Interview withVRMO and Atanas Atanasov from Jehovahs Witness taken by Bulgarian television TV7

  • Опубликовано: 10 янв 2025
  • Interview with Angel Djambazki from VRMO and Atanas Atanasov from
    Jehovahs Witness taken by Bulgarian television TV7 and broadcasted
    on 19.04.2011. English subs added byclient10020s Channel

Комментарии • 41

  • @edgarolverausa
    @edgarolverausa 13 лет назад

    Parte 1
    Completamente asombrado de la respuesta del hermano Atanas Atanasov, como guardo la compostura, respeto, y educacion frente a interrogantes irreverentes. A pesar que no se le dio la oportunidad de responder plenamente se comporto muy bien, dando un excelentisimo ejemplo a las personas de que no somos beligerantes ni promovemos ninguna idea politica, ni del mundo. Trataron de voltear el asunto dando a entender que eramos culpables de tal injustificada accion en contra de nosotros.

  • @neversoft13713
    @neversoft13713 13 лет назад

    Hola armando primero que nada gracias por subir el video, soy testigo de Jehova de Mexico y he seguido esta noticia desde que salio en un portal conocido de Testigos de Jehova de por aca, solo me gustaria saber si los otros 2 minutos faltantes los subiras??? quiero saber como termina esto... por que por lo que entendi si condenaran a estas personas que detuvieron pero no como adultos sino como menores vdd??? espero tu respuesta

  • @MercuryPhoenix2006
    @MercuryPhoenix2006 13 лет назад

    @armando7 xfa podrias colocar la 2da parte asi sean 2 minutos gracias....

  • @aParadisean
    @aParadisean 13 лет назад +1

    @chaveiromeninodorio Yes, you are correct. I'm Canadian. But our "policy", as you call it, is actually God's standard and therefore is the same for the whole world. If a person avoids someone else, he must have a reason. My point is that a personal decision is not a "policy". We avoid friendships with those Paul referred to in 1 Cor.5, whether they were Jehovah's Witnesses or not. If they do not practice these things, then it must be a personal matter and perhaps it can be resolved amicably.

  • @edgarolverausa
    @edgarolverausa 13 лет назад

    Parte 2
    Nunca mostraron evidencia de que la agresion fue justificada. Nuestros hermanos sufrieron lesiones graves, pero no respondieron a la agresion. Este asunto es visto al rededor del mundo, y los hermanos dieron muy buen testimonio con su posicion de no repeler la agresion con violencia. Aca en USA seguimos muy de cerca este asunto, mis hermanos no estan solos, somos una organizacion mundial pacifica y pacificadora. Han dado un testimonio excelente!!!
    Que Jah los bendiga!!!!!

  • @aParadisean
    @aParadisean 13 лет назад +1

    @chaveiromeninodorio I guess I don't know what you mean. Jehovah's Witnesses practice neither physical nor emotional violence, as this video demonstrates very dramatically. If someone wishes to stop practicing their faith, there are no consequences to that person. However, if he professes to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses and is practicing the things God hates, then 1 Cor. 5 applies. In either case there is no violence. We do not practice infant baptism, so all baptised adherents understand.

  • @hectorcs92
    @hectorcs92 13 лет назад

    se puede intentar dividir el video y subirlo en 2 partes pa k se pueda ver entero

  • @armando7
    @armando7  13 лет назад

    @ThirdNUnion hay 2 minutos mas de video pero solo puedo poner maximo 15 minutos por video en you tube

  • @aParadisean
    @aParadisean 13 лет назад

    I am glad to see the TV station acting responsibly to determine the facts. The interviewers were very fair to both parties. It is disappointing that the Police did not act proactively but are now acting to correct the wrong and prevent future violence. Hopefully, their actions will now force law breakers to get over their ridiculous smear campaign and recognize rights guaranteed by law to all citizens. It's time for truth, tolerence and reasonableness.

  • @jacque00tj
    @jacque00tj 13 лет назад

    @juantestigo muchas gracias de todo corazon!!!!!!!

  • @vallesnin6608
    @vallesnin6608 11 лет назад

    good day to all specialy to our brother and sister all over the world,

  • @chaveiromeninodorio
    @chaveiromeninodorio 13 лет назад

    I'm not referring to people with qualities as listed by Paul. I'm referring to people who found that the Watchtower Society, is not what it claims to be. Therefore, although still with a firm faith in God and his son, just decided to leave the organization. It's about the ones I mean.

  • @chaveiromeninodorio
    @chaveiromeninodorio 13 лет назад

    @aParadisean ....Yes, i agree with you. When you see someone acting with justice and reasonably you feel good. But tell me do you think reasonable a person be shunning just because he does not want to be part of this religion anymore? Indeed being "demonized" by the organization as Devil's agents? Being shunning by their own Jehovahs Witenss relatives ? Do you have any idea about how it efects those demonized and shunned people? Try to open complain about that. You will be the next. Regards

  • @jacque00tj
    @jacque00tj 13 лет назад

    alguien que lo traduzca al español!!!!!!!!, porfavor!!!!!!!

  • @chaveiromeninodorio
    @chaveiromeninodorio 13 лет назад

    @aParadisean Well, actually the only text of the Bible that you quoted was 1 Corinthians 5:1-9. You believe that the biblical text is applied correctly, because you also believe that the leaders of the Watchtower Society are guided by the spirit of God. But if you have an open mind you can read the following article and draw your own conclusions about it. I'll send the address of the article in a particular message.

  • @dnlcscn
    @dnlcscn 9 лет назад

    Does bulgaria still allow such parties to exist?

  • @chaveiromeninodorio
    @chaveiromeninodorio 13 лет назад

    @bjoificatous What do you think is worse? Phisical violence or emotional violence? Both are not good rigth? But the Jehovahs Witness moved by their leaders(whose they think in specialy asigned by God) cause a deep sufering to others whose decide not being part of this organization anymore by shunning them. Are you proud of that? Can you use the words of Jesus a little more ahead in Mathew 7:12 to congratulate Jehovahs Witness to do so?

  • @chaveiromeninodorio
    @chaveiromeninodorio 13 лет назад

    @aParadisean You say that there are no consequences for those who no longer wish to share the same faith that Jehovah's Witnesses. I would not be surprised to learn that in your country there is no such consequences mentioned by me. But that policy of disassociation and dissociation exists in various parts of the world it is known very well. And it has caused terrible human suffering.

  • @chaveiromeninodorio
    @chaveiromeninodorio 13 лет назад

    @aParadisean Well, I do not know what country you are. But to ban people from speaking or to greet someone for the simple fact that the person no longer wishes to profess the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses it is not the emotional violence. How do you call this? Love? When relatives are prevented from even talking to this person? If you think this would demonstrate the kind of love expressed in the Bible, I suppose you need a little more Bible reading.

  • @aParadisean
    @aParadisean 13 лет назад

    @chaveiromeninodorio I'm sorry but your posts here are all very vague and as I've already pointed out this is not the proper forum for such a discussion. I have not defended the Watchtower Society in ANY of my posts. I have only quoted God's Word, as the standard for ALL Christians. I have no further explanation since I don't know your situation. I thank you for your respectful comments however, which is the only reason I responded. I wish you well and that you are guided by God. Shalom!

  • @chaveiromeninodorio
    @chaveiromeninodorio 13 лет назад

    @aParadisean Well, I know that your tendency will always defend what you believe is correct. And I respect that. But, you know you talk to someone who decided to no longer be part of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is not a personal decision. It is an order of the Watchtower Society, which if not obeyed, the person receives a discipline and if it persist, she may also be disfellowshipped. So you're not free to remain friends with who you want.

  • @armando7
    @armando7  13 лет назад

    @jacque00tj bueno ya es mas facil de entender en ingles que en bulgaro....

  • @aParadisean
    @aParadisean 13 лет назад +1

    @chaveiromeninodorio The BIBLE is the authority.1 Corinthians 5:1-9 lists the types of people you refer to. It includes fornicators, greedy people, extortioners, revilers, drunkards, etc; generally "wicked" people, as determined by GOD. Although a person who practices such things may not like being ostrasized, should that alter GOD's standards? Matthew 7:12 is also a good principle. Thankfully, God determines what is "good". If everyone listened to him we would all be better off. Shalom!

  • @chaveiromeninodorio
    @chaveiromeninodorio 13 лет назад

    @aParadisean You call that a pattern of God, but please show me where in the Bible indicates all the procedures adopted by the Watchtower Society on this and consequently by the elders of the congregation. You will not find it. It is a human process to prevent others know the reasons that led the person to make that decision. It is not biblical. The great reality is that it does not matter to you. You prefer to support it, even if not from God.

  • @chaveiromeninodorio
    @chaveiromeninodorio 13 лет назад

    @chaveiromeninodorio I think you it seems is just a student of the Bible of Jehovah's Witnesses. They actually will not teach this to you in your home study of the Bible. So once you become a Jehovah's Witness and convinces many of your relatives, and then later have to face this policy to defend your position for the truth. Only that way you'll understand what I mean.