Korobeiniki (Medieval Cover)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 683

  • @SighMyNameTaken
    @SighMyNameTaken 4 года назад +2221

    I'm waiting for Running in the 90's, or perhaps I should say Jousting in the 900's

    • @lephantomchickn3676
      @lephantomchickn3676 4 года назад +30

      I foresee you getting many likes

    • @hecatialapislazulli5426
      @hecatialapislazulli5426 4 года назад +67

      Jousting in the 900s, a song that the bards use to play when clandestine jousts occur in the night. Legends said that nobody can defeat a plebian knight and his horse, a beast from the far east, named "Æ VIII VI" or "AE the Eighth and Sixth".

    • @tlotpwist3417
      @tlotpwist3417 4 года назад +26

      Nani!? Horsu dorifto!!!

    • @Kinross07
      @Kinross07 4 года назад +9

      There is a bardcore version of Running in the 90's elsewhere, it's pretty good.

    • @stevecooper6578
      @stevecooper6578 4 года назад +4

      @@tlotpwist3417 *HOL HORSE REQUIEM*

  • @kekzealot3568
    @kekzealot3568 4 года назад +4126

    stacking bodies in during the plague in the hole for maximum efficiency

    • @Kazik3Wielki
      @Kazik3Wielki 4 года назад +44

      Oh no XD

    • @jeremydarcangeli7093
      @jeremydarcangeli7093 4 года назад +58

      Just like now with corona

    • @krmu7068
      @krmu7068 4 года назад +78

      Heh, one of the monty python pc games had that as a minigame.

    • @RIFLQ
      @RIFLQ 4 года назад +4

      Too early

    • @Sofia-T
      @Sofia-T 4 года назад +8

      @Timothy Moore maybe later, when the virus dies. Although, I read somewhere that it can survive within a dead body for nearly a month...

  • @mikewarper6789
    @mikewarper6789 4 года назад +1528

    Man, Nintendo Stone was such a great console

    • @SAM-ru4vx
      @SAM-ru4vx 4 года назад +52

      Best cards to play poker with.

    • @desolatortrooper7196
      @desolatortrooper7196 4 года назад +55

      Nintendo Entertainment Stone.

    • @virgofmadness1417
      @virgofmadness1417 4 года назад +41

      It was better on Game Lad...

    • @Occhii_Docchii
      @Occhii_Docchii 4 года назад +30

      Doth thou have knowledge of how many silver pieces one would needeth in order to purchase the fifth PlaySlab

    • @SamuelStudios
      @SamuelStudios 4 года назад +14

      That's a stone Luigi! You didn't make it!

  • @Itoyokofan
    @Itoyokofan 4 года назад +1770

    FYI, Korobeiniki is a song about a peddler who got successfully laid and it has nothing to do with tetramino.
    The young peddler falls in love with a village girl and tries to seduce her with gifts when he meets her at night at the field of rye. There then they bargain a little while kissing. By the morning she leaves, but takes only a small ring as a gift, so the peddler says: when he sells his goods at the city he'll come to take her to church to marry.
    (Though in the originlal poem he was robbed and killed on his way back).

    • @Mr-__-Sy
      @Mr-__-Sy 4 года назад +174

      and still every one knows the music from tetris

    • @wikansaktianto9215
      @wikansaktianto9215 4 года назад +147

      That is why Tetris always perish when you put your gift neatly.

    • @Sarafimm2
      @Sarafimm2 4 года назад +67

      Thank you! Interesting to learn this even with the bad ending.

    • @TalosBjorn
      @TalosBjorn 4 года назад +220

      That last bit is what makes it so quintessentially Russian

    • @comradekenobi6908
      @comradekenobi6908 4 года назад +44

      @@TalosBjorn what? because its depressing and sad?

  • @legofanguyvid
    @legofanguyvid 4 года назад +2293

    I am the man who arranges the blocks...

    • @43615
      @43615 4 года назад +231


    • @flutemastertututut9212
      @flutemastertututut9212 4 года назад +169

      They come two weeks late and they don’t tesselate

    • @janno288
      @janno288 4 года назад +30

      We are*
      also love that song

    • @flutemastertututut9212
      @flutemastertututut9212 4 года назад +110

      But we’re working on Stalin’s plan

    • @Bruno_Noobador
      @Bruno_Noobador 4 года назад +42


  • @sufferingbanana
    @sufferingbanana 4 года назад +167

    The medieval covers are in my opinion the perfect songs to enjoy a nice cup of evening tea to.

  • @EddyPinky
    @EddyPinky 4 года назад +56

    when you arrive to the coldest town in a RPG

  • @Sumner18
    @Sumner18 4 года назад +45

    I was listening to this before a job interview hoping for some relaxing music... I thought wrong. The acceleration throughout the song got my heart pumping so fast.

  • @clray123
    @clray123 4 года назад +320

    The medieval version of Tetris was carved out of wood and a knave was throwing the different stones at you to place them on the board. Of course, you had to simulate the gradual falling down of the pieces yourself. This was a favorite pastime when your castle was locked down during plague.

    • @akhimuwahhid
      @akhimuwahhid 4 года назад +5

      the more you know

    • @scouttyra
      @scouttyra 4 года назад +3

      And legend says this knave was unbeatable.

    • @farmerboy916
      @farmerboy916 4 года назад +9

      Okay, that legitimately sounds like a kinda fun board game though.

    • @arielc7730
      @arielc7730 Год назад

      Btw: Cathedral is a control area boardgame where you're trying to fit tetris shape like wood cathedrals in your board

  • @ItsTheVioletQueen
    @ItsTheVioletQueen 3 года назад +24

    The intro to this is legitimately chilling with the instrument choice.

  • @wilhelmii6221
    @wilhelmii6221 4 года назад +164

    Never ever clicked so fast in my life

    • @ChineseGermanEmpireUSASSU
      @ChineseGermanEmpireUSASSU 4 года назад +3

      early gang

    • @wilhelmii6221
      @wilhelmii6221 4 года назад +4

      @@ChineseGermanEmpireUSASSU I just entered the comment section for the first time so fast, so thank you for welcoming me

    • @ChineseGermanEmpireUSASSU
      @ChineseGermanEmpireUSASSU 4 года назад +3

      @@wilhelmii6221 lol this is the earliest ive ever been :p

    • @wilhelmii6221
      @wilhelmii6221 4 года назад +1

      @@ChineseGermanEmpireUSASSU Lol, we may c eachother next video, till then

    • @ChineseGermanEmpireUSASSU
      @ChineseGermanEmpireUSASSU 4 года назад +1

      @@wilhelmii6221 When i clicked i saw *23 seconds ago*

  • @themaicky3209
    @themaicky3209 4 года назад +45

    The tsar Ivan IV building the St Basil's cathedral
    (pd: It's not from middle ages but I thought it'd be good)

    • @MajorDumai
      @MajorDumai 4 года назад +1

      XVI and even XVII century in Russia is still more of middle ages than of another time period.

  • @chenoaholdstock3507
    @chenoaholdstock3507 4 года назад +96

    Me: I need to sleep. There is school tomorrow.
    Also me: oooh! New videoooo!

    • @MiddleAgesMusic
      @MiddleAgesMusic  4 года назад +40

      Better sleep, save your energy for tomorrow💪

    • @Secretcodrin
      @Secretcodrin 4 года назад +4

      don't you guys have corona? Or summer at that extent?

    • @norhaizamustapa9872
      @norhaizamustapa9872 4 года назад +2

      @@Secretcodrin you know
      Not everybody lives in america

    • @Secretcodrin
      @Secretcodrin 4 года назад +1

      @@norhaizamustapa9872 i don't.

  • @martingonzalezcapriles3569
    @martingonzalezcapriles3569 4 года назад +8

    the best thing about this is that it isnt just a copy of the song, but it is Slightly changed so it fits way better. congratulations.

  • @TheApfelschale
    @TheApfelschale 4 года назад +8

    I love how this is just different enough from the modern version that you can easily recognize it, but you wouldn't notice right away if you didn't listen closely.

    • @kamerad_marzuki3631
      @kamerad_marzuki3631 4 года назад +4

      Because this song uses the melody from the 19th-century version of Korobeiniki, not a melody from Tetris.

  • @Обычныйкусокчеловечины

    Почти ни единого коммента от пожилых славян, тем более среди популярных. Ну так не делается, согласитесь?

    • @FilFPS228
      @FilFPS228 4 года назад +2


    • @pantera9442
      @pantera9442 3 года назад +2

      Согласна, я молодая ещё славянка, но добавлю 👍🏻

    • @MeinungMann
      @MeinungMann 3 года назад +1

      Мы просто молча восхищаемся

  • @YilmazAliDogan
    @YilmazAliDogan 4 года назад +55

    In Grand Duchy of Muscovy, you don't break the Mongol yoke, Mongol yoke breaks you.

    • @metinfurkanamarat583
      @metinfurkanamarat583 4 года назад +11

      The reverse Russia meme combined with historical facts, well done sir, truly.

    • @cianakril
      @cianakril 4 года назад +6

      Except the history was opposite.

    • @dv6298
      @dv6298 4 года назад +2

      @@cianakril Not really, Russian society was forever scarred and traumatized.

    • @Yuyukow
      @Yuyukow 4 года назад +9

      Tell that to Dimitri Donskoy

    • @ozgurkayarobloxgta5vedahaf174
      @ozgurkayarobloxgta5vedahaf174 3 года назад

      why i hear turkish music

  • @ghostknight2011
    @ghostknight2011 4 года назад +13

    In the Kievan Rus, the Lyre plays thee.

  • @deleted7561
    @deleted7561 4 года назад +113

    last time I was this early king charlemagne still ruled

    • @wilhelmii6221
      @wilhelmii6221 4 года назад +10

      Wait, he doesn't?

    • @luanisufi5194
      @luanisufi5194 4 года назад +2

      @@wilhelmii6221 Why is in every comment section a Gem of comment like this?😂

    • @wilhelmii6221
      @wilhelmii6221 4 года назад +1

      @@luanisufi5194 Idk, but your welcome sire.

    • @plebisMaximus
      @plebisMaximus 4 года назад +2

      That's *Emperor* Charlemagne to you, peasant!

    • @JunWisewar
      @JunWisewar 4 года назад +1

      It's Emperor, you pleb! Back to the onion patch!

  • @GrandSnow469
    @GrandSnow469 4 года назад +5

    That chorus at the end is just beautiful

  • @Leonard_Gray
    @Leonard_Gray 4 года назад +306

    Удивительный факт: «Коробейники» - it's NOT soundtrack from Tetris.

    • @thesauciestboss4039
      @thesauciestboss4039 4 года назад +24

      It’s also known as Коробушка

    • @AriShapiro.99
      @AriShapiro.99 4 года назад +92

      I mean, It is the soundtrack for Tetris. But it is originally a folk song.

    • @codex4046
      @codex4046 4 года назад +31

      @@AriShapiro.99 indeed, it's because tetris is a game by a Sovjet developer. Back in the day the rights for the game where owned by the Sovjet government.

    • @smileyfacegr6691
      @smileyfacegr6691 4 года назад +14

      Well, they didn't call it "The Tetris Song" so what's wrong

    • @Mattsguitar94
      @Mattsguitar94 4 года назад +4

      actually the Tetris theme song was INSPIRED by this

  • @gregorydedios9980
    @gregorydedios9980 4 года назад +243

    As long as you are sticking with the Russian themed songs, how about “ I am very glad because I am returning home” (trololol song) Please?

    • @gregorydedios9980
      @gregorydedios9980 4 года назад +8

      @Поль Зиган I see you are a man of culture as well.

    • @royalbirb275
      @royalbirb275 4 года назад +2

      Поль Зиган тоже я :/

    • @finhazel
      @finhazel 4 года назад +3

      i havent heard that name in years

    • @Gaby-gu4ym
      @Gaby-gu4ym 4 года назад +2

      Ohh I remember that piece of art, such a masterpiece

    • @slavboii420
      @slavboii420 3 года назад

      trolololololol trolololol

  • @user-sonyalan
    @user-sonyalan 4 года назад +218

    Fun fact: Korobeiniki itself is a medieval song

    • @vdagr8795
      @vdagr8795 3 года назад +15

      It was made with medieval musical instruments.

    • @Evgesha1990
      @Evgesha1990 3 года назад +47

      No, it was written by Nikolay Nekrasov in 1861

    • @dubstrap6095
      @dubstrap6095 3 года назад +14

      @@Evgesha1990 funny to think that a 19th century song became the theme of the most sold videogame ever in history (at least it was before 2019)

    • @GiordanDiodato
      @GiordanDiodato 2 года назад +2

      I thought it was from the 19th century?

    • @GiordanDiodato
      @GiordanDiodato 2 года назад

      @@dubstrap6095 probably because the composer was Russian

  • @BabaJeez
    @BabaJeez 4 года назад +79

    girls: I bet the boys are at the village market accumulating capital and trying to court young maidens

    • @ST0AT
      @ST0AT 4 года назад +6


    • @keith3278
      @keith3278 4 года назад +4

      They Fall Down and I Spin Them Around , Till They Fit In The Ground Like Hand In Glove

    • @kamerad_marzuki3631
      @kamerad_marzuki3631 4 года назад +3

      Comrades: OH MY CRATE IS SO FULL...

    • @louisalex98
      @louisalex98 4 года назад

      You sir... Is a man of culture

    • @nikolay4101-s7r
      @nikolay4101-s7r 4 года назад +1

      Oh, my crate is so light;
      The strap is no longer cutting into my shoulders!
      And all my lass took
      Was one turquoise ring.

  • @DeadlySkill15
    @DeadlySkill15 4 года назад +3


  • @fineaddition5176
    @fineaddition5176 4 года назад +5

    Well this certainly didn't disappoint, great job!

    • @MiddleAgesMusic
      @MiddleAgesMusic  4 года назад +2

      Could you please tell me what did disappoint (if something really did) it is truly significant for me🙏

    • @fineaddition5176
      @fineaddition5176 4 года назад +2

      Middle Ages well, nothing really I just liked the cover in general, though maybe their could have bit more emphasis on the beat to give it a bit more oomph, if you get what I mean?

  • @projectdunne5442
    @projectdunne5442 4 года назад +9

    Идеальная версия!!

  • @SrDGamer23
    @SrDGamer23 4 года назад +11

    The sound of building the biggest country ever

  • @cxtabs
    @cxtabs 4 года назад +3


  • @ferretman6790
    @ferretman6790 4 года назад +5

    Art be thy man who arrangeth thou blocketh.

  • @sonitourret1374
    @sonitourret1374 4 года назад +1

    i love this version, and the flute. very nostalgic.

  • @kompandach6766
    @kompandach6766 4 года назад +48

    I liked how they called it korobeiniki instead of tetris theme

    • @kamerad_marzuki3631
      @kamerad_marzuki3631 4 года назад +5

      Because there's no Kalinka in the beginning.

    • @sovietunion6109
      @sovietunion6109 4 года назад +2

      I like how that's the original name and nvm i think i just missed the joke, someone whooosh me

  • @Gino_andTonic
    @Gino_andTonic 4 года назад +2

    I beith the lad who arranges the the square that descended from the hevans

  • @malahamavet
    @malahamavet 4 года назад +10

    when using recorders try making polyphony to have more variation instead of having just one recorder. many people forget about this but having two or three instruments doing diferent things while maintaining harmony is not just cool, it's medieval

    • @alley6950
      @alley6950 4 года назад +1

      There are different types of recorders as well. I played the alto recorder in a small group in high school for a couple years. We even went to the Renaissance Faire to show off our stuff. It was super cool.

  • @zuikakuzk0229
    @zuikakuzk0229 4 года назад +20

    Nice work. Can you do a Russian march sometime in the future, like for exemple : Victory Day, or Farewell of Slavianka?

  • @ХОМЯКГОША-е5н
    @ХОМЯКГОША-е5н 3 года назад +3

    Спасибо вы молодец 👍

  • @pathologist7543
    @pathologist7543 4 года назад +3

    I discovered this channel today and subscribed. Keep up the good work! This is perfect study music!

    • @MiddleAgesMusic
      @MiddleAgesMusic  4 года назад +2

      Thank you👋 Hopefully I'll concentrate on the ballads in the nearest time, so it would fit for studying even more😉

  • @franzosischer_pappkarton
    @franzosischer_pappkarton 4 года назад +68

    I know that people are joking in the comments... but, please. Russia it‘s not only vodka, USSR and Putin... sometimes it‘s very painful to read.
    Love from Russia

    • @slavboii420
      @slavboii420 3 года назад +7

      yeah we all know that but please don't take everything seriously.

    • @axelstevens3383
      @axelstevens3383 3 года назад +5

      Tell that to Putin, who only goes around drinking vodka and trying to rebuild the USSR.

    • @alex_smil3
      @alex_smil3 3 года назад

      @@axelstevens3383 HAHAHAHA

    • @alex_smil3
      @alex_smil3 3 года назад

      I know, i hate when everybody stereotypes mexico, and i think that happens on russia too

    • @АлексейКараван-л1л
      @АлексейКараван-л1л 3 года назад

      Чел, ты же из пост-советского пространства, относись ко всему с юмором

  • @matveychakryan9531
    @matveychakryan9531 4 года назад +1

    Vladimir the Red sun smashed the like button

  • @chveyk
    @chveyk 4 года назад +7

    Эх, полным полна моя коробушка!

  • @lily_in_the_valley
    @lily_in_the_valley 4 года назад

    This is amazing, thank you for this! Never clicked this fast on a notification !

  • @Anonym-yr4qn
    @Anonym-yr4qn 2 года назад +7

    This would make a great intro-Song for a RPG, or just a Fantasy TV-Show.
    I literally see a animated Montage with the Artists Names dynamically floating at the screen, while matching the Background just perfectly.

  • @lifesgood687
    @lifesgood687 4 года назад

    I like how it builds up

  • @darkestlost
    @darkestlost 3 года назад +1

    0:53 amazing composition

  • @JulianaDino
    @JulianaDino 4 года назад

    Send love from Brazil! Just adore this channel

  • @Vlagid
    @Vlagid 2 года назад +2

    Эх ностальгия

  • @noticias6111
    @noticias6111 3 года назад +1

    From what I understand music from Tetris was already based on a Russian folk music piece..so if it does trace back ~5 centuries back, the reality is that it wouldn't sound too different from what already comes to mind with that music

  • @comradekarlvonschnitzelste8218
    @comradekarlvonschnitzelste8218 4 года назад +3

    stacking the bricks of a castle correctly to keep the Ottomans out
    ah, shite. They have siege weapons. Farewell brothers

  • @wimpwampwomp
    @wimpwampwomp 3 года назад +1

    When you manage to clear all the blocks but some guy wearing an onion on his head walks up to you to congratulate you

  • @arturoquijano141
    @arturoquijano141 4 года назад +3

    The real function of the black death mask was to hear this with medieval headphones

  • @lephantomchickn3676
    @lephantomchickn3676 4 года назад +44

    When you're stacking debris to keep the Ottomans out of Constantinople

    • @comradekenobi6908
      @comradekenobi6908 4 года назад +3

      but they have guns, big guns

    • @TDGCmote
      @TDGCmote 4 года назад

      When you have to arrange all of your 80,000 Muslim troops outside of Constantinople.

    • @yafutian2607
      @yafutian2607 4 года назад +1

      Constantinople (x)
      Istanbul (x)
      Kostantiniyye (x)
      Tzargrad (!)

    • @Ieva_Leonardo
      @Ieva_Leonardo 4 года назад +1

      @@yafutian2607 Biciantion

    • @ammaren9459
      @ammaren9459 4 года назад +1

      Ja Miklagard er det rette navn.

  • @amarimacd12
    @amarimacd12 2 года назад +1

    Me and my fellows rejoicing after the playstation -678 is produced:

  • @jarskil8862
    @jarskil8862 4 года назад +5

    🎶I am the man who arranges the blocks. They come down and I spin them around till they fit in the ground line hand in glove. 🎶

  • @brief3851
    @brief3851 4 года назад

    Tis the finest melody

  • @KingKloo100
    @KingKloo100 3 года назад

    REally good korobeiniki version

  • @MauroGareca
    @MauroGareca 4 года назад

    I love this channel

  • @gamecarnival2024
    @gamecarnival2024 4 года назад +6

    Well whoever it was who requested this... you got your wish tovarisch

  • @Emipie
    @Emipie 4 года назад

    I now have a whole playlist of medieval covers

  • @AweryGhe
    @AweryGhe 4 года назад +38

    That filling when you can set a medieval art with korobeiniks(old rus rowing merchants), but you use Tetris, cause you think what it is a song from Tetris.

    • @casual_boredom7195
      @casual_boredom7195 4 года назад +5

      It Infuriates Me Too

    • @soni3608
      @soni3608 4 года назад +1

      i am the man who arranges the blocks
      also the tetris reference is because of this:

    • @kamerad_marzuki3631
      @kamerad_marzuki3631 4 года назад

      @@soni3608 Ой полным полна моя коробушка
      Есть и ситец, и парча.
      Пожалей, душа-зазнобушка,
      Молодецкого плеча
      Выйду, выйду в рожь высокую,
      Там до ночки погожу,
      Как завижу черноокую,
      Все товары разложу.
      Цены сам платил немалые,
      Не торгуйся, не скупись,
      Подставляй-ка губки алые,
      Ближе к молодцу садись.
      Вот уж пала ночь туманная,
      Ждёт удалый молодец...
      Чу, идёт! - пришла желанная,
      Продаёт товар купец.
      Катя бережно торгуется,
      Всё боится передать,
      Парень с де́вицей целуется,
      Просит цены набавлять.
      Знает только ночь глубокая,
      Как поладили они.
      Распрямись ты, рожь высокая,
      Тайну свято сохрани!
      Ой, легка, легка коробушка,
      Плеч не режет ремешок!
      А всего взяла зазнобушка
      Бирюзовый перстенёк.
      Дал ей ситцу штуку целую,
      Ленту алую для кос,
      Поясок - рубашку белую
      Подпоясать в сенокос...
      Все поклала ненаглядная
      В короб, кроме перстенька:
      «Не хочу ходить нарядная
      Без сердечного дружка!
      То-то, дуры вы, молодочки!
      Не сама ли принесла
      Полуштофик сладкой водочки?
      А подарков не взяла!
      Так постой же! Нерушимое
      Обещаньице даю:
      Опорожнится коробушка,
      На Покров домой приду
      И тебя, душа-зазнобушка,
      В божью церковь поведу!"
      Вплоть до вечера дождливого
      Молодец бежит бегом
      И товарища ворчливого
      Нагоняет под селом.
      Старый Тихоныч ругается:
      "Я уж думал, ты пропал!"
      Ванька только ухмыляется -
      Я-де ситцы продавал!

  • @Jonthecool44
    @Jonthecool44 4 года назад +42

    me: has Russian decent
    Comments: TETRAS MEMES
    me: Sad Face

    • @akhimuwahhid
      @akhimuwahhid 4 года назад +1


    • @ShadyTheDark
      @ShadyTheDark 4 года назад +2

      Kkkkkk tetras kk LOL why tetras? Its tetris....

    • @newspacia
      @newspacia 3 года назад

      ah yes, my favorite block game, tetras

  • @jinxhead4182
    @jinxhead4182 4 года назад


  • @nolongerusing7430
    @nolongerusing7430 4 года назад +2

    I am ye man whoms't arranges thy blocks that decend upon thee from up above...

  • @mangofactory.mp4
    @mangofactory.mp4 4 года назад

    hark, my squire! these blocks interlock!

  • @Ravannick
    @Ravannick 3 года назад +1


  • @seventheroot-r
    @seventheroot-r 4 года назад +5

    “Why does everyone think I like Tetris?, It’s just stacking”
    “Yeah you’re right, it is just stacking”

  • @TeaBook_Guy5789
    @TeaBook_Guy5789 4 года назад +6

    Piękna piosenka.👍

  • @scarletwolf9910
    @scarletwolf9910 4 года назад

    This sounds like the opening to a really old legend. :3

  • @gings4ever
    @gings4ever 4 года назад +4

    when your Boyar bro finds out his merchant friend was killed by a ranger

  • @VoidZRD
    @VoidZRD 9 месяцев назад

    Oh gosh, i will put this in tetrio in the background of the blitz mode🤩

  • @morgansolerove
    @morgansolerove 4 года назад

    Oh yeah it's all coming together

  • @hatsunemikuchannel2023
    @hatsunemikuchannel2023 2 года назад

    Tetris's theme!! 😯😯😊😊
    Awesome for me!! 😯😯😊😊

    • @shivamshah7435
      @shivamshah7435 Год назад

      this is not the tetris theme. the tetris theme is the bare bone version of korobieniki

  • @yasmin0va
    @yasmin0va 4 года назад +3


  • @AA-sz5wm
    @AA-sz5wm 4 года назад +1

    When you're a wall defender on a siege and master-at-arms order you to drop bricks into the invaders

  • @Sethyreach-b2t
    @Sethyreach-b2t 3 месяца назад

    This is almost adventurous in a type of way

  • @adamlaurie5805
    @adamlaurie5805 4 года назад

    Thine art thou man who arrangeth thine blocks

  • @Hoheinohonryo
    @Hoheinohonryo 3 года назад

    love this

  • @mhurgle
    @mhurgle 4 года назад +2

    I'm waiting for bardcore for Anime OSTs,
    feels like that is the natural progression of this reality...

  • @gyrrakavian
    @gyrrakavian 4 года назад +4

    I'd be curious to hear a medieval version of something by Cosmo Sheldrake.
    EDIT: _Wriggle_ does sound like a psilocibin sea shanty.

  • @federicoallegretti3798
    @federicoallegretti3798 4 года назад +1

    I'm subscribed since the fall' of rome

  • @rayotoxi1509
    @rayotoxi1509 4 года назад +2

    Medieval when building houses and castles

  • @musicfan8882
    @musicfan8882 4 года назад

    It is so entertaining and I wouldn't think this song was written for a game! I sounds like a song that could make people get up and dance!

    • @c0mpu73rguy
      @c0mpu73rguy 4 года назад +4

      It wasn’t XD

    • @musicfan8882
      @musicfan8882 4 года назад

      @@c0mpu73rguy I knew that song from Tetris!

    • @jarskil8862
      @jarskil8862 4 года назад +2

      @@musicfan8882 Yeah but the original song itself existed decades before tetris.

  • @AlmightyPolarBear
    @AlmightyPolarBear 4 года назад +1

    Remember when we used to build things out of 4x4 shapes. Those were the days.

  • @uvofsam
    @uvofsam 2 года назад +1

    When i listen to this, i get a strong feeling of intense nostalgic repulsion from my own existence that i wanna die in the past before even i was born

  • @camotophat
    @camotophat 4 года назад

    In medieval Tetris we had one shape and we liked it!

  • @francisdagonton4106
    @francisdagonton4106 3 года назад +1

    I am the man who arranged the block that descend upon me from up above...

  • @lephantomchickn3676
    @lephantomchickn3676 4 года назад

    Medieval covers better be in YT rewind 2020

  • @damienroyer4689
    @damienroyer4689 4 года назад

    Bella ciao would beautiful in this style

  • @LaLunarFox
    @LaLunarFox 4 года назад +2

    So this is how Muscovy build their empire...

  • @MedusaLegend
    @MedusaLegend 4 года назад

    That version is great. I won’t hear the Korobeiniki the same way as before.
    2:03 looks like we have reach level 9.

  • @Inderastein
    @Inderastein 4 года назад

    Mom: why are you stacking hay bales son?

  • @patrykbastek9460
    @patrykbastek9460 4 года назад

    Nice Civilization medieval theme.

  • @tlotpwist3417
    @tlotpwist3417 4 года назад +1

    When you have to rebuild your north wall after the last siege of your castle

  • @yurikimjongil
    @yurikimjongil 4 года назад +1

    Stacking bodies during the Fall of Rome

  • @c0mpu73rguy
    @c0mpu73rguy 4 года назад +9

    Castle builders be like:

  • @ВладиславМагров
    @ВладиславМагров 4 года назад +1

    Крутой крутяк

  • @ovni2295
    @ovni2295 4 года назад

    I am the man who arranges the blocks!
    That descend upon me from up above!
    I spin them around, till they fit in the ground
    Like hand in glove!

    • @kamerad_marzuki3631
      @kamerad_marzuki3631 4 года назад

      Ой полным полна моя коробушка
      Есть и ситец, и парча.
      Пожалей, душа-зазнобушка,
      Молодецкого плеча

  • @Clancydaenlightened
    @Clancydaenlightened 4 года назад

    Reminds me of Playing dead stacks on my Hohenzollern entertainment machine in the 1280s, good memories, needed a water wheel and 50 people to run it......🙃

  • @thelonesniper6292
    @thelonesniper6292 4 года назад +1

    Stackin stones for the trebuchet

  • @RuralTowner
    @RuralTowner 4 года назад

    The image at a glance made me think of TETRIS.

  • @mar0z
    @mar0z 3 года назад

    ah yes, let the bardcore fill the void for a while