Thank u man for this set up I finally got master again from d1 stuck in euw I climbed to 160 lp master just because of this runes I finally found my thing to play in this Meta thank u ❤️
i still like electrocute more because it is reliable, allowes for backward trades/trade back when getting cought etc, not like first strike that is only good when you hit first. BUT i always have futures market and free boots in secondary. getting the mythic 450 gold earlier is so insane. never run any other runes there. it feels like you can snowball from the 'lead' in your runes alone often enough LOL. sscorch or some cdr does not compare at all.
@@zEMM_1939 Don't know. played it along time, definitly is an option. I just prefer electrocute, i think it suits my playstyle more. Also, it alows me to take ultimate hunter in combination with the boot delivery + futures market, and i feel like zed in late game is simply not the same without it, and i feel like boot delivery future market is too strong to not use. it is literally 1 1/2 kills for mythic/first item.
Your content is very cool and takes a lot of work, but i think that you would be much more popular and well of if you would stream. Not every one is intrested in watching high elo gameplay without commentary and it being this serious i guess even though you are playing like crazy. Well it would be fun to be a part of your content on streams, to see you do well, to see you fail, to see you laugh.
Agree, for soloQ. IDK how he makes it work, but in my games I don't get help in laning phase. Without help you don't get kill pressure with FS. If you do, the enemy is a bad laner and you'll be fine with elec/conq anyway. I played FS only until durability patch. Just too weak early. My best versatile build for any comp/situation/game state is conq with sorcery runes. Dusk - Tier 1 boots - Hydra - Grudge - BC/Edge of night - BC/Edge of night - sell boots for Ghostblade. You're strong 1v1 for sidelane and a MONSTER in teamfight.
i saw you going this build on opgg so i tried it and i felt like i do no damage without electrocute, i got destroyed by yasuo even tho i was ahead after few ganks. maybe i did something wrong? i don't know. yasuo lived with 100 hp two times in a row, i think if i had electrocute or conqueror i would kill him there.
3:59 아니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2:54 여기 뭔가 하찮은데 되게 멋있다 ..
03:55 퀘리 ㅋㅋ 목소리 찰지네요
진짜 저 센스는 노력으로 따라가기에는 한계가 있는듯...
챌이시니깐 재능일듯..부럽
근데 이런 댓글 달기전에 노력은 해봄?
@@뭘봐-f3h1x 그니깐 ㅋㅋ 노력 ㅈ도 안한얘들이 재능탓
@@뭘봐-f3h1x 수천판 박아도 다이아 못가는 사람이 한트럭인대 노력드립 치고있네 ㅋㅋㅋ
@@NoRaengs99 본인 얘기임? ㅋㅋㅋ내가보기엔 이것도 못하는거보면 님네 애ㅁ가 문제인듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 라인 관리, 운영, 한타 포지션 등등 배우면서 생각하고 다지고 하면 충분히 다이아까진 가는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ무슨 플래에서 못올라가니~마니~하고잇노 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
12:54 이제 이장면 롤읽남에 나오는거 기대중
0:45 죄송합니다.. 제 짧은 식견으로는 그런 생각을 한 적도 없습니다..
Thank u man for this set up I finally got master again from d1 stuck in euw I climbed to 160 lp master just because of this runes I finally found my thing to play in this Meta thank u ❤️
월식너프되도 이룬은 그대로하시나요?? 월식은 드락으로 바꾸고?
12:26 "환상"
와....근데 외상빌드 써봤는데 잘만쓰면 역대급으로 좋은것같아요
강한타이밍을 당겨와서 라인전 찍누는 기본이고, 핵심코어를 빠르게뽑는게 너무 좋은듯
전적보면 큐다음 더블유 선마도 있으시던데 어느 경우인가요??
온재님 키보드 축 어떤거 쓰세요?
인댁스님(?) 캐리 귀여우시네 ㅋㅋㅋ
더 귀여우신 온재님도 저거 해주실거죠??
단언컨데 제드장인유튜브중 젤 잘하시고 센스좋고 편집도좋은듯
온재님 온재님 혹시 제드하실때
이 챔프는 진짜 못이기겠다 이런거 있으신가요?
제드 숙련도가 있으신분들은 무상성처럼 보여서 여쭈어보아요
실력이 잘한다고만 해서 잘하는게 아닌데 율드댕 유튜브에서 인정하시는 모습과 배우시는거에서 감명 받았어요..존경스럽습니다
그런 광대랑 비교하지 마라
템을 무조건 월식 가야하나요? 다른 신화템도 좋아 보이는데
드락보다 월식을가시는 이유가먼지 궁금합니다!
아 설명란에있군요
좋은 영상 감사합니다
I was trying this build and runes before, and i was getting really good results
오늘 영상 없나 보러 오니 5분 전 캬
정글제드 빠른갱킹과합류속도를위해 선공에 마공신 외상 통찰력에 마법 빛망 물위를걷는자를고정으로 가는데 온제님 이거과연 좋은건가요?
상대 원딜물기까다로울때는 자발가도 코그모같이 이동기없는챔일땐 드락사르갑니다
초반에 쎈 타이밍 가져가는 빌드인데 자발보다 월식을 가는 이유가 궁금해요 !
피즈버프소식 어떻게 생각하시나요?
youre so good and smart with your builds, pleasure to watch
인트로 너무 믖져요 형
선공에 돌발일격 들면 확실히 초반은 약해도 후반까지 포텐 나오더라구요 돌발일격 추천이요
6:00 플 심리전 ㄹㅈㄷ네
제드 wq빨리쓰면 그림자에서 q가안나가고 몸체에서 두개나갈때있던데 버그인가요?
3:59 어후 얄미웡
저도 이 빌드 자주 사용했는데 톱날 전 타이밍 특히 2~4랩구간 합류싸움에서 힘이 좀 많이 딸려서 그때 스노우볼 굴러가면 정글 터지고 겜이 힘들더라구요
Do you still plan to stream? Or am I just missing every one of them?
He did it once already(maybe more than once idk)
이기는 판만 올리는게 아닌 져도 배울게 있는 판들 같이 올리는게 베리굿
진짜 이게 뇌지컬이지..진짜 왜 챌린저 되는지 알겟네 손지컬이며 뇌지컬이며..와
Your videos inspire me to play zed more and improve
i still like electrocute more because it is reliable, allowes for backward trades/trade back when getting cought etc, not like first strike that is only good when you hit first. BUT i always have futures market and free boots in secondary. getting the mythic 450 gold earlier is so insane. never run any other runes there. it feels like you can snowball from the 'lead' in your runes alone often enough LOL. sscorch or some cdr does not compare at all.
what elo you play? seems an interesting build
@@pier1115 low. a mil mastery, but low elo. zed is banned most of my games sadly
i think conq is more useful comparing w/ elec, tbh
@@zEMM_1939 Don't know. played it along time, definitly is an option. I just prefer electrocute, i think it suits my playstyle more. Also, it alows me to take ultimate hunter in combination with the boot delivery + futures market, and i feel like zed in late game is simply not the same without it, and i feel like boot delivery future market is too strong to not use. it is literally 1 1/2 kills for mythic/first item.
Hey Onzed. Love your Vids 😅😍 I'm from PH
me too les go~~~
12:54 여기 헤카림 죽을거 계산해서 궁 두번돌린거도 계산이면 진짜 개지리는 경지다
ㅋㅋㅋ 역대급 억빤듯 근데 누구한테썻어도 다 광역딜들어가는거라 상관은없었음
@@용용-n6v2m ㅋㅋ 아니 실피로 살면 궁초기화 안돼서 혹시나하고 억빠 헉헉
역대급 억빠아니라 피1에 궁써서 궁2번돌리는거 무조건 성공하는건 아니지만 제드유저면 시도해보는게 정상아닌가.. 밑에티어는 다르나
@@Han_o_o 일단 유명해져라 그럼 똥싸도 박수받는다 라고만 해드림
@츄츄촵촵 죽는순간에 제드궁쓰면 초기화되서 다시 쓸수있어요
Your content is very cool and takes a lot of work, but i think that you would be much more popular and well of if you would stream. Not every one is intrested in watching high elo gameplay without commentary and it being this serious i guess even though you are playing like crazy. Well it would be fun to be a part of your content on streams, to see you do well, to see you fail, to see you laugh.
do you stream?
Basically if they are squishy electrocute or future markets first strike and melee bruiser tank matchup conq
온재님 혹시 감전 제드할때 부룬 침착에 최후의 일격들으면 쿨감이 살짝 딸린다고 하더라도 한타때 좋은 기량을 발휘할 수 있을꺼같은데 안가시는 이유가 있을까요? 라인전을 좀더 보완하려고 하시는건가
부룬은 약간 취향 차이라
@@하이-u7o3j 아하
그것도 그렇고 라인전에서 주문작열이 더 좋다고 판단하신듯 결국에 제드는 라인전 챔이라
@@우주-q4t 짤짤이 20이 많아 맞다보면 따갑긴하죠
최후의 일격 드나 안드나 별 차이 없지 않나요
Cant you go elec with tresure hunter and future market boots secondary for better laning
can you go prowler's or duskblade with these runes and strategy?
I think yes
Why are you playing FS/Electro? Isnt conq the best rune to play after durability changes? Isnt FS/electro too weak?
Agree, for soloQ. IDK how he makes it work, but in my games I don't get help in laning phase. Without help you don't get kill pressure with FS. If you do, the enemy is a bad laner and you'll be fine with elec/conq anyway. I played FS only until durability patch. Just too weak early.
My best versatile build for any comp/situation/game state is conq with sorcery runes. Dusk - Tier 1 boots - Hydra - Grudge - BC/Edge of night - BC/Edge of night - sell boots for Ghostblade. You're strong 1v1 for sidelane and a MONSTER in teamfight.
와 제드로 막히는 부분 혈을 뚫는듯한 플레이
온재님 제드 배우고 싶어용
온재 쩜쩜쩜 페페 나올때 넘 웃김
I do this build as well except I use it mostly in aram 😂😂😂 And I use scorch just for a little bit of extra damage and money 🤭
요즘 온재님이랑 이렐킹님만 봄 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
선공빌드는 왜 월식을 가시는지 알려주세요...
아래 영상에서 11:41 부분 참고해보세요!
(추가로 대격변 패치 이후 월식의 체력 퍼뎀 효과가 효율이 좋아졌습니다.)видео.html&feature=share&EJGixIgBCJiu2KjB4oSJEQ
감도 알려주세요
온재님 그래서 랭킹1등 언제가신다고요?
Might not be the best in all cases but FS is definitely more interesting than Electrocute
i saw you going this build on opgg so i tried it and i felt like i do no damage without electrocute, i got destroyed by yasuo even tho i was ahead after few ganks. maybe i did something wrong? i don't know. yasuo lived with 100 hp two times in a row, i think if i had electrocute or conqueror i would kill him there.
10:53 헤카림 이걸 강타로살아가네
Insane plays
10:53 저거 안죽는건 진짜 아닌데
Illaking is good; but you were simply better
온재 홧팅
온재 인덱시 따라잡나??!??!?!?
신화템이 엄청 빨리뜨네요;;
왜 이시간에?
근데 제드장인이라서 그런게아니라 영상이무슨 롤인강 듣는느낌이네ㅋ