Are Millennial Men Useless?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
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  • @thesloth5662
    @thesloth5662 6 лет назад +340

    This dude is woke as hell. Old people talking shit on younger generations that they helped shape while simultaneously excusing themselves from all accountability is garbage logic.

    • @Paul_Elam
      @Paul_Elam  6 лет назад +50

      I thank you, and agree totally.

    • @thesloth5662
      @thesloth5662 6 лет назад +33

      You can always tell the difference between a mediocre man and a great one. Mediocre men go straight to how everyone else is failing and screwing things up and very rarely acknowledge their own shortcomings are a group, class, or individual. Great men are constantly looking for ways to better themselves or the situation at hand rather than complaining like a little bitch.
      The conversation now is how do we right the ship? The next generation behind Millennials is soon to come of age. How can we give them the best chance to succeed and reassert their role in society. My assertion is that we need to do everything we can to fix the economy so that young people feel they have a financial chance to one day have homes and families. Right now an 18 year old graduates into a society where he can go to work for minimum wage OR take on student loans that total the cost of a house in order to....maybe....get a better paying job one that. Even that option leaves a young person in indentured servitude while they pay it off. This is only getting worse as machines take over more and more jobs that human beings used to have (Redbox, self-checkout, etc.). In my opinion, a young person knowing that they will never achieve financial independence until they are 60+ years old...if they are what is contributing to young men not wanting to have families or truly engage in society. Hell, I'd rather just subsist and play video games myself if that were my situation. At least you would be living on your own terms rather than letting someone else dictate how you spend your entire life.
      The key is to stop calling young people lazy or entitled for asking for exactly the same economic opportunity that the Baby Boomers had when they started working in the 60's. Then, you could go to college on a summer job with no loans. You could go straight into a factory with a strong union to negotiate wages...and subsequently buy a house at 20 years old. Women could choose to say home and raise kids if they chose to, or could enter the work force for an even larger advantage. Minimum wage then comes out to $22.50/hr in today's money.
      Until we give young people something to be excited about and to work towards, we can't blame them for saying fuck it all and turning on Call of Duty. Would like to hear you opinions on this, perhaps in a future video.

    • @andrewcentore3395
      @andrewcentore3395 5 лет назад +7

      This man is breathtaking, enlightening, has put words to feelings and my own internal evaluations of the mans role in society today. How did we let it get so far. Take your godgiven right to be a man back and never give it away again. Donation is forthcoming as I'm a new subscriber and am already in your debt! Thank you ! Men be Men!

    • @chrisfrench9257
      @chrisfrench9257 5 лет назад +3

      I've been saying the same thing since I started hearing all the millennial trash talking. The trash talking of younger generations seems to be a fairly common trend for quite some time now. I'm not sure if it started with the baby boomers or if this has been a much older trend, but it's clear that the logic behind such nonsense is flawed.

    • @DavidLee-vi8ds
      @DavidLee-vi8ds 5 лет назад +10

      @@chrisfrench9257 A much older trend. This is a quote from Plato round about 300BC. The Greeks had just invented writing and this is what he wrote.
      "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."
      There's probably a cave painting somewhere showing a young man failing to live up to expectations.

  • @anonymousanonymous4775
    @anonymousanonymous4775 6 лет назад +135

    Yes I am useless. No one will ever be able to use me!

    • @rickrossi7426
      @rickrossi7426 6 лет назад +12

      Keep up the good work 😂

    • @abrown1704
      @abrown1704 4 года назад +2

      I'm useless also and wear that will honor

    • @davidturner1641
      @davidturner1641 4 года назад +3

      Ok boomer
      See millennials are useful
      They come up with great memes to overthrow the Boomers who have given us $800 trillion of UNPAYABLE WORLDWIDE DEBT

    • @dubbula
      @dubbula 3 года назад +3

      To be honest that's why I stay broke. So a woman loves me for me and not my money 😂...... Lol it'll never happen

    • @Brown11434
      @Brown11434 4 месяца назад

      🥹 Yes 😋

  • @leonardo899
    @leonardo899 7 лет назад +893

    I'm a Millennial.
    I'm single because I never measured up to what I was expected.
    I majored in Engineering at the same university as my father did, but unlike my father, I did not have a high-paying job waiting for me.
    I got a masters, and that didn't help. I got a job, but my job doesn't pay nearly enough to start a family.
    Us Millennials are expected to be even more successful than our parents in an decaying economy. It is a lot of pressure.

    • @vinny4411
      @vinny4411 7 лет назад +79

      then just go MGTOW brother

    • @NoRecourse1785
      @NoRecourse1785 7 лет назад +33

      +Dalia Ramos Your name looks feminine. If that's true, then you likely have no clue how much pressure there is on men to have good jobs and be providers. It's probably equal to the pressure women have to be good looking. Women always have the out of using their looks to trick a guy into providing. NO ONE is there for us if we don't provide. That's an immense amount of pressure.
      Couple that up with our draconian divorce court system and the shitty mentality of the vast majority of modern women and you get a movement of men who don't want to get married. Way less pressure, way less nagging, way less risk, way more free time, way more money, way more hobbies, and no fear of having your entire life and well being ripped away from you by the legal system. It has become the only way that men can win for certain.

    • @NoRecourse1785
      @NoRecourse1785 7 лет назад +52

      +Dalie Ramos I'm not worried about getting married any more, I've lost interest in it. And guess what, I now feel NO pressure to earn money. My life is far simpler and I fill my time doing whatever the hell sounds good at the time.
      The reason men try to earn money before marriage is to have a broad choice in marriage partner (this desire is what has built and maintained civilization since it's beginning, btw). Most of us have very few needs and if you remove women, most of us could care less about money outside of basic needs and spending on our hobbies. When you live in the world of potentially having to earn to support a family and have to compete with other men who have the same desire, that adds a lot of pressure. Not to mention that society still wants men to exist in our traditional box.
      Sorry, but there is absolutely no way you can understand the pressure that parents and society put on men to be earners. It starts young and it manifests itself in every expectation placed upon us. In the same way, I will never understand the pressure women have on them that drives them to watch endless hours of youtube videos about applying make up.
      "I personally think that two incomes is always better than one."
      That is patently wrong unless you're planning on not having children. Children require a LOT of time and energy. Putting money and the desires of women before the needs of children is part of how society got into the mess it's currently in.
      You can have two people working long hours, stressed at work about home and stressed at home about work. These two people are likely going to fight non stop and it's likely that neither will be very successful in their career. Not to mention the toxic environment this creates for children to grow up in.
      Now split the labor with one person working and one at home. All of a sudden you can relocate for promotions, so the one working can focus FULLY on work. That one has a strong chance of making more money than the two combined in the previous example. The one at home ensures that the children and house are well tended. Both win. It all comes down to choosing the right partner in this scenario, and with traditional women being extremely rare, so are the number of men who see life with a woman as a benefit.
      Every action has consequences, so does every change. The west just happens to be more interested in saving face than it is in acknowledging the immense damage it's caused to the opportunities and happiness of it's younger generations. The irony is that these changes were made to "liberate" women who are now more unhappy than ever.

    • @NoRecourse1785
      @NoRecourse1785 7 лет назад +24

      +Dalia Ramos "This movement reminds me of a group of feminist in the 80s who decided not to marry or have children."
      Except women in the 80's still had the law on their side. I may get lonely when I'm older and feel some regret about my decision, but it will always be less regret than if I got married, had children, and then had everything I loved stripped away from me. Especially knowing what I know about marriage now. If the laws change, I'd consider marriage (and I would definitely enjoy being a father). I'm not choosing to stay single because I hate women, I'm choosing to stay single to protect myself from the incredibly flawed court system that would have no problem destroying everything important to me.
      I've worked very hard and am fairly successful financially. I plan on retiring early (around 45) and then spending my time traveling and chasing my hobbies. Maybe I can turn one of them into a small time business and enjoy the challenge of that. I want to build my own house and become as self sufficient as possible. I also love reading and learning about new things and I'm perfectly content spending many hours on anything that catches my fancy.
      "my BF has emphasized on how he wants to be the stay at home parent for children"
      That sounds fine, but you should look up some videos about "hypergamy". I do not know you personally, but the vast majority of women are unhappy being the provider because it signals they married a lower quality man. You really need to be honest with yourself. Would you be happy being the provider? Especially after having a baby and experiencing the immense emotional connection that happens to mothers. If so, good for you. Just understand that it's a very tough thing to change your mind about later.
      "Traditional roles for men and women suck balls xD but they are there for a reason"
      Maybe, but survey after survey is finding that stay at home moms are the single happiest group of women in existence. When men become fathers we feel an extreme need to provide and being able to focus completely on that is a source of happiness for men.
      Besides, the biggest point of traditional roles was to raise happy, well adjusted people to become the next generation. It is for the continuity of civilization. The millennials are known as the generation raised by single mothers and look how well that's turning out. Basically, we can give into our basic instincts, be animals and live like animals or we can practice discipline, plan for the future and live much more happy and comfortable lives.

    • @KingOfShadows1500
      @KingOfShadows1500 7 лет назад +22

      Wait, what?! You have a Master's in engineering and you claim that your job doesn't pay enough for you to start a family - how is that even possible?! Do you actually work as an engineer? Do you live in the USA or Canada? What kind of engineer are you? Usually, engineers are particularly well paid, especially those who have a Master's!

  • @0412lennon
    @0412lennon 7 лет назад +275

    I'm a millennial men at 31 yrs old....who doesn't have any unwanted kids and is not married nor have I been divorced. I earn my own money pay my bills and mind my own business. If that's not a real man then I don't know what is.

    • @theguybehindyou4762
      @theguybehindyou4762 7 лет назад +50

      What makes you a real man is doing what you want, and going all the way with it, everyone's opinions be damned!

    • @brenokv
      @brenokv 6 лет назад +20

      many wold say it is to serve a wife and family (most likely a wife that cheets and family that has the dna of other men)

    • @artnmusic909
      @artnmusic909 5 лет назад +10

      Brother , you decide whether you're a real man or not and no one else .

    • @billrhoasts5456
      @billrhoasts5456 5 лет назад +7

      Guatemalan Dude 69-I couldn't agree more. Some people have this idea of a "Real man" as somebody who somehow serves others or sacrifices himself for others as if he owes the world something. The world owes me nothing, but neither do I owe anything to the world. I pay my own way and live the way I want to live and the hell with what anybody thinks. Kudos.

    • @Ann-ie5ge
      @Ann-ie5ge 5 лет назад +2

      Those with fluffy shirts with pink flowers on em🤔👀

  • @anthonylipira9526
    @anthonylipira9526 8 лет назад +125

    Whenever someone says "a real mans is", they will immediately reveal their personal and/or political bias. Ask a tradcon what a real man is, and they'll describe a John Wayne character. Ask a feminist, and they'll describe the perfect feminist ally. Fuck that "real man" bullshit. I'm not a blank screen for projecting your ideals upon.

    • @alltheruss
      @alltheruss 8 лет назад +5

      Perhaps the "real man" is actually a "true Scotsman" ;)

    • @johnnywayne3443
      @johnnywayne3443 8 лет назад +2

      Nope, those are "true Christians".

    • @onato009
      @onato009 7 лет назад +1

      The way I think of it. Is a man who has self respect, while a 'real man' will use that self respect to improve.

    • @southerngentleman7019
      @southerngentleman7019 7 лет назад +4

      lol Russ you beat me to it. It seems that the best description of being a "Real man" is dependent on how much he is being willing to be used by someone.

    • @holdthemaccountable1033
      @holdthemaccountable1033 7 лет назад

      Anthony LiPira Best. Comment. Ever.

  • @TheTektronik
    @TheTektronik 6 лет назад +79

    This reminds of Fight Club where Tyler Durden says " we are a generation of men raised by women wondering if another woman is an answer we all need"

  • @MultiCommissar
    @MultiCommissar 8 лет назад +755

    What men must beware of the most is people trying to control and manipulate them by telling them what "real" men ought to be like.

    • @numosh8909
      @numosh8909 7 лет назад +23

      Precisely MultiCommissar.. Where can we draw the line here when it comes to a "productive hobby" anyway? Is fun productive? I think it is. How about computer programming (not professional) which i've done for a decade and has been hugely enjoyable and engaging for me? How about playing the guitar? I enjoy that but ultimately what do i accomplish? Plucking some strings on an instrument, that's all.
      Tell me somebody, why are video games any different to these hobbies, and if they aren't, i'd love to know why. If a person has an enjoyable hobby, how about we shut the fuck up and let them live their life.

    • @douglaselliott8298
      @douglaselliott8298 7 лет назад +11

      Back in my mid twenty's working a construction job I had my unmistakenly Mexican co-worker(family to my supervisor) boldly profess "You are not a MAN" simply because I didn't plan to marry and make children with my then cohabitating girlfriend or any future woman. A lot of this shit is deeply cultural as well as intertwining religion.

    • @necron9944
      @necron9944 7 лет назад +14

      tell you what a real man fucking isnt though, these assholes that keep wearing skin tight womens jeans. Where in the fuck did this come from?, fucking clowns are even doing it with suits now godammit.

    • @MrMcguire89
      @MrMcguire89 7 лет назад +3

      Go to mens warehouse...they got these $100 jeans that are pretty much sweatpants...really comfortable

    • @newsoftheday420
      @newsoftheday420 7 лет назад +4

      Don't forget the boy bun and the salmon pink v neck t-shirts

  • @slimaklol6234
    @slimaklol6234 7 лет назад +409

    Paul, gaming and sitting behind computers for millennials is the equivalent of sitting in bars and drinking alcohol for x generation.

    • @Kyrious
      @Kyrious 6 лет назад +15

      I wouldn’t say so. I think video games are definitely unhealthy if addicted and can be close to drinking yourself to death but not quite the same since people do make genuine friendships in games with other men. It is something that I believe stops us from taking back this world. Men shouldn’t cower behind games but it is the only way they can feel masculine without being shunned. I know first hand, I’ve been there. Yet after discovering Paul Elam, the red pill community like Rolo Tomassi and Richard Cooper it has changed the course for me. I sincerely hope other men can experience the same.

    • @jantran5349
      @jantran5349 6 лет назад +22

      Game will activate your problem solving, yet it lacks the social aspect.. Same for drinking alcohol, which make you an absent depressed man, who can only enjoy social setting with alcohol in hand. I avoid drinking because of my father. Of course I have experienced the drunkiness and the entertainment.. but I know when to stop and not being addicted to it.

    • @xkingdeus6019
      @xkingdeus6019 6 лет назад +30

      Tell that to the people who are shy and don't talk and get bullied in school, but when they come home they go on their games. Where they can get away from that reality and meet new people and it's like having a fresh start. You can have friends, real friends. Ones that actually care. I'm one of those people, so go ahead and be one of those dumbass people who have really no idea what they are talking about and saying shit just to announce their hate for a video game which could end up saving ones life in the long run. Also alcohol, it's a drink that can kill you, unlike video games where the worst thing that can happen to you is an empty bank account and Terrible eyesight.

    • @xkingdeus6019
      @xkingdeus6019 6 лет назад +12

      Michael Craig
      On of my friends that plays games went to the military what do you think of that?
      So I am actually going to school to learn how to weld, now, is that a manly job to you.

    • @xkingdeus6019
      @xkingdeus6019 6 лет назад +6

      Michael Craig
      C'mon now waiting for a response

  • @edge2991
    @edge2991 7 лет назад +90

    if you choose to live your life on your own time and on your own dime, not hurt or steal from anyone. make decisions that will only affect you, you are more than welcome to not be part of a society that uses you as a tool. you earn the privilege to REJECT SOCIETY. Not have the mistreatment and humiliation of society rejecting you.

    • @Knights_of_the_Nine
      @Knights_of_the_Nine 6 лет назад +4

      You really shouldn’t live your life with this “I’m not effecting anyone, so in the grand scheme of things if I die with zero impact that’s fine”.
      That’s not fine. All you’re doing is hurting yourself.

    • @mr.r2362
      @mr.r2362 2 года назад

      @@Knights_of_the_Nine Well it depends on the type of "impact" you plan on having on your surroundings. Hopefully that impact is beneficial and not destructive. Having an impact is often used as a platitude that just amounts to narcissistic grandiosity and a desire to be remembered and worshipped like an arrogant human Demigod after we die. I'd like to have an impact on a family and have my own land far away from the deranged and stressful urban centers people think are healthy and normal nowadays. The question we should ask ourselves is what level of impact are you striving for and what is the nature of the legacy you want to leave behind when you die. Personally I don't care if a bunch of shallow Conformist consumers and government parasites don't know who I am. All the more peace and quiet. I don't need to please anybody, and if I can just make my wife, kids and some animals out in the country a little happier, I did my job in life.

    • @Knights_of_the_Nine
      @Knights_of_the_Nine 2 года назад

      @@mr.r2362 Bro I was lost in the sauce when I commented on this video. That was a rough time for me.
      Since then I've bought a home and im about to get married.
      I can safely say that this macho bullshit was completely stupid. The dude who made this video is a dead wrong and a total idiot.

  • @fredrikborg8065
    @fredrikborg8065 7 лет назад +126

    Being a 17 year old boy from Sweden which is probably the most feminist country in the world I can very much relate to what you're saying in this video as masculinity is frowned upon in my house. Even though my mom and dad are happy mom is always the one with the final saying and bosses my dad around. Feminism has suppressed the man in my father and therefore my father as a male rolemodel in my life.

    • @jpk1681
      @jpk1681 6 лет назад +8

      Fredrik (I'm a guy, this is on a family members account) Brother, I am in a very similar situation and 19. We must help eachother and survive this brother

    • @grumpysquid
      @grumpysquid 6 лет назад

      Fredrik Borg that is very sad. What have you done about this ?

    • @Dumass88
      @Dumass88 6 лет назад

      I feel sorry for you. I had older parents, so i wasn't indoctrinated. But i had old parents, so.. still fucked :)

    • @Dumass88
      @Dumass88 5 лет назад

      @Lightbringer depends on where you live, not all are in on the pc-brigade.

    • @Dumass88
      @Dumass88 5 лет назад

      @@tashaallen9809Women are jealous.

  • @sebk7185
    @sebk7185 8 лет назад +34

    No. 1 trait of a fake man - sets up criteria for being a real man.

    • @Jspore-ip5rk
      @Jspore-ip5rk 3 года назад


    • @mightyobserver12
      @mightyobserver12 3 года назад +1

      Men now dont want to be corrected

    • @mr.r2362
      @mr.r2362 2 года назад

      @@mightyobserver12 Especially by self-styled "correctors" who themselves have nothing to offer & need to be checked as well.

  • @TheJoelef
    @TheJoelef 7 лет назад +209

    Hey if woman don't follow to there traditional roles why the hell should men?

    • @ws674
      @ws674 6 лет назад +22

      Because you're a man. You do what's right, others be damned.

    • @yeaaboiii3002
      @yeaaboiii3002 5 лет назад +1

      Facts bro💯

    • @nt6351
      @nt6351 5 лет назад +3

      Because people don't have a right to complain about a failed society in which they've taken no active role in fixing. So, they should remember that in the future before they complain about how fucked up shit is.

    • @zanelelong9912
      @zanelelong9912 5 лет назад

      We shouldn't

    • @Deschutron
      @Deschutron 5 лет назад +2

      Traditional or not, you should do the right thing. Other people doing the wrong thing doesn't change that.

  • @Mueslinator
    @Mueslinator 8 лет назад +314

    I agree so much with this, I could write an entire slew of articles about it. Instead, have a short rant about the people using the term "real men...":
    A few months back, I met a guy in therapy, about 23 years old. He was fat, didn't talk unless prompted, and even then, he'd only talk about everything he couldn't do or had no interest in. He would also keep strictly to answering any questions directed at him in as curt and defensive a manner as possible. I'd even only found out he liked video games after some unrelenting badgering, and he brought it up with a palpable sense of shame.
    I guess this would be that "millenial generation of men", right? Those "not real men"? You know what I saw? Someone who'd been told for twenty years that he was a worthless shlub. That he couldn't do anything right. That what he liked doing was a "waste of life". That, in order to be accepted, he would have to get rid of anything that made life worth living for him. That, in fact, he was defective from birth and had to work constantly to overcome this.
    I saw a man that was deathly tired of all of it, and the only thing left for him was that one space where nobody laid into him for just being: Video games. And even of that he was ashamed.
    Where do you think such people get the foundation for any strength to take life by its balls? If you don't have a diet with enough nutrients, you weaken. If you are fed your entire life a diet of "you are not enough", where do you take the strength to be sufficient from. Or to even be the foundation to other life, a foundation the next generation is supposed to be nurtured from?
    But sure, go on, continue to put those trees into sand, don't water them, grind them under steel-toed boots, and then complain they don't live up to your standard of a healthy tree. Well fucking done.

    • @organicdinosaur5259
      @organicdinosaur5259 6 лет назад +1

      bruh, that was one person. Calm tf down.

    • @andreiul11
      @andreiul11 6 лет назад +17

      +Radio Free Bavaristan Haha. Girl no one is ready to hear all of this. They all get defensive and rationalize frighteningly quick how its actually not a big deal to effectively beat someone down into the mud. From the moment they go to kindergarden to the moment they finish high school,about 10-30% of the classmates that i had and talked with were bullied beyond comprehension. Im talking groups of people chanting and yelling at you while 2 knuckleheads just use you as their football. Somehow thats so fun and makes your day just feel a little more complete doesnt it? You fucks you.
      Obviously i am one of those poor bastards. But i was incredibly lucky with my circumstances so that now everything is actually awesome,having went to the gym and progressed as a man,but i dread more than half of my teenage years.

    • @philwhite4861
      @philwhite4861 6 лет назад

      Do you have a military back ground? you sound like a sojur.B company, 2nd Bn, 6th Inf

    • @Wargulpartal
      @Wargulpartal 3 года назад +9

      @Radio Free Bavaristan The guy you described, like many millenials in topic, seems to be similar to victims of narcissistic abuse. Maybe that's a clue. Maybe families and society behave like Narcissist, who perceive boys and man as narcissistic supply, strip them from agency, strip them from free thinking, space and dignity. Invalidates them on every turn, when doing anything different or differently, than narcissist demand from them. Narcissists do not acknowledge importance of other people's distinction. For narcissists, tho other people, or men in this manner, are not people at all- just mere tools, deserving to banged with fists and kicked when any smallest sign of noncompliance appeared.
      That's why they run from society, that's why they hiding: video games that's the only break from torment and invalidation. And yet, narcissistic world tries to reach them there, to abuse invalidate them further.
      What a fukking timeline we live in?! 😠

  • @enoughothis
    @enoughothis 7 лет назад +35

    As a millennial man, I here to say that we're just trying to do the best we can in a world that many of us are realizing is well and truly stacked against us.

    • @maitres-chez-nous5609
      @maitres-chez-nous5609 Год назад +2

      I'm with you on that one. I started noticing the tone of gov campaigns talking about violence towards women 20 years ago. It is then that I started digging and oh my has feminism turned out to be a "you're never happy anyway" moment. But I was 20 and still had hope that I would one day amount to something I could be proud of. I have become a radar for social BS and the lies contained in our own culture. I'm now 40, educated, single, poor cause I just really don't give a shit about anything and I don't see the point in working my ass off to buy a house for 20 times the price they used to be 30 years ago.
      My father left when I was 4 without even telling my mom. Came back 2 weeks later, took his shit and left with a young women. But what hurts me the most, even today, is the general level of ignorance towards our plight but even worse is the fact that my father, which I have few contacts with (rich asshole) doesn't give a shit in understanding the situation I find myself in. He is exactly the fake real man that bent over to please women and thinks he's the shit because he's protecting whamen. He plays it cool cause his now 2nd ex wife was a therapist and he has become the stereotype of "old hippie like psycho-pop wisdom" looking down gently when I try to explain but not believing 1 thing I'm saiying and preparing to spew out the most mainstream low lvl argument like I've never come across it doing research or educating myself with clips like this one.

    • @creepyrobsta5509
      @creepyrobsta5509 Год назад +1

      @maitres-chez-nous5609 You should strive (just as I am) for a purpose in life. I am not saying that buying a house, or getting the best job is that purpose (as I feel many that regurgitate that message just want us all to be better cogs in the corrupt machine).
      Maybe your purpose is creating your best body, maybe it is talking and advocating for or with other men, maybe it to save injured cats or dogs. Idk what your purpose is but I can guarantee that striving to fulfill it will be one of the best decisions you can make in your life. Idk if you are religious or not but in the (unlikely) event that we meet our maker when our life is complete, I for one would like to say I accomplished my life's mission or at least tried like hell to do it. Good luck brother I wish you the best!

  • @dimensiondoor2738
    @dimensiondoor2738 7 лет назад +159

    Being a millennial I'll tell my point of view: In my school many boys grew up with only a mother being there. Even with those who had 2 parents, the mother was the dominant one. Our fathers didn't really care for us, they bought us consoles or computers to play with, sometimes they played with us. That was the only communication we got with our fathers. Some got even less communication than that.
    If you were lucky you got a great mother who really cared. The problem with that is that you sort of being 7-20+ years old had to put on the role of the real father in the house. You had to comfort the mothers, you had to give them hope, to communicate with them. Because you were the only man in the house.
    If you had a bad mother it was even worse. This millennials escaped into drugs, into the arms of strangers.
    When the millenials play games or are irresponsible, do weird things, try to be popular, I think they try to get that glimpse of love of their fathers.
    The girls we grew up with were whores, we know them all from the beginning, thats why we don't bother too much with marriage. Most men want a woman who is quite pure and understanding. What will you get from our generation? A drinking whore who is after money..?.. No thanks.
    The fathers of our childhood left the women behind and we had to care, it's like we already have been married.. The women broke down, because without a father to guide the family nothing works out the way it should.
    The girls of our generation destroyed their future too, because even if you are not the best looking guy, you don't want a wife who has slept with 20 guys beforehand, no thanks.
    We millennials simply want to destroy this society, thats the fire we maybe dont even recognize. But we dont care, we arent babies, we simply dont care for this kind of society were the women dont respect us in any way. Why should the millennial give his best, when at last he is simply spat at? We are not manchildren and not dumb, we are fed off with feminism and other weird stuff going on. Playing games is much more producive and entertaining than having a horrible family.

    • @aarondavid5866
      @aarondavid5866 6 лет назад +3

      oh stfu the last 3 generations havent had fathers who cared more.

    • @toddlavigne6441
      @toddlavigne6441 6 лет назад +1

      have to agree with what you your life
      do what you want

    • @SemperFiNightHawk
      @SemperFiNightHawk 6 лет назад +16

      A woman who has only slept with 20 guys is as close to a keeper as you can ever expect to find these days

    • @toddlavigne6441
      @toddlavigne6441 6 лет назад +8

      all the gaming and smart phone addiction has led to a generation of socially awkward individuals who don't
      work well person to person. Not always the case, but a large percentage of the time.....IMO

    • @rorytennes8576
      @rorytennes8576 6 лет назад +6

      Dimensiondoor. That was well said and accurate I think. It's sad what happened. Don't know how to correct it. We may not be able too.

  • @richeywcassel
    @richeywcassel 7 лет назад +55

    I love it when Paul gets rationally passionate.

  • @curiosi-tea6914
    @curiosi-tea6914 7 лет назад +48

    Damn straight man! You said it! As a millennial man myself, I get this all the time. Personally here's is how I see it. This society is thoroughly fucked beyond hope. The whole structure is on fire and about to come down. I'm not about to sit here and have the assholes that set it on fire lecture me about not doing my part in holding it up so that they can have their social security benefits. HELL NO. I'm going to have a beer, and play videogames until it's burnt clear to the ground. And I mean CLEAR TO THE GROUND - However long it takes for women to learn the value of a man in a world where they are DEAD MEAT without him. THEN and only then will I arise and rebuild.

    • @curiositea258
      @curiositea258 7 лет назад +4

      Hell, I'll even supply the women and simps of this day with gasoline so they can be sure to really burn it down good.

    • @jonathansuzannecox6170
      @jonathansuzannecox6170 7 лет назад +4

      It's unfortunate but we may even have to help tear it down.

    • @theguybehindyou4762
      @theguybehindyou4762 7 лет назад

      I recommend Sour Apple Four LOKO and vinegar flavored chips (though pizza works, too). B)

    • @toddlavigne6441
      @toddlavigne6441 6 лет назад +1

      Curiosi-Tea....And the mistake people make blaming millennial's is that the world is not as good as it was for their parents., Contract jobs, no security, housing costs thru the roof, student loans, social media terrorists, global economy.
      Everything has changed, so we are not comparing apples to apples. The environment and world economy ARE
      on the brink of collapse. Women seem to hate men more than ever. Totally agree with you and I'm in my mid 50's

  • @mementomori6992
    @mementomori6992 7 лет назад +20

    I was the most intelligent kid in my high school classes. I refused to do school work from grade ten on. I took tests and sat through the classes passively absorbing information.
    I refuse to lend my skills to those who won't appreciate it. My current employer gets half assed work that perfectly reflects their management. I treat those who i deal with to THE EXACT STANDARD THEY SET. I am not angry, upset or resentful. I am principled and no matter what situation i am in i will never short change myself. If all the joy i get from life is from some tea and a good book so be it. I am lonely, but i would rather be lonely than foresake my principles.

    • @jerryc8986
      @jerryc8986 7 лет назад +1

      In other words, you are a lazy piece of shit.

    • @fatherno5721
      @fatherno5721 6 лет назад +2

      Well said my good man. I don't know your age brother, but i went thru the same thing in life. Over worked under appreciated. Fuck em don't give them 100% you will never be compensated. Enjoy your tea and your hobbies, never let any corporation exploit you.

    • @EarthAngel504
      @EarthAngel504 5 лет назад

      are you an introvert

    • @m_i_g_5108
      @m_i_g_5108 5 лет назад +4

      @@jerryc8986 that lazy piece of shit was able to explain himself so well. Meanwhile, here you are with a 1-sentence comment.

    • @jakubantal2546
      @jakubantal2546 5 лет назад

      feel ya man, exactly how I feel, I could see thru the BS in both companies I worked at so far, doing the half-ass job and even was praised for it :D does it mean I am lazy? could be, but I could not care less

  • @blackflamefegari5756
    @blackflamefegari5756 8 лет назад +14

    as a 19 year old I respect others and work hard. I lost my father at 15 but even that 15 years was able to shape me into what I am and who I am. my father fought the school and kept the family together. a true example of a "Good man"

  • @anson_carter
    @anson_carter Год назад +3

    As a 28 year young woke black male I finally feel herd as fuck. Never have I ever heard such gold come out of a man's mouth. I say this shit all the time, and to hear another man say it so perfectly and eloquently makes my fucking day. You are my savior, I thought man kind was doomed, thank you for displaying competence in every sense of the word and in all situations of this conversation. I feel so much better knowing that at least one person on this earth understands logic. You are beautiful. Even tho I have big brain status too you don't know how hard it is to go thru life some times as a millennial, the world has conditioned us to be this way, as a millennial I truly find it difficult to hold on to my habits as a man no lie, sometimes I lose my self in ocean of this judgemental society. You just made my day. Thank you. Wish I could say a more constructive and coherent comment, but I just don't have that time or space, but just thank you for making me not feel I im going crazy. Not many people understand the world like you just explained it, and it makes it a scary place to live as a young black male at 28. I'm not sure what to do with my knowledge or myself, but this makes me want to keep fighting the good fight. We will make men, men again, one man at a time. Good luck to you. Sorry for the typos. If you see any guys, it's been a long day of teaching the incompetent.

  • @quenched56
    @quenched56 8 лет назад +53

    Boomers need to clean up their mess..

    • @Paul_Elam
      @Paul_Elam  8 лет назад +21

      Everyone needs to clean up their mess.

    • @Kyrious
      @Kyrious 6 лет назад +1

      I’m trying to clean up the mess I was born and raised into. At least enough to make it to a new branch in my life and family tree.

    • @generaljackson5741
      @generaljackson5741 6 лет назад +1

      To Late.

    • @Knights_of_the_Nine
      @Knights_of_the_Nine 6 лет назад +1

      Scott Parker
      They can’t. We have to do it.

    • @matthewbilich6175
      @matthewbilich6175 3 года назад

      A Boomer actually taking responsibility for his actions? LOL that'll be the day.

  • @circleviii1801
    @circleviii1801 6 лет назад +7

    "The Great Fatherless Society is one of the darkest chapters in our history and its damage is buried underneath the weight of a massive consumer culture, political correctness and our sadly human tendency to recriminate more than we seek to understand. "
    Stunningly profound from a man that is clearly tortured by his own superlatively compassionate soul. I see you and may God bless you as you have blessed me and many others, I am sure.

  • @ExBruinsFan
    @ExBruinsFan 8 лет назад +15

    I am all for a code for real men - when there is one for women.
    Standards for men, with no such standards for women = men being second class citizens.

  • @wiganpierre9299
    @wiganpierre9299 7 лет назад +16

    Once I removed marriage from the equation, I soon realised that all the positive qualities I had built, all I was striving for, was influenced largely by the necessity to impress women and ultimately become a husband/father. Now that's gone, nothing seems that worthwhile anymore. I can't empathise with all these MGTOW guys who are preoccupied with material wealth or career success: Why? So you can have your weekly one night stands and go home to a big empty house? So you can donate all your money to cancer research on your deathbed so other people's children can be saved while you die childless? None of it seems worth the hassle. As it currently stands, I'm working hard and have good career prospects at age 21, but I find myself honestly questioning whether retreating to a man cave would be such a bad idea. I can stay in a low-stress job, indulge in endless entertainment if i want, practically do what ever I feel like 24/7. Is anyone here really going to tell me that's a bad idea? All the men I've seen who were "real men" and worked their asses off for the "betterment" of themselves and those around them ended up broke and alone by the end of it. What did Paul's reader expect of those like me who don't feel like being suckered? Should we all become Fords Da Vincis and Teslas? What for?

    • @terribletanner805
      @terribletanner805 6 лет назад +3

      The MGTOW guys are just bitter. They've had a bad experience, tarred all women with the same brush and are striking out on their own, to sit in a big empty house, obsessing over paychecks.
      They're literally the male equivalent of a rabid man-hating feminist, and the best part is, they don't even know it.

    • @terribletanner805
      @terribletanner805 6 лет назад

      They think they're getting back at the women who wronged them, but what they're actually doing is damning themselves to a very lonely life. Sure, they'll have their bitter MGTOW friends to hang out with, but they'll have no wife or children.

    • @zeethree
      @zeethree 6 лет назад +3

      @@terribletanner805 But if married with children makes most men miserable, then what is so bad about spending time with friends instead?

    • @terribletanner805
      @terribletanner805 6 лет назад

      +Z If men are miserable being married, maybe they should've thought harder about who they were marrying. These men can do what they want if they're not married, but if married with kids, they have a responsibility whether they like it or not - and if they ignore that, they're no better than the women they criticize for doing the same thing.

    • @artnmusic909
      @artnmusic909 5 лет назад

      If you don't feel like being a Ford, Da Vinci or Tesla , don't . It's your life live it for yourself : what do you want to do ; what to you want to be. Terrence Popp says if you worry about what other people think of you , you're their slave and I agree . Check out his channel , I think you'll like it.

  • @SoulSoundMuisc
    @SoulSoundMuisc 8 лет назад +13

    You're 100% right. I'm a Gen-X, but the same treatment was leveled at me through the entirety of my childhood and adolescence. My father was complicit or silent as school, media, and mother pounded into my head the mantra of "Boys are bad, girls are perfect." I've been red pill for a decade (thank goodness) because I was sick and tired of feeling like some piece of walking debris. How in the hell else are boys and young men supposed to behave when the entire world seems to revel in crushing their spirit and emotionally castrating them?
    With video games, you have a measure of control in that tiny facet of your life. In a video game, you're the boss, or you're part of a team all sharing the same goal. In a world that hates masculinity, of course video games are going to be a refuge. It doesn't take a genius to figure this stuff out (I'm just a dumb old chain slinging, gear grabbing grease weasel and I managed to).

    • @BWater-yq3jx
      @BWater-yq3jx 11 месяцев назад

      Early Gen X was better.

  • @GaijinMecha
    @GaijinMecha 6 лет назад +28

    Noah's comment seemed to mean well, but it seems like he swallowed a bit too much of feminist narrative Hook Line & Sinker. I'm Gen X and have recently found an affinity for video games, all my life I played the role of the traditional man, supporting a family, working outside and inside the home, eventually I found out that I have been used.
    video games proved a far more interesting form of entertainment than say television, or watching other men play sports. at least they require my involvement, problem solving skills and natural competitiveness.... the person who wrote in is once again too concerned about the estimations that women Place upon men and how they spend their time. despite my Affinity for video games, I perform well at work and now live as a bachelor handling all the associated responsibilities of maintaining my household and life.
    I feel like his own point of view is a bit too slanted toward gynocentrism, if a man is ignoring his wife until 2 a.m. to play Xbox, it probably has a lot more to do with the wife, then the man himself.... women now don't like the fact that we have options for our time and entertainment that go farther than sitting in a recliner watching ESPN.
    my personal experience with relationships taught me that no matter what the hobby or diversion was, if it required time that the woman I was with deemed to be hers, it was unacceptable... this did not include video games at that time but instead musical performance, photography, working on the construction of musical instruments and even reading books came under Fire during my relationships. this, more than anything perhaps led to the fact that I am now a bachelor.
    I am blown away by people who call video games wasted time, when men who have surrendered to the preferences of their women will often times find themselves stuck on the couch for hours at a time watching television that is practically meaningless and in many cases unsuited to their personal tastes. I can barely comprehend what are surely millions of hours Wasted by the collective men of the United States watching reality television because their women find it entertaining.... if you have to weigh that against the same men playing video games that require involvement, attention, interaction and in some cases intellect and skill, there is no contest.
    Noah's comment or doesn't seem to understand that the mental stimulation and challenge that men crave, is present in video games, they only become problematic, like any other distraction, when a man becomes obsessed with them to the detriment of everything else he could be doing with his life and time.
    too often though, we gauge our level of accomplishment and even our masculinity on the assessments of how happy the women around us are with our Behavior.
    I for one, am not doing that anymore.

    • @samwheller
      @samwheller 4 года назад +1

      This should have been Top Comment.

    • @richardanderson2
      @richardanderson2 4 года назад +1

      Brilliantly written and quite salient!

    • @mr.e1026
      @mr.e1026 2 года назад

      "Noah's comment seemed to mean well, but it seems like he swallowed a bit too much of feminist narrative Hook Line & Sinker."
      Nah, this was a plant. HER name is probably Noelle, and SHE spent too much god damned time from the female's perspective belittling men of the millennial generation for their short-comings. People write what they know, and this bitch is not as fucking clever as she thinks she is. Look at a few things you've written here and tell me again if you think I am actually right:
      "the person who wrote in is once again too concerned about the estimations that women Place upon men and how they spend their time..."
      "I feel like his own point of view is a bit too slanted toward gynocentrism, if a man is ignoring his wife until 2 a.m. to play Xbox, it probably has a lot more to do with the wife, then the man himself.... women now don't like the fact that we have options for our time and entertainment that go farther than sitting in a recliner watching ESPN..."
      "I am blown away by people who call video games wasted time, when men who have surrendered to the preferences of their women will often times find themselves stuck on the couch for hours at a time watching television that is practically meaningless and in many cases unsuited to their personal tastes...."
      "Noah's comment or doesn't seem to understand that the mental stimulation and challenge that men crave, is present in video games..."
      "too often though, we gauge our level of accomplishment and even our masculinity on the assessments of how happy the women around us are with our Behavior..."
      Replay all of this in your logic center and tell me this is not really a woman writing this to Paul Elam in the guise of a woman, because she believes if Paul knew it was a woman who wrote it, he wouldn't bother reading it, because he hates women........ but probably can't explain why he doesn't hate Janice Fiamengo. I'm sure if Noelle would have just come clean about it, and said she is a woman pissed off at loser Millennial men, this episode of An Ear For Men would have went a lot differently, but not because Paul just hates women (Hey Paul, if you read this, I know you don't just hate women, I'm being a sarcastic asshole here, and I don't believe you hate anyone based off immutable characteristics, but I also should know, sarcasm doesn't always translate well in print), and more that, like me, he has nothing but sheer contempt for those people bitching about a problem they helped fucking make.
      Either way, this bitch can't fool me, and to be honest, I doubt she fooled Paul, either. He's just nicer about it than I would have been.

  • @AmeerFazal
    @AmeerFazal 8 лет назад +341

    Video Games are good for problem solving, critical thinking, imagination and passion for technology. My personal experience is that guys who spend too much time on computers will try making things using computers.
    Video Games are good puzzles, they help to optimize our brain. Of course just playing games all day is bad.

    • @jameseardley6929
      @jameseardley6929 8 лет назад +7

      Agreed it achieves nothing

    • @Ashbringer36
      @Ashbringer36 8 лет назад +34

      Anything out of moderation is bad, work to uneasonable amounts, sports to unreasonable levels, any hobby, even time with spouse can be bad if done without reasonable periods elsewhere.

    • @AmeerFazal
      @AmeerFazal 8 лет назад +16

      Any Artificial Intelligence course starts with exercises like implementing a game program. Making an opponent acting with intelligence is pretty hard and fun.
      Just like to be a novelist you should read novels, to be a good programmer you should play some games (or use intelligently crafted soft wares).
      Why childish things are bad? We learn by playing, active learning is all about playful cleverness.

    • @soundgardener4940
      @soundgardener4940 7 лет назад +3

      "Anything done to excess is bad, m'kay" - yeah I got it thanks; the "to excess" bit was the giveaway.
      Captain Fucktastically Obvious

    • @ColinTherac117
      @ColinTherac117 7 лет назад +6

      lamyourmaid, they have tried many times to make feminist message video games, including ones with significant budgets and effort put into them by the developers. Nearly all failed miserably and the others just failed. Other people have explained the reasons why this is the case far better than I could. The short of what I understood of their arguments for why was partly because of the reasons we play such games. They are entirely counter to the messages presented by feminism and such. Or in the case of millennials, games are our escape from the insanity of the world we are thrust into under the dictatorships of single mothers and feminist aggression, so why would we bring such hostility into our private worlds where we go to find peace? There were other reasons but that is the one that comes to mind first.

  • @casualcadaver
    @casualcadaver 7 лет назад +63

    Haven't people been playing video games since the late 1960's ? Why is it suddenly a big problem now ? My father had an "Xbox" it was called the Atari .

    • @theguybehindyou4762
      @theguybehindyou4762 7 лет назад +18

      The previous generations don't want to admit they've left us very little to work with.

    • @redemptionhappens7725
      @redemptionhappens7725 6 лет назад +6

      It wasn’t the same. No one played Atari all damn day.

    • @gaybama5957
      @gaybama5957 6 лет назад +3

      I stopped plying video games at 13, but today30,40 year old ass men still sitting around playing video games..smh

    • @Str1ckNine
      @Str1ckNine 6 лет назад +1

      M S yea maybe not, your lot would go out to the arcade for a while, then drink and drive while doing burnouts in the street, sticking your dicks into anything you could and just didnt give a fuck as the politicians killed a president and sold this country out for their own benefit. but damn those videogames sure are worse!

    • @nicb.1411
      @nicb.1411 6 лет назад +1

      They got frustrated with the "Nintendos" when the controllers started having more than 2 buttons.

  • @henryjacob5167
    @henryjacob5167 8 лет назад +6

    Sorry tradcons and ladies, I'm a millenial man who has to work for a living. Video games don't falsely accuse me of rape and don't demand that I put in 80 hours so they can spend my overtime pay on plastic crap to impress people on social media. I'd rather play video games and watch sports than subject myself to the anti-male meatgrinder that is cohabitation with a modern feminist woman.

  • @nicholasrandall3507
    @nicholasrandall3507 6 лет назад +7

    I'm 27. I am only now coming to terms with how absent my father has been from my life. Thank you for this. I need this. I needed this over a decade ago.

  • @adamuk5037
    @adamuk5037 8 лет назад +43

    Here's one father who is raising his son not to pander to women and to find his own path in life. Thanks to yourself and the others you've mentioned; I have woken up to what effects being a passive parent can have. So take some solace in the fact your message has been heard and understood by at least one of your listeners. I fully intend to teach my son to see through the bullshit.

    • @sincereadvisor1244
      @sincereadvisor1244 6 лет назад

      Same here, our sons may be the only ones that have a chance

  • @teresacosta5421
    @teresacosta5421 7 лет назад +54

    As a millennial woman who's father actually abandoned her that is married to a millennial man who's father did the same to him, I have to say I appreciate you, I appreciate Fathers, I think that if my father would have decided to stick around I would have had a much better childhood. To the dads out there fighting the good fight to keep families alive and for their children, thank you. I cannot speak for my husband on this matter of course.

    • @seamusburke1828
      @seamusburke1828 5 лет назад +2

      Did your father have a choice as to weather he was allowed to stick around I wonder.

    • @randominternetguy2960
      @randominternetguy2960 5 лет назад +2

      @@seamusburke1828 this is truth, she is shaming and indoctrinated

    • @mightyobserver12
      @mightyobserver12 3 года назад

      @@seamusburke1828 lol defending the one who escaped responsibility

    • @unvaccinatedmgtowfitness
      @unvaccinatedmgtowfitness Год назад

      Is your husband a beta?

  • @jlebrech
    @jlebrech 7 лет назад +72

    i'd rather waste time on trivial crap than trivial women

  • @arthurkinglor5420
    @arthurkinglor5420 7 лет назад +8

    I've never met any man who spits more incredibly accurate fire of knowledge like you do sir. Much respect to you!

  • @themaninblack2724
    @themaninblack2724 8 лет назад +13

    I'm 20 years old and I'm doing fine. I think it's american culture that's the problem, my immigrant Mexican father used to say that "I should send your ass back to mexico because the lazy american society is fucking you up" when I used to mess around, and I do find some sense into that because in mexico they don't have much, you have to work very hard for little pay if you want to eat. They don't have a lot of social programs and you have to pay to attend school, mexico doesn't really have a middle class, you're either one or the other. As for the United States they have a lot of social programs and somewhat of a living wage, if you have two jobs but, the the way most Americans raise their kids is unbearable. I had about five different jobs now, and most people Bitch and complain about everything, they even complain about there hard working co-worker who mind their own business and a lot of them are abled bodied persons that are either on welfare or food stamps; hell even both. I think parents should stop pampering their kids, it's stupid they should set them up for the real world based on their skills and not spend so much on materials such as Iphones, high end lap tops, expensive cars and etc. P.S. I was born in the U.S. and my family and I were never on any social programs.

  • @wesellitall27
    @wesellitall27 6 лет назад +11

    Soo. The fatherless society ballooned during the 60s with LBJ and his free money for unwed mothers which also excluded wed mothers.
    Everyone ran with it.
    There is your root cause.

  • @GG-ns4st
    @GG-ns4st 6 лет назад +13

    I spent $50k for equal parenting time, but now I get to teach my son that men live by AGREEMENTS, children live by RULES!

  • @spencermathews3319
    @spencermathews3319 7 лет назад +40

    Gondor? Where was Gondor when the west wall fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us!

    @EUGENIUS60 8 лет назад +13

    Thank you Paul, Great video, I plead guilty as charged as a father of 4 millenials (2 boys) I came to the same conclusions myself but it is very difficult for individuals having to work so hard to raise a family without the benefit of a whole culture supporting their efforts. After blaming myself only I then realised that pretty much every arms of society (Church, media, politics, education) were also conspiring and rushing us to this downfall.

  • @lukasfraley
    @lukasfraley 7 лет назад +2

    Very well said. I have been in commercial masonry 22 years. I had a good dad and mom. I'm 42, and remember a childhood of working with my hands, the other boys which had atari, Nintendo, and the first video games didn't. we were too poor to buy them. the kids that got them didn't get the phisical hands on experience i did. exponential decay of the tough men which fix everything is what's happening. Those men from my generation which grew up with video games ushered the next generation coming into the world knowing less. now the new young men can't do anything without a cell phone telling them how, and they don't even know it.

  • @ericgauthier8695
    @ericgauthier8695 7 лет назад +10

    I am not a millennial , and here is my take on this . EVERY MALE had to find their own way at one time another . We ALL GOT LOST here and there . We ALL STILL HAVE TO FIND OUR WAY , our purpose . Hell , I'm going to be 48 and I still am finding my way . The young men of today are no damn different then when I was a young man . There aren't any books , how to guide , fucking video that shows it tells anyone how to BE A MAN . Millennial or not , being a man is about taking charge of our life to its fullest potential and living for what makes YOU happy . Millennials are just young men trying their best to figure themselves and their future out .... PERIOD .
    They are no better or worse then we were at that age . Keep being YOUR OWN MAN . Live by YOUR RULES , LIVE YOUR LIFE ,
    And don't take shit FROM ANYONE . Good luck guys finding your way .

  • @philo5227
    @philo5227 7 лет назад +5

    Man caves? I don't have a man entire house is my man cave.

  • @Blaqbear79
    @Blaqbear79 8 лет назад +24

    Well Said. It's so refreshing to hear such a rational and intelligent explanation on why the millennial generation is the giant sized dumpster fire we all see today. I'm so tired of hearing so many elders place all the world's problems on a generation just trying there best to navigate thru a society given to them which they had no input in creating. Please keep up the good work. Your prospective on this and many other issues are way passed due.

  • @freddybie
    @freddybie 5 лет назад +2

    One think that has always resonated with me is that you can be a leader or a follower in life. Not necessarily in the aspect of being a boss or CEO, but being able to walk your own line and not make excuses for your faults.
    I’m currently 34 and my parents were married and under the same roof until I was 21. I was also 1 of 6 children, and even though being born 2nd was consider the middle child.
    We weren’t dirt poor but were definitely not well off. Both parents worked. My mom from home and my dad did long hard hours at the same business and is still there today, almost 40 years in total. I wasn’t given much of any help through high school and I didn’t understand college except that it cost more than what I wanted to afford.
    So at the age of 14 I was forced to get a job and earn my keep at home. Paying “rent” and paying for anything that wasn’t a true necessity. I paid for my sports and nights out on the weekend as well as nicer clothing. But this is what opened my eyes for my future. That I was the one in control of my life from then on out.
    As I have worked for companies through the years I have never let them dictate how I should be as a person. I have always been a come in early and stay late type of person, that wants to constantly improve. As soon as the ability to improve stops I have moved on, which has landed me where I am today. With the company for 8 years and have changed position 6 times, improving my skills and pay along the way.
    My final thought is this, turn negative connotation into a fuel to be a better you. Don’t just go to college because that’s what everyone is doing. If your not improving who you are, find a way to change it. Stop blaming others for your faults, and take responsibility for your own life. No one is going to make you better than you can make yourself.

  • @stone4565
    @stone4565 8 лет назад +9

    My boys are raised to stand their ground, tell the truth and treat others how they want to be treated, this is a challenge when Political Correctness, Third wave Feminism and thought Police are ever present.

  • @ericsanchez4638
    @ericsanchez4638 5 лет назад +3

    Masculinity is NOT TOXIC!!!! ✊✊✊✊

  • @triad6425
    @triad6425 8 лет назад +45

    i love video games and my dad didn't really guide me much. i honestly feel like i was raised by some cartoons so i have a strong honor code, believe that friendships matter, And that power can change anything short of death.(oh and that chivalry was important but women killed that in me) thanks yu yu hakusho, naruto, dbz, and trigun

    • @theguybehindyou4762
      @theguybehindyou4762 7 лет назад +4

      Why it is important to have father figures in fiction.

    • @SirLongBongFatRipps
      @SirLongBongFatRipps 6 лет назад +2

      This resonates. I was raised by Pop Culture basically

    • @JohnathanCamien
      @JohnathanCamien 6 лет назад +1

      triad6425 your comment of women killing chivalry resonates with me. I was never actually taught the typical how to be a man BS, more just picked it up from listening to the older women in my life spew it. Then I had my first divorce and hit my 30s. I now believe the true nature of a majority of Western women is what has led us to where we are now, and a strong side of feminism. For me I find myself struggling with wanting to take any woman out, because I know it will be EXPECTED for me to pay the full bill. I'm not looking to take care of a grown ass woman, that has every capability to get a job that pays just as good as the one I have. Today's women are independent, I want to see that you can afford to buy your own stuff on a first date, not that you can take hand outs. I personally feel they can buy their own food on a first date. If there's a second date there's a potential for a relationship and I'm more interested in spending MY money on someone.

    • @shadow1910
      @shadow1910 5 лет назад

      don't forget street fighter's Ryu, travels around the world fighting the best, oh and he is single! if that isn't mgtow then i don't know what is...

  • @millennialoutrage1793
    @millennialoutrage1793 Год назад +1

    Wow. Such words of truth. Thank you, Paul. As a millennial, I feel protected by your words. Unlike my father, who couldn't stand to my stepmother that she was reigning in our house. Eventually, she pushed everyone from there, leaving my father an old and broken man.

  • @stasparsov
    @stasparsov 5 лет назад +3

    thank you. as apart of this generation this is the first time ive heard an older man say something along the lines that in the 60s and 70s men didnt stand up.
    keep up the great work, we need to hear this. someones gotta have the heart and the balls to tell the truth no matter how much it may be unpleasant to hear. thanks again

  • @bigmurr725
    @bigmurr725 6 лет назад +4

    At the risk of sounding depressing , I sincerely believe we are witnessing the collapse of a nation . I pray I am wrong .

    • @MrUnknownuser164
      @MrUnknownuser164 4 года назад +3

      Just let it fall apart. Find happiness and fulfillment within.

  • @conscioushealing1602
    @conscioushealing1602 7 лет назад +6

    My mother and father divorced when I was 1 years old and I never saw him again for many years until I was in high school. My mother went through some other relationships and my sister and I suffered from her choices because they were abusive individuals. But despite that, I learned to father myself and I feel I haven't done a bad job of it. I am holding down a job and have my own place and moving my life in positive directions, getting healthier, fitter and following my hobbies nad passions in my spare time etc. I'm 28. I don't have a partner or gf or wife even though many say I'm a handsome guy. I'm happy to go my own way for now. Thank you for this video, it helped shed light on just how many fatherless young males there are out there in the world who get put down by girls and everyone else.

  • @sebastianc7110
    @sebastianc7110 6 лет назад +2

    I'm 22 years old and I've seen and heard so many men over twice my age still say that it's our fault for not jumping in head first into the trenches of marriage. As if being a "real man" means sacrificing yourself and leading an unhappy life just to satiate someone who can never be sated.
    And as for the boomers and gen x'ers complainining about the vidya games we like to play, as long as we're still being productive and not mooching off welfare or our parents, we can do whatever the FUCK we want in our free time. Not our fault some of us still choose to be happy amongst our ourselves and the friends we have.
    First time watcher and I thank you for being a voice of reason amongst all the disparities between our generations. I can only imagine how hard it must've been saying no to women during first and second wave feminism, especially when traditionalism was at its peak back then. So I'm not going to waste my energy blaming you, I'm just going to try to survive and hopefully help my friends do the same (although 2 of them still chose to get married...)

  • @ray3149
    @ray3149 8 лет назад +65

    I don't think you can blame men for letting this happen. We were like a frog in a pot of warm water slowly being boiled by accumulative gynocentric laws. Once female nature became unconstrained, men did not have the understanding (or tools) to fight back effectively. This is all changing today. The toxic effects of single mother homes (largest number of single mother homes) is on full display in the black community. And also, to a lesser extent in other communities.

    • @Paul_Elam
      @Paul_Elam  8 лет назад +20

      Sorry, but I think you are wrong. Lots of men know how hot the water is right now and they stay silent because they cowardly.
      Truth is a tool. So is integrity.

    • @ray3149
      @ray3149 8 лет назад +1

      An Ear for Men Maybe, or as B. Springsteen said "end up like a dog that's been beat too much, Til you spend half you life just to cover it up."

    • @fredhubbard7210
      @fredhubbard7210 8 лет назад +9

      I actually think the blame lies squarely on the doorstep of men. Men have instituted the laws, men enforce the laws. I have been through hell. The police that arrested me were men. The social worker that stole my daughter, lied and committed perjury, was a man. The worst, most sexist treatment that I received, was all from men.
      My family lawyer is a woman. The most fair judge that has listened to my case was a woman. stop blaming women. Feminists only manipulate the system, men created it.
      The fact is that there are good people, both men, and women, with courage and integrity. There are also conformist, pandering, spineless people, both men and women.

    • @fredhubbard7210
      @fredhubbard7210 8 лет назад +5

      I think there are a shit load of men who openly mock MRA's. And there are plenty of supportive women. If you exclude the 20% of women who are strident feminists, there are many women who support gender equality. Hating women is shooting yourself in the foot.
      The problem is there is so much woman hating from men, that it is unlikely to garner much support.
      I am in a Father's Rights Group. There are lots of supportive women. The problem is, as Ray says, men have been beaten. It is time to empower, and support each other, not scream insults like "Mangina" at each other. What is the point of men adding to the man-shaming of each other? (And don't worry, I have been screwed over by white Knights.)

    • @ray3149
      @ray3149 8 лет назад +6

      John Thomson
      As long as women make up the majority of the voters, the laws will always be skewed in their favor and will never protect men. We let the cat out of the bag by giving women the right to vote and society is now paying the price. There is no putting the genie back in the bottler. The men you talk about are only enforcing the laws passed that allow woman to abuse men at the end of a government gun.
      If you want to see the eventual result look no further than the black community. Over 80% of the households are single mothers and the fathers have basically been replaced by the state. The black community is literally imploding in real time for everyone to see because young boys in their community were not taught respect and discipline by their biological fathers.

  • @Drew19822002
    @Drew19822002 7 лет назад +61

    You want men to spend less time playing games? That's easy. Stop making things cost so much. I play games because its cheaper to play games vs spending 100 dollars for the movies, 140 for restaurants. Lets not forget how much the bills are to pay and live. When things cost less then it would give me the ability to take my family out more.

    • @JohnathanCamien
      @JohnathanCamien 6 лет назад +1

      Ashlockheart agree. It's cheaper to invest in items to entertain myself at home than it is to go out and spend money on a one time pleasure that I will have to pay more to do it again.

    • @jantran5349
      @jantran5349 6 лет назад +4

      Not even that. The computer, you can download porn a lot of porn! :), illegal games, more work tools, more engine, a lot of information outside the world, more knowledge, free thinking and research about gynocentric world

    • @Skycapten93
      @Skycapten93 6 лет назад +2

      Ashlockheart tru dattt... i can barely afford to live, let alone doing nice things like go to the movies and shit. I have a family to support. I have to keep myself distracted so that i dont spend money on other useless shit.

    • @disgustinghandsome1282
      @disgustinghandsome1282 6 лет назад +1

      That's the communist central bank system (federal reserve) control the value of the money. The same people that control our schools, media, military, politicians, court systems, make our laws and police force. If you look at their religion and look deeper into it, you'll see that they have caused many problems in the world. And still do. They have their own state thats established based on a lie, and in many countries still today, if you say bad things about them, they can throw you in jail.
      The truth is out there but you have to look for it.

    • @briancathcart3482
      @briancathcart3482 6 лет назад

      My son " bitched " at me the other day, for bugging him on his day off. He is a single father of two girls, I sure he was tired, but the conversation (bitching) ended when I said "be a ****ing MAN, you don't get a day off.

  • @sarinvx
    @sarinvx 7 лет назад +115

    Who's up for some Call of Duty?

  • @gmoney5947
    @gmoney5947 6 лет назад +1

    Now after listening to the entire video I have to say you are exactly right. I got a little tear in my eye listening to you and thinking about my 6 month old daughter. I go to work all day while my wife who had a good career with the VA quit her job to stay at home with the twins (6 months old). She doesn’t see me but for a few hours a day and on the weekends I felt like I’ve done nothing for her but when she sees me she lights up like she never does with her mother. We have a boy and a girl and it’s so true when they say daddy’s girl and mommas boy. It’s amazing to see my children smile so much in the morning when they wake up in the evening when I get home and when we give them a bath. I look forward to being a dad that my kids need me to be. That’s why I’m always trying to learn so there not 32 and wondering why they aren’t as successful as they want to be. I’m blessed or fortunate to have the family that I have.

    • @xxxJ30Nxxx
      @xxxJ30Nxxx Год назад

      And how things are now? you had me intrigued. I hope well.

  • @jjjj_111
    @jjjj_111 7 лет назад +54

    Noah is a woman. No man would write a piece that is shamming others to such a level

    • @holdthemaccountable1033
      @holdthemaccountable1033 7 лет назад +13

      Jerry Walton-Pratcher Yes, an Angry woman.

    • @johnnylebeau7143
      @johnnylebeau7143 7 лет назад +8

      An angry, scorned woman.

    • @JohnathanCamien
      @JohnathanCamien 6 лет назад +12

      No I can believe that a male would write this. This is probably a male babyboomer or that was in money from childhood, and had the connections right out of school to do ok in life. They tend to look down on the men who didn't have the opportunities they did due to their parents choices in their lives.

  • @Greenfield5150
    @Greenfield5150 5 лет назад +2

    man, I am a 48 year old divorced father of two. My son is almost 22. Everything you just said about him or what has happened to him is 100% on the nose. I don't know what to do to help. His mother has made him a huge waste and now he has a girlfriend that has him by the balls. I told him that he has traded his bully mother for a bully girlfriend and he needs to put his foot down for himself in life in general. He has quit speaking to me.

  • @jaysilva5854
    @jaysilva5854 6 лет назад +4

    Some millenials have it tough because young women our generation are extremely shallow. We realise no one will teach or train us without pay. We learn that even though we have so many outlets online education and self education is behind a paywall. We learned that no matter how much time you spend in college/University it doesn't guarantee you anything. We learned that for most of us pay hasn't increased much at all in almost 30 years yet cost and expenses have multiplied ten fold. We learned that this is only the beginning and it will get harder before it gets easier.

  • @BlackBanditXX
    @BlackBanditXX 7 лет назад +2

    Paul, I want to thank you sincerely for the passion you showed on this topic. I am a young man interested in historical martial arts, seemingly sandwiched between two very different generations; those of the generation just setting foot into adulthood, trying to find themselves, and the previous generation who very much believes they have their shit in order. I find myself something of a mentor to the boys cum men who are ten years younger than me, too much older to truly fit in with their crowd and their sense of humor...while at the same time finding myself ten years too young to truly fit in with the 40+ old guard, despite being one of the 'lucky' young men to have been 'blessed' with a proper upbringing and good social graces. It is difficult to hear those of my father's generation bashing millennials, the young men I so often find myself mentoring, and it always seemes to follow the same tone; they want to blame the old men in power (in the government) for their problems, while railing on the generation they raised as being somehow a let down. As if it was somehow our fault for the way they raised us, the participation trophies were our idea, etc...
    I found your channel just today, by pure chance, and was at first quite wary of "How to train a woman like a dog". However, after giving your channel a chance, I was pleasantly refreshed to hear not a line of vitriol or chauvinism, but a calm, collected analysis of several problems facing our society today. That said, it was not those videos that earned you my subscription, but this one. It is your courage and resolve in calling out those who would deflect the blame onto others that earned you my respect. I sincerely hope that people like yourself can make an impact and hopefully start the healing process, and I for one stand with you.

  • @claytonrobertson4999
    @claytonrobertson4999 8 лет назад +5

    "Men’s rights activists must wake up and realize that the time for trying to counter the hypocrisy with rationality - with essentially male arguments, using facts and truth, in the hope that sense will prevail - is not going to make any difference to the relentless feminist long march on men" -Herbert Purdy ICMI-16
    "Let us be clear, the removal of fathers from the lives of their children is … public … policy". -Robert Franklin ICMI-14

  • @2TheAbbeyClinic
    @2TheAbbeyClinic 7 лет назад +2

    Sir, you are the professor!
    Thanks for your thoughtful, cogent, and authoritative videos on men's issues.
    You nailed it. Nailed it.

  • @madrazz8888
    @madrazz8888 6 лет назад +7

    I'm a millennial woman. The other day, I heard a story about a father taking his 10yo son out to hunt deer for the first time. I wouldn't have thought about it twice 15 years ago, but in this day and age, it actually brought a tear to my eye. I love men. I love fathers raising their sons to be a man. What you say is true, and I think modern feminism and social justice are destroying men further, convincing them that to be a man is to be a monster. It's not true! Not all women think that! Only those delusional nutcases, who infect other young girls to think the same, so they too will treat men like monsters. Makes me sick. God help us all.

    • @pradeep2662
      @pradeep2662 5 лет назад +2

      the worst part is women like you are not really concerned about men in general. Yall are concerned cause there are very few "providers" aka rich men these days.

    • @madrazz8888
      @madrazz8888 5 лет назад +3

      Not me, personally. I think if you raise a family, both parents must provide, whether it's money or being there for your kid. That's where father and mother take on certain roles. If one parent works, it's best the other has more time for the kids to make sure they're healthy (mentally too). Childless women who just want a man for money... that's just exploitation. They should get a job.

  • @AlexanderTP90
    @AlexanderTP90 7 лет назад +1

    I wanted to say thank you Paul. I know this is almost a year late, but as a Millennial "boy" I needed to sincerely thank you for recognizing the cause effect reality that we live in. Of course I'm not blameless, a lot of my own choices are terrible, but it touched me that you said what you said. I was expecting you to agree with what he was saying whole heartedly. I've heard it over and over again about how useless I and other men my age are because we don't do everything a "real man" is suppose to do. I lost my father when I was fifteen. He was a great man, my mom loved him dearly, but in watching your videos I do see the effects of not having him around for some of the more important aspects of my life. I, of course, don't want to sound like I'm whining, but it is hard living in at time where you are demonized by women for being a man, and demonized by men for not being a "real" man. At some point apathy became the norm and now when I look at others that have passions, and deep interests I want what they have. I know I just need to work at it. "Put my nose to the grind stone" as it were, but when I search for that longing it feels like it's been ripped out of me. When you can never win, what's the point of trying? Again, I understand a lot of my problem is purely just me. Whether it be me reprogramming myself, or just "picking myself up by my boot straps." Regardless, thank you. In a world so painfully predictable you surprised me. Making me feel hope that my efforts, however pitiful, will be worth it in the end.

  • @psychoh13
    @psychoh13 8 лет назад +16

    That was awesome, Paul!

  • @avisnubia
    @avisnubia 7 лет назад

    Dude, I'm a woman an African-American a teacher and married to a real man. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! its about f*cking time SOMEONE stood up, and said what was true! Keep being brilliant and honest!!

  • @xxxfirehuunterxxx
    @xxxfirehuunterxxx 6 лет назад +3

    Welp for me. Being brought up by a single mum was more damaging than I knew previously. But my father wasn't the best type of person, so it's not entirely her fault.

  • @doha057
    @doha057 5 лет назад +2

    My father died when I was 4, in 1991, you are a much better father figure than average we have.

  • @thestilldrifter1661
    @thestilldrifter1661 8 лет назад +12

    Thanks for this Paul, it needed to be said.

  • @Map4ch3
    @Map4ch3 Год назад +1

    Thank you very much well intended sir. As a fatherless kid your videos do a tremendous job at explaining a lot of things to me. I'm grateful for your work and I'm improving myself thanks to your advice

  • @MrSandshadow
    @MrSandshadow 8 лет назад +4

    Wow in 90sec, in the middle of this video, you were able to describe my life. Quite impressive how simple it is to put all this years in a few words.

  • @redrum427
    @redrum427 7 лет назад +1

    Yes I was raised with no father and I might as well be autistic. Just focusing and working hard instead of fucking off is incredibly difficult. I'm doing everything I can to break these habits with no guidance. You and others mgtow channels are helping a lot. Keep it up. Many men in my generation are lost.

  • @GraveyardTricks
    @GraveyardTricks 7 лет назад +4

    It's sad to think these kinds of interests are considered "lame". As if people don't see it leading to anything but cave dwelling. My Dad loves computers and I grew up learning about computers and games from him and some of his friends. Born in 85, 31 yrs old, my home is kinda a man cave. But I run an independent game company I created and have recruited a team. I would never just sit in a room all day by myself playing other peoples games. Think I would get lonely pretty quick. I made my passion into my dream job, done things no one has ever done, and can still see myself being a responsible person to the people in my life. I'm glad I've followed my dreams and achieved some things, but it would be nice to click with some people some time

  • @t.c.3168
    @t.c.3168 2 года назад +2

    Paul, you evidently hit a truth button as is evident by the defensive comments to this video. Nothing hits harder than the truth. I'm a Gen Xer and I miss my grandparents' generation so much. The WWII generation. I learned so much from them and I'm forever grateful. My grandfather was a fighter pilot who was shot down in Japan, captured as a POW, and lived to tell about it; if you can imagine. I've never known a tougher man in my life and I've never known a tougher woman than my grandmother, who got word that he was MIA, living each day not knowing if he was dead or alive and trying to raise 2 children at the same time. That was a different America. All we can try to do at this point is pass down wisdom to the new generation and hope they make good use of it.

  • @AtlantaTactical
    @AtlantaTactical 7 лет назад +3

    Wow....fucking amazing. So glad I stumbled onto this broad cast...

  • @MrPeterbilt1971
    @MrPeterbilt1971 5 лет назад +2

    ❤️👍!!INFINITE APPLAUSE!!!👍❤️. I always find a great love for the truth. No matter how bitter it is. I give this a standing ovation.

  • @paganposse4678
    @paganposse4678 6 лет назад +4

    This new generation is great. I'm an old guy with sons and daughters who thinks you can play the blame game or play a more interesting game (Fortnite?). Just because you old farts are confused and intimidated by these fresh young guns with their fast thinking and new ways, just means that your time is over and you are jealous as hell of all the cool things they are doing. Move over gracefully before they run you over, it is they time to do the thing called Life, their way...

  • @Evil-Rod-Farva
    @Evil-Rod-Farva 2 года назад +1

    Millennial here from a poor state in the south. Mom and Dad split when I was young. My mom had no business having kids and my dad didn’t care at the time.
    I spent the first 10 years of my life with my grandparents until my Dad whom had shacked up with my stepmother had remarried. My grandmother passed shortly afterwards.
    As challenging as the first 10 years were, the next 8 were demonstrably worse. My dad and stepmother’s relationship alone redpilled me to the core because I saw the farce and realized my dad was not a man to emulate.
    Thankfully for me I had an aunt and uncle whom were reasonable and cared enough to advise me and give counsel. Without that I’d be another potato rotting in a video game console.
    Guys you must take mentorship seriously. You never know who you can impact and the life you can change. It is important that men whom are aware interact with our kids and with others. That’s the only way our society recovers from the mess it is in.

  • @samualwhittemore228
    @samualwhittemore228 7 лет назад +5

    I love arguing! But damn, I can't find a thing to question you on!! Maybe I should watch it again! :))

  • @HellGoodDoogz
    @HellGoodDoogz 6 лет назад +2

    Bravo, bravo! Another beautifully worded video! Thanks Paul, keep up the great work!

  • @notyourechochamber3137
    @notyourechochamber3137 8 лет назад +4

    As a millennial I'd say that In a way, millennials are pretty lost, but that's all it is. Lost. When situations change, men generally step up to the plate. When a millennial is pointed out for being lazy, irresponsible, and a bunch of losers, they're not necessarily wrong, but that's because millennials belong in the future, and that torch that was supposed to get passed by the preceding generations is barely getting passed, and when it finally is, it's pretty dim.

  • @JohnWilliams-iw6oq
    @JohnWilliams-iw6oq Год назад +1

    Friends have 2 sons, young married men and fathers now but when they were at school there was a problem because the bullies decided these boys were an easy target. We'll call my friends Jack and Jill. Jack told the boys "Snot them.". Jill hit the roof, and said no way but Jack stood his ground and repeated to the boys, "Snot them. You have the right to defend yourselves and nobody else is going to do it for you.". Within days the parents were called to the principals office and with one of the boys present were told that there son had punched another student in the nose and such behavior would not be tolerated. Jill said "This is your doing Jack, you caused this so you handle it.". Jack asked what had happened, the bully had been hitting their son with a stick, he had been warned and that didn't work so "I snotted him". The principal demanded that the child should have come to him. Jack replied for him, "If you and your staff are unable to protect my children then they are fully within their rights to protect themselves. They must fight their own battles because obviously you are powerless.".
    The BS brigade got nowhere on this one and the 2 sons are amongst the best men I have ever met, firm in standing their ground but fair and easy going with a determination to succeed in life.

  • @FelfopReturns
    @FelfopReturns 8 лет назад +4

    As fucked up as it is to say, Iron John could offer these fatherless boys some sense of masculinity.
    Convincing their mothers to let them play aborigine... That wouldn't be easy.
    Solutions really are in short order here.
    Excellent video Paul.

    • @Paul_Elam
      @Paul_Elam  8 лет назад

      I agree totally. I have his work in my library along with Robert Bly and the others. The mythopoets had some great messages, but they also refused to grow past their inner circles and make a connection with the outside world. It killed their movement.

    • @FelfopReturns
      @FelfopReturns 8 лет назад

      +An Ear for Men I didn't realize they isolated themselves. Interesting. I'll have to read up on them some more.
      Catching up isn't easy.

  • @BillClinton228
    @BillClinton228 4 года назад +2

    My father never gave a damn about me, he was never interested in my life or me. This whole thing that "our fathers tried to teach us how to be men but we never learned from them because we are useless and lazy" is total BS. I was born in the 80s and most of my friends fathers were exactly the same, I noticed that men in their generation had a certain streak of selfishness and even narcissism. Where exactly are we supposed to learn "how to be men"???
    Nevertheless, I earn a good living, and make my own way through life, I'm 33, I'm not married and never had kids... maybe that's not good enough for my fathers generation but its good enough for me.

  • @rich4244
    @rich4244 7 лет назад +11

    I find some of these view points a little offensive. For starters I play video games with my free time and find it a way to relax. Now that being said I also take care of my responsibilities a.k.a cut the grass, work, pay bills and pick up after myself. Here's some of the problems in order to live the way things were before is now a risk. For example a marriage is a legal contract with high risks. A "Man" can loose a major chunk of his livelihood if things don't work out. A lotta, not all girls are extremely difficult to have real relationship with these days let alone date. Men have little rights when it comes to things like child support or custody with our court system. So the fact that I am single at the moment is my choice and offensive that one would say or judge what I do with my life based on their own ideals about being a man and marriage. I agree some thing needs to change but pointing the finger is not helpful here and offensive.

    • @viktor1337w
      @viktor1337w 7 лет назад +1

      Richard Lyon that noah is clearly a woman

    • @timothyty7630
      @timothyty7630 5 лет назад

      Uh huh. Why are you so defensive? I think Paul hit a nerve.

    • @daveshore8671
      @daveshore8671 5 лет назад

      Richard Lyon huh? I must have missed the part where Paul was telling you to get married and support a woman. I think you might be too tied to the blue pill ideas. You even apologized for saying most American women are terrible choice for or incapable of a real relationship with a man. I’d say Paul and most red pill men would agree. Take care of yourself. You’re absolutely right about the inherent risk of marriage and how it’s a lopsided contract. I bet you’d find some solace and relief in Rollo Tomassi’s work. His blog The Rational Male and his 3 books of the same title. God Bless. You’re on the right track. And dude try not to be offended by a random guy on the Internet. First off he’s not talking to you specifically and 2nd be the grown man you want to be. That includes not worrying about what others think. It’s a hard transition. But I heard this one and it’s helped. “It’s non of my business what others think of me”. Keep on keeping on and look into this red pill stuff. Rollo is great. It will help you reconcile the insanity of this world and your own expectations of yourself. 👍you’re onto something. Keep it going.

  • @Ultimabeastwrath
    @Ultimabeastwrath 6 лет назад +1

    I'm a millennial male. I'll admit that I have a lot of problems in my life that I need to fix. I'm doing the damn best I can, being that any possible male role model is either dead, incarcerated or they were only around long enough to say hello and goodbye. My biological father passed away when I was still a child. My mother's second husband the father figure who was around long enough to teach me something before he passed away in his early 40s, was able to teach me how to stay out of trouble as well as work through pain and fatigue. My mother on the other hand, never liked to be bothered with problems other than her own. If she did get involved the situation only got worse. As for my siblings and myself, everything else we've learned is through trial and error.

  • @GrizzlyClawss
    @GrizzlyClawss 6 лет назад +5

    I like how he perfectly described my mom in 10 sec

  • @guitarlearnerish
    @guitarlearnerish 7 лет назад +1

    you continue to amaze us, paul. the moment you stand out for us milennials, IS the moment you inspire us to be better for our own good. new subscriber at yer service :D

  • @predata252
    @predata252 7 лет назад +6

    I'm 33 , own my house, and have investments (no kids, single for 9 years now), i play video games in my spare time cos i hate watching sport and sitting drinking in a bar isn't entertaining. At Least online pc games are highly social these days. Mgtow
    But in Paul's defence, yes i wish i was born in another time, long before technology ruined us but not too long that medical advances weren't successful enough yet to let live past 40.
    I always dreamed of a wife, family, white picket fence.... sadly just a dream that would make becoming a self made billionaire seem easy....
    What dark times we live in.

  • @biznachos1
    @biznachos1 3 года назад

    Paul, you are my hero. This Millenial needs to send in a donation (after I get home from work). Thank you! Update: was going to send $20 but couldn't find a tp jar on patreon ~ stopped looking as I decided it would be better to buy $20 worth of your books on kindle. Thanks again!

  • @aminormaximum2446
    @aminormaximum2446 6 лет назад +3

    There are many reasons that we are in the mess that we are in. The world has changed so much in the past 100+years, and no animal can adapt that quickly. The government that we were once so proud of had become a victim of its own success. The production machine that propelled is into being a super power after WWII, moved to the east because of the the very nature of capitalism, which is to capitalize on the cheapest resource. Labor as a resource is much cheaper there than here. Our government rewards laziness and irresponsible mothers with the best healthcare and free food, as well as cheap housing and a small income. College no longer insures a good income, and today's men were yesterday's children that watched men work themselves to an early grave to provide for the "liberated" women that divorced them for any reason whatsoever(some of those women did deserve to get those divorced she be taken care of, but not all, and not to the degree that it occurred). I believe that we are headed for a revolution of some sort. When people get to the point that they can no longer see a reason for getting up every morning, and when they realize that status quo means that they have no status, they stop caring. When they stop caring, they stop accepting, and then they find something to really care about, and that is usually all out change, or all out...
    You get the picture. White men are arming at an unprecedented rate. They are sick of being told how evil that they are. They are sick of being told that they are responsible for all of the problems, and yet all they have to do is turn their head to see the REAL problems, and they know how to fix it. Men can only be pushed so far, and then we show what we are capable of...

  • @coryvillarreal1542
    @coryvillarreal1542 6 лет назад +1

    I'm a millennial man, but I had a great father who participated in raising me and my brother to be men. I have in turn made it my top priority to raise my children with discipline, responsiblity, hard work, and accoutablity. Not just my son either. I raise my daughters this way also. I appreciate this video, because everyone blames millennial men for everything. It is refreshing to see someone realize that our society has raised them to be like this. The ones who complain about millennials the most are the ones who raised them. We must keep fathers in the home and as millennial men we cannot pass on the same bullshit that was taught to us.

  • @Knights_of_the_Nine
    @Knights_of_the_Nine 6 лет назад +12

    Lol video games are art, but they’re also a toy. It’s better to treat them like films and not toys as an adult.
    This is why you have to basically drop multiplayer games as you get older.

    • @MrUnknownuser164
      @MrUnknownuser164 4 года назад

      Do you mean video games in general or just multiplayer games? I've always enjoyed personal solitude, so I've never been one for multiplayer games. However, I've always enjoyed single-player games with a solid storyline.

    • @Knights_of_the_Nine
      @Knights_of_the_Nine 4 года назад

      @@MrUnknownuser164 just mutliplayer. It's too much time wasted. A single player game gives you something new

    • @MrUnknownuser164
      @MrUnknownuser164 4 года назад

      @@Knights_of_the_Nine that makes sense. I can definitely see multiplayer games as a toy. But there can still be danger with games that contain an open-world feature and optional sidequests (think about the open ocean in Assassin's Creed: Black Flag and Rogue). You can still lose time this way, but you still get the feeling of finite progression and you can still choose where to stop.

  • @WoziPnk
    @WoziPnk 4 года назад +1

    I am a millennial as well, now 35. My parents stayed together even though i still wonder how and why - most likely social pressure from our collective families and my mother wanting to prove her mother-in-law wrong. Most of my adolescent and teen years were spent playing the middle man between their arguments, my father disappeared in every shape except for the absolute disciplinarian when i was about 12. I was left with a mother telling me not to be like my father every day of my life, i soon soured and fought against him at every turn because well, i loved my mother. when i was 18 i finally broke down while home from college for the summer and got into a fist fight with my dad and proceeded to drop out of school and moved as far away as i could - my only male influences ended up being my friends made and bosses had, most of them with their own agendas. i wasted years of my life hating my father and wanting to for some stupid reason fail so bad that he would be ashamed to call me his son, that proverbial dagger in his heart for all the pain he caused me, for failing to be there and teaching me how to amongst other things "be a man".
    If you want to call millennial men worthless, go look at the world we were given - Bush and his wars on oil, 9/11 and the PC culture, the 2008 stock market bubble and following recession ( you all forget about this shit don't you?). I went back to school on the Obama Promise for a better future only to fall victim of the fine print and not able to land a job to pay back my loans, which i am now buried under and will most likely never experience the joys of home ownership as a result.
    Paul you've been a godsend, a great influence and eye opener. You've given me sense of who i am in this world and the tools to stand my ground against the constant attacks by the hypergamy and their hate filled agendas. The victim hood of the the vagina is coming to an end, i hope the next few generations learn from my father's mistakes, we can only hope.
    I know this is an old video, but it ended up on my feed. Thank you Paul

  • @robertwaltins6165
    @robertwaltins6165 6 лет назад +3

    Thank you,
    Straight from Gen X.

  • @timetraveler5834
    @timetraveler5834 7 лет назад

    Parents of the 60's and 70's you spoke of, were too busy smoking up. While the enemy was preparing the laws we deal with now. Parents of the 40's and 50's (and earlier) were not perfect, but we would love to have them back. Please keep up the good work, it's a fight we can not lose this time.

  • @jaaayg2791
    @jaaayg2791 7 лет назад +7

    sup, 22 year old, farther-less, gamer, man-cave owing, high school drop out here.
    we need your voice to be much louder than 36k subs on youtube..."
    so much truth to what you have to say...
    it's clear as day to me.

  • @ganeshcsaiisc
    @ganeshcsaiisc 11 месяцев назад +1

    As an older millenial who immigrated to US five years back I see that American society being completely ruined in front of my eyes. A completely emasculated society will fail sometime in the future.
    I was very lucky to be raised in a "patriarchical" society like India. But after coming here, i realized that the feminists are highly successful in completely emasculating the next generation of boys and therefore the society. The emasculation process is so deep, I can give you two examples.
    I work in an IT company and I have two gen-z gaduates from 2015/2017. During one time I watched an interview on Triggenometry RUclips channel of the author Peter Lloyd, who is a british anti-feminist and I thought it would be a good share among us three men in the same team. When I shared it, one of the guys response was 'we shouldn't talk about these things in the company', then where are we supposed to talk? and Why are we supposed to not even talk about petty small things which discomfort some anonymous femin**t fanthoms?
    The second guy was even worse. He is from rural midwest with both of his parents not divorced yet. I thought he would be conservative because he got big family and all. But once I had a discussion during lunch time I felt that he is completely lost and taken by this crappy ideology. A couple of beliefs imprinted in him by this ideology.
    (1) Men and Women have same brain capabilities, Infact, Women are more smarter, you can ignore all the inventions, discoveries made by men throughout the centuries. Bell curve is false.
    (2) We need gender affirmative action. because women are marginalized.
    (3) Men build all the things around us but we shouldn't be proud of it
    There are many other things, but I really got a really feminine vibe from him. I stopped talking with both of them.
    But whatever I felt is, it is impossible to rollback.

  • @northerniggy8261
    @northerniggy8261 8 лет назад +6

    Paul hitting nails right on heads.

  • @mattyriddelltarot3277
    @mattyriddelltarot3277 6 лет назад +1

    Paul, these questions you posed about the "where were the real men?". This video is absolutely true. Great one.