Te, Ti: THINKERS Love to Argue!

  • Опубликовано: 24 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 189

  • @stabbrzmcgee825
    @stabbrzmcgee825 3 года назад +64

    I have learned, after much time (and pain), that the momentary pleasure of being right has a very high long-term price in group disruption. Not worth arguing even though I really want to argue. "Let's all be friends" is sometimes pretty nice.

    • @NathanLorenzana
      @NathanLorenzana 2 года назад +6

      Oh boy.... if I am not heard and can't prove I'm right, I feel like I'll be struck by a panic attack.

    • @kyurei4478
      @kyurei4478 2 года назад +2

      The only times I argue are when I think it can actually be beneficial for the group, not for me. Other than that I see debating as simply nonsensical. I guess it's the result of Fe 2nd, Ti 3rd. But even then it hurts me to argue, I actually prefer not having to. Being happy is ultimately more important for me than being right.

  • @krisduboise276
    @krisduboise276 5 лет назад +149

    You two are really cute together. Your banter is better than anything else in the video

  • @williamjoyce4313
    @williamjoyce4313 5 лет назад +89

    0:37 Reminds me of that old Monty Python argument sketch:
    "I payed for an argument, you're just contradicting me!"
    "No I'm not"

  • @Jacobsloaner
    @Jacobsloaner 5 лет назад +124

    I’ve tried to reason the tribe’s values, why can’t the tribe value my reasons!?

    • @davidegaruti2582
      @davidegaruti2582 5 лет назад +37

      You have to value the tribe values , then they'll reason your reasons , and then maybe your reasons will get valued

    • @natclo9229
      @natclo9229 5 лет назад +5

      People are often pretty meh
      If you take some time to think about it you can put yourself in someone elses position and understand under a different set of life conditions you would be them
      That doesnt mean you have to change to be them or that they have to belive every dumb logic that can be
      But if you talk about what people care about, you may be able to move the conversation to how you care about the same thing they do, and then to what your reasons are, could finish a conversation on what they care about if thats where you started too, people like that stuff

    • @Jacobsloaner
      @Jacobsloaner 5 лет назад +3

      @@davidegaruti2582 Seems reasonable enough.

    • @davidegaruti2582
      @davidegaruti2582 5 лет назад +3

      @@Jacobsloaner i'd like to argue my advice is more than "reasonable enough" ;)

    • @hirumakazeko
      @hirumakazeko 5 лет назад +5

      Here is *my procedure*. No, more like how I bind others 🔥🔥
      1. Ask their opinion first. Understand their perspective and how it might be wrong or right.
      2. "I agree with you in this , , but...."
      3. Offer your reasons. If you're a Ti user, provide them how your reasons will benefit them (especially if you are discussing with a Te dom) . Do it until you get a satisfying surprised face of your tribe. If you're a Te user, just control your rage and mouth. Show them that you care about the (benefit from your) tribe. Everyone has already respected you just by thinking for their sake.
      4. If you are Te user, keep improving your arguments as they explain theirs. Their arguments will give you ideas on what to answer next. Checkmate. If you're Ti user, sometimes you have to louder your voice. I mean you've been pleasing them.
      5. Make sure you direct the "logical discussion" to one end where your reasons are the best. That way, they will have no choice but to hear yours.
      6. Convince them with concrete analogies so they will have no doubt(because most of the tribe are sensor). If they're intuitive, then just talk theories or intuitive stuff to them. They will pay attention and be convinced if it make sense.

  • @BeyondSustainableLiving
    @BeyondSustainableLiving 3 года назад +8

    This is so true. INTJ here and I invariably end up in debates with INTPs on Twitter. Damn INTPs. I keep telling myself to just stop biting their hooks.

  • @timtg9806
    @timtg9806 5 лет назад +45

    liked for "Cheeto97"

  • @evieraines1333
    @evieraines1333 5 лет назад +71

    I hate Ne-ing at my dad because he starts Ti-ing back at me and turning it into a debate when I really just want to gush about what I learned and then move on the the next thing. It doesn’t matter if I know more about the subject than him; he’s suddenly an authority on it and I’m getting my facts wrong in some way and clearly If I just thought about it a little harder I’d see the Truth(TM) of the matter. And then he wonders why I prefer to talk with my mom. 😂 Gotta love Ti-s and Te-s.

    • @is2475
      @is2475 5 лет назад +6

      OMG that's exactly my suffering .
      Luckily you can talk to your mom but my mom is si dominant so .. I'm Mr lonely

    • @evieraines1333
      @evieraines1333 5 лет назад +14

      @Billy B (Apologies for the GIANT post. Blame the Ne.)
      Well, I'm not an expert and everyone goes into a conversation with different expectations and agendas but when I am personally Ne-ing I'm typically not actually looking for a response (although an emotionally appropriate reaction like, "Wow, that's awesome!" or "That's disgusting, I can't believe they'd do that" is nice if I happen to get it). It's more of... an emotional release valve, I guess. Ranting or gushing about things seems to help me process the emotions I'm feeling and it's probably also some mechanic of my Fe checking to see if everyone else loves this as much as I do (because, like, if not that's cool too, I wasn't even THAT interested in it... #socialmartyr).
      That said, if I had to guess what was going on with your sister's muddled communication I'd say she's struggling to find adequate words and concrete concepts to express things because she mostly perceives and processes the world in that abstract, intuitive way. One thing you could do (and will earn you extra communication points because it's an active listening skill) is to try your best to understand the broad stroke concept she's talking about, think of something simple and concrete that seems to reflect it, and then ask, "So it's like...?" or "So correct me if I'm wrong but what you're saying is..." That might help her to develop more "solid" terminology around what she's saying.
      It might also just be really hard because she's getting a million ideas a minute and her mouth and the pace of the conversation can't keep up. Maybe ask her to slow down and process what she's saying a bit if she can?
      Another thing, since your sister is an INFP, she's probably adding a lot of Fi emotion into her communication. While she probably doesn't need everyone to put their stamp of approval on her emotional state, I think everyone appreciates when they feel like they are understood and validated by the people closest to them. So maybe use that same technique to verify you are understanding (in general terms) how she feels and then validate it. That could very well be the very thing she was really trying to communicate in the first place! (I don't have Fi, I think, so that's just a guess.)
      I hope you do figure it out even if this isn't helpful! And kudos for trying; so many people just give up without looking for ways to build bridges. ^_^

    • @evieraines1333
      @evieraines1333 5 лет назад +7

      @@is2475 Sorry to hear that, that's super rough! Hopefully you'll find a nice Ne-dominant conversationalists to fulfill that need. The internet is a magical place for meeting people of a like mind. : D

    • @is2475
      @is2475 5 лет назад +5

      @@evieraines1333thank you no worries it becomes part of my life😪🤣⁦ . Well even the internet is not a perfect place since there's a lot of arrogance out there, and to be honest I lack the passion for communicating, I mean it's not a good deal when you give time and effort to give so much information but then you feel like no one gets it or nothing changes.. it's more like having a really bad feeling realising that all what you said is useless, so it's better to be silent 😀

    • @heatherbryant4197
      @heatherbryant4197 5 лет назад +9

      @Billy B Evie Raines had some good advice, particularly towards the INFP's manner of using Ne to communicate Fi or Si. Generally speaking, I think of Ne's hidden agenda (if we were to personify Ne) is to be appreciated for its creativity in ideating. Ne naturally thinks of crazy metaphors based on Si subjective impressions that seem really off to Ni-users. But a lot of the time we haven't fully thought-out our Ne ideas when we share them; we're just musing and exploring all the different possibilities and we may not be particularly attached to the idea (so don't take it too seriously and try to dissect it with logic). Our thoughts may be, "Wouldn't it be interesting if this were the case" or "I wonder if that might be possible" or "here's an ingenious metaphor that helps me understand an abstract relationship using sensory representation" ... So in those situations, simply saying, "Wow, that's an interesting perspective" or "I never thought of it that way" or "What a clever metaphor" will please Ne, then we're acknowledged and appreciated and free to move on to the next Ne idea that pops up in our brains :)

  • @lizvaughnmusic
    @lizvaughnmusic 3 года назад +11

    I would love to see a video about feminine vs masculine Te

  • @lilywojciechowski9906
    @lilywojciechowski9906 3 года назад +7

    ISFP and my best friend is an INTJ... Let's just say we have had some hella intense fights

  • @enfieldjohn101
    @enfieldjohn101 3 года назад +9

    This is an interesting and tricky one for me. It may be a case for the possibility that I've been miss typed in the past. I can't stand arguing because it all too often becomes emotional and I just can't cope with the strong negative emotions that arguing usually brings up. Part of me wants to be right and is sure that I am right most of the time, but another part of me steps in and says 'You might be right, but let's escape the potential pain of fighting over it by either pretending to agree with the other person, or trying to get them to agree to disagree so that we can get back to some semblance of harmony around here. If I can't seem to end the argument in one of those two ways, I then retreat from it as much as possible. Sometimes, even to the point of walking away, even if I have to go outside and walk around the block hoping that the other person will cool down in the meantime. I want to be right, but I'm too afraid of the fight to fight for what I think is right most of the time. It's very frustrating. Sometimes, I wonder if this fear of confrontation or of asserting myself is keeping me from achieving my goals.
    I feel like I have to hide my emotions in order to get along with people and get the job done. The problem with doing this is, like you say, sometimes the volcano erupts and all of this pent up emotion pours out.

  • @stevester9148
    @stevester9148 5 лет назад +46

    I somewhat disagree. When it comes to any political issue it's all about what people feel about them. Even thinkers fall in this trap of being emotionally antagonized by someone who argues with their values. Almost everyone I argue with is that donkey...

    • @thegreatgmantheguy
      @thegreatgmantheguy 5 лет назад +5

      @@IdrisOgunlade But he presented his Value, and has thereby proved both significance of his point, as well as his point itself.

    • @tennebroussalley5678
      @tennebroussalley5678 Год назад +1

      ​@@thegreatgmantheguy everyone follows emotions doesn't mean yiur now allowed to argue.

  • @che4840
    @che4840 Год назад +1

    The most insufferable thing is when people assume my pov and arguments before I even state them. Then they start arguing with me based off of the imaginary stances I’m supposed to have. It’s so fucking irritating! Why not ask me some questions first?

  • @theoverlyemotionalfemale203
    @theoverlyemotionalfemale203 5 лет назад +10

    That ending is phenomenal 😂😂😂

  • @worldwidehappiness
    @worldwidehappiness 4 года назад +11

    In a way, S and F are about here and now and T and N are about the future. T is implicitly about the future because things have to be logically right now so that the future will work out.

  • @catinthepeng2686
    @catinthepeng2686 5 лет назад +8

    Lava is an accurate description.

  • @MetalGearIV
    @MetalGearIV 5 лет назад +20

    The example on last min was funny , it's happens a lot of times btw me ENTP vs INTP brother, the donkey one 🤣 , he don't want to talk , he just say no no nooo and the most when he is right on one point , for him it's over , the judgement has settled and everything come next is just no no no , haha if he convinced him self about something , for him logically it's pointless to keep talking , this trap happens to Ti users more than Te users.

    • @alanm8555
      @alanm8555 5 лет назад +3

      Just strawman him lol

    • @abdallababikir4473
      @abdallababikir4473 4 года назад +3

      I'm Te dom, my brother Ti dom, I'm the donkey in an argument.
      Te really focuses on practicality and would hate to waste time in a pointless debate.

    • @ourendtimewalk
      @ourendtimewalk Год назад

      @@alanm8555 you can't strawman an INTP :P

  • @MikeShawTV
    @MikeShawTV 5 лет назад +7

    THIS is why I don't have a news talk radio show anymore. Ne was great for topics and interesting discussion. IF I just had lead Ti! I'd still be on the air stirring it up and arguing with everyone. An Ne who wants to understand different points of view and not call people names is not what a news talk audience wants (apparently). I'm over it (sounds like it Mike... )

  • @caesare.j.w.668
    @caesare.j.w.668 5 лет назад +3

    "Ha. Fuck your feelings."
    - With Love, a Thinker

  • @surfacetension2298
    @surfacetension2298 4 года назад +12

    i'm Se/Te and defenitelly weird with the F in general, i have an INFP Fi/Si friend and he always goes all corny about politeness and when he really is grateful he makes sure to express it like "aww man thanks, i really apreciate that a lot of you you are a great friend! :))" and i'm all innerly weirded the fuck out and just smile and nod and i don't know wtf to do with the F hahahaha it's not really a big problem but he has a capacity no one has of fucking my alpha state real bad.

    • @sophiaredwood5825
      @sophiaredwood5825 3 года назад +5

      Oh gosh, I’m an ENFP and I respond to people the same way your INFP does. I do it out of a place of hoping to make people feel happy and valued and have them truly understand how awesome they are, since a small part of me thinks everyone is insecure about that sometimes (and it isn’t just my Fi freaking out and projecting). On the other hand, Fi also feels a responsibility to tell people just how much they mean to me, since it’s a form of authenticity for me to bring my honest and sincere thoughts to someone in a relationship.
      I’m starting to think I do that complimenting game so often that it loses its meaning to people. Which terrifies me; that wasn’t the objective. I just want people to know that they’re amazing. But when I’m preaching that all day long, I think others stop believing it as much. :(( The thing that’s worse is that I don’t account for… well, Thinkers. Who aren’t concerned about their Fi value. And who get really confused when I compliment them because it’s not their human need to hear those things. And then they feel rattled and uncomfortable because they don’t know what to do… which also wasn’t the objective. Quite the opposite, actually. Ugh.
      Thanks for your comment. Puts things into perspective a little more, hahaha. Your INFP friend comes from a good place, I promise you.

    • @globalamoeba8910
      @globalamoeba8910 4 месяца назад

      Hahahaha that’s so funny to me

  • @saloni.sharma
    @saloni.sharma 2 года назад +2

    I used to say "i don't argue, i discuss" in almost monotonic ways. I used to think i Fe really well cz i value harmony (of thought and reason duh!)... took me a while to know i come across as aggressive Te at times 😂😂

  • @marylowrie4548
    @marylowrie4548 5 лет назад +9


  • @Aelo-1
    @Aelo-1 Год назад

    The first 40 seconds of this video gave me a good insight. I do that exact same thing when I’m angry. “Correct” “Correct” “Incorrect”

  • @absinthesesotericadventure7631
    @absinthesesotericadventure7631 5 лет назад +8

    I have Te inferior, and I was mad at a Ti user. they didn't know when to freaking stop playing with me. Even when I stressed my boundary. I was cursing lol

    • @absinthesesotericadventure7631
      @absinthesesotericadventure7631 5 лет назад

      Then I felt embarrassed because it was a voice chat and groups ha

    • @samf8887
      @samf8887 4 года назад +1


    • @savvageorge
      @savvageorge 4 года назад +4

      @M Muss Truth is more important than boundaries.

    • @seignee
      @seignee 4 года назад +1

      the dude sounds rude lol

    • @MsSirAndy
      @MsSirAndy 2 года назад

      I'm a Ti aux user and it's relatable haha

  • @drcharliewallace
    @drcharliewallace 5 лет назад +16

    F Te user here...many times what people see as Ne is really just F Te talking it out. It can be very annoying for the other person!

  • @DoomLegion83
    @DoomLegion83 4 года назад +4

    Me: Saying something (narrowed down to the point)
    GF: You mean x y z ?
    Me: I didn't say that!
    GF: so it's a b c

  • @BlueHazyDreams
    @BlueHazyDreams 4 года назад +9

    Woah wut? It's so weird to be considering if I'm actually a thinker. The needing a reason to feel the way I feel is one of my life's problems. I'm continuously trying to figure out why my emotions exist and why they are so strong so I can figure out how to get rid of them or at least calm them down, but that's because they are way too strong and overwhelming and get in the way of me getting things done. And I've always been treated by family and other people as if my emotions are too strong and I need to control them. I thought because I would often do what I wanted to do and I had strong emotions and values that tend to guide my actions that I was a feeler. But also, the people that want to shy away from the hard conversations due to feelings when something actually doesn't work annoys me. Like I don't necessarily like things getting heated, but I will argue if something needs to be settled or fixed before we can have a good time. It's most important that shit works for everybody than not ruffling feathers. Uh oh, maybe I am a thinker.

    • @chrisd3637
      @chrisd3637 3 года назад +2

      Yeah I'm pretty much the same. You are more than likely still a feeler if your feelings usually take precedent over your actions and decision making or the feelings come first then the logical, objective standpoint follows. I guess the biggest difference is that a thinker tends not to even be aware sometimes of the other person's emotions in an argument/debate, focusing solely on disproving the other's illogical reasoning. As a feeler, I'm naturally in tune with how another person's feeling, but may push past the emotion if it's needed. Despite loving debating, I usually wouldn't push somebody if I could tell it was getting too heated and personal feelings were getting hurt- it's usually not worth it. Perhaps you're more of a rational feeler like me haha!
      Out of curiosity what did you type as? You sound similar to me being an ENFJ. Perhaps the need to repress your emotions is the response of your Fe dominant which makes you feel guilty for having your own emotions and responses (i.e. focus on the tribe first, then how I feel about it)? Just a thought because I've experienced this but would be curious to know if you do respond! :)

    • @ginkgoteki
      @ginkgoteki 3 года назад +3

      definitely feeler

    • @BlueHazyDreams
      @BlueHazyDreams 2 года назад

      @@chrisd3637 I just came back around and noticed your response :P I relate to what you write about being a rational feeler. I have these arguments, try to prove I'm right and sometimes even step on some toes, but if there's obvious emotional build-up I'll back off. I still can't tell for sure on my type. Been going around in circles on personality types for years, but I'm most confident that I'm a single decider - double observer and yeah you're right probably feeler. I always typed INFP in MBTI but I know what little worth that is, and would make sense that I'm savior Fe in that case. I've never heard Fe explained in a way that was recognizable to me, not in MBTI or really even this channel. It always sounds like Fe-Si or Fe-Se. I get that since Ti is introverted Fe may overestimate how much Ti *is* them, it just seems to me if I have savior Fe either OP hasn't hammered out Fe yet as much as other functions which is definitely possible as they're Te-Fi, or just in general tribe-first is way more nuanced than portrayed due to the other coins in play. The tribe wishes I'd actually put the time in with them instead of my demon play bubble.

    • @MsSirAndy
      @MsSirAndy 2 года назад

      @@chrisd3637 what do you mean by 'feelings take precedent over your actions'? Could you elaborate, please?

    • @MsSirAndy
      @MsSirAndy 2 года назад

      @@ginkgoteki why feeler? Feeling is not about having stronger emotions, but about acting on them. Those are two pretty different things, since he's rational he's most likely T

  • @worldwidehappiness
    @worldwidehappiness 4 года назад +5

    It's fascinating to see mindy debates on Twitter vs SF on Instagram. As a T, it took me a few weeks to figure out why Instagram even exists. I'd see someone on the bus looking at pictures of a dress or food or something, and I'd think, "Why are they wasting their time looking at that?" Yesterday, I saw a woman watching an Instagram video of another woman washing her make up off. What?!

  • @IndieAuthorX
    @IndieAuthorX 5 лет назад +4

    Hmmmm. Just a theory for me. I think I have the Te tidal wave. I will go years being pretty cool with my religious, political, and personal leanings, but then I will have a crisis and try to find the reasons for all of those preferences. I used to think I was a T type, not I think I just had a tidal wave and got over it.

  • @SekRanger
    @SekRanger 5 лет назад +2

    Reminds me of Abby from Kitchen Nightmare's
    "If you are going to sit there and bullshitting"
    "I am not sitting. I am standing"

  • @JesterOfDestiny
    @JesterOfDestiny 5 лет назад +6

    I've gotten a lot better about arguing things. Well, I'm still a pedantic prick, but I'm a more open pedantic prick now. If I try to press someone for an answer on why they like a thing and all they have is "I dunno I just do" then that's good enough for me. It's only when they try to argue based on logic and it doesn't check out.
    What I'm getting at is, if your reason is feeling based, then just say that. Don't try to logic at me when you clearly don't have a logic. Feelings aren't inferior, you don't have to prove yourself. I work on logic and I need my reasons. But if you don't, then I accept that.

    • @kangkankrishnasarmapegu7789
      @kangkankrishnasarmapegu7789 5 лет назад

      U literally spoke my mind

    • @dday9433
      @dday9433 5 лет назад +2

      Hmm. I TRY to be like this, as I've matured, but part of me still wants to make sure the "feeling" is logical too (?). I'm not sure I'm saying that right. I want to at least make sure that the person who is basing their choice on a feeling UNDERSTANDS they are doing that... I'm not sure why I feel that to be so important. I think (?) because it bothers me if people don't understand their motivations and then try to deny or justify or argue about it. I guess that's your "don't logic at me." ?

  • @justinwhite2725
    @justinwhite2725 3 года назад +3

    'you lose your feeting'.
    And its clear that I'm Ti based on the fact that's what I got out of this video.

  • @adamperry3327
    @adamperry3327 5 лет назад +8

    If all reasons are eventually routed back to feeling, the purpose of thinking must be to optimize for better feeling.

    • @Chatoyancify
      @Chatoyancify 5 лет назад +2

      As a savior Ti, I do find myself using reasons to dissect and understand emotions when they become unruly. In that sense, I do optimize.

    • @PowerRedBullTypology
      @PowerRedBullTypology 4 года назад +1

      thing is also optimizing for other functions like Si etc..

  • @cfoote416
    @cfoote416 5 лет назад +5

    Thank you guys for your hard work, it is always insightful and entertaining. I have an idea that could likely be something of great worth. I understand this is not the conventional way of contacting a party regarding such matters; I do hope you consider starting a dialog. I tried getting your attention once before, I think :) I have observed many content providers and while some are amazing, There something about the formulated (yet rough) world experience and the scientific method you produce, suggests you guys may be the best to approach. On top of that, I have a gut feeling that integrity is a core value. I hope you have a nice day.

  • @MrLuigiFercotti
    @MrLuigiFercotti 5 лет назад +5

    Ti better as a second function to my Se. In most any argument I always get to the point of "F this, I'm getting a beer before I punch you in face." lol

  • @austinbecton5341
    @austinbecton5341 3 года назад +2

    After subscribing to OP, I increasingly think I'm Ti/Ni or Ni/Te and this is totally me--I get into massive trouble for my social media debates and sometimes my close friends and family have to force me to stop hahaha.

  • @GThomas-qq6mp
    @GThomas-qq6mp 8 месяцев назад

    Yes we need to debate! Every debate is worthwhile to destroy ideas that are incoherent and not valuable. Once you setup a framework of argument. You must leave to the next room. 😂 People do not die, bad ideas die. Trigger some existentialism and destroy ego. Too much ego inflation these days. ENTPS cutting through the grown chaos, looking for the renaissance.

  • @m.o4936
    @m.o4936 4 года назад +3

    What if you actually find a reason for your feeling

  • @pinklemoade4779
    @pinklemoade4779 5 лет назад

    My grandmother is an ESTJ and she loves to argue because of her Te.

  • @Binyamin.Tsadik
    @Binyamin.Tsadik 5 лет назад +12

    Masculine T!

    • @elizabethbarrera1077
      @elizabethbarrera1077 5 лет назад +2

      True. The feminine T's will argue, but let go of the argument a lot quicker.

  • @JoannCueto
    @JoannCueto 5 лет назад +3

    OMG that clip is so funny.

  • @dustbitten
    @dustbitten 3 года назад

    We love it but there are people who want to insist that our best matches are people who think we’re fighting. Watch me intrude on two people making an emotional breakthrough and tell them to stop crying.

  • @trevorfrayne6418
    @trevorfrayne6418 3 года назад

    I now want just argue with repeatedly keep saying No. Just to tick off another thinker.

  • @andyroobrick-a-brack9355
    @andyroobrick-a-brack9355 4 года назад

    Jesus, In an INTP, and I absolutely LOVE to argue.

  • @BeyondSustainableLiving
    @BeyondSustainableLiving 3 года назад +2

    Okay, that's so cute that y'all put up SMART goals. That's so Te random piling up. 😂 (confessing to being tempted to do the same types of things myself)

  • @stevedavenport1202
    @stevedavenport1202 3 года назад +4

    I "think" we really need a more precise definition of emotions. From my lay person's perspective, emotions like anger, joy, sadness, etc. can be equally felt and expressed by both dominant thinking types and feeling types.
    I think that a feeling type more eloquently express their emotions and the thinking type not let emotions cloud their judgment.
    I believe, based on 53 years of existence, that all humans feel their emotions with equal intensity.

  • @solutionfocused7147
    @solutionfocused7147 5 лет назад +8

    So, the "functions" (e.g. Ti, Te, Fi, etc.) are all kinda alphabet soup for me still. That said...
    Relating to being thinking dominant/ENTP. I don't get the arguing for argument's sake. I always want clarity in communication and do my best to get there, but if after several exchanges and attempting to position my point/idea/thought/opinion in at least 2-3 differently phrased ways, it becomes clear that 1) my words are not landing; 2) the person is not wanting to understand; 3) or I'm so drilled down that I clearly missed explaining clearly. Regardless, it's a waste of time, energy, and emotion (usually the only reason for pressing an issue).

    • @Terrazona929
      @Terrazona929 5 лет назад

      Solution Focused ...or Mercury is retrograde 😄

    • @tylerpeterson8130
      @tylerpeterson8130 5 лет назад +1

      This tends to happen me when explaining, ideas, concepts, or trying to problem solve with Se or Si dominant individuals. I tend to focus on chain of events with in the abstract and explain in well thought out ideas and concepts. I list off all thought out possibilities and variables in order from most probable to least probable. I then list other variables or concepts that prove or deny validity to the ideas / concepts along with systems / systematic procedures to vet out or prove the idea, claim, or concept. With listing as many variables as I can, I cant seem to get backing or build reinsurance from Se, Si dominat users. It's almost like im practicing voodoo. So during the vetting or implementation processes, I run into a disconnect. Which I believe is because I'm focused on achieving, proving, improving, or preventing, somthing that is grounded in alot of hypotheticals and what ifs. This can be hard for a Se / Si dominant user to indulge in, as they dont spend as much time in the abstract. I can try to build their confidence in my thinking by grounding myself in a very, right here, right now, pragmatic outlook. I do this by sticking on subject matter that is provable. I have valid "Se obtainable" data points that proves validity and certainty to the pragmatic outlook. Then I proceed with Ni / Ne and list off ideas, concepts, and theories wich translate to the goal/idea/concept. Here are the possible variables we may face during the indevor obtaining or proving the goal/idea/concept. One variable is I may not have thought of all variables 😂 All things considered we hypothetically can obtain are results or goal in 3 weeks...

    • @solutionfocused7147
      @solutionfocused7147 5 лет назад +1

      @@tylerpeterson8130 It sounds like it would be fun to tease out Big ideas and concepts with you...getting to the root of the matter, AND, more specifically, finding solutions.
      I quit trying to have any time of conversation that is philosophical/abstract with folks that don't naturally operate that way. They are intelligent as well - just map life and thoughts differently. When I haven't taken this into consideration, I think people think I'm talking down to them.
      Ultimately, it's the art of conversation, understanding other folks, listening, and aiming for flow. ;-) I think this was missing from my original comment lol!

    • @peterdentice5725
      @peterdentice5725 5 лет назад

      Solution Focused It is exacerbated by the notion of 1 out of 4 will be N on average globally. (Pretty sure I'm remembering that right😶

  • @blackrabbit231
    @blackrabbit231 5 лет назад +2

    Yes they do. I don't.

  • @ameenelbaba5880
    @ameenelbaba5880 5 лет назад +1

    Lol sometimes I don’t give 2 shits how somebody feels after I win my debate, also sometimes my favorite arguement to play sometimes is to say “and???” bro (I’m an Entp)(at 3:16 when he talks about si/se being released as chaos every now and then is so true)

  • @Luki82
    @Luki82 5 лет назад +3

    Thank you i finally know what type My Sister is :) 4:19

  • @Dall5000
    @Dall5000 5 лет назад +10

    This is definately a pride thing in thinkers. Develope Fe/Fi by being less arrogant. Easy fix once you do this.

    • @AzaresAscending
      @AzaresAscending 5 лет назад +5

      Dall5000 I agree!! It’s maturity. I’m NeTi and when I was younger I used to always debate everyone about everything but now that I’m older I never debate anyone about anything unless it’s a negotiation. It’s irritating when thinkers think they have to arrogantly argue about shit that doesn’t matter. Very childish. Also childish on the opposite spectrum - when feminine extraverted feelers are too worried about hurting feelings to argue about something important.

    • @stariqa2
      @stariqa2 5 лет назад +5

      Yes weak Fe or Fi causes insecurity which leads to a feeling of you needing to be always right. Else you’re nothing.

    • @AzaresAscending
      @AzaresAscending 5 лет назад

      Syed Tariq Asghar truth!

    • @AzaresAscending
      @AzaresAscending 5 лет назад +3

      Elijah It’s a matter of tact and respect. Sure, being fat is an unhealthy mistake but you don’t go around telling people to lose weight. People don’t take advice they didn’t ask for.

    • @AzaresAscending
      @AzaresAscending 5 лет назад +2

      Elijah no one is perfect. Giving away criticism like that comes across as arrogant and actually makes the other person go even farther down the opposite end out of vindication. Loving and accepting others is the first step to truly changing them for the better.

  • @mameta2079
    @mameta2079 5 лет назад +3

    OooOooO new lighting??

  • @cory99998
    @cory99998 Месяц назад

    what do you mean emotions come around every hour? I think you mean every 2 weeks at 2am after I drank too much

  • @drcharliewallace
    @drcharliewallace 5 лет назад +5

    Great clip at the end. What an arse that guy is.

  • @tomwright9904
    @tomwright9904 Год назад

    Slander from the the Tes

  • @thisispi1491
    @thisispi1491 5 лет назад +1

    does this mean that FI and TI as a couple would be arguing until they die?

    • @savvageorge
      @savvageorge 4 года назад +4

      ​@masakasama Ti and Fi are pure and come from within which is why they both have respect for each-other.

  • @rubgreen1310
    @rubgreen1310 5 лет назад +1

    That can be seen like esquizoid behavior? A separation for the emotions . I have some esquizoid característics , at least my terapist told me that hahaha. I have problems feeling and expresing my sadness . I worked a lot in that . It’s funny because i got big Fi in the tests . But thinking carefully in think that i am mostly Ti or Te. I don’t know who i am hahaha. Sorry for my English

  • @NovoRealismoBrasil
    @NovoRealismoBrasil 3 года назад +1

    Im getting mad with this! I love to argue since EVER BUT it seems im Fi dominant and Te demon... what the hell!?!??!?! 🔥😡🔥

    • @NovoRealismoBrasil
      @NovoRealismoBrasil 3 года назад

      @NightDrive you mean Te demon means Fi inferior, right? Just to check, i researched quickly the diferencce between "Demon" and "inferior" saw a guy calling what here in objective personality they call "savior" as "demon". Didnt watch his video but it seems that its just a terminology problem.
      So as objective personality seems to define, my answer Is no. I mean Fi dominant/savior; Te inferior/demon.

    • @NovoRealismoBrasil
      @NovoRealismoBrasil 3 года назад

      Researched "MBTI Cognitive functions", no oficial site appeard

    • @NovoRealismoBrasil
      @NovoRealismoBrasil 3 года назад

      I understand what you are saiyng.
      Infp: 1 - FI (5 - Fe) / 2 - NE (6 - Ni) / 3 - Si (7 - Se) / 4 - Te (8 - Ti)
      Im not having trouble to understand the idea, just didint saw anyone aproacching it with this logic therefore, if i dont find explanations and journals on this i cant take it sereously.
      I like objective personality cause of their methodic aproach (with the ciebtific method), till today didnt ever heard them talk in those terms (and still dont). But if you have some data about this point of view of yours (articles, videos) ill be glad to watch :)

  • @Brickwilliams
    @Brickwilliams 2 года назад

    i’m an infj with an istp roommate

  • @nottjonathan
    @nottjonathan 5 лет назад

    Did you guys get new lights? Lol

  • @wegotonelove
    @wegotonelove 4 года назад

    I love to argue xD but I'm not a thinker solely. Mbti is stupid xD like I'm not more feeling and less logical or less feeling and more logical. Both my intrapersonal and logical intelligence are through the roof.

  • @ayushzaveri8193
    @ayushzaveri8193 5 лет назад

    Yup this is so me. Damn.

  • @jeremysmith9694
    @jeremysmith9694 5 лет назад

    I like your cool background

    • @SekRanger
      @SekRanger 5 лет назад

      No, background is not cool. It is black. hahaha I am just joking around with supid argument.

  • @bills1967
    @bills1967 Год назад

    What are feelings? 😂

  • @cherishtheday2223
    @cherishtheday2223 3 года назад +1

    Cheeto97 😂

  • @chemquests
    @chemquests 3 года назад

    That’s great

  • @VisibleMRJ
    @VisibleMRJ 5 лет назад

    If you can get M Ti to admit that they are full of shit then you can have a world guinness record.

  • @Lguy-xq2jx
    @Lguy-xq2jx 5 лет назад

    My brother is weak in Fi but I'm best in Fi

  • @Primemantis108
    @Primemantis108 5 лет назад

    Critical chain

  • @ksr5985
    @ksr5985 5 лет назад +6

    I am an INTx in college and even my other intellectual classmates don't like me. They meet up and debate about a lot of things, but they always avoid me because I have all the right answers and I shut them down!

    • @malcolmmacinnis247
      @malcolmmacinnis247 5 лет назад +2

      That's what it is buddy🙄

    • @Zajcooo
      @Zajcooo 5 лет назад +15

      is this satire?

    • @ksr5985
      @ksr5985 5 лет назад +1

      @Remy B No I do actually, like once they were talking about why some people are unable to express their thoughts, and then I come in and introduce them to neuroscience, and then they listened me for like 20 minutes straight (they were not bored I remember, they're all nerds), and then after that they avoid me, ignore my texts and exclude me from the group.
      I personally don't think I have all the answers, I was saying that's what other people might think of me

    • @morningstarhomestead
      @morningstarhomestead 5 лет назад +7

      Blindspot Fe...it doesn't matter if you're always right (or think you're always right). No one listens to you if you don't present your reasons in a palatable manner.

    • @Imponderabilia995
      @Imponderabilia995 5 лет назад +6

      Rahul Kishore there’s your answer, you shut people down. Nobody likes being around a know it all. Maybe it’s time to invest in developing social skills if you already know everything else so well... 🙄 there’s always something one can learn from other people, maybe start with that and it will be easier for You to digest that nothing is black or white mate. You’re not always right, they are not always wrong.
      Also, there’s no such thing as INTx. Look up cognitive functions, INTPs and INTJs are very different.

  • @thegreatgmantheguy
    @thegreatgmantheguy 5 лет назад +2

    Reasons aren't people based. If my reasons outweigh your reasons, both of us will go with our reasons. If our reasons outweigh your reasons, both of us will go with my reasons. If both of us can combine our reasons to create something new, we will do so. See the logic.
    Hinh Hint. Wink Wink.

    • @KevinPaterson
      @KevinPaterson 5 лет назад +1

      That all sounds people-based to me.
      “My reasons... Your reasons... Both of us... Combine our reasons...”
      This is contrasted with the N and S information, which isn’t people-based, it’s things-based.

    • @thegreatgmantheguy
      @thegreatgmantheguy 5 лет назад

      @@KevinPaterson Right reasons vs Wrong reasons. Better Reasons vs Worse reasons. Do these two examples sound people based?

    • @KevinPaterson
      @KevinPaterson 5 лет назад

      Yeah because the reasons are about why a certain decision or belief is better. People make decisions and hold beliefs.
      This is what they mean by people-based.

    • @tylerpeterson8130
      @tylerpeterson8130 5 лет назад

      Lol, great to see two Ti users debating! I am going to assume based off termanoligy and the basis / preperation of your debate that you are both Ti users? Argueing to argue 😂

    • @thegreatgmantheguy
      @thegreatgmantheguy 5 лет назад

      Actually, This came into mind, so let me say this out.
      I understand the difference of the origin of where reasons come from, but the purpose of the set division within the set area of personality types we are talking about, regards the belief of a CONFLICT between extroverted thinking and introverted thinking.
      Great Minds think alike.
      With that, there is still the existence of the difference between extroverted and introverted thinking.
      This makes me in need to be more specific with my first comment. The ORIGINS of reasoning do differ between you and the tribe. The CONCLUSION, however, is the same assuming perfect mind synchronicity.
      There is no evidence of a CONFLICT between extroverted thinking and introverted thinking, despite the difference of ORIGINs existing. and this whole personality RUclips Channel/Website is all about how each of the functions conflict in a way where one "function coin" is forced to take priority over another.
      HOWEVER, since all conclusive reasoning (assuming perfect intelligence + same goals) are/is the same, a CONFLICT (As the whole theory of this channel) between the to functions cannot exists, despite the core "coins" of Te and Ti still existing as origins.
      One way I see myself wrong here is if the goals of both parties before initiating conversation (self vs. tribe) were different.
      The second way it is possible for me to be wrong is if even the core of laying down both a "perfect mind" with a perfect conclusion assumes all 8 functions are being used. After all, Dave did say there is rationality even within the two feeling functions.
      If you have a counter claim, I would love to hear it. But make sure you understand all of this first.

  • @thescowlingschnauzer
    @thescowlingschnauzer 5 лет назад

    What type is Shannon?

    • @smr1721aj
      @smr1721aj 5 лет назад +3

      Entj with savior te and se

    • @thescowlingschnauzer
      @thescowlingschnauzer 5 лет назад

      @@smr1721aj And Dave in INTJ with saviors Ni Te?

    • @smr1721aj
      @smr1721aj 5 лет назад +2

      @@thescowlingschnauzer he'd mentioned before that he's actually intj with savior Ni, Fi

    • @thescowlingschnauzer
      @thescowlingschnauzer 5 лет назад

      @@blastoff2086 break that down for me

  • @Bahador_R
    @Bahador_R 3 года назад

    You are great

  • @Terrazona929
    @Terrazona929 5 лет назад

    I still don’t know what type I am... I don’t mind debating but others don’t really like that. Maybe I try to bully them into logic??? Or values that make sense??? For instance I don’t see the logic of how someone could be on board with Trump’s way of leading or doing business, nor do I see the “value” or the reason in just “liking” him.

    • @John-ih7gp
      @John-ih7gp 4 года назад

      Trump is the goat president

  • @Primemantis108
    @Primemantis108 5 лет назад

    And Ne

  • @Fatima-wf2vu
    @Fatima-wf2vu 3 года назад

    You guys use the word "F***" too much I guess. Or is it normal?

  • @natclo9229
    @natclo9229 5 лет назад

    Maybe dont install repression metaphors
    I think unconscious processing or only processing in your sleep are better suggestions
    Beliefs become reality
    Preach what you want people to practice

  • @LikeToWatch77
    @LikeToWatch77 4 года назад +1

    Dave and Shan calling me out on my BS. I have difficulty with the prioritizing. I definitely need goals or an objective to achieve.