Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม | EP.9 REACTION

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 18

  • @mikiyuki
    @mikiyuki 9 месяцев назад +17

    Im so scared to watch this episode because I watch an interview where Jimmy and Sea say that EP 9 is a 10 in the crying scale lol

  • @capelle1986
    @capelle1986 9 месяцев назад +14

    Just one of the best Thai productions I've ever seen, wow!
    Bawled my eyes out with this series. 3eps to go, let's cross our fingers he will regain his eyesight back. This serie needs a happy end, it has to be 😭

    • @R0dv0ss
      @R0dv0ss 9 месяцев назад +3

      Não precisa recuperar visão pra ser feliz

    • @capelle1986
      @capelle1986 9 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@R0dv0ss true, I just wish with all my heart that he could see him clearly in the end

    • @rhyker9597
      @rhyker9597 9 месяцев назад +4

      @@capelle1986A person who is completely blind (cannot see light) will not benefit from a cornea transplant. The window that Day could see again with a transplant looks like it’s closed ie. at the end of this episode he saw no light at all. I’m glad because it would cheapen this series if miracle someone (Dad or Night)dies so he can get the transplant.

    • @a_lost_staysider
      @a_lost_staysider 9 месяцев назад +2

      It can still be a happy ending without his eyesight. Day is finally at peace with being blind that’s a happy ending to me. I genuinely hope they don’t give him a miracle donation because that would kinda make the development less valuable and just like Mee, a happy ending can come in many different forms. it may be sad to some but for many disabled ppl, acceptance and not living to wait for a ‘way to be fixed’ is a happy ending.

  • @bfpkohm372
    @bfpkohm372 9 месяцев назад +8

    ดีใจที่ชอบซีรี่ย์ของไทย. ผมยังไม่สามารถหยุดร้องไห้ได้เลย Glad to like Thai series. I still can't stop crying.

  • @azzianna3654
    @azzianna3654 4 месяца назад

    just wanna share.. not sure if you've read it already.. saw this on the comments section back then
    Mhok's description for a "beautiful sky" translates:
    Day = Sun
    Mhok = Fog (clouds)
    Rung = Rainbow

  • @XlotusflowerX-ec9yl
    @XlotusflowerX-ec9yl 9 месяцев назад +1

    Last Twilight is a series composed of great characters. Nothing against like antagonist. Only life and its realities-that it can be difficult at times but is also alluring and precious-with a focus on accepting destiny and holding onto hope.
    This episodes theme;
    Day's journey to Songkhla is part of his journey to acceptance and a journey home that leads to his reconciliation ect.
    I feel empathy for both of the brothers and I can understand both of their pov’s.
    Both of them have been having a hard time and they’ve been going through a lot.
    Here are some of my thought on their relationship and the accident ect.
    Day’s parents separated when he was child.
    He didnt get love from his father as he was absent and his mother was most likely busy with work so she was physically present in Day’s life but most likely was emotionally absent at times.
    Night wasnt a big brother to Day which means that Day ultimately didnt get love from him either.
    After the accident Night changed to a completely different person to whom Day had grown up with so its natural for Day to not trust Night and to be suspicious.
    Day also is upset because of the way Night treats him.
    While Night is trying his best and it comes from guilt and genuine care, but the way Day perceives Night's behaviour is as pitying him or acting nice in front of Mhok considering every single thing as fake.
    That's why Day's so comfortable with Mhok, because he didn't treat his broken.
    Mhok supported and encouraged Day since the beginning and told him if he wanted something, he had to come and get it himself.
    Mhok understood that Day strives for independence and did his best to help in anyway he could so that Day could gain back his independence.
    I think its important to take note of the fact that the version of Night we were introduced to is not the version that Day had grown up with/known and had been dealing with before the accident or on the night of the accident.
    Until this episode the way Night has been potrayed to us is this kind and caring brother while Day has come of as a brat.
    All that being said, in this episode in my opinion there were couple of key points that stuck out to me and really told a lot about Night and Day’s relationship/dynamic.
    The flashback lets us meaning the audience into the strained and dysfunctional relationship between Day and Night which was cause by most likely Night's immature and self destructive behavior.
    Day’s and Night’s relationship didnt become the way it is today just because of the accident, their relationship wasnt good to begin with and the accident just amplified everything.
    To put it simply the accident and subsequent blindness only made things worse.
    The bartender and Day knew each other as he called Day by name which tells that this wasn't a one time thing.
    The barterder might also be the one who called Day to come pick Night up and to me it seems to have been a regular thing for Night to go out/partying and end up drunk to point of unconciousness.
    Night was the drunk irresponsible sibling and Day the one who had to act like the older one, thats the feeling I got.
    Hence the reason their mother had bought Day the car in the first place and not Night cause if thats how Night was than its clear he couldnt even look after himself.
    Day asking Night ”Which of us is suppose to be be the little brother and the older brother?” reinforces the notion that Day had been tasked with taking care of his big brother for a long time even before the accident.
    Many people seem to overlook that fact though for some reason.
    This flashpack really highlighted what type of person/brother Night had been before the accident and thats why when you look at it from that perspective you can better understand Day's resentment of Night.
    Day’s resentment towards Night is valid because if you look at it from his pov… The PRICE paid for Night’s MATURITY was the accident, Day's SIGHT and the future he had planned for himself ect.
    In hindsight after everything has already happened, its always so easy to think/say what Day shouldnt have or should have done.
    Even though the reality is if we ourselves would have been in the same situation, we cant/wouldnt be able to know what we would actually do in the moment.
    By stating things that Day should have done but didnt, thats assuming that he could have/would have been able to do so.
    The way I see it is that I don’t think Day is blaming Night for the accident.
    Day is aware that it was an accident, that it’s not Night’s fault, he even said so himself.
    I think Day’s resentment towards Night is more deep then we first thought.
    Its a mixture of things but I think what Day cannot stand is the fact that ONLY NOW Night is trying to be a better person, son and big brother after he is blind.
    If everything is taken into account than the apology Day is waiting on is not for the accident in itself but for Night not getting his act together before the accident because if he wasn’t out getting drunk every night there would be no need to go get him ect.
    The accident was a tragic accident in which Day was injured and in away his world was completely shattered while Night wasnt at all injured, he got to continue his life as it was without any life ultering consequences and to move towards his future as he had planned.
    What Day can't seem to forgive Night for is everything that lead to that night meaning the reason he was out there on the road that night and not necessarily how the accident happened if that makes sense.
    If Night had not been caring towards Day before and now after the accident he all of a sudden was, it makes a lot of sense why Day didnt want help from Night.
    Day now is aware that Night feels sorry and guilt about his blindness but it wouldnt suprise me if that made Day question that if had he not become blind would Night be feeling this guilty and be willing to change or would Night have just gone back into his old ways? Something just makes me feel like Night was the type of a person that wouldnt change because something had happened to himself but only after something happens to people he cares about, there for I kinda think that its possible that if Day's sight hadn't been affected, Night would still be the same person he was before the accident.
    Its normal for vision loss to affect not only the indivitual going through and experiencing the vision loss but also their family, close friends ect.
    Family in particular have a certain dynamic and everyone has roles as well but different things are actually known to effect especially the family roles someway or an other.
    The change isnt necessarily a huge change always but a change non the less which can make people feel anxious, stressed and more.
    After the accident their mother felt like she had to rely on Night which she most likely didn't before because he couldn't be relied on.
    Day feels his brother Night is taking advantage of the situation and as a result Day must feel like he is losing/lost his role in the family (everyone has role in family dynamics) and ultimately it makes him feel on some level less then/less important or worthless.
    It is also possible that Day feels at the same time like a burden to the family, even if the family doesnt see him as a burden.
    I just love when ever we get to see Mhok and Day just being a couple, and just be comfortable and relaxed🥰
    Like I have said before but I really like Aon’s and Day’s friendship, thats one of the reasons Aon has become one of my favourite characters on the show.
    Day apologizing for his outburst at Aon’s and Pla’s wedding really shows how he knew it had not been the right time or place for that and also how much he respects & values Aon’s friendship as he didnt hesitate to do so💕
    Aon just right away forgiving him, letting Day know he shouldnt worry about it and then ultimately changing the subject to something else as he didnt want to push Day into talking about something he isnt possible ready to talk about ect🥹
    The dinner scene was wholesome, everyone just chatting and sharing stories.
    Even though the topic of Day’s parents came up and it could have been awkward ect, I’m still glad it came up because it did give Day the opportunity to talk about his father and gave the audience more insight into Day’s and Night’s mother and father, their relationship.

    • @XlotusflowerX-ec9yl
      @XlotusflowerX-ec9yl 9 месяцев назад

      I really loved the scene between Day and his father.
      Day may have come to see his father just to know how he knew that Night was feeling sorry and had been carrying around a lot of guilt, but ultimately he gained more that that.
      This was huge step for Day as like he said his mother had removed all his father’s he had no idea about how/what he looks like and so he was meeting someone face to face that he can’t even remember much about.
      Day finally reconciled with his father which he had been wanting for a long time which is made clear by him saying things like ”I missed you” and him stating how he had felt like something was missing.
      It was a heartfelt scene between a father and his child.
      Day calmly listening to his father and the father letting him feel his facial features.
      Then the smile on Day's face when he finds his father has a long hair, wear spects.
      Neither Day explode his pent up anger nor the father tried to justify his actions.
      The way Day potrays the emotions; confusion, longing, hatred, and love alltogether when he finally learns more about his father is just so touching.
      Day’s father having cheated is of course wrong but I do think that it could really be seen that he regrets everything and has missed his family.. his children.
      Mhok’s proud smile when Day and his father hugged 🥹
      We can see how much Night has been trying but that is something Day cannot see.
      They honestly need to have a clear conversation.
      While I do still stand by what I have said before about Night’s approach and treatment of Day sometimes being wrong as it has has been/has come off him infantilizing or patronizing Day.
      I’m glad the accident kinda woke Night up and helped him face reality cause now he actually is trying to better himself and make good choices.
      Night is trying to make up for what type of person/big brother he had been before the accident even if thats not possible.
      Day of course has a right to feel the way he does just like Night has everyone right to feel how he feels.
      One thing that I want to point out though is that, Isn't it sad who Night turned to for console was his father?
      The father whom he hasn't met, seen or heard in years, whom some might call an outsider if not even stranger.
      That just tells a lot about how Night had not felt included after the incident in his own environment called home and in general the family had become very dysfuntional.
      The bedroom scene was so beautiful!
      Mhok and Day just spending time together, being all domestic and cozy ect.. simply them just disrespecting all single people🤣
      There wasn't a lot of dialogue which is why a lot more was expressed with their movements and expressions.
      There was an undercurrent of melancholy for some reason.
      I really felt like I could relate to Day when Day was all smiles, and then he noticed his sight was worsening.
      Even though Day kinda tried to hide it and his fear, It was clear that even Mhok knew from that point on.
      Both of their reactions got to me🥺
      Day: Can you take me to that last twilight mountain?
      I felt some heartbreak through Mhok's eyes after Day told him that.
      They didn't mention it out loud but they still knew what was happening and I have to say that the end where they came together in that precious/meaningful hug as it was something both of the needed.
      I feel I can cry just seeing Day and Mhok visiting the places from the book.
      Its so nice when ever they both can just relax and make memories just the two of them.
      When ever its the two of them, it just feels like they are in their own world.
      I really liked the author's story to being added to the series.
      I had been curious about the author, so thats why it made me very touched that got to learn more about David and his daughter.
      Just when it couldnt get better, Sea singing and playing guitar… I can’t.
      MhokDay havent even said "i love you" yet but their actions speak louder than words.
      The lyrics "i decided to tell you that i have loved you for a very long time" as a way to show the viewer their love for each other.
      Mhok complimenting Day and Day getting shy was so cute.
      MohkDay love scene was soft, sensual and delicate, It was beautifully potrayed.
      Its something that can only happen with the people you trust the most.
      Mhok didnt have the slightest intention of starting a more intimate moment with Day until Day initiated it.
      Day asking for Mhok’s t-shirt is more of giving Mhok consent 🥺 and the way Mhok allowed him to take it off by himself that was such a beautiful detail.
      What made this love scene so touching is the fact that they were both active participants, they were both moving at the same pace and no one was more dominating then the other which created this harmony between them.
      Especially if you take into a count this being Day’s first time as blind person and this being Mhok’s first time with a man.
      Thats how I interpreted it and apparently thats how Jimmy who plays Mhok interpreted as well.
      Mohk treated Day as an equal as he respects him.
      It means that they could have a well-balanced intimate moment.
      Also the love scene being dark and dimmed just like Day's sight was just something else.
      The morning after was so sweet as Mhok woke up Day and let him know he was there, it was just so cute.
      The detail and importance of touch being showcased just made it even better, THE ONE PALM DISTANCE.
      Them just teasing each other and being all happy, that is just what I hope for these characters.
      Mhok really had to bring up the fact that he had seen everything of Days body and then Day stating how he was at disadvange as he couldnt see anything…🤣 They really wont stop ever.
      Mhok of course took this as a challenge or some sort and suggested to Day if he would like to try and see it again, up until this point I was okay.
      But when Day stopped Mhok from kissing him, started talking about sensation of doing something for the first time aka their first time together as couple… thats when I was like, Day I see you mr.mischievous 🤣
      Then little kisses, giggles and cuddles was adorable.

    • @XlotusflowerX-ec9yl
      @XlotusflowerX-ec9yl 9 месяцев назад

      The fact that that they traced the steps of the author made me feel a little sadness for Day as he approaches the same fate as the author's daughter but at the same time hope as well.
      I knew Cherry was going to be giving Day her copy of Last Twilight with the missing page and she did.
      Day questioning whether climbing the mountain was a crazy idea, Mhok admitting that it was but then simply implying that despite that they were still going go through with it… They are in it together people!
      Mhok showing his care for Day as boyfriend and as caregiver by moving things like rocks or tree branches out of Day’s way/path and choosing carefully his step one after an other.
      Mhok noticing that Day needed a little break while on the other hand there was Day who kept on saying he was fine and he wants to keep going, this scene really showcased them as people and indivituals because if you think about Mhok is more of a free person and Day on the other hand still seems to have the mindset of an athlete ect.
      When Night called Mhok asking where he and Day were as it seems like they should have returned already as Day’s and Night’s mother was returning and then Mhok asking for more time, You could see on his face that he knew how important seeing the Last Twilight was for Day as he had catched on to the fact that Day’s vision was deteriorating rapidly and that meant there was limited time.
      Mhok saying he and Day can’t return right now really showcases what I just mentioned above.
      Day knowing that Night must be the one to have just called Mhok and saying they should go home, I feel like Day could see where Night was coming from and he knows how hes mother would react to knowing he and Mhok had went without Night.
      And then the last scene where Mhok was contemplating to ask Day if he thinks that there will be a next time.... you could really see Mhok thinking about his next words carefully.
      Day being calm but honest about his current vision and how he knew that his vision was rapidly deteriorating which meant that this would be his only chance to see the things he wanted to was well potrayed.
      I loved that as they walked, they talked about Day’s journey and how he was similar to Mee from the Last Twilight book but most I liked how he talked about how Mhok had been a big part of his journey as well.
      The most important line that I think people should take note of and was said by Day;
      ”Even though I’m going blind, I feel like this is the first time I’m seeing the world clearly”.
      This line really shows Day’s acceptance of his current life and more importantly his disability & vision loss.
      Mhok asking for a beautiful sky and Day asking him to describe it to him.
      To this point I was fine, but as Mhok explained what type of a beautiful sky he wished for and then said ”…it would be great to have a rainbow too”…And that moment really got me to cry even more cause I remembered how ”Rung" means Rainbow in Thailand😭
      ”Mee became a statue and gazed joyfully at the last light, forever.”
      Just like Day said, that’s probably the best view Mee’s Dad saw while bringing Mee around the world. Which is why Mee turned into a statue there.
      Just like how Day’s last image is of Mhok before his world became dark (turning into a statue).
      For Day, it was as if he also had turned into a statue and gazed joyfully at his last light - Mhok.
      When this series first started we saw a sad traumatized kid who was using anger to mask his pain of going blind and holding onto one hope.... getting a cornea transplant.
      Throughout the show we see him not only open up to Mork but also open up to the idea that him being blind is not the end of his life and he can still be incredibly happy and live a fulfilling life.
      The last scene of the episode is so important cause Day finally has just accepted it.
      He was not crying or sad, It was like he was just ready for the darkness to come while looking at the only thing that makes him truly happy in the world.
      At the same time, Mhok went from being someone who's so used to been judged and ignored for his past ect, to become so important to be someone's last visual memory BY CHOICE. It so touching.
      Last time we saw Mhok cry this much was when he lost his sister Rung.
      Even though Mhok knows becoming blind doesnt mean your life is over, he still knows it hasnt been a easy road for Day.
      So when Mhok cried it was like he went through the painful realisation that there is nothing he can do to stop the inevitable, the sinking feeling of being unable to protect the one he loves again.
      ”this is it, the last image i want to see”
      Mhok was trying his best to stay strong and smile for Day but Day can still see right through his lie by feeling the corners of mhok’s lips that turns into a frown instead.
      That final scene is beautiful and bittersweet rather that heartbreaking for me.
      The last thing Day wanted to see being Mhok the person he loves and it not being the view or anyone in his family, actually does tell a lot.
      We know his family care about him but this didnt suprise me because it just makes a lot of sense.
      Day has a picture of some sort of his own family in his head but I don’t think thats the reason he chose Mhok to be the last thing he sees.
      With Mhok Day feels free as Mhok treats him with respect like he can make decisions for himself or do things on his own, supports Day’s freedom and encourages his confidence to try.
      Mhok also happens to be the only person who isn't a constant reminder of his blindness ect.
      If Day fails, Mhok never lets him feel down or start to question himself or his abilities which is why Day only ever had no problem asking Mhok for help.
      Day strives for independence and Mhok understand that and patiently waits to be asked to help by Day or offers/asks if Day would need help ect.
      One of the bigger reasons why Day chose Mhok in my opinion is because Mhok is emotionally there for him for example by asking him how he feels instead of assuming that he knows.
      As a visually impaired person myself, I hope Day wouldnt gain back his vision cause I think it would promote the idea of disability being something that needs to be fixed or cured in order for someone to have a fulfilling and happy life. It would promote also the medical model of disability which is most often already shown in media for example movies/series ect.
      Also it would be unrealistic because from a medical standpoint Day, at this point, has no options to regain his sight, as far as I have heared a cornea transplant can be successful in people who can still perceive light.
      Day seems to be completely blind now so nothing can be done to restore sight.
      As a visually impaired person, I do want to point out something important that some might not know;
      Most blind people have some level of vision, but what they can see differs from person to person. Some may only see light.
      Others may see blurry shapes, figures, or colors.
      People with total blindness, who cannot see anything are rarer and it is a misconception that they only see black or darkness.
      Also most blind people do not touch faces.

  • @thanawatsangsila9967
    @thanawatsangsila9967 9 месяцев назад +3

    I'm cry too

  • @chatephucharoen2284
    @chatephucharoen2284 9 месяцев назад +2

    Get better soon, take care

    • @Seia-fantasy
      @Seia-fantasy 9 месяцев назад

      Thank you 😊 it feels a little better now. I stay at home and reste a lot 😁

  • @TheNewsWave
    @TheNewsWave 9 месяцев назад +1

    My Favorite Episode (◕‿◕)♡

  • @callmejay701
    @callmejay701 9 месяцев назад +3

    Hope you get well soon ❤

    • @Seia-fantasy
      @Seia-fantasy 9 месяцев назад +1

      thank you =) it's getting better now 😁

  • @lovex349mangas
    @lovex349mangas 9 месяцев назад +2

    Hi please react : ภาพสุดท้าย (Last Twilight) Ost.Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม mv - William Jakrapatr ♥