I think this video's version of Ma Long is almost unbeatable. His quickness, power, and footwork are so precise and I feel sorry for anybody trying to get through him. The Chinese team is so deep with talented players and they didn't even play Fan Zhendong in this tournament.
I know Im asking randomly but does someone know a method to get back into an instagram account? I was dumb lost the account password. I love any help you can give me.
@Raiden Trace i really appreciate your reply. I got to the site thru google and I'm waiting for the hacking stuff now. I see it takes a while so I will reply here later when my account password hopefully is recovered.
►► MT-Final: CHINA Vs JAPAN 1. XU Xin - MIZUTANI Jun 10:18 2. MA Long - YOSHIMURA Maharu 45:15 3. ZHANG Jike - OSHIMA Yuya 1:14:08 •••• Award Ceremony 1:55:23 ••••
ÒyyyyyòďďďďďdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhoĥhodhohhodhodhodhohhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhohdodhodhodhodhohhhodhodhodhhohodhodhhohhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhhodhodhhohodhoĥhodhodhhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhhhhodhodhohdodhodhohdodhhodhodhodhodhodhhohodhohdodhodhohdohddododhohdodhhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhohdodhohdodhhodhohhhohodhodhodhoďdodhodhodhohhodhhohodhodhhhhodhhohhohhhodhodhodhodhhodhhohodhodhodhhodhdhhodhhohhohodhodhodHhodhodhhodHhhhohodhhhodhhodhodHodhhodhodhdhHodhhodhhohodhodhodHodhohhodhodhodhodHhhodhhohodhodhhodHodhodhhohodhodhohhodhodhhohhhodhhhohodhodhhohohdodhhodhhohodhhodhodhhodhodhodhhohodhhohhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhohodhhohodhhohhhohodhodhhohodhodhhohodhodhodhhohhodhohdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhoĥhhhhohodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhohdodhohdodhodhhohodhodhodhhohhohodhodhhhodhohdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhohhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohhodhodhodhodhodhodhhhhohhohodhhhohodhodhohhodhodhodhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhhohodhhodhodhodhodhodhhhodhhodhohhodhodhdhhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhohodhodhhhodHhodhodhodhodhodhohdohhodhodhhohodhhodhodhhodhhodhohdohdodhodhoĥhohdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhodhohdohhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhhhodhhohodhhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohddodhodhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhdhhhodhodhhhodhhodhodhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhodhodhodhdhhodhodhohhhohodhhohodhohhodhodhodhhohodhhohodhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhhodhodhhhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhodhhohodhodhhhohodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohdhohodhodhhohohhodhodhhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhohohhodhhohhohodhhhodhodhhodhodhhohodhodhodhohhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhdhhodhodhodhodhohhhhodhodhodhhohodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhoH of 1odHhohhhhhHohhhoHodhodhhOdhodhF
@56:43 shows DHS 40+ (ITTF standard, 40+ signifies 40 mm polymer plastic) ball that's prone to breakage/cracking. However, DHS (Double Happiness Shanghai, a brand at Shanghai China) started using ABS plastic instead from 2017 to produce the revolutionary D 40+ (D branded for DHS ABS character and keeps it apart from other 40+ products) which is much more durable with improved characteristics all around.
respekt200 Jike is kind of drama-mama because he is a slow-to-warm-up player. Audience need to have a strong heart while watching his games. I think it makes this game more interesting and enjoyable.
its a bit shit the crowd use their flash right before Mizutani is about to hit the ball. I counted at least 5 times where he lost the point because of it. Not fair play Chinese fans.
@1'50"20 ZJK's ball return is world-class. He was being a bit cautious in that match and not playing his best (until this flashpoint) but no problems for him.
This 2016 Chinese TT team is scarily formidable but if I can pick a team of 3 players to counter them, they will be Fan Zhendong, Wang Chuqin, and Lin Gaoyuan. Fan, Wang, and Lin may not be able to win because of the Dragon on the other side. But they sure can give the Dragon's team a run for their money.
@@gab5012 I agree. Fan is a monster but this is the 2016 version of the Dragon. Ma was practically unbeatable back then. I think Fan didn't surpass Ma until late 2018 or 2019. If the 2 teams mentioned are to play the 9 games format, I would say Fan Zhendong will sure get at least 2 wins. Depending on how stable Lin is, Lin Gaoyuan and Wang Chuqin should produce at least 1 victory. Therefore, I would say that Ma's team will win 5-3.
intense?? lol before even starting the match i already knew china will win !! And after watching whole 2 hours i was like nothing interesting everything went as expected !!
Except Zhang Jike lost to Oshima Yuya on the first game...honestly that was the only game that Japan win from China, then Zhang Jike quickly came back and took another three games from Oshima Yuya to gain the Championship.
Anyone from China can tell me why all these great Chinese players (Kong Linghui, Ma Lin, Wang Hao, Zhang Jike, Ma Long ) come from the North East of China ? Only Fan Zhendong is from southern China.
One of the best thing about Ytube. Now I finally get to see pro ping pong tournaments from home!!!! yippeeeeee!!!!
06:50 Xu xin vs Jun Mizutani
43:30 Ma long vs Yoshimura
01:12:30 Zhang jike vs Oshima
China is always number one play table tennis in the world and no one can beat.
The chinese team is still strong and mentally very focus !
I love it when Ma long and Zhang Jike they start warming up before the previous match is over, they knew who was going to win
I think this video's version of Ma Long is almost unbeatable. His quickness, power, and footwork are so precise and I feel sorry for anybody trying to get through him. The Chinese team is so deep with talented players and they didn't even play Fan Zhendong in this tournament.
I know Im asking randomly but does someone know a method to get back into an instagram account?
I was dumb lost the account password. I love any help you can give me.
@Kristian Duke instablaster =)
@Raiden Trace i really appreciate your reply. I got to the site thru google and I'm waiting for the hacking stuff now.
I see it takes a while so I will reply here later when my account password hopefully is recovered.
@Raiden Trace it worked and I now got access to my account again. I'm so happy!
Thank you so much, you saved my ass !
@Kristian Duke Happy to help xD
Oshima is has the potential to be world champion. Very aggressive for the first several plays.
Peter Wang Nah FanZhenDong will trash him eZ
Well, his stability still needs improvement.
2024 now is he the world champion?
Chinese team is two levels above the Japanese. The speed, agility, technique etc.
and striking power.
@@Magnanimous_ do u read minds??
You could see the pressure that was on the chinese players. That's probably why FZD did not play as he is not so strong mentally yet.
1. XU Xin - MIZUTANI Jun 10:18
2. MA Long - YOSHIMURA Maharu 45:15
3. ZHANG Jike - OSHIMA Yuya 1:14:08
•••• Award Ceremony 1:55:23 ••••
谢谢,一直追随你 thanks! I will follow you forever!
ÒyyyyyòďďďďďdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhoĥhodhohhodhodhodhohhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhohdodhodhodhodhohhhodhodhodhhohodhodhhohhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhhodhodhhohodhoĥhodhodhhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhhhhodhodhohdodhodhohdodhhodhodhodhodhodhhohodhohdodhodhohdohddododhohdodhhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhohdodhohdodhhodhohhhohodhodhodhoďdodhodhodhohhodhhohodhodhhhhodhhohhohhhodhodhodhodhhodhhohodhodhodhhodhdhhodhhohhohodhodhodHhodhodhhodHhhhohodhhhodhhodhodHodhhodhodhdhHodhhodhhohodhodhodHodhohhodhodhodhodHhhodhhohodhodhhodHodhodhhohodhodhohhodhodhhohhhodhhhohodhodhhohohdodhhodhhohodhhodhodhhodhodhodhhohodhhohhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhohodhhohodhhohhhohodhodhhohodhodhhohodhodhodhhohhodhohdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhoĥhhhhohodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhohdodhohdodhodhhohodhodhodhhohhohodhodhhhodhohdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhohhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohhodhodhodhodhodhodhhhhohhohodhhhohodhodhohhodhodhodhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhhohodhhodhodhodhodhodhhhodhhodhohhodhodhdhhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhohodhodhhhodHhodhodhodhodhodhohdohhodhodhhohodhhodhodhhodhhodhohdohdodhodhoĥhohdodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhodhohdohhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhhhodhhohodhhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohddodhodhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhdhhhodhodhhhodhhodhodhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhodhodhodhdhhodhodhohhhohodhhohodhohhodhodhodhhohodhhohodhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhhodhodhhhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhodhhohodhodhhhohodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhohdhohodhodhhohohhodhodhhodhodhodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhohohhodhhohhohodhhhodhodhhodhodhhohodhodhodhohhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhhodhodhodhdhhodhodhodhodhohhhhodhodhodhhohodhhohodhodhodhodhodhodhodhodhoH of
@56:43 shows DHS 40+ (ITTF standard, 40+ signifies 40 mm polymer plastic) ball that's prone to breakage/cracking. However, DHS (Double Happiness Shanghai, a brand at Shanghai China) started using ABS plastic instead from 2017 to produce the revolutionary D 40+ (D branded for DHS ABS character and keeps it apart from other 40+ products) which is much more durable with improved characteristics all around.
Yep the D 40+ is a super good ball. Very consistent even after a lot of use and ive never broken one from hitting!
Ma Long gearing up in the 3rd set of the first showdown, before his match began. Shows the chinese were conscious of their dominance
dude this sport is fuckin lit
Dude 😎😛
8:00 Xu Xin Grip: Shakehand
I dont know. CHINA TEAM is unbeatable.
恭喜國乒三劍客為國爭光! 張繼科崛起快,可惜因傷已經沒有再上場比賽了。
JZK is such a drama-mama. Barely could hold and almost lost it. Oshima did so much better in the mentality department and very good overall.
respekt200 Jike is kind of drama-mama because he is a slow-to-warm-up player. Audience need to have a strong heart while watching his games. I think it makes this game more interesting and enjoyable.
zhang jike got serious back injury by then
My Friend told me he does Ping Pong and he went to nationals Houston, Texas and Washington im trying to find his matches
i watched the olympics and Mizutani won Xu... what happened to him?
It was just lucky for Mizutani. Actually, Xu xin plays better than him.
Sorry it should be "to win".
its a bit shit the crowd use their flash right before Mizutani is about to hit the ball. I counted at least 5 times where he lost the point because of it. Not fair play Chinese fans.
+Darren Yu 台湾人表示看不懂拼音
@1'50"20 ZJK's ball return is world-class. He was being a bit cautious in that match and not playing his best (until this flashpoint) but no problems for him.
@1:49:23 Looks to me ZJK only steps up to finish the match at this point. He's not playing serious before that, lol.
He always does that, when he goes under pressure he becomes stronger, it's like he wasn't trying before. Perhaps he really doesn't try
This 2016 Chinese TT team is scarily formidable but if I can pick a team of 3 players to counter them, they will be Fan Zhendong, Wang Chuqin, and Lin Gaoyuan. Fan, Wang, and Lin may not be able to win because of the Dragon on the other side. But they sure can give the Dragon's team a run for their money.
Fan zhan dong has a good chance of beating all 3 of them may be 50/50, LGY and wang chi qin would be more likely to loose
I agree. Fan is a monster but this is the 2016 version of the Dragon. Ma was practically unbeatable back then. I think Fan didn't surpass Ma until late 2018 or 2019. If the 2 teams mentioned are to play the 9 games format, I would say Fan Zhendong will sure get at least 2 wins. Depending on how stable Lin is, Lin Gaoyuan and Wang Chuqin should produce at least 1 victory. Therefore, I would say that Ma's team will win 5-3.
@@benthekeeshond545 exactly :) ZJK was a beast too
8:07 I didnt know Xu Xin played shakehand
who was world rank 2 at the time?
Fan Z. D.
40:02. Ma Long: "Dude you are taking too long..."
21:40 解说员请不要搞错,场上观众多为马来西亚人。
huibing Liang Wow! 看看他们的衣服就可以猜出来。
1.06: 32. Not bad!!
五星红旗 国歌 洒泪
china japan and south korea will be in the top of the WTTC forever :)
but germany isn't that bad either (I am german) with timo boll and ovcharov
with respect to Germany, they are the one in Europe's best team anyway. Germany and Sweden are both good.
but to be honest u are quite right. the Asian teams will always belong to the top teams of the world
Not all asian overall but i dont know why i feel like chinese players are on whole another level than other countries players !!
Sad to say this indoor arena converted into covid19 evaluation center in 2021.
that's not sad, that's being responsible. i'm sure once the world is rid of serious COVID, we'll see pingpong again in filled arenas!
Oshima's reaction when he gets a point is annoying😂
Zhang jike became weaker than before?
肉焼 Yes. Very cautious
南方妹子说话都好听,不像我们北方,都是大鸭子女人 说话声音嘎嘎嘎
@@李英歌-w4h 莫名优越感
china tiene a las 4 mejores del ranking era obvio que ganaba xd
watson zou 怎會接不好,吉村頭兩個發球都被馬龍一擊破發了
+黑絲與白樺 外行人默默说一句… 发球不错,可能是不太会接。
被人家套了die buff吧。大陆的,外语渣,见谅
china vs japan for the final? talk about an intense end to a tourney haha
You know what the music video of the beginning?
intense?? lol before even starting the match i already knew china will win !! And after watching whole 2 hours i was like nothing interesting everything went as expected !!
Except Zhang Jike lost to Oshima Yuya on the first game...honestly that was the only game that Japan win from China, then Zhang Jike quickly came back and took another three games from Oshima Yuya to gain the Championship.
13:42 perfect dab 😂😂😂
Please tell me the name of the song from the beginning of the game?
China win 4 evr
+Jeanette Yan not yet
+Yilin Fan 據說這次是主動提出要挑戰許昕的
你看看许昕视频就不这么说了 现今最强直板
张继科失误有点多 不然以他的实力很快结束比赛
sounds are fake shame with japanese viva chinese and i am ARMENIAN
zhang jike vc é o melhor
They lost mentally even before the game.
Anyone from China can tell me why all these great Chinese players (Kong Linghui, Ma Lin, Wang Hao, Zhang Jike, Ma Long ) come from the North East of China ? Only Fan Zhendong is from southern China.
north east of China have a good base. a lot of parents hope his son play pingpang, become a great player.
Zhang Jike is not from North East.
They work harder.
why so much ferocity? xu xins facial expression and body language seems as if Jun M murdered his family or something..
he is always that way lol haha
Xu Xin shakehand? what? Ittf must correct it. 😡😠
Was für ein Stempel haben.....Was wollen Sie für James Titeln zum Künst nach Gravierenden Beschreiben.......?
听到出来 湾湾好希望日本队赢球
the croud is loud!
Китай не победим
Complicated match for JAPAN
Too much patronizing everytime their team mate score a point. Too much clapping while standing up, for me it just too corny.
水滸傳 不是目中無人 支持他
Everyone looking at the creepy orang unta toy
Japanese players so friendly, Chaines players so rude.
# More WTTTC-matches in HD, here:
Please tell me the name of the song from the beginning of the game?
Song: When We Stand Together
Artist: Nickelback
janus770 thank you
Very good music, thanks
I love japanese player 👍👍 Chinese players don't have attitude.xu xin face 💀💀💀💀 Jun mizutani cooler , friendy.
呵呵呵 绝大部分都是马来西亚人
chinese players so impolite! so arrogant, dont like theme !
Arrogance is acceptable if you back it up with results
+SwazzerProductions hate to say it but DAMN RIGHT
Sorry! We should not be too political. If you say they are so arrogant/impolite, please point out evidences.
define your impolite&arrogant here plz… in our eyes what we can always see from chinese players is the strong morale and fighting spirit.