
      In the famous French expresion "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" all 3 words represent this re-latinisation of the language (the inherited words are different-showing the evolution).
      In Romanian the introduction of those words linked more with academic language happend more recent. You can always chose to speak Romanian like 200 years ago, and be understood - people in country side Romania are still doing this.

    • @stoicaandrei8681
      @stoicaandrei8681 5 месяцев назад

      Romanian were never latinised. There are more studies since the past 7 years proving this. Also foreign lingvistics are sating the same, not only the Romanians.
      Tablitele de la Tartaria - is a controversial assassinated proof. When people made the history connections of the characters written on these bronze trinkets, the researches are approximating it to be older than the Summerian Alphabet. When the first roman legion went to conquer the 16% of Dacia (the one that got called Dacia Aureliana) due to the Roman empire first economic crisis, and the battles were too dangerous for the roman empire (to let you know, we are the only ones who made the Romans change their military tactics and strategy due to our unique 2 sided scythe-sword.) was formed by a conglomerat of etnics that even they did not spoke latin. The first legion's general was a spanish coming to Dacia. He did not knew latin. Do you know that the Dacians from the northern country did not even knew that the south is at war? How did they embrace the language, and cultural traditions, all that bullshit you are toughed in school? Well. we didn't had to be latinised, beucase Latin is a sister language of the Thracian language, they are coming from the same place. If you don't believe the recent studies, well.... The ancient greeks are mentioning these in their times: Herodot, Dio Cassius, Strabon, Herodot, and some I've forgot. If put all of you, questioning what I'm saying and research just this. Old Sanskrit words known, and compare them with the old Thracian, actual old romanian words. You are tought to believe that the word "APA" comes from latin "Aqua", right? It's wrong. "APA" comes from the Sanskrit word "APA", writen and spoken identically. "Deva" is coming from "DAVA" which was mostly used for naming cities and towns. "SALA" was used for rooms, saloon, hall, as in Romanian word "Sala" - sala de jocuri. Check them. It's a lot of research. There are some Romanians from early 2000 who studied these. Romania is trying to kill us because this is what Europe wants.

  • @gg-zj4ji
    @gg-zj4ji 2 года назад +19

    I am a serb and i have met alot of Vlachs and they are great bros,
    I do agree that Serbia should allow them to have their own church and grammar school or whatever is it called if this is the case.
    I think the reason this has not yet been allowed isn't exactly because Serbia has some envy or is ungrateful, its probably more due to the country having an official language and that Romanian to be a primary one for these people would be a bit iffy because they would not be able to do much inside Serbia with it. However as a traditional and cultural perspective of this yes, they should have where to learn romanian if they consider themselves as ones and want to know it as a mother language. About the church i do not see any problem for it not to be present.

    • @tomgu2285
      @tomgu2285 2 года назад

      Pa je nismo radili 2012 dogovor sa rumunijom???

    • @gg-zj4ji
      @gg-zj4ji 2 года назад

      @@tomgu2285 nmp

    • @nichiforalbu9035
      @nichiforalbu9035 2 года назад +7

      Romania have not territorial pretention to Serbia, but Serbians having some bad experience, nowadays want to create new .Wallahian,, different from Romanian Identity, and it is not brotherhood Idea at all, we have bad experience with creating Moldovan Identity by Russians, so Romania, can be very angry for that!

    • @gg-zj4ji
      @gg-zj4ji 2 года назад

      @@nichiforalbu9035 idk i am not very known with all that but i do know that everyone treats them as romanians and we have no problems at all.

    • @daniellac.7588
      @daniellac.7588 2 года назад +3

      I'm Vlach and thank you! This is well explained. Most people think that we're Romanian but when asked we all disagree with that... We are Vlach and Serbian at the same time. I know that we probably come from Romania but our passports are not Romanian, nor have I ever encountered Vlach from Romania 😅 now grammar school would be difficult because we don't even have an alphabet and the attempts I've seen so far are just horrible...I'm currently working on creating my own and it's a real struggle because I have serveral options and picking the best is not easy.

  • @puloipizdulea7188
    @puloipizdulea7188 3 года назад +39


  • @doce7678
    @doce7678 11 месяцев назад +7

    Frații noștri români...

  • @peterbogdan9176
    @peterbogdan9176 3 года назад +4

    My father was from banat he spoke both I understand you very well

    • @adio.7226
      @adio.7226 2 года назад +1

      Was he from the vojvodina side? Those Romanians pretty much speak "vlah romanian"

  • @alexgreen8232
    @alexgreen8232 3 года назад +18

    Asta-i limba Romana 100/1000, adaptata gramaticii Sarbesti.

    • @dragos_16
      @dragos_16 3 года назад

      @tom gu Learn english

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 2 года назад +5

      E doar limba română. Unde vezi tu gramatică sârbească?

    • @tomgu2285
      @tomgu2285 2 года назад

      @@dragos_16 I don't think I will.

  • @Katthecontrarian
    @Katthecontrarian Год назад

    What jovial good natured people. They remind me so much of my grandmother.

  • @lazarstankovic2505
    @lazarstankovic2505 3 месяца назад

    I am a half Serb half Vlach that lives in Zajecar. All my relatives usually speak Vlachian with eachother but when they're talking to us younger folks they're talking in Serbian since we never learned Vlachian.

  • @tomytoma6287
    @tomytoma6287 3 года назад +20

    Deja imi imaginez stramosii acum 200 de ani pe teritoriul Dobrogei sub imperiul ottoman incercand sa spuna la reporter ca ei nu vorbesc romaneste ci limba Vlaha Dobrogean 😂😂😂offf Doamnee ,Romania a ignorat tot ce inseamna minoritati romanesti de la frontierele tarii asa sa nu ne miram de ce.

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 2 года назад

      Falsă afirmație: ”Romania a ignorat tot ce inseamna minoritati romanesti de la frontierele tarii asa sa nu ne miram de ce.”

    • @tomytoma6287
      @tomytoma6287 2 года назад +2

      @@ionbrad6753 da falsa afirmatie? grecii din tarile vecine isi spun greci, bulgarii din tarile vecine tot bulgari, Romanii din tarile vecine, BA MOLDOVANI, BA UCRINIENI BA VLAHI BA SARBI BA VLAHI DIN NOU BA BULGARI LATINIZATI BA GRECI ROMANIZATI, romani exista doar in Romania? restu s-au evaporat de ce/? pentru ca statul roman a tacut din gura sa nu isi supere vecini asa bine face omul asta din video cu o privire asa de incuiata atunci cand se uita in ochii tai si spune EU VORBESC VLAHA ,NU ROMANA NU NE INTELEGEM BINE CU ROMANII.

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 2 года назад

      @@tomytoma6287 Statul român nu a tăcut din gură.

    • @nichiforalbu9035
      @nichiforalbu9035 2 года назад +2

      @@ionbrad6753 Statul Român se ocupa cu Elena Udrea și Dragnea ))))) ah da știrea numarul unu pe TV este Regheckampf si Ana-Maria Prodan ))))))))

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 2 года назад

      @@nichiforalbu9035 Din păcate, e invers: Elena Udrea și Dragnea se ocupau de statul român; erau statul român. În urma votului nostru. Nu al meu, dar al ”nostru”.
      TV aleargă după audiență; prin urmare se coboară la nivelul prostimii; care devine și mai proastă și tot așa - e un cerc vicios.

  • @maybe7703
    @maybe7703 Год назад +1

    I'm from Republic of Moldova and you can say it's similar in some ways with our dialect because we also mix romania with russian.

  • @dobryjcelovek2607
    @dobryjcelovek2607 Месяц назад

    Слышу славянские слова - služba, zapisk, praznicu

    • @nicolaehalmagea1774
      @nicolaehalmagea1774 17 дней назад

      Ты не знаешь как сербы поле ухода турок убивали попов и учителей что говорили на румынском?Школы и церкви тоже закрыли ,славяне дикие люди ,варвары и оккупанты

  • @besparmak8211
    @besparmak8211 Месяц назад

    This is bizarre- in the Cypriot dialect of Greek which I speak, pounga is an old fashioned word for pocket. Wishing for someone to have a pounga full of money at christmas wouldnt be out of the ordinary- i wonder what the connection is?

  • @annaandrea8320
    @annaandrea8320 3 года назад +23

    Eu sunt cetățean român de etnie maghiară și e dureros pentru mine să văd că vlahii se confruntă cu aceleași probleme cu care ne confruntăm noi, maghiarii, pe teritoriul României. Sârbii ar trebui să fie mai înțelegători față de ei și să le respecte limba și tradițiile. Ce bine ar fi dacă oamenii ar înceta să mai fie ultranaționaliști și să aibă mai multă toleranță față de diversitatea etnică și culturală. Pământul este al nostru, al tuturor oamenilor, indiferent de rasă și neamul din care ne tragem. Este o silnicie să îi impui unui om să nu mai vorbească în limba lui maternă!

    • @dan-eugenzeries133
      @dan-eugenzeries133 3 года назад +1

      Anna Andrea

    • @avlieox
      @avlieox 3 года назад +4

      Adevarat! Cred ca oamenii au de fapt mai multe in comun decat diferentele pe care se focuseaza in gandurile lor.
      Luat usor pe firul asa ziselor separatii ... se va ajunge cred inevitabil la radacini comune.
      D'asta cred ca in Oltenia, de unde sunt de origine, se obisnuieste ca oamenii sa se adrese unul altuia cu "varule, vericule, fratica", ca si cum ar fi toti rude intre ei, chiar daca nu sunt rude dupa legile din zilele noastre.
      De exemplu, chiar daca io sunt din Dragasani si vorbesc cu cineva din Caracal pe care il vad prima data ... tot "vere" sau "frate" sau "soro" ii spun. Asta ma unge pe suflet si mi se pare deosebit de frumos.

    • @andreifiruti8373
      @andreifiruti8373 3 года назад +1

      Guvernele sunt se fac vinovate de toate aceste segregări. Nu contează in ce țara fie ea... Grecia,Ungaria,Serbia,România , Moldova, Ucraina, Polonia, Slovacia.etc.

    • @MrQ454
      @MrQ454 3 года назад +20

      adică nu vă lasă în România să faceți slujbe în maghiară?! Chiar așa? Măcar dacă ar avea ăia drepturile care le aveți voi în România! Nici Românii din Ungaria nu au drepturile care le au ungurii aici!

    • @LoneWolf-vk5uy
      @LoneWolf-vk5uy 3 года назад +6

      Anna Andrea Las-o frate in pana mea de treaba...Cand Romania facea pe dracu-n patru sa protejeze minoritatile din tara, Românii din afara granitelor erau deja persecutati si se faceau eforturi mari sa i minta pana sa si uite radacinile.

  • @mirelbanica1964
    @mirelbanica1964 Год назад +2

    Inteleg tot ce spun. Pacat ca statul roman este slab si i a abandonat. Romanii sunt una!

  • @mriulia777
    @mriulia777 3 года назад +2

    Spun altfel la pungã pt cã ei deja erau departe când a apãrut produsul/ cuvântul : pungã!

    • @puloipizdulea7188
      @puloipizdulea7188 3 года назад +2


    • @nestingherit7012
      @nestingherit7012 3 года назад +1

      Punga e Dacic.
      E ,et' nec' pe dex.

    • @mriulia777
      @mriulia777 3 года назад

      @@nestingherit7012 oare la ce spuneau ei ‘ punga’?

    • @nestingherit7012
      @nestingherit7012 3 года назад

      Cum la ce?
      Tineau lucruri in ea incluzand banii.
      Traista era pentru alte lucruri mai mari.

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 2 года назад +1

      @@nestingherit7012 Eu cred că pungă vine de la verbul ”a pune”. ”A ține” a dat ”ținut” (și mai târziu - deținut). A mânca - mâncare. Ar fi putut fi un proces similar.

  • @romania1918
    @romania1918 3 года назад +13

    Timoc = România

    • @ПетарСтанојевић
      @ПетарСтанојевић 3 года назад +11

      My brother , hello.I am from Serbia and I hate the stuff they are doing to our brotherly population of Romanians in Timok.Romanian churches should be legalized in the region and our two nations shouldn't fight about it.The Eastern part of Banat , Romania got after WW1 was also muchly populated by Serbs , but Romania took care of them and allowed them to prosper.It is very stupid what our current goverment is doing.Forgive us.
      Serbs and Romanians are brothers🇷🇸Moldova is Romania, Kosovo is Serbia,Dobruja is Romania ,Shopluk is Serbia🇷🇸.🇷🇸🇷🇴🇷🇸🇷🇴🇷🇸🇷🇴🇷🇸🇷🇴🇷🇸🇷🇴🇷🇸🇷🇴🇷🇸🇷🇴🇷🇸🇷🇴🇷🇸🇷🇴🇷🇸🇷🇴🇷🇸Romanians=Dacians

    • @romania1918
      @romania1918 3 года назад +1

      @@ПетарСтанојевић True

    • @ПетарСтанојевић
      @ПетарСтанојевић 3 года назад +1

      @@romania1918 🇷🇴🇷🇸

    • @varatic644
      @varatic644 2 года назад +1

      @@ПетарСтанојевић lol kosovo is not Serbia and Moldova is Moldova

    • @tomgu2285
      @tomgu2285 2 года назад

      Timoc=Serbia transelvania=Hungary 🤓

  • @ratkomartin2005
    @ratkomartin2005 3 года назад +2

    Firstly Vlach Romans(or Vlahoromanian)dunno how to write correct are more PAGANIAN that Orxodox.Some belive it has been some kind of defense against Serbian Ortodoxy and Asimilations too...

    • @ionbrad6753
      @ionbrad6753 2 года назад +1

      No, a lot of pre-Christian tradition were impossible to wipe-out by early Christians so Christianity adopted and assimilated/transformed those traditions. Christmas for example. Jesus was not born on the winter solstice, but there were ancient pagan celebrations which were too powerful to fight with. So these pagan celebrations were turned into the celebration of Jesus' birth : )
      Same thing with many other traditions of ours.

    • @roxana6875
      @roxana6875 Год назад +1

      Vlahoromanian?! 😂😂😂 I missed this term untill now. What is this a new identity?!??? So, translated in romanian language they are romanianromanian?! 😂😂😂 Bre, someone inform that people that Valahia on the map was Tara Romaneasca, this we know from the first history lessons in school. They are more romanians than romanians but they don 't wantto be romanized through romanian schools. Poor people!

    • @ratkomartin2005
      @ratkomartin2005 Год назад

      @@roxana6875 Hahaha...With this term"Vlaho or Wallacho Romanian "i make(do) DIFFERENCE between, WE who, are born in SERBIA (born,grew up,educated primarly in SFRJ)and Romanian WHO are born in Romania(born,grew up,educated in romanian schools).We are not"pure"Romanians(because we can t read fluently standard romanians etc) neither Serbs(who are pretty "racials"as croatians too(Serbian blood,orthodox fate,orthodox tradition...etc).So this is info from first hand.

    • @roxana6875
      @roxana6875 Год назад +2

      @@ratkomartin2005 of course I do understand what you are saying! I do apologize if this offended you! Is a good step this term but still... Do you know that the term Valahia/Vlachs is a foreign term is not our,right?! Valahia used to be call by us Tara Romaneasca and vlahii use to call themself rumani/ români. Is a bit funny this term for a Romanian today as it sound like românromân for us. But perhaps is correct too... ❤️
      Now, without offending anyone there is too much propaganda on this Vlach term... tooooo much. Greeks saying that you are greek, albanian saying that you are albanian, serbian saying that you are serbian, bulgarian saying that you are bulgarian, macedonian saying that you are macedonian, croatian saying that you are immigrants ( about istro-romanians- I heard this aswell) You are of course the ancient inhabitants of all those places, but by definition ethnicity start with the language, not country or schools. Romania have 5milion immigrants now since 89, their babies born there are not romanians because they learn in foreign schools?! Ok, is not the best example, but still..
      Multa sanatate si toate cele bune! Va cautam pe youtube sa va ascultam offf urile. Stim multe dar nu toate ... si tot asteptam!

    • @ratkomartin2005
      @ratkomartin2005 Год назад

      @@roxana6875 Your english is really exellent.I was(still i am)Western movies/Punk Rock,Hard rock fan..i mean"My tradition began with John Wayne and Sex Pistols and numbers of others bands....grew up in Yugoslavian best years.Greets.

  • @tomgu2285
    @tomgu2285 2 года назад

    I'm confused didn't Serbia and rumania made a agreement in 2012???

    • @nichiforalbu9035
      @nichiforalbu9035 2 года назад

      in2012 Serbia creat a new ,,Independent Wallachian association ,which claim to be different Nation, closest to Serbia, than to Romanians, they claim to don„t be Romaniased and have proper right do self- determine, it is wat you need to know about Serbian true brotherhood!!! Makedonsko pitanje in Timok, start the new war with Romanians!!

    • @tomgu2285
      @tomgu2285 2 года назад +1

      @@nichiforalbu9035 well I'm from republika srpska Bosnia so I don't relay know what is going on. But I'm still a serb.

  • @Bianca-gz9uv
    @Bianca-gz9uv 6 месяцев назад +1

    Vlachs from Timoc should follow szekely example who now identifies them as hungarians. It is better to have a state to back you up than to be alone vs authorities. Those from Vojevodina and Banat who registred as romanians are considered a minority and have rights.

  • @gabrielaboc6328
    @gabrielaboc6328 3 года назад

    Doamne ferește ca și la Jehoviști

  • @Makedonce1989.
    @Makedonce1989. 10 месяцев назад

    Lets get straight fact now aromanians are most close to macedonians gagauz northern greeks and bulgarians by genetics they belong to paleo balkan people

  • @nrno7419
    @nrno7419 Год назад +5

    All Orthodoks serbs in today Bosnia are originaly wlashs 100% Otomans bring them and Albanians there

    • @markoobradovic9799
      @markoobradovic9799 Год назад +1

      Vlachs have Slavic Serb origin, ancestry. Vlachs in Serbia are mixture of Serbs and Gypsies (Karavlachs).

    • @wixx0801
      @wixx0801 7 месяцев назад +1

      i feel like the whole balkan was latin speaking before the slavs came in

    • @Bianca-gz9uv
      @Bianca-gz9uv 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@markoobradovic9799 otomans used colors for cardinal points. Kara (black) = North...so karavlachs would be northenvlachs.

    • @9_9876
      @9_9876 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@markoobradovic9799 Vlachs are Romanians. They literally emigrated from the north of the Danube to the south in the 17-18th centuries. Serbia was battlefield between Habsburgs and Ottomans and was depopulated. Nothing to do with gypsies nor serbs. "karavlachs" are not gypsies either.

    • @9_9876
      @9_9876 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@wixx0801Latin and greek. Look up Jirecek Line to know the exact areas that spoke each language.

  • @davidbaldi3219
    @davidbaldi3219 3 года назад +3

    zici ca ii Bănăteana...

    • @blu9371
      @blu9371 2 года назад

      Ìn Timoc și în Banatul de Vest stau români. Și sunt apropiate regiunile. Deci probabil că de asta.

  • @VladimirKitic
    @VladimirKitic 5 месяцев назад

    Rumuni I vlasi su nekada bili srbi jer se zna gde je vinca I koji je narod sačuvao obicaje srbi i vlasi rumuni nisu.

  • @mladenzrnic2669
    @mladenzrnic2669 8 месяцев назад

    Да ли су Власи Цинцари?

    • @9_9876
      @9_9876 5 месяцев назад +1

      No. In Timok it's Romanians speaking Romanian, they call themselves rumâni (compare to standard Romanian români). Cincari are known in English as Aromanians, do not live in the same area as Timok Vlachs (they live in big cities only), speak a different Aromanian language and call themselves armâni (rramâni for those in Albania). Vlachs are close to Romanians, Cincari to Vlachs in other countries. "Vlach" was an old Slavic name for Romance speaking peoples.

    • @mladenzrnic2669
      @mladenzrnic2669 5 месяцев назад

      @@9_9876 Хвала

  • @gabrielaboc6328
    @gabrielaboc6328 3 года назад


  • @Greensanctuary-c4w
    @Greensanctuary-c4w 5 месяцев назад

    He is a Serb,not a lost Roman legion