Rune Dragons Are Incredible! | Ultimate Rune Dragons Guide Old School Runescape

  • Опубликовано: 16 янв 2025

Комментарии • 43

  • @scapper4life
    @scapper4life 6 месяцев назад +25

    I run 4+ Rune drag alts at once so here are some tips
    Bring one dose potions , bring Rune pouch to stack up runes drops, skip the blessing doesn't do much at all use that slot to stack up rune arrows drops

    • @daniellovesosrs
      @daniellovesosrs 6 месяцев назад

      This man fucks

    • @lucasathus
      @lucasathus 6 месяцев назад +1

      Good tips! I do some rd alting too
      I usually take rada's blessing, because if i need i can drop it to substitute for rune arrows
      Bringing a explorers ring 4 can also help by alching the rune items

    • @dimasjunior237
      @dimasjunior237 6 месяцев назад

      @@lucasathus don't u bring alch runes?

    • @lucasathus
      @lucasathus 6 месяцев назад

      @@dimasjunior237 Personally, i don't, because i'm maxing my main, and doing rds on the alt
      And by the end of each skill i like to sell the loot tab to see how much i made.

    • @minoxiis3419
      @minoxiis3419 6 месяцев назад

      Whats the point of one dose potions lmao

  • @MrShiggyDiggy
    @MrShiggyDiggy 6 месяцев назад +13

    Quick tip: if you have a DFS or anti dragon shield already then you can save money just using extended antifires instead of the extended super antifires. They last longer too so even more afk!

  • @Wintascold
    @Wintascold 6 месяцев назад +19

    Nice guide but the warrior ring is worthless because you are using stab attacks. I know you said you can't afford a berserker ring right now but you could get a treasonous ring for pretty cheap and imbue it for some extra stab bonus.

    • @Inscipio
      @Inscipio 6 месяцев назад +1

      Treasonous will be a decent upgrade, but warrior is better than nothing rn because it offers slash defence, and rune drags attack with slash. Mild benefit to the justi setup, but treasonous will be a good budget update for sure

    • @daniellovesosrs
      @daniellovesosrs 6 месяцев назад

      ​​​@@Inscipiobro justi already has enough slash defence it doesnt need more. The extra dps from the stab accuracy is definitly better.

    • @Inscipio
      @Inscipio 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@daniellovesosrs i mean, that's basicslly what I said 😂. The warrior ring isnt completely useless because it at least offers slash def, but treasonous will be a good upgrade. Literally started and ended my reply by saying treasonous is an upgrade to warrior.

    • @daniellovesosrs
      @daniellovesosrs 6 месяцев назад

      @@Inscipio my pioint is the slash defence from warrior is irrelevant when using justi, and that T ring is definitly the better ring at almost the same price.

    • @jordening
      @jordening 6 месяцев назад +3

      And he said the same thing lmao. He is only adding that “technically” the warrior ring is not useless with its slash defense. You are subjectively stating it’s not needed with Justi - that is a judgement call. We all understand T ring is objectively better

  • @isaacbridge3623
    @isaacbridge3623 6 месяцев назад +3

    Wiki does say fang is better if you are using tank and lance shines with more melee str gear. Since fang is dirt cheap, you could get that b ring. And fang has a spec attack, so you are not missing out on never having a spec

  • @twitchyClowners
    @twitchyClowners 6 месяцев назад +3

    The extended super antifire is so you don't have to use the dragonfire shield the normal extended antifire is good too if you wear the dragonfire shield unless you want to sacrifice some defensive gear for Avernic Defender or Dragon Defender you can do that as well wouldn't reccommend if you don't have 90+ def if lower than 90+ use dragonfire shield and normal extended antifire pot and i use dragonfire shield practically same setup but only 1 slot different i use Ring of Suffering (i) for the ring slot

  • @Inscipio
    @Inscipio 6 месяцев назад +1

    Never been able to catch a video this early! Alting can be insane in this game, and I love using mine for various stuff. Good passive money for bond/splits for an iron, but they can be super broken for a main with the right setups.

  • @isaacbridge3623
    @isaacbridge3623 6 месяцев назад

    Good to see you back making a vid!!

  • @Defunnyguy
    @Defunnyguy 6 месяцев назад +4

    dude covering for all the bots that are there

  • @Fabiable
    @Fabiable 5 месяцев назад

    Hey i think with your justi fury setup the fang is better than the lance

  • @riftkey594
    @riftkey594 6 месяцев назад +3

    where is ur fire cape? XD

  • @bhackaa
    @bhackaa 6 месяцев назад

    I have 80 Range, 70 att, 70 str, 65 def. 75 mag, like 47 prayer. Can anyone think of anything profitable I could kill? Or will I need higher stats to really farm anything worth time?

    • @janor2275
      @janor2275 6 месяцев назад +1

      Afk gargoyle

    • @urmumsballs69
      @urmumsballs69 6 месяцев назад

      Green dragons in Wildy just north of forex enclave. Take a looting bag, fill your inventory up with sharks and make sure to pick up all the dragon bones that is dropped until you have a full inventory and looting bag.
      Will get you about 180k per run and a run will take you 15-20 mins depending how fast you are. It’s what did until I had 10m saved up.

  • @jdkghadofgaofg
    @jdkghadofgaofg 6 месяцев назад

    I hope to see a video about DMM, swapping out 100m ++ in a week and less

  • @hashbrownmidget9071
    @hashbrownmidget9071 6 месяцев назад +1

    voidwaker rips rune dragons

  • @stkjuice
    @stkjuice 6 месяцев назад

    Wouldn’t it just be better to do vorkath?they drop notted drops

    • @finnilrebna348
      @finnilrebna348 6 месяцев назад +1

      He said afk. You think you gonna afk vorkath? 😂

    • @Inscipio
      @Inscipio 6 месяцев назад

      Vork drops some things noted, but bones arent. And this is an afk alt for passive money while playing his primary acc. You dont do vork as an afk side activity

    • @stkjuice
      @stkjuice 6 месяцев назад

      I can argue vorkath is AFK as each kill take about 2-3 minutes depending on stats and may be even faster. Also the next fight doesn’t start until you click it. Rune dragons aren’t that afk either. And it’s a hassle having to juggle the supplies you take and drops you receive. He even admits that some of his drops were taken. Just my humble opinion. Gargoyles is really AFK

    • @Inscipio
      @Inscipio 6 месяцев назад

      @@stkjuice vorkath is low intensity when you have it down, but you can't click the boss and just play another account. You have to engage for the whole kill. If you kill the boss and then walk away for periods of time, your gp/hr is cut so badly that you are better off doing rune drags. With rune dragons, you can just set up idle notifier, minimize the application entirely, and click a couple times when the client pops up for low hp, prayer, etc. It's not as afk as something like gargs or vyres, but it is afk. Nothing about the vorkath fight is afk. I've run gargs at rune drags, brutal blacks, gargs, and vyres. I've tested a lot of alting methods out, so speaking from personal experience, there is a massive defference between doing something that is lower levels of afk like rune drags than something that is low intensity but requires focus like vorkath.

    • @daniellovesosrs
      @daniellovesosrs 6 месяцев назад

      ​​@@stkjuiceyour argument would be wrong. You cant argue a point while directly contradicting yourself and be right...

  • @sharkbaituahaful
    @sharkbaituahaful 5 месяцев назад

    Your video was good but so much credibility was lost with that gear set up...

  • @madskimp3417
    @madskimp3417 6 месяцев назад

    Rune dragon bot fit

  • @jomamma349jo4
    @jomamma349jo4 6 месяцев назад +1

    I hate Galvek!

  • @bah0met1
    @bah0met1 5 месяцев назад

    Why the hell would someone need a guide for rune dragons if they have all that gear. this guide is valueless lol

    • @rosesmoses
      @rosesmoses 5 месяцев назад

      “Valueless” 🤡