Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Bible - New Testament - Dr Zakir Naik

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024
  • Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Bible - New Testament - Dr Zakir Naik
    Now let’s discuss the Prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (saws) in the New Testament. As far as the Christians are concerned whatever is mentioned in the Old Testaments they have to believe because it is a part of the scripture that’s part of the Bible. And Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah A’araaf chapter 7 verse 157
    “They follow the unlettered Prophet which is mentioned in their law and Gospel”
    It’s further mentioned in Surah Saff chapter no. 61 verse no. 6 that Jesus Christ (pbuh) says to Bani Israel, The children of Isreal “I’ve been sent as a Messenger to you confirming what came before me and giving glad tidings of a Messenger to come whose name shall be Ahmad” and when we read the new testament there are several prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (saws) mentioned in the New Testament.
    It’s mentioned in the Gospel of John chapter no. 14 verse no. 16 it says, Jesus Christ (pbuh) says
    “I shall pray to my father to send you a comforter who shall abide with you forever “
    It’s mentioned in the Gospel of John chapter no. 15 verse no. 26
    “And when the comforter will come whom my father will send he will glorify me.”
    It’s mentioned in the Gospel of John chapter no. 16 verse no. 7
    “Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away the comforter shall not come, for if I depart shall I send him”
    Many of the Christians say that this comforter refers to the Holy Spirit.
    Now carefully note the prophecy of Gospel of John chapter no. 16 verse no. 7 says, Jesus Christ (pbuh) is saying
    “Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away the comforter shall not come, for if I depart shall I send him”
    The criteria for the comforter to come are that Jesus Christ (pbuh) should depart only if he departs the comforter will come. We know that the Holy Spirit was there when Jesus Christ (pbuh) was being baptized; the Holy Spirit was also there before Jesus Christ (pbuh) was born he was in the womb of Elizabeth several places it’s mentioned in the Bible.
    So surely this comforter cannot refer to the Holy Spirit and further more the word comforter, if you go to the Greek Aramaic the present scripture it says it is “PARACLETE” and they translated as “COMFORTER”.
    Paraclete actually means an Advocate and if you go into research the right word is “PARACLETOS” which means one who praises or one who is worth praising. Irrespective which is the name of Muhammad (saws) Ahmad and Muhammad (saws) Irrespective whether it is “PARACLETOS” the one who praises or the praiseworthy or it is “PARACLETE” whether advocate or comforter. Allhumdulillah all these meanings befit no one better than the last and final Messenger Muhammad (saws).
    Further it’s mentioned in the Gospel of John ch. No. 16 verse no. 12-14 Jesus Christ (pbuh) says
    “I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now, for he when the spirit of truth shall come he shall guide you unto all truth he shall not speak of himself, all that he hear shall he speak, he shall glorify me, he shall show you things to come”
    This prophecy says I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now Jesus Christ (pbuh) tells the people I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now, for he when the spirit of truth shall come he shall guide you unto all truth he shall not speak of himself...
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