bible interpretation challenges

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 23

  • @slaveofjesus3878
    @slaveofjesus3878 4 года назад

    I think another major challenge is the layered meaning that comes with a mix of what may be temporal vs. spiritual teaching, but the one not negating the other. This would require a depth of Scriptural knowledge and searching out a thing within the context of the whole of the Bible, both from the New into the Old Testaments, and vice versa.
    An example would be the purpose and meaning of the Mosaic sacrifices and elements of the Tabernacle/Temple.
    (My above statements may not even quite be correct, I don't mean to say that the blood sacrifices evidenced ONLY a temporal meaning for the Jews of that time, but that that it was primarily temporal.)

  • @francismausley7239
    @francismausley7239 4 года назад

    Good points.... Another challenge is metaphorical vs literal... "The obstacle which prevents the so-called religious man from accepting the teachings of God is literal interpretation." - Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, Baha'i Faith

    • @tragikk03
      @tragikk03 3 года назад +1

      The baha'i faith seems to contradict the claims in the Bible that God is the true and living God who sent his son, Jesus the Christ, who was also wholly God (but wholly man as well).
      The baha'i faith is no different than the faith created by Aleister Crowley (thelema) which I studied/followed for a long time prior to finding God, through Jesus Christ, 10 days ago...
      I'm not claiming to know. I'm curious to find the Truth.

    • @francismausley7239
      @francismausley7239 3 года назад

      @@tragikk03 The Baha'i Faith believes in Oneness, i. e. the Oneness of God, the Oneness of Mankind and the Oneness of Religion and validates the Mission of His Holiness Christ as a man and a Messenger of God as well as that of Lords "Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Abraham, Moses, Muhammad and Baha'u'llah and their promises and covenants. Clearly they are recognized as superior above all men." It is the lastest (1863) in Progressive Revelations from God and has more written sacred scripture than all previous Faiths combined in the last 6000 years. Google for information. Best Wishes :-)

    • @missangela6720
      @missangela6720 3 года назад

      @@tragikk03 Congratulations. You made the right choice.

  • @tragikk03
    @tragikk03 3 года назад +1

    If we are sinful creatures created from dust, how can we possibly interpret the Word of God? I've just found God on Christmas night and I'm extremely confused why so many Christian denominations/pastors/people claim that we can interpret the Word of God without our own flawed minds corrupting His word??
    How can so many claim to understand His word better than someone else? Or that their denomination is "real" Christianity? If salvation is through faith and grace alone, what makes us think we can live a Godly life if it was possible for us to be fully righteous and live a wholly Godly life, why was Jesus' sacrifice required? I have so many questions and no denomination has any real answers; they just have their own interpretation but how do I know what is accurately depicting what God intended for us to hear/read!?

    • @rtendotapiwa306
      @rtendotapiwa306 3 года назад +1

      You have very valid questions. Remain curious and read the Bible a whole lot. Ask the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your understanding when you read it. I'm currently reading Genesis and I seem "stuck" on it. There is so much depth in that book. Pray to be led to a good Bible study group and, when your scriptural knowledge and arsenal grows, your knowledge of His WORD will grow, too.
      Most so called Christians don't even study the Bible but just read it. It is spiritual stuff that )you rightly pointed out) can't be understood carnally. We need the help of the Spirit of GOD to get what is hidden in its depths.
      Remember, we are all fallible humans with limitations. No one in this side of eternity is perfect. I pray you find a group of people who can help you on your journey as they are also growing. One last thing: revelation is progressive. You won't get it all at one go but slowly, over time as you continue pursuing GOD.
      I'll leave you this scripture: Study to show yourself approved a workman who needs not to be shamed.
      GOD bless you

    • @missangela6720
      @missangela6720 3 года назад

      @@rtendotapiwa306 perfectly answered. Thanks

    • @missangela6720
      @missangela6720 3 года назад

      If God intended His Word for us sinful beings, then it's correct interpretation is not something that is beyond our capacity especually when we humble our souls and accept to be led by the Holy Spirit.

    • @missangela6720
      @missangela6720 3 года назад

      The Scripture is its own interpreter. This portion of the Bible is to be compared to and studied with another. The Scriptures are, as it were, a harminious chain of divinely-illuminated nuggets. Jesus said the Scriptures can never be broken.

    • @missangela6720
      @missangela6720 3 года назад

      The promise of Jesus in John, when we receive the Holy Spirit whom He dearly promised He would send after His departure, is that the Helper will lead us into all truth.

  • @michaelchase5304
    @michaelchase5304 2 года назад

    "ye are all the leaves of one tree" ~Baha'u'llah

  • @ricklannoye4374
    @ricklannoye4374 2 года назад

    There are a lot of Christians who think the way to understand the bible is to "let the Holy Spirit tell you what it means." Often, they'll quote I Corinthians 2:14a as justification to this wildly inaccurate way to properly understand the bible--"the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God." Sure, anyone who has not yet experienced the unconditional love and complete forgiveness of God is, of course, going to behave as if they are not loved and forgiven, which is why they can't "receiveth," that is, experience the things of the Spirit of God. This ignorance, and the behavior which follows, makes no change to what God does or thinks or plans to do, but it does prevent the yet-to-realize-whom-they-are children of God FEEL it and begin acting accordingly. But that's a LOT different from RELYING ON FEELINGS to interpret the Bible!!! If one thinks, "It doesn't matter what the original authors of the bible intended to say when they put ink to a papyrus or vellum, but to rely on "spiritual feelings" to interpret their words, then the Bible can be made to said whatever one wants it to...or more likely, whatever SOMEONE ELSE wants you to FEEL it means, by using time-tested means of MANIPULATING YOUR FEELINGS! Now, this is not to say it's impossible or wrong to get feelings IN REACTION TO when the Spirit is, in fact, communicating with you in some way! Trouble is, how to KNOW for sure if what you FEEL is an accurate representation of what God is saying or has said, or merely the result of all the many things that go on around us or which happened to us before that results in what we call "feelings." Well, this is where PROPERLY DIVIDING THE WORD makes all the difference. Whenever you THINK you're feeling the Spirit of God, you should TEST THAT SPIRIT!!! How? By comparing what you SUBJECTIVELY FEEL the spirit is telling you to what the Scriptures OBJECTIVELY say, then you can screen out any stray feeling you mistook for the spirit of God. But if you do the REVERSE--using your feelings to determine what the bible says, then you're in for the wildest ride of your life because you'll be like a ship at sea, during a storm, without a rudder...or worse, you'll become the slave of anyone who has mastered the art of manipulating your feelings in order to get you to think they are God's voice when it's really just another MAN controlling you!
    Rick Lannoye, author of
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