The Madrigore of Verjuice - that's me! The name comes from That Hideous Strength, by CS Lewis. Towards the end of the story the bad people are visited by a repeat of the curse of Babel, the confusing of speech. One of the important bad guys is giving a speech, which gradually becomes gibberish, He utters a sentence "The Madrigore of verjuice must be talithibianised!" I thought The Madrigore of Verjuice was a nice comment on the confusion of our day. Having said that, after the collect at the end of the livestream, I thought that "Grievously Hindered" would be a good name for a Christian youtube channel.
Missed the livestream. It’s lovely to see you all together.
Longley farm sell Greek yogurt and do not use any feed supplements
The Madrigore of Verjuice - that's me! The name comes from That Hideous Strength, by CS Lewis. Towards the end of the story the bad people are visited by a repeat of the curse of Babel, the confusing of speech. One of the important bad guys is giving a speech, which gradually becomes gibberish, He utters a sentence "The Madrigore of verjuice must be talithibianised!" I thought The Madrigore of Verjuice was a nice comment on the confusion of our day. Having said that, after the collect at the end of the livestream, I thought that "Grievously Hindered" would be a good name for a Christian youtube channel.
The thing about Welby is that he comes across as so un-christian.
If one of you is appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, what would be your first action to restore the credibility of this office?
The gullible shall follow the imaginary gods they cannot prove exist. Such a waste of human life, its not logical or reasonable behavior.
This podcast is not what it used to be. Too much chit chat and little of substance.
Thanks. Really appreciate that. J