Agreed. I replied to one of MrHulthen's videos with the same sentiment. If they just incorporated the Keep while only using those 3 choices, I'm not sure many people would notice. I can't remember if it was David Gaider or Mark Darrah that said it, but something like only 8% of DAI players actually played trespasser, so DA "fans" are a tiny fraction of DA players/customers. Just something to keep in mind when listening to all the Monday morning quarterbacks decrying this game. As you said, making games is hard and 10 years is a long time, but what gets me most of all is that no one seems to be able to just enjoy their own canon. Everyone on here expects to have their continuity affirmed in perpetuity despite the obvious lore filtering between each title. I admit this is a drastic reduction between entries, but are we really upset over an Alistair cameo here or a Zevran codex entry there? This move is the staff basically saying they couldn't devote resources to those elements and still ship a finished product. Blame the industry if you want, but Epler specifically said they're not going to contradict anyone's history. If they truly DGAF, they would'nt even bother to do that much.
They couldn't devote resources to making player choices matter, but could devote resources to adding pronouns and top scars and possibly more woke shit into the game? It is pretty obvious their priorities were elsewhere. Otherwise they wouldn't have hired a Sims dev to be project lead. Bioware is dead to me and soon to everyone else.
@@ArvisSc Those features don't strike me as terribly labor-intensive compared to the writing and producing I described, but I get the sense you've been disappointed with this franchise/developer long before this installment was announced, so you're probably not the audience for this discussion. I do hope you find the game you're looking for, though.
@@djpmac007 oh, i am pretty certain that the politics stance i am referring to will not touch just the character creation screen. It will dominate the story too. I am willing to bet money on it in fact. And if you think this aspect of the game won't have a trickle down effect for the rest of the product, then I don't know what to tell you... Have fun, i guess?
@@ArvisSc While I'm not interested in the the woke garbage either, they did the same thing in cyberpunk and I really didn't see that it matter much in the rest of the game. It has been added Sims4 somewhat too, but I just turn it off for the most part. I am hoping that is the same in Dragon Age- VeilGuard. I will say this, if they put to much of that junk in there, I will be putting the game down. I just hope that is not the case. I really do enjoy the story.
They really should've chosen a better place to set this game in. Also, don't include Morrigan and Varric if the choices from the first two games won't affect this one. We're going to Weisshaupt, for crying out loud, that's where the Hero of Ferelden is buried if they died by ending the blight back in Origins and we're just not gonna mention that?
Your entire video was incoherent and did not address any of the concerns raised by the fans. First off, the "drama" is outrage, and it isn't fake. People are mad that important decisions are not carrying over. And no, the three choices from Trespasser are not that important. Who the Inquisitor romanced is broken, since there is no way to differentiate if the romance was ended by the companion or not. The game just assumes it continues past Trespasser, which isn't the case with Divine Cassandra, HIssrad, Sera is she dumped an Inquisitor who was too elfy, or Rainier who joined the Wardens. Possibly Cullen too if he stayed on lyrium. Also, Harding's romance is not an option in the romance selection screen. So those players aren't even represented. The keep or disband option isn't important unless the Inquisition has a strong presence in the game, which they probably won't. So both options are basically the same. The Inquisition was reduced to only a few members under the Chantry. And finally, the choice to save Solas or stop him, isn't even the Inquisitor's choice to make anymore. It's Rook's. At most this can only result in three outcomes. 1. The protagonists agree, in which case A) They both want to save Solas, or B) They both want to stop him by any means. Or 2. The protagonists disagree, and Rook defies the Inquisitor to either save Solas or stop him. Again, not a big deal since Solas is either persuaded away from his plan or is stopped by force. And yes, major decisions should have carried over into Veilguard, and no I don't feel sorry for BioWare having a rough go of it. The calamity they've experienced was brought upon themselves, first by making that crap game Andromeda, and then conning EA into funding Anthem which they knew they couldn't deliver on. Dragon Age 4's development suffered because of those dumb decisions, and the game never recovered. And now BioWare has taken the LAZY approach by ignoring worldstate choices. Also, NO WE DID NOT KNOW about this for months. The news was the Keep would not be used to import choices. The news was that choices would be selected inside of Veilguard. Fans assumed that meant a tapestry option inside the game itself that could be saved and loaded into multiple different playthroughs. No one knew we would only get three choices that don't matter from Trespasser.
Adding to your last paragraph about knowing about it, the whole thing came to light because someone who played the preview version of the game "leaked" about the 3 choices only in the DA subreddit and people were quick to dismiss what the guy was saying. That is until IGN and EA/Bioware themselves confirmed it and the info began to spread online and there wont be a worldstate import or choosing one inside of Veilguard. I also saw another video in which they interviewed some devs and one of them said that the core of Dragon Age are played agency and choices that matters to the player 😆I guess they only talked about choices that matter for Veilguard only and none of the past games
Strongly disagree with your "overwhelming new players" argument coming to the series. "DA:2" and "Inquisition" had default world state options for newcomers who never played previous entries. Please stop defending bad and lazy decisions. They had 10 years to work this out. Also, "Dragon Age 2" was in development for 14-16 months.
I'm quite sure Veilguard will be overwhelmingly new players. Most Mass Effect 3 players never met Wrex (64%) and that was a 5 year window, it's been 10 years for Veilguard. The choices decision is neither bad nor lazy.
@@sofajockeyUK That’s on the new players. They knew this was the 4th game in a trilogy and chose to jump in anyway. Why should those of us who’ve been invested from the beginning-learning the story, exploring the world, and connecting with the characters-have to sacrifice everything we’ve done? Just so they can cater to newcomers? We were promised our choices would carry over, and now they’re saying, ‘We need new players, so forget all that.’ Every game has already had a default state for new players, so why change it now? They’ll still have to read the Codex entries to understand what’s going on-like we all did in every game. And let’s be honest, most of them don’t even bother. I know it’s true because they always say, ‘I don’t understand what’s going on.’
@@Animelover0981 Choices carry over where relevant. In the north 10 years later, most are not relevant. That's the answer and that's game BioWare has made. I hope you enjoy the game despite it not being the game you personally would have made.
Exactly. That’s why when I heard the developers say this game would showcase the impact of player choices more than any of the others, I assumed it meant there would be more depth to the decisions we made in past games and that the new hero would have to confront those events while making their own choices-choices that would have visible consequences in the world around them. Like actually seeing how everything played out-meeting people affected by those choices, maybe fighting them, or just having the consequences unfold in the game itself instead of just hearing about them. Maybe I set my expectations too high, but I still think it was a missed opportunity. For example, my Grey Warden is Queen and currently in the north, searching for a cure for the Calling. I imagined running into her and helping with that quest, or maybe even finding her body if she succumbed to the Calling before finding a solution. We could’ve discovered a note on her person-one that held a clue, sparking a new questline to finish her work. It would add so much more meaning and connection to the world. And not just that, but it would have been impactful to show something like having to send a letter to the King, informing him of his lover’s fate. Or perhaps taking up her quest ourselves to finish what she started. That’s the kind of involvement I was expecting when they promised that choices would be more important in this game, not just hearing vague mentions or updates about them in passing. Instead, it feels like they didn’t bother to incorporate any of that. It’s frustrating when it feels like there’s no meaningful payoff for the choices we made.
Is anyone else really disappointed that whether or not you drank from the Well of Sorrows won't affect Veilguard? I always loved that part of Inquisition because I kept imagining how it might affect the next game, especially considering how Solas reacts if you do drink from it. I've had so many conversations with other players about the potential consequences of that decision. Now knowing it won't even carry over is so disappointing to me.
I pretty much disagree with most things being said. As a fan, sure, I have sentiment for bioware. But for years, I've always excused companies. Until i worked the industry myself. Im sorry, but they dont do charity, they do their jobs to deliver a product. Each continuation of Dragon Age went further away from its orgins, making it more and more casual. Why should I, a fan that supported them for years, just bow my head and see them water down the game? DAI was already made extremly casual. The series lost most of what it was - RPG mechanics, the grit, writing, character designs. I was fairly neutral on the game, despite really disliking many elements shown. But you see, the fact they decided to abadon all choices besides the one's DAI fans made is infuriating. The one thing i hoped for, was for a continuation of my choices. Bad game be damned, at least I'd see an end to the world i shaped during my time playing. But now even this was taken from me. And what do we get for it? A caricature of Qunari? Design unbeffiting a grim, dark fantasy? No. Dragon Age's remaining bit of soul was in the continuity for me. Most of your arguments just feel like trivializing how relevant the choices were to anyone that started out in origins. I respect you for speaking your opinion though. In the end, the new game, like many other series nowadays, jut uses the title. Lets just hope it wont be another Saints Row
That's was always going to happen, dragon age origins was at a cross over point of table top game play moving into video game space. The writers leave and people have different ideas and take their vision going forward. As technology improves games have become easier and more accessible ove the years, try playing back to the future on the genesis compared to the yellow paint areas of tomb raider. It's why dao is the best game of the series in not the prettiest.
@@TKGames54 so we’re basically getting choices in all 3 games apart from 3 in the third are going to be locked to what we think the world should be and the choices made. Like someone else said if you sacrifices a warden in origins then they should have a grave with the other heroes who ended the blights over the years. Kieran wouldn’t be born and thus potentially changing a part of DAI plot as you can have no kieran/old god and I think non old god kieran. Minor details but for some of us it’s been the culmination of like 16 years of story that now doesn’t matter even anymore. I actually liked keep and messing with it after my core play through to see what I missed and could change
All the previous games were a good point for new players to enter the series but it didn't stop them from allowing fans to import their old choices because they had a default world state in them. All except this one, the fact that they got only three choices is a spit in the face to the fans, who tried supporting them all these years. You said it yourself - not all choices were used in previous games but they still did an incredible job of referring to many of them and there were certainly not limited to just three even though they didn't have 4 years of development. And the fact this news was only brought up recently just shows how much they didn't want us to know it, at least not until they got tonnes of money from people pre-ordering this game.
Strong disagree on the fake outrage. Core fans are upset for a reason, I've been waiting for a decade for this game. Watching people like jackdaw for so long, keeping up with updates for what feels like a lifetime. And yes they did tell us earlier this year about the keep not playing a part moving forward. But it is so disappointing that the core fanbase is being pushed aside. Also there were default world states for newcomers so them not including the keep is just plain lazy. Ill still be playing day one because I love dragon age but to pretend the outrage is fake is not fair to long time fans. The only valid argument over the backlash are the weird anti woke mob who never played the previous games hating on it.
But if it's never mentioned in veilguard what's the point of having a world state for it, when you played.dragon age 2 did you need to know what the outcome of Archon Nomaran decision about the circle of magi in tervinter? The answer is no because it has no relevance to dragon age 2 yet it still happened. The choices that matter have been included... admittedly it's only 3 but if that's all that's needed to know it's clear it's more of a self contained game.
@@TKGames54 True, it's not possible for every decision from previous games to be reflected in the veilguard. But three is so low. There were characters from tevinter like Dorian, Zevran and even Fenris that could have played roles in the veilguard even if it is a minor role, just to appease us. I guess we wont be seeing any of them, atleast Dorian shows up, he was my boy. We had cameos from many characters in the series and dialog options that reflected previous decisions. I doubt it would be that difficult to do something like that. The bare minimum references for the core audience. 10 years!!!! We waited 10 years!!! 🥲 English is not my first Language brother I apologize if something's dont make sense.
I agree. The Qunari are invading Antiva and you're telling me Divine won't send troops? Remember, 3 Exalted Marches was against the Qun. But of course it doesn't matter "who is Divine Victoria ". It is something in South (just other part of continent, not other galaxy). And we are "tourists" after that.
@@TKGames54 Mhmmmm, but still there where repercussions and they were felt. Zevran and Nathaniel Howe for example. references too who rules ferelnden, in Inquisition at least we know where our companions were doing, the DA2 ones, so it felt like a strong continuation and that your worldstate was being respected. that's what most players fear.
you got destroyed in the comment section because you look forgot what made dragon age great. keep in mind, until recently they called the game Dragon Age Dreadwolf, already giving a feeling of continuation, i know you can spin it and say etc etc, but given the context at the time, it assumed something else.
It's Mass effect 3 all over again. - We were always promised our choices would matter in ME3, and by the time we got to the end, there were only 3 choices.
New players won't even touch Dragon Age: Veilguard. They have so many better options, and Veilguard simply looks bad and uninteresting. On top of that, they've also pissed off the old players by ignoring their choices in the earlier Dragon Age games. Dragon Age was never really known for its combat or gameplay. People who play the game do so for the characters, the story, and the experience of being a hero who shapes the Dragon Age world. Veilguard has taken all of that away.
No, this is just lazy, if they we're in pure hell for 10 years this tell a lot about the talent they have in the team, not saying the "romance, friend or banish" video, the person that literally is doing the cast didn't knew Zevran, the director seen lost, and that could matter nothing right, unless WE HAVE THE FUCKING ANTIVAN CROWS in the game(this is just a spoiler of the tone this game will have even for the so called "problematic" factions of DATV, not saying that we will have no mention of Isabela too since pirates and treasure hunters are friends now ijbol). And no, the 3 choices, they will only matter for Solas simps, all the character from previous games besides solas have a lot of if/else on their histories, if dorian is not romanced he will romance Iron bull, iron bull can be killed and betray his friends, cole becoming a spirit, 2 of the companions can be divine, harding will not even mention inquisitor moves on her. This is just lazy, they erasing everything from previous games, not saying that we will not even choose inquisitor class, this is so lazy that is upsetting even people that we're deffending this soft reboot till the news comes out, but yeah, we have to play a game made for solas simps and new players now, fuck the previous companions, and if you criticize people will say we are in another world of dragon age expanded UNIVERSE, because yeah, tevinter never did shady things on farelden and orlais before and they never got mentioned too.
Wow, take a breath and a bow. Well said. Dragon Age has always been plaher choices. For everything. Them tossing it all out for only Egg lovers or new modern audiences means they were hack writers over their heads with a major game series like this.
@@dirkbsilver9260 I don't think any of the current directors we're ready for the director role, Corinne is the worse, a rpg under her belt but her curriculum is literally sims, and life-service games, she might do a wonderfull job in the next sims, but for dragon age? Just no.
I was coming here to comment on how incorrect your take was on this situation but I'm glad to see so many other people beat me to it, while you barely addressed most of these comments. The fact that so many people are respectfully disagreeing with you should show that the whole basis for your video's take is incorrect. These decisions do matter. It didn't matter in a game like BG3 because people knew it was a new studio and didn't have those expectations. Bioware literally created a whole website for people to handcraft their world state, which the devs are now choosing to ignore. You can't praise Bioware for appealing to new fans (which isn't going to win you any fans from the DA vets) while saying they wouldn't let your romance choices go to waste IF you did NOT choose Solas...
@@TKGames54 Odd question given this series and Bioware. You should know that unique world states affect your game, your companions, and your future decisions, which is a Bioware staple. If there are no ramifications for previous decisions, is it even a Bioware game?
@Gemini_Jack dragon age isn't like mass effect, mass effect was a singular story set over 3 games. You needed to know what happened in all 3 games Dragon Age has always been seperate stories but with a thread of the world running through it. If this game is more contained and there is no reason to know who the king of ferelden is or if the warden slaughter ed all the werewolves or if hawk stabbed anders what's the point of coding it in. The majority of the past decisions only resulted in a note or a cameo anyways.
@TKGames54 that's not a common take by most Dragon Age fans, as the comment section can attest to as well as the "fake" outrage since the IGN article. I don't need to explain why this is important when the chorus of voices are all saying the same thing, you can just choose to listen or not.
@@TKGames54 "The surviving Grey Wardens of Adamant return to Weisshaupt, and it is believed that a battle for control of the Order erupts soon after. If the Warden ally survived the events of Adamant, it's rumored he is leading a rebellion to change the Order from within. Eventually, even the Grey Wardens from the northern nations begin to retreat to Weisshaupt and rumors that the Order is on the verge of vanishing begin to spread, while all news from Weisshaupt cease." Yup other choices from south doesnt matter... This, soul of elder god being destroyed or not are of course less important than the fact than who you banged :D
I hope they didnt forget that our romance could be dead... like Iron bull and blackwall. That be akward to have a line of dialogue saying how much they are happy with them...
Let me explain why the choices isn't enough for veilgurad. One Morrigan is the game she could have a child and long standing relationship with the hero of feraldan or drank from the well of sorrows Morrigan needs have choices on her past now. Second the damn grey wardens are a major faction in the game and previously games so that needs to aslo be dicuss because hero of feralden, Alistair, loghian, here lies in abyss from inquisition definitely needs to deicided on. That factions has alot of history in the games. Third How much power does the inquisition have from the wicked hearts mission? Was inquistor a mage and side with the mages in the war or templars, was mage put on the sunburst thorne in the south. Your inquistor could have ties to the qunari that is at war with the imperium and antvia. Dorian which was part of the inquisition and noble in tenviter what his relationship with the inquistor friends or lovers
Or... and here's a crazy idea they looked at their involvement and realised those points have nothing to do with the story they have crafted and thought why bother wasting development time on something that's never going to be brought up. As much as you want it to be your story and your world the developers still set the boundaries of the story they are telling. How you get from start to finish is up to you but you're still confined to the boundaries set. If morigans child or the wardens fate isn't within them boundaries it's not going to be mentioned in the game.
@@chrisspink8873 or just a thought maybe they think that we don't remember our world States and could take the fucking flimsy argument they use and dismantle
@TKGames54 the hero of feraldan could have been the one to kill archdemaon, in which case his tomb would be in the main headquarters of the Grey wardens in the anderfells. The story is about a double blight brought on by the elven gods and solas. You can't ignore the wardens from the series if one of the main factions in the game is the Grey wardens that where the history of them comes up from pervious games.
Are we forgetting the most important thing? This is a sequel to Dragon Age Inquisition The title was after all Dreadwolf for years This game's story does not stand on its own These three choices stand to only matter - whenever the Inquisitor shows up for Solas DA:Origins was the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate 2 Now Larian's Baldur's Gate 3 is the spiritual successor to BioWare I will play The Veilguard and try to enjoy it the best I can Mark Darrah has vouched for the game and that carries weight But I am wholeheartedly disappointment in EA & BioWare The old guard may be gone, but they still carry the name
We wanted our choices from across the franchise to matter. All these devs want to do is tell another short story and forget everything that has happened previously. The "Drama" surrounding only 3 choices is very real and well deserved. I hope Dragon Age wokeguard fails hard and all the devs get fired. I wanted a mature R18 Dragon age game not some cartoon, mobile looking crap.
Alot of bioware megafans are very upset about this. I generally only go to the videos that are geeking out over lore (very long term fans) and the comments there are also 50/50 between heartbroken/accepting. I played all the games, and was initially disappointed, but im over it. I will judge the game after ive played it. If the chocies/consequences are great in this one game, then i will be fine with only 3 choices carrying over (especially to a story thats 19 years later and hundreds of miles away)
I always struggled between choosing to romance Cassandra or Solas, obviously the kind of inquisitor I had created at the time also determined that as well haha
I like your hopeful attitude. But there is one problem regarding the Romances and cameo's. Namely that you can only choose who you romanced, but not what the fates of those characters was. For example, a romanced Cassandra can become the Divine, which will impact the relationship. A romanced Bull and Blackwall can both still die. Since those fates are (apparently) not taken into account, it is going to be impossible for those romances to make a return. Well, without retconning that is. That would be the worst imo. I'd prefer no reference at all over resurrecting dead characters. So long story short, the romance section seems to be only a glorified check whether or not you romanced Solas. Now I'm not against that check at all, I just would have preferred it if they would be straightforward about it. Just ask directly whether or not we romanced Solas, if the other romances cannot be relevant anyway. In fact, expand it and ask us what our relationship with Solas was. That way you can choose between romance, friendship or rivals. I'm afraid by Inquisitor's close friendship to Solas will not be acknowledged at all. There should be a distinction between a close friendship or a rivalry relationship.
Personally I just want to play the game before I go on a rant if it's bad or not I just like playing a good game and knowing dragon age it's only the characters and seeing how this world is different than Inquisition
@@Anima18911 That doesn't make sense. because if Fenris, who is in Tevinter appears, he dated my hawk I think it would be a cruel thing to do. Also, my hero of Ferelden should be alive as well. it wouldn't be a good move from them.
@XmenSuperfanEmmaFrost I know, but they already stated they only choices carrying over are select ones from Inquisition. I think it's dumb but here we are.
@@XmenSuperfanEmmaFrost that's the catch, in DEV perspective if they are not a choice in the world state panel, they will be just bland cameos(like morrigan will be, I'm already ready for the soft retcoon they will do with her), or they will not appear at all.
Hard disagree. Discounting every decision from previous games, makes the world smaller, not larger. The whole point of DAI was to be the leader of a powerful faction that was shaping the world. The whole premise of the series was choices and consequences rippling out and persisting. Now every game mitigated these changes through small cameos, alternate lines, or in certain cases, just straight retcons; but it was enough to show that the world was being shaped by your characters. By this point through 3 games, we have made choices and connections that would ripple across all of thedas, but they're just going to homogenize them all into the same outcome? Or otherwise ignore them entirely? You're saying it doesn't matter whether Morrigan is a mother, or if she drank from the well, or if she was the Warden's romance? Those are extremely significant aspects of her character to utterly avoid. We're going to Weisshaupt fortress, for the first time, but it doesn't matter how the inquisitor dealt with the Wardens, or whether it was Alistair, Stroud, or Hawke that came out of the fade and got caught in the rebellion that was foreshadowed multiple times. It doesn't matter if you characterized your inquisitor as a pious devouted chosen one, or pragmatic leader of necessity. It doesn't matter who is the Divine, leading the Chantry. It doesn't matter if you recruited the mages or templars, which led the other faction to being controlled by Corypheous, and essentially wiped out. No one is saying these had to be big sweeping changes from one playthrough to the next, or maybe some people are, but that has never been how these things were handled. But just a nod, a slight variance, is all it takes to reaffirm the players immersion and investment in the game, and replayability. Idk, people can do what they want. For me it's the last straw on what has already been an underwhelming and disappointing lead up to a game I was dying for 9 years ago. Hell, if choices don't matter, and it's definitely not a series I play for the gameplay, maybe I'll just watch the cutscenes on youtube. lol
Thats the problem the new Bioware U would think they would have been ambitious and make a DA game that stands only away from the shadow of Mass Effect instead they made a gay version of Mass Effect.
I agree that not all of the choices from the previous games are important. I am surprised at some of the choices not being asked about, but I'll see how those are treated - if even mentioned - in the game when I play. It's been ten years in game, it's possible that who we put on the throne in Origins is no-longer the King or Queen, who we put on the throne in Inquisition may have been overthrown in another civil war, and who we made Divine may have been replaced as they pushed an agenda that was unpopular with other members of the church. Bioware have said that they would not invalidate the world states we created in the games, and nothing they do would in Veilguard invalidates the world state we created in those previous games at the time, even if it's different ten years later (depending on how they present it). Until I see how it's handled in the game and what impact on the story it has I'll reserve my judgement on them.
the thing is, i would not want to waste my $70 to be disappointed, I will just watch a stream of it, and if they did right by the lore of the previous games, then it will be worth a buy. If they don't then I would be lucky not to fund their attempt to destroy a beloved franchise.
@@enightc I'm not going to know if I will enjoy a game from watching someone else play. I don't like watching people play games, I get bored and it doesn't hold my interest. From the gameplay trailers that I have seen, it looks like a game I will enjoy playing. So far there hasn't been a BioWare game that I have bought that I haven't enjoyed playing (Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, Mass Effect 1-3, and Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age Origins, 2, and Inquisition). Some I enjoyed so much I bought the Legendary Edition even though I already had bought the original games and DLC. What I have seen of the gameplay in the trailers and what I've heard and read from the interviews and those who have played the game, so far, there hasn't been anything that makes me think I won't enjoy playing the game. And, based on those trailers (not the initial companion one, the trailers with actual gameplay) and my previous experience of the Bioware games, I expect to enjoy the game at least as much as the one I enjoyed for the game play more than the story and characters.
Almost every choice has already has its conciquence in Inquistion or Tresspasser the only ones that dont get addressed are the 2 you carry over from Tresspasser. That being said no reason it couldnt have been more choices like 7-10, the 3 we get plus, who is divine who got left in the fade, well of sorrows, warden exile and ruler of orlais. Most other games really only have 3 choices of consequence really. Like what choices between Dragon Age Origins and 2 actually matter, just a couple of cameos. Meeting Alistair insted of stroud would not really matter. And to Inquisition is really only a couple of choices Old god baby, some choices around Hawke other then that choices between games are mainly cosmetic. And meeting most characters weve met before wouldnt really make sense outside a few.
Very true, I think if the game hadn't been restarted from scratch there might have been less pressure to rush the game out but considering biowares position, this game needs to ship, though 💯 more choices would have been better
I live in the US and I don't know who the president of Mexico is. I know nearly nothing about Mexico, although I've heard a bit here and there about people vacationing or there being dangerous areas. Why the hell would our new character know what's going on down south?? Still hoping we can make some decisions in the dialogue but I think people are taking this way out of proportion.
The story of Veilguard happens in different parts of Thedas. They just won't reference most previous choices, but that doesn't erase them. People on the streets of Minrathous during a demon attack are not standing around chatting about who's in charge of the Ferelden/Orlesian chantry, or who's on the throne in those countries. Like, can you name the king of Sweden without googling? It'll be fine.
I don't think it SHOOK the fanbase. It caused some momentary surprise, but with some thought I get it. Ferelden and Orlais are down south. Those choices aren't invalidated, they just no longer apply. Good and well considered analysis.
if you only look at the wiki you will realize how much choices you have made actually affected Tevinter. I just remembered that 1 guy I send to Tevinter to learn magic from Dragon Age 2, we have Dorian, Zevran, Fenris, Bull and many other choices that affects Tevinter or would have been a great call back. But yeah, they don't matter at all.
@@enightc Dorian excepted (I do think he will appear) all the other characters, Feynriel included are quantum - they may be dead (Feynriel may be tranquil).
Dunno what you ppl smoking, story of INQ was trash tier meme about bad guy with 0 buildup and quick end. wokeguard will be even MORE WOKE with even worse story... since you cant make bread from shit.
I'm a long time Dragon Age fan and I'm excited about VeilGuard. I'm very disappointed in all the hate out there when the game hasn't even been released. The trailer and game play looks fun. Artistic design to me looks awesome. As for choices, I think why they narrowed it down is because we are in new areas. We ran the Inquisition in the South, how much impact would it have made in the North? Also, as much as I like old characters and camos, I like getting to know new characters and unlocking new lore. We can't do that if we keep rehashing past stories. As for me, I'm going to give the game a chance.
it is your money to do with, but don't say its a new area when throughout all three games we have either send people to Tevinter, or have dealt with people from Tevinter. Antiva and many areas from the North. These are all choices that was given so that it makes Tevinter a area not so alien to us. It is your right to enjoy a game. I just care a little more about my Dragon Age world that I have built through all three games.
@@enightc I feel like it is more of a new area to explore because our main character has never been there, we might have sent envoys or talked to different npc/characters from there, but we ourselves have yet to delve into those areas. As for dragon age worlds, you should totally enjoy the worlds you have made. I think we can expand and enhance those worlds too. Honestly, we won't really find out until we play the game. Good or bad, I want to find out.
@@TKGames54 less and less reasons to play this. I already stopped my three game playthrough that I was doing to prepare my memory. I just started inquisition again but there was absolutely no reason to do it now. That dragon age 2 replay was totally a waste of time now. Origin was still fun, I was totally trying a full mage playthrough. But man this just ruined that drive or anticipation of Veilguard.
@@ambermazdra7071 people better than me and have better memory than me already shown a versions of how they would have integrated the choices of previous games. It's just sad how those that is paid really well to do this for a living couldn't.
Agreed. I replied to one of MrHulthen's videos with the same sentiment. If they just incorporated the Keep while only using those 3 choices, I'm not sure many people would notice. I can't remember if it was David Gaider or Mark Darrah that said it, but something like only 8% of DAI players actually played trespasser, so DA "fans" are a tiny fraction of DA players/customers. Just something to keep in mind when listening to all the Monday morning quarterbacks decrying this game. As you said, making games is hard and 10 years is a long time, but what gets me most of all is that no one seems to be able to just enjoy their own canon. Everyone on here expects to have their continuity affirmed in perpetuity despite the obvious lore filtering between each title. I admit this is a drastic reduction between entries, but are we really upset over an Alistair cameo here or a Zevran codex entry there? This move is the staff basically saying they couldn't devote resources to those elements and still ship a finished product. Blame the industry if you want, but Epler specifically said they're not going to contradict anyone's history. If they truly DGAF, they would'nt even bother to do that much.
Well put my friend 👍
They couldn't devote resources to making player choices matter, but could devote resources to adding pronouns and top scars and possibly more woke shit into the game? It is pretty obvious their priorities were elsewhere. Otherwise they wouldn't have hired a Sims dev to be project lead. Bioware is dead to me and soon to everyone else.
@@ArvisSc Those features don't strike me as terribly labor-intensive compared to the writing and producing I described, but I get the sense you've been disappointed with this franchise/developer long before this installment was announced, so you're probably not the audience for this discussion. I do hope you find the game you're looking for, though.
@@djpmac007 oh, i am pretty certain that the politics stance i am referring to will not touch just the character creation screen. It will dominate the story too. I am willing to bet money on it in fact. And if you think this aspect of the game won't have a trickle down effect for the rest of the product, then I don't know what to tell you... Have fun, i guess?
While I'm not interested in the the woke garbage either, they did the same thing in cyberpunk and I really didn't see that it matter much in the rest of the game. It has been added Sims4 somewhat too, but I just turn it off for the most part. I am hoping that is the same in Dragon Age- VeilGuard. I will say this, if they put to much of that junk in there, I will be putting the game down. I just hope that is not the case. I really do enjoy the story.
They really should've chosen a better place to set this game in. Also, don't include Morrigan and Varric if the choices from the first two games won't affect this one. We're going to Weisshaupt, for crying out loud, that's where the Hero of Ferelden is buried if they died by ending the blight back in Origins and we're just not gonna mention that?
Your entire video was incoherent and did not address any of the concerns raised by the fans. First off, the "drama" is outrage, and it isn't fake. People are mad that important decisions are not carrying over. And no, the three choices from Trespasser are not that important. Who the Inquisitor romanced is broken, since there is no way to differentiate if the romance was ended by the companion or not. The game just assumes it continues past Trespasser, which isn't the case with Divine Cassandra, HIssrad, Sera is she dumped an Inquisitor who was too elfy, or Rainier who joined the Wardens. Possibly Cullen too if he stayed on lyrium. Also, Harding's romance is not an option in the romance selection screen. So those players aren't even represented.
The keep or disband option isn't important unless the Inquisition has a strong presence in the game, which they probably won't. So both options are basically the same. The Inquisition was reduced to only a few members under the Chantry. And finally, the choice to save Solas or stop him, isn't even the Inquisitor's choice to make anymore. It's Rook's. At most this can only result in three outcomes. 1. The protagonists agree, in which case A) They both want to save Solas, or B) They both want to stop him by any means. Or 2. The protagonists disagree, and Rook defies the Inquisitor to either save Solas or stop him. Again, not a big deal since Solas is either persuaded away from his plan or is stopped by force.
And yes, major decisions should have carried over into Veilguard, and no I don't feel sorry for BioWare having a rough go of it. The calamity they've experienced was brought upon themselves, first by making that crap game Andromeda, and then conning EA into funding Anthem which they knew they couldn't deliver on. Dragon Age 4's development suffered because of those dumb decisions, and the game never recovered. And now BioWare has taken the LAZY approach by ignoring worldstate choices.
Also, NO WE DID NOT KNOW about this for months. The news was the Keep would not be used to import choices. The news was that choices would be selected inside of Veilguard. Fans assumed that meant a tapestry option inside the game itself that could be saved and loaded into multiple different playthroughs. No one knew we would only get three choices that don't matter from Trespasser.
@@BelieveIt1051 preach brother/sister/they/etc
🤠👍🧙♂️exactly put.
Adding to your last paragraph about knowing about it, the whole thing came to light because someone who played the preview version of the game "leaked" about the 3 choices only in the DA subreddit and people were quick to dismiss what the guy was saying. That is until IGN and EA/Bioware themselves confirmed it and the info began to spread online and there wont be a worldstate import or choosing one inside of Veilguard.
I also saw another video in which they interviewed some devs and one of them said that the core of Dragon Age are played agency and choices that matters to the player 😆I guess they only talked about choices that matter for Veilguard only and none of the past games
well said.
@@BelieveIt1051 amen! 🙏
Strongly disagree with your "overwhelming new players" argument coming to the series. "DA:2" and "Inquisition" had default world state options for newcomers who never played previous entries. Please stop defending bad and lazy decisions. They had 10 years to work this out. Also, "Dragon Age 2" was in development for 14-16 months.
I'm quite sure Veilguard will be overwhelmingly new players. Most Mass Effect 3 players never met Wrex (64%) and that was a 5 year window, it's been 10 years for Veilguard. The choices decision is neither bad nor lazy.
@@sofajockeyUK That’s on the new players. They knew this was the 4th game in a trilogy and chose to jump in anyway. Why should those of us who’ve been invested from the beginning-learning the story, exploring the world, and connecting with the characters-have to sacrifice everything we’ve done? Just so they can cater to newcomers?
We were promised our choices would carry over, and now they’re saying, ‘We need new players, so forget all that.’ Every game has already had a default state for new players, so why change it now? They’ll still have to read the Codex entries to understand what’s going on-like we all did in every game. And let’s be honest, most of them don’t even bother. I know it’s true because they always say, ‘I don’t understand what’s going on.’
@@Animelover0981 Choices carry over where relevant. In the north 10 years later, most are not relevant. That's the answer and that's game BioWare has made. I hope you enjoy the game despite it not being the game you personally would have made.
Exactly. That’s why when I heard the developers say this game would showcase the impact of player choices more than any of the others, I assumed it meant there would be more depth to the decisions we made in past games and that the new hero would have to confront those events while making their own choices-choices that would have visible consequences in the world around them. Like actually seeing how everything played out-meeting people affected by those choices, maybe fighting them, or just having the consequences unfold in the game itself instead of just hearing about them. Maybe I set my expectations too high, but I still think it was a missed opportunity.
For example, my Grey Warden is Queen and currently in the north, searching for a cure for the Calling. I imagined running into her and helping with that quest, or maybe even finding her body if she succumbed to the Calling before finding a solution. We could’ve discovered a note on her person-one that held a clue, sparking a new questline to finish her work. It would add so much more meaning and connection to the world.
And not just that, but it would have been impactful to show something like having to send a letter to the King, informing him of his lover’s fate. Or perhaps taking up her quest ourselves to finish what she started. That’s the kind of involvement I was expecting when they promised that choices would be more important in this game, not just hearing vague mentions or updates about them in passing.
Instead, it feels like they didn’t bother to incorporate any of that. It’s frustrating when it feels like there’s no meaningful payoff for the choices we made.
@@sofajockeyUK same. I really hope I enjoy it to.
Is anyone else really disappointed that whether or not you drank from the Well of Sorrows won't affect Veilguard? I always loved that part of Inquisition because I kept imagining how it might affect the next game, especially considering how Solas reacts if you do drink from it. I've had so many conversations with other players about the potential consequences of that decision. Now knowing it won't even carry over is so disappointing to me.
I pretty much disagree with most things being said.
As a fan, sure, I have sentiment for bioware. But for years, I've always excused companies. Until i worked the industry myself. Im sorry, but they dont do charity, they do their jobs to deliver a product. Each continuation of Dragon Age went further away from its orgins, making it more and more casual. Why should I, a fan that supported them for years, just bow my head and see them water down the game? DAI was already made extremly casual. The series lost most of what it was - RPG mechanics, the grit, writing, character designs. I was fairly neutral on the game, despite really disliking many elements shown. But you see, the fact they decided to abadon all choices besides the one's DAI fans made is infuriating. The one thing i hoped for, was for a continuation of my choices. Bad game be damned, at least I'd see an end to the world i shaped during my time playing. But now even this was taken from me. And what do we get for it? A caricature of Qunari? Design unbeffiting a grim, dark fantasy?
No. Dragon Age's remaining bit of soul was in the continuity for me. Most of your arguments just feel like trivializing how relevant the choices were to anyone that started out in origins. I respect you for speaking your opinion though. In the end, the new game, like many other series nowadays, jut uses the title. Lets just hope it wont be another Saints Row
That's was always going to happen, dragon age origins was at a cross over point of table top game play moving into video game space. The writers leave and people have different ideas and take their vision going forward. As technology improves games have become easier and more accessible ove the years, try playing back to the future on the genesis compared to the yellow paint areas of tomb raider. It's why dao is the best game of the series in not the prettiest.
@@TKGames54 so we’re basically getting choices in all 3 games apart from 3 in the third are going to be locked to what we think the world should be and the choices made. Like someone else said if you sacrifices a warden in origins then they should have a grave with the other heroes who ended the blights over the years. Kieran wouldn’t be born and thus potentially changing a part of DAI plot as you can have no kieran/old god and I think non old god kieran. Minor details but for some of us it’s been the culmination of like 16 years of story that now doesn’t matter even anymore. I actually liked keep and messing with it after my core play through to see what I missed and could change
All the previous games were a good point for new players to enter the series but it didn't stop them from allowing fans to import their old choices because they had a default world state in them. All except this one, the fact that they got only three choices is a spit in the face to the fans, who tried supporting them all these years. You said it yourself - not all choices were used in previous games but they still did an incredible job of referring to many of them and there were certainly not limited to just three even though they didn't have 4 years of development. And the fact this news was only brought up recently just shows how much they didn't want us to know it, at least not until they got tonnes of money from people pre-ordering this game.
@@realhumanbean21 agree 👍.
Strong disagree on the fake outrage. Core fans are upset for a reason, I've been waiting for a decade for this game. Watching people like jackdaw for so long, keeping up with updates for what feels like a lifetime. And yes they did tell us earlier this year about the keep not playing a part moving forward. But it is so disappointing that the core fanbase is being pushed aside. Also there were default world states for newcomers so them not including the keep is just plain lazy. Ill still be playing day one because I love dragon age but to pretend the outrage is fake is not fair to long time fans. The only valid argument over the backlash are the weird anti woke mob who never played the previous games hating on it.
I concur.
But if it's never mentioned in veilguard what's the point of having a world state for it, when you played.dragon age 2 did you need to know what the outcome of Archon Nomaran decision about the circle of magi in tervinter? The answer is no because it has no relevance to dragon age 2 yet it still happened. The choices that matter have been included... admittedly it's only 3 but if that's all that's needed to know it's clear it's more of a self contained game.
@@TKGames54 True, it's not possible for every decision from previous games to be reflected in the veilguard. But three is so low. There were characters from tevinter like Dorian, Zevran and even Fenris that could have played roles in the veilguard even if it is a minor role, just to appease us. I guess we wont be seeing any of them, atleast Dorian shows up, he was my boy. We had cameos from many characters in the series and dialog options that reflected previous decisions. I doubt it would be that difficult to do something like that. The bare minimum references for the core audience. 10 years!!!! We waited 10 years!!! 🥲
English is not my first Language brother I apologize if something's dont make sense.
I agree. The Qunari are invading Antiva and you're telling me Divine won't send troops? Remember, 3 Exalted Marches was against the Qun. But of course it doesn't matter "who is Divine Victoria ". It is something in South (just other part of continent, not other galaxy). And we are "tourists" after that.
@@TKGames54 Mhmmmm, but still there where repercussions and they were felt. Zevran and Nathaniel Howe for example. references too who rules ferelnden, in Inquisition at least we know where our companions were doing, the DA2 ones, so it felt like a strong continuation and that your worldstate was being respected. that's what most players fear.
you got destroyed in the comment section because you look forgot what made dragon age great.
keep in mind, until recently they called the game Dragon Age Dreadwolf, already giving a feeling of continuation, i know you can spin it and say etc etc, but given the context at the time, it assumed something else.
It's Mass effect 3 all over again. - We were always promised our choices would matter in ME3, and by the time we got to the end, there were only 3 choices.
Choices from previous games were ultra important in ME 3. Quarian and Geth story arc, Krogan story arc... C'mon
@@lesterro2533 exactly ME2 choices effect a lot of the companions story
New players won't even touch Dragon Age: Veilguard. They have so many better options, and Veilguard simply looks bad and uninteresting. On top of that, they've also pissed off the old players by ignoring their choices in the earlier Dragon Age games. Dragon Age was never really known for its combat or gameplay. People who play the game do so for the characters, the story, and the experience of being a hero who shapes the Dragon Age world. Veilguard has taken all of that away.
No, this is just lazy, if they we're in pure hell for 10 years this tell a lot about the talent they have in the team, not saying the "romance, friend or banish" video, the person that literally is doing the cast didn't knew Zevran, the director seen lost, and that could matter nothing right, unless WE HAVE THE FUCKING ANTIVAN CROWS in the game(this is just a spoiler of the tone this game will have even for the so called "problematic" factions of DATV, not saying that we will have no mention of Isabela too since pirates and treasure hunters are friends now ijbol).
And no, the 3 choices, they will only matter for Solas simps, all the character from previous games besides solas have a lot of if/else on their histories, if dorian is not romanced he will romance Iron bull, iron bull can be killed and betray his friends, cole becoming a spirit, 2 of the companions can be divine, harding will not even mention inquisitor moves on her. This is just lazy, they erasing everything from previous games, not saying that we will not even choose inquisitor class, this is so lazy that is upsetting even people that we're deffending this soft reboot till the news comes out, but yeah, we have to play a game made for solas simps and new players now, fuck the previous companions, and if you criticize people will say we are in another world of dragon age expanded UNIVERSE, because yeah, tevinter never did shady things on farelden and orlais before and they never got mentioned too.
Wow, take a breath and a bow. Well said. Dragon Age has always been plaher choices. For everything. Them tossing it all out for only Egg lovers or new modern audiences means they were hack writers over their heads with a major game series like this.
@@dirkbsilver9260 I don't think any of the current directors we're ready for the director role, Corinne is the worse, a rpg under her belt but her curriculum is literally sims, and life-service games, she might do a wonderfull job in the next sims, but for dragon age? Just no.
@@mauli00098 my thoughts too.
I was coming here to comment on how incorrect your take was on this situation but I'm glad to see so many other people beat me to it, while you barely addressed most of these comments. The fact that so many people are respectfully disagreeing with you should show that the whole basis for your video's take is incorrect. These decisions do matter. It didn't matter in a game like BG3 because people knew it was a new studio and didn't have those expectations. Bioware literally created a whole website for people to handcraft their world state, which the devs are now choosing to ignore. You can't praise Bioware for appealing to new fans (which isn't going to win you any fans from the DA vets) while saying they wouldn't let your romance choices go to waste IF you did NOT choose Solas...
What's the point in creating a world state if it has no baring on the game?
@@TKGames54 Odd question given this series and Bioware. You should know that unique world states affect your game, your companions, and your future decisions, which is a Bioware staple. If there are no ramifications for previous decisions, is it even a Bioware game?
@Gemini_Jack dragon age isn't like mass effect, mass effect was a singular story set over 3 games. You needed to know what happened in all 3 games
Dragon Age has always been seperate stories but with a thread of the world running through it. If this game is more contained and there is no reason to know who the king of ferelden is or if the warden slaughter ed all the werewolves or if hawk stabbed anders what's the point of coding it in. The majority of the past decisions only resulted in a note or a cameo anyways.
@TKGames54 that's not a common take by most Dragon Age fans, as the comment section can attest to as well as the "fake" outrage since the IGN article. I don't need to explain why this is important when the chorus of voices are all saying the same thing, you can just choose to listen or not.
"The surviving Grey Wardens of Adamant return to Weisshaupt, and it is believed that a battle for control of the Order erupts soon after. If the Warden ally survived the events of Adamant, it's rumored he is leading a rebellion to change the Order from within. Eventually, even the Grey Wardens from the northern nations begin to retreat to Weisshaupt and rumors that the Order is on the verge of vanishing begin to spread, while all news from Weisshaupt cease." Yup other choices from south doesnt matter... This, soul of elder god being destroyed or not are of course less important than the fact than who you banged :D
I hope they didnt forget that our romance could be dead... like Iron bull and blackwall. That be akward to have a line of dialogue saying how much they are happy with them...
Let me explain why the choices isn't enough for veilgurad. One Morrigan is the game she could have a child and long standing relationship with the hero of feraldan or drank from the well of sorrows Morrigan needs have choices on her past now. Second the damn grey wardens are a major faction in the game and previously games so that needs to aslo be dicuss because hero of feralden, Alistair, loghian, here lies in abyss from inquisition definitely needs to deicided on. That factions has alot of history in the games. Third How much power does the inquisition have from the wicked hearts mission? Was inquistor a mage and side with the mages in the war or templars, was mage put on the sunburst thorne in the south. Your inquistor could have ties to the qunari that is at war with the imperium and antvia. Dorian which was part of the inquisition and noble in tenviter what his relationship with the inquistor friends or lovers
@@jacob1203 the DA team really went Na just don’t think about it lol.
Or... and here's a crazy idea they looked at their involvement and realised those points have nothing to do with the story they have crafted and thought why bother wasting development time on something that's never going to be brought up. As much as you want it to be your story and your world the developers still set the boundaries of the story they are telling. How you get from start to finish is up to you but you're still confined to the boundaries set. If morigans child or the wardens fate isn't within them boundaries it's not going to be mentioned in the game.
@@chrisspink8873 or just a thought maybe they think that we don't remember our world States and could take the fucking flimsy argument they use and dismantle
@TKGames54 the hero of feraldan could have been the one to kill archdemaon, in which case his tomb would be in the main headquarters of the Grey wardens in the anderfells. The story is about a double blight brought on by the elven gods and solas. You can't ignore the wardens from the series if one of the main factions in the game is the Grey wardens that where the history of them comes up from pervious games.
Yet they have a DLC with important decisions from Dragon Age origins, the Awakening DLC in the Keep, and no one complained.
Are we forgetting the most important thing?
This is a sequel to Dragon Age Inquisition
The title was after all Dreadwolf for years
This game's story does not stand on its own
These three choices stand to only matter -
whenever the Inquisitor shows up for Solas
DA:Origins was the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate 2
Now Larian's Baldur's Gate 3 is the spiritual successor to BioWare
I will play The Veilguard and try to enjoy it the best I can
Mark Darrah has vouched for the game and that carries weight
But I am wholeheartedly disappointment in EA & BioWare
The old guard may be gone, but they still carry the name
all the coices are from tresspasser. even the romance one is related to solas.
We wanted our choices from across the franchise to matter. All these devs want to do is tell another short story and forget everything that has happened previously. The "Drama" surrounding only 3 choices is very real and well deserved. I hope Dragon Age wokeguard fails hard and all the devs get fired. I wanted a mature R18 Dragon age game not some cartoon, mobile looking crap.
Well, this game gets A LOT of crap before even being released, so I sympathize with your "generous" approach. I tend to agree
Alot of bioware megafans are very upset about this. I generally only go to the videos that are geeking out over lore (very long term fans) and the comments there are also 50/50 between heartbroken/accepting.
I played all the games, and was initially disappointed, but im over it. I will judge the game after ive played it. If the chocies/consequences are great in this one game, then i will be fine with only 3 choices carrying over (especially to a story thats 19 years later and hundreds of miles away)
I always struggled between choosing to romance Cassandra or Solas, obviously the kind of inquisitor I had created at the time also determined that as well haha
I like your hopeful attitude. But there is one problem regarding the Romances and cameo's. Namely that you can only choose who you romanced, but not what the fates of those characters was. For example, a romanced Cassandra can become the Divine, which will impact the relationship. A romanced Bull and Blackwall can both still die. Since those fates are (apparently) not taken into account, it is going to be impossible for those romances to make a return. Well, without retconning that is. That would be the worst imo. I'd prefer no reference at all over resurrecting dead characters.
So long story short, the romance section seems to be only a glorified check whether or not you romanced Solas. Now I'm not against that check at all, I just would have preferred it if they would be straightforward about it. Just ask directly whether or not we romanced Solas, if the other romances cannot be relevant anyway. In fact, expand it and ask us what our relationship with Solas was. That way you can choose between romance, friendship or rivals. I'm afraid by Inquisitor's close friendship to Solas will not be acknowledged at all. There should be a distinction between a close friendship or a rivalry relationship.
Personally I just want to play the game before I go on a rant if it's bad or not I just like playing a good game and knowing dragon age it's only the characters and seeing how this world is different than Inquisition
Best way if it's good say so if you hate it at least you gave ot a shot
but will DA2 option and DAO be part of veilguard?
@@XmenSuperfanEmmaFrost no
@@Anima18911 That doesn't make sense. because if Fenris, who is in Tevinter appears, he dated my hawk I think it would be a cruel thing to do. Also, my hero of Ferelden should be alive as well. it wouldn't be a good move from them.
@XmenSuperfanEmmaFrost I know, but they already stated they only choices carrying over are select ones from Inquisition. I think it's dumb but here we are.
@@XmenSuperfanEmmaFrost that's the catch, in DEV perspective if they are not a choice in the world state panel, they will be just bland cameos(like morrigan will be, I'm already ready for the soft retcoon they will do with her), or they will not appear at all.
Hard disagree. Discounting every decision from previous games, makes the world smaller, not larger. The whole point of DAI was to be the leader of a powerful faction that was shaping the world. The whole premise of the series was choices and consequences rippling out and persisting. Now every game mitigated these changes through small cameos, alternate lines, or in certain cases, just straight retcons; but it was enough to show that the world was being shaped by your characters.
By this point through 3 games, we have made choices and connections that would ripple across all of thedas, but they're just going to homogenize them all into the same outcome? Or otherwise ignore them entirely? You're saying it doesn't matter whether Morrigan is a mother, or if she drank from the well, or if she was the Warden's romance? Those are extremely significant aspects of her character to utterly avoid. We're going to Weisshaupt fortress, for the first time, but it doesn't matter how the inquisitor dealt with the Wardens, or whether it was Alistair, Stroud, or Hawke that came out of the fade and got caught in the rebellion that was foreshadowed multiple times.
It doesn't matter if you characterized your inquisitor as a pious devouted chosen one, or pragmatic leader of necessity. It doesn't matter who is the Divine, leading the Chantry. It doesn't matter if you recruited the mages or templars, which led the other faction to being controlled by Corypheous, and essentially wiped out.
No one is saying these had to be big sweeping changes from one playthrough to the next, or maybe some people are, but that has never been how these things were handled. But just a nod, a slight variance, is all it takes to reaffirm the players immersion and investment in the game, and replayability.
Idk, people can do what they want. For me it's the last straw on what has already been an underwhelming and disappointing lead up to a game I was dying for 9 years ago. Hell, if choices don't matter, and it's definitely not a series I play for the gameplay, maybe I'll just watch the cutscenes on youtube. lol
Thats the problem the new Bioware U would think they would have been ambitious and make a DA game that stands only away from the shadow of Mass Effect instead they made a gay version of Mass Effect.
This game is going to be extremely lame and flop, that's a 100% guarantee
Yeah good luck with throw out millions of player who was fan of series day 1 and try to build new fan base.
I agree that not all of the choices from the previous games are important. I am surprised at some of the choices not being asked about, but I'll see how those are treated - if even mentioned - in the game when I play. It's been ten years in game, it's possible that who we put on the throne in Origins is no-longer the King or Queen, who we put on the throne in Inquisition may have been overthrown in another civil war, and who we made Divine may have been replaced as they pushed an agenda that was unpopular with other members of the church. Bioware have said that they would not invalidate the world states we created in the games, and nothing they do would in Veilguard invalidates the world state we created in those previous games at the time, even if it's different ten years later (depending on how they present it). Until I see how it's handled in the game and what impact on the story it has I'll reserve my judgement on them.
the thing is, i would not want to waste my $70 to be disappointed, I will just watch a stream of it, and if they did right by the lore of the previous games, then it will be worth a buy. If they don't then I would be lucky not to fund their attempt to destroy a beloved franchise.
@@enightc I'm not going to know if I will enjoy a game from watching someone else play. I don't like watching people play games, I get bored and it doesn't hold my interest.
From the gameplay trailers that I have seen, it looks like a game I will enjoy playing. So far there hasn't been a BioWare game that I have bought that I haven't enjoyed playing (Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, Mass Effect 1-3, and Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age Origins, 2, and Inquisition). Some I enjoyed so much I bought the Legendary Edition even though I already had bought the original games and DLC.
What I have seen of the gameplay in the trailers and what I've heard and read from the interviews and those who have played the game, so far, there hasn't been anything that makes me think I won't enjoy playing the game. And, based on those trailers (not the initial companion one, the trailers with actual gameplay) and my previous experience of the Bioware games, I expect to enjoy the game at least as much as the one I enjoyed for the game play more than the story and characters.
@@ract46 then you will enjoy this game. I see no reason why you wouldn't buy it immediately.
If you say so..
Cancelled my preordered after this news… I was prepared to over look the nonsense added
Almost every choice has already has its conciquence in Inquistion or Tresspasser the only ones that dont get addressed are the 2 you carry over from Tresspasser. That being said no reason it couldnt have been more choices like 7-10, the 3 we get plus, who is divine who got left in the fade, well of sorrows, warden exile and ruler of orlais. Most other games really only have 3 choices of consequence really. Like what choices between Dragon Age Origins and 2 actually matter, just a couple of cameos. Meeting Alistair insted of stroud would not really matter. And to Inquisition is really only a couple of choices Old god baby, some choices around Hawke other then that choices between games are mainly cosmetic. And meeting most characters weve met before wouldnt really make sense outside a few.
Very true, I think if the game hadn't been restarted from scratch there might have been less pressure to rush the game out but considering biowares position, this game needs to ship, though 💯 more choices would have been better
If a tree doesn't bend it'll break. Looks like they are bending in the right direction. I'm so excited to play in less than a month.
The event of trespasser is MORE important then the other games
I live in the US and I don't know who the president of Mexico is. I know nearly nothing about Mexico, although I've heard a bit here and there about people vacationing or there being dangerous areas.
Why the hell would our new character know what's going on down south??
Still hoping we can make some decisions in the dialogue but I think people are taking this way out of proportion.
Yes this! Absolutely spot on
The story of Veilguard happens in different parts of Thedas. They just won't reference most previous choices, but that doesn't erase them. People on the streets of Minrathous during a demon attack are not standing around chatting about who's in charge of the Ferelden/Orlesian chantry, or who's on the throne in those countries. Like, can you name the king of Sweden without googling? It'll be fine.
Exactly! And that was the point of DA2 being in Kirkwall!
I don't think it SHOOK the fanbase. It caused some momentary surprise, but with some thought I get it. Ferelden and Orlais are down south. Those choices aren't invalidated, they just no longer apply. Good and well considered analysis.
if you only look at the wiki you will realize how much choices you have made actually affected Tevinter.
I just remembered that 1 guy I send to Tevinter to learn magic from Dragon Age 2, we have Dorian, Zevran, Fenris, Bull and many other choices that affects Tevinter or would have been a great call back. But yeah, they don't matter at all.
@@enightc Dorian excepted (I do think he will appear) all the other characters, Feynriel included are quantum - they may be dead (Feynriel may be tranquil).
@@sofajockeyUK You can romance Dorian with Iron Bull. Might I see Iron Bull there too?
Dunno what you ppl smoking, story of INQ was trash tier meme about bad guy with 0 buildup and quick end.
wokeguard will be even MORE WOKE with even worse story... since you cant make bread from shit.
I'm a long time Dragon Age fan and I'm excited about VeilGuard. I'm very disappointed in all the hate out there when the game hasn't even been released. The trailer and game play looks fun. Artistic design to me looks awesome. As for choices, I think why they narrowed it down is because we are in new areas. We ran the Inquisition in the South, how much impact would it have made in the North? Also, as much as I like old characters and camos, I like getting to know new characters and unlocking new lore. We can't do that if we keep rehashing past stories. As for me, I'm going to give the game a chance.
it is your money to do with, but don't say its a new area when throughout all three games we have either send people to Tevinter, or have dealt with people from Tevinter. Antiva and many areas from the North. These are all choices that was given so that it makes Tevinter a area not so alien to us.
It is your right to enjoy a game. I just care a little more about my Dragon Age world that I have built through all three games.
@enightc so does that mean you're not going to play it?.
@@enightc I feel like it is more of a new area to explore because our main character has never been there, we might have sent envoys or talked to different npc/characters from there, but we ourselves have yet to delve into those areas.
As for dragon age worlds, you should totally enjoy the worlds you have made. I think we can expand and enhance those worlds too. Honestly, we won't really find out until we play the game. Good or bad, I want to find out.
@@TKGames54 less and less reasons to play this. I already stopped my three game playthrough that I was doing to prepare my memory. I just started inquisition again but there was absolutely no reason to do it now. That dragon age 2 replay was totally a waste of time now. Origin was still fun, I was totally trying a full mage playthrough. But man this just ruined that drive or anticipation of Veilguard.
@@ambermazdra7071 people better than me and have better memory than me already shown a versions of how they would have integrated the choices of previous games. It's just sad how those that is paid really well to do this for a living couldn't.