I'm always torn between creating a scene with just a nice image as a backdrop vs a battlemat style scene for stuff like this - combat can definitely happen, and the players will likely want access to their tokens... so maybe i should just give in and do both :D
Haha. Yeah, the choices we make. I prefer to stick with battle maps, unless it's definitely an RP-only scene. I don't like players predicting Battle or Safety based on the map I put up - I want them paranoid ;)
20:57 - The module 'Token Attacher' does just what you're looking for by attaching lights, measurements and/or sounds to a tile image or creature.
Ah... I've heard of that, but not played with it. Thank you! I guess that'll be a upcoming video shortly then :)
I'm always torn between creating a scene with just a nice image as a backdrop vs a battlemat style scene for stuff like this - combat can definitely happen, and the players will likely want access to their tokens... so maybe i should just give in and do both :D
Haha. Yeah, the choices we make. I prefer to stick with battle maps, unless it's definitely an RP-only scene. I don't like players predicting Battle or Safety based on the map I put up - I want them paranoid ;)