Michael Gazzaniga: Your Storytelling Brain

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 138

  • @DaTux91
    @DaTux91 12 лет назад +7

    My high school teacher from years back told me about these experiments. Combined with other experiments they very strongly suggest that there is no such thing as a conscious free will. In the other experiments it was shown that the brain already prepares to perform a certain action some time before the person even consciously decides to perform this action. So the idea is that the subconscious brain constantly decides stuff while the left hemisphere makes up a story to explain these decisions.

    • @lordpandorinium1075
      @lordpandorinium1075 Месяц назад

      Dude, uf you believe brain is that easy you know nothing about brain

  • @TruthSurge
    @TruthSurge 12 лет назад +2

    It is true. When you dissect something and understand its innermost workings, you can never view it in the same way again. The initial magic IS gone. It's the same thing almost when you are the creator of this magical thing such as a painting or music or movie, etc. You cannot EVER enjoy your creation in the same way someone else who sees it as the whole can. For him to say otherwise is simply wrong.

  • @faisalboker
    @faisalboker 12 лет назад +2

    I am AMAZED by how ppl can link anything and i mean anything to religions
    .....i mean srsly

  • @MrAniketShedge
    @MrAniketShedge 12 лет назад +6

    Damn! Making sense of this requires undivided attention!

  • @DSDMovies
    @DSDMovies 12 лет назад +3

    I wonder what the "Interpreter"'s role in dreams is. I've often noticed external sounds get incorporated into the narrative of dreams, many times having an in-dream cause that precedes the noise being heard, so the ear hears the sounds, the dream makes up a reason for it and THEN plays it inside the dream. Post event rationalisation being inserted into the dream prior to the event itself.

  • @TheSuperCommentGuy
    @TheSuperCommentGuy 12 лет назад +1

    @manonthemount Newton's 1st law states (and I quote):
    "Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it."
    What is the first mover? It has to begin somewhere, does it not? Is this not proven by it's own statement? That is why it is called a proof.

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад

    So tell me a few things.
    - Why was there a dot of energy.
    - No time? Okay tell me can a arrow move from A to B if there is no time?
    - What created it, is it eternal?
    - Why did you not answer the question, Something is not nothing. If there is something it is the polar opposite of nothing.

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад

    A good definition of science is:
    ¨Systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.¨
    A good definition of Logic is:
    ¨the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference.¨

  • @marineninga
    @marineninga 12 лет назад

    @Ligermorph "Everything in life must contribute, otherwise it will be eliminated" Tony Robbins, like weeds in a garden and pests in a farm if something causes pain or destruction the first course of action is to remove it. Perhaps this is the foundation to purpose, to give, to contribute. Than again, Friedrich Nietzsche would say "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."
    I'm only giving alternate perspectives.

  • @TaleDreamer
    @TaleDreamer 12 лет назад

    @Adaerus The equivalence of the definition of light then and now shouldn't be conveniently made equal. Case in such, a text must be defined in the light of the author's intentions; otherwise, any word arrangement in language could be assigned to many meaningful interpretations. Some considerations can be derived from their expected train of thought. "Why light? Well, any skilled artisan would know that a light source is needed before you could start work." is a good start, for example.

  • @DaTux91
    @DaTux91 12 лет назад

    However, free would not completely be an illusion, we supposedly do have "free won't". This means the conscious self is able to use a veto against the decisions of the subconscious brain. This idea was mainly suggested, I think, to make sure people still can be held responsible for their own actions.

  • @mikedimples
    @mikedimples 12 лет назад

    (read third) Not only that when I question God's motivations or why he did something that I see an obvious superior solution to, they are quick to shush my curiosity up with sayings like "One cannot understand something as divine as God's will." I think it's safe to say most Christians are content with not knowing, because once you start asking questions and looking deeper into Christianity you start to see how seemingly almost cruel and unjust God's actions seem.

  • @svicciarelli
    @svicciarelli 12 лет назад +3

    thanks for this. I know I'm richer for all the cognitive science books I've been reading the past couple of years, mostly Pinker and a lot of the folks he references.

  • @mikedimples
    @mikedimples 12 лет назад

    (read fifth) The athiests I've encountered on the other hand LOVE to ask questions and have a hunger for knowledge and have a much more curious attitude towards the universe. If you already have the answer, why keep asking? The semantics of the answers you described still seem completely opposite to me, but I'm open to the idea that I may be wrong and will await further posts by you (if you're up for it). Appreciate the discussion - I just want to understand your reasoning. Sorry if I offended.

  • @Adaerus
    @Adaerus 12 лет назад

    @TeleDreamer that is a logical argument. I've been trying to understand aboutthe Higgs boson. Scientists say it is very difficult to explain it to people without using really advanced mathematical concepts. So they tried to explain it with a hat. I knew the hat was the shape of the potential energy graph but the explanations if taken out of context sounded like higgs boson was on a hat. So there is a possibility that "let there be light" might be more than "let me see what I'm doing".

  • @JetsuSeal
    @JetsuSeal 12 лет назад

    Finally, when it comes to arguing the veracity of any idea, concept or philosophy on the very same video which brings into question the validity of how we arrive at any idea, concept or philosophy, none is actually TRUE, REASONABLE, SCIENTIFIC because those same concepts are inherently under scrutiny as well. Good Day.

  • @Adaerus
    @Adaerus 12 лет назад

    Since it seems that there is no purpose to why we are born, it seems also true that we cannot leave without a purpose. The difficult part is to find the rules by which to live so that we don't clash our realities to the point of extermination. That might be the original intention of religion but then people mess it up with rules set in stone. Valid guidelines can be found in religion and science both at the same time but it's very easy to missinterpret any of them if ignoring one over the other.

  • @mamagoochi
    @mamagoochi 12 лет назад

    You my friend...have given me a purpose to live...

  • @TehFlyingJam
    @TehFlyingJam 12 лет назад

    @Adaerus It cannot be proven, but it has logic behind it. Besides, it's a theory, not a law. So science isn't saying, "Yes! String theory must be right! All must believe it!", it's saying "This might be right, it fits, but we're not sure...". Sometimes things are found wrong, and science simply adapts to it.

  • @JetsuSeal
    @JetsuSeal 12 лет назад

    You may all got to an actually arguable video. It makes no sense arguing over ANYTHING on this topic because we all are composed of the same brains but we all have different perspectives and "explanations" of life. To say one is more TRUE or SCIENTIFIC than the other is to say, "My brain just composed, in the same manner which you did, a more rational, that is whatever I have concluded up to this point is "rational", and true, again; whatever that is to me, explanation for our existence.

  • @handsomebrick
    @handsomebrick 12 лет назад

    Northrop Frye argued that the fear of our aesthetical sensibilities becoming diminished somehow through study is an irrational and silly one, as geologists have no difficulty in appreciating the beauty of mountains.

  • @kiomn
    @kiomn 12 лет назад

    I'd say we go for fiction because reality is just too mundane. OR the human mind prefers being an observer rather than a participant in most things we fantasize about, maybe its a defence mechanism, sort of, to avoid being presented with something that we like that exists in reality but we don't have the means to accomplish or possess.

  • @marineninga
    @marineninga 12 лет назад

    I'm intrigued, how do you live without a purpose? Viktor Frankl survived through a Nazi concentration camp with the purpose of telling his story, the field of psychology "logotherapy" is founded upon the belief that it is the striving to find a meaning in one's life that is the primary, most powerful motivating and driving force in humans.

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад

    I tell you. Now tell me.
    Theoretical Physicists should also be required to take a course in philosophical reasoning, practical implications of theories presented and correct argumentation.

  • @Quand9
    @Quand9 12 лет назад

    @Ligermorph ... he said it explained physical actions; not mental ones

  • @theorangeshirts
    @theorangeshirts 12 лет назад

    @DaTux91 I also heard about this. However, the consciousness always has the option to veto what the unconsciousness has set up. The same guy who made the discovery you mentioned call this version of "free will", "free won't".

  • @edktpo
    @edktpo 11 лет назад +4

    Deal Michael, I have dyslexia and a very bad speech impediment. I always know what I am thinking but it is never in a language based form, When I try to explain my thoughts the words come out broken and somewhat incoherent and make it nearly impossible to prove that I know what I am talking about. Could this be due to this thought to language translator you speak of somehow malfunctioning?

  • @marineninga
    @marineninga 12 лет назад

    @Ligermorph I'm curious, how did you come to that conclusion?

  • @LPhase9
    @LPhase9 12 лет назад

    @Instinctinside I have no idea what the context of what you are saying is, but I find it interesting that you would consider Quantum and Relative physics as those which defy "logic". I say that because in my eyes, its "common sense", the thing we mistake for logic most of the time, which preveals in pure mathematics. Jus a thought lol xD

  • @rhalizar
    @rhalizar 12 лет назад

    i love this channel.

  • @zeytelaloi
    @zeytelaloi 12 лет назад

    yours looked soo good

  • @Adaerus
    @Adaerus 12 лет назад

    @TehFlyingJam I don't doubt string theory has logic but logic is a human construct and it evolves with human perception/understanding. However, my point was not about religion or how it functions but about the logic which allows the existence of God in the view of scientific discoveries. I know this might not seem logical but it may be just as difficult to grasp as when thinking of the unidimentional strings vibrating in 11 spatial dimensions. There is no big leap from there to the idea of a God

  • @donkukki
    @donkukki 12 лет назад

    @Adaerus Yes there is. Just because the logic is too advanced for most people to follow, dosn't mean that it isn't sound. The idea of a god is pr definition illogical.

  • @Kohbra
    @Kohbra 12 лет назад

    is this "interpreter" part of our brains somewhat responsible for dreams? is that why when we're dreaming and hear something like a doorbell, it changes our dream?

  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 12 лет назад

    If the two hemispheres of people with split brains can't communicate directly with each other, can they communicate in other ways? For instance, could the right hemisphere write a note (or whatever) to the left hemisphere, and share information that way?

  • @Adaerus
    @Adaerus 12 лет назад

    @Chessonmyshirt why does God have to be defined in old religious terms? People did have intuitions back then, they did observe things. They might not have had scientific method to explain things back then but when sifting through all the myths, there are still some nuggets of truths about human nature or what God might be. There's "let there be light". It turns out that photons permeate the entire universe and are the unit of energy electrons change from one energy level to another.. Intuition?

  • @TaraDobbs
    @TaraDobbs 12 лет назад

    I'm a master of tapping into my left hemisphere. It's entertaining when I'm bored. It keeps be guessing about the world around me. It keeps me questioning why I'm here. My left hemisphere really helps me learn and I can't get enough of it even if I'm 'telling stories' to myself about my surroundings. It's also why I'm writing a new novel loosely based on many of my life's real events that I experinced and learned from. It's fun and exciting.

  • @mikedimples
    @mikedimples 12 лет назад

    I don't follow you. Would you mind elaborating on why the semantics of these (imo opposite answers) are the same thing? One is coming from a place where they know, and the other from a place where they do not know. The former has no need to question further - it's a closed case. The latter's case is still open - they are in mental place which encourages questions, curiosity, developing awareness. The semantics seem like polar opposites. Maybe I'm just slow, but I'd appreciate clarification.

  • @Adaerus
    @Adaerus 12 лет назад

    @donkukky why is the idea of God illogic by definition? Is this definition made by consensus? Why does existence of God has to always be defined in religious terms? Or why does non existence of God has to be defined in scientific terms since science has difficulty or near impossibility describing nature beyond the edge of our perception?

  • @mikedimples
    @mikedimples 12 лет назад

    I think an appropriate saying for this situation is "you can't fill a glass that's already full." Taking the exact same person and clone him (hypothetically), one is Christian and the other is atheist. You are suggesting that the Christian is just as curious about stuff that he already has an answer to as the atheist who doesn't have the answer? Remember this is the same hypothetical person.

  • @handsomebrick
    @handsomebrick 12 лет назад

    @Nagneto Well obviously, otherwise the scientific method would be entirely unnecessary.

  • @valkin15
    @valkin15 12 лет назад

    how incredibly deceptive our minds are, especially when we are trying to understand ourselves personally/psychologically...because then we deceive ourselves in our minature diagnosis

  • @Sonyoooo3
    @Sonyoooo3 12 лет назад

    Yes i have allot of gods experience in my dream world and i always have a naked feet when it happened i have seen the one god and i have seen Jesus and many unknown placess and creature i dream everytime i go to sleep.

  • @cafepsyfrench495
    @cafepsyfrench495 9 лет назад +1

    The Interpreter could also be called "The Speechwriter"... Sometimes, Life hits you with a brick in the head

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад

    You're asking which God is correct. My discussion was the necessity of A God.
    How could I possibly enter into the topic of which God if you do not affirm the necessity of A God.
    It is a general assumption among popular science followers that A God bring up more questions than a world without A God. This is wrong.
    You can ask a world without God why a thousand times without ever getting a concrete answer. Thus Richard Dawkins saying: Why questions is silly.

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад

    If you see a ball roll across the street you know something had to put that ball in motion.
    Its not like it sits in the closet silently, but even if it was it would be in motion since it exist.
    But maybe I misunderstood your comment.

  • @1redrider100
    @1redrider100 12 лет назад

    @D3m0l1zh3d He's Michio's old Psychology proffessor. At least he's smart enough to be.

  • @mikedimples
    @mikedimples 12 лет назад

    These issues have complex answers that can hardly be explained in the comment section. Even if there weren't answers to these questions, that would mean nothing. Your logic would be "we don't know, therefore we do know." If you were living in a primitive tribe in Africa your tribe member said the God Karishnok is responsible for lighting, and you asked why, then he responded "well how else do you explain it?". Does that prove Karishnok did it? Just because we don't know doesn't mean God did it.

  • @INMATE2468
    @INMATE2468 12 лет назад

    ... as the elephant went into the hole inside was a wall.... and the elephant was perfect thus I lifted my hand in honor of the moment ....( random story told by the narrorator )

  • @DeathG4n
    @DeathG4n 12 лет назад

    This is why I want to be a neurologist

  • @mikedimples
    @mikedimples 12 лет назад

    (read second) When someone already has an answer they feel is the truth, why would they continue searching answers relating to that topic? It seems logical that someone who's already had their curiosity satisfied will stop investigating. Religion quenches curiosity by explaining many scientifically complex issues with "God did it," The vast majority of Christians I've grown up with DON'T question why God does what he does.

  • @gothgirl1330
    @gothgirl1330 12 лет назад

    would the "Interpreter" also be the one to make sense of everything else that is around us, and not just ourselves.

  • @eazyguy94
    @eazyguy94 12 лет назад

    So that's why some of my friend,who are gamer, say they'll most likely survive a zombie apocalypse.

  • @aakkoin
    @aakkoin 12 лет назад

    Ease on the hate, I believe that people press dislike by accident, it's right next to the like-button. Like in this video: 23 dislikes out of of 23 227 views, that is 0,05 %. I think 0,05 % could be the relative amount of dislikes by accident...
    But then again, there always will be haters!

  • @muf
    @muf 12 лет назад

    wait i thought that since recently the left-right brain theory was wrong and we use both our halves to think and "emote" at the same time.

  • @TheJam1192
    @TheJam1192 12 лет назад

    @Ligermorph Remember that our brains communicate with each other so it was some left brain trying to explain it and then the right side making up a cute story. lol

  • @KoolioJosh
    @KoolioJosh 12 лет назад

    please, can someone explain adrenaline rush?

  • @TheSuperCommentGuy
    @TheSuperCommentGuy 12 лет назад

    @Ligermorph What about the 5 Proofs of God's Existence by the philosopher Thomas Aquinas? Forgot about that?

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад

    Philosophy is about truth.
    What higher truth or discussion than the origins of man can there be? Except the followup questions if there is a God.

  • @Dubickimus
    @Dubickimus 12 лет назад

    @bbrianmillerr turn the volume up sir

  • @cbrusharmy
    @cbrusharmy 12 лет назад

    @Eysc So be it!

  • @marineninga
    @marineninga 12 лет назад

    @Ligermorph "That which never changes is real" so if you can choose the purpose of your life and change it any time you want, doesn't that make it fake? How would you know what is really your purpose? Criteria for right and wrong throughout the ages have always changed, so how do you know what's right and wrong? Today's rebel may be tomorrow's leader.

  • @weedhornjosh
    @weedhornjosh 12 лет назад


  • @DaTux91
    @DaTux91 12 лет назад

    @theorangeshirts Yeah, I put that in a next comment. Maybe I should've referred to it in my first comment but I didn't have enough characters left :(
    Makes you wonder about your life and the decisions you've made doesn't it?

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад

    Well, I meant more the movement of the natural world.

  • @javilito67
    @javilito67 12 лет назад

    I only subscribed to this channel for Michio Kaku -_-

  • @cyntheses
    @cyntheses 12 лет назад

    i want to be old and wise one day...

  • @max_headroom_1987
    @max_headroom_1987 12 лет назад

    Where exactly is this narrator located in the left brain? What happens if you destroy it?

  • @stephenphelps920
    @stephenphelps920 5 лет назад +1

    Gas a what?

  • @robertwhiteley-yv1sy
    @robertwhiteley-yv1sy Год назад

    38 seconds in and I disagree already. Deconstructing the implicit in place of the explicit tears the guts out of a thing. You need a sort of necessary distance in order to appreciate things in a truly embodied way. Analysis creates a narrow focus on the parts and makes you blind to the whole. He’s viewing reality purely from a left hemisphere perspective.

  • @BottleConcreteBlond
    @BottleConcreteBlond 12 лет назад

    @Ligermorph How can this be flagged for spam when it has 165 thumbs up?

  • @georgyorgy2
    @georgyorgy2 12 лет назад

    @secretstream4 or possibly because they simply disliked the video.

  • @King_Barney
    @King_Barney 12 лет назад

    @phezmom1 Let me add that the god portrayed wrongly by man-made religion has weak links. Men are flawed, of course we would get it wrong. Another thing for you to look up:The Perennial Philosophy. Learn, please. Don't go into it with preconceived notions brought about by literal interpretations of organized religious doctrine, and the actions of those who crave power and know how to obtain it through the world's most powerful tool (organized religion). THAT is the enemy, not God.

  • @Cyberspine
    @Cyberspine 12 лет назад

    @Ligermorph To be precise, the spiritual experiences are created by the frontal lobe. But those spiritual experiences are weaved into a religion by the left brain.

  • @directorzwannabe
    @directorzwannabe 12 лет назад

    @palebluedot4ev alright, if a crazy person has the idea that he created the universe, are you still going to say that " it does not necessarily follow" that that person is wrong? NO!

  • @Cyberspine
    @Cyberspine 12 лет назад

    @katarinagiselle I don't know you nor your experiences so I can't say. But if you say you don't believe in conforming to religious teachings it at least shows you have more common sense than the vast majority of the population.

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад +1

    Sure a flying spaghetti monster in the center of the universe you can't.
    But if you see a ball in motion, you know it had to be set in motion. Ask Newton.
    But as The Atheist say: The ball is in motion, we reject a First-cause for this anomaly.

  • @strykertron232
    @strykertron232 12 лет назад

    I believe god is force and a principle. What moved an atom to cause the big bang? What really causes chemical.reaction. Feedback if you please.

  • @Adaerus
    @Adaerus 12 лет назад

    @distortedv12 what makes you so certain that atheists are wrong or insecure? I am curious to know why God would not be the story of my left brain.

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад

    Tell me and think alittle about this one.
    Does it? Doesn't a God answer every question you could possibly imagine?
    Is it not more reasonable to say that God is harder to understand than the universe we exist in?
    Doesn't a world without God bring up a thousand unanswered question and even contradictions to logic? What are the implications of a view without God?
    I tell you truth is rarely in entirety taught in public or schools. Test what you have learned.

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад

    Where did the brain come from? Silly.

  • @SeekLuminousThings
    @SeekLuminousThings 11 лет назад +1

    Eating chocolate?

  • @pureawesomeness2012
    @pureawesomeness2012 12 лет назад

    @D3m0l1zh3d its a mask and voice changer!

  • @kevintravels
    @kevintravels 12 лет назад

    @quietconfidence test

  • @Hirnlego999
    @Hirnlego999 12 лет назад

    @TheSuperCommentGuy Refuted by many.

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад

    Logical thinking perhaps, but Logic? Goodluck.
    The foundation of a logical set up is that all the premises are correct.
    So tell me the definition of Nothing and tell me if something can appear from nothing.

  • @SonoftheLivingGod7
    @SonoftheLivingGod7 12 лет назад

    @D3m0l1zh3d how is that amusing or funny?

  • @P40BTomahawk
    @P40BTomahawk 12 лет назад

    Is this an automatic subconscious survival Instinct or is there a Higgs Boson to blame??? and what condition were the test subjects in that theses results came from. are we all wired the same thinking the same thoughts. make up a story! I don't need to give any reason for my actions.....

  • @Pankomputerek
    @Pankomputerek 12 лет назад

    No Top Comments?

  • @King_Barney
    @King_Barney 12 лет назад

    @chessonmyshirt The God Theory makes as much sense as the Big Bang. Look up Planck's Epoch. Learn Quantum Mechanics Understand that the basis for string theory and M-theory is just as big of a leap of faith, due to the sheer numbers needed to make those theories viable. Ten to the 500th power OTHER universes with differing physical laws and properties from our own must exist in order to make our own universe's existence statistically possible. Learn. Then speak from knowledge..

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад

    Tell me then how a world without a God could ever be possible logically.
    Answer me why natural laws as gravity exist, tell me why evolution exist at all, why it creates anything at all. Tell me how DNA/RNA originated.
    Tell me why clouds at all are on the sky, why do water evaporate?
    You have a thousand *why* you better start answering. But we both know that evolution nor big bang answer any of those questions: It just is the way it is.

  • @JoeCharogoff
    @JoeCharogoff 12 лет назад

    argh I can't draw my pretty pictures!!!!

  • @Rarae192
    @Rarae192 12 лет назад

    @mQtek Oh, c'mon, take a joke.

  • @CroisadeNoir
    @CroisadeNoir 12 лет назад

    @mrzack888 LOL. Irony.

  • @Inmatinus
    @Inmatinus 12 лет назад +2

    Thats just half the answer you're giving. Now you tell me how that could have happend in circumstances defined as zero or nothingness, without a God.
    Evolution is just a excuse for people to deny God, its application doesn't touch the subject of God in any way. Logic > Science.

  • @mrzack888
    @mrzack888 12 лет назад

    the human brain is designed to learn through stories, and not fuking textbooks. i hate skool.

  • @TheLeadStriker
    @TheLeadStriker 12 лет назад


  • @JoeCharogoff
    @JoeCharogoff 12 лет назад

    Dead guy

  • @gomonkeyfly
    @gomonkeyfly 12 лет назад

    @D3m0l1zh3d i dont think he wants to be the symbol of knowledge.

  • @DistortedV12
    @DistortedV12 12 лет назад

    @Ligermorph ("And that's how religions are born"...?
    Is there no safe region on this site where I can watch a video and not hear from another pestering insecure atheist rambling about things they themselves can't explain. The scientific world isn't fit to explain religion, you know that and so do I.)