Andra is just superb in this performance. This piece of music they have chosen is interesting and not your average rumba tune. It is s very lamenting and mournful and requires deep sensitivity to express it well which I think she does. I cant help but feel its not the right music for Niño though. Still I love them together.
Babycatt. I often relook at my favourite couples videos and came across this and it has to be the longest comment you've ever posted. Every word on point. Nino and Andra for me understand and bring the Latin look and feel to the floor better than anyone at the moment. Andra was the same with previous partner Maurizio.There are so few new videos lately on y/t of Nino and andra and Stefano & dasha compared to certain others. I don't know why that is when they are ranked so highly and are so popular.
Their technique and partnership are excellent!! C❤❤
Andra is just superb in this performance. This piece of music they have chosen is interesting and not your average rumba tune. It is s very lamenting and mournful and requires deep sensitivity to express it well which I think she does. I cant help but feel its not the right music for Niño though. Still I love them together.
Babycatt. I often relook at my favourite couples videos and came across this and it has to be the longest comment you've ever posted. Every word on point. Nino and Andra for me understand and bring the Latin look and feel to the floor better than anyone at the moment. Andra was the same with previous partner Maurizio.There are so few new videos lately on y/t of Nino and andra and Stefano & dasha compared to certain others. I don't know why that is when they are ranked so highly and are so popular.
So so ,that why can’t be #1
Song name?
I love both of them very much, but the music and the custumes are not very good choice for them.
The music is frantic and distracting :(