You guys concentrate so much energy on Ontario and Alberta, I don't think u know that other people live in the rest of the Canada, there are other Canadians in this Country you know...
-30 here tonight south of Peterborough. I was welding on a rooftop for 2 hours this morning...pretty fresh feeling with a relentless 40 kmh wind from the northwest.
Not really….its common practice even when they seem to have all kinds of it, they will tell u how much snow Bloor St is going to get but can’t say anything about Halifax, Charlotte town, St. Johns or Fredericton.
It is cold all over countdown zone before it is 1812 all over again. As lunatic has assumed control. Of the armed forces he refused to co operate with. When they asked nicely many times . To serve his country rather than himself. Just once in a lifetime.
You guys concentrate so much energy on Ontario and Alberta, I don't think u know that other people live in the rest of the Canada, there are other Canadians in this Country you know...
-30 here tonight south of Peterborough. I was welding on a rooftop for 2 hours this morning...pretty fresh feeling with a relentless 40 kmh wind from the northwest.
watchin from central cape breton island, Eskasoni
How about the westcoast
I think he ran out of time
Not really….its common practice even when they seem to have all kinds of it, they will tell u how much snow Bloor St is going to get but can’t say anything about Halifax, Charlotte town, St. Johns or Fredericton.
lol .... just live in Toronto where it is the center of Canada
The guy that don't need no clothespins . Thanks Chris!
Could it impact other region of Europe, South Asia
So what’s that -3 going to cost us usually it’s -60 a week later
It is cold all over countdown zone before it is 1812 all over again. As lunatic has assumed control. Of the armed forces he refused to co operate with. When they asked nicely many times . To serve his country rather than himself. Just once in a lifetime.
Sounds like you need to take your meds there :)