The guy in the vid has really an excellent technique. What leaves me impressed is his ability to do an elastic kick which is also consistent in pace. That's something to work on.
Really great videos. I've been trying to claw back a bit of the speed I had in my youth. I haven't seen another video that as clearly showed the difference in drag between the deep vs. shallow elbow.
Fundamentals shown in our videos are good for all levels. Beginners typically need more help and attention than the advanced swimmers...but all need help, all the time.
Excellent vid thanks. I can't believe i used to force myself to pull deeper, thinking i get more power and speed because i could feel the muscle working harder. Only as i got tired i naturally resorted to the high elbow pull. Very helpful. Thanks. (PS: never had any swim training, ever).
The hand (from the side view) moves in a circle of about 2 feet diameter during the underwater freestyle pull. The average frontal speed of the arm decreases from the shoulder down toward the hand. The upper arm is also larger in shape, so contributes much more to frontal drag. What happens with the upper arm is most important and is very different in the pulling motions. The surface area pushing backward is about the same in the deep vs high elbow pull.
Thanks, guys! Love your videos! I'm practicing it a lot... I'm 39 years old, competing at masters races here in Brazil... can swimm 100m free in 56s08... 50m fly in 27s20... and expect to do better next month... I'm realy your fan!! Always learning with your videos and sharing them with friends. Thanks again!!
1 00:00:00,380 --> 00:00:06,360 Last time we spoke about the theory of why you should pull freestyle with a high underwater elbow. 지난 시간에는 자유형을 할 때 물속에서 팔꿈치를 높게 하여 당겨야 하는 이유에 대한 이론을 말씀드렸습니다. 2 00:00:06,720 --> 00:00:10,000 This week we're going to show you exactly how to do that. 이번 주에는 정확히 어떤 방법으로 그렇게 하는 지 보여드리겠습니다. 3 00:00:10,560 --> 00:00:21,400 Nathan Adrian who was one of the fastest swimmers in the world demonstrates the underwater pull using the correct High Elbow or what is called the Early Vertical Forearm. 세계에서 가장 빠른 수영 선수에 속했던 네이썬 에이드리안(Nathan Adrian)이 높은 팔꿈치(High Elbow) 또는 팔뚝 빨리 세우기(Early Vertical Forearm)이라 불리는 기술을 정확히 구사하여 물속에서 당기는 것을 보여드리겠습니다. 4 00:00:21,940 --> 00:00:27,760 This type of the pull will enable you to swim through the water creating less frontal drag. 이런 형태의 당기기를 구사하면 앞방향 저항을 보다 적게 만들면서 물을 갈라 헤엄칠 수 있습니다. 5 00:00:28,340 --> 00:00:36,120 From above the water you can see how close Nathan's elbows stay to the surface, throughout the entire underwater pull. 물 위에서 보면, 물속 당기기 전체 구간 동안, 네이썬(Nathan)의 팔꿈치가 얼마나 수면에 가까이 붙어 가는 지 알 수 있습니다. 6 00:00:40,620 --> 00:00:44,760 Quick Catch. High Elbow. Quick Release. 물을 빨리 잡고. 팔꿈치를 높이며. 빨리 놓습니다. 7 00:00:49,660 --> 00:00:50,860 How we teach this? 어떻게 이것들을 가르칠까요? 8 00:00:50,920 --> 00:00:59,700 We begin by using a lane rope and using the cable to get the feeling of what it's like to initiate the catch with High Elbow. 첫 단계에서는 수로 줄(lane rope) 또는 꼰줄(cable)을 이용하여 높은 팔꿈치(High Elbow)로 물잡이를 시작하는 것이 과연 어떤 것인지에 대한 감각을 익히게 합니다. 9 00:01:00,220 --> 00:01:08,060 In this case, Nico Messer demonstrates using a hand paddle starting the pull with that elbow that's very high. 이번에는, 니코 메서(Nico Messer)가 손노(hand paddle, 핸드패들)을 끼고서 그렇게나 팔꿈치를 높게 하여 당기기 시작하는 것을 보여드립니다. 10 00:01:08,540 --> 00:01:15,140 The cable prevents the elbow from dropping to give you the sensation of how you should pull correctly. 꼰줄(cable)이 팔꿈치가 떨어지는 것을 막아주므로, 올바르게 당기는 법에 대한 감각을 느낄 수 있습니다. 11 00:01:15,280 --> 00:01:20,900 The hand paddle increases the force which exists, amplifies the feeling. 손노(hand paddle)가 발생되는 힘을 증폭시켜 더 잘 느낄 수 있습니다. 12 00:01:23,100 --> 00:01:29,040 This is a straight arm scull that many of us learn when we began swimming. 맨 처음 수영을 배울 때 대부분의 사람들이 배웠던 팔을 쭉 뻗은 채 하는 노젓기(straight arm scull)를 보고 계십니다. 13 00:01:29,480 --> 00:01:40,080 It is one of the most basic and fundamental sculling drills that teaches us a spatial awareness of our hand and our forearm underwater. 이 훈련은 가장 기본적이며 기초가 되는 노젓기 훈련이며, 손과 아래팔뚝에 대한 물속에서의 공간지각능력을 일깨워줍니다. 14 00:01:40,660 --> 00:01:48,220 It also enables us to feel the sensation of pressure on the hand as it moves in and out and the proper head position. 또한 안과 밖으로 움직임에 따라 손에 느껴지는 물의 압력에 대한 감각과 적절한 머리 위치를 느낄 수 있게 됩니다. 15 00:01:48,580 --> 00:01:53,700 But what it doesn't do is it doesn't teach us how to initiate the pull with a high elbow. 하지만, 높은 팔꿈치(high elbow)로 당기기를 시작하는 법은 이 훈련을 통해 배울 수는 없습니다. 16 00:01:54,300 --> 00:01:59,540 Contrast this to a more advanced drill whereby we use: 이와 대조적으로, 우리가 사용하는 좀 더 나은 훈련은 : 17 00:01:59,660 --> 00:02:01,720 The fingertips are pointing down. 손가락 끝이 아래를 향하고. 18 00:02:01,760 --> 00:02:06,840 And the elbow is stationary pointing as far forward as possible, 팔꿈치는 가능한한 앞쪽으로 향하게 하고서 고정되어 있고, 19 00:02:07,000 --> 00:02:09,600 lifting the shoulders toward the cheeks. 어깨는 뺨을 향해 들어올립니다. 20 00:02:10,700 --> 00:02:23,700 The elbows remain in this stationary position as the hand and forearm move back and forth like a windshield wiper, feeling the water and pressure of a high elbow position. 손과 아래팔뚝이 마치 자동차 앞유리 와이퍼(wiper)처럼 좌우로 움직일 때 팔꿈치는 고정된 위치에 머무르게 하면서, 높은 팔꿈치(high elbow) 자세에서 오는 부담감과 물을 느껴야 합니다. 21 00:02:24,940 --> 00:02:33,520 When this is done faster you may actually get a burning sensation occurs in the forearms and into the deltoid muscle. 이 동작을 빠르게 하면 앞팔뚝과 어깨 삼각근에 마치 타는 듯이 뜨거운 감각을 느끼게 될 것입니다. 22 00:02:38,560 --> 00:02:42,840 Nico also demonstrates how not to do with a high elbow scull, 니코(Nico)가 팔꿈치를 높여 노젓기(high elbow scull)에서 하지말아야 할 것도 보여주고 있습니다, 23 00:02:42,840 --> 00:02:51,180 where he does allows his hands to slip through the water and doesn't get the sensation as you would when you initiate the high elbow catch. 손이 물 사이로 미끌어 지게 하여, 팔꿈치를 높여 물잡기를 시작면서 느끼에 되는 그 감각(근육에 불이 난 듯한)을 느끼지 못하게 됩니다. 24 00:02:52,800 --> 00:02:58,960 The next drill is a high elbow snap scull which is best performed with a mono snorkel. 다음 훈련은 팔꿈치를 높이고 잡아채며 노젓기인데, 단일 숨대롱(snorkel, 호흡보조관呼吸補助管)을 이용하여 훈련하는 것이 좋습니다. 25 00:02:59,460 --> 00:03:06,560 By using the mono snorkle and not needing to breathe you'll be more aware of what you're doing in initial portion of your catch. 숨대롱(snorkel)을 사용하여 호흡에 대한 부담이 없어지면, 물잡이를 시작하는 부분에서 자신이 무슨 짓을 하고 있는 지 더 잘 인지할 수 있습니다. 26 00:03:07,600 --> 00:03:17,760 You can see how you can feel the connection between the counter rotation of your hip and the initiation of the pull, as you do when you're swimming correctly. 자신이 올바르게 헤엄칠 경우, "당기기의 시작"과 "엉덩이의 역회전"이 서로 연결되는 것을 어떻게 느끼는 지 알 수 있습니다. 27 00:03:19,660 --> 00:03:24,520 Underwater he's getting initial high catch, high elbow. 물속에서 보면, 팔꿈치를 높여 물잡이를 시작하고 있으며, 28 00:03:25,620 --> 00:03:28,580 At the same time he counter-rotates the body. 그와 동시에 몸통을 역회전시키고 있습니다. 29 00:03:29,000 --> 00:03:34,000 In real time, you can see how snappy and quick this drill is performed. 정상 속도로 돌리면서 보면, 얼마나 활기차면서 재빠르게 이 훈련을 수행하는 지 알 수 있습니다. 30 00:03:35,420 --> 00:03:38,400 The last drill we like to use is an one arm drill. 마지막 부분 훈련은 한 팔 훈련입니다. 31 00:03:38,740 --> 00:03:46,440 Nico demonstrates, first, how not to pull using a deep elbow drop almost a straight arm underwater. 니코(Nico)는, 먼저, 하지 말아야 할 방법을 보여주고 있습니다. 물속에서 팔꿈치를 깊숙히 떨어뜨리면서 팔을 거의 쭉 뻗어 젓습니다. 32 00:03:46,540 --> 00:03:53,880 Notice how far underneath him his hand comes and how much drug is created by the upper arm. 손이 몸 아래로 얼마나 깊이 내려가는 지 그리고 윗팔뚝에 의해 얼마나 많은 저항이 생기는 지 깨달으십시요. 33 00:03:53,900 --> 00:04:01,200 This is a pull of power, but it's also pull of extensive drag which reduces speed. 힘 있는 팔 젓기입니다만, 또한 저항이 심해서 헤엄치는 속도를 떨어뜨립니다. 34 00:04:01,400 --> 00:04:04,300 Contrast to that, now to the high elbow pull 이와 대조적으로, 이제부터는 팔꿈치를 높여 젓습니다.(high elbow pull) 35 00:04:04,580 --> 00:04:08,940 whereby the hands stays shallower, the elbow much higher, 여기에서 손은 얕게, 팔꿈치는 훨씬 높이 머무르고, 36 00:04:09,140 --> 00:04:15,480 and the hand stays almost completely outside the body line throughout the entire pull. 손은 젓는 동안 내내 몸통 선의 거의 완전히 바깥 쪽에 머무릅니다. 37 00:04:16,120 --> 00:04:23,520 From above water you can see how high the elbow remains while he makes his individual pull with each arm. 물 위에서 보면, 매번 저을 때마다 팔꿈치가 얼마나 높이(수면에 가깝게) 머무르는 지 알 수 있습니다. 38 00:04:24,340 --> 00:04:34,260 By doing a one arm drill you only have to rotate to one side which makes it easier for you to learn how to keep your elbow at the surface. 한 팔 훈련을 하면 한 쪽으로 돌기만 하면 되므로, 더 쉽게 팔꿈치를 수면에 머무르게 하는 법을 배울 수 있습니다. 39 00:04:35,300 --> 00:04:45,560 By practicing with first the right arm then the left arm, you can gradually develop into a technique where both arms can keep this high elbow position, 처음에는 오른팔로 그 다음에는 왼팔로 연습하면서, 양팔 모두 팔꿈치를 높게 유지할 수 있는 기법을 단계적으로 만들어 나가면서, 40 00:04:46,060 --> 00:04:51,200 while you maintain your underwater pull with a greatest amount of efficiency. 엄청난 효율성을 가진 물 속 젓기를 지속할 수 있습니다. 41 00:04:52,640 --> 00:04:59,940 High elbow, early catch, head down position reduce drag, fast swimming. "높은 팔꿈치", "이른 물잡이", "머리를 들지 않는 자세"를 통해 저항을 줄여, 빨리 헤엄칩니다.
Great tip about that front scull that’s taught. I always knew it had nothing to do with the proper pull pattern. I’m going right back into the pool tomorrow to practice getting that elbow closer to the surface.
Yes...less frontal drag, even though it creates less power. In our DVD, Life is worth Swimming, you will see two contrasting underwater pulls to see the difference. The longer the swim, the more important the high elbow becomes.
Swimming Training Program Secret Tip - How to Pull Underwater Drills 수영훈련 프로그램 비결 - 물속에서 젓는 법 훈련들 Uploaded on Aug 12, 2011 업로드: 2011년 8월 12일 In a Swimming Training Program, we have already learned the underwater pull is a compromise between power and drag. 지난 수영훈련 프로그램에서, 물속에서의 젓기는 힘과 저항, 둘 사이의 절충점을 찾는 것이어야 한다는 것을 배웠습니다. So how can we learn to swim with less drag and more speed? 그럼 이제 어떻게 하면 보다 적은 저항과 보다 빠른 속도로 헤엄칠 수 있을까요? At the Race Club we teach many swimming techniques to help swimmers of all ages and abilities to swim faster: 레이쓰클럽에서는 모든 연령과 신체적 능력을 가진 수영인의 기량 향상에 도움이 되는 다양한 수영 기법들을 가르칩니다: Discover our favorite drills for learning to swim with a high elbow. 팔꿈치를 높게 하여 헤엄치는 법을 배울 때 우리가 선호하는 훈련들을 알아보십시요. Small changes in technique and working on these drills will most certainly decrease your drag and increase your speed in the pool. 기법을 조금 바꾸고 이 부분훈련들을 연습함으로써, 헤엄칠 때 저항을 확실히 줄이면서 속도를 늘릴 수 있을 것입니다. Watch videos and read our Aqua Notes blog for more secret swim tips on The Race Club website: 레이쓰 클럽 웹사이트를 방문하시면, 수영 노트 블로그를 읽으면서 동영상을 감상하실 수 있습니다:
Using the high elbow keeps the upper arm (the largest part) more in the line of motion of the body longer and avoids spending more time in an off-axis position, as in the deeper pull.
The only times I have seen swimmers use a deeper pull successfully is in the 50 free. Otherwise, virtually all elite swimmers from the 100 on up use the high elbow pull. Many of the 50 swimmers also use a high elbow pull but a few opt for a more powerful yet drag-producing deep pull.
Thank you for the great videos! As a beginner swimmer I am finding these really helpful. Should my palm stay flat? Or in other words, should my wrist be rotating much throughout the stroke?
This is a great drill. Thanks for posting. Is 'Life Is Worth Swimming' a DVD for beginner swimmers or for advanced swimmers, at NCAA or national level? thanks,
Can I ask about this. Surely in both strokes the hand is "stationary" with respect to the water, and given the arm will always have the same surface area, for a given speed won't the drag be the same? In fact given the upper arm is almost horizontal in respect to the body surely there'll be *more* surface area at the "high" velocity portion of the arm?
There has never been anyone with a perfect stroke. swimming is a series of there never will be perfection. we can only hope for using the technique that works best for each of us.
it's awesome! I have a question. Do you think that it is more effective to use high elbow catch in the sprint freestyle too? I thought straight arm pull is effective in sprint but I'm not sure after saw your informative videos about catch style and drag
Nice video and explanations! Would you also have any tips on how to progress from the last drill in the video to the full stroke? The key difference being that the catch is initiated during the recovery of the other arm and the shoulders are far from being parallel to the water, making the position much more awkward for the shoulder joint. Is it just a matter of flexibility and joint mobility? If so, can such flexibility be attained by amateur swimmers? Thank you in advance.
Yes, shoulder flexibility is crucial to swim freestyle, butterfly and backstroke well. One needs to have a lot of ability to extend the shoulders backward in order to use the high elbow pulling motion with good body rotation.
Every good sprinter turns over fast (120 strokes per minute or so)...but you cannot lose control and you must connect the core, legs and upper body correctly in order to achieve power and speed. In distance events, holding in front and gliding can work...but only with a strong kick behind you. Otherwise, you are swimming on a sunday stroll.
The high elbow pull is neither natural nor strong...but it produces less frontal drag. Going deeper with the arm will create more power but also more frontal drag. One can develop more strength to pull in the high elbow position and this is exactly what great swimmers do.
Interesting ... does the high elbow place more stress on joints than a deeper pull ? I know nothing about swimming, but it looks kind of awkward. Also are there any scientific studies that confirm that the high elbow technique produces less drag ? Thanks.
Keeping the hand closer to the shoulder during the underwater pull, as the high elbow does, reduces the torque on the shoulder. However, the stress of the shoulder joint shifts to the posterior muscles around the scapula with this motion which can induce tendonitis of those muscles when overstressed. There are no scientific studies I am aware of directly comparing frontal drag between the high elbow and dropped elbow position. It is difficult to isolate and quantitate the frontal drag caused by the upper arm during the swimming pulling motion.
+theraceclub just buy a waterproof pressure sensor and duck tape one to the outside of the upper arm and one to the inside of the upper arm. If the pressure of the outside is less than the inside, then it's producing more power than drag. Compare the two strokes, and you'll have your answer.
It's funny to notice, that some great swimmers doesn't follow the rules. Ian thorpe for instance, has 'head up' , 'elbow deeper than this video, and his hand goes to the center line of his body when pulling. Beside Gary Jr, who among olympians has the 'perfect stroke' according to the race club ? Or if there is no perfect stoke, who is your favourite ?
The guy in the vid has really an excellent technique.
What leaves me impressed is his ability to do an elastic kick which is also consistent in pace.
That's something to work on.
Really great videos. I've been trying to claw back a bit of the speed I had in my youth. I haven't seen another video that as clearly showed the difference in drag between the deep vs. shallow elbow.
Gracias por su atención
Kudos! Another great video. I swam at the PHX Swim Club back in the 90's and have been a fan ever since.
Fundamentals shown in our videos are good for all levels. Beginners typically need more help and attention than the advanced swimmers...but all need help, all the time.
Life is Worth Swimming is for everyone whether you're a beginner or advanced we feel there is valuable info for everyone!
Thank you!
Glad you like them! You are fast. Hope to see you in Rio 2016 for the Olympic a spectator, of course.
you are welcome!
Excellent vid thanks. I can't believe i used to force myself to pull deeper, thinking i get more power and speed because i could feel the muscle working harder. Only as i got tired i naturally resorted to the high elbow pull.
Very helpful. Thanks.
(PS: never had any swim training, ever).
The hand (from the side view) moves in a circle of about 2 feet diameter during the underwater freestyle pull. The average frontal speed of the arm decreases from the shoulder down toward the hand. The upper arm is also larger in shape, so contributes much more to frontal drag. What happens with the upper arm is most important and is very different in the pulling motions. The surface area pushing backward is about the same in the deep vs high elbow pull.
Thanks, guys! Love your videos! I'm practicing it a lot... I'm 39 years old, competing at masters races here in Brazil... can swimm 100m free in 56s08... 50m fly in 27s20... and expect to do better next month... I'm realy your fan!! Always learning with your videos and sharing them with friends. Thanks again!!
muchas gracias por hacer este tipo de videos. Esta exelente.
00:00:00,380 --> 00:00:06,360
Last time we spoke about the theory of why you should pull freestyle with a high underwater elbow.
지난 시간에는 자유형을 할 때 물속에서 팔꿈치를 높게 하여 당겨야 하는 이유에 대한 이론을 말씀드렸습니다.
00:00:06,720 --> 00:00:10,000
This week we're going to show you exactly how to do that.
이번 주에는 정확히 어떤 방법으로 그렇게 하는 지 보여드리겠습니다.
00:00:10,560 --> 00:00:21,400
Nathan Adrian who was one of the fastest swimmers in the world demonstrates the underwater pull using the correct High Elbow or what is called the Early Vertical Forearm.
세계에서 가장 빠른 수영 선수에 속했던 네이썬 에이드리안(Nathan Adrian)이 높은 팔꿈치(High Elbow) 또는 팔뚝 빨리 세우기(Early Vertical Forearm)이라 불리는 기술을 정확히 구사하여 물속에서 당기는 것을 보여드리겠습니다.
00:00:21,940 --> 00:00:27,760
This type of the pull will enable you to swim through the water creating less frontal drag.
이런 형태의 당기기를 구사하면 앞방향 저항을 보다 적게 만들면서 물을 갈라 헤엄칠 수 있습니다.
00:00:28,340 --> 00:00:36,120
From above the water you can see how close Nathan's elbows stay to the surface, throughout the entire underwater pull.
물 위에서 보면, 물속 당기기 전체 구간 동안, 네이썬(Nathan)의 팔꿈치가 얼마나 수면에 가까이 붙어 가는 지 알 수 있습니다.
00:00:40,620 --> 00:00:44,760
Quick Catch. High Elbow. Quick Release.
물을 빨리 잡고. 팔꿈치를 높이며. 빨리 놓습니다.
00:00:49,660 --> 00:00:50,860
How we teach this?
어떻게 이것들을 가르칠까요?
00:00:50,920 --> 00:00:59,700
We begin by using a lane rope and using the cable to get the feeling of what it's like to initiate the catch with High Elbow.
첫 단계에서는 수로 줄(lane rope) 또는 꼰줄(cable)을 이용하여 높은 팔꿈치(High Elbow)로 물잡이를 시작하는 것이 과연 어떤 것인지에 대한 감각을 익히게 합니다.
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In this case, Nico Messer demonstrates using a hand paddle starting the pull with that elbow that's very high.
이번에는, 니코 메서(Nico Messer)가 손노(hand paddle, 핸드패들)을 끼고서 그렇게나 팔꿈치를 높게 하여 당기기 시작하는 것을 보여드립니다.
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The cable prevents the elbow from dropping to give you the sensation of how you should pull correctly.
꼰줄(cable)이 팔꿈치가 떨어지는 것을 막아주므로, 올바르게 당기는 법에 대한 감각을 느낄 수 있습니다.
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The hand paddle increases the force which exists, amplifies the feeling.
손노(hand paddle)가 발생되는 힘을 증폭시켜 더 잘 느낄 수 있습니다.
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This is a straight arm scull that many of us learn when we began swimming.
맨 처음 수영을 배울 때 대부분의 사람들이 배웠던 팔을 쭉 뻗은 채 하는 노젓기(straight arm scull)를 보고 계십니다.
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It is one of the most basic and fundamental sculling drills that teaches us a spatial awareness of our hand and our forearm underwater.
이 훈련은 가장 기본적이며 기초가 되는 노젓기 훈련이며, 손과 아래팔뚝에 대한 물속에서의 공간지각능력을 일깨워줍니다.
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It also enables us to feel the sensation of pressure on the hand as it moves in and out and the proper head position.
또한 안과 밖으로 움직임에 따라 손에 느껴지는 물의 압력에 대한 감각과 적절한 머리 위치를 느낄 수 있게 됩니다.
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But what it doesn't do is it doesn't teach us how to initiate the pull with a high elbow.
하지만, 높은 팔꿈치(high elbow)로 당기기를 시작하는 법은 이 훈련을 통해 배울 수는 없습니다.
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Contrast this to a more advanced drill whereby we use:
이와 대조적으로, 우리가 사용하는 좀 더 나은 훈련은 :
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The fingertips are pointing down.
손가락 끝이 아래를 향하고.
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And the elbow is stationary pointing as far forward as possible,
팔꿈치는 가능한한 앞쪽으로 향하게 하고서 고정되어 있고,
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lifting the shoulders toward the cheeks.
어깨는 뺨을 향해 들어올립니다.
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The elbows remain in this stationary position as the hand and forearm move back and forth like a windshield wiper, feeling the water and pressure of a high elbow position.
손과 아래팔뚝이 마치 자동차 앞유리 와이퍼(wiper)처럼 좌우로 움직일 때 팔꿈치는 고정된 위치에 머무르게 하면서, 높은 팔꿈치(high elbow) 자세에서 오는 부담감과 물을 느껴야 합니다.
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When this is done faster you may actually get a burning sensation occurs in the forearms and into the deltoid muscle.
이 동작을 빠르게 하면 앞팔뚝과 어깨 삼각근에 마치 타는 듯이 뜨거운 감각을 느끼게 될 것입니다.
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Nico also demonstrates how not to do with a high elbow scull,
니코(Nico)가 팔꿈치를 높여 노젓기(high elbow scull)에서 하지말아야 할 것도 보여주고 있습니다,
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where he does allows his hands to slip through the water and doesn't get the sensation as you would when you initiate the high elbow catch.
손이 물 사이로 미끌어 지게 하여, 팔꿈치를 높여 물잡기를 시작면서 느끼에 되는 그 감각(근육에 불이 난 듯한)을 느끼지 못하게 됩니다.
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The next drill is a high elbow snap scull which is best performed with a mono snorkel.
다음 훈련은 팔꿈치를 높이고 잡아채며 노젓기인데, 단일 숨대롱(snorkel, 호흡보조관呼吸補助管)을 이용하여 훈련하는 것이 좋습니다.
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By using the mono snorkle and not needing to breathe you'll be more aware of what you're doing in initial portion of your catch.
숨대롱(snorkel)을 사용하여 호흡에 대한 부담이 없어지면, 물잡이를 시작하는 부분에서 자신이 무슨 짓을 하고 있는 지 더 잘 인지할 수 있습니다.
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You can see how you can feel the connection between the counter rotation of your hip and the initiation of the pull, as you do when you're swimming correctly.
자신이 올바르게 헤엄칠 경우, "당기기의 시작"과 "엉덩이의 역회전"이 서로 연결되는 것을 어떻게 느끼는 지 알 수 있습니다.
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Underwater he's getting initial high catch, high elbow.
물속에서 보면, 팔꿈치를 높여 물잡이를 시작하고 있으며,
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At the same time he counter-rotates the body.
그와 동시에 몸통을 역회전시키고 있습니다.
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In real time, you can see how snappy and quick this drill is performed.
정상 속도로 돌리면서 보면, 얼마나 활기차면서 재빠르게 이 훈련을 수행하는 지 알 수 있습니다.
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The last drill we like to use is an one arm drill.
마지막 부분 훈련은 한 팔 훈련입니다.
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Nico demonstrates, first, how not to pull using a deep elbow drop almost a straight arm underwater.
니코(Nico)는, 먼저, 하지 말아야 할 방법을 보여주고 있습니다. 물속에서 팔꿈치를 깊숙히 떨어뜨리면서 팔을 거의 쭉 뻗어 젓습니다.
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Notice how far underneath him his hand comes and how much drug is created by the upper arm.
손이 몸 아래로 얼마나 깊이 내려가는 지 그리고 윗팔뚝에 의해 얼마나 많은 저항이 생기는 지 깨달으십시요.
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This is a pull of power, but it's also pull of extensive drag which reduces speed.
힘 있는 팔 젓기입니다만, 또한 저항이 심해서 헤엄치는 속도를 떨어뜨립니다.
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Contrast to that, now to the high elbow pull
이와 대조적으로, 이제부터는 팔꿈치를 높여 젓습니다.(high elbow pull)
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whereby the hands stays shallower, the elbow much higher,
여기에서 손은 얕게, 팔꿈치는 훨씬 높이 머무르고,
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and the hand stays almost completely outside the body line throughout the entire pull.
손은 젓는 동안 내내 몸통 선의 거의 완전히 바깥 쪽에 머무릅니다.
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From above water you can see how high the elbow remains while he makes his individual pull with each arm.
물 위에서 보면, 매번 저을 때마다 팔꿈치가 얼마나 높이(수면에 가깝게) 머무르는 지 알 수 있습니다.
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By doing a one arm drill you only have to rotate to one side which makes it easier for you to learn how to keep your elbow at the surface.
한 팔 훈련을 하면 한 쪽으로 돌기만 하면 되므로, 더 쉽게 팔꿈치를 수면에 머무르게 하는 법을 배울 수 있습니다.
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By practicing with first the right arm then the left arm, you can gradually develop into a technique where both arms can keep this high elbow position,
처음에는 오른팔로 그 다음에는 왼팔로 연습하면서, 양팔 모두 팔꿈치를 높게 유지할 수 있는 기법을 단계적으로 만들어 나가면서,
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while you maintain your underwater pull with a greatest amount of efficiency.
엄청난 효율성을 가진 물 속 젓기를 지속할 수 있습니다.
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High elbow, early catch, head down position reduce drag, fast swimming.
"높은 팔꿈치", "이른 물잡이", "머리를 들지 않는 자세"를 통해 저항을 줄여, 빨리 헤엄칩니다.
Great tip about that front scull that’s taught. I always knew it had nothing to do with the proper pull pattern. I’m going right back into the pool tomorrow to practice getting that elbow closer to the surface.
Great! Lower drag means more speed.
Thanks. One needs to develop strength in the low-drag, high elbow position, which takes time.
Yes...less frontal drag, even though it creates less power. In our DVD, Life is worth Swimming, you will see two contrasting underwater pulls to see the difference. The longer the swim, the more important the high elbow becomes.
Swimming Training Program Secret Tip - How to Pull Underwater Drills
수영훈련 프로그램 비결 - 물속에서 젓는 법 훈련들
Uploaded on Aug 12, 2011
업로드: 2011년 8월 12일
In a Swimming Training Program, we have already learned the underwater pull is a compromise between power and drag.
지난 수영훈련 프로그램에서, 물속에서의 젓기는 힘과 저항, 둘 사이의 절충점을 찾는 것이어야 한다는 것을 배웠습니다.
So how can we learn to swim with less drag and more speed?
그럼 이제 어떻게 하면 보다 적은 저항과 보다 빠른 속도로 헤엄칠 수 있을까요?
At the Race Club we teach many swimming techniques to help swimmers of all ages and abilities to swim faster:
레이쓰클럽에서는 모든 연령과 신체적 능력을 가진 수영인의 기량 향상에 도움이 되는 다양한 수영 기법들을 가르칩니다:
Discover our favorite drills for learning to swim with a high elbow.
팔꿈치를 높게 하여 헤엄치는 법을 배울 때 우리가 선호하는 훈련들을 알아보십시요.
Small changes in technique and working on these drills will most certainly decrease your drag and increase your speed in the pool.
기법을 조금 바꾸고 이 부분훈련들을 연습함으로써, 헤엄칠 때 저항을 확실히 줄이면서 속도를 늘릴 수 있을 것입니다.
Watch videos and read our Aqua Notes blog for more secret swim tips on The Race Club website:
레이쓰 클럽 웹사이트를 방문하시면, 수영 노트 블로그를 읽으면서 동영상을 감상하실 수 있습니다:
Using the high elbow keeps the upper arm (the largest part) more in the line of motion of the body longer and avoids spending more time in an off-axis position, as in the deeper pull.
Very good demonstration
We did a video on this very subject. Search "Swim Faster Secret Tip - How to Position Your Hands Underwater" Hope this helps and thanks for watching!
The only times I have seen swimmers use a deeper pull successfully is in the 50 free. Otherwise, virtually all elite swimmers from the 100 on up use the high elbow pull. Many of the 50 swimmers also use a high elbow pull but a few opt for a more powerful yet drag-producing deep pull.
how do u think about Florent Manoudou's sprinting technique?
He has a deep pull. Olympic Gold Medalist in the 50 free! Need I say more?
Thank you for the great videos! As a beginner swimmer I am finding these really helpful. Should my palm stay flat? Or in other words, should my wrist be rotating much throughout the stroke?
see above response.
This is a great drill. Thanks for posting. Is 'Life Is Worth Swimming' a DVD for beginner swimmers or for advanced swimmers, at NCAA or national level? thanks,
Yes. You should keep your hands outside the body line.... you don't want to cross over that line, usually swimmers do that when they drop their elbow.
Can I ask about this. Surely in both strokes the hand is "stationary" with respect to the water, and given the arm will always have the same surface area, for a given speed won't the drag be the same?
In fact given the upper arm is almost horizontal in respect to the body surely there'll be *more* surface area at the "high" velocity portion of the arm?
There has never been anyone with a perfect stroke. swimming is a series of there never will be perfection. we can only hope for using the technique that works best for each of us.
it's awesome! I have a question. Do you think that it is more effective to use high elbow catch in the sprint freestyle too? I thought straight arm pull is effective in sprint but I'm not sure after saw your informative videos about catch style and drag
Not really. The high elbow pull does not generate enough propulsion for the fast 50 freestylers.
Nice video and explanations! Would you also have any tips on how to progress from the last drill in the video to the full stroke? The key difference being that the catch is initiated during the recovery of the other arm and the shoulders are far from being parallel to the water, making the position much more awkward for the shoulder joint. Is it just a matter of flexibility and joint mobility? If so, can such flexibility be attained by amateur swimmers? Thank you in advance.
Yes, shoulder flexibility is crucial to swim freestyle, butterfly and backstroke well. One needs to have a lot of ability to extend the shoulders backward in order to use the high elbow pulling motion with good body rotation.
Every good sprinter turns over fast (120 strokes per minute or so)...but you cannot lose control and you must connect the core, legs and upper body correctly in order to achieve power and speed. In distance events, holding in front and gliding can work...but only with a strong kick behind you. Otherwise, you are swimming on a sunday stroll.
Just watch all of the swimmers in the Olympics and how high their elbows are underwater. Minimizing frontal drag is the key to fast swimming.
Gary Sr.
The high elbow pull is neither natural nor strong...but it produces less frontal drag. Going deeper with the arm will create more power but also more frontal drag. One can develop more strength to pull in the high elbow position and this is exactly what great swimmers do.
High elbow, early catch, face down head position... got it!!!
Is a high elbow catch to be used at all times? i.e in sprint events, middle and long distance events? Thanks.
Please subtitulos en español!!!
We'll see what we can do!
Is there anything I can do for this in the weight room, or any kind of flexibility training?
So when doing freestyle strokes, your hands must stay outside the body line?
nice man . i have 14 years old , doing 50m freestyle in 16s , 100m aprox. 40s
@TheRightNeutrino Could, would, should..., did he do it or not?
Interesting ... does the high elbow place more stress on joints than a deeper pull ? I know nothing about swimming, but it looks kind of awkward. Also are there any scientific studies that confirm that the high elbow technique produces less drag ? Thanks.
Keeping the hand closer to the shoulder during the underwater pull, as the high elbow does, reduces the torque on the shoulder. However, the stress of the shoulder joint shifts to the posterior muscles around the scapula with this motion which can induce tendonitis of those muscles when overstressed. There are no scientific studies I am aware of directly comparing frontal drag between the high elbow and dropped elbow position. It is difficult to isolate and quantitate the frontal drag caused by the upper arm during the swimming pulling motion.
+theraceclub just buy a waterproof pressure sensor and duck tape one to the outside of the upper arm and one to the inside of the upper arm. If the pressure of the outside is less than the inside, then it's producing more power than drag. Compare the two strokes, and you'll have your answer.
It's funny to notice, that some great swimmers doesn't follow the rules. Ian thorpe for instance, has 'head up' , 'elbow deeper than this video, and his hand goes to the center line of his body when pulling.
Beside Gary Jr, who among olympians has the 'perfect stroke' according to the race club ? Or if there is no perfect stoke, who is your favourite ? just practice it and practice it to get faster.
Open water swimming
you mean 25m in 16s and 50m in 40s, right? that's nice! keep practicing!
oh yeah, sorry :D