Tomorrow will be one of the best days of QSMP lore, Forever said in the end of his stream that he's cooking something, and Cellbit say that probably is gonna be Tuesday the prison of him. Im so excited!
Notice that BBH couldn't accept or refuse the proposal either, he still holds emotions for Forever but was too sad to see him in this crazy state Edit: just to be clear, BBH could have simply answered "no", but he answered "I need our children back", almost like he's saying "first we need everything to go back to normal and then you ask me again"
this entire scene was tense, and all that pressure eventually snapped at 10:55 . THOSE 5 SECONDS THERE WHERE JUST. PURE CINEMA "don't you want to get married?" "i want my son back." PEOPLE DIED (I AM PEOPLE)
The way badboyhalo is worried about dapper i wasn't be surprised if he married forever just to try get more information about it or even maybe using forever and his feelings to get some power.
Don't forget how Forever's character can be perfectly explained by the music in the trailer of the Joker: Smile, Though your heart is achin' Smile, Even though it's breakin' When there are are clouds in the sky You'll get by... If you smile Through your fear and sorrow Smile, And maybe tomorrow You'll see the sun come shinin' through, For you... Light up your face with gladness Hide, every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near That's the time, You must keep on tryin' Smile, what's the use of cryin' You'll find that life is still worth while If you just smile
Para quem não está entendendo o que aconteceu, vai um pequeno resumo a baixo. Vamos lá, tudo começou como sumiço dos ovos, simplesmente todos eles sumirão e niguém sabe o porque ou o que aconteceu. Por esse motivo todo mundo no QSMP está triste e abalado, se vocês perceberem a cor do Bad Boy e do Cellbit mudarão para representar essa tristeza que estão sentindo, o Forever foi um dos que mais sofrerão, além de estar triste ele ficou desesperado e depressivo por não saber onde está seu filho. Então o Forever pressionou o Cucuruchu pelo ovos, e acabou aceitando um tratamento para livra-lo dessa tristeza e desespero que estava sentindo, então Cucurucho começou a fazer tratamento nele, dando assim para o Forever uma droga que faria ele se sentir feliz, como se tudo tivesse perfeito. Só que esse remédio bagunça a cabeça do Forever, por isso ele não consegue mais controlar seus sentimentos, ele fica bizarramente feliz o tempo todo até mesmo começou a acreditar que uma pedra é o Richarlyson, além de apoia a federação em tudo, ele tenta de toda maneira fugir da realidade, e quando alguém lembra do que realmente aconteceu, ele fica completamente insano, e esse relógio começa a toca e tudo só melhora quando toma mais droga. Forever agora precisa de ajuda para consegui volta a realidade e conseguir controlar seus sentimentos, só assim ele vai recuperar sua sanidade novamente.
O foda msm, é q provavelmente n é só para fugir da realidade, e sim de como ele ficará assim q voltar a realidade. Tipo, foi mostrado antes que ele fez um maquina de tnt infinita com a intenção de destruir TODA a ilha e ent a federação fez isso das pílulas e tals. A insanidade e ódio dessa ilha são tão grandes q se ele parar com as drogas, a chance dessa ilha ir de vasco serão enormes.
@@cau1537 De fato, para quem está acompanhando as Lives do Forever percebe que em alguns momentos que ele demora para tomar a Droga fragmentos do Antigo Forever aparece, ou seja, Forever por dentro está ciente do que está acontecendo e está lutando com seus próprios desejos. Quando Pac e Cellbit conseguirem descobri a solução e tirar ele dessa, a raiva dele contra Federação de fato vai aumentar muito, não duvidaria nada ele deixa o cargo de presidente, quem sabe até se juntar com Max e termina a bomba atômica transformando o QSMP em um mar de fogo, radiação e caos na Ilha Quesadilla. Espero que eles consiga desenvolver bem esse RP, justamente porque fala de um assunto serio que é *as Drogas,* pode ser uma das melhore historias se for bem trabalho, melhor até mesmo que a suposta "Traição do Cellbit". Mas saindo um pouco do RP o Forever está atuando muito bem, gostei muito ontem quando ele estava com o Cellbit, fiquei tão impressionado que até estou preocupando com saúde mental dele, pois da ultima vez que aconteceu alguma coisa tão forte ( O Cellbit entrar para Federação ), ele na vida real ficou mal principalmente por conta dos hates, não uso o -twitter- X e não sei como está as coisas por lá, só espero que ele esteja realmente gostando do resultado e que todos entenda que QSMP é só uma Historia.
Na verdade o Forever nunca aceitou o tratamento ele disse ao pac que foi forçado que estava dormindo quando trataram ele, pelo que acontece na cutscene do final da live do domingo mostra que o forever ia explodir tudo mas pra impedir ele, o cuca desmaiou o forever e levou ele pra sala de tratamento a força. Ele não escolheu isso.
"Clock Noise" Wait, is that a metaphor for "Ticking Time Bomb?" Forever, is starting to lose it, hence the phrase ticking time bomb. Plus, the symbolism of the bombs with the clock noise. Or is the "Close Noise" a metaphor for Richarlyson for how much time he has left?
Not exactly, the day when the eggs dissapeared, Forever felt powerless and decide to grieve on the presidential office because he could do nothing but wait til' the federation to do something, his office had a very noisy clock that every time reminded he that Richarlyson are not coming back while the time passes, at some point even destroying and exploding the clock the noise weren't stopping, it became a mental reminder that time is passing and Richas aren't going back, he then became crazy and threatened cucurucho of exploding the whole island, so cucurucho drugged him, but whenever the effect of the drug passes he start hearing that clock noise again and again, becaming louder and louder as the effect goes away.
Não vamos romantizar essa cena, a situação de ambos é muito delicada! O bbh simplesmente não está pensando em outra coisa a não ser como resgatar os filhos dele e o Forever está drogado.
@@el1ase eu imagino como ele vai se sentir quando voltar ao estado normal e perceber as coisas que ele fez :( a onda de constrangimento e arrependimento vai bater forte, coitado...
Forever will be so distraught but relived once he’s healed. I hope it doesn’t end with him dying. The regret he’ll have when all the memories come back to him. What if this is how he felt the whole time? Like apparently in his mind everything being perfect includes being married to Bad. Forever needs help and Bad needs things to get better which involves getting the kids back and Forever back to normal. He really didn’t refuse the idea of marriage. He just can’t say yes right now though. He may not be in his right mind for now but I hope once he gets through this there can be a happy moment for them. That it won’t be so toxic. It doesn’t even have to be a crazy romantic moment that involves marriage but a bittersweet one where they acknowledge each other’s feelings and heal together. If Forever’s character does die though I’ll cry so much if there is a moment right before where he talks to Bad and says something like “I really did want to marry you”. I just can’t stop thinking of all the 4halo moments like when Forever saw Bad with Barbie hair or Bad was so excited when Forever came back from his 2 week long trip. It’s still goofy but they’re just in a sadder light now. Man THIS SERVER! Stop! 😂💀
I'm really interested on forever character i think hes "Villian arc" its pretty great, i never though i was going to say this but i hope he keep druged so he continue his Arc, I think we needed this "Villian"
He was even always like this but hold himself always from richas,i great example when quackity kidnapped richas, he went crazy because he was away, and because he was scared that he was the reason forever and cellbit were fighting. And he was so stressed like that, with the mind not controled that he loosed his senses and hit leornada. Because richas is the only thing that keeps him sane,even if he just a kid, forever doesnt truly express himself, he always been a walking controlled bomb,and even is more cannon because is confirmed that the medicine just improves more the wishs inside,but if is something bad like destroy the federation he reverses it, and is been confirmed by a flashback of him, that he was caught because they had to handle him, because he blew up the whole island to have a roll back, he always been insane hes just showing more this caracther now
I KNEW IT THEY WOULD PROLONG THIS SHI5 SO THAT 4HALO WOULD BE LIKE SLOWBURN ANGST DRAMA 10K WORDS DUDE. I hope q!forever will become normal and the situation will become normal so that they will sort these feelings out properly...
Mano 4halo morreu pra caixão fechado. Agora q notei que as cores do bbh estão cinzas, o cara ta deprimido e o outro ta drogado,mano, pra quem tava falando q tava parado o qsmp, os caras cozinharam pra caralho, principalmente o Forever. Velho, eu nem sei o que dizer isso, principalmente nesse final que horror
melhor casal toxico do qsmp hauhauhauhauhauhauhauha, n acho que esteja morto por enquanto, mas acho que so vamos ter certeza mesmo quando conseguirem tirar o forevis das drogas do cuca
Mano amo 4Halo, mas eu era uma das pessoas gritando NOOO no chat do Bad quando ele tava falando com o Foolish e a Tina tlg. Tipo, o Forever ta drogado e o Bad preocupado com os ovos, isso claramente não é o que eu desejava pros 4haloToT
It hurts hearing forever talk about his position as president 😭 "i work for you guys" it was true he's done so much for everyone on the island and now its their turn to do something in return for him
@@pimentao9448That's true, except Etoiles sword right now can bypass totems. If Etoiles was to hit him, he would probaly start bleeding, then die from the explosion. Because if a weapon takes all of your HP (say you have 5 hearts, Etoiles sword does like 4 per hit. If the damage can kill the player without getting to half a heart I am pretty certain it won't account for the totem.) sorry for the crapy explanation
Ele tá tão dependente desse remédio que eu tô com medo do que ele vai fazer se tirarem das mãos do forever pois ele vai sentir que não terar nada para acalmar ele
Um doido drogado pediu um depresivo em estado de paranoia em casamento. Mano isso me deu TANTA agonia!! Mano quando forever voltar ao normal ele vai ficar tipo: EU NÃO FIZ ISSO NÃO!!
real, mas também tem que levar em consideração que ele tá fora de si por conta dos remédios, e esse barulho que ele tanto fala pode ser o motivo dele ficar tão estressado também não sei mais oq pensar 😭 só aceitar que esse shipp tá morto
@@cordeliusxd I know the medicine is making Forever crazy, but still that was a scary interaction 💀 Also, I don't think the ship is dead *just* yet, though for now it is 100% on pause lol. This whole thing is absolutely nuts
E os 4Halos vão a loucuraaaa kkkkkkkkk Só não disse que é positiva essa loucura kkkkkk Pena que isso ai num sei se vai pra frente kkkkkkkkkkkk T-T rindo de nervoso Momento errado pra isso, muita pena mesmo t-t
O qEtoiles está se juntando com outros membros pra matar o qForever com aquela espada dele, porém o qForever já imagina que eles planejam fazer isso e se preparou contra isso aumentando a quantidade de refis de totem na mochila (usando dois ao mesmo tempo pra deixar impossível de matarem ele antes que o totem ative ou ser vitima de lag) e ele fez aquele estilingue que lança 3 minas ao mesmo tempo (e ele tendo mais de 1k delas) e recebeu uma arma da Federação pra utilizar em autodefesa.
BAHAHHAHA étoiles in the beginning said "je les fume" which can be translated to "i destroy them" ozkwofjzo idk the context but its so funny sofvzisjif2jodbfk
@@KaosTolas no i'm not romanticizing it, it is like before he was drugged, when it was with them. like,forever just wanted to have a time with it,"maybe" marry someone.
most definitely not lol he wanted to blow up the island in frustration of his son being dissapeared and so much pressure being on him. pretty sure forever didnt always want to send pac to get drugged (hence why he got mad at cucurucho telling him that he was crazy and that he should leave his family alone) and when he took another sip of the drug he agreed to send pac to cucurucho. if you're gonna romanticize 4halo this isnt the best moment lol.
i mean, forever is out of his mind, obviously the federation is controlling his mind with medicines but the real forever would never do these things with bad. So we're hoping he gets back to normal
Bad is depressive bc his kids are gone, Forever is being druged by the federation, now for ince in a while he keeps hearing clock noises and needs to take pills to make it stop and calm down, then when the clock started at the flower field, he tried to kill Bad but don't worry, everything is perfect 😃😃
Grieving, with the eggs gone. Bad losse colours. Almost symbolic saying the eggs brought alot of colour in his life and now that they are gone he is losing the colours.
My anxiety when I started to hear the ticking: 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
Bro it got so loud I started to freak out like 😭😭
JESUS how much lore do we need in just a day???
Tomorrow will be one of the best days of QSMP lore, Forever said in the end of his stream that he's cooking something, and Cellbit say that probably is gonna be Tuesday the prison of him. Im so excited!
@@Oogabooga12329also, I think Pac is going to have the operation or whatever for happiness lol
@@eden5459 I think he is not gonna be happy like Forever, he will just pretend to be happy.
@@Oogabooga12329We don't know how much this is effective.
Forever's angry is insane, and it might be the thing that breaks the drug effective.
@@cau1537 Yeah, but i dont want two crazy guys :C just one is suficient! D:
How are these two SO GOOD AT ROLEPLAYY???!? Especially when Forever attacked Bad… like damnn, this is so cool
Notice that BBH couldn't accept or refuse the proposal either, he still holds emotions for Forever but was too sad to see him in this crazy state
Edit: just to be clear, BBH could have simply answered "no", but he answered "I need our children back", almost like he's saying "first we need everything to go back to normal and then you ask me again"
this entire scene was tense, and all that pressure eventually snapped at 10:55 . THOSE 5 SECONDS THERE WHERE JUST. PURE CINEMA
"don't you want to get married?"
"i want my son back."
I wish i knew what he said at the end, but holy... wow, i am so impressed by Forever's roleplaying capabilities.❤
“This fucking noise is a lot... fuck you can't think with this noise bro.. you can't think with this shit it's too loud”
@toffu9741 thank you!!! I sincerely appreciate the translation!! ❤️
The way badboyhalo is worried about dapper i wasn't be surprised if he married forever just to try get more information about it or even maybe using forever and his feelings to get some power.
"romantic sitting" bruh this is torture lol
But why is this literally Batman and the joker
Fr tho like the depressed, emotionless one vs the insane, definitely not okay one
Don't forget how Forever's character can be perfectly explained by the music in the trailer of the Joker:
Though your heart is achin'
Even though it's breakin'
When there are are clouds in the sky
You'll get by...
If you smile
Through your fear and sorrow
And maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shinin' through,
For you...
Light up your face with gladness
Hide, every trace of sadness
Although a tear
may be ever so near
That's the time, You must keep on tryin'
Smile, what's the use of cryin'
You'll find that life is still worth while
If you just smile
I just need Richas, Dapper, colored BBH and the old Forever back. We just need things the way they were before...
Para quem não está entendendo o que aconteceu, vai um pequeno resumo a baixo.
Vamos lá, tudo começou como sumiço dos ovos, simplesmente todos eles sumirão e niguém sabe o porque ou o que aconteceu.
Por esse motivo todo mundo no QSMP está triste e abalado, se vocês perceberem a cor do Bad Boy e do Cellbit mudarão para representar essa tristeza que estão sentindo, o Forever foi um dos que mais sofrerão, além de estar triste ele ficou desesperado e depressivo por não saber onde está seu filho.
Então o Forever pressionou o Cucuruchu pelo ovos, e acabou aceitando um tratamento para livra-lo dessa tristeza e desespero que estava sentindo, então Cucurucho começou a fazer tratamento nele, dando assim para o Forever uma droga que faria ele se sentir feliz, como se tudo tivesse perfeito.
Só que esse remédio bagunça a cabeça do Forever, por isso ele não consegue mais controlar seus sentimentos, ele fica bizarramente feliz o tempo todo até mesmo começou a acreditar que uma pedra é o Richarlyson, além de apoia a federação em tudo, ele tenta de toda maneira fugir da realidade, e quando alguém lembra do que realmente aconteceu, ele fica completamente insano, e esse relógio começa a toca e tudo só melhora quando toma mais droga.
Forever agora precisa de ajuda para consegui volta a realidade e conseguir controlar seus sentimentos, só assim ele vai recuperar sua sanidade novamente.
O foda msm, é q provavelmente n é só para fugir da realidade, e sim de como ele ficará assim q voltar a realidade.
Tipo, foi mostrado antes que ele fez um maquina de tnt infinita com a intenção de destruir TODA a ilha e ent a federação fez isso das pílulas e tals.
A insanidade e ódio dessa ilha são tão grandes q se ele parar com as drogas, a chance dessa ilha ir de vasco serão enormes.
@@cau1537 De fato, para quem está acompanhando as Lives do Forever percebe que em alguns momentos que ele demora para tomar a Droga fragmentos do Antigo Forever aparece, ou seja, Forever por dentro está ciente do que está acontecendo e está lutando com seus próprios desejos.
Quando Pac e Cellbit conseguirem descobri a solução e tirar ele dessa, a raiva dele contra Federação de fato vai aumentar muito, não duvidaria nada ele deixa o cargo de presidente, quem sabe até se juntar com Max e termina a bomba atômica transformando o QSMP em um mar de fogo, radiação e caos na Ilha Quesadilla.
Espero que eles consiga desenvolver bem esse RP, justamente porque fala de um assunto serio que é *as Drogas,* pode ser uma das melhore historias se for bem trabalho, melhor até mesmo que a suposta "Traição do Cellbit".
Mas saindo um pouco do RP o Forever está atuando muito bem, gostei muito ontem quando ele estava com o Cellbit, fiquei tão impressionado que até estou preocupando com saúde mental dele, pois da ultima vez que aconteceu alguma coisa tão forte ( O Cellbit entrar para Federação ), ele na vida real ficou mal principalmente por conta dos hates, não uso o -twitter- X e não sei como está as coisas por lá, só espero que ele esteja realmente gostando do resultado e que todos entenda que QSMP é só uma Historia.
Na verdade o Forever nunca aceitou o tratamento ele disse ao pac que foi forçado que estava dormindo quando trataram ele, pelo que acontece na cutscene do final da live do domingo mostra que o forever ia explodir tudo mas pra impedir ele, o cuca desmaiou o forever e levou ele pra sala de tratamento a força. Ele não escolheu isso.
Forever nunca aceitou o tratamento! Ele tá tomando as pílulas agora depois do tratamento, mas ele foi forçado)
Sumiram é com m
Forever is taking his normal pills
"Clock Noise" Wait, is that a metaphor for "Ticking Time Bomb?" Forever, is starting to lose it, hence the phrase ticking time bomb. Plus, the symbolism of the bombs with the clock noise.
Or is the "Close Noise" a metaphor for Richarlyson for how much time he has left?
not really its just that when the medication starts to loses it effects the noise starts and annoys Forever
Is a metaphor for a bomb
Not exactly, the day when the eggs dissapeared, Forever felt powerless and decide to grieve on the presidential office because he could do nothing but wait til' the federation to do something, his office had a very noisy clock that every time reminded he that Richarlyson are not coming back while the time passes, at some point even destroying and exploding the clock the noise weren't stopping, it became a mental reminder that time is passing and Richas aren't going back, he then became crazy and threatened cucurucho of exploding the whole island, so cucurucho drugged him, but whenever the effect of the drug passes he start hearing that clock noise again and again, becaming louder and louder as the effect goes away.
He has a watch on his wrist...
@@1halloweens Oh man! I didn't know all that! Dude! I'm loving the QSMP!
Love how forever popped three totems trying to get bad and bad didn’t even use one 💀
I dont think he was trying to get Bad, actually he was hurting himself
@@Biancasilva-kl3vi but if you look back at the clip it looks like he is aiming at bads feet
Foraver is immortal, soo whatever..
Não vamos romantizar essa cena, a situação de ambos é muito delicada! O bbh simplesmente não está pensando em outra coisa a não ser como resgatar os filhos dele e o Forever está drogado.
Sim, eu gosto de 4halo mais cara eu tô gritando não, de tanta agonia com o forever, não quero 4halo em um momento desses
Eu fiquei TÃO agoniada com o Forever pedindo o BBH em casamento nesse estado, foi péssimo
N foi assim que pensei que o 4halo iria ser 😢
@@el1ase eu imagino como ele vai se sentir quando voltar ao estado normal e perceber as coisas que ele fez :(
a onda de constrangimento e arrependimento vai bater forte, coitado...
@@itsmarok eu espero que ele consiga se desculpar e se redimir com todos da ilha
E que o pessoal consiga entender o lado dele tbm
Forever will be so distraught but relived once he’s healed. I hope it doesn’t end with him dying. The regret he’ll have when all the memories come back to him. What if this is how he felt the whole time? Like apparently in his mind everything being perfect includes being married to Bad. Forever needs help and Bad needs things to get better which involves getting the kids back and Forever back to normal. He really didn’t refuse the idea of marriage. He just can’t say yes right now though. He may not be in his right mind for now but I hope once he gets through this there can be a happy moment for them. That it won’t be so toxic. It doesn’t even have to be a crazy romantic moment that involves marriage but a bittersweet one where they acknowledge each other’s feelings and heal together. If Forever’s character does die though I’ll cry so much if there is a moment right before where he talks to Bad and says something like “I really did want to marry you”. I just can’t stop thinking of all the 4halo moments like when Forever saw Bad with Barbie hair or Bad was so excited when Forever came back from his 2 week long trip. It’s still goofy but they’re just in a sadder light now. Man THIS SERVER! Stop! 😂💀
This was the angstiest proposal I've ever witnessed. This is just really sad, damn :(
I'm really interested on forever character i think hes "Villian arc" its pretty great, i never though i was going to say this but i hope he keep druged so he continue his Arc, I think we needed this "Villian"
this is a crazy sentense lmao
Funny way to say it but I agree. Its not fun when EVERYONE on the Island is a good guy. There has to be a bad guy so things get interesting to watch
@@CaueJulio Yea,
Even without the drugs (especially without them since he was going to explode everything) he is a villain now
He was even always like this but hold himself always from richas,i great example when quackity kidnapped richas, he went crazy because he was away, and because he was scared that he was the reason forever and cellbit were fighting.
And he was so stressed like that, with the mind not controled that he loosed his senses and hit leornada.
Because richas is the only thing that keeps him sane,even if he just a kid, forever doesnt truly express himself, he always been a walking controlled bomb,and even is more cannon because is confirmed that the medicine just improves more the wishs inside,but if is something bad like destroy the federation he reverses it, and is been confirmed by a flashback of him, that he was caught because they had to handle him, because he blew up the whole island to have a roll back, he always been insane hes just showing more this caracther now
I KNEW IT THEY WOULD PROLONG THIS SHI5 SO THAT 4HALO WOULD BE LIKE SLOWBURN ANGST DRAMA 10K WORDS DUDE. I hope q!forever will become normal and the situation will become normal so that they will sort these feelings out properly...
yes i agree with you
Jesus that was heart wrenching
Mano 4halo morreu pra caixão fechado. Agora q notei que as cores do bbh estão cinzas, o cara ta deprimido e o outro ta drogado,mano, pra quem tava falando q tava parado o qsmp, os caras cozinharam pra caralho, principalmente o Forever. Velho, eu nem sei o que dizer isso, principalmente nesse final que horror
melhor casal toxico do qsmp hauhauhauhauhauhauhauha, n acho que esteja morto por enquanto, mas acho que so vamos ter certeza mesmo quando conseguirem tirar o forevis das drogas do cuca
Forever is so freaking handsome… 🫦
Mano amo 4Halo, mas eu era uma das pessoas gritando NOOO no chat do Bad quando ele tava falando com o Foolish e a Tina tlg. Tipo, o Forever ta drogado e o Bad preocupado com os ovos, isso claramente não é o que eu desejava pros 4haloToT
a dualidade to público, eu to amando esse arco de casal trágico, independente doq acontecer no final, esse arco tá muito intenso
Forever has been killing it with the lore
Forever became insane after the federation pills
Ele tá drogado 😢
one like the joker and another depressive like Wednesday... will it work?
Am I the only one going crazy with the clock ticking and forever laughing???
Eu deveria estar feliz, mas isso não poderia estar acontecendo em uma pior hora
this is such a sad scene, definitely not a romantic sitting...
It hurts hearing forever talk about his position as president 😭 "i work for you guys" it was true he's done so much for everyone on the island and now its their turn to do something in return for him
OMG thanks to etoiles who is came to help bbh 😮
How i see it is bad still holds feeling for forever but knows forever is not in his right mind when he asked him so he didn't except or say no
I say hes way to commited to skeepy even tho hes not even in the server 😅
i really hope this wont be canon.... i love skephalo too much for this
Polyamorous relationship exist bro
I love skephalo too!
Colocamos um depressivo louco e um drogado insano para conversar (sem que eles soubessem)
Cucorucho teve que drogar o forever pra ele n destruir a ilha kkkkk
OMG Elotes was so close to get Forever!
He almost did but he said he didn’t know if bbh was ok with it because he didn’t give him any signal to kill so he refrained from doing it :(
He didn't, forever is with literally 1k totems bro 💀
He is practically immortal rn
@@pimentao9448That's true, except Etoiles sword right now can bypass totems.
If Etoiles was to hit him, he would probaly start bleeding, then die from the explosion. Because if a weapon takes all of your HP (say you have 5 hearts, Etoiles sword does like 4 per hit. If the damage can kill the player without getting to half a heart I am pretty certain it won't account for the totem.) sorry for the crapy explanation
Woaw..this RP is insane !!!!!
4halo but at what cost?
Ele tá tão dependente desse remédio que eu tô com medo do que ele vai fazer se tirarem das mãos do forever pois ele vai sentir que não terar nada para acalmar ele
Ou pior ainda, *o remédio perder efeito.*
@@cau1537acho que já tá acontecendo, tipo o tempo do efeito do remédio diminuiu.
@@kcired verdade
Um doido drogado pediu um depresivo em estado de paranoia em casamento.
Mano isso me deu TANTA agonia!!
Mano quando forever voltar ao normal ele vai ficar tipo:
Se ele volta ao normal, tem a chance dele ficar louco pra sempre
@@Bianlalaununca mais fale isso na sua vida
@@littleghere Desculpa, nunca mais vou fala isso :(
@@Bianlalau obg, obggg!! o forever vai voltar ao normal, vamos ter fé.
@@littleghere Todos os ovos vão volta e o forever para de tomar as pílulas do capeta!!!
Man q!forever is so broken, he just need help :(
the worst part is that q!forever was forced by the federation to be drugged...
real, mas também tem que levar em consideração que ele tá fora de si por conta dos remédios, e esse barulho que ele tanto fala pode ser o motivo dele ficar tão estressado também
não sei mais oq pensar 😭 só aceitar que esse shipp tá morto
@@cordeliusxd I know the medicine is making Forever crazy, but still that was a scary interaction 💀
Also, I don't think the ship is dead *just* yet, though for now it is 100% on pause lol. This whole thing is absolutely nuts
First philza and now bbh
E os 4Halos vão a loucuraaaa kkkkkkkkk Só não disse que é positiva essa loucura kkkkkk
Pena que isso ai num sei se vai pra frente kkkkkkkkkkkk T-T rindo de nervoso
Momento errado pra isso, muita pena mesmo t-t
Mano... sobrou até pro Etoiles kkkk coitado.
Obs. Só achei essa parte engraçada, o resto ta tudo muito tenso e triste.
O qEtoiles está se juntando com outros membros pra matar o qForever com aquela espada dele, porém o qForever já imagina que eles planejam fazer isso e se preparou contra isso aumentando a quantidade de refis de totem na mochila (usando dois ao mesmo tempo pra deixar impossível de matarem ele antes que o totem ative ou ser vitima de lag) e ele fez aquele estilingue que lança 3 minas ao mesmo tempo (e ele tendo mais de 1k delas) e recebeu uma arma da Federação pra utilizar em autodefesa.
Eu tava na live do bbh quando isso aconteceu, foi pura tortura
TIc, tac, tic, tac. I hate this sound, that's so.. Annoying, I have anxiety, ughhh!!! D:
Tic tac stop brothering me after i wacthed the whole his stream waiting hours on his Office of a notice from richarlyson.
O cara tá maluco, tirem o remédio dele!
Lol- Forever- I'm dying of laughter
dude for a sec i thought that they were at jaiden’s house
BAHAHHAHA étoiles in the beginning said "je les fume" which can be translated to "i destroy them" ozkwofjzo idk the context but its so funny sofvzisjif2jodbfk
1:43 it breaks the atmosphere but it's funny 😂
They’re literally exact opposites- NO WAY THIS WAS TWO MONTGS AGO
This is not the 4halo I orderd🤯
No one saw this coming, huh?
I hope he asks him again after he goes to the anexo
The pills are making he do every thing that he wanted.
This makes no sense. He's drugged and suffering. Stop trying to romanticize it
Yes man
@@KaosTolas no i'm not romanticizing it, it is like before he was drugged, when it was with them. like,forever just wanted to have a time with it,"maybe" marry someone.
most definitely not lol he wanted to blow up the island in frustration of his son being dissapeared and so much pressure being on him. pretty sure forever didnt always want to send pac to get drugged (hence why he got mad at cucurucho telling him that he was crazy and that he should leave his family alone) and when he took another sip of the drug he agreed to send pac to cucurucho. if you're gonna romanticize 4halo this isnt the best moment lol.
@@plamtie i think it's like in chronological order of when the br come int the qsmp.
at what cost?
for me this shipping died today, im so sad
i mean, forever is out of his mind, obviously the federation is controlling his mind with medicines but the real forever would never do these things with bad. So we're hoping he gets back to normal
Pac x etoiles shippers: welcome to the club
@@Capivara_chefe LOL
n sei oq ta acontecendo, mas uma coisa é clara... o tempo ta acabando
Oh my god
That is soooo sad bbh like forever but in this moment he just want his son back
4 halo but What is the coast????
Nooo hes heart belong too somone eles
Por donde transmite forever¿? Quiero empezar a verlo
Cine puro 😢
not in this situation
... What... What just... Happend?
Bad is depressive bc his kids are gone, Forever is being druged by the federation, now for ince in a while he keeps hearing clock noises and needs to take pills to make it stop and calm down, then when the clock started at the flower field, he tried to kill Bad
but don't worry, everything is perfect 😃😃
Is that Jaiden's place? Or is it just the same biome?
I think it’s the same biome
Para mim o problema nem é esse
what did forever say at 4:10 ? if someone know or is willing to translate?
Look how perfect he is, hes Lindo (cute/beautiful)
@@Biancasilva-kl3vi why does Q!forever have to be so adorable and loving when he’s on drugs
@@lavendercrow_nloving? Lol i woudn't say that 😂😂
@@Biancasilva-kl3vi I mean yeah but that sounds like more of a fluffy flirting this just normal flirting before
Deu agonia de assistir isso
whwhy is bad in black and white
Is in mourning
the whole world is black and white for him without the eggs
The more days go by with the absence of the eggs, the more bbh loses his color due to his grieve
He turned emo (//_^)
Grieving, with the eggs gone. Bad losse colours. Almost symbolic saying the eggs brought alot of colour in his life and now that they are gone he is losing the colours.
this is destroying 💔