"Funny", yeah. The thought of medical debt and the fear of it leading to more people left sick, suffering, out on the street, or gone. ...I'm not trying to dig at you, OP; my grievance is with the gross system. Especially cos I'm at the part where he's discussing "surplus population". It's not just a rumour that "the German fella w/the moustache" & his "folk" were inspired specifically by the US's harsh treatment of its working class and the overlap of the so-called "surplus population", particularly disabled people, elderly people [even if they worked their whole lives], "natural!sed" c!t/z/ns & for/!gn people all the same, and so on. But not to draw the focus away from the point, over there in US, where this continues in the system, and (for now) the moustache guys are fragmented.
@@mookinbabysealfurmittens As someone from a country on the verge of financial collapse and in the middle of multiple conflicts but still with free healthcare, at this point, heads gotta roll at the US. The upper left part of the thumbnail of this video is in Turkish, my native language: Freedom to Luigi/Luigi'ye özgürlük. As Turks what we learned from Erdoğan since 2008 is if you stay silent/only talk the more power you lose over the upper class. Y'all better be on the street if Luigi gets a life sentence. It's funny because this explanation works over most US citizens while having no common sense and at their own expense. That's not normal. All I can do is pray for you and watch the events unfold as a sociologist. Take care
@@aasuhansener Oh, please understand, I agree with you 100%. Like I said, I know you meant "funny" as in "notable", not "humorous". On the rest, absolutely. It's honestly amazing to me that Luigi and the attempted backlash to his message by the owning class and their puppets (like "Shabby" Ben "Dr. Dry Wife") was actually able to get a lot of Americans to realise that this isn't the partisan issue they've been sold. Sadly, a lot of people don't go farther than watching a video agreeing with the revolutionary take but considering that their action and penance. I agree: people need to keep that fire burning, keep reaching across these artificially created ideas of "us" versus "them" (grouping themselves "with" the owning class, against fellow people, _human beings)_ and DO something, take to the streets. The last administration was not any less foreboding and violent than the incoming one, only different patterns on the same fabric. I hope something happens, but I can't do much from where I am. (My fate is already uncertain, and no better where I am.)
@ Honestly, I understand the struggle and agree with you too, I hope these events and people talking from both sides for once can cause some difference. Elliot is doing God's work right now. Getting people to talk these issues is hard to begin with, let alone to educate them about what causes the problems
@@aasuhansener Absolutely, my friend. I will definitely be continuing to ponder this and try what I can. (And reframe what I "can" "try". I do battle the inner doomer in the back of my mind, the self-saboteur that I know is wrong, but pulls me down at my weak points. ...I really know better.) Thank you for taking the time to discuss this and read all my rambling, especially with such openness and respect. Sincerely! Take care, yeah? :)
Health capitalism is a good way to draw the point that we all live in one big death camp and that the prisoners severely outnumber the guards and wardens.
Jesus reportedly told a story about a rich man stuffing his face at a sumptuous banquet while a poor man scrambled around under the table desperately gobbling down the scraps that fell to the floor. Capitalism hadn't been invented yet, but Jesus painted a pretty good picture of it.
No, its just how long this dynamic has existed in all of human society throughout the ages. The names and details and scales change, but the structure remains.
My little sister has bipolar 2. If she works, she loses her government health care, so she can't afford treatment. This leds to a health crisis and she's forced impatient to protect her life. Its actively harmful to her health to earn her own money the way our healthcare systems are set up.
This. It happens to so many people dealing with mental and physical health issues, especially disabilities. You have to work to death or be homeless, either way with little or no help.
It's because ceos etc are taught in business school maximize shareholder value is all that matters. They used to focus on increasing productivity to increase profit. At some point the corporations capped out at full Monopoly and GDP stopped growing, so they turned to suppressing wages, replacing even low wage workers like cashiers, making products worse and cheaper, etc
I hate that it is nearly impossible to get many forms of prevention care in the US, like shots to prevent STDs. And once you are sick, even if a cure exists, you will only ever be allowed to mitigate it, because lifetime patients are far more profitable.
Many vaccines are covered by private insurance and by Medicaid. This includes the ones for HPV, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B. US healthcare sucks, but there is some preventative care that's covered and one of the barriers people face to getting care that is available to them is misinformation.
Yup! They want to keep people sick to keep them paying. But she thing odd I have noticed…I’m chronically ill and disabled, and not for conditions that even have cures or real supports in a medical sense that would work for me, and they still get mad at me for…needing lifelong meds. Even tho I make them money.
10 years ago, I got sick and lost my job because I was often too sick to come into the office. This was considered "voluntary abandonment," so I didn't get unemployment benefits. I ended up in a strange limbo where I was too sick to work, but couldn't afford the healthcare I needed to become well enough to work again. Even in a capitalist hellscape, am I not a wasted resource? Am I not at least a market inefficiency? I have 2 degrees (one STEM) and am only 33.
Capitalism deliberately destroys massive amounts of otherwise quite valuable resources every single day to maintain short term profits. Obviously that evil logic would extend to human resources
The worst part is, you were not. You were part of the surplus, meaning that you could potentitally replace someone else and you could be pointed to unhappy workers so they continue to accept their shitty poisition. In other words: you were used as a threat to other workers. Capitalism is not about efficiency: it's about efficiency for our corporate overlords.
People on SSI disability, similar story. Cant make or save enough to live well enough to get well enough to work more and so cant get off SSI Disability
Because it's not about productivity; it NEVER has been. It has always been about power and control. If you got care and are then more efficient, then why would ppl desperately work, no matter their wages? Why would they pay absurd amounts of money, if they're suffering will be resolved by the community. No. You need to stay ill, so you can be an example to others. You need to be surplus, so the employers can crack the wipe on everyone else while you're displayed as anxiety punishment for everyone else who has ever taken a sick day in the last year. There's nothing productive or efficient about healthcare capitalism.
“it’s not good to profit off of cancer research” tell that to the global biotech company i work for 😅😭 like i love what i do, but it feels very gross knowing that certain areas of research (that would undoubtedly help patients receive better care) can just be done away with for the sake of “shareholder interests.”
Loosely relevant to the video: Thank you for continuing to talk about COVID. So many people have fallen into conspiracy rabbit holes and believe it was never a big deal. Anyone who still takes it seriously is chastised. I’m terrified for what’ll happen in future pandemics. Right wing populism is putting everyone at risk.
I think people are far enough removed from the immediacy of COVID that it feels as though we are reaching the idea: "Oh, it must have not been that bad." You know, with the passage of time. Our memories kind of fade, and somehow, we've come to this conclusion that it's not really that bad. When it was without a doubt one of the most terrifying times to be alive. Especially if you were an essential worker and before the vaccine
@@kineticmeow9242I’m sorry you are going through long COVID. I had it too, after I had Covid in March of 2020. I just wanted you to know that I’m 90% recovered- there is hope you’ll improve too.
I'm a person from a country which has an universal health care, and you know what? It sucks but you won't get in debt after calling an ambulance, or private insurance covers everything you pay for, always. It isn't shocking it's just sad to see in usa getting a health insurance is like gambling.
I had a minor stroke a little over 2 years ago and have had 10k+ of healthcare debt since. I wasn't able to afford health insurance when it happened, I don't know why they think I'd be any more equipped to pay off that debt now. 😂 So many people complain that if we had a system more like the UK's or Canada's, our wait times would be longer. But what about the people who never get an appointment at all in our current system? Is your impatience and sense of entitlement for convenience really more important than the life of another person? Unfortunately, a lot of my countrymen seem to think so.
Worse than gambling. At least when you gamble you go in knowing you will lose some money because thats half the fun. With healthcare, the expectation is that you're paying these premiums expecting that your insurance is gonna use that money to help you, but they'll deny you the treatment you need to live on the basis that you didn't die and therefore dont need care
@@zenleeparadise It's a complete lie anyway--the wait times aren't longer. There are over 2x the number of hospitals per capita in Canada than California, for example.
@@zenleeparadisein most countries with public health care, you can still go get private care for a higher price to if you can afford to, to skip wait times. It's not like everyone in the country is crammed into the public system. It's a bad faith argument trying to play on softened fears of communism/scarcity. It sucks that people have to do that but it's still very much an option
i really appreciate how your videos always do a great job mentioning what we can actually do about these things. bc it sucks feeling hopeless! community care is what we need
Hey Elliot - just fyi squarespace CMO is quoted as saying: "Gen z job seekers should be willing to work for free,, long hours, 'willing to do anything,'" Fortune 20 July , 2024 BY Orianna Rosa Royle
@@HiSodiumContent This is a misuse of the phrase (which reads as sincere, but perhaps you're being tongue in cheek) - no ethical consumption under capitalism is an explanation, not an excuse. We are not required to make a website, much less using squarespace, we ARE required to purchase food, and medicine and homes etc. and these are aspects that we have limits under which we must allow some level of "survival under capitalism" If you were being pithy however, you got me, so kudos there.
@@kezia8027 It was more about the idea that even in this format, the people or groups offering creators money for ad-reads are also exploitative capitalists. Like, even as a creator, you have to be hyper-vigilant about the companies you deal with or risk alienating your audience or decline money you may need to live. The scummy businesses are everywhere and the opinions of higher ups in the company may matter less than making rent or eating. If you're trying to live off of or supplement your income with video essays, where the cash comes from is certainly a consideration, but that there's any cash coming in at all is another. Should we also be considering the ramifications of using a Google platform to post videos on in the first place? The exploitative nature of the ad revenue system? Talk about patreon? I was really just commenting, where does the purity testing of a creator's income end? Because the options given to someone might not always be ethical or good or staffed by people with good intentions.
I live in The Netherlands and we also have privatised healthcare here, meaning you have to shop around for the best insurance and even then it might not cover everything you need coverage for. Dental is often not included, for example, nor is the flu shot, unless you're chronically ill or elderly. And that's not even talking about how we keep getting the liberals (here that means rightwing) elected, who just keep cutting healthcare spending year after year. It's undoubtedly better here than in the US, but it's still not good.
People in Germany talk about how your country is a paradise because it's so great for bikers and the city planners actually listen to the people and Amsterdam is so hip and beautiful... But it seems it's just a liberal hellhole like every other Western country. At least if you're working class.
Honestly sounds better, improvement is improvement. Though it does concern me that flu shots are and possibly other immunizations not automatically covered as they only work through herd immunity, and especially for the chronically ill and disabled who cannot get the vaccine for medical reasons.
It does not help that another "wonderful" facet of capitalism is the the segregation of not just the homeless undesirables, but the chronically ill/disabled as well. I believe you covered this in a previous video, but my memory is perpetually fuzzy, so apologize if I'm wrong. But basically, the hostile architecture that prevents the homeless from interacting with the public simultaneously keeps the chronically ill/disabled "undesireables" away as well. This effort, along with the desecration of public spaces for everyone, feels designed to altogether stunt socialized networking and conversations of a better future for all in need. I mean, I suffer from several disabilities myself and have not heard about direct healthcare resources until today. Lord knows there are thousands in my city who are in much more dire straights thanks to our shitty health-care system who would stand to benefit from it too. This experience of segregation starts early too. Children with learning disabilities are usually kept out of sight from the rest of their peers. This only leads to encounters with those in need to be more of a shocking experience to the general public, like they have somehow stepped out of line. This instead of fostering connections that may lead to a demanding of better care from those whom are supposively in charge of us.
@@lolasdm6959 it would be funny if it wasnt for the fact that this sort of nonsense is fed to elementary school kids who wouldnt know any different. Its scary because lives are at stake
It should be less of a punchline when you consider that the US also kills people in hospitals, especially hospitals in poor communities. Its a human rights crisis, the fact that a wealthy nation has such high infant death rates.
My healthcare insurance is about to stop paying for my therapy, which I've been doing weekly for years for chronic issues, because they consider that if I'm not doing better by now I'm gonna cost them too much.
I come from a country with universal healthcare, and while it's not perfect and can sometimes be tiring, we don't have to worry about going bankrupt or incurring massive debts just to call an ambulance, and private insurance always covers what you pay for. It's both unsurprising and sad to see that in America, getting health insurance feels like gambling or playing a risky game of chance.
I’m currently having really bad health problems due to severe endometriosis and have been bed ridden for a few months. I have health insurance through my job but all the treatments are extremely expensive. I pay out of pocket for the majority of my medications and have a lot of medical debt. Capitalism really ruins everything and it makes me so sad.
I was having a conversation recently about Brooklyn area hospitals (i grew up there, friends still live over there) and hospitals as a whole where people without insurance are sometimes sent back out of hospitals in worse conditions for simply not having any way to pay (which im pretty sure violates the oath).
Artificially and perniciously paywalling your access to the basic necessities of health is ultra profitable. That's the business. So in a nation where increasing wealth for the rich is more important than the lives of the poor, that paywall will only get longer and higher. Simple as.
Thanks, Elliot, for another great video! This is such an important topic right now. I've been watching the evisceration of our health care system by private equity firms and the collapse of our medical system in real time as a disabled and chronically ill person for years. It's terrifying. So many assume that since they're healthy, these problems don't affect them. They couldn't be more wrong.
Today I was asked by a doctor what was my job. When I replied I am unemployed he reacted with disgust. I am disabled, healthcare barely makes my life worth living and despite having many degrees I cannot get a job in this condition. Employers don't want people like me. I am supposed to through medical studies, prescriptions, etc. and doctors who (with some good exceptions) don't care at all for me. Until one day I'll run out of money, won't be able to pay the insurance so I as a useless piece for this system will be forced to get out of this world and lose myself into nothingness.
I'm from Canada and while our healthcare system isn't perfect, I prefer it over what's going on in the U.S. and I can only hope Canadians won't vote in a political party that wants to privatize our healthcare...
Knew u were cool since the moment I subscribed but the daniel johnston shirt solidified it for me, i have jeremiah the innocent frog from this album cover tatted :) love love love your videos and your takes, you’re the kinda person we need on this platform
I've a disability and know all about this. Although I'm not based in the US thankfully. The thing I can work and so can lots of people with disabilities, but we go for jobs and are turned down for them because of ableism or because we can't do one or two aspects of the job or need a little bit of access to do it. It's so annoying.
19:30 "That's why we have these concepts TODAY...of pre existing condition" This has been illegal for OVER TEN YEARS dude. Since 1/1/14 the affordable care act.
Thank you. I work part time. That's all I can do. I'm disabled. My life is precarious and I often become unwell from work. I definitely feel like a part of the "surplus".
I live in an imperial core adjacent country, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis an incurable debilitating disease. Luckily I am able to continue working with affordable medication.
Really interesting video. I am enjoying the series! One small note, at. 12:40, many unhoused people are definitely part of the workforce. I’ve heard of many people living in their cars while still working. On a sidenote, in lots of leftist spaces, I’ve noticed that people use the term unhoused rather than homeless. I’m curious about your choice to use the term homeless. I don’t know a lot about which one should be preferred or why. I am just curious. Thanks for your work!
6:13 so true. as someone in a socialist country, our healthcare is... not great. not at ALL because damn it is so underfunded. But yeah, at least an ambulance won't send into super debt ;_;
A specific video on the philosophical theory and economic theory of absolute equity would be really interesting. Should one be rewarded for being privileged? Does this discourage "exceptionalism" etc these are super interesting questions imo
Health care is closely tied to regulation and control. When a country has to pay for the health of their citizens. It is in that country's best interest to minimize the damage those citizens can do to their own body.
As a disabled person I think it's lost on a lot of people the effect of privatised healthcare on disabled people like myself. It's the most literal form of institutionalised ableism I can think of but seemingly everyone misses this point.
Talking about capitalism like it's a bad thing? One of the key points of agreement which has driven my following your channel for conths and more?! How could you?!?! As in "how could you drop another banger?" Looking forward to more action on your audiobook channel as well, fyi
The "debt eugenic model" as an economic practice, is indistinguishable from the "sin debt model" of Evangelical Christianity and the "karmic debt model" of Brahminical Hinduism. Change my mind.
People say Capitalism is the best we have, but ignore that it won’t let us try other ideas to improve. And ignore that it relies on defining people by their work ability. Which is inherently ableist, and often ignores that every person has strengths and weaknesses.
Anyone know if there’s some sort of directory for direct primary care physicians? Doesn’t look like I’m even remotely close to one, wondering if there’s any sort of resource.. thx in advance!
You have no idea just how much restraint the rich have in being cruel to those it benefits themselves to be so to, compared to normal people. it isn't much self restraint, but its still so much more. Those that are kind to you are that way not because you inherently deserve it, not as evidence of how strong and just your character is, but because they choose to and it benefits them. Those that are kind to you, that you think would do better as a rich person, would be worse than them.
culture and values shapes how empathy is used in human interaction. if culture values individualism, alienation, and superiority, empathy is used to cause arm. Introspect how your culture uses empathy, before you talk about how important empathy is.
"No free healthcare because it seems communist, now you can't afford healthcare because we are not communists." is so funny to me lmao
"Funny", yeah. The thought of medical debt and the fear of it leading to more people left sick, suffering, out on the street, or gone. ...I'm not trying to dig at you, OP; my grievance is with the gross system. Especially cos I'm at the part where he's discussing "surplus population". It's not just a rumour that "the German fella w/the moustache" & his "folk" were inspired specifically by the US's harsh treatment of its working class and the overlap of the so-called "surplus population", particularly disabled people, elderly people [even if they worked their whole lives], "natural!sed" c!t/z/ns & for/!gn people all the same, and so on. But not to draw the focus away from the point, over there in US, where this continues in the system, and (for now) the moustache guys are fragmented.
@@mookinbabysealfurmittens As someone from a country on the verge of financial collapse and in the middle of multiple conflicts but still with free healthcare, at this point, heads gotta roll at the US. The upper left part of the thumbnail of this video is in Turkish, my native language: Freedom to Luigi/Luigi'ye özgürlük.
As Turks what we learned from Erdoğan since 2008 is if you stay silent/only talk the more power you lose over the upper class. Y'all better be on the street if Luigi gets a life sentence.
It's funny because this explanation works over most US citizens while having no common sense and at their own expense. That's not normal. All I can do is pray for you and watch the events unfold as a sociologist. Take care
@@aasuhansener Oh, please understand, I agree with you 100%. Like I said, I know you meant "funny" as in "notable", not "humorous". On the rest, absolutely. It's honestly amazing to me that Luigi and the attempted backlash to his message by the owning class and their puppets (like "Shabby" Ben "Dr. Dry Wife") was actually able to get a lot of Americans to realise that this isn't the partisan issue they've been sold. Sadly, a lot of people don't go farther than watching a video agreeing with the revolutionary take but considering that their action and penance. I agree: people need to keep that fire burning, keep reaching across these artificially created ideas of "us" versus "them" (grouping themselves "with" the owning class, against fellow people, _human beings)_ and DO something, take to the streets. The last administration was not any less foreboding and violent than the incoming one, only different patterns on the same fabric. I hope something happens, but I can't do much from where I am. (My fate is already uncertain, and no better where I am.)
@ Honestly, I understand the struggle and agree with you too, I hope these events and people talking from both sides for once can cause some difference. Elliot is doing God's work right now. Getting people to talk these issues is hard to begin with, let alone to educate them about what causes the problems
@@aasuhansener Absolutely, my friend. I will definitely be continuing to ponder this and try what I can. (And reframe what I "can" "try". I do battle the inner doomer in the back of my mind, the self-saboteur that I know is wrong, but pulls me down at my weak points. ...I really know better.) Thank you for taking the time to discuss this and read all my rambling, especially with such openness and respect. Sincerely! Take care, yeah? :)
Health capitalism is a good way to draw the point that we all live in one big death camp and that the prisoners severely outnumber the guards and wardens.
Building the wall isn't to keep immigrants out. It's to keep you in.
Jesus reportedly told a story about a rich man stuffing his face at a sumptuous banquet while a poor man scrambled around under the table desperately gobbling down the scraps that fell to the floor. Capitalism hadn't been invented yet, but Jesus painted a pretty good picture of it.
No, its just how long this dynamic has existed in all of human society throughout the ages. The names and details and scales change, but the structure remains.
@@knightofficerNothing new under the Sun. It’s all been done before. Here we are.
1:53 “We spend the most to get the least” is the best summation of the US as a whole
Whole country is a fucking scam.
My little sister has bipolar 2. If she works, she loses her government health care, so she can't afford treatment. This leds to a health crisis and she's forced impatient to protect her life.
Its actively harmful to her health to earn her own money the way our healthcare systems are set up.
This. It happens to so many people dealing with mental and physical health issues, especially disabilities. You have to work to death or be homeless, either way with little or no help.
It's like profit seeking creeping its way into every facet of life just consistently leads to worse outcomes, in more or less every sector...
absolutely one hundred percent correct.
It's because ceos etc are taught in business school maximize shareholder value is all that matters. They used to focus on increasing productivity to increase profit. At some point the corporations capped out at full Monopoly and GDP stopped growing, so they turned to suppressing wages, replacing even low wage workers like cashiers, making products worse and cheaper, etc
I hate that it is nearly impossible to get many forms of prevention care in the US, like shots to prevent STDs.
And once you are sick, even if a cure exists, you will only ever be allowed to mitigate it, because lifetime patients are far more profitable.
Many vaccines are covered by private insurance and by Medicaid. This includes the ones for HPV, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B. US healthcare sucks, but there is some preventative care that's covered and one of the barriers people face to getting care that is available to them is misinformation.
Yup! They want to keep people sick to keep them paying. But she thing odd I have noticed…I’m chronically ill and disabled, and not for conditions that even have cures or real supports in a medical sense that would work for me, and they still get mad at me for…needing lifelong meds. Even tho I make them money.
10 years ago, I got sick and lost my job because I was often too sick to come into the office. This was considered "voluntary abandonment," so I didn't get unemployment benefits. I ended up in a strange limbo where I was too sick to work, but couldn't afford the healthcare I needed to become well enough to work again. Even in a capitalist hellscape, am I not a wasted resource? Am I not at least a market inefficiency? I have 2 degrees (one STEM) and am only 33.
Capitalism deliberately destroys massive amounts of otherwise quite valuable resources every single day to maintain short term profits. Obviously that evil logic would extend to human resources
The worst part is, you were not. You were part of the surplus, meaning that you could potentitally replace someone else and you could be pointed to unhappy workers so they continue to accept their shitty poisition. In other words: you were used as a threat to other workers.
Capitalism is not about efficiency: it's about efficiency for our corporate overlords.
Lol I literally can't answer you without RUclips auto censor deleting it. Sorry bro.
People on SSI disability, similar story. Cant make or save enough to live well enough to get well enough to work more and so cant get off SSI Disability
Because it's not about productivity; it NEVER has been.
It has always been about power and control.
If you got care and are then more efficient, then why would ppl desperately work, no matter their wages? Why would they pay absurd amounts of money, if they're suffering will be resolved by the community.
No. You need to stay ill, so you can be an example to others. You need to be surplus, so the employers can crack the wipe on everyone else while you're displayed as anxiety punishment for everyone else who has ever taken a sick day in the last year.
There's nothing productive or efficient about healthcare capitalism.
“it’s not good to profit off of cancer research” tell that to the global biotech company i work for 😅😭
like i love what i do, but it feels very gross knowing that certain areas of research (that would undoubtedly help patients receive better care) can just be done away with for the sake of “shareholder interests.”
that’s fucking disgusting to know, but thank you for your work
Loosely relevant to the video: Thank you for continuing to talk about COVID. So many people have fallen into conspiracy rabbit holes and believe it was never a big deal. Anyone who still takes it seriously is chastised. I’m terrified for what’ll happen in future pandemics. Right wing populism is putting everyone at risk.
I'm still suffering from long covid and it feels like most politicans/the news media is mostly ignoring it's existence.
I saw long covid and went NOPE wearing the gas mask NO TO THAT
I saw an article comparing Covid to autoimmune disorders such as HIV the other day. It’s eroding our immune systems as we speak.
I think people are far enough removed from the immediacy of COVID that it feels as though we are reaching the idea: "Oh, it must have not been that bad." You know, with the passage of time. Our memories kind of fade, and somehow, we've come to this conclusion that it's not really that bad. When it was without a doubt one of the most terrifying times to be alive. Especially if you were an essential worker and before the vaccine
@@kineticmeow9242I’m sorry you are going through long COVID. I had it too, after I had Covid in March of 2020. I just wanted you to know that I’m 90% recovered- there is hope you’ll improve too.
17:47 I was the unhealthiest when I was working... in a very demanding position for a law firm. I almost drank myself to death.
Wall writing in the thumbnail said: "Free Luigi" in Turkish. 😭🙏🏻
:3 ❤
I'm a person from a country which has an universal health care, and you know what? It sucks but you won't get in debt after calling an ambulance, or private insurance covers everything you pay for, always. It isn't shocking it's just sad to see in usa getting a health insurance is like gambling.
I had a minor stroke a little over 2 years ago and have had 10k+ of healthcare debt since. I wasn't able to afford health insurance when it happened, I don't know why they think I'd be any more equipped to pay off that debt now. 😂 So many people complain that if we had a system more like the UK's or Canada's, our wait times would be longer. But what about the people who never get an appointment at all in our current system? Is your impatience and sense of entitlement for convenience really more important than the life of another person? Unfortunately, a lot of my countrymen seem to think so.
Worse than gambling. At least when you gamble you go in knowing you will lose some money because thats half the fun. With healthcare, the expectation is that you're paying these premiums expecting that your insurance is gonna use that money to help you, but they'll deny you the treatment you need to live on the basis that you didn't die and therefore dont need care
@@zenleeparadisethere are 2 types of people who believe that.
The very wealthy and privileged
The brainwashed bootlickers
@@zenleeparadise It's a complete lie anyway--the wait times aren't longer. There are over 2x the number of hospitals per capita in Canada than California, for example.
@@zenleeparadisein most countries with public health care, you can still go get private care for a higher price to if you can afford to, to skip wait times. It's not like everyone in the country is crammed into the public system. It's a bad faith argument trying to play on softened fears of communism/scarcity. It sucks that people have to do that but it's still very much an option
the way yall not using ambulances in the movies always baffles me, choosing to go by car instead
insane tbh, when I realised that it felt unreal
i really appreciate how your videos always do a great job mentioning what we can actually do about these things. bc it sucks feeling hopeless! community care is what we need
Hey Elliot - just fyi squarespace CMO is quoted as saying:
"Gen z job seekers should be willing to work for free,, long hours, 'willing to do anything,'"
Fortune 20 July , 2024 BY Orianna Rosa Royle
"There is no ethical survival under capitalism."
@@HiSodiumContent This is a misuse of the phrase (which reads as sincere, but perhaps you're being tongue in cheek) - no ethical consumption under capitalism is an explanation, not an excuse. We are not required to make a website, much less using squarespace, we ARE required to purchase food, and medicine and homes etc. and these are aspects that we have limits under which we must allow some level of "survival under capitalism"
If you were being pithy however, you got me, so kudos there.
@@kezia8027 It was more about the idea that even in this format, the people or groups offering creators money for ad-reads are also exploitative capitalists. Like, even as a creator, you have to be hyper-vigilant about the companies you deal with or risk alienating your audience or decline money you may need to live. The scummy businesses are everywhere and the opinions of higher ups in the company may matter less than making rent or eating. If you're trying to live off of or supplement your income with video essays, where the cash comes from is certainly a consideration, but that there's any cash coming in at all is another. Should we also be considering the ramifications of using a Google platform to post videos on in the first place? The exploitative nature of the ad revenue system? Talk about patreon? I was really just commenting, where does the purity testing of a creator's income end? Because the options given to someone might not always be ethical or good or staffed by people with good intentions.
I live in The Netherlands and we also have privatised healthcare here, meaning you have to shop around for the best insurance and even then it might not cover everything you need coverage for. Dental is often not included, for example, nor is the flu shot, unless you're chronically ill or elderly. And that's not even talking about how we keep getting the liberals (here that means rightwing) elected, who just keep cutting healthcare spending year after year. It's undoubtedly better here than in the US, but it's still not good.
To the western world teeth are luxury bones.
People in Germany talk about how your country is a paradise because it's so great for bikers and the city planners actually listen to the people and Amsterdam is so hip and beautiful... But it seems it's just a liberal hellhole like every other Western country. At least if you're working class.
Honestly sounds better, improvement is improvement. Though it does concern me that flu shots are and possibly other immunizations not automatically covered as they only work through herd immunity, and especially for the chronically ill and disabled who cannot get the vaccine for medical reasons.
It does not help that another "wonderful" facet of capitalism is the the segregation of not just the homeless undesirables, but the chronically ill/disabled as well. I believe you covered this in a previous video, but my memory is perpetually fuzzy, so apologize if I'm wrong. But basically, the hostile architecture that prevents the homeless from interacting with the public simultaneously keeps the chronically ill/disabled "undesireables" away as well. This effort, along with the desecration of public spaces for everyone, feels designed to altogether stunt socialized networking and conversations of a better future for all in need. I mean, I suffer from several disabilities myself and have not heard about direct healthcare resources until today. Lord knows there are thousands in my city who are in much more dire straights thanks to our shitty health-care system who would stand to benefit from it too.
This experience of segregation starts early too. Children with learning disabilities are usually kept out of sight from the rest of their peers. This only leads to encounters with those in need to be more of a shocking experience to the general public, like they have somehow stepped out of line. This instead of fostering connections that may lead to a demanding of better care from those whom are supposively in charge of us.
My body never recovered from being unhoused, thats for sure!
American healthcare is definitely a global punchline at this point and I have more questions than answers.
2:28 Yay Gianmarco Soresi shoutout
And they still think communism is bad😂
@@lolasdm6959 it would be funny if it wasnt for the fact that this sort of nonsense is fed to elementary school kids who wouldnt know any different. Its scary because lives are at stake
It should be less of a punchline when you consider that the US also kills people in hospitals, especially hospitals in poor communities. Its a human rights crisis, the fact that a wealthy nation has such high infant death rates.
Ive been meaning to read up on insurance companies, you always drop the best videos at the most convenient times 😂
My healthcare insurance is about to stop paying for my therapy, which I've been doing weekly for years for chronic issues, because they consider that if I'm not doing better by now I'm gonna cost them too much.
I come from a country with universal healthcare, and while it's not perfect and can sometimes be tiring, we don't have to worry about going bankrupt or incurring massive debts just to call an ambulance, and private insurance always covers what you pay for. It's both unsurprising and sad to see that in America, getting health insurance feels like gambling or playing a risky game of chance.
Thanks for telling is about direct primary care. I had no idea about it
I’m currently having really bad health problems due to severe endometriosis and have been bed ridden for a few months. I have health insurance through my job but all the treatments are extremely expensive. I pay out of pocket for the majority of my medications and have a lot of medical debt. Capitalism really ruins everything and it makes me so sad.
I was having a conversation recently about Brooklyn area hospitals (i grew up there, friends still live over there) and hospitals as a whole where people without insurance are sometimes sent back out of hospitals in worse conditions for simply not having any way to pay (which im pretty sure violates the oath).
We need to join the developed world and get universal healthcare.
Completely off topic and I'm only like 2 mins in...
O!M!G! The hair is GIV👏🏾ING👏🏾!!! I love it!! 🥰🥰
Direct healthcare OMG WHY DIDNT KNOW ABOUT THIS! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH 🙏
Last time I was this early anesthetics hadn't been invented yet
The Michael Caine/Muppets Xmas Carol line was also the first thing I thought of regarding “the surplus”.
It's a line straight from the original Dickens novel!
"We spend the most to get the least."
As the founding fathers intended.
Great work, as always! Also, the DJ shirt is hauntingly appropriate here.
America isn’t a country it’s a company 😀
Artificially and perniciously paywalling your access to the basic necessities of health is ultra profitable. That's the business. So in a nation where increasing wealth for the rich is more important than the lives of the poor, that paywall will only get longer and higher. Simple as.
I liked your video on Joe Robinette Biden. His middle name has brought me so much joy
The reveal you made in the Squarespace ad is making me realize that Eve Fartlow is your Wario :O
Random info: anybody told you you look super handsome with long hair?
I really appreciate the book recommendations that’ve come with this video and the last! I’m looking forward to reading them📚
26:37 says it all, damn near 200 years and income inequality has only grown
18:17 Gosh, where have i heard "work makes you free" before? I'm sure if i camp out here in the comments and concentrate I'll figure it out 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Elliot out here trying not to scare the newbies 😅
Our government, financial and corporate institutions are fundamentally vampiric ☺️
Thanks, Elliot, for another great video! This is such an important topic right now. I've been watching the evisceration of our health care system by private equity firms and the collapse of our medical system in real time as a disabled and chronically ill person for years. It's terrifying. So many assume that since they're healthy, these problems don't affect them. They couldn't be more wrong.
Today I was asked by a doctor what was my job. When I replied I am unemployed he reacted with disgust. I am disabled, healthcare barely makes my life worth living and despite having many degrees I cannot get a job in this condition. Employers don't want people like me. I am supposed to through medical studies, prescriptions, etc. and doctors who (with some good exceptions) don't care at all for me. Until one day I'll run out of money, won't be able to pay the insurance so I as a useless piece for this system will be forced to get out of this world and lose myself into nothingness.
I'm from Canada and while our healthcare system isn't perfect, I prefer it over what's going on in the U.S. and I can only hope Canadians won't vote in a political party that wants to privatize our healthcare...
Knew u were cool since the moment I subscribed but the daniel johnston shirt solidified it for me, i have jeremiah the innocent frog from this album cover tatted :) love love love your videos and your takes, you’re the kinda person we need on this platform
I've a disability and know all about this. Although I'm not based in the US thankfully. The thing I can work and so can lots of people with disabilities, but we go for jobs and are turned down for them because of ableism or because we can't do one or two aspects of the job or need a little bit of access to do it. It's so annoying.
I have been homeless quite a few times, some lasting months, but I have never been jobless.
I can’t tell you how happy I am to see this book spreading ideas
19:30 "That's why we have these concepts TODAY...of pre existing condition" This has been illegal for OVER TEN YEARS dude. Since 1/1/14 the affordable care act.
Thank you. I work part time. That's all I can do. I'm disabled. My life is precarious and I often become unwell from work. I definitely feel like a part of the "surplus".
I put you on a list, a list of channels I like to watch
Thanks for the video! I’ll be thinking about all the things with this additional information you provided.
Welcome back 🫡
I live in an imperial core adjacent country, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis an incurable debilitating disease. Luckily I am able to continue working with affordable medication.
Dan johnston shirt goated
In the words of Daniel Johnston, Some Things Last a Long Time 💚 in all seriousness, thank you for posting, Elliot. Dig the shirt.
1 MAY should be declared as END CAPITALISM DAY!
Declaring anything won't bring us the end of capitalism, but direct action would and can. Organize and reach out to local chapters and organizations.
just got the audiobook for Health Capitalism!
Great video!
Really interesting video. I am enjoying the series!
One small note, at. 12:40, many unhoused people are definitely part of the workforce. I’ve heard of many people living in their cars while still working.
On a sidenote, in lots of leftist spaces, I’ve noticed that people use the term unhoused rather than homeless. I’m curious about your choice to use the term homeless. I don’t know a lot about which one should be preferred or why. I am just curious.
Thanks for your work!
I see a Daniel Johnston shirt. A man of culture I see. I’ve been a fan for years.
6:13 so true. as someone in a socialist country, our healthcare is... not great. not at ALL because damn it is so underfunded. But yeah, at least an ambulance won't send into super debt ;_;
I got taxed for medicare. I don't have health insurance
Love your Daniel Johnston T-shirt
1MAY should be declared as END CAPITALISM DAY!
A specific video on the philosophical theory and economic theory of absolute equity would be really interesting.
Should one be rewarded for being privileged? Does this discourage "exceptionalism" etc these are super interesting questions imo
With every video you post, I feel more lecherous. You're turning into such a thirst trap. I love listening to you speak. Bravo, sir. 😍
Elliot, you are a fan of Daniel Johnston too?! You're my new favorite.
This one came out QUICK
Health care is closely tied to regulation and control. When a country has to pay for the health of their citizens. It is in that country's best interest to minimize the damage those citizens can do to their own body.
8:26 Imagine if you were a commentator during the height of the Cold War merely mentioning those words. Food for thought.
As a disabled person I think it's lost on a lot of people the effect of privatised healthcare on disabled people like myself. It's the most literal form of institutionalised ableism I can think of but seemingly everyone misses this point.
Plum Health is another option for direct primary care in Detroit that I've heard great things about!
Talking about capitalism like it's a bad thing? One of the key points of agreement which has driven my following your channel for conths and more?! How could you?!?!
As in "how could you drop another banger?"
Looking forward to more action on your audiobook channel as well, fyi
great video!
aww, i miss the beard
Malignant greed destroys everything.
hey love the dan johnson t shirt. great album
People hating vigilantism makes me feel like a psycho 💀
I’m beyond lucky to have my parents insurance and payments, and a dr who believes me + therapy that is actually ND and disability friendly.
The "debt eugenic model" as an economic practice, is indistinguishable from the "sin debt model" of Evangelical Christianity and the "karmic debt model" of Brahminical Hinduism.
Change my mind.
At least we got beautiful hair!!
People say Capitalism is the best we have, but ignore that it won’t let us try other ideas to improve. And ignore that it relies on defining people by their work ability. Which is inherently ableist, and often ignores that every person has strengths and weaknesses.
Why do you hold fish like that?
Hey a Gianmarco shoutout!
Anyone know if there’s some sort of directory for direct primary care physicians? Doesn’t look like I’m even remotely close to one, wondering if there’s any sort of resource.. thx in advance!
Free healthcare is a privilege everywhere. Not just in USA.
You have no idea just how much restraint the rich have in being cruel to those it benefits themselves to be so to, compared to normal people. it isn't much self restraint, but its still so much more. Those that are kind to you are that way not because you inherently deserve it, not as evidence of how strong and just your character is, but because they choose to and it benefits them. Those that are kind to you, that you think would do better as a rich person, would be worse than them.
Who wants to become a universal Healthcare worker or employee?
Hair routine when?
Man we ain’t even got Mrbeast no more😂😂😂
Never trust a whitecoat 🧑⚕️💀💀
i wonder how many people realized they agree with communism because of this discussion. it'd be cool
Hope you make cool Japan 🗾 vid next. You make good content
Pretty sure "Health Capitalism" is an oxymoron.
culture and values shapes how empathy is used in human interaction. if culture values individualism, alienation, and superiority, empathy is used to cause arm. Introspect how your culture uses empathy, before you talk about how important empathy is.
dawg if you had short hair you'd look like sid from ice age