My jaw dropped at 6:20 when they faded into the middle of the team instead of escaping, and then I looked at Emonggs face cam and saw he was making the same face LMAO
he reminds me of my old physics teacher in school a chill but smart guy the one if u wanna joke around he will join and if u have a serious question he will also answer that in full seriousness
@@alternatecheems8145 Not how it works, people have this misconception that you should tap heals instead of holding, holding your heal will do 70 heal per second while tapping heal will do somewhere between 50-60 healing per second depending on how many times you tap. This is coming from a t500 Moira one trick.
@Wesdial tested it out in the workshop and I think the perfect place is in-between, tapping with a pretty long duration between taps, and the taps last long too
fully agree with Emongg's assessment. Understanding of the range of Moira's abilities is just wired backwards. They're too far to use their heals and not using the long range of the beam while ulting. Using their ult earlier and being more cognizant of where their fade will take them will be great steps toward improvement.
@@mrosskne many people rely too much on stats and will use them as a shield, basically. "I did so much damage/healing! that means I MUST have played well!" but notice the person does not mention how many deaths they have, etc. also, Moira is a notorious stat monster. you can farm really high damage and healing numbers as Moira without actually accomplishing much. I know this from experience! I play a lot of Moira and I'm in diamond
Man, this tilted me a little bit lol. Playing moira like if you're ana with the range of heals D: That said, I love the sanity of emongg to be so kind, honorable
@@alternatecheems8145 why? Is some rank a prerequisite for enjoying the game? If so, foh if yer not top 500, quit the game! You don't get to determine the rate at which someone improves, if they improve, or what level they need to get to in order to enjoy something
@SkinnySnorlax don't play comp then if you're so bad to improve you'd be ruining other people's games, it's what I'd do, not telling anybody else. If I ever get stuck at a specific point in a rank, I personally quit comp and play a few quick plays to improve.
@@alternatecheems8145 ....think about that for five seconds dude. If you are at a skill/sr level how are you throwing by playing in that skill/sr level? What are you even saying? Lol Quit being an ass to brinze players
I have a rough time believing this guy has 300 hours on Moira. I want to give the benefit of the doubt, but there seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the heal range, like sometimes he almost seems to think it's double what it is.
You seem to think people learn how to play a character when they main them. Plenty of people do but soooo many players just stick with how they played as a beginner. They probably never bothered to think about healing range tbh.
I mean I've played this game since Moira released and I'm still trash lol I've run into 2k+ hour mercy's who don't know how to use half her kit there's every flavor under the sun. some people are just vibin, shrug
@@Relevart9169 Read a history book or meet some more humans. People learn if they want to learn, otherwise they just go forward on auto-pilot half the time.
Practice does not make perfect. PERFECT practice makes perfect. 300 hours means nothing if you don't try to be a better individual player. It feels like maybe they've never sat down to watch higher level Moira play
Yeah, I have 174 hours on Mercy, but that doesn’t mean anything. Especially since 4 of the 7 years I played it was mostly casual. I never tried to actually play the character well. Expecting to win when you don’t try or play to get better seems silly to me.
Right. I wasn't good on Moira until I started watching Tesla (top500 Moira). I got a good understanding of positioning, ultimate usage, cooldown usage and target priority. Now i'm gm/t500 support and Moira is one of my most played heroes. In my opinion, learning from other (high ranked) players is the most important thing if you want to improve.
Has Emongg ever gotten in a discord call with someone and tried to coach them through a game while streaming? He was giving a ton of tips in this and it made me want to watch that
Soon as they got close to the end I knew it… they gonna get off the cart.. wanna kno how I got out of bronze? I super glued my ass to the payload in overtimes 😑 lol
Yeah seeing the gameplay this moira is gonna be hard stuck bronze until they kinda just drop the ego of (I have 22k healing) But I respect that this is a bronze player taking out a turret. They have my respect
@@ultimateblaze23 This is copium, you can get out of bronze with just basic mechanics or gamesense. In this case they just need to figure out the ability range and use their ult more often. Also getting out of VC and using the ping system will help prevent tilt.
Another thing I will add that Emongg didn't really touch on is that Moira is very good at 1v1's. There are several times where you almost had an elim and you either faded away or didn't use an orb to either heal yourself up or finish them off. Don't be afraid to chase down the squishies! Also I totally get the frustration of players (especially bronze players) not taking out turrets, but Moira cannot take on 3 Sym turrets in a doorway unless she's ulting. Play futher back and focus on getting the kills first.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! I'm writing it down now :D (I'm the Moira) my play style I'm noticing is very cautious and I think it's just because I don't want to be labelled front line support or anything like that lmao! But the only good thing to do with mistakes is learn from them :) thx again
@@BunBunting I would say just try to worry less about what your teammates are saying. At your level, they're going to complain if you're not healing them 100% of the time. Moira is one that can flank and confirm kills, and also put out a lot of healing too. Just remember - damage is how you refill your healing. If you listen to someone saying you're not healing enough, and you start to focus on healing too much, you'll probably run out of healing juice and won't be able to heal when they really need it. Since Moira doesn't really have "utility", her kit is pretty much entirely about resource management. A good Moira will almost never run out of healing juice, and knows how to balance damage and healing to where they're getting kills while also keeping their team up. It does take time, but I believe in you!
In bronze you may be correct but in pretty much any other rank Moira will lose absolutely any 1v1. She has the lowest DPS output in the game. Do not 1v1 with Moira unless the enemy is brain dead. My favorite moira's are enemy moira's that try to 1v1 me while i'm playing bap, zen, kiriko, ana, or basically any support other than mercy because they are absolutely free kills. Bronze is different though so maybe it applies to them.
This person has gotta learn the range of moiras m1 I swear I cringed every time they stood still or strafed left and right in the open holding left click while the enemies were too far away
I think a lot of it is just positioning. Knowing when to push up with the team, when to go a bit more backline, not standing out in the open. Don't chase Lucio, if he can get a support to focus on him he's already getting value. And definitely use your fade more often. If you are not expecting to be in mortal danger during the cooldown feel free to just use it to get into a better position(or to aggressively dive an unsuspecting player with low hp).
Hi, im the Moira in this clip. Rewatching it I can see a lot of faults but thank you so much for the advice Emongg! I couldnt react on time to the bap but the amount of harrasment in the game chat wasnt worth it anyway lmao. Guess I'll ride in bronze till I die 🤟
Honestly - recognizing you need to improve and reaching out for help already puts you on a way better track than most bronze players. Keep at it, keep learning, you'll do great.
you might find it helpful to watch some gameplay of hoshizora/lumi playing moira back during ow1! it helped me a lot when i was trying to learn the mechanics of moira a bit better in that period of time during ow2's release where mercy was bugged.
It sucks having to deal with toxic teammates, I hope your future games are much better. It’s always good to remember sometimes there’ll be bad games and all you can do is learn from your mistakes and push on! :)
I'm 6:47 in, and this moira has contributed absolutely nothing to the team. It's like they were 1 player down the whole time. I'm also sure the moiras stats must be crazy high as well. That's just moira.
@@alternatecheems8145pretty sure going max distance isn't always a good idea. it's like mercy's super jump, I think. if all you do is the max jump, you're not maximizing what it can do for you as part of your skill set.
@@sethescope going max distance is always a good idea since her jump adds acceleration to you, not force directly. this consequently makes you harder to hit, especially with the jump
Moira in this clip, here to explain a few things. I have about 300 hours as a whole on Moira not necessarily in comp. Ive played her for years and have basically stuck with her. As for the point where I was back up away from the ana and nano rein... i heard the junkrat tire and panned out because I thought it was on the enemy team 💀 As for the lame ass healing spray range awareness... its just me being scared to get closer lmao. But im working on it and Ive taken in everything Emmong has said. I wasnt trolling, and hoenstly I dont remember half of this match but we ball 😎
Firing a heal orb right in front of you and following it in may help the apprehension. I pretty much main Moira and took a lot from the video. Thanks for submitting it to Emongg for review!
As a new player that started on support that's hilarious how much he was pissing on people. I hold right click the whole game and throu balls often. Especially healing balls as they do tons. Especially if you know how to throw them slow or fast at will. Definitely playing flanks or behind cover close enough for suck to touch is best. Moria is capable of pulling as many eliminations as DPS/tank while healing 10k+ easy. When used right.
imo the main mistakes are: • holding heal way too long • using wrong orbs (healing orb while sucking the enemy to get more juice • doesn't know when to get aggressive and when not to be aggressive • awful positioning (that's what triggered me the most) • holds ultimate for next year
Why was chat so fucking weird bruh, making fun of the Moira for almost losing a 1v1 to a turret, she literally does 50 dps and has no lifesteal from that. Just one of the many weird takes from chat
Judging by this person's play style they should definitely be play Mercy, Ana, or Zen. Never see someone so scared to get closer to teammates especially when nothing to crazy is happening. They don't have cooties, just get in there.
I would have agreed if it wasnt for the fact that I had first played during the start of OW(As a much younger person) and got trapped in the bottom of the ELO, and so when I was trying to grind out of bronze it took forever just because of how far of a hole I dug myself. I am gold now though
Can we take a moment to acknowledge that their bronze teammate attempted to play Tracer into Sym and Torb 😂 It can be done but it is no simple task. One does not simply play Tracer into double builder.
this is why when high level streamers say "look, I know it's overtime but not everyone needs to be on the OBJ" they're giving the worst advice for metal ranks. Because if one person is off it, 5 people are off it, and even if not... no one is aware enough to realize when they have to get back on.
Ulting is a huge problem. Moira builds ult so fast and this person seems like they're trying to save it for special occasions. I can build ult on Moira in about a fight and a half. No need to hold it.
4:38 Actually for bronze I don't think this ult is that bad. They healed rein, tried to finish zarya until beat dropped and then switched to healing again. Overall it could've been way worse. They didn't even die
As a Moira player (switched to Kiriko for more value and a challange) I would say alot of general tips that works for every player would be great here. Not saying I play perfect either, butt deff look at awareness, positioning, cooldown managment, decision making and movement, Moira can have some really good movement with fade.
Honestly bap window has to be one of the most mid, situational ults. They should rework it so that it is constantly projected in front of bap like defense matrix at a set distance which you select before casting.
aaa they pump their heals into their teammates before theyve taken damage and once their teammates need it, they dont have any heals left. it was bothering me the whole video
I watched the bar for the overtime just quickly deplete. I called the ending cus of the 3 match was basically all overtime Lmfao hate to see it, its gets the best of us💀 **moira main here**
Ive never seen a moira not be able to aim before... they couldve killed the lucio like 5x over and im only a quarter way into the video... i one trick moira too and peaked at masters5 (fell back to plat but trying to get back to diamond) and lucios at low ranks are free kills
I had finally got to masters 3 after a 15 game streak mostly using Moira. My nephew decided to play on my account without asking he said he lost 15 games in a row and now im platinum.
@@Anxiouz4209 haha yeah it... it happens sadly... what i learned being back in plat is that no one wants to stay or take high ground and theres a lot more people who are rude
They werent necessarily bad, but yes they did need to understand the range and be more proactive. I think if they take your advice they will climb to a good height :) Love the continued content and the good vibes you always send
Hi I'm the Moira, I will tell you now I jumped straight into the practise range and quick play to get a feel for her range more. And I agree everything Emongg said was very encouraging and I am very thankful :))
Also the Torb turret reaction by chat may have been a bit unfair. Moira might just be the literal WORST character to try to take out a Torb turret with.
Sometimes I understand when people feel stuck at certain ranks, but Bronze is literally the bottom of the barrel, so it really is a matter of just being terrible at the game lmao
I think whenever there’s someone in bronze who you could call “stuck” it’s not in the typical way of deserving to be in a higher rank presently, it’s more of them clearly having the capabilities to be better and limiting themself by not making that effort to improve. I’m sure there’s bronze players that would be higher if they were proactive about being better instead of just accepting their current skill level and misjudging it. That type of player is “stuck” not because of the matchmaking system or teammates but stuck because they have what they need to get out but don’t use it.
@@harm0ny_ not reallly, i'm good at the game and stuck in bronze it's a team game and many matches are auto losses, its actually harder to get out of bronze than other tiers since many matches u will get bad teammates more often, the only way out of bronze is using a smurf
@@ultimateblaze23 I mean absolutely no offense by this, but that’s just not true. I’m sure you’ve made great plays, I’m sure you have skills. But like you said, it’s a team game. You can’t simply ride off your individual skills and expect to climb. If you’re blaming your teammates that tells me there’s instances where you felt like you were doing work and your team was holding you back, but that’s not what the game is about. It’s a team effort, and communication and team plays is so much more important than individual skill in a lot of instances. The enemy can have the absolute worst player and still win if they’re more united than a team that has players who shift the blame to everyone but themselves. The occasional fantastic play does not make up for moments of not grouping up, not following up on your teammates plays, not communicating for others to follow up on your plays, etc. VOD reviews are a great way to take an ego down a few notches and see when things could have gone so much better than they did.
I get why he's mad at the end, but at the same time they easily would have won if he wasn't standing there doing nothing while he watched his entire team die because he doesn't understand basic positioning. As someone who plays quite a bit of moira everything about his was infuriating. Doesn't know where to stand, doesn't know how his abilities work, and worst of all, he wastes his healing spraying it at air from a mile away. Thats an unforgivable sin as a Moira player.
300 hours? this? I don't believe it. He is doing mistakes new players do, does not know his abilities, and has no playstyle. This ain't 300h Moira, I'd believe him 30.
Be a healbot is NOT good. Especially as Moira. Remember, the role is not call "Healer", it's called *SUPPORT* . And ain't no way u got 300 hours on Moira.
My jaw dropped at 6:20 when they faded into the middle of the team instead of escaping, and then I looked at Emonggs face cam and saw he was making the same face LMAO
I love how emongg censored what the submitter actually said in the beginning of the video to be more friendly, emongg is such a gem 😅
he reminds me of my old physics teacher in school
a chill but smart guy
the one if u wanna joke around he will join and if u have a serious question he will also answer that in full seriousness
what did he censor? the blurred parts are user names which he doesnt want on youtube. not sure what else is censored
@@girraiffe skipped the word toxic, etc
"Idk if teammates asked to pick Zen" lmao no, nobody ever asks for Zen in bronze 😂
Watching them hold their ult for so long hurts my soul.
screaming internally every time the moira holds down the heals for way longer than necessary to get their teammates up to full
Also moira shouldn't ever hold up the Heals; and should spray them with a 1sec interval in between each spray
Full throttle heal from 3 miles away LOL.
@@Lp0tr33 yeah thats kinda what threw me off the most. Healing from out of range but using ult shotgun style
@@alternatecheems8145 Not how it works, people have this misconception that you should tap heals instead of holding, holding your heal will do 70 heal per second while tapping heal will do somewhere between 50-60 healing per second depending on how many times you tap. This is coming from a t500 Moira one trick.
@Wesdial tested it out in the workshop and I think the perfect place is in-between, tapping with a pretty long duration between taps, and the taps last long too
The no discord Zen has me SEETHING
my blood pressure shot up. At least it was over quickly.
They were all zen and no yatta!
In the words of a very wise man: “oh boy this’ll be a TREAT”
Very wise, you are right
A swell treat, even
fully agree with Emongg's assessment. Understanding of the range of Moira's abilities is just wired backwards. They're too far to use their heals and not using the long range of the beam while ulting. Using their ult earlier and being more cognizant of where their fade will take them will be great steps toward improvement.
Haha the c9!!! They are all thinking "ah ya, we got this in the bag!" Right up until that defeat screen.
"and one of my best stats wise. (22k healing)" Oh, this is one of *those* Moira clips
What's more, it was a 28 min game, that is about 7.5k per 10, not even that crazy of a number when time is factored in.
@@mrosskne many people rely too much on stats and will use them as a shield, basically. "I did so much damage/healing! that means I MUST have played well!" but notice the person does not mention how many deaths they have, etc. also, Moira is a notorious stat monster. you can farm really high damage and healing numbers as Moira without actually accomplishing much. I know this from experience! I play a lot of Moira and I'm in diamond
is 22k supposed to be low or high?
@mrosskne it depends on the length of the game and who the other support is
Man, this tilted me a little bit lol. Playing moira like if you're ana with the range of heals D:
That said, I love the sanity of emongg to be so kind, honorable
if this guy is actually 300 hours into Moira then I'm grandmasters with Baptiste.
Hours absolutely does not equal skill. There are almost certainly people in bronze who have played OW since beta
@SkinnySnorlax tbf maybe they should think about quitting overwatch then genuinely that's terrible af
@@alternatecheems8145 why? Is some rank a prerequisite for enjoying the game? If so, foh if yer not top 500, quit the game!
You don't get to determine the rate at which someone improves, if they improve, or what level they need to get to in order to enjoy something
@SkinnySnorlax don't play comp then if you're so bad to improve you'd be ruining other people's games, it's what I'd do, not telling anybody else. If I ever get stuck at a specific point in a rank, I personally quit comp and play a few quick plays to improve.
@@alternatecheems8145 ....think about that for five seconds dude. If you are at a skill/sr level how are you throwing by playing in that skill/sr level? What are you even saying? Lol
Quit being an ass to brinze players
"why am I bronze" - misses lock-on beam
I have a rough time believing this guy has 300 hours on Moira. I want to give the benefit of the doubt, but there seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the heal range, like sometimes he almost seems to think it's double what it is.
You seem to think people learn how to play a character when they main them. Plenty of people do but soooo many players just stick with how they played as a beginner.
They probably never bothered to think about healing range tbh.
I mean I've played this game since Moira released and I'm still trash lol I've run into 2k+ hour mercy's who don't know how to use half her kit
there's every flavor under the sun. some people are just vibin, shrug
@@ringofbrassthat's bananas
@@Eadwulf_Skaldu can't possibly play 1 character for 300 hrs and not know the basics just not how humans work
@@Relevart9169 Read a history book or meet some more humans. People learn if they want to learn, otherwise they just go forward on auto-pilot half the time.
Practice does not make perfect. PERFECT practice makes perfect. 300 hours means nothing if you don't try to be a better individual player. It feels like maybe they've never sat down to watch higher level Moira play
Yeah, I have 174 hours on Mercy, but that doesn’t mean anything. Especially since 4 of the 7 years I played it was mostly casual. I never tried to actually play the character well. Expecting to win when you don’t try or play to get better seems silly to me.
Wow, I forgot while watching it that they said they have 300hrs on Moira. 300 wasted hours tbh.
Right. I wasn't good on Moira until I started watching Tesla (top500 Moira). I got a good understanding of positioning, ultimate usage, cooldown usage and target priority. Now i'm gm/t500 support and Moira is one of my most played heroes. In my opinion, learning from other (high ranked) players is the most important thing if you want to improve.
@@snipingwaythey must be lying
@@Yea___ You know, that's a possibility--but I've seen people who have hundreds of hours on a character and are still this bad, live and in game.
the ending of the game had me in tears lmao
Has Emongg ever gotten in a discord call with someone and tried to coach them through a game while streaming? He was giving a ton of tips in this and it made me want to watch that
That was the most saddest ending 😭
Soon as they got close to the end I knew it… they gonna get off the cart.. wanna kno how I got out of bronze? I super glued my ass to the payload in overtimes 😑 lol
Yeah seeing the gameplay this moira is gonna be hard stuck bronze until they kinda just drop the ego of (I have 22k healing)
But I respect that this is a bronze player taking out a turret. They have my respect
Hi I'm the Moira, Thank you 🙇 I didnt mean to sound egotistical when I said it, I just don't see those numbers very offen, I'm working on it dw! 👍
the only way to escape bronze is with a higher level player grouping up
@Bunting hahaha no worries! Watching you play was a treat but you have much to learn but I know you'll definitely be able to get out of there :))
@@ultimateblaze23 This is copium, you can get out of bronze with just basic mechanics or gamesense. In this case they just need to figure out the ability range and use their ult more often. Also getting out of VC and using the ping system will help prevent tilt.
This healer tends to forget about the healing part
Another thing I will add that Emongg didn't really touch on is that Moira is very good at 1v1's. There are several times where you almost had an elim and you either faded away or didn't use an orb to either heal yourself up or finish them off. Don't be afraid to chase down the squishies!
Also I totally get the frustration of players (especially bronze players) not taking out turrets, but Moira cannot take on 3 Sym turrets in a doorway unless she's ulting. Play futher back and focus on getting the kills first.
I'm writing it down now :D (I'm the Moira) my play style I'm noticing is very cautious and I think it's just because I don't want to be labelled front line support or anything like that lmao! But the only good thing to do with mistakes is learn from them :) thx again
@@BunBunting I would say just try to worry less about what your teammates are saying. At your level, they're going to complain if you're not healing them 100% of the time. Moira is one that can flank and confirm kills, and also put out a lot of healing too. Just remember - damage is how you refill your healing. If you listen to someone saying you're not healing enough, and you start to focus on healing too much, you'll probably run out of healing juice and won't be able to heal when they really need it.
Since Moira doesn't really have "utility", her kit is pretty much entirely about resource management. A good Moira will almost never run out of healing juice, and knows how to balance damage and healing to where they're getting kills while also keeping their team up. It does take time, but I believe in you!
In bronze you may be correct but in pretty much any other rank Moira will lose absolutely any 1v1. She has the lowest DPS output in the game. Do not 1v1 with Moira unless the enemy is brain dead. My favorite moira's are enemy moira's that try to 1v1 me while i'm playing bap, zen, kiriko, ana, or basically any support other than mercy because they are absolutely free kills. Bronze is different though so maybe it applies to them.
@@ChaosAOE This is absolutely false lmao
This person has gotta learn the range of moiras m1 I swear I cringed every time they stood still or strafed left and right in the open holding left click while the enemies were too far away
I think a lot of it is just positioning. Knowing when to push up with the team, when to go a bit more backline, not standing out in the open. Don't chase Lucio, if he can get a support to focus on him he's already getting value. And definitely use your fade more often. If you are not expecting to be in mortal danger during the cooldown feel free to just use it to get into a better position(or to aggressively dive an unsuspecting player with low hp).
I like emongg cause he’d not a fucking liar. We’ve all lost to turrets
Hi, im the Moira in this clip. Rewatching it I can see a lot of faults but thank you so much for the advice Emongg! I couldnt react on time to the bap but the amount of harrasment in the game chat wasnt worth it anyway lmao. Guess I'll ride in bronze till I die 🤟
Honestly - recognizing you need to improve and reaching out for help already puts you on a way better track than most bronze players. Keep at it, keep learning, you'll do great.
you might find it helpful to watch some gameplay of hoshizora/lumi playing moira back during ow1! it helped me a lot when i was trying to learn the mechanics of moira a bit better in that period of time during ow2's release where mercy was bugged.
Try using your fade more frequently, using your damaging biotic grasp, and also spray your healing spray thing with 1sec intervals between
It sucks having to deal with toxic teammates, I hope your future games are much better. It’s always good to remember sometimes there’ll be bad games and all you can do is learn from your mistakes and push on! :)
The ultimate pleaseeeee 😭
Type 1 if you've been bodied by a torb turret. Short sword was the only one who typed 2 and we all know he fucking lying
Too many damage orbs, probably helped keep Zarya's charge nice and high though, I'm sure they appreciated that. lol
I refuse to believe this is a real person. This HAS to be a troll
2:50 One of my closest confidants named Guarev said, "We've all done it." one time. And that stuck with me
this is how i imagine every support in low elo blaming their teammates that they are stuck because of them
I'm 6:47 in, and this moira has contributed absolutely nothing to the team. It's like they were 1 player down the whole time.
I'm also sure the moiras stats must be crazy high as well. That's just moira.
Gotta jump during fade, muh bros. Maximize distance and master a fun tech.
You don't even have to master it lmao it's so damn simple to execute perfectly and you can get the timing to get the max distance down in like 2 games
@@alternatecheems8145pretty sure going max distance isn't always a good idea. it's like mercy's super jump, I think. if all you do is the max jump, you're not maximizing what it can do for you as part of your skill set.
@@sethescope going max distance is always a good idea since her jump adds acceleration to you, not force directly. this consequently makes you harder to hit, especially with the jump
@@sethescope except when you want to stop before the max distance obviously lmao
Emongg reminds me of a really nice math tutor trying to not lose his shit over some of the slower students
Moira in this clip, here to explain a few things. I have about 300 hours as a whole on Moira not necessarily in comp. Ive played her for years and have basically stuck with her.
As for the point where I was back up away from the ana and nano rein... i heard the junkrat tire and panned out because I thought it was on the enemy team 💀
As for the lame ass healing spray range awareness... its just me being scared to get closer lmao. But im working on it and Ive taken in everything Emmong has said. I wasnt trolling, and hoenstly I dont remember half of this match but we ball 😎
Firing a heal orb right in front of you and following it in may help the apprehension. I pretty much main Moira and took a lot from the video. Thanks for submitting it to Emongg for review!
you've played her for years and you only have 300 hours?
Does that surprise you or something? Some people only play occasionally.
300 hours is still quite a lot of a few years time.
9:16 two teammates on critical health and yet moira decides to do plastic damage to opponents that are full hp
I love the cat just licking its crotch in the background 13:21
This was frustrating to watch… I’m not top500 or anywhere near and don’t play much comp but DAMN this was painful to watch
That bap mustve been mad w his team💀
There were a lot of things they did right but oh man some of those plays made my head hurt
my brain actually melted watching this vod 🫠
The random junk trap kills me every time 😂
i was gonna comment but the comments already had me covered so ty damn this moira lmafo
Love the energy and vibe
Moira saving ult for OW2... and I have some bad news for her.... :(
Everyone says you dont need to aim for Moira, but damn, it is really obvious when a Moira can't aim. This person just flails around randomly
As a new player that started on support that's hilarious how much he was pissing on people.
I hold right click the whole game and throu balls often. Especially healing balls as they do tons. Especially if you know how to throw them slow or fast at will.
Definitely playing flanks or behind cover close enough for suck to touch is best.
Moria is capable of pulling as many eliminations as DPS/tank while healing 10k+ easy. When used right.
He has his ult and primary ranges completely backwards
I need a link to that song at the end lol. Like really i NEED it ...."They could of touched!!!!!" 😂
imo the main mistakes are:
• holding heal way too long
• using wrong orbs (healing orb while sucking the enemy to get more juice
• doesn't know when to get aggressive and when not to be aggressive
• awful positioning (that's what triggered me the most)
• holds ultimate for next year
omg the end reaction music has me here DYING.
I really cannot. LMAO omg.
hearing the song live for the first time was amazing
Why was chat so fucking weird bruh, making fun of the Moira for almost losing a 1v1 to a turret, she literally does 50 dps and has no lifesteal from that. Just one of the many weird takes from chat
25:29 banger🔥
Judging by this person's play style they should definitely be play Mercy, Ana, or Zen. Never see someone so scared to get closer to teammates especially when nothing to crazy is happening. They don't have cooties, just get in there.
That one guy who said he hasnt been 1vs1 by a torb turret is huge capping it’s happened to everyoneeeeee
People stuck in bronze always deserve bronze, maybe silver.
I'm sure there's like 1% or less that might deserve silver but expect trash if someone claims they're in elohell
I would have agreed if it wasnt for the fact that I had first played during the start of OW(As a much younger person) and got trapped in the bottom of the ELO, and so when I was trying to grind out of bronze it took forever just because of how far of a hole I dug myself. I am gold now though
@@BrendanishLeoI claim to be in elohell but that's because I I'm bad
I cringe when I see fellow moiras healing teammates that are already full hp
Can we take a moment to acknowledge that their bronze teammate attempted to play Tracer into Sym and Torb 😂 It can be done but it is no simple task. One does not simply play Tracer into double builder.
Unaware of surroundings. Healing when don’t need to and dpsing when should be healing. Usual bronze Moira if you ask me.
There’s no training in this game. They just expect you to play until you get better
23:50 There was a really high chance that they would have C9ed the cart.
That c9 song xD so perfect
LETS GOOOOOOOO ! Ahh that Bap dying and noone moved to cargo ;(
this is why when high level streamers say "look, I know it's overtime but not everyone needs to be on the OBJ" they're giving the worst advice for metal ranks. Because if one person is off it, 5 people are off it, and even if not... no one is aware enough to realize when they have to get back on.
300 hours of what???
Ulting is a huge problem. Moira builds ult so fast and this person seems like they're trying to save it for special occasions. I can build ult on Moira in about a fight and a half. No need to hold it.
that song was incredible lol
4:38 Actually for bronze I don't think this ult is that bad. They healed rein, tried to finish zarya until beat dropped and then switched to healing again. Overall it could've been way worse. They didn't even die
That was so bronze I love it. Gg all
you're playing moira wrong if you're not twitching and being cracked outta your mind.
guy needs to understand target priority. dude is just damaging the first thing that gets near his crosshair, if that.
You are teaching me so much
I would like to submit a bronze video like this, is there a published process on how to do it?
It's in his Discord
300h and still doesn't know piss range..
The torbs nickname is waifu
overwatch in slowmotion ?
As a Moira player (switched to Kiriko for more value and a challange) I would say alot of general tips that works for every player would be great here. Not saying I play perfect either, butt deff look at awareness, positioning, cooldown managment, decision making and movement, Moira can have some really good movement with fade.
Does Moira orbs work with Bap Window?
No, I believe her ult does gain the buff though.
Sort of- they do 2x damage/heals but also get used up twice as fast
Honestly bap window has to be one of the most mid, situational ults. They should rework it so that it is constantly projected in front of bap like defense matrix at a set distance which you select before casting.
They tick twice as fast but they do the same total amount of dmg/healing
Damn how can't you climb with Moira? She absolutely kills it in the lower elos. Huge value for little risk or skill.
aaa they pump their heals into their teammates before theyve taken damage and once their teammates need it, they dont have any heals left. it was bothering me the whole video
This rien is basically all the tanks I get in my games, I had a deathless streak on moria 3 games in a row and lost of all them to tanks like this
I watched the bar for the overtime just quickly deplete. I called the ending cus of the 3 match was basically all overtime Lmfao hate to see it, its gets the best of us💀
**moira main here**
As a moria main this vid triggered me lol 😂
@@juangomez4704 maaan smh it felt awkward asf 😭😭
Ive never seen a moira not be able to aim before... they couldve killed the lucio like 5x over and im only a quarter way into the video... i one trick moira too and peaked at masters5 (fell back to plat but trying to get back to diamond) and lucios at low ranks are free kills
I had finally got to masters 3 after a 15 game streak mostly using Moira. My nephew decided to play on my account without asking he said he lost 15 games in a row and now im platinum.
@@Anxiouz4209 haha yeah it... it happens sadly... what i learned being back in plat is that no one wants to stay or take high ground and theres a lot more people who are rude
How does someone have 300 hours on a character and not know the range of their abilities, kinda sus ngl
Yea he belongs in bronze
That's why Junkrat needs a nerd.. not another buff Blizzard. you hear me! Nerf means getting weaker
They werent necessarily bad, but yes they did need to understand the range and be more proactive. I think if they take your advice they will climb to a good height :) Love the continued content and the good vibes you always send
Hi I'm the Moira, I will tell you now I jumped straight into the practise range and quick play to get a feel for her range more. And I agree everything Emongg said was very encouraging and I am very thankful :))
Also the Torb turret reaction by chat may have been a bit unfair. Moira might just be the literal WORST character to try to take out a Torb turret with.
Sometimes I understand when people feel stuck at certain ranks, but Bronze is literally the bottom of the barrel, so it really is a matter of just being terrible at the game lmao
I think whenever there’s someone in bronze who you could call “stuck” it’s not in the typical way of deserving to be in a higher rank presently, it’s more of them clearly having the capabilities to be better and limiting themself by not making that effort to improve.
I’m sure there’s bronze players that would be higher if they were proactive about being better instead of just accepting their current skill level and misjudging it. That type of player is “stuck” not because of the matchmaking system or teammates but stuck because they have what they need to get out but don’t use it.
@@harm0ny_ not reallly, i'm good at the game and stuck in bronze it's a team game and many matches are auto losses, its actually harder to get out of bronze than other tiers since many matches u will get bad teammates more often, the only way out of bronze is using a smurf
@@ultimateblaze23 I mean absolutely no offense by this, but that’s just not true. I’m sure you’ve made great plays, I’m sure you have skills. But like you said, it’s a team game. You can’t simply ride off your individual skills and expect to climb. If you’re blaming your teammates that tells me there’s instances where you felt like you were doing work and your team was holding you back, but that’s not what the game is about. It’s a team effort, and communication and team plays is so much more important than individual skill in a lot of instances. The enemy can have the absolute worst player and still win if they’re more united than a team that has players who shift the blame to everyone but themselves. The occasional fantastic play does not make up for moments of not grouping up, not following up on your teammates plays, not communicating for others to follow up on your plays, etc. VOD reviews are a great way to take an ego down a few notches and see when things could have gone so much better than they did.
I get why he's mad at the end, but at the same time they easily would have won if he wasn't standing there doing nothing while he watched his entire team die because he doesn't understand basic positioning. As someone who plays quite a bit of moira everything about his was infuriating. Doesn't know where to stand, doesn't know how his abilities work, and worst of all, he wastes his healing spraying it at air from a mile away. Thats an unforgivable sin as a Moira player.
unforgivable? they're in bronze, why are you surprised they're doing some goofy plays?
@@sethescope I was bronze once. It takes about 1 game to figure out how far your abilities go. It's not rocket science
300 hours? this? I don't believe it. He is doing mistakes new players do, does not know his abilities, and has no playstyle. This ain't 300h Moira, I'd believe him 30.
Throwing out heal orbs would relieve pressure of you having to be so close with the team.. heal orb do damage from a far
This was kind of frustrating to watch.
Damn not like that!
A part of my soul died every time Coalesence was used with Orb available xD
She didnt almost lose the 1v1 to the torb turret moira does less dmg to inorganics i.e turrets, shields, etc.
And I thought I was a bad moira main
they would’ve 100% won IM CRYINGGGGG
Be a healbot is NOT good. Especially as Moira. Remember, the role is not call "Healer", it's called *SUPPORT* . And ain't no way u got 300 hours on Moira.