Experiments in Connection w/ Jeff Lieberman

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • From Tuesday, April 16th at Make School, SF
    In what ways can a game deepen the way we connect with each other and increase our freedom and joy?
    Sometimes a simple game can be one of the most powerful technologies for transformation. Games have the power to transform people in an amazingly short time, without the need for any special hardware. Like software, it costs nothing to share and is scalable, it is easy to iterate on in real-time, and it can be ridiculously fun. What game is waiting to be discovered that most directly brings people into deep connection with themselves and others?
    Jeff Lieberman is an artist and scientist. For years he felt like there was something missing in his life. He spent the last 11 years exploring disciplines ranging from Advaita Vedanta to biofeedback to somatic therapies, and discovered many ways he wasn’t being true to himself - not showing up fully owning his power, heart, and intelligence. Whether to impress others, manage other people’s feelings, or to hide aspects of himself out of fear, he had imprisoned himself in a web of beliefs about love and how to be loved. He has come to learn that as these beliefs transform, so does access to joy and the deep connection with others that all humans crave.
    This won’t be a talk; we will be experimenting on ourselves to deepen a sense of wonder, connection with each other, and freedom in our lives. Come if you are curious to explore the nature of your experience.

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